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Full text of "The journal of Thomas Chalkley. To which is annexed, a collection of his works"

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Blessed  is  the  man  who  walketh  not  in  the  counsel  of  the  ungodly,  nor 
standeth  in  the  way  of  sinners,  nor  sitteth  in  the  seat  of  the  scornful  ;  but 
his  deligh  is  in  the  law  of  the  Lord,  an4  in  his  law  doth  lie  meditate  botlj 
day  and  night. 

PSALM  i.  I,  2. 






a  3'^  : 



,^  THE 









The  christian  experiences  of  the  faithful,  being  useful 
to  direct  such  as  are  desirous  of  following  them  in  the 
paths  of  true  religion  and  virtue,  and  their  good  exam- 
ples shining  with  the  greatest  clearness,  when  they  have, 
with  the  flesh,  put  ofi:'  all  human  infirmities;  justice  to 
the  memory,  and  a  concern  for  the  benefit  of  their  sur- 
vivors, demand  our  grateful  remembrance  of  them,  and 
the  contributing  our  endeavours  to  render  their  labours 
useful  to  posterity. 

These  considerations  engage  us  to  preface  the  writ- 
ings of  this  our  esteemed  friend  and  elder  in  the  truth, 
with  this  testimony  concerning  him. 

He  was  a  member  of  our  monthly-meeting  above  forty 
years,  so  that  some  of  us  had  opportunities  of  being  inti- 
mately acfjuainted  with  him,  and  of  knowing  his  fidelity 
and  diligence  in  promoting  the  cause  of  truth,  and  the 
edification  of  the  church  of  Christ ;  this  having  been  the 
principal  engagement  and  concern  of  his  mind,  and  which 
he  preferred  to  any  other  consideration  ;  as  will  evidentiv 

appear  to  those,    who  with  an  honest  and  unprejudiced 
intention,  peruse  the  journal  of  his  Hfc  and  travels. 

B}'  this  it  will  appear,  that  he  was,  in  the  early  part 
of  his  life  sensibly  aftectcd  with  the  visitation  of  divine  life 
and  grace,  and,  by  adhering  thereunto,  was  preserved 
from  the  vanities  and  follies  which  often  divert  and  alien- 
ate the  minds  of  youth  from  the  due  remembrance  and  aw- 
ful regard  of  their  Creator  ;  so  that  he  was  enabled  to 
bear  a  testimony  of  christian  patience  and  self-denial  in 
his  youthful  days,  and,  by  keeping  under  that  exercise, 
as  he  advanced  in  years,  attained  to  further  knowledge 
and  experience  in  the  work  of  religion,  in  which  he  had 
a  sight  of  the  necessity  of  keeping  in  a  state  of  humility,^ 
and  of  bearing  the  cross  of  Christ,  which  mortified  him  to 
the  \Aorld  ;  so  that  the  loss  many  sustain  by  the  anxious 
pursuit  of  the  lawful  things  thereof  appearing  to  him,  he 
^vas  concerned  to  avoid  it,  and  in  obedience  to  the  pre- 
cept of  Christ,  to  seek  lirst  the  kingdom  of  God,  and  his 
righteousness,  having  faith  in  his  promise,  that  all  things 
(necessar)  for  him)  should  be  added. 

Thus  the  love  of  God  inlluencing  his  mind,  and  open- 
ing his  understanding,  he  became  concerned  for  the  gen- 
eral good  of  mankind,  and  receixed  a  gift  of  the  ministry 
of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  before  he  had  attained  the  age  of 
twenty-one  years ;  in  the  public  exercise  of  which,  he 
boon  after  travelled  through  many  parts  of  Englarid,  and 
into  Scotland,  and  the  next  year,  1697,  he  c.ime  to  visit 
friends  in  this  and  the  adjacent  provinces  of  America, 
where  his  ministry  and  conversation  were  to  the  comfort 
antl  edification  of  the  faithful,  (as  some  of  us  can  with 
satisfaction  declare,  from  our  knowledge  and  remem- 
brance of  him  at  that  time);  and  the  near  fellowship  and 
union  he  then  had  with  friends  here,  (we  believe)  con- 
tributed to  his  more  speedy  determination  of  settling 
among  us,  which  he  afterwards  thought  it  his  duty  to  do, 
though  the  leaving  his  parents  and  relations  (as  he  after- 
wards expressed  was  no  small  cross  to  him,  being  of  a 
dutiful  and  affectionate  disposition. 

After  fixing  his  residence  among  us,  he  persevered  in 
his  concern  and  laijour  for  the  edification  of  the  churches, 

and  gathering  people  to  faith  and  dependance  on  the  in- 
ward  teachings  of  Christ,  and  for  that  purpose  only  he 
travelled  many  long  journies  and  voyages  through  the  sev- 
eral English  colonies  on  this  continent,  and  most  of  the 
islands  in  the  West-Indies,  and  in  Europe,  through  En- 
gland,  Wales,  Scotland,  Ireland,  Holland,  Friesland, 
and  several  parts  of  Germany,  and  the  adjacent  northern 
kingdoms  ;  and  in  many  of  these  places  his  ministry  and 
religious  labours  where  blessed  with  tlie  desired  success, 
of  which  there  are  yet  some  witnesses  living,  and  otherss 
who  were  convinced  of  the  principles  of  truth  by  his 
means,  became  serviceable  members  of  the  church,  and 
continued  therein  to  the  end  of  their  lives. 

But  as  the  wise  king  Solomon  formerly  observed,  that 
one  event  cometh  to  the  righteous,  and  to  the  wicked,  so 
it  happened  to  this  good  man,  who  met  with  various  losses 
and  disappointments  in  his  temporal  estate  ;  after  which, 
the  circumstances  of  his  affairs  engaged  him  to  under- 
take some  business,  in  the  management  of  which  he  was 
obliged  to  cross  the  seas  frequently  :  this,  however,  did 
not  abate  his  zeal  and  religious  care  to  make  use  of  all 
opportunities  of  visiting  tlie  meetings  of  friends,  when 
among  them,  and  of  calling,  at  other  times,  to  such  who 
might  be  accounted  as  the  outcasts  of  Israel,  and  the  dis- 
persed of  Judah,  or  as  sheep  not  yet  of  the  fold  of  Christ ; 
and  his  services  of  that  kmd  are  worthy  to  be  commemo- 
rated, having  been  often  productive  of  good  effects. 

His  patience  was  remarkable  in  disappointments  and 
afflictions,  of  which  he  had  a  large  share  ;  and  his  meek- 
ness, humility  and  circumspection,  in  the  general  course 
of  his  life  and  conversation  were  conspicuous  and  exem- 
plary; and  as  he  frequently  exhorted  and  admonished  oth- 
ers to  the  observation  and  practice  of  the  many  excellent 
precepts  and  rules  of  Christ  our  Lord  and  Law-giver ;  and 
more  especially  those  expressed  in  his  sermon  on  the 
mount,  (which  contains  the  sum  of  our  moral  and  relig- 
ious duties)  so  he  manifested  himself  to  be  one  of  that 
number,  whom  Christ  compared  to  the  v/ise  builder,  Avho 
bid  a  sure  foundation  ;  so  that  his  building  stood  un- 
shaken by  the  Aarious  floods  and  winds  of  tribulations  and 
temptations  he  met  vx^ith,  both  from  ^vithin  and  without. 

He  was  a  lover  of  unity  amongst  brethren,  and  care- 
ful to  promote  and  maintain  it,  showing  the  example  of  a 
meek,  courteous,  and  loving  deportment,  not  only  to 
friends,  but  to  all  others,  with  whom  he  had  conversation 
or  dealings  ;  so  that  it  may  be  truly  said,  that  few  have 
lived  so  universally  beloved  and  respected  among  us : 
and  it  was  manifested  this  did  not  proceed  from  a  desire 
of  being  popular,  or  to  be  seen  of  man  :  for  his  love  and 
regard  to  peace  did  not  divert  him  from  the  discharge 
of  his  duty  in  a  faithful  testimony  to  those  who  professed 
the  truth,  that  they  ought  to  be  careful  to  maintain  good 
works ;  and  he  was  often  concerned  zealously  to  incite 
and  })ress  friends  to  the  exercise  of  good  order  and  dis- 
cipline established  in  the  wisdom  of  truth,  by  admon- 
ishing, warning,  and  timely  treating  with  such  as  fell 
short  of  their  duty  therein,  and  by  testifying  against  those 
who,  after  loving  and  brotherly  care  and  endeavours, 
could  not  be  brought  to  the  sense  and  practice  of  their 
duty  ;  and  thereby  he  sometimes  shared  the  ill-will  and 
resentment  of  such  persons. 

The  several  essays  he  wrote  on  religious  f^bjects  at 
sea,  are  further  proofs  that  his  mind  was  principally  en- 
gaged in  the  great  business  and  concern  of  religion ; 
and  as  he  continued  under  the  same  engagement  to  the 
end,  we  are  fully  persuaded  the  words,  with  which  he 
concluded  his  last  public  testimony  in  the  island  of  Tor- 
tola,  may  be  truly  and  properly  applied  to  him,  that  he 
liad  fought  a  good  fight,  and  had  kept  the  faith,  and  we 
doubt  not,  he  now  enjoys  a  crown  of  righteousness. 

Much  more  might  be  truly  said  of  his  integrity,  faith- 
fulness and  worth,  but  we  do  not  think  it  necessary  ; 
our  chief  intention  being  to  express  our  respectful  re- 
membrance of  him,  and  our  unity  with  his  labours  and 
services,  and  in  order  to  assure  those,  to  whom  he  was 
not  personally  known,  of  the  truth  of  what  he  hath  him- 
self wrote  of  his  life  and  travels ;  for  we  believe,  as  he 
was  a  man  signally  influenced  with  the  spirit  of  universal 
love  and  good  will  to  mankind,  this  was  his  chief  mo- 
tive for  writing ;  and  ^\"e  are  sincerely  desirous  that  his 
good  design  may  l)e  answered,  and  that  the  glory  of 
every  good  and  pcrlect  w.ork  may  be  attributed  to  that 

Divine  Power  alone,  which  can  qualify  others  to  supply 
the  places  of  those  faithful  ministers  and  servants  of 
Christ,  who  have  been  of  late  years  removed  from  among 
us,  and  are  of  that  number,  of  whom  it  is  written, 
*'  Blessed  are  the  dead,  which  die  in  the  Lord,  from 
henceforth  ;  yea,  saith  the  Spirit,  that  they  may  rest 
from  their  labours,  and  their  works  do  follow  them." 

Signed  on  behalf^  and  hij  appointment  of  the  Monthly- 
Meeting  of  Friends  in  Philadelphia^  the  tiventy- 
eighth  day  of  the  second  mouthy   1749,  by 


1 1 111111111  ■wwminiiiii  will  I  I  in  w  I 'III  ni  III! 1 1 1  111!  iiiiiiiiiiii  III  III!    I  Ml  I  ■       \n    v      iii  iwi  m  g  in 






Having  great  cause  to  acknoxvledge  the  regard  and  pxotec- 

tioii  of  Divine  Providence  in   the  several  stages    of 

my  life,  I  think  it  may  he  of  service  to  others, 

to  leave  behind  me  the  following  account  of 

my  life  and  travels. 

1  WAS  born  on  the  third  day  of  the  third  month,  1675, 
in  Southwark,  t\nd  descended  of  honest  and  religious 
parents,  who  were  very  careful  of  me,  and  brought  me 
up  in  the  fear  of  the  Lord;  and  oftentimes  counselJLd 
me  to  sobriety,  and  reproved  me  for  wantonness ;  and 
that  light  spirit,  which  is  incident  to  youth,  they  -were 
careful  to  nip  in  the  bud:  so  that  I  have  cause  to  bless 
God,  through  Christ,  on  the  behalf  of  my  tender  parents. 
And  I  may  not  forget  the  dealings  of  God  with  me  in 
my  very  tender  years.  When  between  eight  and  ten 
years  of  age,  my  father  and  mother  sent  me  near  tv.  o 
miles  to  school,  to  Richard  Scoryer,  in  the  subvn^bs  of 
London.  I  vvcnt  mostly  by  myself  to  the  school ;  and 
maffy  and  various  were  the  exercises  I  went  through,  by 
beatings  and  .stonings  along  the   streets,  being  distin- 


guishcd  to  the  people,  by  the  badge  of  plainness  which 
my  parents  put  upon  me,  of  what  profession  I  was:  di- 
vers telling  me,  "  it  was  no  more  sin  to  kill  me  than  it 
Was  to  kill  a  dog." 

About  this  time  the  Lord  began  to  work  strongly  on 
my  mind  by  his  grace,  insomuch  that  I  could  not  for- 
bear reproving  those  lads  who  would  take  the  name  of 
the  Lord  God  in  their  mouths  in  vain,  reminding  them 
of  the  third  commandment,  "  Thou  shalt  not  tiike  the 
name  of  the  Lord  thy  God  in  vain,  for  the  Lord  will  not 
hold  him  guiltless  that  takcth  his  name  in  vain  ;"  and  of 
Christ's  saying,  "  every  idle  word  that  men  shall  speak, 
they  shall  give  an  account  thereof  in  the  day  of  judg- 
ment;" for  which  I  was  mocked  and  derided  by  some, 
Mi(.]  otliers  would  sometimes  refrain  from  such  bad 
words  Avhen  I  reproved  them. 

One  time  1  remember  I  was  amongst  some  men,  one 
of  whom  I  had  reproved,  and  he  told  the  rest  of  it,  and 
turned  to  me,  and  said,  "  that  I  A\'as  no  christian,"  and 
asked  me,  "  v.hen  I  said  tlie  Lord's  prayer;"  I  asked 
him,  if  he  said  it.  He  said  yes.  I  then  asked  him,  how 
he  could  call  God  Father,  and  be  so  wicked  as  to  swear 
and  take  God's  name  in  vain  ;  Vvhich  I  had  heard  him 
often  do  ;  and  I  told  him  ^vhat  Christ  said  to  the  Jews, 
"  }ou  are  cf  your  father  the  devil,  because  his  works  ye 
do ;"  and  that  those  that  did  the  devil's  work  could  not 
nuly  call  God  Father,  according  to  Christ's  doctrine. 
So  l)eing  convicted  in  their  consciences  that  what  I  said 
Was  true,  they  v\'ere  all  silent,  and  wondered  that  I<, 
bei'.ig  so  youn.g,  sh.ould  speak  in  such  a  mailner ;  in 
which  I  remember  I  had  great  peace  and  good  satisfac- 
tion: and  from  thenceforih  these  men  let  me  alone. 

jNotwithstanding  I  hated  to  hear  wicked  words,  I  loved 
play  exceedingly,  being  persuaded  that  there  was  no 
hi.rm  in  that,  if  we  used  no  bad  words.  One  time  I 
was  at  ])lay  at  a  neighbour's  house  with  the  children, 
and  in  the  midst  of  mv  sport  I  was  reached  with  stronj* 
conviction,  insomuch  that  I  could  not  forbear  weeping. 
The  children's  mother  observing  that  I  wept,  faid, 
**  ^vhy  do  you  Avcep,  Tommy  ?"  I  told  her  I  could  not 


tt^l,  except  it  was  because  I  was  a  naughty  boy.     *'  Oh!" 
said  she,  *'  don't  believe  him,  for   that's  the  devil  tells 
you  so,  for  }  ou  are  the  best  boy  in  all  our  street."     But 
I  knew  I  was  told  the  truth  by  conviction,  and  that  she 
was  mistaken :  for  I  plainly  understood   by  clear   con-^ 
viction,  and  by  the  holy   scriptures    (which  I  had  beeu 
trained  up  in  the  reading  of)   that   I  was  too   vain   and 
wanton ;  for    I   io^ed  music,   dancing,   and   playing   at 
cards,  and  too  much  delighted  therein  betimes,  and  was 
followed  Avith  the  judgments  of  God  therefor  in  the  se- 
cret of  my  soul.     What  I  did  in  those  sports  and  gan^cs;-  '  . ' 
I  always  took  care  to  do  out  of  the  sight,  and  -withoiiligkfc 
the  knowledge  of  my  tender  parents;   for  I  was  afraid  ^^PPfcl^ 
their  reproofs  and   corrections,  the  Avhich  I  was  sure   to        ^ 
have,  if  they  had  any  intelligence  of  it. 

I  remember  that,  unknov/n  ro  my  parents,  I  had  bought 
a  pack  of  cards,  with  intent  to  make  use  of  them  when 
I  went  to  see  my  relations  in  the  countrj/,  v/here  there  was 
liberty  in  the  family  so  to  do,  at  a  place  called  Woodford, 
about  seven  miles  from  London,  where  I  got  leave  some-, 
times  to  go  ;  and  at  the  time  called  Christmas,,  I  went 
to  see  them,  and  five  miles  on  my  way  went  to  a  meeting, 
at  a  town  called  Wanstead  ,  at  which  meeting,  a  minister 
of  Christ  declared  against  the  evil  of  gaming,  and  panic 
ularly  of  cards;  and  that  the  time  which  j)eo])le  pretend 
to  keep  holy,  for  Christ's  sake,  many  of  them  spend 
mostly  in  wickedness,  sports,  and  games  ;  even  some 
pretending  to  be  religious  ;  and,  generally  speaking, 
more  sin  and  evil  is  committed  in  this  time,  than  in  the 
like  space  of  time  in  all  the  }  ear  besides ;  so  that  the 
devil  is  served  instead  of  honouring  Christ.  From  this 
meeting  at  Wanstead,  I  went  to  the  house  of  my  rela- 
tions, where  the  parson  of  the  next  paiish  lodged  that 
night,  who  used  to  play  cards  with  them  sometimes; 
and  the  time  drawing  near  that  we  were  to  go  to  our 
games,  my  uncle  called  to  the  doctor  (as  he  called  him)> 
to  me,  and  to  my  cousin,  to  come  and  take  a  game  at 
cards ;  at  which  motion  I  had  strong  convictions  upon 
me  not  to  do  it,  as  being  evil ;  and  I  secretly  cried  to  the 
Lord  to  keep   me  faithful  to  him ;  and    lifting  up  my 



eyes,  I  saw  a  bible  lie  in  the  window,  at  tlie  sight  of 
which  I  was  glad.  I  took  it.  and  sat  down,  and  read  to 
myself,  greatly  rejoicing  that  I  was  preserved  out  of  the 
snare.  I'hen  my  uncle  called  again,  and  said,  "  Come, 
doctor,  you  and  I,  my  wife  and  daughter,  will  have  a 
game  at  cards,  for  I  see  my  cousin  is  better  disposed.'* 
TiKn  he  looked  upon  me,  imd  said,  "  He  was  better  dis- 
posed also."  So  their  sport  for  that  time  was  spoiled, 
and  mine  in  that  i^ractice  for  ever;  for  I  never  (as  I  re- 
mcraijer,)  played  with  them  more,  but  as  soon  as  I  came 
home,  offered  my  new  and  untouched  pack  of  cards  to 
|ie  fire.  And  of  this  I  am  certain,  the  use  of  them  is  of 
iV^il  consequence,  and  draws  away  the  mind  from  heav- 
en and  heavenly  things ;  for  which  reason  all  christians 
ought  to  shun  them  as  engines  of  Satan  .  and  music  and 
dancing  having  generally  the  same  tendency,  ought 
therefore  to  be  refrained  from.  The  sentiments  of  the 
Waldenses,  a  people  in  great  esteem  among  protestants, 
arc  worthy  the  consideration  of  all  true  protestants  and 
christians;  which  were,  "  Tliatasmany  paces,  or  steps, 
as  a  man.  or  woman  takes  in  the  dance,  so  many  paces  or 
steps  they  take  tovv^iiids  helk" 

I  very  well  remember  the  work  of  God  upon  my  soul, 
when  I  wim  about  ten  years  of  age  ;  and  particularly  at  a 
certain  time  when  I  had  been  rebelling  jgainst  God  and 
my  parents,  in  vanity  and  lightness :  and  as  I  had  of- 
fended  both,  so  I  was  corrected  bv  both:  for  I  had  not 
Oiily  the  anger  of  my  parents,  but  the  Lord  frowned  upon 
ine,  insomucli,  that  1  trembled  exceedingly,  and  was  as 
though  I  liearda  vocal  voice  say  to  me,  "  VVliat  will  be- 
come of  tliee  this  night,  if  I  should  take  thy  life  from 
thee?"  At  AA'hich  I  was  amazed,  and  in  great  fear. 
Then  I  covcp.anted  wi'h  (}od,  that  if  he  v/ould  be  pleased 
to  spare  niy  life  (for  I  thought  God  would  have  taken  my 
life  from  me  that  ^'ery  moment),  I  would  be  more  solder, 
and  mind  his  R-ar  more  than  I  had  done  before. 

Nevertheless,  I  broke  covenant  with  God  my  Maker, 
m}  adversary  templing  me  so  to  do,  telling  me  I  was  but 
a  child, .  nd  it  v/as  natural  for  children  to  be  brisk  and 
play,  and  that  God  would  wink  at  my  childhood  and 


youth,  and  it  was  time  enough  for  me  when  a  man,  to 
become  reHgious.  But  still  God  followed  me  with  his 
chastising  rod,  and  often  put  me  in  mind  of  my  covenant 
that  I  made  with  him  in  my  distress ;  and  that  he  had 
granted  my  request  which  I  then  made  to  him  ;  and  un- 
less I  would  take  up  a  cross  to  my  own  corrupt  will  and 
inclinations,  he  should  take  me  out  of  the  world.  Then, 
Oh,  then !  I  cried.  Lord  help,  or  I  die  !  Save  me,  or  I 
perish  for  ever  !  I  cannot  keep  thy  covenant,  nor  do  thy 
will,  without  thy  help  and  assistance  !  And,  indeed,  if  the 
Lord  had  not  helped,  I  had  been  undone  for  ever. 

So  I  continued  bowed  down  in  my  mind,  calling  on 
the  Lord  ;  thinkincr  and  meditating:  on  heaven  and  heav- 
enly  things :  but  as  I  am  sensible  I  had  an  inward  ene- 
my that  always  sought  my  hurt  and  overthrow,  I  have 
cause  to  bless  God,  who  by  his  grace  (as  mine  eye  was 
turned  to  it)  helped  me  to  do  his  will,  as  he  was  pleased 
to  manifest  it  to  me,  so  that  thereby  some  change  was 
wrouijht  on  me  both  inwardly  and  outwardly. 

And  I  then  began  to  deliglit  in  reading  and  sobriety, 
which  before  \\'ere  irksome  to  me  :  and  when  I  read  'he 
Holy  Scriptures,  I  desired  that  God  would  open  them  to 
my  understanding,  which  he  did  to  my  edification  many 
times.  1  also  begged  earnestly  of  the  Lord,  that  he 
would  be  pleased  to  be  with  me,  and  make  me  like  to 
those  his  children  and  servants,  of  whom  I  read  in  the 
Holy  Scriptures,  who  faithfully  served  him  all  their 
days.  And  when  I  read  of  the  crucifixion  of  our  blessed 
Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ,  it  would  break  my  soul 
into  tenderness.  I  thought  it  was  enough  to  awaken 
and  humble  any  soul  that  was  well  meaning,  and  any 
sense  of  the  power,  love,  and  grace  of  Christ.  Thus  I 
went  on  for  several  years,  feeling  that  peace  which  pass- 
eth  natural  understanding,  which  many  times  accom- 
panied my  poor  and  needy  soul :  and  being  advanced  to 
about  fourteen  or  fifteen  years  of  age,  I  remember  that  I 
used  to  shun  the  cross  of  spea^-  ing  in  the  plain  language 
(which  I  always  read  in  the  Holy  Scri])tures)  to  those 
whom  I  conversed  with,  except  my  fiither  and  mother, 
who  uould  uQt  allow  me  to  speak  otherwise  :  I  was  con- 


rictcd  in  my  conscience  tliat  it  was  not  right  to  pla}'  the 
hypocrite  alter  that  manner ;  and  on  a  certain  time  I  had 
occasion  to  speak  with  an  officer,  a  great  man  in  our 
neighbourhood,  and  my  heart  moved  within  me  for  fear 
I  should  shun  the  cross  of  Christ ;  for  it  was  Christ's 
language  to  all,  as  we  may  read  in  the  New  Testament ; 
and  the  Scriptures,  from  Genesis  to  the  Revelations, 
speak  thee  and  thou,  to  a  single  person  in  a  general  way. 

So  I  took  up  the  cross,  and  said  thee  to  him;  and  he 
was  much  affronted,  and  said,  "  Thee !  what  dost  thou 
thee  me  for  ?"  I  soberly  asked  him  if  he  did  not  say  thee 
|o  his  Maker  in  his  prayers  ?  and  whether  he  was  too 
good,  or  too  great,  to  be  spoke  to  in  the  same  language 
m  A\'hich  he  addressed  the  Almighty  ?  unto  which  he 
made  no  reply,  but  seemed  to  fall  from  his  passion  into 
admiration,  as  one  smitten  in  himself.  And  he  bore  mc 
respect  ever  after ;  and  I  greatly  rejoiced  that  I  was 
preserved  faithful.  Though  it  may  look  a  little  thing  to 
some,  vet  I  found  it  good  (as  the  Scripture  saith)  not  to 
despise  the  day  of  small  things. 

Aiiout  the  twentietli  year  of  my  age,  I  was  pressed  and 
carried  on  board  of  a  vessel  belonging  to  a  man  of  war. 
I  was  ]:>ut  down  into  the  hold  in  the  dark,  not  having  any 
thirig  to  lie  upon  but  casks  ;  and  what  made  it  worse  to 
me,  I  was  among  wicked,  debauched  men  ;  and  as  we 
were  shut  up  in  darkness,  so  was  their  conversation  dark 
and  hellish.  In  the  morning,  for  which  I  longed  more 
than  the  watclnnen,  the  lieutenant  called  us  up  on  deck, 
and  examined  us,  whether  we  w^ere  willing  to  serve  the 
king  ?  he  called  me  to  him,  and  asked  me,  if  I  was  will- 
ing to  serve  his  majesty  ?  1  answered,  that  I  was  willing 
to  serve  him  in  my  business,  and  according  to  my  con- 
science ;  but  as  for  war  or  fighting,  Christ  had  forbid  it 
in  his  excellent  sermon  on  the  mount ;  and  for  that  rea- 
son 1  could  not  bear  arms,  nor  be  instrumental  to  destroy 
or  kill  men.  Then  the  lieutenant  looked  on  me  and  on 
the  peo])le,  and  said,  "  Gentlemen,  what  shall  we  do 
with  this  fellow?  he  swears  he  will  not  fight."  The 
commander  of  the  vessel  made  answer,  "  No,  no,  he 
uiil  neither  swear  nor  fight."     Upon  which  they  turned 


me  on  shore.  I  was  thankful  that  I  was  dehvered  out 
of  their  hands ;  and  my  tender  parents  were  glad  to  see 
me  again. 

Now  as  I  s:rew  in  \ears,  the  world  beran  to  take  too 
much  root  in  me  ;  i-nd  my  unwearied  enemy  would  tell 
me  that  it  was  lawful  enough  (and  indeed  I  see  that  he 
hurts  many  with  lawful  things,  with  v/hom  he  knoweth 
the  unlawful  things  will  not  take)  and  here  I  had  been 
lost  if  God  had  not  been  graeious  to  me.  But  he,  in 
whose  presence  I  deiiglited,  withdrew,  and  deprived  me 
of  that  enjoyment  which  was  graceful  and  comfortable 
above  all  things  to  my  soul.  Then  did  I  pray,  witli 
tears,  Oh,  that  it  might  be  with  me  as  it  was  at  other 
times  before  !  and  I  was  willing  to  let  the  world  go,  ra- 
ther than  grace  and  God's  glory.  The  Psalmist  saith, 
*'  no  good  thing  will  he  withhold  from  them  that  walk 
uprightly."  Psal.   Ixxxiv.  11. 

Aijout  this  time  there  was  a  great  concern  on  my 
mind,  rightly  to  distinguish  between  the  voice  of  Christ, 
and  the  whisperings  of  Satan  ;  and  thus  it  opened  to  me  : 
that  Christ,  the  truth,  always  speaketh  good,  and  for  a 
good  end,  and  that  there  is  divine  life  to  the  soul  in  this 
speaking  ;  but  the  devil  never  speaks  good,  unless  some- 
times for  a  bad  end,  and  then  not  good  in  reality,  only 
coloured  with  good  or  fair  shew. 

And  keeping  under  this  exercise,  the  Lord  appeared 
to  me  again,  and  many  times  refreshed  my  heart  with 
his  goodness.  And  when  I  was  in  my  business  amongst 
men,  I  did  witness  the  Holy  Ghost,  the  comforter,  to  be 
near  me ;  which  was  more  to  me  than  all  the  world,  or 
the  riches,  glory  and  beauty  of  it ;  the  love  of  God  being 
so  sweet  to  my  soul  and  spirit,  my  breathings,  prayers 
and  supplications,  were  to  the  Lord,  that  my  neighbours, 
acquaintance,  and  relations,  might  also  partake  of  the 
like  precious  faith  and  love  which  I  enjoyed  ;  and  that 
the  children  of  men  might  answer  that  great  and  good 
end  for  which  the  Lord  did  create  them  ;  which  is,  that 
glory,  honour  and  praise,  might  ascend  and  be  given  t© 


I  had  such  a  sense  and  fear  of  dishonouring  God,  that 
I  often,  with  tears,  cried.  Never  let  nie  live  to  dishonour 
jthee.  Oh  !  it  had  been  better  for  ine  that  I  had  never 
been  born,  or  my  mother's  womb  had  been  my  grave, 
ithan  that  I  should  live  to  dishonour  thee,  or  wilfully  re- 
j^roach  the  name  of  Christ,  who,  with  the  Father,  is  only 
ivorthy  of  di\dne  honour. 

In  this  concern  I  felt  the  gospel  power  of  our  Lord 
•lesus  Christ  to  work  upon  my  soul,  and  the  word  of  God 
V.-as  as  a  seed  in  my  heart,  growing,  and  opening  in  me, 
speaking  to  me,  and  making  my  understanding  fruitful  in 
th.e  tilings  of  his  kingdom  ;  and  in  that  ability  which  was 
given  me  of  God,  through  his  grace  and  holy  spirit,  I 
exhorted  peo])le  to  repentance  and  amendment  of  life ; 
and  I  always  humbly  desired  the  help  and  divine  influ- 
ence of  God's  eternal  word  therein.  Oh  !  I  did  fervently 
pray,  that  I  might  minister  the  gospel  in  the  power  of 
Jesus  ;  for  I  clearly  discerned,  in  the  light  of  the  Son  of 
God,  that  all  .ministering  out  of  Christ's  power,  was 
neither  edifying  nor  efficacious  imto  souls:  therefore  I 
did  earnestly  beseech  God  for  the  continuance  of  the  gift 
of  his  spirit,  that  I  might  be  enabled  to  preach  the  gospel 
in  the.  power  of  Christ  Jesus.  The  concern  that  was 
upon  mc  on  this  account  at  that  time,  is  hard  to  be  ex- 
pressed in  words. 

The  latter  end  of  the  year  1695,  my  father  sent  me  into 
Essex,  on  some  business,  which,  when  I  had  accomplish- 
ed, 1  visited  some  meetings  of  friends  there,  and  my 
mind  being  much  affected  with  the  apprehensions  of  an 
impending  storm  (the  nation  being  about  this  time  threat- 
ened with  an  invasion  from  France,  in  favour  of  the  late 
king  James,  so  that  there  was  expectation  of  much  blood- 
shed and  confusion  in  the  land)  I  wrote^  a  letter  to  my 
parents,  and  another  to  friends  of  the  evening  meeting 
(kept  weekly  at  my  father's  house)  expressing  my  thank- 
fulness to  the  Almighty,  in  remembrance  of  the  many 
pr^^^cious  visitations  oi  divine  love  and  favour  we  had  been 
partakers  of,  to  the  uniting  our  hearts  to  him,  and  to  one 
another;  and  mv earnest  jDrayers  and  supplications, that  we 
might  be  preserved  in  true  love,  and  the  unity  of  the  spir- 


it,  which  is  the  bond  of  everlasting  peace  ;  and  that  the 
world  might  be  made  sensible  of  this  true  peace,  which 
abounds  in  those  who  love  and  fear  the  Lord,  and  truly 
believe  in  the  name  of  Jesus.  Oh  !  surel} ,  they  would 
then  depart  from  sin,  and  abandon  iniquity,  by  which 
they  incur  the  wrath  of  the  Lord,  and  provoke  the  just 
one  to  anger ;  so  that  the  line  of  confusion  seems  to  be 
stretched  over  the  city  and  nation,  and  the  eye  of  the 
faithful  seeth  it  to  the  grief  of  their  souls.  Yet  the 
mercy  of  the  Lord,  even  of  the  just  God  (who  will  ren- 
der a  just  reward  to  every  one  according  to  his  deeds 
done  in  the  bod\ )  is  stiii  handed  forth  to  the  land.  Oh  ! 
that  the  inhcbitants  thereof  would  consider  their  ways, 
and  be  wise,  and  turn  to  the  Lord  with  unfeigned  re- 
pentance, while  the  day  of  mercy  lasteth,  before  it  be 
said,  now  h  is  hid  from  thine  eyes  ;  fcf  the  Lord,  even 
the  God  and  Father  of  Sj^irits,  hath  said,  "  My  spirit 
shall  not  always  strive  with  man,  for  that  he  also  is  flesh.'* 
Gen.  vi.  3. 

On  the  expiration  of  my  apprenticeship,  having  serv- 
€d  my  father  faithfully  seven  }'ears,  I  entered  more 
strongly  into  covenant  with  my  heavenly  Father  and 
miaster,  to  serve  him  all  my  days,  through  his  assistance  ; 
and  was  soon  after  drawn  forth,  in  the  spirit  and  love  of 
Christ,  to  visit  the  meetings  of  friends  westward  from 
London,  viz.  through  Surry,  Sussex,  Hampshire,  Wilt- 
shire, Devonshire,  and  Cornwall  to  the  L'u^d's-end ;  in 
which  journey  I  was  accompanied  by  William  Koniould. 
At  one  of  our  meetings  at  Falmouth,  in  Cornwall,  t\vo 
men  (called  gentlemen)  came  from  the  inn  to  hear  the 
strangers  ;  and  after  meeting,  they  said  they  could  take 
their  oath  that  I  was  a  Jesuit,  and  tliat  they  had  heard 
me  preach  in  a  Romish  chapel  in  France  ;  which  was 
utterly  false  ;  for  1  never  was  in  France  in  my  life.  Be- 
sides, had  I  been  a  papist,  or  popishly  inclined  (which  I 
was  not)  I  was  too  young  to  be  i.  Jesuit. 

Indeed,  I  thought  I  was  mean  for  the  work  of  the  min- 
istry, but  the  good  remembrancer  brought  those  truths 
to  my  remembrance,  which  strengthened  me  in  the  work 
and  service  of  God.     The  spirit  brealheth  where  it  list- 


iO  Till:    JOUKNAL    OF    T/IOil.'.S    CHALKLKY. 

tth;  outof  thcmoiithsof  biibcsand  sucklingsthou  liastpcr- 
fccitd  praise,  &.c.  \\  c  liaviiig  great  peaee  in  (>ur  labours 
in  tliis  journey,  and  being  edified  therewith,  returned  to 
liOndon,  after  ab(;ut  fotir  months  absence  troni  home. 

And  alter  I  had  been  two  weeks  at  liome,  my  dear 
ip.other  departed  this  life,  in  a  sweet  fraiae  of  spirit,  prais- 
inp;  the  Lord.  She  w^as  one  who  hved  the  life  of  the 
rii  hteous,  and  A\hose  latttr  end  was  like  tlieirs,  and  left 
a  good  report  behnid  her,  being  weil  beloved  (I  think  I 
may  safeh  say)  by  all  otir  neighbours  ;  not  only  by  those 
of  otH'  ow  n  societ\ ,  but  others  also,  to  \\  horn  she  w  as  oft- 
en "^ery  helpful. 

So  I  went  to  my  calling,  and  got  a  little  money, 
(a  little  being  enough),  which  I  was  made  willirig  to 
spend  freely,  in  the  work  and  service  of  my  great 
master,  Christ  Jesus.  And  about  this  time  I  was  con- 
cerned to  travel  into  the  north  of  England,  and  part 
of  Scotland,  which  I  did  in  that  ability  God  gave  me ; 
and  that  dispensation  w  hich  I  had  freely  received,  I  free- 
h  handed  forth  to  the  people,  devoting  my  strength  and 
time  to  serve  him  (that  had  done  so  much  for  me)  ;  and 
I  had  the  satisfaction  to  find  divers  confessing  the  truth, 
as  it  is  in  Jesus.  In  this  journey  I  was  from  home  about 
four  months,  being  mostly  alone  as  to  any  \  oke-fellow 
in  that  work,  travelling  many  hundreds  of  miles,  being 
as  far  as  Edinburgh,  in  Scotland,  where  our  meeting  was 
in  the  street,  we  being  locked  out  of  our  meeting-house 
by  the  then  power,  and  great  numbers  of  peoi)le  were 
there.  This  news  being  carried  to  the  provost  of  the 
city,  he  said,  "  The  quakers  would  do  more  hurt  out 
of  doors  than  w  ithin,"  and  he  ordered  friends  their  1  ey. 
Since  which  I  have  understood  that  friends  in  that  city 
have  enjoyed  their  meetings  in  the  meeting-house  ;  and 
sometimes  when  the  rabble  have  disturbed  friends,  the 
magistrates  have  sent  officers  to  disperse  them. 

Now,  after  I  had  visited  the  chiu-ches  of  Christ  in  di- 
vers parts  of  England,  and  had  many  sweet  seasons  of 
God's  love,  and  many  good  opportunities  with  my  friends 
and  others  in  this  nation  ;  (the  word  of  life  being  de- 
clared in  the  simplicity  of  the  gospel,  in  several  places 


people  were  very  open-hearted,  and  received  the  testimony 
of  iL  with  gladness).  And  after  I  had  been  at  my  father's, 
and  at  my  calling',  a  little  after  this  north-country  jour- 
ney, I  found  myself  engaged  in  the  love  of  the  gospel  to 
visit  friends  in  America ;  and  having  acquainted  my 
friends  and  relations  of  my  mind  (they  being  willing  to 
give  me  up)  in  order  for  the  voyage,  friends  of  ihe 
monthly-meeting  gave  me  a  certificate,  and  I  had  an- 
other from  the  meeting  of  the  ministers  in  London. 

My  father,  and  several  other  friends  with  me,  took  boat 
from  London,  and  accompanied  me  to  Gravesend,  on 
the  21st  of  the  tenth  month,  1697  ;  and  I  went  on  board 
the  ship  Josiah,  Thomas  Lurtiiig,  master,  and  sailed  that 
day  from  Gravesend,  and  got  to  the  Downs  the  next 
day,  where  we  tarried  some  days  for  a  fair  wind  ;  in 
which  time  several  others,  that  were  concerned  in  the 
same  gospel-labour,  came  on  board,  viz.  Thomas  Turner, 
William  Ellis,  and  Aaron  Atkinson.  In  about  four 
days  time  the  wind  was  fair  for  us,  and  we  set  sail,  and 
in  a  little  time  we  got  out  of  sight  of  the  land  ;  soon  after 
which  the  wind  was  contrary,  and  we  proceeded  but  a 
small  distance  for  several  weeks  ;  the  weather  was  rough 
and  the  sea  boisterous,  so  that  with  the  motion  thereof, 
most  of  the  passengers  were  sick.  In  this  time  we  lost 
a  lad,  that  fell  into  the  sea  (as  he  was  drawing  a  bucket 
of  water)  and  was  drowned ;  the  ship  running  swiftly, 
he  could  not  be  saved,  although  it  was  speedily  endeav- 
oured. Several  others  died  before  we  got  over ;  but  for 
the  most  part  we  were  healthful.  The  Lord  be  praised, 
he  was,  is,  and  will  be,  with  those  that  faithfully  serve 
him  to  the  end. 

We  were  three  ships  in  company,  but  by  the  distress 
of  weather,  soon  after  we  came  out,  we  parted.  After 
we  had  been  at  sea  about  eight  weeks  (on  the  25th  of 
the  12th  month)  we  saw  two  vessels  astern  of  us.  One 
of  them  came  up  with  us,  and  the  people  hailed  us, 
and  told  us  they  came  from  Bristol,  and  had  been  out 
ten  weeks.  The  other  came  up  with  us  next  day. 
T  ic  people  informed  us  they  had  been  at  sea  seven 
weeks,  aiid  that  they  had  a  dreadful  time  of  it.     She  had 


lost  part  of  her  topmast,  and  her  spritsail  topmast  was 
gone.  She  was  a  new  ship,  and  never  at  sea  before,  be- 
longing to  London,  and  bound  for  Virginia,  as  near  as 
we  eould  unelerstand  :  our  ship  lost  none  of  her  tackling, 
through  the  great  mercy  of  God  to  us,  though  the  wind 
and  sea  was  wonderful  high  at  times  ;  the  mate  told  me, 
I  might  go  to  sea  all  my  life,  and  not  see  the  like  ;  he 
said  he  had  been  at,  or  used  to  the  sea,  twenty  years,  and 
never  saw  it  so  rough  and  high  JDcfore.  We  had  meet- 
ings twice  a  week,  several  of  which  were  comfortable 
and  refreshing  meetings,  to  which  most  of  the  passen- 
gers, beirig  in  all  about  sixty  in  number,  sometimes  came; 
and  several  of  them  uere  affected  with  the  sense  of  truth, 
and  the  Lord  strengthened  our  faith  and  hope  in  him. 

Oh  I  for  ever  blessed  be  the  living  and  eternal  God, 
who  kept  my  soul  above  the  fear  of  death,  hell,  and  the 
grave  ;  for  my  trust  was  in  him,  and  he  did  bear  up  my 
spirit  above  the  waves  of  the  sea  ;  and,  in  the  time  of  toss- 
ing with  tempests,  I  was  comforted  and  cheerful,  prais- 
ing the  Lord  in  m}'  heart,  both  in  the  day  time,  and  in 
the  night  season. 

I  was  much  concerned  in  my  mind  for  many  of  the 
passengers,  who,  with  the  second  mate,  and  several  of 
the  seamen,  were  very  sick  (by  some  it  was  thought  neaf 
unto  death)  I  cried  to  the  Lord  to  heal  them,  in  the  name 
of  his  dear  Son,  and  that  it  might  be  a  means  to  convince 
them  of  the  efficacy  of  love  to,  and  faith  in  Christ  Jesus, 
the  physician  of  value  ;  and  the  Lord  was  pleased  to  heal 
them.  The  mate  of  the  ship  desired  that  I  would  come 
and  pray  b'^^  him.  I  went  to  him,  and  prayed  in  the  pow- 
er and  name  of  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and  the  Lord  help- 
ed him,  that  he  said  he  was  fine  and  easy,  and  thanked  me 
for  my  love  ;  and  in  a  little  time  he  recovered.  Several 
otlicrs  of  the  seamen  and  passengers  I  was  instrumental 
to  help  in  their  sickness.  The  Lord  blessed  my  endeav- 
ours in  supplicating  him  on  their  beh;ilf,  and  adminis- 
tering what  I  had  to  them.  One  of  the  seamen  said,  he 
was  bound  to  pray  for  me  as  long  as  he  lived,  and  that 
the  Lord  would  bless  me.  Another  of  the  p-issengers 
said,  that  I  was  tlie  blessed  doctor  (for  there  was  not  a 


sui*£^eon,  or  doctor  in  the  ship).  I  was  very  free  to  com- 
mviJiicute  of  what  I  had  to  any  sick  person  in  the  ship, 
and  several  blessed  the  Lord  on  my  behalf.  Indeed  I 
thoii,^ht  I  could  scarce  do  enough  for  any  that  were  in 
distress.  I  write  not  thus,  I  might  seem  popular, 
but  with  my  mind  bowed  before  the  Lord.  Many  times 
in  this  voyage  there  were  consultations  in  my  mind, 
whether  I  had  best  write  a  memorandum  hereof;  but  at 
last  conceiving  in  my  spirit  that  it  might  strengthen  and 
excite  love  to  God,  and  faith  in  his  beloved  Son,  in  true 
believers,  I  wrote  as  aforesaid ;  and  then  I  was  satisfied, 
and  gave  the  glory  to  God. 

Before  we  came  to  the  land,  we  saw  a  ketch,  which  had 
saved  the  lives  of  some  that  belonged  to  a  ship  that 
was  a  little  before  foundered  in  the  sea  ;  who  said  also, 
that  a  fleet  of  New- England  ships  which  had  been  upon 
that  coast,  by  stormy  weather  were  forced  to  Barba- 
does  ;  and  within  a  few  days  after  we  saw  the  land  of 
Virginia,  and  also  a  New-England  ship,  which  sailed  or 
came  from  England  three  weeks  before  us.  We  arrived 
within  the  Capes  of  Virginia  the  31st  of  the  1st  month 
1698,  and  overtook  the  John  and  Margaret,  a  ship  that 
came  out  of  the  English  channel  with  us  (the  master, 
Thomas  Salmon,  being  dead)  and  the  next  day  we  anchor- 
ed our  ship  at  the  mouth  of  Patuxent  river,  in  Maryhmd, 
where  our  boats  were  hoisted  out,  and  we  were  ro\\'ed  up 
Patuxent  river  twelve  miles,  to  Arthur  Young's  house, 
where  we  lodged  that  night ;  and  for  our  preservation  and 
safe  arrival,  we  blessed  the  Lord  our  God,  and  my  spirit 
praised  him  who  lives  for  ever  and  ever.  Our  voyage 
Was  above  twelve  weeks,  it  being  then  winter  time,  and 
for  the  most  part  the  winds  so  high,  that  the  ships  could 
carry  but  little  sail,   which  made  our  voyage  the  longer. 

About  four  days  after  we  landed,  we  had  a  meeting 
near  Patuxent  river  ;  and  a  blessed  one  it  was !  when  it 
Avas  ended,  we  went  (that  night)  to  Daniel  Rawling's,  and 
from  thence  to  the  C lifts,  to  Richard  John's,  a  friend,  that 
came  with  us  from  England,  at  whose  house  we  had  a 
meeting,  wherein  God's  presence  was  powerfully  felt. 
We  had  several  meetings  on  that  side  the  bay,  called  the 


Western -shore,  and  then  we  sailed  over  to  the  east  side  of 
Chesapeak-bay,with  Thos.  Everden,  in  his  sloop;  wen:  to 
his  house,  had  a  meetinj^,  where  many  people  came.  Here 
we  met  with  our  friends  Jonathan  I'yler,  Henry  Pa}  ton, 
and  Henry  Payton's  sister.  While  I  was  at  this  friend's 
house,  there  was  one  Robert  Cathing,  who  being  very  ill, 
sent  for  Thomas  Everden,  and  he  (not  being  very  well)  de- 
sired me  to  visit  the  sick  person.  So  I  went,  and  the  man 
was  near  to  death.  Howbeit,  he  said  he  was  comforted 
much  with  the  visit,  and  that  he  never  had  received  so 
much  benefit  by  the  parish  priest  in  his  life ;  although, 
said  he,  it  cost  me  dear  for  what  I  had ;  and  if  ever  I 
live  to  get  over  it,  by  the  assistance  of  God,  I  shall  have 
nothing  to  do  with  them  more.  But,  he  said,  he  should 
not  live  three  days.  And  before  the  end  of  three  days 
he  expired.  He  desired  (if  I  were  not  gone)  that  I  would 
be  at  his  funeral.  On  notice  hereof,  about  ten  friends 
went ;  and  there  was  a  great  many  people,  among  whom 
we  had  a  good  opportunity,  and  many  weighty  truths 
were  opened  to  them  in  the  love  of  God ;  and  some  of 
them  were  tender  and  wept ;  and  the  most,  if  not  all  (I 
think  I  may  say)  were  solid  and  weighty. 

From  Thomas  Everden's  house  we  went  to  George 
Truii's,  at  whose  house  we  had  a  meeting.  This  friend 
and  I  went  to  an  Indian  town  not  far  from  his  house,  be- 
tause  I  had  a  desire  to  see  these  people,  having  never 
seen  any  of  them  before.  When  we  came  to  the  town 
they  were  kind  to  us,  spoke  well  of  friends,  and  said  they 
would  not  cheat  them,  as  some  others  did. 

Fi'om  George  Truit's,  in  Maryland,  we  went  down 
to  Virginia;  and  in  Accomack  and  Northampton  counties 
wc  had  large  meetings,  and  I  hope  they  were  effectual 
to  many  ;  I  think  my  hope  is  not  without  ground.  In 
those  parts  we  had  several  meetings,  where  ^ve  were  in- 
fo)  nied  friends  had  not  had  any  before.  And  really  I 
cannot  but  bless  the  Lord  for  the  opportunities  we  had 
with  the  people  ;  for  the  goodness  of  God,  through  Christ 
our  Lord,  was  great,  both  to  us  and  them,  and  with 
tears  thev  did  acknowledge  the  truth.  Now  Thomas 
Turner,  who  had  hitherto  accompanied  me,  went  by  tliq 


sea- side  the  nearest  way  to  Philadelphia  ;  and  afterwards 
I  had  a  nieetnig  at  George  Truit^s  brother's,  and  on  the 
first-day,  another  near  the  court-house,  and  went  to  Tho- 
mas Everden's,  and  so  to  Leven  Denwood's  and  thence 
to  Nanticoke  river,  and  visited  friends  up  the  bay  until 
I  came  to  the  river  Choptank,  about  which  there  is  a 
pretty  many  friends.  So  I  went  on,  and  took  the  meet- 
ings till  I  came  to  Philadelphia,  in  and  about  which  place, 
and  in  other  parts  of  the  province  of  Pennsylvania,  I  had 
many  large  and  precious  meetings,  the  power  of  the  eter- 
nal Son  of  God  being  wonderful ;  in  which  power  we 
many  times  blessed  his  name  together.  It  was  much  in 
my  heart  to  exhort  friends  to  love  God,  and  to  unity  one 
with  another,  without  which  there  is  no  fulfilling  the  law 
or  gospel.  There  are  many  friends  in  that  province, 
and  many  sober  young  people,  which  greatly  rejoiced 
my  spirit,  so  that  for  their  encouragement,  the  Lord  open- 
ed my  mouth  in  a  prophetic  manner  to  declare  unto  them 
the  blessings  which  he  had  in  store  for  them,  on  condi- 
tion of  their  w^alking  in  the  truth.  Glory  to  God  on  high! 
untruth  decays,  and  the  branches  of  it  mightily  wither; 
the  darkness  is  much  past,  and  the  true  light  shineth 
gloriously  in  many  souls.  Oh  !  powerful  praises  be  given 
to  God,  who  is  light  for  ever. 

From  Philadelphia  I  went  to  Burlington,  and  so  on  to 
Crosswicks,  where  Ave  had  a  large  meeting  under  th6 
trees,  where  some  were  convinced  of  the  truth.  From 
hence  I  went  to  Shrewsbury,  and  had  meetings  there : 
from  Shrewsbury  we  went  (mostly  by  water)  to  Wood- 
bridge  and  Staten  Island,  from  thence  to  Long-Island, 
being  accompanied  by  several  friends.  On  Long  Island 
we  had  several  large  and  good  meetings,  wherein  Christ 
was  preached  freely ;  and  after  we  had  been  two  weeks  there, 
we  went  on  board  a  sloop  bound  for  Rhode- Island,  and  by 
the  way  we  touched  at  Fisher's  and  Block-Islands,  and 
on  the  first-day  morning  We  set  sail  from  Block-Island  to 
Rhode-Island,  the  yearly-meeting  being  just  over  when 
we  got  there.  That  evening  we  sailed  over  to  Connan- 
icut- Island.  On  the  third  day  of  the  week  had  a  meeting 
there,  and  from  thence  we  went  over  to  Narraganset,  and 


bad  a  meeting-,  arid  so  over  to  Rhode- Island  again,  (where 
Ruth  Fn ,  a  sober  young  woman,  was  convineed,  and 
remained  a  friend  till  hei  deatli).  Here  I  met  with  sev- 
eral travelling  frierids.  From  this  island  we  went  over  to 
the  main,  and  had  a  large  meetir.g  on  first-day,  at  a  place 
called  Greerwich.  It  was  thought  there  were  about  five 
hundred  people,  and  many  of  them  were  tender.  We 
went  over  the  same  night  to  the  island  ;  and  after  several 
open  times  with  friends  and  others  on  Rliode-Island,about 
twelve  friends  of  that  island  went  with  me  to  Warwick 
and  Providence  yearly -meetings,  in  our  friend  Borden's 
boat.  We  set  sail  about  noon,  and  having  but  little 
wind,  it  was  late  in  the  night  before  we  got  there,  and 
very  dark,  insomuch  that  we  could  neither  see  nor  know 
one  another,  but  only  by  our  speech,  and  the  darkness 
occasioned  us  to  run  our  vessel  against  the  rocks  ;  but  at 
last  we  got  ashore  (with  our  horses)  and  after  going  over 
a  very  dirty  slough,  we  entered  a  dismal  wilderness ;  so 
that  these  difficulties  occasioned  our  not  getting  to  thq; 
friend's  house  till  the  next  day,  which  being  the  last 
day  in  the  week,  we  had  a  meeting ;  and  on  the  first- 
day  we  had  a  very  large  and  satisfactory  meeting.  Many 
of  us  were  so  united  in  the  love  of  God,  that  it  was  hard 
for  us  to  part  one  from  another. 

From  Providence  I  went  to  Boston  and  Salem,  where 
I  had  meetings,  and  from  thence  to  Hampton.  In  those 
parts  God  Almighty  hath  shortened  the  power  of  perse- 
cutors, and  hath  brought  his  righteous  judgments  upon 
them  for  their  unrighteousness.  Oh  !  that  New- Eng- 
land's professors  might  live  in  the  sense  of  the  same,  and 
repent.  I  being  a  stranger  and  traveller,  could  not  but 
observe  the  barbarous  and  unchristian-like  welcome  I 
had  in  Boston,  the  metropolis  of  New-England.  Oh  I 
what  pity  (said  one)  it  was,  that  all  of  your  society  were 
not  hanged  with  the  other  four  !*  In  the  eastern  part 
of  New- England,  God  hath  a  seed  left  of  his  people. 

*  Marmaduke   Stevenson,  WiU'iam  Robinson,    Mary  Dyer,  and  William 
Ledra,  who  were  put  to  death  in  1659  and  1660. 


From  thence  I  returned  in  order  to  get  a  passage  to 
the  isle  of  Nantucket ;  and  from  a  place  called  Cushnet, 
wc  sailed  over  to  the  said  island  in  about  ten  hours,  where 
we  tarried  several  days,  and  had  five  meetings.  The 
people  did  generally  acknowledge  to  the  truth,  and  many 
of  them  were  tend^^r- hearted.  Some  of  the  ancient  peo- 
ple said,  that  it  was  never  known  that  so  many  people  ' 
were  together  on  the  island  at  once.  After  the  first 
meeting  was  over,  one  asked  the  minister,  (so  called) 
whether  we  might  have  a  meeting  at  his  house  ?  he 
said,  with  a  good  will,  we  might.  This  minister  had 
some  discourse  with  me,  and  asked.  What  induced  me 
to  come  hither,  being  such  a  young  man  ?  I  told  him 
that  I  had  no  other  view  in  coming  there,  than  the  good 
of  souls,  and  that  I  could  say  with  the  apostle  that  a  ne- 
cessity was  laid  upon  me,  and  wo  would  be  to  me  if  I 
did  not  preach  the  gospel.  Then,  said  he,  I  wish  you 
would  preach  at  my  house  in  God's  name.  So  next  day 
we  had  a  meeting  at  his  house  ;  and  on  first-day  we  had 
the  largest  meeting  that  we  had  on  the  island.  It  was 
thought  that  there  were  above  two  hundred  people.  The 
Lord  in  his  power  did  make  his  truth  known  to  the  praise 
of  his  name.  Oh !  how  was  my  soul  concerned  for  that 
people  !  The  Lord  Jesus  did  open  my  heart  to  them, 
and  theirs  to  him.  They  were  also  loving  and  kind  to 
us.  The  chief  magistrate  of  the  island  desired  that  I 
would  have  a  meeting  at  his  house,  there  being  no  settled 
meeting  of  friends  before  I  came  ;  and  after  meeting  lie 
disputed  about  religion  with  me.  I  thought  we  were  both 
but  poor  disputants  ;  and  cannot  remember  all  that  pass- 
ed between  us,  but  that  in  the  close  of  our  dispute,  he 
said,  I  disputed  with  your  friends  in  Barbadoes,  and  they 
told  me,  that  we  must  eat  the  spiritual  flesh,  and  drink 
the  spiritual  blood  of  Christ :  And,  said  the  governor, 
did  ever  any  one  hear  of  such  flesh  and  blood ;  for  is  it 
not  a  contradiction  in  nature,  that  flesh  and  blood  should 
be  spiritual  ?  Oh !  surely,  said  I,  the  governor  has  for- 
got himself;  for  what  flesh  and  blood  was  that  which 
Christ  said,  except  ye  eat  my  flesh,  and  drink  my  blood, 
ye  have  no  life  in  you.     Why,  said  he,   I  do  not  tliink 


18  THi:    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHALKLF.Y. 

they  were  to  gnaw  it  from  his  iirnis  and  shoulders.  I' 
then  told  him,  he  had  answered  himself.  'J'hus  our  dis- 
pute ended.  And  from  that  time  forward  they  have  con- 
tinued a  meeting",  and  there  is  no\v  a  meeting-house,  and 
a  yearly  meeting  for  worship  ;  it  is  a  groA\ing  meeting 
tp  this  day,  and  several  public  friends  are  raised  up 
amongst  tilt m,  "who  preach  the  gospel  of  Christ  freely. 
At  this  time  a  friend  was  convinced,  whose  name 
was  Starbuck,  \\ho  became  \ery serviceable,  and  livedand 
died  an  eminent  minister  of  Christ  on  that  island.  Sev- 
eral scores  of  them  came  and  accompanied  us  to  the 
water-side  ;  and  when  we  embarked  on  board  our  sloop, 
they  desired  that  I  would  come  and  visit  them  again.  So 
I  recommended  them  to  the  grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus, 
and  we  parted  in  great  love  and  tenderness.  In  the  even- 
i]ig  of  the  next  day  we  got  to  the  main  land,  where  Ave 
were  gladly  received.  Now  it  was  in  my  heart  again  to 
visit  the  eastern  parts  of  New- England  before  I  left  Amer- 
ica ;  therefore  I  went  to  Boston  )  early-meeting,  thence 
to  Lynn  and  Salem,  where  we  had  a  sweet  comfortable 
time  ;  likewise  to  the  yearly -meetings,  at  Dover,  and  so 
to  Piscataway,  where  we  had  several  meetings,  which 
were  prohtable  opportunities  to  many.  From  Piscata- 
way, James  Goodbridge  and  I  went  over  to  the  Isle  of 
Shoals  ;  we  had  with  us  a  church-member  of  the  Presby- 
terians, whose  brother  invited  her  over  A\ith  us  to  the 
said  island,  to  the  meeting  which  was  at  his  house  ;  and 
while  he  was  talking  with  her  in  the  yard  or  garden,  I 
saw  a  bible,  and  took  it,  and  read  therein.  When  she 
came  into  the  house,  she  asked  me,  What  I  did  with  that 
book  ?  I  told  her,  if  she  was  offended  I  would  lay  it 
down.  No,  no,  said  she,  don't  think  to  come  oft'  so, 
for  }ou  disown  or  deny  that  book.  I  told  her  she  Avas 
mistaken  ;  and  asked  who  told  her  so.  Why,  said  she, 
our  minister  in  his  juijpit.  I  replied,  that  it  was  a  great 
abuse  upon  us,  for  I  had  been  trained  up  from  my  child- 
hood in  the  reading  and  i^elief  of  the  scriptures,  and  my 
fiither  and  mother  were  friends,  (that  is  Quakers.)  She 
willing  to  try  me  further,  said.  Did  your  fother  and  moth- 
er suffer  yoii  to  read  the  bible  when  you  were  a  little  boy  ? 


Yes  said  I,  and  gave  me  corrt  ction  when  I  was  not  so 
willing  to  read  therein  as  they  would  have  me.  Tlien, 
said  she,  our  minister  has  belied  you  ;  and  since  you  say 
so,  if  it  please  God,  I  will  go  and  hear  you.  She  went 
with  us  to  meeting ;  and  after  it  was  over  (going  home) 
one  asked  her,  how  she  would  answer  it  to  their  minis- 
ter for  going  to  meetings.  Siie  replied,  it  was  truth  she 
had  heard,  and  she  would  stand  by  it  through  the  grace 
of  Christ,  and  need  not  be  ashamed  of  it,  though  we  are 
of  ourselves  but  poor  weak  creatures.  This  woman  was 
sober  and  religious,  and  one  of  good  report.  By  the 
foregoing  we  may  see  how  skinders  flow  from  some  pul» 
pits :  the  more  is  the  shame  and  pity.  We  went  on, 
and  preached  the  gospel  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  in  that 
ability  he  gave  us,  with  which  the  people  were  affected. 
and  would  have  had  us  tarry  longer,  but  we  could  not, 
although  they  much  importuned  us,  because  we  had  ap- 
pointed a  meeeting  at  Oyster  river.  After  we  had  had 
several  meetings,  about  Piscataway  and  Dover,  we  went 
to  Hampton,  where  we  had  meetings  ;  and  at  Salisbury 
we  had  a  large  open  meeting,  as  it  was  supj^osed,  of 
about  three  hundred  people,  which  was  at  this  time  ac- 
counted a  great  concourse  of  people  thereabouts  ;  also  at 
Jamaica  and  Haverhill  we  had  meetings,  and  from  thence 
Ment  to  Salem  and  L}  nn  again,  where  we  had  good  ser- 
vice for  truth  ;  and  then  to  Boston,  and  had  a  meeting  at 
the  meeting-house,  and  another  at  a  friend's  house  in  the 
evening,  at  which  there  vvere  many  people.  From  Boston 
I  went  to  visit  friends  about  Cape-Cod,  till  I  came  again  to 
Rhode-Island.  By  the  way  I  met  with  A.iron  Atkinson, 
who  was  on  a  visit  to  friends  in  New- England.  I  had 
several  good  opportunities,  and  powerful  meetings,  in 
those  parts,  and  tru  h  wrought  a  tenderness  in  divers  at 
Rhode-Island.  The  presence  of  him,  who  said.  Where 
two  or  three  are  met  in  my  name,  there  am  I  in  the 
midst  of  them,  being  sensibly  witnessed  by  many; 
for  he  was  with  us  of  a  truth.  From  thence  I  went 
round  the  Narraganset  country,  and  had  meetings  at  sev- 
eral places,  and  was  acconij^anied  by  John  Rodman, 
and  William  Beackiey,  through  Connecticut  to  Long- 


Island,  which  is  accounted  two  hundred  miles ;  we  had 
oiit  niectiiig  by  the  way,  in  which  Christ  was  preached 
to  them,  as  he  is  the  Light  of  the  world,  at  a  place 
wl'.ere  we  were  told  there  never  was  a  friend's  meeting 
before.  I  came  to  Long- Island  about  two  weeks  belore 
the  general  meetii  g,  and  visited  friends  in  several  pU.ces 
on  this  island,  as  at  Hampstead,  Jerusalem,  Jericho, 
and  Bethpage,  where  there  were  large  meetings,  and 
uuich  openness  among  the  people,  and  some  were  con- 
vinced. We  had  a  meeting  at  a  place  called  Matinico<:k, 
where  I  met  wilh  some  of  the  people  called  Ranters, 
who  disturbed  our  meeting.  I  may  say  as  the  apostle 
Paul  (only  altering  Ephesus  to  Matinicock)  that  I  fought 
With  beasts  there  ;  and  thence  I  travelled  to  New- York, 
where  we  had  two  meetings  ;  from  thence  we  went  to 
ll  I  Jerseys,  and  there  we  had  several  serviceable  meet- 
ings that  were  large;  and  so  to  Penns\ Ivania,  where 
there  are  many  very  large  meetings  of  friends,  and  the 
Lord  is  wilh  his  people  there,  and  prospereth  them  s]Hrit- 
ually  and  temporally.  Here  I  met  with  m}'  dear  friend 
W  m.  Lilis.  From  Philadelphia,  Rich.  Gove,  of  that  city, 
and  1  traveliedtoJViar}  land,  and  visited  friends  on  the  west- 
ern shore,  and  from  ihenee  to  Vu'ginia-  In  Virginia,  near 
JjiiTies'  river,  I  met  w ith  an  aged  friend  whose  name  was 
Wm.  Pprier.  He  was  ninet} -two  years  of  age,  and  had 
then  a  du lighter  two  years  old.*  We  had  several  meet- 
it  igs  there  amongst  friends  and  others,  many  being  well 
satisfied  concerning  the  truth,  atid  spoke  well  of  it. 

And  after  we  had  had  several  good  and  open  nicetings 
in  \  irgiiiia,  we  lound  ourselves  clear  of  America,  and  in 
order  lor  our  passage,  we  agreed  with  our  friend  F. 
Johnson,  on  board  the  Elizabeth  arid  Mary,  to  carry  us 
for  England, 

*  Some  years  afier,  I  saw  him,  and  he  was  weeding'  Indian  corn  with  a  lioc. 
Hi  was  iiboiit  106  years  ot"  ..g-e,  and  i'  (i  ipw  ,  ds  of  He\c'!ity  children, 
gi-;i  dcii  idren,  ;vnd  gicat-j^ran  -children.  We  were  divers  fViei  ds  of  us  to 
see  him,  and  1  «■  preaciicd  to  us  a  short,  but  vo-y  ;dlt  i  ling- seimon,,  a.T.  ;iear  as  I  remember,  verbatim,  tlius  :  "  Friends,  you  are  curm-  to  see 
inc  In  the  hive  ot  G(.d.  God  is  love,  ;ind  th.ose  that  dwell  m  God,  dwell  in 
lo\e.  I  ilia  ';  God,  i  fc;!  '  s  divine  liu-  everyday  ;.nd  e^e^y  niglu."  He  lived 
to  seeliis  above  mentioned  daughter  married,  and  died,  aged  lOr  years. 


On  the  11th  of  the  first  month,  1698-9.  we  were  ac- 
companied on  board  by  several  friends,  who  abode  with 
us  all  night ;  and  the  next  day,  being  the  first  day  of  the 
week,  we  had  a  little  comfortable  meeting,  and  then  part- 
ed in  much  love,  having  the  evidence  of  the  power  of  the 
Almighty  with  us.  We  waited  for  a  fair  wind  until  the 
20th  of  the  aforesaid  month,  and  left  the  Capes  of  Vir- 
ginia that  day,  and  at  night  we  got  our  ship  into  a  sailing 
posture ;  and  I  was  glad  in  my  spirit,  that  I  was  setting 
my  f  ice  towards  my  native  land  ;  and  more  glad  that  I 
was  returning  with  peace  in  my  bosom.  Oh!  the  power 
and  presence  of  him  who  said.  Go,  teach  all  nations,  was 
sweet  to  my  soul  at  that  time,  and  now  in  some  measure 
I  enjoyed  the  fruits  of  my  having  laboured  in  that  ability 
God  had  given  to  me.  Glory  to  God,  through  Christ, 
who  is  worthy  for  ever !  The  presence  of  God  was  with 
us  on  the  great  ocean,  and  we  were  strengthened  through 
his  goodness  wonderfully.  We  had  several  good  meet- 
ings on  board  our  ship,  and  were  opened  in  the  love  of 
God,  to  the  poor  seamen  very  largely. 

When  we  launched  forth  into  the  deep,  we  were  sev- 
eral ships  in  company  ;  but  we  had  been  but  a  little  time 
at  sea,  before  we  lost  sight  of  them  all.  Several  ships 
passed  by  us  about  a  week  after  we  sailed  ;  and  about 
this  time  we  saw  a  very  large  whale,  which  lifted  itself 
part  out  of  the  water,  with  his  mouth  open,  which  looked 
like  the  entrance  of  a  large  cave.  We  likewise  saw  sev- 
eral other  large  sea-fish,  such  as  grampusses,  sharks.  Sec. 
all  which  shew  forth  the  wondrous  works  of  the  great: 
Creator  of  all  things.  Elizabeth  Webb,  and  Elizabeth 
Lloyd  went  over  with  us  in  this  vessel,  both  virtuous 
women.  About  two  weeks  the  winds  ^vere  mostly  fair 
for  us,  in  which  time  we  got  finely  on  our  way  ;  but  for 
above  a  week  afterwards  the  winds  were  mostly  con- 
trary, and  the  ship  had  a  great  motion,  which  caused 
some  of  us  to  be  sea-sick,  especially  Elizabeth  Lloyd  '^S 

*  She  was  the  daug-hter  of  Thomas  Lloyd,  late  deputy-governor  of  Penn- 
sylvania.    She  lived  and  died  a  virtuous  woman  ;  and,  I  think,  generally  he- 


who  was  but  wcukl_y.  One  nis;ht  our  sailors  thought  that 
an  enemy  or  pirate  was  near  us,  m  ho  fired  two  guns,  and 
so  passed  by  us ;  but  it  beina-  night,  we  could  not  cer- 
tainly know  what  she  was.  1  rather  judged  it  might  be 
some  ship  in  distress,  for  we  saw  one  of  the  ships  that 
evening  that  came  out  with  us,  and  the  next  morning  we 
could  see  none  at  all,  and  there  was  hardly  any  wind  that 
night,  so  I  feared  that  our  companion  had  sprung  a  leak 
and  foundered  ;  and  when  I  toid  our  master  my  opinion, 
he  said,  he  feared  the  same  likewise.  Now,  tor  two 
weeks  time,  or  thereabouts,  we  beat  about  the  sea,  and 
made  little  progress.  Howbeit,  we  had  several  good 
meetinjjs,  ^^  herein  we  tcave  o'lorv  to  God,  our  Saviour  ; 
and  for  e\  er  let  it  ascend,  saith  my  soul,  to  him  over  all ! 
After  contrary  winds,  about  two  weeks,  the  wind  sprung 
11 1")  westerly,  and  was  fair  for  several  days  ;  in  \\  hich 
time  we  got  finely  on  our  way  again,  'and  left  the  West- 
ern IsKmds  about  two  day's  sail  behind  us;  and  then  the 
wnid  A\as  contrary  agAin.  Contrary  winds  are  commonly- 
tedious  at  sea,  but  especially  to  those  that  know  not 
\^1iere  t6  stay  their  minds  ;  but  we  being  several  friends 
of  us  on  board,  that  were  passengers,  had  oftentimes  good 
meetings  several  times  a  week ;  and  if  any  of  our  ship's 
company  came  to  meeting,  they  always  were  sober,  and 
sometimes  tender ;  and  truly  God's  love  was  extended 
to^^-ards  them.  And  when  it  was  not  our  meeting  days, 
we  spent  not  our  time  idl\ ,  but  for  the  most  part  in  read- 
ing the  holy  scriptures,  and  writing,  Sec.  in  which  we 
were  at  sundry  seasons  greatly  refreshed,  strengthened, 
and  comforted.  Oh  !  my  soul !  glorify  God  thy  Maker, 
and  Christ  th}-  Saviour  forever,  in  the  sense  of  his  good- 
ness ar.d  mere}-,  both  by  sea  and  land,  by  night  and  by 
day  !  Afrer  we  had  been  almost  seven  weeks  at  sea,  we 
thought  that  we  were  near  the  land,  but  we  sounded  sev- 
eral days,  and  found  no  bottom,  although  we  let  out 
abundance  of  line,  I  thjnk  aboAC  three  hundred  yards. 

lovcrl  1)\-  :tll  ^vhn  were  .-ic(|ua\ntc(l  w-th  licr.  A\Micn  slie  died  she  was  tlic: 
wifcot'  ;);iniclZ;Kliar\,  ii  iiurtliaiU  of  Boston,  New-Eng-land,  well  known,  and 
much  bc-lovcd  thcix*,  for  her  piely  and  virtue. 


About  ihis  time  our  doctor  dreamed  a  dream,  which 
was  to  this  effect ;  him^^elf  related  it  to  me  ;  he  said, 
"  He  dreamed  that  he  went  on  shore  at  a  great  and  spa- 
cious town,  the  buildings  whereof  were  high,  and  the 
streets  broad ;  and  as  he  went  up  the  street  he  saw  a 
large  sign,  on  which  was  written,  in  great  golden  letters, 
SHAME.  At  the  door  of  the  house  to  which  the  sign 
belonged,  stood  a  woman  with  a  can  in  her  hand,  ^vho 
said  unto  him,  Doctor,  will  you  drink  ?  he  replied,  with 
all  mv  heart,  for  I  have  not  drank  any  thing  but  water  a 
great  while,  (our  wine  and  cider  being  all  spent,  having 
had  a  long  passage)  and  he  drank  a -hearty  draught,  which 
h'^  said,  made  him  merry;  so  he  went  up  the  street  reel- 
ing to  and  fro,  when  a  grim  fellow  coming  behind  him, 
clapped  him  on  the  shoulder,  and  told  him,  that  he  ar- 
rested him  in  the  name  of  the  governor  of  the  place.  He 
asked  him  for  what ;  and  said.  What  have  I  done  ?  He 
answered,  for  stealing  the  woman's  can  ;  the  can  he  had 
indeed,  and  so  he  was  had  before  the  governor,  which 
was  a  mighty  black  dog,  the  biggest  and  grimmest  that 
ever  he  saw  in  his  life ;  and  witness  was  brought  in  against 
him  by  an  old  companion  of  his,  and  he  was  found  guilty, 
and  his  sentence  was  to  go  to  prison,  and  there  lay  for 

He  told  me  this  dream  so  punctually,  and  with  such 
an  emphasis,  that  it  affected  me  with  serious  sadness,  and 
caused  my  heart  to  move  within  me ;  for  to  me  the 
dream  seemed  true,  and  the  interpretation  sure  :  I  then 
told  him  he  was  an  ingenious  man,  and  might  clearly  see 
the  interpretation  of  that  dream,  which  exactly  answered 
to  his  state  and  condition,  which  I  thus  interpreted  to 
him  :  "  This  great  and  spacious  place,  wherein  the 
buildings  were  high  and  the  streets  broad,  is  thy  great 
and  high  profession  :  the  sign,  on  which  was  written 
shame,  which  thou  sawest,  and  the  woman  at  the  door, 
with  the  can  in  her  hand,  truly  represents  that  great,  cry- 
ing, and  shameful  sin  of  drunkenness,  which  thou  know- 
est  to  be  thy  great  weakness,  which  the  woman  with  the 
can  did  truly  represent  to  thee  ;  the  grim  fellow  who  ar- 
rested thee  in  the  devil's  territories,  is  death,  who  will 


assuredly  arrest  all  mortals ;  the  governor  whom  thou 
sawest,  representing  a  great  black  chjg,  is  certainly  the 
devil,  who  after  his  servants  have  served  him  to  the  full, 
wil!  torment  them  eternally  in  hell."  So  he  got  up,  as  it 
were  in  haste,  and  said,  God  forbid  !  it  is  nothing  but  a 
dream.  But  I  told  him  it  was  a  very  significant  one, 
and  a  warning  to  him  from  the  Almighty,  who  some- 
times speaks  to  men  by  dreams. 

In  seven  weeks  after  we  left  sight  of  the  land  of  Amer- 
ica, we  saw  the  Scilly  islands,  and  next  day  saw  the  land 
of  England,  which  was  a  comfortable  sight  to  us  ;  in 
that  God  Almighty  had  preserved  us  hitherto,  and  that 
we  were  so  fir  got  on  our  way.  We  drove  about  the 
channel's  mouth  for  several  days  for  want  of  wind  ;  after 
which,  for  two  days  the  wind  came  up,  and  we  got  as  f:u' 
up  the  channel  as  Limebay,  and  then  an  easterly  wind 
blew  fresh  for  several  days,  and  we  turned  to  windu^ard, 
but  rather  lost  than  got  on  our  way,  which  was  tiresome 
and  tedious  to  some  of  us. 

Nov\^  about  diis  time,  being  some  days  after  the  doc- 
tor's dream,  a  grievous  accident  happened  to  us.  We 
meeting  with  a  Dutch  vessel,  in  Limebay,  a  little  above 
the  Start,  hailed  her,  and  she  us.  They  said  they  came 
from  Lisbon,  and  were  bound  for  Holland.  She  was 
loaded  with  wine,  brandy,  fruit,  and  such  like  commodi- 
ties and  we  having  little  but  water  to  drink,  by  reason 
our  passage  was  longer  than  we  expected,  therefore  we 
sent  our  boat  on  board,  in  order  to  buy  us  a  little  wine 
to  drink  with  our  water.  Our  doctor,  and  a  merchant 
that  was  a  passenger,  and  one  sailor,  went  on  board, 
where  they  staid  until  some  of  them  were  overcome  with 
wine,  although  they  were  desired  to  beware  thereof;  so 
that  when  they  came  back,  a  rope  being  handed  to  them, 
(they  being  filled  with  wine  unto  excess)  were  not  capa- 
l3le  of  using  it  dexterously,  insomuch  that  they  overset 
tht  boat,  and  she  turned  bottom  upwards,  having  the 
doctor  under  her.  The  merchant  caught  hold  of  a  rope 
called  the  main-sheet,  whereby  his  life  was  saved.  The 
sailor  not  getting  so  much  drink  as  the  other  two,  got 
nimbly  on  the  bottom  of  the  boat,  and  floated  on  the 


water  till  such  time  as  our  other  boat  was  hoisted  out, 
which  was  done  with  great  speed,  and  we  took  him  in ; 
but  the  doctor  was  drowned  before  the  boat  came. 
The  seaman  that  sat  upon  the  boat  saw  him  sink,  but 
could  not  help  him.  This  was  the  greatest  exercise  that 
we  met  with  in  all  our  voyage  ;  and  much  the  more  so, 
as  the  doctor  was  of  an  evil  life  and  conversation,  and 
much  given  to  excess  in  drinking.  When  he  got  on 
board  the  aforesaid  ship  ;  the  master  sent  for  a  can  of 
wine,  and  said,  doctor,  will  you  drink  ?  He  replied,  yes, 
with  all  my  heart,  for  I  have  drank  no  wine  a  great 
while.  Upon  which  he  drank  a  hearty  draught,  that 
made  him  merry  (as  he  said  in  his  dream)* ;  and  not. 
withstanding  the  admonition  which  was  so  clearly  mani- 
fested to  him  but  three  days  before,  and  the  many  pro. 
mises  he  had  made  to  Almighty  God,  some  of  which  I 
was  a  witness  of,  when  strong  convictions  were  upon 
him,  yet  now  he  was  unhappily  overcome,  and  in  drink 
when  he  was  drowned.  This  is,  I  think,  a  lively  re- 
presentation of  the  tender  mercy,  and  just  judgment  of 
the  Almighty  to  poor  mortals  ;  and  I  thought  it  worthy 
to  be  recorded  to  posterity,  as  a  warning  to  all  great 
lovers  of  wine  and  strong  liquors.  This  exercise  was 
so  great  to  me,  that  I  could  not  for  several  days  get 
over  it ;  and  one  day  while  I  was  musing  in  my  mind 
©n  those  things  relating  to  the  doctor,  it  was  opened  to 
me,  that  God  and  his  servants  were  clear,  and  his  blood 
was  on  his  own  head  ;  for  he  had  been  faithfully  warned 
©f  his  evil  ways. 

We  were  obliged  by  contrary  winds  to  put  into  Plym- 
outh harbour,  and  from  Plymouth  I  went  by  coach  to 
London,  where  I  was  gladly  received  by  my  relations 
and  friends.  In  this  journey  I  travelled  about  2000  miles 
by  land,  and  6000  by  water.  I  got  to  the  yearly  meetinp- 
of  friends  in  London,  in  the  year  1699  (which  was  large) 

*  This  relation  of  the  doctor's  drerim,  wlien  I  was  at  Barbadoes,  I  had  oc- 
casion to  write  about  to  a  friend  in  Ireland,  which  he  t^ot  pi  nted  thi  iv,  wlii«Il 
J^  the  same  With  this  in  substance,  only  this  is  somswhat  fuller  and  liu-jfer. 


arcl  was  at  di^"crs  public  meetings  fcr  the  worship  of 
Ainiighly  Gud.  I  may  triuy  say,  the  Holy  Ghost  was 
amongst  us,  blessed  be  God  our  Suviour  for  evermore. 
In  this  year  I  thought  it  my  place  to  enter  into  a  mar- 
ried  state,  and  I  acquainted  my  fatlier  of  my  design, 
and  that  I  inciined  to  make  choice  of  Martha  Betterton, 
a  religious  young  woman,  whom  I  entirely  loved  for  that 
piet} ,  virtue,  and  modesty,  which  I  beheld  in  her  :  I 
was  in  the  twenty -fourth  year  of  n^y  age,  and  she  in  her 
twenty-first.  I  likewise  acquainted  her  father  and  moth- 
er with  my  intentions,  to  which  both  our  parents  con- 
sented ;  her  father  saving  (when  I  spoke  to  him)  go  to- 
gether, and  the  Lord  bless  }ou  together.  And  my  fath- 
er said,  it  I  was  \\orth  my  weight  in  gold,  she  deserved 
me.  The  heartintss  of  both  our  fathers  in  this  matter, 
was  more  to  me  than  a  portion  of  silver  or  gold,  of  which 
we  had  but  very  little;  but  our  love  to  each  other  was 
very  great,  and  being  well  and  honourably  grounded,  it 
was  not  easily  shaken.  So  after  consent  of  parents,  wc 
proposed  our  intentions  of  marriage  to  the  monthly  meet- 
irigs  unto  which  we  belonged ;  and  because  I  had  been 
travelling  in  America,  I  had  certificates  from  my  breth- 
ren there,  not  only  of  my  industry  and  labour  in  the  min- 
istry, with  the  good  effects  thereof,  but  also  of  my 
clearness  in  relation  to  marriage  ;  and  after  having  twice 
published  our  intentions,  we  had  liberty  of  the  said  meet- 
ing to  proceed  to  the  solemnization  of  our  marriage, 
which  was  accomplished  at  Devonshire-house,  in  London, 
at  a  meetifig  appointed  for  that  end,  on  the  28th  day  of 
the  seventh  mon-h,  in  the  aforesaid  year,  in  the  presence 
of  many  hundreds  of  people,  and  many  worthy  brethren 
and  elders.  A  day  of  days  it  was  to  my  soul !  wherein 
I  was  made  sensible  of  the  love  and  goodness  of  God  in 
a  particular  manner,  which  to  me  was  an  earnest  of  our 
future  well-doing.  My  dear  wife  was  one  who  truly 
loved  and  feared  God,  and  had  an  excellent  gift  of  the 
ministry  given  unto  her,  and  was  serviceable  therein. 
[A  paper  coming  to  my  hands  of  her  own  hand- writing 
ai\d  composing,  I  transcribe  it  here.  She  calls  it,  an 
account  of  the  exercise  of  Martliu  Betterton,  viz.     ' '  As. 


I  was  walking  in  the  city  of  London,  with  a  concern  on 
my  mind,  in  beholding  the  abominable  pride  of  the  peo- 
ple ;  it  opened  upon  my  mind  in  this  wise  :  Wo,  wo  !  to 
the  crown  of  pride  !  And  then  I  was  deeply  bowed  in  my 
spirit  before  the  Lord,  and  it  was  said  to  me,  I  will  yet 
spare  a  little  longer  ;  I  have  sheep  which  I  will  gather 
home  to  me,  and  there  shall  be  one  shepherd  and  one 
sheepfold.  Then  I  said  in  my  heart,  Oh!  Lord,  shall  I 
be  one  of  thy  sheep  belonging  to  thy  sheepfold  of  eternal 
rest.  And  again  it  was  answered  me.  My  sheep  hear 
my  voice,  and  they  follow  me.  Then  a  cry  was  raised  ia 
me,  Cause  me  to  hear  thy  voice  ;  and  not  only  so,  but 
enable  me  to  obey  the  same.  And  then  this  charge  was 
returned  to  me.  Be  thou  faithful."] 

Soon  after  I  was  married,  I  had  a  concern  to  visit 
friends  in  the  counties  of  Surry,  Sussex,  and  Kent,  which 
I  performed  in  about  two  weeks  time,  and  came  home 
and  followed  my  calling,  and  was  industrious  therein  ; 
and,  when  I  had  gotten  something  to  bear  my  expenses, 
and  settle  my  wife  in  some  little  business,  I  found  an  ex- 
ercise on  my  spirit  to  go  over  to  Ireland,  to  visit  our 
friends  and  brethren  on  that  island,  in  which  William 
Townshend  accompanied  me,  and  friends  in  that  nation 
were  generally  satisfied  with  our  service  among  them. 
When  we  had  been  from  home  about  ten  weeks,  and  had 
visited  most  parts  of  that  nation,  having  had  many  meet- 
ings among  friends,  and  others,  we  found  freedom  in  our 
minds  to  return  home,  which  we  did,  being  comforted  in 
our  service,  and  blessed  the  name  of  the  Lord. 

After  some  few  months,  I  acquainted  my  wife  and  my 
father,  with  her  father  and  mother,  that  I  thought  it  my 
duty  to  go  over  and  live  in  America.  To  which  propo- 
sal my  father  consented,  though  with  tenderness  of  heart, 
considering  that  I  must  be  so  far  separated  from  him.  I 
also  laid  it  before  the  monthly  meeting  of  friends,  at 
Horsley-down,  in  Southwark,  of  which  meeting  I  was  a 
member,  who  consented  to  it,  though  somewhat  unwilling 
to  part  with  us,  and  gave  us  their  certificate,  to  let  our 
brethren  know  that  we  were  in  love  and  unity  with  them, 
and  walked  according  to  our  profession.     And  when  we 


were  ready,  and  in  order  for  going,  we  agreed  for  the 
frt  ight  ci  our  goods  and  servants,  with  John  Snowdtn, 
and  thtm  on  board  the  Josiah,  bound  lor  Mary- 
land. When  the  ship  was  at  Gravescnd,  and  ready  to 
sail,  several  of  our  dear  relations  and  friends  accompanied 
us  to  the  ship,  on  board  of  which  we  had  a  good  meeting, 
and  took  our  solemn  leave  of  one  another,  as  never  ex- 
pecting to  see  each  other  any  more  in  this  world.  It  was 
a  solenm  time  indeed !  We  prayed  for  one  another,  and 
so  parted,  our  ship  sailing  that  evening,  and  we  got  to 
INiargate-road,  where  we  anchored,  and  the  wind  sprung 
tip  very  fresh,  and  bievv  tempestuously,  so  that  we  broke 
our  cable,  and  iost  our  best  bower  anclior,  and  diove  vio- 
lently towards  the  Goodwin  Sands.  We  let  go  our  sheet 
anchor,  and  three  more,  which  were  all  we  had,  but  they 
did  not  stop  her  ;  upon  which  the  master  ordered  the 
carpenters  to  stand  by  the  mainmast,  with  their  axes  upon 
their  shoulders,  and  when  he  gave  the  word,  then  they 
were  to  cut  the  mast.  The  people  in  the  ship  (there 
being  divers  passengers),  were  in  a  great  consternation, 
expecting  nothing  but  death:  but,  for  my  part,  being  ex- 
ceedingly sea  sick,  and  having  been  in  many  storms,  I 
was  not  so  much  surprized  with  this,  the  sailors  some- 
times making  a  great  noise  M'hen  there  is  but  little  danger; 
but  there  was  more  danger  than  I  was  aware  of,  as  ap- 
peared afterwards.  One  of  the  passengers  came  weeping, 
and  said,  our  case  was  very  bad.  The  doctor  also  came 
in  the  same  manner ;  and  cried.  Oh  !  Mr  Chalkley  we 
are  all  dead  men  !  Then  I  thought  with  myself,  I  would 
go  out  on  deck,  and  see  what  the  matter  was  ;  and  when 
on  deck,  I  went  to  the  pilot,  who  had  the  lead  in  his 
hand,  and  he  sounded,  and  cried  out.  Lord  have  mercy 
upon  us  !  she  is  gone,  she  is  gone,  she  is  gone!  by 
V  hich  I  perceived  that  we  were  very  near  the  Goodv\^in 
S.nds,  on  which  many  ships  have  been  lost  with  all  their 
crews.  In  this  sense  of  danger  I  sent  for  the  passengers 
into  the  cabin,  and  told  them  that  I  thought  it  would  be 
well  for  us  to  sit  still  together,  and  look  unto,  and  wait 
upon  God,  to  see  what  he  would  !>lc  ise  to  do  for  I's;  ihat, 
if  death  came,  we  might  meet  him  in  as  good  a  frame  of 


mind  as  we  could,  and  that  we  might  not  be  surprised 
be;,  orid  measure  ;  and  as  we  were  thus  composed  in  our 
minds,  a  concern  came  upon  my  dear  wife,  and  she  pray- 
ed to  God,  the  Father,  in  the  living  power  and  sense  ot 
his  Son  ;  and  he  heard  from  his  holy  habitation,  and  an- 
swered the  prayer  :  for  immediately  after  the  wind  abat- 
ed, ar.d  our  anchors  held  us.  This  was  a  great  deliver- 
ance, which  is  not  to  be  forgotten.  When  we  saw  the 
longed-for  morning,  we  were  very  near  the  sands  and  the 
sea  ran  prodigiously  high,  and  broke  upon  them  might- 
ily, so  that  we  were  forced  to  leave  our  cables  and  an- 
chors, and  make  the  best  of  our  way  to  Deal,  as  well  as 
we  could.  One  of  the  owners  being  on  shore,  and  see- 
ing us  in  distress,  sent  off  a  cable  and  anchor  to  us  ;  and 
we  anchored  before  Deal  with  our  new  cable  and  anchor, 
and  sent  a  boat  for  our  other  anchors  and  cables,  when  it 
was  calm,  which  brought  them  to  us.  Ar.d  after  we 
had  supplied  ourselves  with  what  we  wanted,  we  put  ^o 
sea  again,  and  had  fair  winds  till  we  got  as  far  as  the 
Western- Islands,  where  captain  Cant,  being  in  company 
with  us,  spoke  with  our  captain  in  the  evenmg,  and  the 
two  captains  concluded  it  would  be  stormy  that  night, 
which  happened  accordingly.  They  took  in  their  sails, 
and  we  all  but  our  mainsail ;  notwithstanding  which,  the 
storm  was  such,  that  we  lost  our  main-mast,  sprung  the 
head  of  our  fore-mast,  and  broke  our  cross-jack  yard, 
and  thus  lay  rolling  upon  the  sea  for  about  two  weeks  : 
the  ship  Bristol-merchant  coming  by  in  that  time,  lent 
us  a  spare  top-mast,  of  which  we  made  a  main-mast,  and 
a  top-mast  of  our  top-gallant -mast,  and  so  refitted  out 
as  well  as  we  could,  and  h..d  a  pretty  good  pass- 
age afterwards.  We  were  about  eight  weeks  from  the 
Land's-End  to  the  capes  of  Virginia  ;  had  meetings  twice 
a  week  on  board,  and  they  helped  to  stay  our  minds  on 
our  Maker,  though  our  bodies  were  tossed  to  and  again 
on  the  mighty  waters.  We  went  on  shore  at  Putuxent 
river,  and  went  by  land  to  Herring  bay,  where  I,  my 
wife,  and  fl^mily,  tarried  that  winter ;  and  I,  with  my 
three  servants  followed  my  calling.     In  the  spring  we 


transported  ourselves,  our  goods,  and  servants,  from 
Maryland  to  Pennsylvania,  where  we  intended  to  settle, 
when  we  came  from  our  native  country.  At  Pniiadei- 
phia  I  boui^ht  a  lot  of  ground  upon  the  river  Deiaware, 
and  there  I  followed  my  calling  th  :t  summer  ;  and  in  the 
fall  I  had  an  inward  call  to  visit  friends  in  Barbadoes, 
which  I  proposed  to  our  monthly  meeting,  and  they  cer- 
tified on  my  behiilf  that  they  had  unity  with  me  in  my  pro. 
posal,  conversation,  and  ministry  ;  so  I  took  ship  at  Phil- 
adelphia, about  the  twentieth  of  the  seventh  month,  1701, 

on  board  the  Abraham, Street,  commmder,   and 

was  about  a  month  on  our  voyage  ;  (Josiah  Langdale  was 
with  me).  We  had  several  good  meetings  in  the  ship 
to  our  satisfaction  ;  and  were  well  received,  and  had 
many  meetings  at  Barbadoes,  which  were  often  very  large 
and  open,  and  some  of  the  people  loving  and  tender. 
We  had  several  meetings  at  Bridge-town,  Si^eight's- 
town,  the  Spring,  and  the  Thickets,  and  at  Pumpkin- 
hill;  and  after  behig  there  about  six  weeks,  we  went  in  a 
sloop  to  Bermuda,  where  we  found  but  very  few  friends, 
yet  had  meetings  in  several  places,  and  at  the  houses  of 
some  people  who  were  not  of  our  profession  ;  and  the 
longer  we  tarried,  the  larger  our  meetings  were  ;  and 
many  began  to  be  affected  and  spoke  well  of  us  and  our 
devotion,  but  some  were  disturbed,  and  spoke  to  the 
governor  to  break  up  our  meetings ;  which  at  the  de- 
sire of  one  of  the  inhabitants  we  had  appointed  at  his 
house  :  upon  which  he  sent  orders  by  one  of  his  colonels 
to  break  up  our  meeting,  which  troubled  divers  sober 
people.  After  this  I  met  with  the  governor  at  the  house 
of  one  judge  Stafford ;  and  he  being  a  moderate  man, 
we  had  the  following  discourse,  viz. 

Gov.  How  do  you  like  our  country  ?  We  are  but  a 
little  spot  in  the  sea. 

T.  C.  I  like  it  well  for  its  moderate  climate.     If  the 
people  were  moderate  also,  it  would  be  well. 

Gov.  Doth  it  answer  your  end  in  coming  ? 

T.  C.  My  end  in  coming,  was  to  visit  the  people  in 
christian  iove. 


Gov.  Do  you  think  the  people  will  be  brought  over? 

T.  C.  If  they  are  brought  to  truth  and  righteousness, 
it  will  be  well  for  them.    That  is  the  end  of  our  coming. 

Gov.  If  you  had  acquainted  me  with  your  design, 
when  you  first  came,  you  had  done  well.  It  was  your 

T.  C.  If  we  had  known  the  governor's  will  herein,  or  that 
thou  wouldest  have  spoken  with  us,  we  should  have  readi- 
ly answered  it :  but  knowing  nothing  of  it,  we  could  not 
tell  but  that  it  might  be  taken  for  rudeness  in  us,  con- 
sidering our  homeiy  way  and  manner  of  addressing  such 

Gov.  Then  your  design  in  coming  here  was  to  preach. 
Had  you  no  other  end  ? 

'    T.  C.  Yes.     As  we   found   a  concern   upon   us   to 
preach,  and  a  desire  in  the  people  to  hear. 

Gov.  Why  do  you  not  tarry  with  them  ?  that  looks 
strange.  Here  the  people  are  aftected  with  you,  and 
you  go  away  and  leave  them  :  upon  my  word  I  blame 
you  for  that. 

T.  C.  We  do  not  direct  them  to  men,  but  to  the  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  their  teacher,  and  bishop  of  their  souls. 
And  why  should  our  leaving  them  look  strange  to  the 
governor?  for  it  was  the  practice  of  the  apostles  of  our 
Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and  his  own  practice  and  command 
to  his  followers.  And  further,  the  apostles  (which  word 
signifies  ambassadors  or  messengers)  say,  follow  us,  as 
we  are  followers  of  Christ.  And  they  travelled  up  and 
down  the  world  preaching  the  gospel ;  and  our  great 
Lord  himself  had  not  whereon  to  lay  his  head. 

Gov.  The  apostles  were  inspired  men :  inspired  by 
the  Holy  Spirit  to  preach  the  gospel.  I  suppose  you  do 
not  pretend  to  be  inspired. 

T.  C.  Every  true  christian  ought  to  pray  for  the 
pouring  out  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  or  Holy  Ghost  upon  him* 
The  church  of  England  *  also  prays  for  it,  the  receiving; 
of  which  is  inspiration. 

Of  whifih  church  the  govemor  was  a  member 


Gov.  Your  reasons  being  grounded  on  scripture,  you 
'are  well  grounded  ;  for  no  man  can  deny  the  scriptures. 
Tj^cu  you  say  }  ou  are  inspired  ? 

T.  C.  I  hope  1  am.  I  pray  for  it  with  great  earnest- 

Gov\  Then  it  is  but  ask,  and  have,  you  think. 

T.  C.  If  we  ask  in  faith,  without  wavering,  we  shall 
receive,  according  to  the  doctrine  of  Christ  and  his  apos* 
tits  in  the  New  Testament. 

Gov.  Well,  If  any  have  a  desire  to  hear  you,  you  may 
preach  and  welcome. 

After  I  had  this  discourse  with  the  governor,  it  was 
reported,  on  the  island,  that  the  governor  had  given  us 
a  license  to  preach,  which  report  was  not  true,  further 
than  the  aforesaid  discourse,  and  then  we  had  larger 
meeti'.'gs  than  before.  We  had  a  meeting  at  judge  Staf- 
ford's house,  and  one  at  a  house  not  far  from  his. 

It  is  observable  that  this  island  hath  formerly  been  a 
very  healthy  and  fruitful  place.  Red- cedar,  or  sweet- 
wood,  is  all  the  timber  they  have  in  the  island,  with  which 
they  build  their  houses,  make  their  liousehold  goods> 
build  their  ships  and  sloops,  and  make  their  fires  ;  s« 
that  there  is  continually  a  fragrant  and  pleasant  smell, 
which  we  could  smell  at  sea  sometime  before  we  saw 
the  land ;  and  it  is  yet  a  pretty  healthy  and  fruitful  isl- 
and,  but  not  so  healthy  and  fruitful  as  formerly.  In  one 
of  the  meetings  I  v/as  concerned  to  let  them  know,  that 
it  was  the  evil  of  their  ways  and  doings  that  had  caused 
the  Almighty  to  withhold  from  them  the  fruits  of  the 
earth,  and  to  make  their  island  more  unhealthy  than 
formerly  it  was.  After  meeting,  the  judge  told  me  I 
had  said  truly,  for  that  was  the  cause ;  and  if  I  had 
spoke  more  to  thiit  matter,  or  on  that  subject,  I  had  done 
well.     Several  were  convinced  at  this  time  on  this  island. 

Soon  after  an  opportunity  offered,  in  a  sloop  belong- 
ing to  this  island,  that  was  bound  for  Philadelphia,  in 
\\  hich  we  (being  clear)  embarked,  and  on  our  voyage  had 
indifferent  eood  weather,  only  one  hard  gale  of  wind, 
which  caused  us  to  hand  our  jib.  A  mulatto  man  named, 
Stavo,  (the  master's  servant)  went  out  upon  the  bowsprit 


iio  hand  the  sail,  and  there  came  a  sea  and  waslicd  him  off; 
and  the  vessel  ran  over  him  ;  and,  in  all  probabilit}  ,  he 
had  certainly  been  drowned,  had  he  not  been  a  good 
swimmer;  for  he  swam,  as  we  judged,  three  quarters  of 
a  mile,  before  he  got  to  the  sloop,  it  not  coming  into 
any  one's  mind  to  lower  the  sails,  until  I  sharply  or- 
dered it  to  be  done,  which  they  then  did  readily  ;  and 
the  course  of  the  vessel  being  stopped,  he  soon  got  on 
board,  having  stripped  himself  of  his  clothes  in  the  sea, 
and  brought  them  in  his  mouth.  I  was  very  thankful 
for  the  poor  fellow's  life,  and  praised  the  Lord  in  the 
secret  of  my  soul  for  his  preservation.  In  about  two 
weeks  time  we  arrived  at  Phikdelphia,  and  1  hid  great 
peace  in  my  labours  in  this  visit,  in  which  I  Avas  from 
home  about  five  months.  The  friends  of  Barbadoes 
were  so  well  satisfied  with  this  labour  of  love,  that  they 
certified  the  same  by  way  of  certificate,  more  than  is 
proper  for  me  to  mention.  But  though  they  thought  so 
well  of  me,  yet  I  had  occasion  to  thiak  very  meanly  of 
myself,  for  I  was  emptied  to  exceeding  great  spiritual 
poverty  at  times. 

After  I  came  home  from  Barbadoes  and  Bermuda,  I 
followed  my  calling,  and  kept  to  meetiiigs  diligendy  ; 
for  I  was  not  easy  to  be  idle,  either  in  my  spiritual  or 
temporal  callings;  and,  at  times,  travelled  in  the  work  of 
the  ministry  in  our  own  province,  in  which  there  are 
many  large  meetings  of  friends,  and  they  increase  and 
multiply  from  time  to  time.  Since  my  settling  in  this 
province,  m  hich  is  now  about  a  year,  some  hunch'eds  of 
people  are  come  here  to  settle,  and  divers  meeting-houses 
are  built ;  and  I  do  certainly  know  from  above,  that  this 
province  of  Pennsylvania,  and  city  of  Phikidtlphia,  will 
flourish  both  s])iritually  and  temporally,  if  the  inhabit;.; .its 
will  love,  and  live,  in  righteousness,  and  in  the  fear  of 
God;  otherwise  the  hand  that  planted  them  can  soon 
pluck  them  up.  After  some  time,  I  was  drawn  forth  to 
visit  friends  in  Maryland,  Virginia,  andNorth-Caroiina, 
and  went  with  the  unity  of  friends,  having  their  certifi- 
cate ;  according  to  the  good  order  establish',  d  among  us  ; 
so  about  the    26th  of  the    1st   month,   1703,   I  went 



through  Maryland,  and  visited  friends  in  Virginia  and 
Korth-Curolina,  to  the  river  Pamlieo,  where  no  travel- 
ling, publie  friends,  that  ever  I  heard  of,  were  before, 
and  we  hdd  several  meetings  there  on  each  side  of  the 
river.  One  day  going  out  of  our  canoe  through  a  marsh, 
I  trod  on  a  rattle-snake,  w  Inch  is  accounted  one  of  the 
most  poisonous  snakes ;  but  it  only  hissed  at  me,  and 
did  no  harm.  This  was  one  deliverance,  among  many, 
which  the  Loid,  by  his  providence,  wrought  for  me  ; 
and  I  bless  his  holy  name  for  all  his  mercies.  In  going 
to,  and  coming  from  this  |)lace,  we  lay  two  nights  in  the 
woods,  and  I  thi.k  I  never  slept  better  in  all  my  life.  It 
Was  the  eighth  hoiu-  in  the  evening,  when  I  laid  down  on 
the  ground,  one  night,  my  saddle  being  my  pillow,  at 
the  root  of  a  tree,  and  it  was  four  o'clock  in  the  morning 
when  they  called  me.  When  I  awoke,  I  thought  of 
good  Jacob's  Iodising  he  hcd  on  his  way  to  Padan  Aram, 
when  he  saw  the  holy  vision  of  angels,  with  the  ladder, 
whose  top  reached  to  heaven.  Very  sweet  was  the  love 
of  God  to  my  soul  that  morning,  and  the  dew  of  the  ever- 
lasting hills  refreshed  me  ;  and  I  went  on  my  way,  prais- 
ing the  Lord,  and  magnifx  ing  the  God  of  my  salvation. 
In  this  journey  I  met  with  another  remarkable  deliver- 
ance, goiiigover  a  river  eight  miles  broad,  we  put  our 
horses,  we  being  eight  men  and  seven  horses,  into  two 
canoes  tied  toirether,  and  our  horses  stood  with  their 
fore  feet  in  one,  and  their  hind  feet  in  the  other.  It  was 
calm  when  we  set  out,  but  when  we  were  about  the  mid- 
dle of  the  river,  the  wind  rose,  and  the  seas  ran  high,  and 
split  one  of  our  canoes,  so  that  with  our  hats  we  were 
obliged  to  cast  out  the  water ;  and  with  much  difficulty, 
at  last,  all  of  us,  with  oiu'  horses,  got  safe  on  shore, 
through  the  good  pro\idence  of  God.  And  on  our  re- 
turn through  North- Carolina,  we  had  several  large  meet- 
ings, and  an  open  time  it  was  ;  as  also  at  Nansemond  and 
Chockatuck,  and  se\'eral  other  places  in  Virginia  ;  and 
when  my  service  was  o\  er  in  those  t^vo  provinces,  I  went 
back  to  Maryland,  and  visited  meetings  there,  and  then 
went  home.  As  near  as  I  can  compute  it,  I  rode  about 
a  thousand  miles  in  this  iournev  ;  after  which  I  staid  at 


.  home,  following  my  business,  in  order  to  the  maintenance 
of  my  fumil}',  Ijeing  blessed  with  a  wife,  children,  ser- 
vants, and  other  things;  for  which  I  am  truly  than:s-i'i.iL 
While  1  was  at  home  I  visired  the  neighbouring  m  et- 
ings,  as  I  found  a  con  ern  on  nvy  mi;;d  ;  and  on  the  6th 
day  of  the  third  month,  1704,  I  laid  before  our  qu:irter!y 
meeting  of  ministers  and  elders,  an  exercise  th:it  was 
upon  my  mind,  to  visit  our  friends'  meetings  on  Long- 
Island,  Rhode- Island,  and  in  New- England,  and  the 
places  adjacent;  from  which  quarterly  meeting  I  had  a 
good  certificate,  which  I  thought  it  my  duty  to  endeav- 
om-  to  live  up  unto ;  and  being  accompanied  by  several 
friends  to  Burlington  and  Croswicks,  Joseph  Glaster 
behigmy  fellow-labourer  in  the  work  of  the  gospel:  at 
the  two  aforesaid  jilaces,  we  had  meetings,  and  then  we 
travelled  to  New- York  and  Long- Island,  where  we  had 
divers  meetings  ;  as  at  Flushing,  Westbury,  Jerusalem, 
Jericho,  Bethpage,  Matinicock,  and  also  at  West- Chester, 
on  the  main  ;  and  from  thence  we  travelled  to  Rhode- 
Island  yearly  meeting,  which  was  large  and  serviceable  to 
many.  From  hence  Joseph  Glaster  went  towards  Bos- 
ton, the  inland  wa}-,  and  I  went  by  the  sea  side  ;  and  we 
met  together,  after  I  had  been  at  meetings  in  divers 
places,  viz.  Dartmouth  and  Nantucket-Island,  at  which 
island  there  are  large  meetings,  people  there  being  most- 
1}'  friends,  and  a  sober  growing  people  in  the  best  things  ; 
though  not  of  our  society  when  they  first  received  the 
truth,  yet  they  received  it  with  gladness  ;  and  although 
divers  of  the  people  called  Presbyterians  were  very  cruel 
in  their  expressions,  and  bitter  in  their  spirits  against  us, 
yet  there  were  some  who  went  under  that  name,  who 
were  more  open  and  charitable  towards  us,  and  received 
us  gladly  with  tenderness ;  and  at  some  places  we  had 
meetings  at  their  bouses  to  our  mutual  satisfaction.  We 
likewise  had  meetings  at  Suckanuset,  Scituate,  and  Sand- 
wich. About  this  time  the  Indians  were  very  barbarous 
in  the  destruction  of  the  English  inhabitants,  scalping 
some,  and  knocking  out  the  brains  of  others,  men,  wom- 
en, and  children,  by  which  the  country  was  greatly  alarm- 
ed, both  night  and  day;  but  tlie  Great  Lord  of  all  was 


pleased  wonderfully  to  preserve  our  friends,  especially 
thoht  \\ho  kept  fcithlul  to  their  peaceable  prir.ciple,  ac- 
cording to  the  doctrine  of  Christ  in  the  hoh  scriptures,  as 
recorded  in  his  excellent  sermon  which  he  preached  on 
the  Mount,  in  the  5fh,  6th,  and  7th  chapters  of  Ma- 
thew,  which  is  quite  oj:)posite  to  killing,  revenge,  and 
destruction,  even  of  our  enemies :  and  because  our 
fritiids  could  not  join  with  those  of  fightiiig  principles 
and  practices,  some  of  them  were  put  into  prison  ;  divers 
people  railing,  and  speaking  very  bitterly  against  their 
peaceable  neighbours,  ar.d  wishing  the  quakcrs  might  be 
cut  ufF. 

Some  of  the  New- England  priests  and  professors  were 
so  bitter  against  friends,  tha!  instead  of  being  humbled, 
urder  the  mighty  hand  of  God  upon  them,  in  suffering 
the  Indians  to  destroy  them,  they  expressed  their  enmity 
against  the  poor  quakers,  on  a  day  appointed  for  humili- 
ation and  a  fast ;  and  particularly  in  a  sermon  preached 
by  one  of  their  priests,  which  he  divided  into  three 
hetids,  viz.  First,  That  the  judgments  of  God  were  upon 
them,  in  ietiirig  loose  the  savage  Indians  to  destroy  them. 
Secondly,  In  that  he  withheld  the  fruits  of  the  earth 
from  thtm  (for  there  was  great  scarcity).  Thirdly,  That 
the  quakers  prevailed,  and  were  suffered  to  increase  so 
much  among  them ;  >vhich  he  said,  was  worse  than  the 
Indians  destroying  of  them,  and  gave  this  absurd  reason 
for  it ;  the  Indians  destroy  our  bodies,  but  the  quakers 
destroy  the  soui^."  This  is  an  abominable  falsehood; 
for  it  is  sin  that  destroys  the  soul  :  and  such  as  those 
that  preach  to  the  people  that  there  is  no  freedom  from 
it  in  this  M'orld,  contradict  Christ's  doctrine,  "  Be  ye  per- 
fect," &c.  And  that  of  the  apostles,  "  He  that  is  born 
of  God  cannot  sin."  And  thus  their  blind  guides  mis- 
tr^ke  light  for  darkness,  and  darkness  for  light.  Amonp- 
the  many  hundreds  that  were  s-lain,  I  heard  but  of  three  of 
our  friends  being  killed,  whose  destruction  was  very  re- 

*  This  priest  was  soon  after  killed  by  the  Indians,  as  I  was  told  by  a  min- 


marlcable,  as  I  was  informed  (the  one  was  a  woman,  the 
otiier  two  were  men).  The  men  used  to  go  to  their  la- 
bt>\ir  without  any  weapons,  and  trusted  to  the  Almig-hty, 
aiic'  depended  on  his  providence  to  protect  them  (it  be- 
in,c:  their  principle  not  to  use  weapons  of  war,  to  offend 
others,  or  defend  themsehxh)  but  a  spirit  of  distrust  tak- 
ing place  in  their  minds,  they  took  weapons  of  war  to  de- 
fend themselves  ;  and  the  Indians,  who  had  seen  thvOi 
several  times  without  them,  and  let  them  alone,  saying, 
*'  They  were  peaceable  men,  and  hurt  nobody,  there- 
foTc  they  would  not  hurt  them  ;"  now  seeing  them  have 
guns,  and  supposing  they  designed  to  kill  the  Indians, 
they  therefore  shot  the  men  dead.  The  woman  had  re- 
mciiied  in  her  habitation,  and  could  not  be  free  to  go  to 
a  foj'ified  place  for  preservation,  neither  she,  her  son, 
nor  d-.ughter,  nor  to  take  thither  the  little  ones;  but 
tlx  jjoor  woman  after  some  time  began  to  let  in  a  slavish 
ferir,  and  did  advise  her  children  to  go  with  her  to  a  iort 
not  far  from  their  dwelling.  Her  daughter  i  )eing  one  that 
trusted  in  ihe  name  of  tlie  Lord,  the  mighty  tower  to 
which  the  lighttousfiee  and  find  safety,  could  not  con- 
sent to  go  with  her  ;  and  havmg  left  a  parti  ;^u-ar  accoinit 
hi  v  letter  to  her  children  of  her  and  their  preservation, 
I  think  it  worthy  to  be  inserted  here  in  her  own  words. 

When  the  cruel  Indians  were  suffered  to  kill  and 
destroy,  it  was  shewn  me,  that  I  must  stand  in  a  testi- 
mom  for  truth,  and  trust  in  the  name  of  the  Lord,  that  was 
a  strong  tower,  and  we  should  wait  uj)on  him.  And  I 
often  desired  my  mother  and  husband  to  sit  down,  and 
wait  upon  the  Lord,  and  he  would  shew  us  what  we 
should  do :  but  I  could  not  prevail  with  him,  but  he 
would  say  it  was  too  late  now,  and  was  in  great  haste  to 
be  eone  ;  but  I  could  not  go  with  him,  because  I  was 
afraid  of  offending  the  Lord  :  but  still  he  would  say  I 
was  deluded  by  the  devil,  so  that  my  mother  would  oft- 
en say,  "  a  house  divided  could  not  stand  ;"  and  she 
could  not  tell  what  to  do,  although  she  had  most  peace 
in  staying,  yet  she  had  thoughts  of  moving,  and  said  to 

38  THE    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHAl.KLF.Y. 

me,  "  C)\i]d,  canst  thou  certainly  say  it  is  revealed  to  thee 
that  we  should  stay;  if  it  be,  I  would  willini^ly  siu},  if 
I  was  sure  it  was  the  mind  of  God."  But  I  beihg  young-, 
was  afraid  to  speak  so  high,  said,  mother,  I  can  say  that 
it  is  so  with  me,  that  when  I  think  of  staying  and  trust- 
ing in  the  name  of  the  Lord,  I  find  great  peace  and  com- 
fort, more  than  I  can  utter,  with  a  belief  that  we  shall 
be  preserved  ;  but  when  I  think  of  going,  Oil  !  the  trou- 
ble and  heaviness  I  feel,  with  a  fear  some  of  us  should 
fall  by  them  !  And  my  dear  mother  sighed  and  said, 
*'  She  could  not  tell  what  to  do."  But  I  said  to  them, 
if  tliey  wouid  go,  I  would  be  willing  to  stay  alone  ;  if 
they  found  freedom,  I  was  very  willing,  for  I  was  afraid 
of  offendiug  the  Lord.  But  still  my  poor  husband  would 
say,  "  I  took  a  wrong  spirit  for  the  right."  And  he 
would  say  how  I  should  know,  "  For  if  1  was  right, 
I  would  be  willing  to  <"ondescend  to  him."  And  then 
I  said,  in  condescension  to  him  I  would  move  ;  but  I 
hoped  the  Lord  would  not  lay  it  to  my  charge,  for  was 
it  not  to  condescend  to  him,  I  would  not  move  for  the 
world,  and  after  1  had  given  away  my  strength,  in  a  lit- 
tle time  there  came  men  from  the  garrison,  with  their 
guns,  and  told  us,  "  They  came  for  us,"  and  told  us, 
*'  The  Indians  they  thought,  might  be  near;"  and  then 
away  we  u  ent,  and  my  mother  went  in  ^vith  my  brother- 
in-law,  although  I  persuaded  her  not  to  do  it.  But  she 
said,  "  Why,  my  child  is  there  ;  and  may  not  I  be  with 
her  as  well  as  thee  ?"  And  so  we  went  along  to  Hamp* 
ton,  to  my  husband's  brother's.  But,  Oh  !  the  fear  and 
trouble  that  I  felt !  and  told  my  husband  it  seemed  as  if 
we  were  going  into  the  mouihs  of  the  Indians.  And  the 
next  day  was  the  first  day  of  the  week  ;  and  our  dear 
friend,  Lydia  Norton,  came  with  my  dear  mother  ;  and  in 
her  testimony,  she  said  there  was  there  that  Avas  very 
near  to  her  life,  that  was  very  near  to  death.  Oh  !  then 
I  was  ready  to  think  it  would  be  me,  because  I  believed 
we  had  done  amiss  in  moving,  and  great  trouble  was  I  in, 
and  told  dear  Lydia  of  it ;  but  she  comforted  me  as  much 
as  she  could,  and  said,  "  She  did  not  think  it  would  be 
me."     And  my  dear  mother  went  to  my  sister's  again,  to 


the  garrison,  where  she  found  herself  not  easy  ;  but,  as 
she  often  said  to  many,  that  she  feh  herself  in  a  becloud- 
ed condition,  and  more  shut  from  counsel  than  ever  she 
had  been  since  she  knew  the  truth  ;  and  being  uneasy, 
went  to  move  to  a  friend's  house  that  lived  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood ;  and  as  she  was  moving,  the  bloody  cruel  In- 
dians lay  by  the  way,  and  killed  her.  Oh !  then  how  did  I 
lament  moving ;  and  promised  if  the  Lord  would  be 
pleased  to  spare  my  life,  and  husband,  and  children,  and 
carry  us  home  again,  I  would  never  do  so  more.  But, 
Oh  !  the  fear,  and  trouble,  and  darkness,  ihat  fell  upon  me, 
and  many  more  at  that  time  !  and  three  or  four  of  us 
kept  our  meeting  :  but  although  we  sat  and  Avaited  as  well 
as  we  could,  yet  we  sat  under  a  poor  beclouded  condi- 
tion, till  we  returned  home  again,  then  did  the  Lord 
please  to  lift  up  the  light  of  his  love  upon  our  poor  souls. 
Oh  !  then  I  told  my  husband,  although  he  had  built  a  lit- 
tle house  by  the  garrison,  I  could  not  move  again.  So 
he  was  willing  to  stay  while  the  winter  season  lasted, 
but  told  me  he  could  not  stay  when  summer  came,  for 
then  the  Indians  would  be  about;  and  so  told  me,  that  if 
I  could  not  go  to  the  garrison,  I  might  go  to  a  friend's 
house  that  was  near  it.  And  I  was  willing  to  please  him, 
if  the  Lord  w^as  willing  ;  and  then  applied  my  heart  to 
know  the  mind  of  truth,  and  it  was  shewed  me,  that  if  I 
moved  again,  I  should  lose  the  sense  of  truth,  and  should 
never  hold  up  my  head  again.  Oh!  then  I  told  my  hus- 
band, he  must  never  ask  me  to  move  again,  for  I  durst 
not  do  it.  Still  he  would  say  it  was  a  notion,  till  our 
dear  friend  Thomas  Story  came,  and  told  him,  "  That 
he  did  not  see  that  I  could  have  a  greater  revelation  than 
I  had."  And  satisfied  my  husband  so  well,  that  he  never 
asked  me  more  to  go,  but  was  very  well  contented  to  stay 
all  the  wars  ;  and  then  things  were  made  more  easy,  and 
we  saw  abundance  of  the  wonderful  works,  and  of  the 
mighty  power  of  the  Lord,  in  keeping  and  preserving  of 
us,  when  the  Indians  were  at  our  doors  and  windows, 
and  other  times  ;  and  how  the  Lord  put  courage  in  you, 
my  dear  children,  do  not  you  forget  it,  and  do  not  think 
^t  you  were  young,  and  because  you  knew  little^  so  you 


feared  nothing,  but  often  eonsider  how  you  striid  at  home 
alone,  when  we  went  to  meetings,  and  how  the  Lo.d 
preserved  you,  and  kept  you,  so  that  no  hurt  came  upon 
you  •  :md  I  leave  this  charge  upon  yo\i,  live  in  the  fear 
of  the  Lord,  and  see  you  set  him  always  before  your 
e}  es,  lest  you  sin  against  him  :  for  if  I  had  not  feared  the 
Lord,  and  felt  ihe  ccmiforts  of  his  holy  spirit,  I  couid 
never  have  stood  so  great  a  trial,  ^vhen  so  many  judged, 
and  said  I  was  deluded,  and  that  all  the  blood  of  mv  hus- 
band -Hid  children,  would  be  required  at  my  hands  ;  but 
the  Lord  was  near  to  me,  and  gave  me  strength  and 
courage,  and  faith  to  trust  in  him,  for  I  know  his  name 
to  be  a  strong  tower,  yea,  and  stronger  than  any  in  the 
world;  for  I  have  oftentimes  fled  there  for  safety.  Oii ! 
blessing,  and  honour,  and  everlasting  high  praises,  be 
given  to  the  Lord,  and  to  his  dear  Son,  our  Saviour  and 
mediator,  Christ  Jesus.     Amen. 


A  neighbour  of  the  aforesaid  people  told  me,  that  as  he 
was  at  work  in  his  field,  the  Indians  saw,  and  called  him, 
and  he  went  to  them.  They  told  him,  that  they  had  no 
quarrel  with  the  quakers,  for  they  were  a  quiet,  peaceable 
people,  and  hurt  no  body,  and  that  therefore  none  should 
hurt  them.  But  they  said,  that  the  presbyterians  in  these 
parts  had  taken  away  their  lands,  and  some  of  their  lives, 
and  would  now,  if  they  could,  destroy  all  the  Indians. 

Those  Indians  began  about  this  time  to  shoot  people 
down  as  they  rode  along  the  road,  and  to  knock  them  in 
tlie  head  in  their  beds,  and  very  barbarously  murdered 
many  :  but  we  travelled  the  country,  and  had  large  meet- 
ings, and  the  good  presence  of  God  was  with  us  abun- 
diintly,  and  we  had  great  'nward  joy  in  the  Holy  Ghost 
in  our  outw^ard  jeopardy  and  travels.  The  people  gen- 
erally rode  and  went  to  their  worship  armed,  but  friends 
went  to  their  meetings  without  either  sword  or  gun,  hav- 
ing their  trust  and  confidence  in  God. 

After  havincT  had  ciiv(  rs  |2:ood  mt  eiirgs  in  those  east- 
ern parts  oi  New-Lugiand,  I  returned  to  Salem,  Lynn, 


Boston,  and  so  on  towards  Rhode- Island,  and?  at  divers 
adjacent  places ;  as  in  the  Narraganset  country,  we  had 
divers  meetings ;  also,  at  Dartmouth,  Sandwich,  and 
Scituate.  As  I  was  entering  into  the  town  of  Boston,  in 
company  with  many  others,  a  man  rode  up  to  me,  and 
asked  in  a  scoffing  manner,  "  Whether  I  saw  or  met 
with  any  quakers  on  the  road  ?"  I  pleasantly  told  him, 
we  should  not  tell  the  presbyterians,  lest  they  should  hang 
them.  He  not  thinking  of  such  an  answer,  went  sneak- 
ingly  away. 

Now  having  thoroughly  visited  friends  in  those  part;^ 
in  company  with  my  friend  Thomas  Story,  I  travellea 
through  Connecticut  government,  and  had  several  meet- 
ings in  that  colony;  and  came  to  Long. Island,  where^ 
we  had  divers  meetings  to  the  satisfaction  of  ourselves 
and  friends.  From  Long- Island,  after  we  were  clear  of 
the  service  and  exercise  of  the  work  of  the  ministry,  and 
had  visited  friends'  meetings  as  we  travelled,  and  in  di- 
vers places  found  openness  among  the  people,  who  were 
not  of  our  profession  (who  sometimes  came  in  great  num- 
bers to  our  meetings,  and  several  were  convinced  in  a 
good  degree,  and  man}'-  comforted,  strengthened,  and 
edified,  in  Christ  our  Lord),  we  came  to  Philadelphia, 
the  place  of  our  habitation.  Let  his  name,  saith  my 
soul,  have  the  praise  of  all  his  works  for  ever. 

After  being  at  home  some  time,  I  visited  friends'  meet- 
ings in  our  county,  and  several  parts  of  New-Jersey,. 
Maryland,  and  the  Lower  Counties  on  Delaware.  At 
Jones'  I  appointed  a  meeting  at  a  public-house  near  the 
court-house,  general  notice  being   given  thereof,  there 

eame  one Crawford,  a  priest,   with  many  of  hisr 

hearers,  and  in  the  beginning  of  the  meeting  he  read  a 
sermon,  as  they  called  it,  which  was  a  transcript  of  the 
works  of  some  of  our  adversaries,  which  we  desired  to 
have  from  them  to  answer.  They  said,  "  If  I  would 
answer  it  myself  I  should  have  it."  The  which  I  toid 
them  I  should,  if  they  would  let  me ;  but  though  they 
promised  it,  they  did  not  perform,  but  were  worse  than 
their  word.  We  heard  them  read  it  over  patiently;  and 
after  they  had  done,  we  had  our  meeting.     The  auditorj' 



was  large,  and  most  of  tlie  magistrates  were  at  it.  Tlic 
priest's  reading,  and  my  testimony,  occasioned  this  meet- 
ing to  hold  long  ;  after  Avhich,  as  we  were  getting  ou 
horseback,  the  priest  cried  out  among  the  people, 
"  That  he  did  not  think  we  would  go  a^\  ay  so  sneaking- 
ly."  We  having  twenty  miles  to  ride  that  night,  and  he 
near  his  home,  he  having  the  advantage  in  that  respect, 
some  thought  it  made  him  the  bolder,  for  he  let  me  get 
on  horseback  before  he  uttered  that  sneaking  expression. 
I  told  him  to  challenge  was  enough  to  set  a  coward  to 
work,  and  we  were  no  cowards  ;  for  he  knew  we  could 
venture  our  lives  for  our  religion,  which  I  questioned 
whether  he  would  do  for  his ;  so  I  dismounted,  and  he 
having  the  bible  open  in  his  hand,  I  being  near  him, 
chanced,  against  my  will  and  knowledge,  to  touch  it  with 
my  foot.  "  Look  you,  gentlemen,"  soys  he,  "  he 
tramples  the  word  of  God  under  his  feet."  For  which 
gross  abuse,  his  own  hearers  openly  rebuked  him,  and 
put  him  to  shame.  Then  he  said,  "  He  w^ould  prove  us 
no  ministers  of  Christ."  I  bid  him  prove  himself  one, 
and  he  would  do  the  business.  "  Well,"  says  he,  "  how 
shall  we  know  who  are  Christ's  ministers  ?"  Why,  said 
I,  in  answer  to  him,  art  thou  willing  to  be  tried  by  Christ's 
rule,  for  he  hath  given  us  a  plain  rule  to  know  them  b}'. 
"  What  is  that  rule  ?  let  us  hear  it,"  says  he.  It  is  short, 
but  full,  namely.  By  their  fruits  you  shall  know  them  : 
for  men  do  not  gather  grapes  of  thorns,  nor  figs  of  this- 
tles :  wherefore  by  their  fruits  they  are  known.  "  I  de- 
ny it,"  says  priest  Crawford,  (for  that  was  the  name  he 
went  by  here,  he  going  by  another  elsewhere),  *'  that 
they  are  known  by  their  fruits.''  I  answered,  then  tliou 
deniest  the  plain  and  naked  truth  of  Christ.  So  I  called 
aloud  to  the  people  to  take  notice  what  a  blind  guide 
they  had ;  and  indeed  he  was  wicked,  as  well  as  blind, 
and  his  fruits  not  good;  which  may  make  one  suppose, 
that  he  was  not  \\'illing  to  be  tried  by  his  fruits  :  for  soon 
after  news  came  that  he  had  a  wife  in  England,  and  as  he 
had  another  here,  his  fruits  were  wicked  with  a  witness  ; 
and  according  to  Christ's  doctrine,  no  good  could  spring 
from  his  ministry,  therefore  he  proved  himself  by  his  evil 


deeds,  to  be  no  minister  of  Jesus  Christ.  Near  the 
aforesaid  place  we  got  a  meeting  settled,  which  is  called 
Little-creek  meeting  ;  and  about  the  same  time  a  meeting 
was  established,  and  a  meeting-house  built  at  Duck- 
creek.  The  people  in  those  parts  about  this  time  began 
mightily  to  see  through  the  formal  preaching  of  such  as 
preach  for  money  or  hire,  who  love  the  hire,  though  they 
do  not  love  to  be  called  hirelings. 

In  the  year  1706,  having  some  concerns  in  the  prov- 
ince of  Maryland,  I  had  divers  meetings  as  I  travelled 
on  the  road,  as  at  Nottingham,  Elk-river,  North-east, 
Susquehannah,  Bush  and  Gun- powder  rivers ;  at  some 
of  which  places  I  do  not  know  that  there  had  been  any 
meetings  before.  At  one  of  these  meetings  were  one 
Edwards  a  priest,  and  a  lawyer,  the  attorney- general, 
and  several  of  the  justices  of  the  peace.  The  priest  was 
angry,  and  said,  "  It  was  an  unlawful  assembly,  the  house 
not  being  licensed  by  law."  The  justices  told  him, 
*'  That  he  and  his  people  being  there  to  hear,  if  any  un- 
warrantable or  false  doctrine  was  preached,  he  had  a  fair 
opportunity  to  lay  it  open  before  all  the*  people."  So 
they  desired  him  to  hear  patiently  and  quietly.  He  seem- 
ed to  like  the  proposition,  and  sat  down  by  me.  We  had 
not  sat  down  long  before  I  stood  up,  and  spoke  to  the 
people  some  considerable  time  ;  and  the  lawyer  sat  op- 
posite to  me,  and  took  what  I  said  in  short  hand,  for 
about  half  an  hour ;  but  growing  weary,  he  laid  down 
his  pen,  and  took  out  of  his  pocket  a  bottle  of  liquor,  or 
spirits,  and  said,  "  Come  friend,  here  is  to  thee  (or  you) 
you  have  spoke  a  great  while,  you  need  something  to  re- 
fresh you."  So  I  made  a  stop,  and  said  to  the  people, 
here  is  your  minister,  and  here  is  some  of  the  fruits  of 
his  ministry,  of  which  he  and  all  sober  people  may  be 
ashamed.  And  then  I  went  on  again  without  any  op- 
position till  I  had  done ,  but  afterwards  they  w^ere  in  a 
rage,  and  threatened  what  they  would  do  to  me,  if  ever 
I  came  to  have  a  meeting  any  more  there.  But  I  told 
them  if  they  had.  power  to  take  our  lives  from  us,  they 
were  not  dear  to  us  for  the  sake  of  Christ  and  his  gospel; 
and  that  we  did  not  matter  their  threatenings.  I  desired 

44  THE   JOURNAL    &¥    THOMAS    (JHALKLEY. 

the  lawyer  to  give  me  a  copy  of  what  he  had  written  ; 
he  went  about  it,  but  did  not  do  it;  neither  was  he  candid 
in  penning  my  words  ;  for  several  of  the  people  then  pre- 
sent did  bear  witness  he  had  not  wrote  it  verbatim,  nor 
truly  taken  the  sense  of  what  I  spoke,  wherefore  I  charged 
him  to  be  just,  otherwise  he  had  many  witnesses  against 
him ;  at  which  the  priest  bent  his  fist,  and  held  it  up  to 
me,  but  did  not  strike  me,  and  away  they  went  in  a  fret. 
Soon  after  we  had  another  meeting  at  the  same  place, 
which  was  large  and  quiet.  The  man  of  the  house  be- 
ing an  attorney  at  law,  had  got  his  house  licensed,  and 
though  die  priest  and  lawyer  threatened  hard,  they  came 

Aquila  Paca,  high-sheriff  of  the  county,  living  at  thfe 
head  of  Bush-river,  near  the  main  road,  built  a  meeting- 
house, at  his  own  charge,  and  had  it  licensed,  at  which 
we  had  many  good  meetings.  About  this  time  also  was 
built  a  meeting-house  at  a  place  called  Nottingham,  which 
is  a  large  meeting,  and  greatly  increases. 

When  I  was  travelling  in  those  parts,  I  had  a  concern 
on  my  mind  to  visit  the  Indians  living  near  Susquehan- 
nah,  at  Conestogoe,  and  I  laid  it  before  the  elders  of 
Nottingham  meeting,  with  which  they  expressed  their 
unity,  and  promoted  my  visiting  them.  We  got  an  in- 
terpreter, and  thirteen  or  fourteen  of  us  travelled  through 
the  woods  about  fifty  miles,  carrying  our  provisions 
with  us,  and  on  the  journey  sat  down  by  a  river,  and 
spread  our  food  on  the  grass,  and  refreshed  ourselves  and 
horses,  and  then  went  on  cheerfullv,  and  with  good  will, 
and  much  love  to  the  poor  Indians ;  and  when  we  came, 
they  received  us  kindly,  treating  us  civilly  in  their  way. 
We  treated  about  having  a  meeting  with  them  in  a  relig- 
ious way,  upon  which  they  called  a  council,  in  which 
they  were  very  grave,  and  sjioke  one  after  another,  with- 
out any  heat  or  jarring  ;  (and  some  of  the  most  esteem* 
ed  of  their  women  do  sometimes  speak  in  their  councils). 
I  asked  our  interpreter,  why  they  suffered  or  permitted 
tlie  women  to  speak  in  their  councils  ?  his  answer  was, 
"  That  some  women  are  wiser  than  some  men."  Our 
interpreter  told  me,  that  they  had  not  done  any  thing  for 


many  years,  without  the  counsel  of  an  ancient  grave  wo- 
man ;  who,  I  observed,  spoke  much  in  their  council ;  for 
I  was  permitted  to  be  present  at  it ;  and  I  asked,  what  it 
was  the  woman  said  ?  he  told  me  she  was  an  empress ; 
and  they  gave  much  heed  to  what  she  said  amongst  them; 
and  that  she  then  said  to  them,  *'  She  looked  upon  our 
coming  to  be  more  than  natural,  because  we  did  not  come 
to  buy,  or  sell,  or  get  gain,  but  came  in  love  and  respect 
to  them,"  and  desired  their  well-doing  both  here  and 
hereafter  ;  and  further  continued,  "  That  our  meetings 
among  them  might  be  very  beneficial  to  their  young- 
people,"  and  related  a  dream  which  she  had  three  days 
before,  and  interpreted  it,  viz.  "  That  she  was  in  Lon- 
don, and  that  London  was  the  finest  place  she  ever  saw, 
it  was  like  to  Philadelphia,  but  much  bigger,  and  she 
went  across  six  streets,  and  in  the  seventh  she  saw  Will- 
iam Penn  preaching  to  the  people,  which  was  a  great 
multitude,  and  both  she  and  William  Penn  rejoiced  to 
see  one  another ;  and  after  meeting  she  went  to  him, 
and  he  told  her,  that  in  a  little  time  he  would  come  over 
and  preach  to  them  also,  of  which  she  was  very  glad. 
And  now  she  said  her  dream  was  fulfilled,  for  one  of  his 
friends  was  come  to  preach  to  them."  And  she  advised 
them  to  hear  us,  and  entertain  us  kindly  ;  and  according- 
ly they  did.  Here  were  two  nations  of  them,  the  Senecas 
and  Shawanese,  W^e  had  first  a  meeting  with  the  Sene- 
cas, with  which  they  were  much  affected ;  and  they  call- 
ed the  other  nation  (viz.  the  Shawanese.)  and  interpreted 
to  them  what  we  spoke  in  their  meeting,  and  the  poor  In- 
dians (particularly  some  of  the  young  men  and  women) 
were  under  a  solid  exercise  and  concern.  We  had  also 
a  meeting  with  the  other  nation,  and  they  were  all  very 
kind  to  us,  and  desired  more  such  opportunities  ;  the 
which,  I  hope  Divine  Providence  will  order  them,  if 
they  are  worthy  thereof.  The  gospel  of  Jesus  Christ, 
was  preached  freely  to  them,  and  faith  in  Christ,  who  was 
put  to  death  at  Jerusalem,  by  the  Hnbelieving  Jews ;  and 
that  this  same  Jesus  came  to  save  people  from  their  sins, 
and  by  his  grace  and  light  in  the  soul,  shews  to  man  his 
«ins,  and  convinceth  him  thereof,  delivering  him  out  oT 


them,  and  gives  inward  peace  and  comfort  to  the  soul 
for  well-doing,  and  sorrow,  and  trouble  for  evil-doing  ; 
to  all  which,  as  their  manner  is,  they  gave  public  assents; 
and  to  that  of  the  light  in  the  soul,  they  gave  a  double 
assent,  and  seemed  much  affected  with  the  doctrine  of 
truth  ;  also  the  benefit  of  the  holy  scriptures  was  largely 
ojDened  to  them"*. 

After  this  we  returned  to  our  respective  habitations, 
thankful  in  our  hearts  to  the  God  and  Father  of  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ.  Several  of  the  friends  that  went  with  me, 
expressed  their  satisfaction  in  this  visit,  and  offered  them- 
selves freely  to  go  again  on  the  like  service. 

I  aho  was  concerned  soon  after  to  visit  the  people 
about  Egg-harbour  and  Cape-may,  and  had  divers  meet- 
ings amongst  them,  and  several  meetings  were  settled  in 
those  parts,  and  the  people  somewhat  reformed  from  what 
ihey  had  been  before  they  were  visited  by  friends,  as 
themselves  told  me,  after  a  meeting  which  we  had  with 
them,  that  they  used  to  spend  the  sabbath  days  in  sport- 
ing and  vanity  until  friends  came  among  them,  and  now 
they  meet  together  to  worship  God,  and  his  Son  Jesus 
Christ.  At  our  coming  amongst  them,  some  backsliders 
nnd  apostates  were  displeased.  One,  in  a  very  bitter  spirit, 
called  Its,  cursed  and  cruel  devils.  Another  wrote  against 
us.  To  him  I  sent  an  answer,  for  which  he  scandalized 
ine  in  one  of  his  almanacks,  and  publickly  belied  me  in 
jiriiit ;  which  lies  I  swept  away  with  "  A  Small  Broom,' 
printed  in  this  year  1706,  to  which  I  never  understood  that 
he  returned  any  answer,  nor  that  he  wrote  against  friends 
afterwards,  though  he  had  made  it  his  practice  before  for 
several  years. 

At  Little  Egg-harbour  lived  a  friend  whose  name  was 
]£dvvard  Andrews,  who,  as  himself  told  me,  had  been  a 
leader  of  the  people  into  vanity  and  folly,  as  music,  danc- 

*  11  h  \vortliy  ofnoticc,  that  at  tlic  first  settling  of  Pennsylvania,  William 
l*enn  took  great  care  to  do  justice  to  the  Indians,  and  boug-lit  his  land  of  them 
to  their  satisfaction,  and  settled  a  trade  with  them  ;  so  that  whereas  the  Indi- 
:uis  were  destructive  to  the  other  colonies,  they  were  helpful  to  Pennsylvania; 
t\}n\  to  llvis  day  they  love  to  hear  the  name  of  William  Penm 


jng,  he.  but  the  good  hand  of  the  Lord  being  upon  him, 
wrought  a  wonderful  reformation  in  him,  and  made  him 
an  instrument  to  lead  people  into  truth  and  righteousness, 
and  gave  him  an  excellent  gift  of  the  ministry  of  the  gos- 
pel of  Christ ;  so  that  he  was  made  instrumental  in  the 
gathering  of  a  large  and  growing  meeting,  most  of  the 
people  thereabouts  being  convinced,  and  a  great  reform- 
ation and  change  wrought  in  their  conversations.  This 
friend  told  mc,  that  when  he  was  very  rude  and  wild,  he 
was  mightily  reached  unto,  at  the  meeting  we  had  under 
the  trees  at  Crosswicks*,  so  that  he  could  not  go  on  with 
his  vanit}^  as  before,  after  which  he  had  strong  convic- 
tions on  him,  which  wrought  conversion  in  thg  Lord's 
time,  after  he  had  gone  through  many  and  deep  inward 

After  these  several  journies  Avere  over,  and  I  had 
cleared  myself,  I  was  some  time  at  home,  and  followed 
my  business  with  diligence  and  industry,  and  throve  in 
the  things  of  the  world,  the  Lord  adding  a  blessing  to  my 
labour.  Some  people  would  tell  me  that  I  got  money 
for  preaching,  and  grew  rich  by  it ;  which,  being  a  com- 
mon calumny  cast  upon  our  public  friends  that  are  trav- 
ellers, I  shall  take  a  little  notice  of  it,  and  leave  it  to  pos. 
terity.  That  it  is  against  our  principle,  and  contrary  to 
our  known  practice  and  rule  to  take  money  for  our 
preaching  the  gospel  of  Christ,  and  the  publishing  of 
salvation  through  his  name  unto  the  people;  for  accord- 
ing to  Christ's  command,  we,  receiving  it  freely,  are  to 
give  it  forth  freely  :  and  I  can  say,  without  vanity  or 
boasting,  I  have  spent  many  pounds  in  that  service,  be- 
sides my  time,  which  was,  and  is,  as  precious  to  me,  as 
to  other  people  :  and  rising  early,  and  laying  dow  n  late  j 
many  days  riding  forty,  fifty,  and  sixty  miles  a  day,  which 
was  very  laborious  and  hard  for  my  flesh  to  endure,  be- 
ing corpulent  and  heavy  from  the  twenty- seventh  year  of 
my  age) ;  and  I  can  truly  say,  that  I  never  received  any 
money  or  consideration  on  account  of  tiiese   services,. 

See  page  15. 


either  directly  or  indirectly  ;  and  yet,  if  any  of  our  min- 
isters are  necessitous  or  poor,  we  relieve  them  freely, 
not  because. they  are  preachers,  but  because  they  are 
needy ;  and  when  we  have  done  those  things,  we  have 
done  but  our  duty :  and  well  will  it  be  for  those  that 
have  discharged  themselves  faithfully  therein !  Such  will, 
besides  the  earnest  of  peace  in  their  own  souls  in  this 
world,  have  a  blessed  reward  in  the  glorious  kingdom  of 
the  Lord  and  his  Christ  in  that  world  which  is  to  come. 
It  is  well  known  that  I  have  spent  much  of  my  time, 
since  I  have  been  free  from  my  apprenticeship,  in  travel- 
ling and  preaching  the  gospel,  being  out  often  many 
months,  and  sometimes  a  whole  year,  and  more ;  and  at 
intervals  I  have  been  apt  to  think  the  time  long,  till  I 
got  to  my  business  and  family  ;  and  so  have  divers 
times  made  more  haste  than  I  should  have  done,  which 
has  brought  trouble  on  my  mind,  and  is  a  trouble  to  me 
unto  this  day ;  which  may  be  a  caution  to  those  who 
travel  in  the  work  of  the  ministry  hereafter,  not  to  make 
too  much  haste  from  the  work  of  Christ ;  and  yet  there 
ought  to  be  discretion  used  ;  for  a  minister  may  stay 
too  long,  as  well  as  return  too  soon,  which  may  be  per- 
ceived as  we  keep  the  eye  of  our  mind  to  our  Divine 

After  I  had  staid  at  and  about  home  for  some  con- 
siderable  time,  a  weighty  concern  came  upon  me  to  visit 
friends  in  the  West-Indies,  and  some  parts  of  Europe,  as 
it  might  please  the  Almighty  to  open  my  way  ;  and  as  it 
was  to  be  a  long  travel,  both  by  sea  and  land,  and  hazard- 
ous, by  reason  it  was  war  time,  and  many  privateers  out 
at  sea,  I  settled  my  affairs  by  will,  and  otherwise,  that  if 
I  should  not  live  to  come  home  again,  things  relating  to 
my  outward  affairs  might  be  done  honourably  and  well : 
for  at  this  time,  as  at  many  others,  I  can  truly  say  I  gave 
up  my  life  freely  for  my  Holy  Master's  sake,  and  in  his 
cause,  who  said.  Go  teach  all  nations,  &c. 

On  the  29th  of  the  sixth  month,  1707,  I  had  a  certifi- 
cate from  the  monthly-meeting  of  friends  at  Philadelphia, 
signifying  their  unity  with  my  undertaking,  and  desires 
ibr  my  welfare  ;  and  a  tender  concern  was  on  my  mind 


that  I  might  live  according  to  what  my  brethren  had  cer- 
tified  concerning  me.  I  likewise  laid  my  exercise  before 
the  general  meeting  of  ministers  and  elders,  held  for  the 
provinces  of  Pennsylvania  and  New-Jersey,  on  the  22d  of 
the  seventh  month,  who  also  signified  their  fellowship 
with  my  intended  travels  and  journey,  and  recommended 
me  to  the  grace  of  God,  and  in  much  love  and  tenderness 
I  parted  with  my  dear  and  loving  wife,  and  my  near  and 
affectionate  friends  and  brethren. 

I  had  for  my  companion  and  fellow-labourer  in  the 
work  of  the  gospel,  my  dear  friend,  Richard  Gove,  who 
also  had  the  approbation  and  unity  of  friends  in  this  jour- 
ney and  undertaking. 

We  went  on  board  a  sloop  at  Philadelphia,  bound  for 
Barbadoes,  John  Knight,  master,  abouf.  the  27th  of  tlie 
eighth  month,  in  the  aforesaid  year. 

After  a  few  days  sailing  down  the  river  Delaware,  we 
put  to  sea,  and  in  about  a  month's  time  we  came  within 
sight  of  Barbadoes,  where  we  met  with  a  privateer, 
which  chased,  and  had  like  to  have  taken  us  ;  but  the 
good  providence  of  God  preserved  us  out  of  the  hands 
of  those  enemies ;  for  ever  blessed  be  his  name  !  in  this 
chase  the  seamen  were  uneasy,  and  belched  out  wicked 
oaths,  and  cursed  the  quakers,  wishing  all  their  vessels 
might  be  taken  by  the  enemy,  because  they  did  not  car- 
ry  guns  in  them  :  at  which  [evil]  I  was  grieved,  and  be- 
gan thus  to  expostulate  with  them  :  do  you  know  the 
worth  of  a  lAan's  life  ?  (guns  being  made  on  purpose  to 
destroy  men's  lives).  Were  this  ship  and  cargo  mine,  so 
far  as  I  know  mine  heart,  I  do  ingenuously  declare,  I 
had  rather  lose  it  all,  than  that  one  of  you  should  lose  his 
life :  for  I  certainly  knew  they  were  unfit  to  die.  Lives  ! 
say  they,  we  had  rather  lose  our  lives  than  go  to  France. 
But,  said  I,  that  is  not  the  matter ;  had  you  rather  go  to 
hell,  than  go  to  France  ?  they  being  guilty  of  great  sins 
and  wickedness,  and  convicted  in  their  own  consciences, 
held  their  peace,  and  siud  no  more  about  the  poor  qua- 
kers ;  and  when  we  got  within  gun  shot  of  a  fort  on  Bar- 
badoes, the  enemy  left  chasing  us. 


Next  morning  early  we  safely  arrived  at  Bridgetowo, 
m   Barbadoes,   where  our   friends   gladly  received  us ; 
amongst  whom  we  laboured  in  the  work  of  the  gospel 
for  about  two  months ;  and  from  thence,  after  having 
had  divers  good  and  edifying  meetings,    for  the  wor- 
ship   of  God,    we  sailed  for  Antigua,   and  stayed  some 
days  there,  having  meetings,  and  visiting  our  brethren. 
From  Antigua  we  sailed  for  Nevis,  but  the  wind  being 
contrary,  we  put  in  at  Montserrat,  an  isle  that  hath  a 
great  mountain  in  it,  on  the  top  of  Avhich  is  a  hot  spring 
of  water,  which  boils  up,  and  the  mire  of  it  is  clear  brim- 
stone ;  some  of  which  we  carried  on  board  our  vessel ; 
the  which  is  admirable,  and  shews  the  wonderful  works 
of  God.     They  say  that  the  spring  is  hot  enough  to  boil 
an  egg.     From  this  island  we  sailed  to  Nevis,  and  had 
meetings  with  those  few  friends  that  were  there,  with 
whom  we  parted  at  the  sea  shore  in  great  love  and  ten- 
derness: after  which  we  sailed  to  an  island  called  Anguil- 
la,  and  were  civilly  treated  there  by  the  generality  of  the 
people ;  as  also  by  the   governor,   George  Leonard,   at 
whose  house  we  had  meetings.     I  remember  that  after 
one  meeting  the  governor  went  into  his  porch,  and  took 
the  bible,  and  opened  it,   and  said,  "  By  this  book,    if 
people  believe  the  holy  scriptures,  I  am  able  to  convince 
the  world,  and  prove,  that  the  people  called  quakers,  are 
the  people  of  God,  and  that  they  follow  the  example  and 
doctrine  of  Christ,  and  the  practices  of,  the  apostles  and 
primitive  christians,  nearer  than  any  people  in  the  world  ;'* 
(i.  e.  generally  speaking).     At  this  island  several  people 
were  heartily  convinced,  and  did  confess  to  the  truth, 
among  whom  a  meeting  was  settled.     Here  was  never 
any  friend  before,  as  the  inhabitants  said.     I  intreat  the 
Lord   Jehovah  to  preserve    the  sincere  hearted  among 
them  in  his  holy  fear  whilst  they  remain  in  this  world  ; 
and  not  them  only,  but  all  that  love  and  fear  him,  ia 
all  kindreds  and  nations,  and  amongst  people  of  all  pro- 
fessions whatsoever.      This,  in  the  universal  spirit  of 
God's  divine  love,  is  the  desire  of  my  soul.     Back  from 
Anguilla  we  went  to  Nevis,  and  from  Nevis  to  Antigua  ; 
and  iiotwitlistanding  our  sloop  was  a  dull  sailer,  yet  we* 


were  preserved  from  the  enemy,  to  the  admiration  of  our- 
selves, friends,  and  others,  our  course  being  in  the  very 
road  of  the  privateers.  Just  as  we  got  into  the  harbour 
and  were  landed,  a  privateer  came  by  with  a  prize  along 
with  her,  as  we  supposed,  which  excited  our  thankfulness 
to  the  Lord  for  our  preservation.  Here  we  met  with  the 
packet-boat  bound  for  Jamaica,  and  thence  for  England, 
We  staid  a  little  at  the  island  called  St.  Christopher's. 
In  our  way  to  Jamaica  we  saw  a  small  privateer,  that  gave 
us  chase,  and  it  being  calm,  she  rowed  up  towards  us. 
The  master  prepared  the  vessel  to  fight,  hoisting  up  his 
mainsail,  and  putting  out  our  colours.  In  the  interim 
some  Avere  bold  and  some  sorrowful.  One  came  to  me, 
asked,  "  What  I  thought  of  it  ?  and  what  I  thought  of 
the  quakers  principles  now  ?''  I  told  him  I  thought  I  was 
as  willing  to  go  to  heaven,  as  himself  was ;  to  ^vhich  he 
said  nothing,  but  turned  away  from  me.  Another  asked 
ine,  "  What  I  would  do  now?"  I  told  him,  I  would 
pray  that  they  might  be  made  better,  and  that  they  might 
be  made  fit  to  die.  Then  in  the  midst  of  their  noise  and 
hurry,  in  secret  I  begged  of  the  Almighty,  in  the  name, 
and  for  the  sake  of  his  dear  Son,  that  he  would  be  pleased 
to  cause  a  fresh  gale  of  wind  to  spring  up,  that  we  might 
be  delivered  from  the  enemy  without  shedding  blood, 
well  knowing  that  few  of  them  were  fit  to  die,  and  even 
whilst  I  was  thus  concerned,  the  Lord  answered  my  de- 
sire and  prayer,  for  in  a  few  minutes  the  wind  sprung  up, 
and  we  soon  left  them  out  of  sight,  our  vessel  sailing  ex- 
traordinary well,  and  the  next  day  we  got  to  Jamaica,  and 
had  divers  meetings,  viz.  at  Port-royal,  Kingston,  Span- 
ish-town, &c.  At  a  meeting  at  Spanish-town,  there  were 
divers  Jews,  to  whom  my  heart  was  very  open,  and  I 
felt  great  love  to  them,  for  the  sake  of  their  fathers  Abra- 
ham, Isaac,  and  Jacob,  and  they  were  so  affected  with  the 
meeting,  that  they  sent  us  some  unleavened  cakes,  made 
with  fine  flour  and  sweet  oil,  it  being  a  festival  time  with 
them.  We  had  a  meeting  at  Port-royal,  in  a  place  where 
the  earthquake  had  destroyed  a  large  building,  in  which 
meeting  I  had  occasion  to  remind  them  of  the  righteous 
judgments  of  God,  which  had  been  justly  inflicted  on- 


them  for  their  sins  and  wickedness.  Some  wept,  and 
some  were  rude.  The  people  here,  as  I  was  informed, 
were  generally  very  wicked.  After  having  had  divers 
meetings,  the  packet  in  which  we  had  taken  our  passage, 
being  obliged  to  stay  but  ten  days,  we  went  off  sooner 
than  we  otherwise  should  have  done,  and  solemnly  takmg 
leave  of  those  friends  that  were  there,  we  went  on  board 
our  vessel,  in  order  for  England,  by  God's  permission. 
Wf  got  readily  through  the  windward  passage,  which  is 
between  the  islands  of  Cuba  and  Hispaniola  ;  and  divers 
tiines  after  wc  left  Jamaica,  we  were  chased  by  several 
sliijjs,  but  they  could  not  come  up  with  us.  One  ship  of 
twenty-eight  guns  gave  iis  chase  after  a  great  storm,  ^  and 
was  almost  up  with  us  before  we  could  well  make  sail ; 
they'  being  eager  of  their  prey,  sent  their  hands  aloft  to 
let  their  reefs  out  of  the  topsails,  in  order  to  make  more 
speed,  and  came  running  mightily  towards  us,  and  gain- 
ed much  upon  us;  we  fearing  to  make  sail  by  reason  of 
the  storm,  and  the  sea  running  very  high,  and  our  masts 
being  therefore  in  danger,  we  were  some  time  in  doubt 
whether  wc  should  escape  or  not :  but  whilst  we  w  ere  in 
this  consternation,  down  came  the  French  ship's  three 
topmasts  at  once,  so  we  escaped,  and  left  her,  and  went 
rejoicing  on  our  way,  that  we  were  thus  delivered.  This 
was  one  of  the  great  and  remarkable  deliverances  among 
the  many  I  met  with,  by  the  good  hand  and  pro\  idence 
of  the  Lord,  my  great  and  good  master,  whom  I  hope  to 
serve  all  m}';  days. 

After  having  been  at  sea  about  six  weeks,  we  be- 
gan to  look  out  for  land,  and  in  tw  o  or  three  days 
we  sounded,  and  found  ground  at  about  ninety  fath- 
oms ;  after  which  we  saw  two  French  privateers,  that 
gave  us  chase  about  four  o'clock  in  the  morning,  and 
pursued  us  A'igorously  ;  but  sailing  better  than  they,  we 
run  them  out  of  sight  by  eight  o'clock  the  same  morning, 
and  in  about  two  hours  after  we  saw  the  land  of  Ireland  ; 
it  being  misty  weather,  \v  ith  rain  and  wind,  our  master 
thought  it  best  to  lay  by  and  forbear  sailing,  that  coast 
being  rocky  and  dangerous,  by  which  means  the  two 
ships  that  gave  us  chase  came  up  w  ith  us,  and  found 


US  not  in  sailing  order,  and  were  within  gun-shot  of  us  be- 
fore we  Avere  a^\  are  of  it.  What  to  do  now  we  could  not 
tell,  until  they  began  to  fire  at  us ;  but  in  this  emer- 
gency and  strait,  our  master  resolved  he  would  rather  run 
the  vessel  on  shore  than  they  should  have  her,  she  be- 
ing richly  laden  with  indigo,  silver,  and  gold,  reckoned 
to  the  value  of  fifty  thousand  pounds.  In  this  strait,  we 
must  either  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  French,  who  were 
our  enemies,  or  run  among  the  rocks ;  and  we  thought 
it  best  to  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  Almighty,  and  trust 
to  his  providence  ;  so  towards  the  rocks  we  went,  which 
looked  Avith  a  terrible  aspect.  The  native  Irish  seeing 
us,  they  came  down  in  great  numbers,  and  ran  on  the 
rocks,  and  called  to  us,  saying,  "  That  if  we  came  any 
nearer  we  should  be  dashed  in  pieces."  Then  our  mas- 
ter ordered  the  anchor  to  be  let  go,  which  brought  her 
up  before  she  struck ;  and  with  much  ado,  he  put  his 
boat  out  into  the  sea,  and  put  in  all  the  passengers,  in 
order  to  set  them  on  shore,  the  waves  running  very  high, 
so  that  it  looked  as  if  every  wave  would  have  swallowed 
us  up  ;  and  it  was  a  great  favour  of  Providence  that  we 
got  to  land  in  safety.  The  privateers  not  daring  to  come 
so  near  the  shore  as  we  did,  after  firing  at  us,  went  away, 
and  our  master  carried  the  ship  into  the  harbour  of  Kin- 
sale,  in  Ireland.  Thus  through  many  perils  and  dangers 
we  were  preserved,  and  got  safe  on  the  Irish  shore,  for 
which,  and  all  other  the  mercies  and  favours  of  the  Most 
High,  my  soul  and  spirit  did  give  God  glory  and  praise  ! 
in  this  voyage  we  were  about  seven  weeks  at  sea. 

When  I  came  from  my  home  at  Philadelphia,  I  did 
intend  (the  Lord  permitting)  to  visit  friends  in  Ireland, 
and  being  accidentally  cast  on  shore  there,  I  thought  it 
my  place  first  to  go  through  that  nation.  I  had  been  in 
Ireland  about  nine  years  before,  and  then  being  but 
young,  and  now  being  more  grown  in  body,  my  old  ac- 
quaintance and  friends  did  not  at  first  know  me ;  but  we 
were  kindly  and  lovingly  received  by  our  friends  and 
brethren  in  that  nation,  where  there  is  a  great  and  nu- 
merous people,  that  serve  and  worship  the  Father  in 
spirit    and    in  truth,  and  who  have  divers  good   and 


wholesome  orders  established  amongst  them,  in  the  uni- 
ty  and  fellowship  of  the  gospel.  In  this  nation  we  had 
many  and  large  meetings  after  our  landing,  visiting  friends' 
meetings  along  to  the  north,  many,  not  of  our  society : 
coming  to  them,  among  \vhom  we  often  had  good  ser- 
vice, to  our  and  their  satisfaction,  as  they  often  declared, 
Richard  Gove  being  still  with  me.  Friends  from  their 
national  meeting,  certified  to  our  brethren  in  America,  of 
our  service  and  labour  of  love  among  them,  after  we  had 
tra^  elled  several  hundred  miles,  and  visited  friends'  meet- 
ings generally,  and  some  other  places  wliere  it  was  not 
Vsual.  While  I  was  in  Ireland,  under  a  concern  for  the 
prosperity  of  truth  and  religion,  I  wrote  an  exhortation 
to  the  youth,  and  others,  which  was  afterwards  printed 

We  took  ship  in  the  North  of  Ireland,  at  a  town  call- 
ed Donaghadee,  being  accompanied  with  divers  brethren, 
who  brought  us  on  our  way  after  a  godly  sort.  We  got 
to  Port-Patrick,  in  Scotland,  after  about  five  hours  sail, 
in  order  to  visit  those  few  friends  that  were  scattered 
about  in  that  part  of  the  nation.  People  in  those  parts 
looked  very  shy  on  us,  and  did  not  care  to  discourse  with 
us  on  matters  civil  or  religious,  which  I  thought  unrea- 
sonable. The  first  town  or  city  we  came  to,  in  which 
we  had  a  meeting,  was  Glasgow,  (accounted  the  second 
city  in  North-Britain)  where,  in  our  meeting  for  the  wor- 
ship of  the  Almighty,  we  were  shamefully  treated  by  the 
people,  who  threw  dirt,  stones,  coal,  &c.  amongst  us, 
and  by  divers  other  actions  unbecoming  men,  though 
heathens  or  infidels,  much  more  people  professing  Chris- 
tianity ;  so  that  I  was  constrained  to  tell  them,  that  though 
I  had  preached  the  gospel  to  many  heathens,  and  to  di- 
vers Jews,  as  also  to  Indians  and  Negroes,  and  had  trav- 
elled in  many  countries  and  nations  in  the  world,  in  sev- 
eral quarters  thereof,  and  many  thousands  of  miles,  yet 
I  must  needs  say,  that  I  never  met  with  the  like  incivili- 
ties,  and  such  scurrilous  treatment,  no  not  in  all  my  trav- 
els. I  also  told  them,  that  I  had  preached  the  gospel  of 
Christ  among  their  brethren  in  New- England,  and  in 
Boston,  where  they  formerly  hanged  the  quakers,  and 


cruelly  persecuted  them  for  their  religion,  and  yet  they 
did  not  treat  us  so  brutishly  even  there.  And  further  I 
told  them,  that  I  lived  in  those  parts  of  America,  and  what 
account  I  should  have  to  carry  home  to  their  aforesaid 
brethren,  of  our  treatment  in  Glasgow,  the  second  city 
m  Scotland.  I  desired  them  to  consider  of  it,  and  be 
ashamed,  if  they  had  any  shame.  This  a  little  abashed 
them  for  the  present,  but  afterwards  they  were  as  bad  as 
ever.  There  were  at  this  meeting  divers  collegians,  who 
were  very  rude.  I  asked  if  that  was  their  way  of  treat- 
ins:  stranarers  ?  and  that  I  believed  their  teachers  in  the 
university  did  not  allow  of  such  ill  manners,  by  which 
they  scandalized  themselves,  their  city  and  country.  From 
this  city  we  went  to  Hamilton  and  Gershore,  where 
they  were  more  civil.  At  Gershore  a  man  of  letters,  and 
sober  conversation,  begged  that  I  would  pray  to  the  Al- 
mighty, that  he  would  establish  him  in  the  doctrine  which 
he  had  heard  that  day.  This  being  rare  in  those  parts, 
therefore  I  thus  minute  it  here.  We  went  on  towards 
the  north  of  Scotland,  to  Aberdeen,  and  thereabouts, 
where  there  is  a  tender  hearted  people,  among  whom  we 
had  several  large  gatherings,  and  some  that  were  not  of 
us,  expressed  their  satisfaction.  In  the  north  I  met  with 
a  gentleman,  who  coming  from  a  nobleman's  house,  join- 
ed me,  and  asked  me,  *'  If  I  knew  Robert  Barclay  ?'*  I 
said  not  personally,  but  by  his  writings  I  knew  him  well. 
He  told  me,  "  That  he  (Barclay)  had  not  left  his  fellow 
in  Scotland,"  We  afterwards  travelled  southward,  where 
there  were  but  few  friends,  and  small  meetings  ;  yet  we 
may  say,  that  the  goodness,  love,  and  presence  of  him, 
who  said,  where  two  or  three  are  gathered  in  my  name, 
there  am  I  in  the  midst  of  them,  was  oftentimes  witnessed 
to  be  with  us,  blessed  be  his  holy  name.  Oh  !  that  the 
children  of  men  would  praise  him  in  thought,  word,  and 
deed,  for  he  is  worthy.  So  in  great  reverence  and  holy 
fear,  we  travelled  along  towards  South-Britain,  had  sev-^ 
eral  meetings  at  Edinburgh,  and  divers  other  places  ;  al- 
so at  Berwick  upon  Tweed,  where  there  were  many  sol- 
diers, who  were  very  rude.  The  devil  hath  had  many 
battles  with  usj  eyer  skiQes  we  were  a  people,  in  order  to 


hinder  US  in  our  worship,  but  we  generally  came  off  with 
victory,  as  we  did  here  also,  through  faith  in  his  name, 
who  hath  loved  us,  and  manifested  himself  to  us.  Those 
rude  soldiers  thro  wed  their  hats  into  the  congregation, 
in  order  to  disturb  us,  and  hinder  us  in  our  service,  but 
were  at  last  ashamed  and  disappointed. 

At  this  place  my  dear  friend  and  fellow-traveller, 
Richard  Gove,  and  I  parted  ;  I  was  for  going  by  the  east 
sea  coast  up  to  London,  and  he  inclined  towards  Cumber- 
land, after  we  had  travelled  about  a  year  in  the  work  of 
the  ministry,  in  great  love  and  true  friendship,  in  which 
work  we  were  true  helpers  one  of  another ;  and  as  wc 
had  laboured  together  in  the  work  of  Christ,  so  we  part- 
ed in  his  love.  Now  from  Berwick  I  travelled  along  to 
Newcastle ;  had  one  meeting  by  the  Avay,  and  several 
good  meetings  at  Newcastle,  Sunderland,  Shoten,  and 
Durham,  and  several  other  places  in  the  bishoprick  of 
Durham.  The  winter  coming  on  apace,  it  began  to  be 
bad  travelling;  and  I  being  already  much  spent  by  it, 
designed  to  go  speedily  up  to  London  ;  and  taking  some 
meetings  in  my  way,  as  at  Stockton,  Whitby,  Scar- 
borogh,  Burlington,  Hull,  and  Brigg,  and  so  on  through 
Lincolnshire,  where  I  went  to  visit  a  friend  that  was  pris- 
oner in  the  castle  of  Lincoln,  because  for  conscience  sake 
he  could  not  pay  an  ungodly  priest  the  tythes  of  his  la- 
bour. From  Lincoln  I  proceeded  to  Huntingdon,  about 
which  place  we  had  several  large  meetings,  so  on  to  Bal- 
dock,  where  I  met  with  my  father  and  John  Gopsil,  who 
came  from  London  to  meet  me,  which  was  a  joyful  meet- 
ing, for  I  had  not  seen  my  father  for  about  nine  years. 
The  love  and  tenderness  between  us,  and  the  gladness  in 
seeing  each  other  again,  cannot  well  be  expressed,  but  I 
believe  it  was  somewhat  like  Jacob  and  Joseph's  meeting 
in  Egypt ;  it  was  affecting  and  melting ;  blessed  be  the 
Almighty  that  gave  me  once  more  to  see  my  tender  and 
aged  parent !  So  from  Baldock  we  went  to  Hitching,  and 
had  a  meeting  there,  as  also  at  Hertford,  from  whence, 
with  several  friends,  I  went  to  Enfield,  where  I  met  with 
my  dear  and  only  brother  George,  and  there  were  with 
us   several  of  rny  relations,   and  divers   others  of  our 


friends :  we  were  heartily  glad  to  see  one  another.  From 
Enfield  we  went  forward  to  London,  and  by  the  way  we 
met  with  several  friendsof  the  meeting  of  Horsleydown,  to 
which  I  did  belong  from  my  childhood,  who  came  to 
meet  me,  and  accompanied  us  to  London. 

I  stayed  in  and  about  the  city  most  of  the  winter,  visit- 
ing meetings  when  I  was  well  and  in  health  ;  for  through 
often  changing  the  climates,  I  got  a  severe  cold,  and  was 
ill  for  several  weeks,  so  that  I  was  not  at  any  meeting, 
which  time  was  very  tedious  to  me  ;  not  so  much  be- 
cause of  my  illness,  as  that  I  was  deprived  of  divers  op- 
portunities and  meetings,  which  are  in  that  city  every 
day  of  the  week  except  the  last.  When  I  was  a  little 
got  over  this  illness,  I  went  into  Hertfordshire,  and  some 
parts  adjacent,  and  had  meetings  at  Staines,  Langford, 
Uxbridge,  Walford,  Hempstead,  Bendish,  Albans,  Mar- 
ket-Street, Hitching,  Hertford,  Hodgdon,  and  then  re- 
turned again  to  London. 

After  I  had  been  at  London  a  while,  I  visited  several 
other  country  meetings,  as  Winchmore-Hill,  Tottenham, 
Wansworth,  Plaistow,  Deptford,  and  Eppiug,  and  then 
staid  about  London  some  weeks,  waiting  for  a  passage 
for  Holland,  which  I  intended  to  visit  before  I  left  my  own 

And  on  the  14th  of  the  first  month,  1708-9,  I,  witlj 
my  companion,  John  Bell,  after  having  acquainted  out 
friends  and  relations,  (having  their  consent)  and  taking 
our  solemn  leave  of  them,  we  went  down  to  Gravesend, 
and  staid  there  two  or  three  days  for  a  fair  wind.  We 
went  on  board  the  ship  Ann,  John  Duck,  Master,  bound" 
for  Rotterdam,  in  company  with  a  fleet  of  vessels  waiting 
for  wind,  &c.  When  the  wind  was  fair  we  sailed  for  the 
coast  of  Holland,  and  when  we  arrived  on  that  coast  tne 
wind  was  contrary,  and  blew  very  hard,  so  that  some  of 
the  ships  in  company  lost  their  anchors,  but  in  a  day  or 
two  we  all  arrived  safe  at  Rotterdam,  in  Holland :  (we 
were  but  two  days  on  this  passage).  On  the  first  day 
morning  we  went  to  meeting  at  Rotterdam,  where  friends 
have  a  meeting-house  ;  and  v/e  stayed  at  this  city  seven  of 
eight  days,  and  had  six  or  seven  meetings,  and  were  com_r 



fortcd  with  our  brethren  and  sisters,  and  greatly  refreshed 
hi  the  Lord  Almighty.     At  this  city  we  spoke  without 
an  interpreter,  because  the  most  in  the  meeting  understood 
Englisli.     From  Rotterdam  A\e  travelled   by  the  Track- 
scoot,  a  boat,  being  drawn  by  horses,  which  is  a  pleas- 
ant easy  way  of  travelling,  to  a  large  town  called  Harlem, 
wliere  we  had  a  meeting,  and  speke  by  an  interpreter  ; 
to  which  meeting  came  divers  of  those  people  called  me- 
nonists  :   they  were  very  sober  and  attentive,  and  stayed 
all  the  time  of  the  meeting,  and  spoke  well  of  it.     From 
Harlem,  we  went  to  Amsterdam,  the  metropolis  of  Hol- 
land, where  friends  have  a  meeting-house.     Here  we  had 
several  meetings,  and  stayed  about  a  week.     On  the  iirst 
day  we  had  a  large  meeting,  to  which  came  many  people 
of  divers  persuasions  and  religions,  as  Jews,  papists,  and 
others ;  and  we  had  a   good  opportunity  among  them, 
and  several  were  tender.     A  Jew  came  iiext  day  to  speak 
with  us,  and  did  acknowledge,  "  That  Christ  was  the 
minister  of  that  sanctuary  and  tabernacle  that  God  had 
pitched,  and  not  man;  and  that  he  was  sensible  of  the 
ministry  of  Christ  in  his  soul;  and,  (said  he)  my  heart  was 
broken  while  that  subject  was  spoken  of  in  the  meeting.'^ 
I  was  glad  to  see  the  man  tender,  and  reached ;  but,  too 
generally  speaking,  the  poor  Jews,  the  seed  of  good  Ja- 
cob, are  very  dark  and  unbelieving.     I  have  met  with  but 
very  few  of  them  in  my  travels,  that  have  been  tender ; 
but  I  do  love  them  for  Abraham's,  Isaac's,  and  Jacob's 
sake.     At  this  meeting,  William  Sewel,  (the  author  of 
the  history  of  the  rise  and  progress  of  the  people  called 
quakers),  a  tender-spirited  upright  man,  interpreted  for 
me.     From  Amsterdam  wc  went  to  North- Holland,  and 
John  Claus  and  Peter  Reyard  went  with  us  to  interpret 
for  us  ;  so  by  boat,  or  scoot,  we  travelled  to  a  town  called 
Twisk,  where  we  had  two  meetings,  friends  having  a 
meeting-house  there ;  from  Twisk  we  went  back  again 
to  Amsterdam,  and  had  two  large  meetings  there  on  the 
first  day,  and  second  day  in  the  evening  we  went  on  ship- 
board, in  order  to  cross  the  South  Sea  to   Herlingen,    at 
which  ]:)lacc  we  had  tw-o   meetings,  and  we  and  friends 
were  glad  to  see  one  another  :  and,  indeed,  we  being  as 


one  family  all  the  world  over,  are  generally  glad  to  see 
each  other.  From  this  place  we  travelled  eastward 
•  through  East-Friesland,  and  went  through  several  great 
towns  and  cities  until  we  came  to  EmBden,  the  chief 
city  in  East-Friesland,  where  we  had  a  comfortable 
meeting  by  the  bed-side  of  one  of  our  friends  that  lay 
sick  ;  and  several  of  her  neighbours  came  in  and  stayed 
till  the  meeting  ended  ;  some  of  them  were  very  tender 
and  loving,  and  wished  us  well,  and  were  w  ell  satisfied. 
After  meeting  we  set  forward  for  Hamburgh,  it  being 
four  days  journey  by  waggon,  and  passed  along  through 
divers  towns  and  cities :  we  also  travelled  through  the 
city  of  Oldenburg,  and  a  place  of  great  commerce  called 
Bremen.  A  magistrate  of  this  city  took  notice  of  us, 
joined  himself  to  us,  and  went  with  us  to  the  inn,  and 
then  very  lovingly  took  leave  of  us,  and  desired  God  to 
bless  us.  The  people  at  our  inns  were  generally  very 
loving  and  kind  to  us,  and  some  would  admire  at  my 
coming  so  far  only  to  visit  my  friends,  without  any  views 
of  advantage  or  profit  outwardly.  When  we  got  to  Ham- 
burgh we  had  a  meeting  at  Jacob  Hagen's,  and  those 
that  were  there,  were  well  satisfied  with  the  doctrine  of 
truth,  blessed  be  God,  who,  I  may  say,  was  with  us  at 
that  time  and  place  !  At  Hamburgh  there  was  at  meeting 
one  who  had  preached  before  the  king  of  Denmark ; 
who,  as  I  understood  by  our  interpreter,  was  turned  out 
of  his  place,  for  preachmg  the  same  truths  that  we  had 
preached  there  that  day  ;  at  which  meeting,  were  papists, 
iutherans,  calvanists,  menonists,  Jews,  &c.  All  of  them 
were  sober,  and  generally  expressed  their  satisfaction. 
I  had  so  much  comfort  in  that  meeting,  that  I  thought 
it  was  worth  my  labour  in  coming  from  my  habitation, 
the  answer  of  peace  was  so  much  to  my  soul,  that  I 
greatly  rejoiced  in  my  labour  in  the  work  of  Christ. 
From  hence  I  travelled  to  Frederickstadt,  it  being  two 
days  journey,  where  friends  have  a  meeting-house.  We 
stayed  about  ten  days,  and  hatd  nine  meetings  in  this 
city.  Some  of  the  meetings  were  very  large,  and  the 
longer  we  stayed,  the  larger  they  were.  This  Freder- 
ickstadt is  a  city  in  the  dominions  of  the  duke  of  Ho], 


stein,  and  was  the  farthest  place  we  travelled  to  east- 
ward ;  and  from  hence  I  wrote  a  small  piece,  called, 
**  A  loving  invitation  unto  young  and  old  in  Holland  and 
elsewhere;"  which  was  translated  into  the  German  and 
Low- Dutch  languages  :  and  divers  impressions  of  them 
were  also  printed  in  England. 

We  travelled  in  this  journey  through  some  parts  of 
the  emperor  of  Germany's  dominions,  as  also  of  the  kings 
of  Denmark  and  Swedeland,  and  of  the  duke  of  Olden- 
burg's,  and  prince  of  East-Friesland's  territories,  besides 
some  parts  of  the  Seven  Provinces  of  the  United  States. 
We  parted  with  our  friends  of  this  city  of  Frederickstadt, 
in  much  love  and  tenderness,  and  with  our  hearts  full  of 
good  will,  one  towards  another,  and  so  went  back  to  the 
city  of  Embdcn  a  nearer  way,  by  two  days  journey, 
than  to  go  by  Hamburgh.  We  crossed  the  rivers  Eyder, 
Elfc,  and  Weiser ;  over  which  last  we  were  rowed  by 
three  women.  The  women  in  those  parts  of  the  world 
are  strong  and  robust,  and  used  to  hard  labour.  I  have 
seen  them  do  not  only  the  work  of  men,  but  of  horses;  it 
being  common  with  them  to  do  the  most  laborious,  and 
the  men  the  lightest  and  easiest  work.  I  remember  that 
I  once  saw  near  Hamburgh,  a  fair,  well  dressed  woman, 
who,  by  her  dress,  or  appearance,  was  a  woman  of  some 
note,  and  a  man,  whom  I  took  to  be  her  husband,  walk- 
ing by  her,  and  she  was  very  great  with  child,  and  the 
way  difficult,  being  up  a  very  steep  hill,  and  he  did  not 
so  much  as  offer  his  hand,  or  assistance  to  her  ;  which, 
however  it  might  look  to  a  man  of  that  country,  seemed 
very  strange  to  me,  being  a  Briton.  For  my  part,  I 
thought  it  unmanly,  as  well  as  unmannerly  :  on  which 
I  observe,  that  I  never  in  any  part  of  the  world,  saw 
women  so  tenderly  dealt  by  as  our  English,  or  British 
women,  which  they  ought  to  value  and  prize  highly,  and 
therefore  to  be  the  more  loving  and  obedient  to  their 
husbands,  the  indulgent  Englishmen;  which  indulgence 
I  blame  not,  but  commend,  so  far  as  it  is  a  motive  to  stir 
them  up  to  love  and  faithfulness. 

In  this  journey  between  Frederickstadt  and  Embden^ 
we  htid  four  days  hard  travelling,  and  were  twice  over* 


turned  out  of  our  waggons,  but  we  got  no  harm,  which 
was  admirable  to  us  ;  for  once  we  fell,  waggon  and  all, 
over  a  great  bank,  just  by  the  side  of  a  large  ditch,  and 
did  but  just  save  ourselves  out  of  the  ditch.  The  next 
time  we  overset  upon  stones  :  we  wondered  that  none  of 
us  were  hurt,  particularly  myself,  I  being  much  heavier 
than  any  of  the  rest ;  but  through  the  mercy  of  God,  wc 
got  well  to  Embden  the  second  time,  and  had  a  meeting 
upon  a  first  day,  and  immediately  after  meeting,  we  took 
ship  for  Delfzeel,  which  was  from  Embden  about  nine  or 
ten  English  miles,  by  water,  and  with  a  fair  gale  of  wind, 
got  there  in  less  than  two  hours  time.  We  spoke  by 
interpreters  all  along,  and  were  divinely  helped  to  preach 
the  gospel  to  the  satisfaction  of  others,  and  our  own  com- 
fort ;  and  the  friend  who  interpreted  for  us,  was  sensible 
of  the  same  divine  assistance,  to  his  admiration,  for 
which  we  were  all  truly  thankful.  But,  notwithstanding 
we  were  so  opened,  to  the  satisfaction  of  ourselves,  our 
friends,  and  the  people,  yet  we  were  sometimes  emptied 
to  exceeding  great  spiritual  poverty,  and  in  the  sense  of 
our  want  and  need,  we  did  many  times  pour  out  our 
souls  and  spirits  in  humble  prayer  and  supplication  to  the 
Most  High,  for  his  help  and  strength,  that  it  might  be 
made  manifest  to  us  in  our  weakness ;  and  we  found  him 
a  God  near  at  hand,  and  often  a  present  help  in  the  need- 
ful time,  and  had  a  sweet  answer  to  our  prayers.  Oh  ! 
that  my  soul,  with  all  the  faithful,  may  dwell  near  to  him, 
in  whom  alone  is  the  help,  and  strength  of  all  his  faith- 
ful servants  and  ministers  !  Amen. 

From  Delfzeel  we  went  to  Groeningen,  the  chief  city 
in  Groeningland,  and  so  on  to  a  river  called  the  Wonder, 
and  to  a  town  named  Goradick,  where  we  had  a  meeting 
with  a  few  friends  there,  and  some  of  their  neighbours 
came  to  the  meeting.  It  was  to  us  a  comfortable  meet- 
ing, and  they  were  glad  of  it,  they  being  but  seldom  visit- 
ed by  friends.  From  this  place  v/e  travelled  by  waggon 
to  Hervine,  where  we  lodged  that  night,  and  next  day 
went  by  waggon  to  Leuwarden.  It  happened  that  we 
had  generally  very  fine  weather  while  in  those  open  wag- 


gons,  in  which  we  travelled  several  hundred  miles,  so  that 
JacoJD  Clans,  our  companion  and  interpreter,  though  he 
had  travelled  much,  said  he  never  had  observed  the  like 
before ;  which  observation  I  thought  good  to  make,  with 
thanks  to  the  Almighty. 

From  the  city  of  Leuwarden,  we  came  by  water  to 
Herlingen,  where  friends  were  glad  to  see  us,  and  wc 
them.  We  had  a  meeting  in  friends*  meeting-house, 
and  a  good  comfortable  one  it  was,  blessed  be  the  Lord 
for  it !  From  hence  we  crossed  the  South  Sea,  and  had  a 
contrary  wind,  which  made  our  passage  long  and  tedious. 
We  were  two  days  and  two  nights  on  this  water  before 
we  got  to  Amsterdam,  in  all  which,  and  the  next  day, 
I  tasted  no  food,  being  three  days  fasting.  I  was  willing 
to  keep  my  body  under,  and  found  it  for  my  health, 
neither  had  I  any  desire  for  food  in  those  three  days,  in 
which  time  we  had  two  meetings.  We  arrived  at  Am- 
sterdam about  the  sixth  hour,  on  the  first  day  morning, 
and  had  two  meetings  at  Amsterdam  that  day,  which 
were  quiet,  and  many  people  came  to  one  of  them  :  but 
we  could  not  be  clear  without  going  again  to  North- 
Holland  ;  so  from  Amsterdam  we  went  to  Horn,  where 
we  had  a  meeting  in  the  collegian's  meeting-house,  and 
it  was  to  satisfaction  :  the  people  were  very  loving,  and 
divers  very  tender,  even  more  than  we  have  usually  seen. 
They  desired  another  meeting,  but  our  time  would  not 
admit  of  it,  we  having  appointed  a  meeting  at  Twisk  the 
next  day,  which  we  had  in  the  meeting-place,  as  also 
another  at  a  friend's  house.  The  next  day  we  returned  to 
Amsterdam,  and  had  a  meeting,  which  began  about  the 
fifth  hour,  which  was  the  last  meeting  we  had  in  this  city, 
and  I  hope  it  will  not  easily  be  forgotten  by  some.  After 
it  wc  solemnly  took  our  leave  of  friends,  and  departed  for 
Harlem,  where  we  were  well  refreshed  in  the  love  and 
life  of  Christ  Jesus,  our  dear  Lord,  and  good  Master. 
From  Harlem  we  went  with  several  friends  to  Rotterdam, 
where  we  had  two  meetings,  and  in  the  evening  we  went 
to  visit  a  friend  that  was  not  well,  with  whom  we  had  a 
meeting,  and  affecting  time,  ^d  the  sick  friend  was  com- 


forted  and  refreshed,  and  said,  she  was  much  better  than 
before;  and  we  were  edified,  and  the  Lord  our  God 
praised  and  magnified  over  all,  who  is  blessed  for  ever. 

In  those  parts,  viz.  Holland,  Friesland,  Germany,  &:c. 
we  travelled  972  English  miles,  all  in  waggons  and  ves- 
sels. We  came  not  on  a  horse's  back  all  the  time.  It 
was  about  nine  weeks  that  we  stayed  in  those  countries, 
travelling  therein,  and  getting  meetings  where  we  could, 
which  were  to  the  number  of  forty-five,  thus  accounted  : 
at  Rotterdam  10 ;  Harlem  3  ;  Amsterdam  10 ;  Twisk 
4  ;  Herlingen  3  ;  Horn  1  ;  Hamburgh  1 ;  Embden  2  ; 
Frederick stadt  10;  Goradick  1. 

All  these  are  large  cities,  except  Twisk  and  Gorac 

From  Rotterdam  we  took  ship  for  London,  and  on  the 
30th  of  the  3d  month,  1709,  we  sailed  down  the  river 
Meuse  to  the  Briel,  in  the  ship  Ann,  John  Duck,  mas- 
ter, but  he  miss?ng  the  convoy,  we  took  our  passage  in 
the  packet;  and  so  from  Helvoctsluys  we  sailed  over  to 
Harwich,  and  thus  safely  arrived  in  our  native  land, 
blessing  Almighty  God  for  his  many  preservations  and 
deliverances  by  sea  and  land. 

About  this  time  (after  a  long  continuance  of  war)  there 
was  great  talking  of  peace  ;  but  the  old  enemy  to  peace, 
truth,  and  righteousness,  broke  it  off  by  his  evil  work- 
ing in  man  :  neither  can  there  be  any  lasting  peace,  until 
the  nations  come  to  the  witnessing  of  the  peaceable  gov- 
ernment and  spirit  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  to  be  set 
up  and  established  in  themselves.  The  Lord  bring  it  to 
pass,  if  it  be  his  blessed  will,  with  speed,  for  his  holy 
name's  sake!     Amen. 

As  I  have  had  great  peace  and  satisfaction  in  my  trav- 
els in  Holland  and  Germany,  so,  for  exciting  others  un- 
der the  like  exercise,  I  may  truly  say,  that  there  is  en- 
couragement for  faithful  ministers  to  labour  in  the  work 
of  the  gospel :  for  I  know  not  that  I  ever  met  with  more 
tenderness  and  openness  in  people,  than  in  those  parts  of 
the  world.  'J'here  is  a  great  people  which  they  call  me- 
nonists,  who  are  very  near  to  truth,  and  the  fields  are 
•^hite  unto  harvest  among  divers  of  that  people,  spirit- 


ually  speaking.  Oh!  that  faithful  labourers,  not  a  few^, 
might  be  sent  of  God  Almighty  into  the  great  vineyard 
of  the  world,  is  what  my  soul  and  spirit  breathes  to  him 

After  lodging  one  night  at  Harwich,  we  came  to  Ips- 
wich, and  from  thence  to  Colchester,  and  stayed  there 
the  first  day,  and  had  two  meetings;  and  had  a  meeting 
at  Birch  and  Coggsheal,  and  then  back  to  Colchester, 
^vhere  we  took  coach  for  London,  to  the  yearly  meeting 
of  friends,  which  was  very  large.  I  gave  some  short  ac- 
count of  my  travels  to  the  said  meeting,  with  which  friends 
Avere  satisfied,  and  made  a  minute  thereof.  I  had  been 
about  twenty  months  from  my  habitation,  and  from  my 
dear  and  affectionate  wife,  and  from  any  manner  of  trade 
and  business,  either  directly  or  indirectly,  being  all  that 
time  wholly  given  up  in  my  mind  to  preach  the  glorious 
gospel  of  God  our  Saviour,  without  any  outward  con- 
sideration whatever,  taking  my  great  Master's  counsel, 
As  I  had  freely  received  from  him,  so  I  freely  gave :  and 
had  that  solid  peace  in  my  labours  that  is  of  more  value 
than  gold,  yea,  than  all  the  world. 

From  the  yearly  meeting  I  travelled  through  some  parts 
of  most  of  the  counties  in  England,  and  also  in  Wales  : 
in  which  service,  I  laboured  fervently,  and  often  travel- 
led hard,  in  body  and  mind,  until  the  next  yearly  meet- 
ing, 1710,  having  travelled  that  year  about  two  thousand 
five  hundred  miles,  and  had  near  three  hundred  public 
meetings,  in  many  of  which  there  were  much  people^ 
and  oftentimes  great  openness.  I  being  at  so  many  friends 
houses,  and  at  so  many  meetings,  if  I  was  to  be  partic- 
ular in  the  same,  it  would  be  too  voluminous,  for  which,, 
and  some  reason  beside,  I  only  give  a  general  account 
thereof  here. 

In  this  year  (1710)  my  dear  friend  and  fellow-travel- 
ler, Richard  Gove,  departed  this  life,  at  Uxbridge  about 
fifteen  miles  from  London,  at  our  friend  Richard  Richard- 
son's house.  He  died  of  a  consumption.  We  travelled 
together  in  great  love  and  unity,  and  the  Lord  blessed  his 
work  in  our  hands.  We  were  in  company  in  the  West- 
India  islands,  Ireland,  and  North-Britain,  till  we  came  to 


Berwick  on  Tweed.  We  met  together  again  at  London, 
and  he  visited  some  other  parts  of  Britain,  in  the  time  I 
was  in  Holland  and  Germany.  He  was  an  inoffensive, 
loving  friend,  and  had  a  sound  testimony,  which  was  ser- 
viceable and  convincing,  and  was  well  beloved  in  Phila- 
delphia, where  he  lived.  He  left  a  good  savour  and  report 
behind  him  (I  think)  wherever  he  travelled  in  the  world. 

Now  at  this  general  meeting  in  London,  I  had  a  good 
opportunity  to  take  my  leave  of  my  dear  friends  and 
brethren  in  my  native  land,  not  expecting  to  see  it,  or 
them,  any  more  in  this  world.  Oh  !  I  may  truly  say,  it 
was  a  solemn  parting  !  it  was  a  solemn  time  tp  me  in- 
deed. After  the  yearly  meeting  was  over,  I  took  my 
passage  in  the  Mary-Hope,  John  Annis,  master,  bound 
for  Philadelphia ;  and  on  the  29th  of  the  fourth  month, 
1710,  at  Gravesend,  after  having  taken  a  solemn  leave 
of  our  relations,  and  several  of  my  dear  friends,  we  set 
sail,  and  overtook  the  Russia  fleet  at  Harwich,  and  so 
joined  them,  and  sailed  with  them  as  far  as  Shetland, 
which  is  northward  of  the  isles  of  Orkney.  We  were 
with  the  fleet  about  two  weeks,  and  then  left  them,  and 
sailed  to  the  westward  for  America.  In  this  time  we 
had  rough  seas,  which  made  divers  of  us  sea-sick.  Af- 
ter we  left  Shetland,  we  were  seven  weeks  and  four  days- 
at  sea  before  we  saw  the  land  of  America,  and  glad  we 
were  when  we  got  sight  thereof.  In  this  time  we  had 
divers  sweet  and  solemn  meetings,  on  first  days  and  fifth 
days,  wherein  we  worshipped  and  praised  the  great  Je- 
hovah, and  many  things  were  opened  in  the  spirit  of 
love  and  truth,  to  our  comfort  and  edification.  We  had 
one  meeting  with  the  Germans  or  Palatines  on  the  ship's- 
deck,  and  one  who  understood  both  languages  interpret- 
ed for  me.  The  people  were  tender  and  wrought  upon, 
behaved  sober,  and  were  well  satisfied :  and  I  can  truly 
say,  I  was  well  satisfied  also. 

In  this  voyage  we  had  our  health  to  admiration  ;  and 
I  shall  observe  one  thing  worthy  of  my  notice.  Some 
of  my  loving  and  good  friends  in  London,  fearing  a  sick- 
Jiess  in  the  ship,  as  she  was  but  small  consideriiig  there 



were  so  many  souls  on  board  her,  being  ninety-four  in 
number,  they,  for  that  and  other  reasons,  advised  me 
not  to  go  in  her;  for  they  loved  me  well,  and  I  took  it 
kindly  of  them:  but  I  could  not  be  easy  to  take  their 
advice,  because  I  had  been  long  from  my  habitation  and 
business,  and  which  was  yet  more,  from  my  dear  and  lo\  - 
ing  wife;  and  notwithstanding  the  vessel  was  so  full  and 
crowded,  and  also  several  of  the  people  taken  into  the 
ship  in  the  river  Thames,  yet  they  mended  on  board  the 
vessel  apace,  and  were  soon  all  brave  and  hearty,  being 
perfectly  recovered  at  sea,  and  the  ship,  through  the 
providence  of  the  Almighty,  brought  them  all  well  to 
Philadelphia,  in  the  seventh  month,  1710.  I  think  I 
never  was  in  a  more  health}'  vessel  in  all  my  time,  and  I 
thought  this  peculiar  favour  worthy  to  be  recorded  by 
me.  We  had  a  very  pleasant  passage  up  the  river  Del- 
aware, to  our  great  satisfaction,  the  Palatines  being  won- 
derfully pleased  with  the  country,  mightily  admiring  the 
pleasantness  and  the  fertility  of  it.  Divers  of  our  peo- 
ple went  on  shore,  and  brought  fruit  on  board,  which 
was  the  largest  and  finest  they  had  ever  seen,  as  they 
said,  such  as,  apples,  peaches,  &c. 

I  was  from  my  family  and  habitation,  in  this  journey 
and  travel,  for  the  space  of  three  years,  within  a  few 
weeks ;  in  which  time,  and  in  my  return,  I  had  sweet 
peace  to  my  soul ;  glory  to  God  for  ever  more  !  I  had 
meetings  every  day  when  on  land,  except  second  and 
seventh  days,  (when  in  health,  and  nothing  extraordinary 
hindered),  and  had  travelled  by  sea  and  land  fourteen 
thousand  three  hundred  miles,  according  to  our  English 
account.  I  was  kindly  and  tenderly  received  by  my 
friends,  who  longed  to  see  me,  as  I  did  them,  and  our 
meeting  was  comfortable  and  pleasant. 

After  this  long  travel  and  voyage,  I  staid  at  home,  and 
looked  after  the  little  family  which  God  had  given  me, 
and  kept  duly  to  meetings,  except  something  extraordi- 
nary hindered.  Divers  people,  when  I  came  home^ 
raised  a  false  report  of  me,  and  said,  I  had  brought 
home  a  great  deal  of  money  and  goods,  that  I  got  by 
preaching ;    which  was  utterly  false  and  base ;    for  I 


brought  neither  money  nor  goods,  so  much  as  to  the  \'ahie 
of  five  pounds,  except  my  wearing  apparel ;  so  much  the 
reverse,  that  I  borrowed  money  at  London  to  pay  for  my 
accommodations  home,  the  which  I  faithfully  remitted 
back  again  to  my  friend  that  lent  it  to  me,  to  whom  I 
was  much  obliged  for  the  same  :  and  if  I  might  have 
gained  a  hundred  pounds  per  annum,  it  would  not  have 
tempted  me  to  undertake  that,  or  such  another  journey. 
Soon  after  my  return  home  again,  I  visited  a  few  neigh- 
bouring  meetings,  which  were  large  and  edifying,  friends 
being  glad  to  see  me  again  returned  home  from  that 
long  journey.  And  I  did,  as  I  had  reason  to  do,  bless 
the  holy  name  of  the  Lord,  for  his  many  preservations 
and  deliverances  by  sea  and  land. 

After  some  stay  at  Philadelphia,  I  went  down  with 
my  wife  and  family  into  Maryland,  to  a  corn-mill  and 
saw- mill,  which  I  had  there,  in  order  to  live  there  some 
time,  and  settle  my  affairs :  and  after  being  there  some 
time,  my  dear  wife  was  taken  ill  of  a  sore  disease,  which 
some  thought  to  be  an  ulcer  in  the  bladder,  and  I  had  her 
up  to  Philadelphia,  she  being  carried  as  far  as  Chester  in 
a  horse-litter,  where  she  continued  for  some  months,  in 
much  misery,  and  extreme  pain,  at  the  house  of  our  very 
kind  friends,  David  and  Grace  Lloyd,  whose  kindness  to 
us,  in  that  sore,  trying,  and  exercising  time,  was  great, 
and  is  not  to  be  forgotten  by  me,  while  I  live  in  this 
world.  From  Chester  we  removed  her  again  in  a  litter, 
being  accompanied  by  our  friends,  to  Philadelphia,  where 
she  continued  very  ill  all  that  winter,  often  thinking  that 
death  tarried  long,  and  crying  mightily  to  the  Lord, 
"  Oh!  Come  away,  come  away  !"  This  was  her  cry  day 
and  night,  till  at  last  she  could  speak  no  more.  As  we 
lived  together  in  great  love  and  unity,  being  very  affec- 
tionate one  to  another  ;  so,  being  now  left  alone,  I  was 
very  solitary,  and  sometimes  sorrowful,  and  broken  into 
many  tears,  in  the  sense  of  my  loss  and  lonesomeness. 
This,  my  dear  wife,  was  a  virtuous  young  woman,  and 
one  that  truly  feared  God,  and  loved  his  dear  Son  ;  from 
whom  she  had  received  a  good  gift  of  the  ministr}',  and 
was  serviceable  to  many  therein.     I  had  five  children  by 


her,  four  sons  and  one  daughter,  all  whom  I  buried  be- 
fore her,  under  three  years  old.  At  the  yearly  meeting 
before  she  died,  she  was  so  wonderfully  carried  forth  in 
her  ministr}',  by  the  divine  grace,  that  divers  of  her 
friends  believed  she  was  near  her  end,  she  signifying 
something  to  that  effect  in  her  testimony,  and  that  she 
should  not  live  to  see  another  yearly  meeting :  and  so  it 
came  to  pass ;  for  she  died  before  another  yearly  meet- 
ing, being  aged  about  thirty -five  years,  and  a  married 
woman  about  thirteen  years.  Her  body  was  carried  to 
friends'  meeting-house,  in  Philadelphia,  and  buried  in 
friends'  burying- ground,  being  accompanied  by  many 
hundreds  of  our  friends,  in  a  solemn  manner:  and  my 
heart  was  greatly  broken  in  consideration  of  my  great 
loss  ;  and  being  left  alone,  as  to  wife  and  children,  I  many 
times  deeply  mourned,  though  I  well  knew  my  loss  was 
her's  and  their  gain  ! 

Here  I  shall  end  the  first  part  of  the  journal  of  some 
part  of  my  life  and  travels,  omitting  many  meetings,  and 
lesser  journies,  which  I  performed :  and  the  accounts 
here  given  have  been  mostly  general,  not  descending  into 
Tnany  particulars  ;  though  the  adding  some  things  might 
have  been  instructive  and  agreeable :  the  whole  being 
intended  as  a  motive  to  stir  up  others  to  serve,  love,  and 
faithfully  follow,  and  believe  in  Christ, 

•y • ^« 








1  NOW  gave  up  my  time  mostly  to  travelling,  for  about 
the  space  of  two  years,  in  which  I  visited  the  meetings  of 
friends  in  the  provinces  of  Pennsylvania,  East  and  West- 
Jersey,  Maryland,  Virginia,  and  North- Carolina,  and 
back  again  to  Philadelphia,  and  then  to  New- Jersey  again: 
also  to  Long-Island,  Rhode-Island,  Conanicut-Island, 
Nantucket- Island,  and  New-England,  and  through  those 
parts  on  my  return  to  Philadelphia.  In  these  provinces, 
&c.  I  travelled  some  thousands  of  miles,  and  had  many 
large  meetings,  some  in  places  where  there  had  not  been 
any  before,  and  some  were  convinced,  and  many  would 
acknowledge  to  the  testimony  of  truth,  which  was  de- 
clared by  the  help  and  grace  of  Christ;  and  many  times 
my  heart  was,  by  the  assistance  of  that  grace,  wonderful- 
ly opened  to  the  people.  If  I  should  be  particular  in  the 
account  of  these  journies,  it  would  enlarge  this  part  of 
my  journal  more  than  I  am  willing. 

In  Virginia  I  had  a  meeting  at  James'  river,  where  a 
priest  of  the  church  of  England,  with  some  of  his  hear- 
ers, made  some  opposition,  after  our  meeting  was  over, 
and  ^vere  for  disputing  about  religion  j  and  he  openly  de.- 


clared,  "  The  spirit  was  not  his  guide,  nor  rule  ;  and 
he  hoped,  .never  should  be.  But,  he  said,  the  scriptures 
were  his  rule,  and  that  there  was  no  need  of  any  other ; 
and  that  they  were  as  plain  as  Gunter's  line,  or  as  1,  2, 
3."  I  told  him,  the  scriptures  were  a  good  secondary 
rule,  and  that  it  were  well  if  men  would  square  their 
lives  according  to  their  directions  ;  which  we,  as  a  peo- 
ple, exhorted  all  to  :  but  that  the  holy  spirit,  from  which 
the  holy  scriptures  came,  must  needs  be  preferable  to  the 
letter,  that  came  from  it ;  and  without  which  holy  spirit, 
"  the  letter  kills,"  as  saith  the  apostle.  I  also  asked  him, 
how  he,  or  any  else,  without  the  light,  or  influence  of 
the  holy  spirit,  could  understand  the  scriptures,  which 
were  parabolically  and  allegorically  expressed,  in  many 
places  ?  And  further,  to  use  his  own  expression,  how 
could  any  understand  Gunter's  line,  without  Gunter's 
knowledge  ?  or  without  they  were  taught  by  Gunter,  or 
some  other?  Neither  can  we  be  the  sons  of  God,  without 
the  spirit  of  God.  Which  he  answered  not,  but  went 

In  New- England,  one  Joseph  Metcalf,  a  Presbyterian 
teacher,  at  Falmouth,  wrote  a  book,  entitled,  "  Legal 
forcing  a  maintenance  for  a  minister  of  the  gospel,  war- 
rantable from  scripture,  &c."  Which  book  a  friend,  of 
Sandwich,  gave  me,  and  desired  I  would  answer  it ; 
which,  after  finding  some  exercise  on  my  mind,  for  the 
cause  of  truth,  I  was  willing  to  undertake;  and  accord- 
ingly wrote  an  answer  thereto,  which  I  called,  "  Forcing 
a  maintenance,  not  warrantable  from  the  holy  scriptures, 
for  a  minister  of  the  gospel."  In  which  I  endeavoured 
to  set  the  texts  of  scripture  in  a  true  light,  which  he 
had  darkened  and  misrepresented  by  his  chimerical  doc- 

In  this  year,  1713,  I  went  from  Philadelphia,  in  the 
Hope  Galley,  John  Richmond,  master,  to  South  Caro- 
lina. We  were  about  a  month  at  sea  ;  and  when  it 
pleased  God  that  wc  arrived  at  Charleston,  in  South-Car- 
olina, we  had  a  meeting  there,  and  divers  others  after- 
wards. There  are  but  few  friends  in  this  province,  jct 
I  had  several  meetings  in  the  country*     The  people  were 


generally  loving,  and  received  me  kindly.     What  I  had 
to  declare  to  them,  I  always  desired  to  speak  to  the  Avit- 
ness  of  God  in  the  soul,  and  according  to  the  pure  doc- 
trine of  truth  in  the  holy  scriptures  ;  and  there  was  open- 
ness in  the  people  in  several  places.     I  was  several  times 
to  visit  the  governor,  who  was  courteous  and  civil  to  me. 
He  said  I  "  deserved  encouragement,"  and  spoke  to  sev- 
eral to  be   generous,  and  contribute  to    my   assistance. 
He  meant  an  outward  maintenance  ;  for  he  would  have 
me  encouraged  to  stay  among  them.     But    I   told  him, 
that  though  it  might  be  a  practice  with  them,  to  maintain 
their    ministers,  and  pay  them  money  for  preaching,  it 
was  contrary  to  our  principles  to  be  paid  for  i>reaching, 
agreeably  to  the   command  of  our  great  master,  Christ 
Jesus,  who  said  to  his  ministers,  "  Freely  you  have  re- 
ceived, freely  give  :"  so  that  we  arc  limited  by  his  words, 
whatever  others  are  :  and  those  who  take  a  liberty  con- 
trary to  his  doctrine  and  command,  I  think,  must  be  an- 
tichrist's,  according  to   holy  scripture.     The  longer  I 
stayed  there,  the  larger  our  meetings  '^vere  ;  and  when  I 
found  myself  free  and  clear  of  those  parts,    I  took  my 
passage  for  Virginia,  in  a  sloop,  Henry  Tucker,  master. 
I  had  a  comfortable  and  quick  passage  to  James'  river,  it 
being  about  two  hundred  leagues.     The  master  of  the 
vessel  told  me,  "  That  he  believed  he   was  blessed  for 
my  sake."     I  wished  him  to  live  so  as  that  he  might  be 
blessed  for  Christ's  sake.    And  some  reformation  was  be- 
gun on  him  in  our  voyage  ;   which  Avas  the  goodness  of 
God,  through  Christ,  to  him,  and  not  to  be  attributed  to 
me,  any  farther  than  an  instrument  in  the  divine  hand; 
for  of  ourselves  we  cannot  do  any  thing  that  is  good,  it 
being  by  grace,  through  faith,  that  we  are  saved,  which 
is  God's  gift  to  the  soul. 

After  I  had  been  sometime  in  Virginia,  I  got  a  pas- 
sage up  the  bay  of  Chesapeak,  and  had  several  meetings 
in  Maryland,  friends  being  glad  to  see  me  ;  and  we  were 
comforted  in  Christ  our  Lord.  I  made  some  little  stay 
at  a  place  I  had  in  that  province,  called  Longbridge,  and 
then  returned  to  Philadelphia,  where  I  lodged  at  the 

72.  THE    JOURNAL    or    TUOMAS    GHALKLEY. 

house  of  my  very  kind  friends  Richard  and  Hannah  Hill, 
and  was  oftentimes  at  divers  neighbouring  meetings,  and 
sometimes  had  good  service  therein. 

About  this  time  I  had  an  inchnation  to  aher  my  con- 
dition of  being  a  widower,  to  a  married  state  ;  and  the 
most  suitable  person  that  I,  with  some  of  my  good 
friends,  could  think  upon,  was  Martlia,  the  widow  of 
Joseph  Brown  :  and  on  the  15th  of  the  second  month, 
1714,  we  were  joined  together  in  marriage,  with  the 
unity  of  friends  in  general.  We  had  a  large  meeting  at 
our  marriage,  the  solemnization  thereof  being  attended 
with  the  grace  and  goodness  of  God ;  and,  for  example 
sake,  we  made  but  little  provision  for  our  guests  :  for 
great  entertainments  at  man'iages  and  funerals  began  to 
be  a  growing  thing  among  us,  which  was  attended  with 
divers  inconveniencies. 

My  wife  was  a  sober  and  religious  young  woman,  and 
of  a  quiet  natural  temper  and  disposition ;  which  is  an 
excellent  ornament  to  the  fair  sex  ;  and  indeed  it  is  so 
both  to  male  and  female  ;  for,  accordmg  to  the  holy  scrip- 
tures, "  a  meek  and  quiet  spirit  is  with  the  Lord  of 
great  price." 

The  first  child  we  had  I  called  Abigail  (or  the  father's 
joy,  as  the  word  signifies),  and  while  she  lived,  I  had 
joy  and  comfort  in  her,  even  more  than  I  could  expect, 
her  age  considered  ;  for  she  lived  but  about  eighteen 
months,  yet  in  that  time  gave  frequent  proofs  of  an  un- 
common capacity,  and  dropt  such  extraordinary  expres- 
sions, that  I  have  said  to  her  mother,  "  This  child  is 
too  ripe  for  heaven,  to  live  long  on  earth ;  therefore  let 
us  not  set  our  hearts  upon  it."  And  I  have  thought 
that  in  this  child  the  saying  of  Christ  was  fulfilled,  even 
in  the  letter  of  it,  "  Out  of  the  mouths  of  babes  and 
sucklings,  thou  hast  perfected  praise."  Mat.  xxi.  16. 

I  was  at  divers  yearly  meetings  in  1715,  viz.  at  Chop- 
tank,  in  Maryland  ;  at  Shrewsbury  and  Salem,  in  New- 
Jersey  ;  all  which  meetings  were  very  large  and  comfort- 
able ;  many  things  being  opened  therein,  tending  to  the 
Convincing  and  establishing  the  people  in  the  truth  and 


doctrine  of  Christ.  I  was  likewise  at  divers  other 
meetings  in  those  provinces,  which  were  large  and  sat- 

At  Salem  yearly  meeting  I  was  sent  for  to  the  prison, 
where  there  was  a  young  woman  that  was  to  be  tried  for 
her  life.  She  desired  that  I  would  pray  for  her,  and 
charged  me  to  warn  the  young  people  to  be  careful  not 
to  keep  bad  company ;  "  for,"  said  she,  "  it  has  been  my 
ruin,  and  brought  me  to  this  shame  and  reproach."  She 
had  been  tenderly  brought  up  and  educated.  I  knew 
her  when  she  wore  a  necklace  of  gold  chains,  though 
now  she  wore  iron  ones.  Upon  which  subject  I  had 
afterwards  a  large  opportunity  to  speak  to  the  people  in 
a  very  moving  manner;  which  seemed  very  much  to  af- 
fect the  youth,  and  others  in  the  meeting,  which  con- 
sisted of  many  hundreds  of  people.  I  sav/  this  young 
woman  afterwards,  the  jury  acquitting  her ;  and  I  told 
her,  that  her  life  was  given  her  for  a  prey  ;  and  remind- 
ed her,  how  it  was  with  her  when  she  was  in  prison  in 
chains ;  and  I  advised  her  to  walk  more  circumspectly 
for  the  future;  which  she  said  she  hoped  she  should  do. 

In  the  year  1716,  I  had  some  concerns  which  drew 
me  to  the  island  of  Bermuda  (to  which  island  I  went 
twice  that  summer).  My  family  increasing,  I  traded  a 
little  to  sea  for  their  support  and  maintenance :  and  I  can 
truly  say,  I  carried  on  my  affairs  and  business  in  the 
fear  of  God,  having  an  eye,  or  regard  therein,  more  to 
his  glory,  than  to  my  own  interest.  We  had  a  rough 
passage  to  this  island  (in  the  first  voyage)  and  were  forc- 
ed, by  distress  of  weather,  to  cast  some  of  our  goods 
into  the  sea  ;  and  the  storm  being  very  violent,  some  of 
the  seamen  thought  we  should  be  devoured  by  the  waves ; 
and  as  for  me,  they  had  shut  me  up  in  the  cabin  alone, 
all  in  darkness,  and  the  water  came  in  so  that  they  were 
forced  to  take  it  out  in  buckets.  When  the  storm  was 
a  little  over,  the  master  came  to  me,  and  asked  "  How 
I  did  all  alone  in  the  dark?"  I  told  him  pretty  well  ; 
and  said  to  him  I  was  very  willing  to  die,  if  it  so  pleased, 
God  ;  and  indeed  I  did  expect  no  other  at  that  tini.-. 
After  this  great  storm  was  over  we  arrived  at  Bermuda 



in  a  few  da}  s ;  but  going  into  the  harbour,  the  bottom 
of  the  vessel  struck  the  rocks,  but  we  got  well  in;  ibr 
which  I  was  thankful  to  the  Almighty.  I  stayed  on  the 
island  about  a  month,  and  had  several  meetings  ;  to  some 
of  which,  many  came  \\  ho  were  not  called  friends.  I'her 
were  all  sober,  and  some  well  satisfied ;  and  the  people 
of  the  island  generally  received  me  lovingly,  and  were 
very  kind  to  me.  Our  ancients,  who  bore  the  burden 
and  heat  of  the  day,  met  with  very  different  treatment.  I 
tenderly  desire,  that  we  who  come  up  after  them,  may  be 
truly  humble  and  thankful  to  the  Almighty  for  all  his 

By  reason  of  my  outward  affairs,  I  had  opportunities 
with  some  persons  of  great  note  and  business  on  this 
island;  and  sometimes  opened  the  principles  of  friends 
to  their  satisfaction  ;  some  of  them  told  me,  "  They 
never  understood  so  much  concerning  our  friends  be- 
fore; and  if  what  1  said  was  true,  they  had  been  misin- 
formed." Divers  such  opporunities  I  had  with  several 
on  this  island,  there  being  but  very  few  of  our  society. 

These  are  called  the  Summer  Islands,  or  Bermudas, 
there  being  many  little  islands  in  tlie  midst  of  the  main 
island,  in  form  like  a  horse-shoe,  and  are  about  two  hun- 
dred leagues  distance  from  the  capes  of  Delaware.  It 
is  rare  to  see  hail,  snow,  or  ice  there. 

After  I  had  done  my  business,  and  had  been  for  some 
time  on  the  island,  I  had  a  ready  and  comfortable  passage 
home,  where  I  was  joyfully  received. 

After  some  little  stay  at  home,  I  went  the  second  time 
that  summer,  to  Bermuda  and  then  also  I  had  some 
meetings,  and  did  some  business  on  the  island.  It  was 
my  constant  care,  that  my  worldly  affairs  should  not  hin- 
der me  in  my  religious  concern  for  the  good  of  souls. 
It  happened  at  this  time  there  was  a  mighty  hurricane 
of  wind,  so  that  it  blew  many  houses  to  the  ground,  and 
very  many  trees  up  b}  the  roots,  and  rent  divers  rocks 
asunder,  which  I  was  an  eye-witness  of:  though  it  is  tcr 
be  observed,  that  those  rocks  in  the  Summer  Islands,  are 
not  so  hard  as  in  some  other  parts  of  the  world,  particu- 
larly to  the  northward;  for  here  they  saw  them   with 


saws,  and  cut  them  with  axes  like  wood.  I  was  told 
there  were  sixty  sail  of  vessels  then  at  these  islands,  and 
all  drove  on  shore  but  three,  and  ours  was  one  of  the 
three  that  rode  out  the  storm  ;  for  which  I  was  truly 
thankful.  In  this  great  storm,  or  hurricane,  several 
sloops,  there  being  no  ships,  were  driven  upon  dry  land, 
so  that  after  the  storm  was  over,  one  might  go  round 
them  at  high  water,  and  several  blown  off  the  dry  land 
into  the  water.  One  that  was  ready  to  be  launched, 
though  fastened  on  the  stocks  with  two  cables  and  an- 
chors put  deep  in  the  ground,  yet  the  violence  of  the 
wind  blew  her  into  the  water,  and  dashed  her  all  to 

About  this  time  the  Bermuda  people  had  got  a  vast 
trea'>ure  of  silver  and  gold,  out  of  the  Spanish  wrecks  ; 
arid  at  a  meeting  which  I  had  with  a  pretty  many  people, 
on  the  first  day  of  the  week  before  the  huiTicane,  or 
storm  of  wind,  it  came  weightily  on  my  mind  to  exhort 
them  not  to  be  lifted  up  therewith,  nor  exalted  with  pride : 
for  I  declared  to  them,  that  the  same  hand  that  took  it 
from  the  Spaniards,  could  take  it  from  those  who  had 
now  got  it  out  of  the  sea  ;  and  if  he  pleased,  by  the  same 
w;'y;  which  was  a  storm  that  cast  away  the  ships  going 
for  Spain.  And  indeed  so  it  happened  the  same  week ; 
for  it  was  reckoned  by  men  of  experience  and  judgment, 
that  they  had  lost  more  by  the  storm,  than  they  had 
gained  by  the  wrecks  of  the  Spaniards.  A  sober  old 
man,  not  of  our  profession,  told  me  the  next  day  after 
the  hurricane  was  over,  that  what  I  spoke  in  the  meeting 
was  soon  come  to  pass :  and  he  added,  I  was  a  true 
prophet  to  them.  Many  houses  that  were  not  blown 
down  were  uncovered.  My  landlord's  house  being  old, 
several  thought  it  would  be  down  ;  but  by  the  good 
providence  of  God,  it  was  one  of  them  which  stood.  I 
was  in  my  store,  which  stood  also,  though  I  expected 
every  minute  when  it  would  have  been  blown  down.  It 
was  by  the  mercy  of  God  we  were  preserved,  and  not  for 
any  merit  of  ours.  I  intreated  the  Lord  in  the  midst  of 
this  great  wind,  that  he  would  please  to  spare  the  lives 
of  the  people ;  for  many  of  them  being  seafaring  men, 


were  very  unfit  to  die ;  at  which  time  I  thought  I  was 
sensible  of  the  answer  of  my  prayer,  and  he  was  pleased 
to  be  intreated  for  them :  for,  notwithstanding  the  vio- 
lence of  the  storm,  and  the  great  destruction  it  made, 
yet  not  one  man,  Avoman,  child,  or  creature  was  lost, 
that  I  heard  of  in  all  the  island,  which  was  to  me  very 
admirable.  The  friend  of  the  house  came  to  me  after 
the  storm  abated,  and  said,  *'  The  Lord  had  heard  my 
prayers  for  them."  Although  they  could  not  by  any 
outward  knowledge,  know  that  I  had  prayed  for  them, 
yet  they  had  a  sense  given  them,  that  I  was  concerned 
for  them  before  the  Almighty;  which  indeed  was  true. 
Oh  !  that  we  may  never  forget  the  merciful  visitations  of 
tlie  High  and  Lofty  One,  who  inhabits  eternity  ! 

While  I  was  on  the  island  I  was  invited  to,  and  kindly 
entertained  at  the  houses  of  several  of  the  gentry,  and  at 
the  governor's,  who  invited  me  several  times  to  his 
house  :  and  once  I  was  with  him,  and  some  of  his  chief 
officers  at  dinner,  with  divers  of  the  first  rank,  where  I 
was  treated  very  kindly  ;  and  after  dinner  the  governor's 
practice  was  to  drink  the  king's  health,  and  he  hoped  I 
would  drink  it  along  with  thern.  "  Yes,  said  the  rest  at 
the  table,  Mr.  Chalkley  (as  they  called  me)  will  surely 
drink  the  king's  health  with  us."  So  they  passed  the 
glass,  with  the  king's  health,  till  it  came  to  me  ;  and  when 
it  came  to  me,  they  all  looked  stedfastly  at  me,  to  see 
what  I  would  do,  and  I  looked  as  stedfastly  to  the  Al- 
mighty, and  I  said  to  them,  I  love  king  George,  and  wish 
him  as  w  ell  as  any  subject  he  hath  ;  and  it  is  known  to 
thousands  that  we  pray  for  him  in  our  meetings  and  as- 
s-cmblies  for  the  worship  of  Almighty  God ;  but  as  to 
drinking  healths,  either  the  king's,  or  any  man's  else,  it 
is  against  my  professed  principle,  I  looking  on  it  to  be 
a  vain,  idle  custom.  I'hey  replied,  "  That  they  wished 
the  king  had  more  such  subjects  as  I  was  ;  for  I  had  pro- 
fessed a  heart}-  respect  for  him:"  and  the  governor  and 
they  all  were  very  kind  and  friendly  to  me  all  the  time  I 
was  on  the  island. 

After  I  had  finished  my  concerns,  I  embarked  in  the 
sloop  Dove,  for  Philadelphia,  she  being  consigned  to  me 


in  this  and  the  former  voyage.  It  being  often  calm  and 
small  winds,  our  provisions  grew  very  scanty.  We  were 
about  twelve  persons  in  the  vessel,  great  and  small,  and 
but  one  piece  of  beef  left  in  the  barrel;  and  for  several 
days,  the  wind  being  contrary,  the  people  began  to  mur- 
mur, and  told  dismal  stories  about  people  eating  one  an- 
other for  want  of  provisions;  and  the  wind  being  still 
against  us,  and,  for  ought  we  could  see,  like  to  continue, 
they  murmured  more  and  more,  and  at  last,  against  me 
in  particular,  because  the  vessel  and  cargo  was  consigned 
to  me,  and  was  under  my  care,  so  that  my  inward  exercise 
was  great  about  it;  for  neither  myself,  nor  any  in  the 
vessel,  did  imagine  that  we  should  be  half  so  long  as  we 
were  on  the  voyage ;  but  since  it  was  so,  I  seriously 
considered  the  matter;  and  to  stop  their  murmuring,  I 
told  them  they  should  not  need  to  cast  lots,  which  was 
usual  in  such  cases,  which  of  us  should  die  first,  for  I 
would  freely  offer  up  my  life  to  do  them  good.  One 
said,  "  God  bless  you.  I  will  not  eat  any  of  you.'*  An- 
other said,  "  He  would  die  before  he  would  eat  any  of 
me;"  and  so  said  several.  lean  truly  say,  on  that  oc- 
casion, at  that  time,  my  life  was  not  dear  to  me,  and  that 
I  was  serious  and  ingenuous  in  my  proposition  :  and  as 
I  was  leaning  over  the  side  of  the  vessel,  thoughtfully 
considering  my  proposal  to  the  company,  and  looking  in 
my  mind  to  him  that  made  me,  a  very  large  dolphin 
came  up  towards  the  top  or  surface  of  the  water,  and 
looked  me  in  the  face ;  and  I  called  the  people  to  put  a 
hook  into  the  sea,  and  take  him,  for  here  is  one  come  to 
redeem  me,  (said  I  to  them;)  and  they  put  a  hook  into 
the  sea,  and  the  fish  readily  took  it,  and  they  caught  him. 
He  was  longer  than  myself:  I  think  he  w^s  about  six 
feet  long,  and  the  largest  that  ever  I  saw.  This  plainly 
shewed  us  that  we  ought  not  to  distrust  the  providence  of 
the  Almighty.  The  people  were  quieted  by  this  act  of 
Providence,  and  murmured  no  more.  We  caught 
enough  to  eat  plentifully  of  till  we  got  into  the  capes  of 
Delaware.  Thus  I  saw  it  was  good  to  depend  upon  the 
Almighty,  and  rely  upon  his  eternal  arm;  which,  in  a 
particular  manner,  did  preserve  us  safe  to  our  desire4 


port,  blessed  be  his  great  and  glorio\is  name,  through 
Christ  forever! 

I  now  stayed  at,  and  about  home,  for  some  time  ;  af- 
ter which  1  was  concerned  to  visit  friends  in  several 
places,  and  in  the  adjacent  provinces,  as  Maryland,  New- 
Jersey,  &c.  and  was  at  many  marriages  and  funerals,  at 
which  many  times,  we  had  good  opportunities  to  open  the 
way,  and  also  the  necessity  to  be  married  to  Christ  Jesus, 
the  great  bridegroom  of  the  soul  ;  and  also  to  exhort  the 
people  to  consider  and  prepare  for  their  latter  end  and 
final  change  ;  which  many  times  was  sanctified  to  divers 
souls,  and  the  Lord's  name  was  glorified,  who  is  worthy 

In  the  year  1717,  I  went  into  Maryland,  to  look  after 
my  aftairs  in  that  province;  and  as  1  travelled,  I  had 
divers  meetings  at  Nottingham,  and  at  Bush-river,  about 
which  time,  at  Bush-river,  several  were  convinced.  The 
meeting  I  found  in  a  growing  condition  in  that  which  is 
good,  several  persons  meeting  together  in  silence  to  wor- 
ship God,  according  to  Christ's  institution,  which  was, 
and  is,  and  ever  will  be,  in  spirit  and  in  truth :  and  for 
the  encouragement  of  all  such,  Christ  hath  said.  That 
such  the  Father  seeketh  to  worship  him ;  and  again. 
Where  two  or  three  are  met  together  in  my  name,  there 
am  I  in  the  midst  of  them.  And  if  Christ  be  in  the 
midst,  there  is  no  absolute  need  of  vocal  teaching,  except 
it  be  the  will  of  the  Lord  to  call  any  to  it.  Let  the 
spiritual  christian  read  and  judge. 

After  my  return  I  had  several  meetings  in  the  country, 
near  Philadelphia ;  and  about  the  latter  end  of  the  eighth 
month  I  was  at  divers  marriages,  one  of  which  was  on 
the  third  day  of  the  week,  about  fifteen  miles  above  Phil- 
adelphia, over  Delaware  river:  the  next  was  over  the 
river  again,  about  twenty  miles  below  the  city  :  the  third 
was  about  twenty  miles  further  down  the  river,  and  on 
the  opposite  side  at  Salem,  on  the  following  days ;  so 
that  I  crossed  the  Delaware  river  three  times  in  t)»ree 
days,  and  rode  about  one  hundred  miles.  The  meetings 
were  all  large,  and  matter  suitable  to  the  occasion  freely 
opened  to  the  people.     These  remarks  are  not  intended 


to  set  up  man,  or  exult  flesh,  but  to  stir  up  others  to 
come  up  to  the  work  of  Christ  in  their  generation :  all 
the  glory  and  goocUiness  of  man  is  but  as  the  grass,  which 
soon  withers,  without  we  dwell  in  the  root  of  true  re- 
ligion, and  holy  life  of  Christ ;  and  that  God  may  have 
the  glory  of  all  his  works,  is  the  end  of  all  the  labours 
and  travels  of  the  servants  and  faithful  ministers  of 

In  the  tenth  month,  1717,  divers  considerations  mov- 
ing me  thereto,  I  took  a  voyage  to  Barbadoes,  in  the 
snow  Hope,  J.  Curtis,  master,  and  from  tlience  to  Great- 
Britain  and  London;  partly  on  account  of  business,  and 
hoping  once  more,  if  it  pleased  God,  to  see  my  aged 
father,  my  brother,  relations,  and  friends ;  which  voy- 
age I  undertook  in  the  solid  fear  of  God.  I  desired  the 
concurrence  of  my  wife,  ;.nd  my  friends  and  brethren  of 
the  meeting  to  which  I  did  belong,  in  this  undertaking, 
the  which  I  had  in  a  general  way,  and  the  good  wishes 
and  prayers  of  many  particulars,  with  a  certificate  from 
our  monthly  meeting,  signifying  their  unity  with  my 
conversation  and  ministry,  and  present  undertaking : 
and  I  felt  the  love  and  goodness  of  God  therein,  but  ia 
many  respects  it  was  a  great  cross  to  me,  as  the  leaving 
my  beloved  wife  and  children,  and  many  of  my  dear 
friends,  whom  I  loved  well  in  Christ;  and  the  crossing 
of  the  seas  always  was  troublesome  to  me,  beiiig  sickly 
at  sea,  especially  in  windy  or  stormy  weather  ;  and  the 
confinement  was  worse  to  me  for  the  time  than  a  prison  ; 
for  it  would  be  much  easier  to  me  to  be  in  prison  on 
land,  upon  a  good  account,  than  in  prison  at  sea,  I 
always  looking  on  a  ship  to  be  a  perilous  prison,  though 
my  lot  was  to  be  much  therein :  and  as  for  my  natural 
life,  I  always  gave  it  up  whenever  I  went  to  sea ;  and  I 
thought  that  was  the  least  part  of  the  hardship,  never 
putting  much  value  thereon  ;  and  I  think  I  had  rather 
die  at  any  time  than  go  to  sea,  it  being  so  contrary  to 
my  nature  and  disposition,  as  well  as  inclination  ;  but  to 
sea  I  went,  for  the  reasons  mentioned,  and  got  from 
Philadelphia  to  Newcastle  the  first  night  in  said  vessel, 
and  to  Elsingburgh  next  day,  where  we  lay  for  a  fair 

80  TliE    JOURNAL    OF    TH6MAS    CHALKLEY. 

wind  about  two  days  ;  and  when  the  wind  was  fair,  we 
sailed  to  Bombay-hook,  where  we  met  with  two  other 
vessels  bound  out  to  sea,  who  waited  also  for  the  wind. 
We  lay  there  two  nights,  and  then  on  a  first- day  morn- 
ing set  sail,  the  weather  being  bitter  cold,  and  the  ice 
very  thick  on  the  sides  of  our  vessel,  and  on  our  ropes. 
The  same  day  that  we  left  Bombay-hook  we  got  out  to 
sea,  took  in  our  boat,  and  went  on  our  way  ;  and  in  four 
or  five  days  we  got  into  warmer  weather. 

In  this  voyage  I  wrote  someth  ng  on  the  common 
prayer,  used  by  some  of  the  church  of  England,  whose 
conversations  were  very  loose  and  corrupt,  which  I  en- 
titled, "  One  truly  tender  scruple  of  conscience,  about 
that  form  of  prayer,  called  the  common  prayer,  as  used 
by  the  church  of  England  and  her  members,"  &c. 

In  this  our  voyage  we  saw  several  ships,  but  spoke 
with  none  ;  and  in  twenty- seven  days  from  our  capes  we 
arrived  at  Barbadoes,  and  came  to  an  anchor  in  Carlisle- 

I  had  been  twice  in  Barbadoes  before,  but  this  was  the 
quickest  passage  by  one  day.  Here  I  was  lovingly  and 
tenderly  received  by  my  friends.  I  took  my  good  friend 
Joseph  Gamble's  house  for  my  quarters,  most  of  the 
time  whilst  I  stayed  on  the  island ;  and  I  visited  friends' 
meetings  several  times  over,  there  being  five  of  friends' 
meeting-houses  in  the  island,  and  our  meetings  were 
sometimes  large  and  open. 

Our  stay  was  longer  here  than  we  at  first  expected, 
by  reason  of  a  great  drought,  they  having  no  rahi  for 
more  than  a  quarter  of  a  year,  which  was  a  great  hin- 
drance to  trade  on  the  island.  While  I  was  this  time 
in  Barbadoes,  our  ancient  friend  George  Gray  died.  I 
was  at  his  funeral,  at  which  there  were  many  people ; 
and  on  this  occasion  we  had  a  large  meeting  at  our 
meeting-house  at  Speights-town,  where  I  had  a  season- 
able opportunity  with  the  people,  opening  to  them  the 
necessity  of  preparing  for,  and  thinking  of  their  latter 
end ;  and  pressed  them  earnestly  thereto.  They  were 
generally  attentive  and  sober,  and  some  were  broken  in- 
to tenderness.     While  we  were  buiying  the  friend  there 


appeared  a  dismal  cloud  hanging  over  the  island,  such  an 
one  as  I  never  saw  before  :  it  was  to  my  thinking,  of  the 
colour  of  the  flame  of  brimstone ;  and  I  expected  there 
would  have  been  a  great  storm,  or  some  mighty  gust, 
and  much  rain,  they  having  had  very  little  for  m^ny 
weeks,  or  some  months;  but  it  went  over,  and  there 
was  no  rain  or  wind  as  I  remember.  Soon  after  some 
people  came  in  from  sea,  and  they  said,  that  from  that 
cloud  it  rained  ashes  ;  and  they  bj'ought  some  of  the 
same  to  the  island,  some  of  which  ashes  I  now  have  be- 
fore me :  the  taste  of  them  seems  to  me  to  be  a  little 
sulphurous,  and  have  some  glittering  particles  ni  them, 
in  colour  and  smell  I  think  they  differed  little  from  com- 
mon ashes.  Herein  the  almighty  and  infinite  Being  sig- 
nally shewed  his  mercy  and  favour  to  poor  mortals  ;  for 
had  not  his  mercy  prevented,  he  could  as  easily  have 
rained  down  the  fire  as  the  ashes,  who  rained  down  fire 
and  brimstone  on  the  cities  and  inhabitants  of  Sodom  and 
Gomorrah,  for  their  pride  and  idleness,  much  of  which 
abounds  among  the  inhabitants  of  Barbadoes,  the  people 
being  very  luxurious.  Oh  !  may  the  luxurious  inhabit- 
ants of  that  isle,  as  also  all  others,  consider  their  ways 
and  doings,  and  not  provoke  the  great  Lord,  the  Sove- 
reign of  Heaven  and  Earth,  as  many  of  them  do  by  their 
evil  lives,  and  voluptuous  conversations ;  and  that  they 
would  kiss  the  Son,  though  not  with  a  Judas'  kiss,  of 
profession,  or  speaking  well  or  fair  of  him  only,  but 
but  with  divine  love  manifested  through  obedience,  while 
his  wrath  is  but  a  little  kindled  against  them  before  it 
break  out  into  a  flame. 

After  this  funeral  I  was  sent  for  to  Bridge-town,  to  the> 
burial  of  a  master  of  a  ship,  a  young  man,  who  was  very 
fresh  and  well  a  few  days  before.  There  ^vas  a  great  ap- 
pearance of  people,  and  I  was  pretty  largely  opened  in 
the  meeting,  on  the  words  of  the  pro[)het,  where  he  sa}  Sj 
"  All  flesh  is  grass,  and  all  the  goodliness  thereof  is  as  the 
flower  of  the  field.  The  grass  withereth,  the  flower  fad- 
eth,  because  the  spirit  of  the  Lord  bloweth  upon  it:  sure- 
ly the  people  is  grass.  The  grass  withereth,  the  flo^ver 
fadeth  ;   but  the,  Avord  of  our  God  shall  stand  forever.'" 


'l^"^  'foE.  jotfiif&Ai  or  taoSAS  C«ALKL£T. 

'Isaiah  Ix.  6,  7,  8.  And  I  treated  of  this  word,  its  w6b- 
dtrfulness,  its  duration,  and  its  work  in  man  :  as  also  of 
the  fading  constitution  of  mortal  man,  though  young 
and  strong,  as  that  young  man  was  a  fi:\v  days  before^ 
Whose  corpse  was  then  before  us. 

I  was  at  divers  other  burials  on  this  island,  which  in* 
deed  doth  prove  a  grave  to  many  new-comers,  it  being 
a  hot  climate,  makes  those  who  are  not  accustomed  to 
jt,  very  thirsty,  and  by  reason  of  the  extreme  heat,  it  is 
not  easy  to  quench  their  thirst ;  so  that  what  is  called 
moderate  drinking,  throws  many  strangers  into  a  violent 
fever,  and  oftentimes  is  the  cause  of  their  death.  I  note 
this  as  a  caution  to  any  who  may  transport  themselves 
there,  (that  may  see  this),  that  they  may  shun  that  dan- 
ger; which  might  be  avoided  by  drinking  cool  drinks,  of 
which  they  have  many  sorts  very  pleasant,  viz.  cane, 
sugar-reed,  and  white  sorrel,  pine,  orange,  and  divers 
others:  and  I  advise  such,  as  they  love  their  health,  to 
refrain  from  drinking  much  hot  drink  or  spirits. 

I  saw  several  curiosities  in  nature  on  this  island,  which 
among  the  great  numbers  of  the  works  of  God,  do  show 
forth  his  praise  and  glory.  One  to  the  leeward  part  of 
this  island,  which  is  called  the  spout,  sends  up  a  vast 
body  of  water  into  the  air,  occasioned  by  a  great  cavity 
in  the  rocks  under  the  water,  which  may  be  seen  in  calm 
weather,  when  the  sea  is  low;  but  when  the  wind  blows 
(a  great  body  of  water  being  pent  in  a  large  hollow 
place)  it  forces  it  up  into  the  air,  sometimes  ten,  fifteen^ 
and  twenty  yards  high,  according  as  the  strength  of  the 
wind  is  more  or  less,  and  makes  a  report  like  a  cannon, 
or  thunder  a  great  way  off.  I  believe  I  have  seen  it  ten 
or  twelve  miles  out  at  sea.  I  was  also  at  a  place  called 
Oliver's  cave,  which  we  got  to  with  some  difficulty,  in 
going  down  the  steep  and  craggy  rocks.  There  is  on  the 
outward  part  next  the  sea,  a  very  large  vaulted  place^ 
in  the  form  of  a  half  circle,  about  one  hundred  feet  high, 
as  near  as  I  could  guess.  In  this  large  vault,  behind  a 
rock,  is  the  mopth  of  the  cave,  not  the  height  of  a  man 
at  the  first  entrance  ;  after  one  is  in  a  few  yards,  one 
may  walk  upright  comfortably,  the  bottom  being  pretty 

'tan   JOURKAL    99   THOMAS    CHALKLETs  8^ 

plain  and  smooth  for  about  a  hundred  yards,  and  then 
we  come  into  a  large  cave  which  is  formed  archwise,  and 
about  ten  or  fifteen  yards  high,  as  we  thought,  being 
much  higher  in  the  middle  than  the  sides,  but  almost  as 
regular  as  if  it  had  been  done  by  art,  which  we  beheld 
with  admiration,  by  the  help  of  wax  candles,  and  other 
lights,  that  we  made  and  carried  for  that  purpose. 

When  I  had  done  my  business  in  Barbadoes,  having 
been  about  thirteen  weeks  there,  our  vessel  being  loaded, 
we  sailed  from  thence  the  10th  of  the  second  month^ 
1718,  for  London. 

We  had  a  good  passage,  being  five  weeks  and  two 
days  from  Barbadoes  to  Great-Britain,  in  which  we  saw 
divers  vessels  at  sea,  but  spoke  with  none;  and  after 
sight  of  the  land,  we  got  in  two  days  to  Beachy-head, 
which  is  about  fifteen  leagues  from  the  Downs  or  Deal. 
We  sailed  along  the  shore  by  Folkstonc,  where  we  took 
in  a  pilot,  and  had  a  comfortable  passage  through  the 
Downs,  and  up  the  river  Thames  to  London,  where  J 
met  with  my  dear  and  aged  father,  and  loving  brother, 
sister,  and  cousins,  and  many  others  of  my  near  and  dear 
relations  and  friends. 

In  this  voyage  I  wrote  some  things  which  opened  in 
my  mind  at  sea,  upon  that  excellent  sermon  of  Christ's 
upon  the  mount,  as  it  is  recorded  in  the  holy  scriptures 
of  the  New  Testament,  in  the  fifth,  sixth,  and  seventh 
chapters  of  the  evangelist  Matthew,  but  have  since  heard 
that  the  same  is  nmch  better  done  by  an  abler  hand;  and 
therefore  it  may  suffice  here  to  give  the  advice,  which 
in  the  course  of  my  travels  I  have  often  had  occasion  to 
do,  that  the  professors  of  Christianity  should  frequently 
read  this  sermon,  and  be  careful  to  practice  the  same ; 
that  they  may  not  only  be  christians  in  name,  but  in  deed, 
and  in  truth. 

After  visiting  my  relations,  and  some  meetings  of  our 
friends  in  and  about  London,  and  having  finished  my 
business,  being  ready  to  return  homeward,  divers  friends 
accompanied  us  from  London  to  Gravesend  ;  and  the 
wind  not  being  fair,  we  went  to  Rochester,  and  had  a 
meeting  there ;  and  then  back  again  to  Gravesend,  and 


there  took  a  solemn  farewell  of  our  friends,  recommend- 
hig  oiiC  another  to  the  grace  of  Christ,  having  this  time 
iiiMcle  bui  iittie  stay  in  Britain. 

In  the  tifth  month,  1718,  we  sailed  from  the  Downs  in 
the  aioresaid  snow  hope,  ciivers  friends,  a  iz.  John  Dan- 
son,  Isaac  Hadwin,  John  Oxiey,  L}  dia  Lancaster,  Liiza- 
beth  Rawhison,  aid  Rebecca  Turner,  being  in  com- 
pany with  us :  alter  about  nine  weeks  passage  from 
land  to  land,  having  had  meetings  on  fii  st  days  and  lifih 
da}  s  on  bcuid,  all  the  voyage,  we  came  all  safe  and  well 
to  Philadelphia,  through  the  blessing  of  God,  where  I 
sta}  ed  Avith  my  famii}  a  few  nicnths  and  took  another 
voyage  for  Barbadoes  and  Britain.  I  was  under  some 
concern  more  thuii  ordinal'} ,  as  to  the  support  and  well- 
being,  or  accommodation  of  my  famil} ,  the  circum- 
stances thereof  being  a  little  changed  b}  the  increase  of 
children,  rtmembering  the  words  of  the  apostle.  That 
those  M'ho  had  not  that  care  and  concern,  were  worse 
than  infidels:  my  Lord  Jesus,  whose  servant  1  profess  my- 
self to  be,  also  s&ying,  It  is  better  to  give  than  receive  ; 
wheretore  an  opportunity  offering  of  the  consignment  of 
a  vessel  and  cargo,  the  snow  Hope,  Warner  tlolt, 
Inaster,  to  Barbadoes,  and  from  thence  to  London,  and 
so  to  make  returns  home  again,  for  Philadelphia,  I  em- 
braced it ;  though  with  reluctance,  to  leave  my  very  lov- 
ing wife,  children,  and  friends,  all  whom  I  tenderly  loved 
and  respected.  I  also  had  in  my  e}  e  an  hope,  thrcnigh 
the  blessing  of  God,  to  obtain  wherewith  to  acconnno- 
date  my  friends,  who  were  sti  angers  and  pilgrims  in  this 
world  for  Jrsus'  sake,  as  1  also  had  been  myself;  and 
that  they  might  find  a  place  or  home,  and  refreshment 
under  my  roof;  not  to  excess,  but  to  comfort  and  edifi- 
ciition  ;  whicli  in  sincerity,  is  all  the  grandeur  I  covet  or 
desire  in  this  world:  so  after  due  consideration,  on  the 
second  day  of  the  eleventh  month,  1718,  we  set  sail  from 
Philadelphia,  many  friends  taking  their  leave  and  farewell 
of  us  for  that  voyage.  Thus  with  hearts  full  of  love  and 
good  ^\"ill,  we  parted  with  our  friends,  and  went  down  the 
ri\'er  about  five  miles,  where  we  ran  aground,  but  got  off 
next  tide,  and  next  day  came  to  an  anchor  at  Chester. 


On  the  fourth  day  of  the  month  we  set  sail,  and  got  to 
Newcastle  about  the  eleventh  hour;  it  being  meeting  day, 
we  went  to  meeting,  where  our  great  Lord  was  pleased  in 
some  good  measure  to  own  us  with  his  living  presence, 
and  comfort  us  with  his  love  ;  blessed  be  his  holy  name  ! 
In  the  morning  we  sailed  to  Reedy-Island,  where  we 
stayed  for  the  tide,  and  in  the  night  our  cable  parted, 
which  we  knew  not  of  till  the  morning,  and  then  we  had 
gone  from  the  place  where  we  anchored,  about  a  league: 
but  though  the  vessel  drove  about  the  river,  yet  she  did 
not  go  on  ground.  We  dropped  our  other  anchor,  and 
sent  the  boat  to  seek  for  that  which  was  parted  from  us, 
but  could  not  find  it  until  the  next  tide,  and  then  could 
not  get  it  up,  and  were  unwilling  to  go  to  sea  without  it ; 
which  occasioned  us  to  stay  several  tides  before  we 
could  get  it  up  ;  at  last  with  much  difficulty  we  weighed 
it,  our  men's  clothes  being  much  frozen;  for  it  was  very 
cold,  and  froze  extremely  hard.  After  this  we  went 
down  to  Bombay-hook,  where  was  also  another  vessel 
going  out  to  sea.  Next  day  the  wind  was  against  us, 
and  it  snowed  much,  and  froze  hard ;  and  that  night  the 
river  and  bay  was  filled  with  ice  as  far  as  we  could  see, 
and  it  drove  very  hard  against  our  vessel,  so  that  we  wish- 
ed for  day  :  for  we  thought  sometimes  it  would  have 
torn  her  bows  into  pieces ;  but  our  anchor  and  cable 
held  us,  we  thought,  to  a  miracle,  for  which  we  were 
thankful  to  the  great  keeper  of  all  those  who  put  their  trust 
in  him.  When  the  tide  turned  for  us  we  got  up  the  anch- 
or, and  so  let  her  drive  with  the  ice  down  the  bay  :  the 
other  vessel  did  the  same. 

It  was  now  dangerous  moving,  go  which  way  wc 
would.  The  vessel  in  company  with  us  attempted  to 
go  back  again,  but  seeing  that  we  did  not,  as  vve  sup- 
posed, came  to  anchor  again,  and  we  both  went  down 
the  bay  together  ;  and  the  wind  springing  up  fair,  we  got 
clear  of  the  ice  in  a  few  hours  time  ;  but  by  this  hin- 
drance we  could  not  get  to  sea  that  day,  but  were  obliged 
to  come  to  anchor  near  the  middle  of  the  great  bay  of 
Delaware,  and  the  night  being  fair  and  calm,  we  rode  it 
out  safelvj  which  if  it  had  been  windy  weather,  would 

S6  Vhe  jeuavAL  of  thomas  ckalkley. 

have  been  dangerous.     Early  in  the  morning,  of  the  9th 
day  of  the  month,  we  got  to  sea,  and   soon  left  sight  of 
the  land.     Next  day  the  wind  was  high,  and  the  weather 
proved  stormy  for  several  days,  insomuch  that  our  main- 
deck  was  under  water  most  of  the  time,    so  that  we 
were  forced  to  go    before  it  for    several  days  together. 
We  also  shut  up  our  cabin  windows,  and  were  tossed 
exceedingly,  and  I  was  very  sea-sick  :  and  we  began  in 
this  storm  to  fear  falling  on  the  rocks  of  Bermuda,  which 
we  were  near,  as  we  imagined,  and  the  wind  set  right 
on  the  island.     But  when  we  had  passed  the  latitude  of 
Bermuda,  we   met  with  fair  weather  and  winds,  (all  the 
remaining  part  of  our  passage  being  pleasant  and  com- 
fortable) ;  by  which  I  was  led  to  consider  the  vicissitudes 
which  mortals  may  expect  while  on  this  unstiible  terra- 
queous globe,  which  is  full  of  changes ;  and  I  strongly 
desired  to  be  rightly   prepared  for  that  world  which   is 
eternal,  and  its  joy  and  felicity  permanent ;  at  which  bless- 
ed port,  I  hope  in  God's  time,  through  his  grace,  safely 
to  arrive.     Thus   through    storms,    tempests,   ice,  and 
snow,  we  left  those  frozen  climes,  and  crossed  the  tropic 
of  Cancer,  between  which,  and  that  of  Capricorn,  there 
is  neither  frost  nor  snow  at  sea,  at  any  time  of  the  year, 
and  the  wind  always  within  a  small  matter  one  way,  viz. 
easterly,  except  in  hurricanes  and  violent  storms,  which 
sometimes  they  have  in  those  parts  of  the  world.     We 
arrived  at  Bridgetown,    in   Barbadoes,    in   twenty-one 
days,  which  was  the    quickest  passage  that  I  ever  had, 
this  being  the  fourth  time  of  my  coming  hither,  where  I 
was  always  kindly  received  by  my  friends. 

About  this  time  war  was  declared  against  Spain  by  the 
king  of  Great-Britain,  by  proclamation,  in  Bridgetown, 
which  put  such  a  damp  on  trade,  that  there  was  little 
business,  and  the  markets  low  and  dull,  which  made  my 
stay  longer  than  I  would  have  chosen ;  but  my  friends, 
among  whom  I  had  many  opportunities,  seemed  rather 
pleased  then  otherwise  ;  telling  me,  "  That  they  did  not 
care  if  I  was  to  stay  there  always  if  it  were  my  place  :" 
and  vvhen  I  left  Barbadoes,  friends  gave  me  better  cre- 
dentials than  I  thought  I  deserved.     A  friend  of  mine 


giving  me  intelligence  that  the  market  was  better  at  An- 
tigua than  at  Barbadoes,  I  dispatched  my  affairs,  and 
took  part  of  our  cargo  there,  and  was  kindly  received  by 
our  friends.  We  were  about  three  days  on  our  passage, 
and  had  fine  weather  therein.  At  Antigua  I  had  divers 
meetings,  my  business  at  no  time  hindered  me  in  my 
more  weighty  service  ;  for  I  always,  through  divine  help, 
made  that  give  way  to  my  religious  duty,  in  which  I  ever 
found  peace  and  inward  satisfaction.  In  about  five  weeks 
I  finished  my  business  in  this  island,  having  no  small  satis- 
faction in  coming  to  it;  and  our  vessel  being  now  loaded, 
we  took  our  solemn  leave,  and,  with  the  good  wishes  of 
many,   departed  for  England. 

Our  friends  there  signified  to  their  brethren,  that  they 
vTere  glad  of  my  company,  and  that  I  was  serviceable  to 
them,  though  I  came  upon  business.  My  hand,  when 
need  required,  was  to  my  business,  but  my  heart  was, 
and  I  hope  is,  and  ever  shall  be,  freely  given  up  to 
serve  the  Lord,  in  that  work  whereunto  I  believe  he  has 
called  me.  We  have  liberty  from  God,  and  his  dear 
Son,  lawfully,  and  for  accommodation's  sake,  to  work  or 
seek  for  food  or  raiment ;  though  that  ought  to  be  a 
work  of  indifferency,  compared  to  the  great  work  of  sal- 
vation. Our  Saviour  saith.  Labour  not  for  the  meat 
which  perisheth,  but  for  that  which  endureth  for  ever,  or 
to  eternal  life :  by  which  we  do  not  understand,  that 
christians  must  neglect  their  necessary  occasions,  and 
their  outward  trades  and  callings ;  but  that  their  chief 
labour,  and  greatest  concern,  ought  to  be  for  their  future 
well-being  in  his  glorious  kingdom;  else  why  did  our 
Lord  say  to  his  disciples,  Children,  have  you  any  meat  ? 
they  answered,  no  ;  and  he  bid  them  cast  their  nets  into 
the  sea,  and  they  drew  to  land  a  net  full  of  great  fishes ; 
and  fishing  being  their  trade,  no  doubt  but  they  sold 
them,  for  it  was  not  likely  that  they  could  eat  them  all 
themselves.  Also  the  apostle  of  Christ  says.  He  that 
doth  not  take  care  of  his  family,  is  worse  than  an  infidel: 
and  the  apostle  Paul,  (the  great  apostle  of  the  gentiles) 
wi'ought  with  his  hands,  even  while  he  was  in  his  travels> 
and  m  the  work  of  the  gosi^el ;  and  o1:hers  tasted  of  the 


benefit  of  his  labour  naturally,  as  well  as  spiritually.  It 
is  also  written,  That  he  that  will  not  Avork,  shall  not  eat. 
By  this,  and  much  more,  which  might  be  noted,  it  ap- 
pears that  we  not  only  have  liberty  to  labour  in  modera- 
tion, but  we  are  given  to  understand,  that  it  is  our  duty 
so  to  do.  The  farmer,  the  tradesman,  and  the  merchant, 
do  not  understand  by  our  Lord's  doctrine,  that  they 
must  neglect  their  calling,  or  grow  idle  in  their  business, 
but  must  certainly  work,  and  be  industrious  in  their 
callings.  We  all  ought  to  understand,  that  our  hearts 
and  minds  ought  to  be  out  of  the  world,  or  above  the  na- 
ture and  spirit  of  it.  It  is  good  and  profitable  for  both 
soul  and  body,  rightly  to  distinguish  between  earthly  and 
heavenly  things,  and  to  be  careful  how  to  mix  the  one 
with  the  other ;  for  it  is  an  eternal  truth,  that  God  and 
mammon  cannot  dwell  together,  or  join  together  in  the 
heart.  If  our  love  is  more  to  God,  than  the  creature,  or 
to  heaven  than  earth,  then  will  he  dwell  in  us,  and  with 
us  :  but  if  our  love  is  more  to  the  creature  than  to  Christ, 
or  to  earth  than  heaven,  then  will  he  not  dwell  with  us, 
but  will  leave  us  to  ourselves  ;  for  the  Lord  Omnipotent 
will  not  admit  of  any  rival. 

On  the  11th  of  the  fourth  month,  1719,  we  left  An- 
tigua, stood  close  to  the  wind  till  we  again  crossed  the 
tropic,  and  got  into  those  latitudes  where  the  winds  are 
variable.  Sailing  in  the  great  deep,  we  saw  the  wonders 
of  the  Lord,  particularly  in  divers  kinds  of  fish,  they  liv- 
ing upon  one  another  in  the  sea,  the  great  fishes  on  the 
small  ones  ;  and  mankind  too  much  resembles  them  in 
that  respect.  About  the  latitude  of  33  north,  our  mas- 
ter, Warner  Holt,  seeing  a  school  of  porpoises  about  the 
ship,  though  he  was  not  very  well,  and  had  not  been  for 
most  of  the  voyage,  he  took  his  harping-iron,  and  struck 
one  of  them,  and  we  took  him  into  the  vessel,  out  of 
which  we  got  eleven  quart  bottles  of  oil ;  and  we  most  of 
us  eat  heartily  of  this  fish,  which  agreed  with  our  people 
very  well.  They  fried  his  liver  for  our  mess,  of  which  I 
eat  a  large  meal,  which  was  well  tasted,  and  eat  more  like 
fresh  beef  than  fish.  I  make  this  memorandum  of  it, 
that  if  any  should  take  them  when  their  provisions  are 

•TflB    JOURNAL    OV    THOWAS    0HALKLEY.  89 

scarce,  they  may  eat  freely  without  danger,  accorchng  to 
our  experience.  When  we  had  been  at  sea  about  three 
weeks,  behig  near  the  latitude  of  40  north,  and  about  the 
longitude  of  42,  though  it  was  in  the  midst  of  summer, 
we  saw  an  island  of  ice,  at  which  we  all  marvelled,  and 
judged  that  there  had  been  a  severe  cold  winter  in  those 
latitudes  on  the  land  of  America.  When  we  saw  this 
island  of  ice  we  judged  ourselves  not  far  from  the  banks 
of  Newfoundland.  Hitherto  we  had  easy  gales  of  wind, 
and  many  calms,  which  made  our  passage  seem  long  to 
us.  We  saw  two  sail  of  shios  about  those  latitudes,  but 
spoke  with  neither,  being  willing  to  shun  them,  as  it  wajs 
war  time. 

We  had,  in  this  voyage,  weekly  meetings  for  worship- 
ping the  Almighty,  in  which  the  great  Lord  both  of  sea 
and  land,  was  pleased  greatly  to  manifest  his  name  and 
truth  amongst  us,  for  which  my  soul  often  secretly  and 
openly  blessed  and  praised  his  divine  and  glorious  name 
and  truth  ;  for  he  bore  up  my  drooping  spirit,  so  that  I 
could  truly  say  with  the  royal  psalmist,  not  because  he 
spoke  it  only,  but  also  being  an  experimental  witness 
thereof.  "  The  floods  have  lifted  up,  Oh!  Lord,  the  floods 
have  lifted  up  their  voice  :  the  floods  lift  up  their  waves. 
The  Lord  on  high  is  mightier  than  the  noise  of  many 
"waters,  yea,  than  the  mighty  waves  of  the  sea."  PsaL 
xciii.  3,  4.  This  the  king  wrote  of  his  own  experience 
in  a  spiritual  sense  ;  but  I  may  say,  without  boasting,  I 
have  witnessed  the  rage  and  noise  of  mighty  waves  and 
waters,  both  natural  and  spiritual ;  the  one,  as  though  it 
would  swallow  up  m}-  reputation  among  men,  and  the 
other,  as  though  it  would  swallow  up  my  person,  in  this 
watry  peregrination  ;  but  blessed  be  the  name  of  him  that 
is  holy  and  eternal,  who  indeed  is  stronger  than  the  noise 
of  many  waters,  or  than  the  mighty  waves  of  the  sea, 
either  inwardly  or  outwardly,  I  will  through  his  strength, 
magnify  his  name,  because  he  is  worthy :  and  may  I  do 
it  for  ever ! 

About  the  1 1th  of  the  fifth  month,  we  saw  great  flocks 
of  birds,  which  we  judged  came  from  the  Azorco,  or 
Western  Islands,  near  which  we  reckoned  ourselves  to  be* 



The  21  St  day  we  saw,  and  came  up  with  a  French  ship, 
which  had  been  fisliing  on  the  banks  of  Newfoundland, 
and  was  bound  for  Havre-de-Grace,  in  France,  the  mas- 
ter of  which  came  on  board  us,  and  our  captain  ^v■ent  on 
board  diem.  We  exchanged  some  rum  and  sugars,  of 
our  sea-siores,  for  their  French  v/ine  and  cider,  and  some 
of  our  provisions  for  some  of  their  fish.  The  captain 
was  a  protestant,  and  very  courteous  to  us:  the  regent  of 
France  at  this  time  being  kind  to  the  protestants,  so  that 
they  increased  much  in  that  kingdom.  The  Frenchman 
seeming  desirous  to  kncvv"  what  rehgion  I  was  of,  I  told 
him  by  an  interpreter,  that  I  was  one  called  a  quaker,  or 
trembler,  and  that  our  principle  was  to  do  good  to  all 
men,  and  not  to  hurt  any  man,  according  to  Christ's 
doctrine,  not  to  render  evil  for  evil,  but  to  overcome 
evil  with  good.  When  tliey  went  away  and  took  leave; 
of  us,  they  desired  me  to  pray  for  them,  the  which  I  re- 
membered with  tenderness  of  spirit,  and  having  but  little 
wind,  we  kept  company  for  several  days  ;  but  the  wind 
springing  fair,  we  wished  them  well,  and  went  on  our 
way,  our  vessel  out-sailing  most  that  we  met  with  ;  and 
u  few  days  after  we  met  with  a  Nev*^- England  ship,  who 
came  out  six  days  before  us  from  Antigua.  We  were 
then  in  the  latitude  of  about  50  north,  and  291  degrees 
of  longitude  from  the  Land's-End  of  Great-Britain.  The 
30th  day  of  the  iifth  month,  we  sounded,  and  found 
ground  at  twenty-eight  i'uthom,  and  on  the  1st  day  of  tlie 
sixth  month,  we  saw  tlie  Land's-End  of  England,  all  our 
c<jmpany  being  in  health,  and  well ;  for  which  ni}-  heart 
wiis  truly  thanklul,  to  that  great  and  infinite  Being,  whose 
pro\  idcnec  is  ovtr  us  poor  mortals  in  all  parts  of  the 
world,  and  who  reigns  over  sea  and  land,  and  is  worthy 
of  adoration,  worsliip,  service,  and  living  praise  for  ever  ! 
In  a  few  days  vac  came  into  the  English  channel  and 
going  up  the  channel,  there  came  one  of  the  king*s 
yatchts,  and  they  pressed  most  of  our  men;  the  best 
liauds  we  had  they  took  from  us,  and  carried  them  on 
board  a  man  of  war,  after  v/hich  we  came  to  anchor  at 
Fcilkstone,  where  I  left  the  ves  >eli,  and  got  a  horse  to 
Dovej',  iuid  from  Dover  took  coach  to  London.     In  the 


coach  were  divers  persons  who  beg^n  to  talk  about  the 
qiiakers,  and  spoke  against  their  plain  way  of  living-  and 
clothing,  and  said,  "  That  they  did  not  understand  their 
unfashionable  way  of  conversation  ;  neither  was  it  the 
way  to  gain  proselytes."  Upon  which  I  asked  them, 
whether  they  understood  Paul,  tlie  great  apostle  of  the 
gentiles  ?  who  said,  Be  ye  not  conformable  to  the  world, 
(i.  e.  the  fashions  of  it),  for  this  great  reason,  the  worl/J, 
and  the  fashions  thereof,  passeth  away  ;  which  is  a  great 
truth,  and  it  is  plainly  seen  how  fickle  and  changeable  the 
world  is  in  its  vain  fashions  and  customs,  which,  to  fol- 
low, in  all  its  foolish  cuts  and  turns,  or  changes,  must  of 
consequence,  make  a  man  or  woraan  very  foppish  and 
apish.  I  told  them,  that  our  religion  was  agreeable  to 
the  holy  scriptures,  which,  if  they  did  not  understand, 
neither  could  they  understand  us ;  for  the  doctrine  of 
Christ  and  his  apostles,  was  generally  therein  very  plain; 
and  the  doctrine  in  Christ's  excellent  sermon  on  the 
mount,  is  clear  and  plain  to  very  low  or  mean  capacities : 
so  they  discoursed  no  more  of  religion  till  we  came  to 
London,  where  once  more  I  met  with  my  loving  and  aged 
father,  a  man  fearing  God,  and  having  a  gift  of  the  min- 
istry of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  and  well  beloved  of  his 
friends  and  neighbours,  who,  with  others  of  my  near  and 
dear  relations  and  friends,  received  me  gladly. 

After  some  months  stay  among  my  relations  and 
friends  in  London,  we  sold  our  vessel,  the  snow  Hope, 
and  bought  another  ship,  which  we  called  the  Trine- 
Hope,  Warner  Holt,  master  ;  and  when.  I  had  done  my 
business,  I  sailed  in  the  same  ship  for  Pennsylvania.  We 
had  meetings  on  board  the  vessel  twice  a  week,  in  which 
the  Almighty  was  pleased  to  favour  us  with  his  good 
presence.  Sobriety,  and  the  fear  of  God,  and  fiiith  in 
his  beloved  Son,  Christ,  was  often  recommended  to  the 
youth  then  on  board  the  vessel  with  us,  of  whom  there 
were  divers,  who  transported  themselves  to  America,  in 
order  to  settle  there.  At  one  meeting  on  board,  I  was 
tenderly  concerned  to  remind  them  of  Jacob,  who  in  his 
youth,  left  his  country  and  relations  to  sojourn  in  a 
strange  land,  and  how  in  that  undertaking,  he  sought  thr 


Lord,  and  his  blessing,  more  than  any  outward  thing; 
-and  that  he  was  greatly  blessed  with  man)  favours  I'rom 
heaven  above,  and  also  from  the  eai'th  beneath,  arid  they 
were  advised  to  take  him  lor  their  example  :  and  many 
other  things  were  tenderly  0])enedto  them  in  the  io\e  of 
God,  and  in  his  fear  and  eounsel  they  were  exhorted  from 
time  to  time. 

It  being  winter  time,  we  sailed  to  the  southward,  and 
got  into  warm  weather,  and  were  on  our  passage  seven 
weeks  and  some  odd  days  from  land  to  land,  in  which 
time  we  saw  several  vessels,  and  spoke  \\  ith  one,  whose 
people  said,  they  were  chased  by  a  Turk,  but  got  from 
him,  at  which  they  greatly  rejoiced.  We  apprehended 
that  it  was  our  ship  that  they  saw  over  night,  for  we  saw 
a  sail  that  crowded  from  us  as  fast  as  she  could,  and  it 
being  near  night,  we  shortened  sail,  and  so  she  left  us ; 
but  in  the  morning  we  came  up  with  her,  and  being  pretty 
near,  both  they  and  we  put  out  our  colours,  and  being 
both  Englishmen,  we  spoke  to  each  other,  and  were  glad 
to  meet  with  some  of  our  own  nation  upon  the  great 
ocean  ;  but  our  vessel  sailing  best,  we  took  our  leave  of 
them,  wishing  them  a  good  voyage.  We  met  with 
rough  seas  and  high  \vinds  in  the  latter  part  of  our  pas- 
sage till  we  came  to  the  capes  of  Delaware,  which  we  all 
rejoiced  to  see,  and  we  had  a  pleasant  passage  up  the  bay 
and  river  to  Philadelphia,  where  I  had  once  more  a  com- 
fortable meeting  with  my  dear  wife  and  family,  which  I 
gratefully  acknowledged  as  a  high  favour  from  the  hand 
of  the  Almighty. 

W^e  arrived  at  Philadelphia  the  first  of  the  second 
month,  1720;  after  which  1  stayed  at,  and  about  home, 
for  some  time,  and  was  not  idle,  but  kept  to  my  business, 
and  to  meetings,  and  having  a  desire  to  see  my  friends  in 
the  province  of  Maryland,  at  their  general  meeting  at 
West- River,  I  was  accompanied  by  Isaac  Norris  and 
Thomas  JVi asters,  both  sobtr  young  men.  It  had  been 
a  time  of  pretty  much  rain,  and  the  waters  thereby  being 
high,  going  over  a  ford  of  Brandy-wine,  my  mare  got 
among  the  rocks  (it  being  a  very  rocky  creek)  she  fell 
dQwn,  and  the  stream  being  very  strong,  she  rolled  upon 

.THE    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    eHALKLEY*-  93 

me,  and  being  entangled  with  the  stirrup,  I  could  not 
easily  clear  m}  self,  but  I  gave  a  spring  from  her,  and 
swam  to  clear  myself  from  her ;  and  when  I  was  cleaf 
I  got  to  her  again,  and  laid  hold  of  her  mane,  and  through 
the  good  providence  of  God,  got  well  out  with  the  mare 
on  dry  land,  which  was  a  remarkable  deliverance.  In 
three  days  we  got  to  West- River,  to  the  yearly  meeting, 
which  was  large,  and  friends  were  glad  to  see  me,  I  hav- 
ing not  been  there  for  several  years.  I  was  out  on  this 
journey  about  two  weeks,  and  rode  about  300  miles  :  and 
after  my  coming  home,  I  travelled  pretty  much  in  and 
about  the  };rovnicesof  Pennsylvania  and  New- Jersey. 

In  the  year  1721,  Thomas  Lightfoot  and  I,  with  Will- 
iam Brown,  went  to  a  meeting  at  Bush- River,  and  going 
over  Susquehannah-ferr}',  the  people  were  fiddling  and 
dancing.  When  the  dance  was  over  I  asked  them,  be- 
lieving them  to  be  protestants.  If  they  thought  Luther  to 
be  a  good  man  ?  They  replied,  "  Yes,  there  was  no 
doubt  of  it."  Well,  said  I,  and  so  do  I ;  and  I  will  tell 
you  what  he  says  concerning  dancing,  "  That  as  many 
paces  as  the  man  takes  in  his  dance,  so  many  steps  he 
takes  towards  hell ;"  which  spoiled  their  sport,  and  they 
went  away,  and  we  went  on  ours  towards  the  meeting  5 
and  a  good  meeting  it  was  !  and  we,  after  it,  returned  by 
way  of  Nottingham,  and  had  a  meeting  there,  and  one  at 
New- Garden,  and  so  on  to  Philadelphia.  I  was  from 
home  about  a  week,  and  travelled  in  this  journey  about 
150  miles,  and  was  well  satisfied  therein. 

In  the  years  1721  and  1722,  I  went  several  journies, 
and  had  many  large  meetings,  travelling  many  hundreds 
of  miles,  of  which  I  neglected  to  keep  a  particular  acw 
count,  hardly  thinking  what  I  did  worth  recording  ;  but 
divers  of  my  friends  in  many  parts  of  the  world,  put  me 
upon  something  of  this  nature,  to  which  at  length,  I  gave 
up,  and  found  some  benefit  and  satisfaction  therein,  in 
looking  back  and  considering  the  dealings  of  God  witli 
me  in  my  youth  and  upwards. 

From  Philadelphia  I  went  to  the  general  meeting  at 
Slu-ewsbury,  in  Kast-Jersey,  where  I  heard  of  J.   G's 


beins^  wounded  by  a  }'oung  man,  with  a  sword,  of  which 
he  died,  lamenting  that  he  did  not  take  the  counsel  of  his 
friends  ;  as  young  men,  who  slight  the  counsel  of  those 
that  wish  them  well,  commonly  do,  either  sooner  or  lat- 
er, if  the  da}  of  their  visitation  be  not  over.  Some  few 
da}s  alter  this  meeting  at  Shrewsbury,  I  visited  friends 
on  Long- Island,  and  returned  home  again,  having  trav- 
elled about  300  miles.  In  my  stay  at,  and  about  home, 
I  wrote  something  concerning  Perfection,  in  answer  .to  a 
nameless  author ;  as  also  something  concerning  Predes'- 
tinalion,  or  Election  and  Reprobation. 

In  the  year  1722,  I  went  back  in  the  woods  to  Buck- 
ingham, the  Great- Swamp,  Perkioming,  Manatawny, 
and  Ole) ,  where  I  had  meetings,  travelling  over  great 
mountains,  from  which  we  could  see  many  miles.  I 
travelled  in  this  journey  about  150  miles,  and  returned 
home  in  about  two  weeks  ;  and  after  staying  some  time 
at  home,  and  visiting  neighbouring  meetings  ;  I  went  to 
the  yearly  meeting  of  friends  on  Long- Island,  which 
meeting  was  very  large,  many  people  (not  of  our  persua- 
sion) being  there,  and  were  very  sober.  Many  things 
were  opened  in  the  love  of  Christ,  and  his  great  love 
was  largely  declared  to  that  great  congregation.  The 
parable  concerning  the  prodigal  son,  came  before  me  to 
speak  of  to  the  people  in  a  very  moving  manner,  and 
strongly  to  invite  the  youth  to  lay  hold  of  the  love  of  the 
father  in  his  son,  to  poor  souls  :  and  indeed  it  is  a  won- 
derful parable,  setting  forth  the  infinite  love  of  the  great 
Lord  of  all  to  his  poor  creatures.  Many  were  affected 
and  reached  to  at  this  meeting,  and  the  Almighty  was 
praised  and  glorified,  who  alone  is  Morthy. 

From  thence  I  went  and  had  a  meeting  at  New- York, 
and  then  set  forward  to  VVoodbridge,  where  we  had  a 
comfortable  meeting;  Naaman,  the  Assyrian,  being  much 
tlie  subject  of  that  day's  work  :  and  that  one  thing  lov- 
ed and  esteemed  more  than  Christ,  whatever  it  be,  is  to 
be  avoided,  and  the  people  warned  to  be  careful  to  keep 
close  to  the  God  of  Israel  (si)iritual  Israel)  and  to  give  up 
ail    which  is  contrary  to  his    nature,    and    to  take    up 


Christ's  cross,  and  follow  him :  for  it  is  those  who  fol- 
low him  in  the  regeneration,  that  are  to  be  heirs  of  his 

In  this  year  also  I  was  at  the  burial  of  our  friend  Jona- 
than Dickinson,  at  which  we  had  a  very  large  meeting, 
he  was  a  man  generally  well  beloved  by  his  friends  and 
neighbours.  In  this  meeting  a  passage  (he  had  often 
told  me  in  his  health)  was  brought  to  my  remembrance, 
I  think  worthy  to  be  recorded  to  the  end  of  time,  which 
is  as  folio weth  :  "  It  happened  at  Port- Royal,  in  Jamaica, 
that  two  }'Oung  men  were  at  dinner  with  Jonathan,  and 
divers  other  people  of  account  in  the  world,  and  they 
were  speaking  about  earthquakes  (there  having  been  one 
in  that  place  formerly,  which  was  very  dreadful,  having 
destroyed  many  houses  and  families).  These  two  young 
men  argued  that  earthquakes,  and  all  other  things,  came 
by  nature,  and  denied  a  supernatural  power,  or  deity,  in- 
somuch that  divers,  surprised  at  such  wicked  discourse, 
and  being  ashamed  of  their  company,  left  it ;  and  at  the 
same  time  the  eailh  shook,  and  trembled  exceedingly,  as 
though  astonished  at  such  treason  against  its  Sovereign 
and  Creator,  whose  footstool  it  is :  and  when  the  earth 
thus  moved,  the  company  which  remained  were  so  aston- 
ished, that  some  run  one  way,  and  some  another,  but 
these  two  atheistical  young  men  sta}  ed  in  the  room,  and 
Jonathan  with  them,  he  believing  that  the  providence  of 
Almighty  God  could  preserve  him  there,  if  he  pleased, 
and  if  not,  that  it  was  in  vain  to  fly  ;  but  the  hand  of  God 
smote  these  two  young  men,  so  that  they  fell  down  ;  and, 
as  Jonathan  told  me,  he  laid  one  on  a  bed,  and  the  other 
on  a  couch,  and  they  never  spoke  more,  but  died  soon 
after.  This  was  the  amazing  end  of  these  young  men  :" 
A  dreadful  example  to  all  atheists,  and  dissolute  and 
wicked  livers.  Oh  !  that  young  people  might  be  warn- 
ed, that  the  hand  of  God  might  be  upon  them  for  good, 
and  that  they  would  tenderly  be  concerned  for  their  sal- 
vation ! 

On  the  30th  of  the  fourth  month,  1723,  my  tenth  child, 
named  Thomas,  died  about  midnight  (having before  bur- 
ied nine).     It  was  some  exercise  to  me  thus  to  bury  my 

96  THE    JOUR.VAL    ©T    THftMAS    CMALKLKY. 

children  one  after  anotlier  ;  but  this  did  a  little  mitigate 
Tny  sorrow,  that  I  knew  that  if  I  could  have  all  things 
relating  to  them  according  to  my  desire  ;  could  I  sec 
them  grow  up  to  be  sober  men  and  women  well  married, 
have  a  competency  in  the  world  &c.  yet  it  was  safer  and 
better  for  them,  and  they  more  out  of  danger,  being  tak- 
en away  in  their  infancy  and  innocency  ;  and  I  fervently 
begged  of  the  Almighty,  that  he  would  be  pleased  to  take 
them  away  while  innocent,  rather  than  that  they  should 
live  to  be  vicious  or  unrighteous  men  and  women,  and  to 
bring  scandal  on  the  holy  name  of  Christ  and  upon  our 
christian  profession  ;  which  considerations  did  mightily 
tend  to  settle  and  quiet  my  mind  in  my  sorrowful  exer- 
cise. The  great  Lord  of  all  sanctify  the  sorrows  and  af. 
flictions  of  his  people  and  children,  and  grant  them  the 
fulfilling  of  that  blessed  portion  of  holy  scripture,  that  all 
things  shall  work  together  for  the  good  of  them  that  love 
and  fear  God  :  even  so  it  be,  saith  my  soul. 

In  the  sixth  month  of  this  year  I  removed  from 
the  city  into  the  country,  to  a  small  plantation  I  had 
at  Frankfort,  in  order  to  be  more  retired,  and  for  health's 
sake,  &c.  finding  some  declining  in  my  bodily  strength, 
which  I  take  to  be  very  much  owing  to  the  severe  colds 
and  hardships  I  have  sustained  in  my  long  and  hard  trav- 
els, more  especially  in  the  wilderness  of  America  ;  for, 
without  vanity,  I  may  say,  that  I  always  loved  temperance, 
and  have  been  sometimes  zealously  concerned  to  preach 
against  intemperance  ;  and  though  I  cannot  now  take  so 
long  journies  as  I  have  formerly,  my  spirit  earnestly  trav- 
els for  the  welfare  of  Zion,  and  the  peace  and  prosper- 
ity of  all  those  who  love,  fear,  and  serve  God,  and  believe 
in  his  Son. 

On  the  6th  day  of  the  eighth  month  it  pleased  God 
to  give  me  another  son,  whom  1  named  George,  after  my 
father,  brother,  nephew,  and  king ;  and  hough  tliis  name 
is  now  a  great  name  among  men,  I  considered  that  no 
name  can  preserve  life,  so  I  gave  him  up  to  the  will  of 
him  who  gave  him  to  me,  and  desire,  if  I  have  no  name 
through  children  to  posterity,  I  may  have  a  name  in  the 
Lamb's  book  of  life,  which  1  have  ever  esteemed  far 
above  a  name  amongst  men. 


After  my  removal  to  this  place  I  was  not  idle,  but 
Visited  neighbouring  meetings,  and  in  the  eighth  month 
I  went  to  Shrewsbury  general  meeting,  where  there  were 
many  hundreds  of  people,  and  the  truth  declared  had 
good  impression  upon  the  minds  of  many  ;  some  after 
meeting,  who  were  not  of  our  society,  acknowledged  to 
the  truth,  and  that  they  were  glad  they  were  there.  In 
this  meeting  I  was  concerned  for  the  welfare  of  mankind, 
and  the  exaltation  of  the  holy  name  of  the  Almighty,  to 
declare  the  universal  love  of  God  to  man,  from  several 
texts  of  holy  scripture,  as  that  passage  of  Jacob  and 
Esau,  and  Peter  and  Cornelius,  and  something  concern- 
ing the  objection  made  against  us,  the  people  called 
quakers,  that  we  do  not  acknowledge  the  holy  scriptures 
to  be  the  word  of  God ;  for  though  we  believe  that  the 
scriptures  came  by  divine  inspiration,  yet  we  are  clearly 
convinced  by  their  testimony,  and  by  the  spirit  of  truth 
in  our  hearts,  that  Christ  is  the  eternal  word  of  God,  by 
tvhom  all  things  were  made  and  created,  and  do  still 

From  Shrewsbury,  with  divers  other  friends,  I  rode  to 
Crosswicks,  where,  on  the  fifth  day,  we  had  a  very  com- 
fortable meeting,  in  which  the  ancient  love  and  goodness 
of  our  heavenly  Father  was  with  us  to  the  tendering  our 
hearts  into  tears  of  joy,  some  of  us  being  likewise  affected 
in  remembrance  of  the  goodness  of  the  Almighty  to  us,  in 
the  meeting  we  had  in  this  place  under  the  trees  about 
twenty-five  years  since.  "J'he  great  subject  of  faith  and 
works  was  spoken  to;  as,  that  the  romans  seemed  to  lay  too 
much  stress  on  works,  and  the  lutherans,  calvanists,  and 
others,  too  little  :  but  our  principle  led  us  to  join  botii 
together ;  the  Almighty  having  joined  them  together, 
none  ought  to  separate  them.  This  subject  of  f.iith  and 
works  having  been  much  in  debate  amongst  professed 
christians,  it  is  on  my  mind  here  to  mention  a  k\v  things 
deduced  from  the  best  authority  : 

The  first  is.  Without  fliith,  it  is  impossible  to  please 
God.  lied.  xi.  6. 

Second,  Faith  is  the  gift  of  God. 

Third,  Faith  works  bv  love. 

^Q  THE    J(jURNAL    of    THOMAS    CHALKLEY. 

Fourth,  Faith  is  the  evidence  of  things  not  seen,  and 
the  subbtance  of  thinj^s  hoped  for. 

Fifth,  Faith  without  works  is  dead. 

Sixth,  The  just  Hve  by  faith. 

Seventh,  You  beHeve  (or  have  faitli)  in  God,  believe 
also  in  nic,  John  xiv.  1. 

And  the  author  to  tlie  Hebrews  speaks  excellentl}'' 
conceriiir.g  the  power  of  faith,  and  the  mighty  wonders 
wrought  by  it.  Note,  this  living,  saving,  true,  and  di- 
vine faith,  must  be  in  the  heart,  through,  and  in  Jesus 
Christ,  the  Son  of  the  living  God,  who  is,  and  always 
will  be,  the  author  and  finisher  of  it  in  every  true  believer. 

After  I  came  from  Shrewsbury,  I  visited  divers  neigh- 
bouring meetings,  and  some  in  Chester  county,  where  I 
had  meetings  for  nine  days  successively,  some  of  which, 
were  very  large  (particularly  at  Providence  and  Goshen) 
in  which  I  was  opened  to  exhort  them  to  keep  to  that  plain, 
honest  v>ay  of  life  and  conversation  which  our  fathers  and 
ciders  were  found  in,  and  to  remind  them  of  the  suffer- 
ings they  endured  for  their  testimony  to  the  blessed  truth, 
in  the  first  breaking  forth  thereof  in  the  last  age  ;  and  I 
was  concerned  to  shew  them,  that  the  Almighty,  who 
had  blessed  us  with  plenty  of  temporal  blessings,  would 
continue  the  same  to  us,  if  we  were  careful  to  live  in  his 
fear  ;  but  that  otherwise,  we  might  expect  his  judgments 
for  disobedience. 

And  after  my  return,  I  continued  about  home  for  some 
time,  it  being  winter  season,  and  bad  travelling,  and  I  not 
so  capable  of  travelling  as  formerly ;  but  I  had  great 
peace  and  tranquillity  of  mind,  in  that  I  had  freely  given 
up  my  youthful  days  to  serve  my  Creator,  and  the  same 
love  and  zeal  was  yet  fresh  and  warm  in  my  heart,  for 
the  glory  of  his  great  name ;  and  I  still  have  a  full  reso- 
lution through  his  strength  and  grace  to  serve  him,  the 
great  Lord  of  all,  all  my  days,  according  to  the  light  and 
strength  given  to  me. 

Our  yearly  meeting  at  Philadelphia  this  year  was  large, 
in  which  our  friend  Benjamin  Kid,  from  England,  being 
with  us,  had  good  service.  I  cannot  forget  a  concern 
which  was  upon  me  at  this  meeting,  that  the   universal 


love  of  God,  through  Christ,  might  prevail  amongst  man- 
kind, and  to  press  friends  to  manifest  to  all  people  the 
influence  thereof,  by  their  exemplary  lives  and  conversa- 

In  the  second  month,  1724,  I  went  into  New- Jersey 
as  far  as  Shrewsbury,  where,  on  a  first  day,  we  had  a 
large  meeting,  to  general  satisfaction ;  and  the  next  day 
we  had  another,  wherein  the  love  and  good  will  of  God, 
through  Christ,  was  opened  freely  to  the  people,  and  our 
duty  to  forgive  one  another  was  largely  treated  of ;  and 
it  was  plainly  shewn,  that  without  forgiving  others,  we 
could  not  be  forgiven  of  God,  as  Christ  saith,  "  If  3'C 
forgive  men  their  trespasses,  your  heavenly  Father  will 
also  forgive,  you  :  but  if  ye  forgive  not  men  their  tres- 
passes, neither  will  your  heavenly  Father  forgive  your 
trespasses ;"  Mat.  iv.  14  15,  &c.  and  much  more  to 
the  same  effect  on  that  subject ;  as  also  Christ's  an- 
swer to  Peter,  who  asked,  how  oft  a  man  should  for- 
give his  brother  if  he  trespassed  against  him  ?  Peter 
says,  till  seven  times :  our  Lord  Jesus  answers,  I  say 
not  unto  thee,  until  seven  times,  but  until  seventy  times 
seven.  Mat,  xviii.  22.  And  again,  Christ  says,  If  thy 
brother  trespass  against  thee  seven  times  in  a  day,  and 
seven  times  in  a  day  turn  again  unto  thee,  saying  I  re- 
pent, thou  shalt  forgive  him,  Luke  xvii.  4.  Which  hard 
hearted  people  think  a  great  hardship,  but  Christ's  cross 
must  be  taken  up,  and  borne  daily,  if  we  will  be  his  dis- 
ciples and  followers  indeed,  and  in  truth,  as  well  as  in 

After  we  had  reconciled  some  differences  at  Shrews- 
bury, we  went  to  a  place  called  Menesquan,  and  had  a 
good,  open  meeting,  and  most  of  the  people  of  that  place 
were  there.  It  was  a  good  time,  and  I  hope  the  oppor- 
tunity will  not  soon  be  forgotten  by  divers  who  were 
there.  From  this  place  we  travelled  to  Crosswicks,  and 
had  a  good  meeting.  After  meeting,  a  friend  told  me 
that  some  would  say,  ''  I  spoke  by  information,  because 
I  had  opened  some  matters  which  were  exactly  to  the 
state  and  condition  of  some  there  :"  But  I  knew  nothing 
of  their  state  and  condition,  otherwise  than  as  it  was  then 


immediately  opened  in  my  mind ;  neither  had  I  been' 
told  any  thing  concerning  them  directly  or  indirectly  : 
and  from  thence  we  travelled  to  Burlington,  where  the 
jnondily  meeting  of  our  friends  had  desired  that  I  would 
he  assistant  to  help  to  end  a  difference  which  had  hap- 
pened through  mis-^take,  and  continued  for  about  seven 
years  (since  the  first  occasion  was  given)  and  through 
divine  assistance,  our  hearts  being  filled  with  the  love  of 
Christ,  we  so  prevailed  upon  the  differing  persons,  that 
they  gave  each  other  satisfaction,  with  hopes  that  they 
should  live  in  love  for  the  future  ;  and  friends  of  the 
place  greatly  rejoiced  at  the  end  of  that  difference.  As 
I  went  along  this  town,  some  friends  told  me  of  a  religious 
people  some  few  miles  distant,  whom  they  desired  I 
would  have  a  meeting  with.  I  desired  them  to  see  if  it 
Would  be  granted,  and  let  me  know ;  which  was  done, 
and  we  had  a  meeting,  and  were  kindly  received,  and  the 
divine  nature  of  the  gospel  of  Christ  was  freely  opened 
to  them,  and  in  great  love  we  parted  from  one  another. 
I  travelled  in  this  journey,  about  two  hundred  miles  ; 
and  when  I  came  home,  my  dear  wife  and  family  gladly 
received  me  with  hearts  full  of  love.  And  this  testimo- 
ny I  think  proper,  for  several  solid  reasons,  to  leave  be- 
hind me,  of  my  virtuous  and  loving  wife,  that  since  we 
were  married,  she  never  hindered  me  in  that  service,  my 
great  Master  called  me  unto,  in  all  the  time  of  our  living 
together  ;  we  always  parted  for  the  sake  of  the  gospel  of 
Christ,  in  pure  love,  and  in  the  same  love  we  always 
met  again. 

Soon  after  this  time  I  met  with  several  great  losses  by 
-eea  and  land,  and  myself  and  my  little  daughter  were 
dangerously  sick,  so  that  our  recovery  seemed  doubt- 
ful ;  yet,  through  the  mercy  of  God,  we  both  recovered, 
for  which  I  j)raise  his  name. 

After  some  stay  at  home,  I  was  again  moved  in  the 
love  of  Christ,  to  visit  the  general  meetings  of  Duck-r 
creek  and  Salem,  At  Duck-creek  we  had  a  large  and 
satisfactory  meeting.  From  Duck-creek  I  appointed  a 
meeting  at  George's-creek,  which  Mas  a  good  meeting. 
The  nejct  iporning  we  went  over  to  Elsinburgh,  and  s© 


«n  to  Cohansie,  \^'here  I  met  with  two  of  my  fellow  la- 
bourers in  the  work  of  Christ,  Thomas  Lightf;  ot,  and 
Benjamin  Kid.  We  had  a  meeting  together  at  Cohan- 
sie, in  which  :he  people  were  exliorted  to  sobriety  and 
just  dealing.  The  contrary  of  both  is  too  obvious  at 
such  times  as  fairs  ;  there  being  divers  of  the  fair  people 
theie  as  well  as  others,  the  nature  of  Christ's  work  in  the 
heart,  was  somewhat  spoken  to,  but  not  so  open  a  meet- 
ing as  some  others,  the  people  thereaway  being  too  slack 
and  dull  as  to  religion.  Next  day  we  had  a  meeting  at 
Alioway's-creek,  where  we  all  three  had  some  pretty 
close  work  ;  and  from  thence  we  went  to  the  general 
meeting  at  Salem  which  was  larger  than  common,  on  ac- 
count of  the  said  friend  Benjamin  Kid's  being  there : 
who,  in  the  love  of  Christ,  came  from  England  to  visit 
the  churches  in  this  part  of  the  world.  There  were  so 
many  friends  and  others  here  at  this  time,  that  some 
houses  were  so  filled,  that  there  was  not  room  for  all  that 
came  to  lodge  there.  After  this  meeting  I  returned  home, 
and  in  a  few  days  went  into  Chester  county,  and  travelled 
about  a  htindred  miles ;  and  when  I  came  home  I  under- 
stood that  some  for  want  of  a  true  sense  of  the  work  of 
Christ  had  been  censuring  me  for  my  much  travelling 
and  hard  labour  in  the  work  of  the  ministry  of  the  gospel 
of  Christ ;  though,  by  the  same  rule  of  judging,  the  apos- 
tles of  Christ,  and  our  ancient  friends,  who  travelled 
much,  cannot  escape  their  censure  ;  for  in  all  my  trav- 
els, I  have  had  an  especial  regard  to  the  unity  of  the  breth- 
ren, and  never  knowingly  went  abroad  vi^ithout  it :  but 
let  this  caution  be  recorded  for  the  instruction  of  all., 
such  forward  judges;  let  them  be  careful  of  judging 
Christ's  servants,  lest  their  words  become  their  burden : 
Judge  not  that  ye  be  not  judged  (saith  our  great  Lord) 
for  with  what  judgment  ye  judge,  ye  shall  be  judged. 

Soon  after  my  return  from  Chester  county,  I  was  at  a 
marriage  at  Abington,  whjch  was  one  of  the  most  solemn 
I  have  been  at ;  and  on  the  15th  of  the  third  month,  at 
the  youth's  meeting  at  Germantown,  to  my  great  satis- 
faction;  and  on  the  23d  of  the  same  month,  ^  I  went  to 
the  general  meeting  of  ministers  and  elders  at  Burlington ; 


at  which  meeting  several  things  relating  to  the  gospel 
ministry,  were  declared  ;  as  its  being  a  free,  a  clear,  and 
a  powerful  ministry,  reaching  to  the  conscience,  and  con- 
vincing of  the  danger  of  continuing  in  sin :  and  divine 
charity  was  much  recommended,  without  which,  all 
ministry  is  but  as  sounding  brass.  Sec.  From  this  meet- 
ing I  went,  with  Walter  Herbert,  into  Bucks-county,  and 
at  Ncshaminy  we  had  an  open,  tender  meeting.  From 
thence  I  went  to  Buckingham,  and  was  at  a  marriage  of 
a  son  and  daughter-in-law  of  Thomas  Canby's.  The 
meeting  was  large,  and  friends  well  satisfied  ;  and  it  was 
obsejvable,  though  I  was  very  hoarse,  through  a  cold  I 
had  taken,  and  could  hardly  speak  in  common  conversa- 
tion, yet  it  was  much  taken  away  in  my  ministry,  so  that 
I  was  carried  through  the  service  to  our  admiration,  for 
which  I  was  truly  thankful.  After  this  meeting  I  return- 
ed home  with  true  satisfaction,  such  as  is  much  more 
valuable  than  silver  and  gold,  two  mighty  idols  in  the 

After  a  little  stay  at  home  I  went  on  a  first  day  to 
North- Wales,  or  Gwinnedd,  where  was  a  pretty  large 
meeting,  many  young  people  being  there,  to  whom  I  was 
concerned  to  shew,  that  Christ  is  the  way  by  which  wc 
must  come  into  the  true  church,  through  regeneration,  and 
that  all  who  invent  other  ways  are  thieves  and  robbers. 
I  rode  twenty-five  miles  that  day,  and  the  next  day  came 
to  Frankfort,  and  was  at  the  burial  of  an  ancient  friend, 
Joan  Orpwood,  at  which  our  friend  John  Salkeld  was, 
with  whom  I  was  the  next  day  at  Philadelphia,  at  our 
third-day  meeting,  which  was  a  good  meeting. 

On  the  4th  day  of  the  fourth  month,  intending  soon 
to  take  a  journey  to  Long-Island,  I  thought  it  a  proper 
time  to  alter  my  will,  as  I  had  kept  one  by  me  for  divers 
years  before,  considering  the  uncertainty  of  life.  On 
the  fifth  of  the  fourth  month  I  went  to  Merion  to  visit  an 
ancient  friend,  John  Roberts;  who  was  sick  near  unto 
death,  where  I  again  met  with  John  Salkeld.  The  friend 
expressed  his  satisfaction  in  this  visit,  and  we  had  a  re- 
wdvd  of  peace  in  the  exercise  of  that  christian  duty  of  vis- 
iting the  sick,   which  is  recommended  by  the  apostle  to 


the  primitive  churches  of  Christ.  After  we  had  been 
some  time  with  our  said  sick  friend,  we  went  to  the  meet- 
ing which  had  been  appointed  for  us  several  days  before, 
and  was  large  and  satisfactory  :  for  which  favourable  vis- 
itation we  blessed  the  great  name  of  the  Almighty,  and 
parted  tenderly  in  christian  love  and  good- will.  The 
friend  we  went  to  visit,  died  the  next  day.  He  was  a 
helper  of  the  poor,  and  a  maker  of  peace  in  the  neighbour- 
hood :  of  such,  Christ  said,  Blessed  are  the  peace- mak- 
ers, for  they  shall  be  called  the  children  of  God. 

On  the  10th  of  the  fourth  month,  1724,  I  had  a  con- 
cern to  write  the  following  epistle  to  friends  in  the  island 
©f  Barbadoes. 

*'  Frankfort,  lOth  of  4th  Month,  1724^. 

*.*  Dear  Friends, 

"In  the  tender  love  of  God,  our  heavenly  Father, 
and  of  our  saviour  Jesus  Christ,  do  I,  your  brother,  at 
this  time  greet  you,  and  wish  you  health  and  salvation. 
Understanding  by  a  concerned  friend,  that  of  late  sev- 
eral of  our  friends  are  taken  away  from  you  by  death,  a 
concern  came  on  me  to  put  you  in  remembrance  of  your 
latter  end,  and  of  the  cause  of  Christ ;  and  also  of  the 
prosperity  of  his  blessed  light  and  truth  in  your  (in  that 
respect  poor,  though  in  some  others,  rich  and  luxurious) 
island  :  the  posterity  of  many  that  have  been  taken  away 
there,  as  well  as  in  divers  others  places,  having  gone 
astray  ;  and  that  it  may  not  be  so  with  those  who  are  left 
behind,  let  a  weighty  concern  come  upon  you.  Oh!  dear 
friends !  let  your  practices  and  expressions  manifest  to 
the  rising  generation,  that  the  welfare  of  their  souls,  more 
than  of  their  bodies,  is  at  heart  with  you  ;  and  do  not  in- 
dulge them  in  that  which  you  in  yourselves  were  con- 
vinced to  be  of  an  evil  tendency,  when  your  hearts  were 
first  reached  by  the  power  of  truth.  How  many  youths 
have  been  lost,  through  the  looseness  of  the  example  of 
their  elders,  and  through  an  undue  indulgence  of  them 
in  vanity,  folly,   pride,  and  idleness  !   woful  experience 


doth  but  too  much  declare  that  they  are  many  :  Oh !  they 
are  many  indeed,  who  have  been  lost  by  so  doing  !  where- 
fore, dear  friends,  clear  yourselves  of  your  children  ;  and, 
if  they  will  obstinately  go  astray,  faithfully  bear  your  tes- 
timony against  them,  in  life,  doctrine,  or  expressions  and 
conversation,  which  ^\dll  witness  for  you  when  you  are 
dead  and  gone,  and  your  heads  laid  in  the  silent  grave. 
Thus  will  your  youth,  through  the  blessing  of  God,  and 
your  endeavours,  come  up  in  your  places,  or  at  least 
3'ou  will  be  clear,  and  their  blood  will  be  upon  their  own 
heads.  A  pure,  strict  watch  is  required  of  you  in  con- 
versation, in  all  those  relations.  First,  that  God  may  be 
glorified.  Secondly,  that  your  childi'en  may  be  exam- 
pled.  Thirdly,  that  your  neighbours  may  be  edified,  or 
built  up  in  pure  religion.  And,  fourthly,  that  you  may 
die  in  peace  with  him  that  created  you  and  died  for  you  ; 
remembering  the  blessed  doctrine  of  Christ  Jesus,  Let 
your  light  so  shine  before  men,  tliat  others  seeing  your 
good  works,  may  glorify  your  Father  which  is  in  heaven^ 
And  again  ;  You  are  as  a  city  set  on  a  hill,  which  cannot 
be  hid.  And  as  you  thus  train  up  your  children  in  the 
way  which  they  should  go,  when  they  are  young,  you 
may  have  reason  to  hope  they  will  not  depart  from  it 
when  they  are  old  ;  for  many  have  been  con\'inced  of  the 
truth,  as  it  is  in  Jesus  Christ,  through  the  good  conver- 
sation of  his  followers.  And  how  can  Ave  expect  to  die 
well,  if  we  do  not  live  well  ?  Or  can  we  expect  the  an» 
swer  of  "  Well  done,"  if  we  are  not  in  the  practice  of 
doing  well  ? 

And  I  do  desire  and  earnestly  exhort  friends  to  read 
the  holy  scriptures,  and  wait  to  feel  the  power  from 
which  they  sprung,  through  the  holy  writers ;  and  also 
to  teach  them  to  their  children.  And,  dear  friends,  let 
me  prevail  with  you  in  the  love  of  God,  and  his  dear  Son, 
to  keep  close  to  your  meetings  for  the  worship  of  Al- 
mighty God,  and  for  die  well  ordering  of  your  society  ; 
and  do  it  in  the  meek  spirit,  for  that  is  of  great  price  with 
the  Lord ;  and  when  in  your  meetings,  get  into  a  relig- 
ious exercise,  and  lively  concern  for  God's  glory,  and 
your  soul's  peace  and  prosperity.     I  pray  the  holy  Lord 


of  sabbath,  to  open  your  hearts  to  him  in  the  reading  of 
this  epistle,  ai  mine  is  open  to  you,  my  beloved  friends, 
that  you  and  I  may  be  edified,  though  outwardly  sepa- 
rated, as  we  were  when  together ;  and  if  we  should  never 
meet  more  in  this  world,  that  we  may  meet  in  the  king- 
dom  of  God,  where  we  may  never  part  more.  Amen. 
Hallelujah,  saith  my  soul ! 

I  desire  this  may  be  copied  and  read  at  the  close  of  one 
of  each  of  your  particular  meetings,  and  if  it  could  be 
readily,  in  every  family  of  friends ;  to  all  whom  is  my 
very  dear  love  in  Jesus  Christ,  whose  servant  I  am,  and 
hope  to  be  to  the  end,  and  I  am  an  entire  lover  of  souls, 
and  a  well  wisher  of  Sion's  prosperity. 


On  the  11th  of  the  fourth  month,   I  left  home  on  a 
journey  to  Long- Island,  in  order  to  visit  friends'  meet- 
ings, and  also  to  negociate  some   business  I  had  there  ; 
the  first  meeting  I  had  was  at  Burlington,  where  I  had 
occasion  to  advise  them  to  keep  in  remembrance  of  that 
ancient  love  which  first  united  our  society  together,  and 
in  which,  in  times  of  cruel  persecution,  some  freely  offered 
to  suffer  the  imprisonment  of  their  bodies  to  obtain  the 
liberty  of  their  friends  in  confinement.     From  thence  we 
travelled  to  Amboy,  and  so  over  to  Staten- Island.     The 
day  being  very  hot,  and  the  evening  cold,  I  got  a  severe 
cold,  which  I  did  not  get  clear  of  for  about  two  weeks, 
notwithstanding  which,  I  went  to  meetings,  though  ill  in 
body.     The  first  meeting  I  had  on  Long-Island,  was  at 
Flushing,  on  a  first  day  :   a  comfortable  meeting  it  was  ! 
in  which  was  closely  pressed,  the  taking  up  the  cross  of 
Christ,  by  all  who  desire  to  be  his  disciples,    and  that 
without  it  we  could  not  be  true  christians.     From  Flush- 
ing we  went  to  Musketto-cove,  and  had  a  meeting  there 
on  third  day,  which  was  large,  and  to  general  satisfaction, 
and  some  were  there  that  were  newly  convinced.     I  see- 
ing the  openness  of  the  meeting,  advised  friends  to  build 
a  meeting-house  there,    n'hich  they  approved  of.     On^ 



fourth  day  we  had  a  meeting  at  Westbury,  and  fifth  day 
at  Cow-Neck.  From  Cow- Neck  I  went  to  the  south  side 
of  the  island,  and  had  a  meeting  at  captain  Hicks'.  The 
neighbours  who  were  not  of  our  societ}-,  came  generally 
to  this  meeting,  and  they  were  pressingly  exhorted  to 
come  to  Christ,  and  the  way  opened  unto  them.  It  was 
a  good  time,  and  I  thought  a  time  of  love  to  us  all ; 
thouarh  before  the  meeting  I  was  exceedingly  shut  up  in 
myself,  so  that  the  meeting  was  very  beneficial  to  me, 
among  the  rest,  to  see  how  the  Lord  could  work  by  his 
power,  and  unlock  the  soul,  as  in  a  moment,  as  he  did  for 
my  poor  soul  at  times.  Oil !  may  I,  with  Christ's  followers 
and  ministers,  ever  depend  upon  him,  is  my  petition  I 
From  Rockway  (for  so  is  the  place  called)  we  went  to 
Westbury,  and  had  a  very  large  meeting  on  a  first  day  ;  / 
and,  as  I  was  informed,  some  were  convinced  there  that 
day.  From  hence  I  went  to  a  place  called  Foster's 
Meadows,  where  we  had  a  large  meeting  in  one  Dusen- 
btiry's  barn.  After  this  I  went  over  to  the  main  land, 
and  had  a  meeting  at  a  place  called  Westchester.  From 
thence  we  went  to  Flushing,  and  had  a  large  meeting  on 
a  fifth  day  of  the  week,  in  which  the  right  training  up  of 
children,  and  careful  education  of  youth,  was  zealously 
recommended.  From  Flushing  I  went  to  Huntington, 
where  some  were  lately  convinced  of  the  principle  of 
truth  as  it  is  in  Christ  Jesus,  some  of  whom  were  excom- 
municated by  the  presbyterians,  with  whom  they  had 
formerly  joined.  We  had  a  pretty  large  meeting  in  a 
friend's  barn,  where  one  priest  Prime  opposed  me,  as  he 
also  had  my  friend  Benjamin  Kid,  some  time  before,  of 
which,  by  letter,  I  gave  an  account  to  my  dear  friends 
Thomas  Lightfoot,  and  Benjamin  Kid,  desiring  them  (in 
their  return  from  New-England),  to  have  an  evening- 
meeting  there.  The  grounds  of  this  priest's  cavilling, 
or  dispute  was,  that  I  had  declared,  that  it  is  the  light  of 
Christ,  or  his  spirit,  which  convinceth  the  world  of  sin, 
and  not  a  natural  light,  or  the  light  of  a  natural  conscience ; 
from  whence  he  took  occasion  to  charge  me  with  deny- 
ing a  natural  conscience,  the  falsehood  of  which  I  charged 
upon  him  before  the  auditory,  and  desired  him,  if  he  had 


any  thing  on  his  mind,  to  write  it  to  me,  to  which  I 
promised  to  return  him  an  answer. 

From  Huntington  I  went  to  the  general  meeting  of 
friends  held  at  Newtown,  which  was  so  large  that  the 
meeting-house  could  not  contain  the  people,  and  the 
weather  being  extreme  hot,  the  people  without  doors 
were  some  of  them  uneasy,  and  went  to  and  fro ;  but 
those  that  were  in  the  house,  and  so  near  that  they  could 
hear,  were  very  attentive,  and  as  far  as  I  could  learn, 
generally  satisfied.  Our  next  meecing  was  at  New- York, 
which  was  the  quietest  meeting  I  ever  had  there  ;  and 
those  few  friends  at  New- York,  and  some  that  were  there 
from  Long- Island,  parted  with  us  in  the  love  of  Christ, 
and  in  the  fellowship  of  his  blessed  gospel;  and  so  I 
travelled  homewards,  having  good  satisfaction  in  visit- 
ing my  friends  ;  and  when  I  came  home,  found  my  deai' 
wife  and  children  in  health,  for  which  I  bless  God. 

After  this  journey  I  kept  to  meetings  at  and  about 
home  as  usual,  and  was  at  the  fifth  day  meeting  in  Phil- 
adelphia, when  Samuel  Preston  was  married  to  M  ir- 
garet  Langdale  (the  widow  of  my  dear  friend  and  fellow 
traveller  Josiah  Langdale).  The  meeting  was  large,  and 
the  parable  of  the  virgins,  and  the  bridegroom's  coming 
at  midnight,  was  opened,  with  an  exhortation  to  the  peo- 
ple to  be  ready  against  that  hour,  and  that  they  should 
take  care  to  have  the  holy  oil  of  divine  grace  in  their 

After  this  meeting  I  had  some  affairs  which  called  me 
into  Chester- county,  and  on  the  road  my  horse  gave  a 
sudden  and  violent  start  out  of  the  path,  and  threw  me 
down,  and  before  I  could  get  up  again,  he  struck  my 
face,  and  trod  on  my  right  eye  with  his  foot,  being  new- 
ly shod,  which  stunned  me  for  the  present ;  but  as  soon 
as  I  opened  that  eye  which  was  unhurt,  I  perceived  that 
I  lay  on  my  back,  under  my  horse's  belly,  with  my  head 
between  his  fore  feet.  He  stood  still  and  I  got  on  my 
hands  and  knees,  the  blood  streaming  out  of  my  nose 
and  right  eye,  and  while  I  was  bleeding,  a  man  and  wom- 
an came  by  ;  and  staid  till  I  was  done  bleeding,  and 
saw  me  mounted  on  my  horse  again.     I  went  forward, 


being  about  two  miles  from  the  house  I  intended  to  go 
to,  and  after  riding  about  a  mile,  I  met  with  a  friend 
that  knev/  me,  and  was  surprised  to  see  me  so  bloody, 
and  went  with  me  to  Randal  Mayling's  (a  faithful,  honest 
friend,  who  was  upwards  of  eighty  years  of  age,  and  had 
suffered  much  for  his  profession  of  the  truth  in  his  young- 
er years)  where  several  tender  hearted,  motherly  women 
dressed  my  wounded  eye.  I  was  truly  thankful  to  the 
Lord  for  his  providence  towards  me  in  this  deliverance, 
among  many  others,  which  he  in  his  goodness  hath  vouch- 
safed to  me.  I  stayed  at  the  friend's  house  three  nights 
and  mended  apace,  and  the  friend  accompanied  me  to  my 
house  at  Frankfort,  where  my  loving  wife,  with  some 
surprise,  received  me  very  affectionately  ;  and  through 
her  care  and  continual  application  I  recovered  so  that  I 
could  see  pretty  well  with  spectacles,  which  I  was  obliged 
to  use  for  some  months.  Such  accidents  plainly  shew  us 
the  necessity  of  preparing  for  sudden  death,  as  we  know 
not  when,  or  how  we  may  go  off  the  stage  of  this  life. 

On  the  25th  of  the  lifih  month  I  received  a  letter  fronni 
a  person  in  the  county  of  Burlington,  relating  to  water- 
baptism,  to  which  I  .made  answer  as  follows  : 

"  Thy  lines  I  received  last  night,  in  the  perusing 
of  which,  there  was  a  christian  love  in  my  heart  towards 
thee,  though  unknown  by  face,  and  I  have  much  free- 
dom of  mind  to  answer  thine,  according  to  thy  request, 
and  my  small  abilit} ,  First,  then,  we  are  near  in  senti, 
ments  to  each  other  in  the  grand  christian  principle  of 
saving  religion,  which  is  the.  work  of  the  holy  spirit  of 
Christ  upon  the  soul,  for  that  is  the  baptism  which  is 
Christ's,  and  is  truly  saving,  and  absolutely  necessary -to 
salvation ;  Christ's  baptism  being  but  one  which  is  with 
the  Holy  Ghost,  and  with  spiritual  fire  or  water ;  John's 
being  the  element,  or  figure  ;  and  Christ's  being  the  spir- 
it, power,  and  divine  substance,  and  is  to  be  with  the 
church  of  Christ,  and  with  his  true  ministers  to  the  end 
of  the  world.  Secondly,  in  answer  to  thy  query.  Was 
water-baptism  (that  is,  the  element)  not  commanded  by 

ThE    JOURNAL    OT    THOMAS    CHALKLEY,  109. 

Christ  himself,  in  Mat.  xxviii.  19  ?  I  answer,  I  believe 
not.  My  reason  is  this,  because  the  Holy  Ghost,  or 
spirit,  is  mentioned  in  the  text,  or  that  command,  in  ex- 
press words,  and  water  is  not ;  and  ther'efore  we  omit 
going  into  outward  water,  and  for  other  reasons  as  fol- 
loweth.  Thirdly,  That  water-baptism,  which  was  John's, 
"Was  practised  by  the  apostles,  is  true ;  but  it  was  not 
practised  by  Christ,  who,  no  doubt,  would  have  done  it 
if  it  had  been  absolutely  necessary;  for  he  disdained  not 
to  wash  his  disciples  feet,  a  much  more  despicable  office 
than  that  of  the  baptismal  ceremony  :  so  because  Christ 
did  not  himself  practise  it,  nor,  as  we  conceive,  com- 
manded us  to  go  into  material  water,  we  therefore  for- 
bear it.  Fourthly,  That  the  apostles  did  baptize  with 
water,  we  deny  not ;  and  that  they  were  circumcised,  and 
did  circumcise,  is  also  undeniable.  Now,  must  we  cir- 
cumcise because  the  apostles  did,  and  were  themselves 
circumcised  ?  consider  that  carefully,  and  I  hope  that 
will  give  thee  some  sight  or  light  into,  or  concerning  the 
dispensation  of  water- baptism,  which  was  John's  baptism, 
and  was  glorious  in  its  day  and  dispensation,  in  pointing 
at  Christ's  baptism,  until  it  came,  which  was  the  sub- 
stance, and  was  with  spiritual  fire,  and  spiritual  water, 
and  will  continue  for  ever.  To  Christ,  and  his  baptism, 
I  heartily  direct  thee  for  further  instruction,  in  whom  is 
light,  and  that  light  is  the  life  of  men,  or  life,  and  that 
life  the  light  of  men. 

And  further,  I  would  write  a  little  of  my  own  thoughts 
concerning  water-baptism,  and  on  some  texts  of  scrip- 
ture, being  Christ's  own  words,  viz.  He  that  believeth, 
and  is  baptized,  shall  be  saved  and  he  that  believeth  not, 
shall  be  damned,  or  condemned,  Mark  xvi.  16.  Now 
this  must  needs  be  understood  of  the  spirit's  baptism ; 
for  it  would  be  absurd  to  say,  or  believe,  that  all  who 
are  baptized  with  the  element  water,  are  saved,  or  all  who 
are  not  baptized  with  water  are  damned  ;  therefore  it  is 
the  spirit's  baptism,  that  all  professing  Christianity  ought 
to  come  unto,  to  witness  salvation.  Again,  Christ  says, 
except  a  man  be  born  of  water,  and  of  the  spirit,  he  can- 
not enter  into  the  kingdom  of  God,  or  of  Heaven,  Mat. 


iii.  5.  This  divers  will  have  to  be  a  mixture  of  the  ele- 
ment water,  and  of  the  spirit;  but  Christ  says,  It  is  the 
spirit  that  quickeneth,  the  flesh  profiteth  nothing.  The 
words  that  I  speak  unto  you.  they  are  spirit,  and  they 
are  life,  JoJm  vi.  63.  And  that  which  is  born  of  the  flesh, 
is  flesh,  and  that  which  is  born  of  the  spirit,  is  spirit, 
John'in.  6.  According  to  ^hich  doctrine,  1  have  faith  to 
believe,  that  outward,  fleshly,  or  elementary  water-bap- 
tism, profits  little  or  nothing  to  the  soul.  Again,  why 
should  the  water  in  that  place  be  understood  of  the  ele- 
ment, any  more  than  the  fire  in  the  other,  viz.  To  be 
baptized  with  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  with  fire,  since  Christ 
said.  My  words  they  are  spirit  and  life.  Remember  the 
well  of  water  that  springs  up  to  eternal  life  in  the  believ- 
ers :  remember  the  water  that  Christ  gave,  whosoever 
drank  of  it  was  never  to  thirst  more.  This  is  all  spiritual, 
which  the  carnal  mind  cannot  comprehend  or  enjoy,  but 
is  witnessed  by  the  spiritual  man.  And  further,  if  we  con- 
sider what  confusion  there  is  in  the  world  about  this  water- 
baptism,  it  may  wc^ll  put  a  tender  seeking  soul  upon  fur- 
ther search  into  the  nature  of  holy,  saving  baptism.  The 
papists  ha\  e  one  way  ;  the  lutherans  and  calvanists  anoth- 
er; the  baptists,  they  have  another  ;  and  all  diflfer  so  wide- 
ly, that,  generally  speaking,  they  will  not  worship  togeth- 
er ;  neither  are  they  ever  like  to  be  reconciled,  except  they 
come  to  the  holy  spirit  and  divine  power  of  Jesus,  the  good 
saviour  and  precious  guide  of  souls.  That  saying  of  his 
hath  often  been  a  comfort  to  me  in  deep  exercises  and 
distresses  of  mind,  when  he  said  to  his  disciples.  It  is 
ex])edient  for  you  that  I  go  away  ;  for  if  I  go  not  away, 
the  Comforter  will  not  come  ;  but  if  I  go  away,  I  will 
pray  to  the  Father,  and  he  will  send  the  Comforter,  the 
spirit  of  truth,  in  my  name,  and  when  he  is  come,  he 
shall  lead  you,  and  guide  you  into  all  truth  ;  he  shall 
take  of  mine,  and  give  it  unto  you,  and  shall  brhig  all 
things  to  your  remembrance,  I  have  spoken  unto 
you.  And  that  he  was  to  convince  the  world  of  sin ; 
and  that  he  shall  abide  with  you  for  ever.  May  the  pre- 
cious gift  of  the  spirit  be  given  to  thee,  and  to  all  true 
seekers  of  God,  his  Christ  and  kuigdom,  is  my  real  de- 


sire,  and  humble  prayer  to  the  Most  High.  [See  the 
four  evangelists  for  this  promise,  they  not  vvording  it 

Havin,^  answered  the  most  of  thy  letter,  I  would  add 
a  few  lines  more,  viz.  I  have  known  some  who  could 
not  be  satisfied  with  words  about  this  point  ot  baptism 
with  water,  until  Christ  had  by  his  spirit  given  them 
satisfaction  in  themselves ;  and  as  thou  comes  more  and 
more  into  close  communion  with  his  grace  and  spirit  in 
thy  own  soul,  I  hope  thou  also  wilt  have  better  satisfac- 
tion than  that  of  words  only.  I  have  known  some  of  the  peo- 
ple called  baptists,  who  have  been  convinced  of  the  truth, 
according  to  our  way  and  principle,  to  whom  all  the 
writing,  and  disputing,  and  reading,  and  preaching  about 
this  point,  could  never  give  ample  satisfaction,  until  they 
had  it  inwardly  and  immediatel}-  from  Christ,  manifested 
to  them  by  his  holy  spirit  in  their  hearts,  as  aforesaid. 
Though  I  would  not  be  understood  to  be  against  satisfy- 
ing one  another  as  much  as  lieth  in  our  power,  and  as  we 
find  openness  in  the  love  of  God  and  Christ.  And  fur- 
ther, I  never  understood  that  any  of  our  society  were  ab- 
solutely against  such  practising  of  it,  who  could  see  no 
further,  or  did  really  think  in  their  conscience,  it  was 
their  duty  so  to  do  :  but  we  believe,  that  we  see  beyond 
the  figure  or  shadow,  and  are  come  to  the  substance,  for 
the  reasons  mentioned,  and  many  more  which  might  be 
given.  Several  treatises  have  been  written  upon  this 
subject,  one  of  which  is  very  full  (before  we  were  a  peo- 
ple) by  William  Dell,  a  wise  and  learned  man,  and  one 
who  had  a  large  sense  of  the  power  of  God  :  and  among 
us  Barclay's  Apology,  and  a  treatise  by  John  Gratton, 
who  was  a  baptist  preacher,  and  one  by  Joseph  Pike : 
and  also  here  is  a  little  book  of  Thomas  Upsher's  (a  bap- 
tist pFeacher  before  he  came  to  join  with  us)  which  I 
send  thee,  with  whom  I  was  well  acquainted,  as  also  with 
those  men  who  subscribed  it.  If  thou  applies  thyself  to 
Richard  Smith,  of  Burlington,  he  is  as  likely  as  any  I 
know  to  help  thee  to  those  books,  all  which  are  larger 
on  the  subject,  and  have  given  satisfaction  to  thousands 
about  it :  though  some,  as  I  have  said,  could  never  be 


satisfied  with  words.  In  reading  tlie  latter  jiart  of  thy 
letter  I  was  tenderly  affected,  and  my  prayers  to  the  Al- 
mighty were,  that  he  would  please  to  direct  thee  by  his 
power  and  spirit,  and  the  grace  of  his  dear  Son,  who 
hath  said,  He  that  cometh  unto  me,  I  will  in  no  wise 
cast  off.  Now,  tender  friend,  Christ  is  the  true  light, 
that  lighteth  every  man  that  cometh  into  the  world,  by 
which  light  thou  must  walk  to  the  kingdom  and  city  of 
God.  He  is  the  door  into  the  true  sheep-fold  :  he  is  the 
truth,  in  whom  thou  must  believe :  he  is  the  divine  life 
and  light  of  the  soul :  he  is  the  true  christian's  all  in  all. 
And,  as  the  kingdom  is  within  (as  said  Christ)  so  the 
king  is  within,  and  without  also.  He  is  God,  omnipo- 
tent, omniscient,  omnipresent,  the  immortal  Jehovah,  and 
is  God  over  all,  blessed  for  ever.  And,  as  a  servant  of 
his,  I  recommend  thee,  with  my  own  soul,  unto  him  for 
preservation  and  divine  direction  ;  for  it  is  the  great 
work  of  Christ's  true  ministers  and  servants,  to  direct 
the  seeking,'  travelling  souls,  to  him ;  to  whom  with  the 
Father,  and  the  eternal  spirit,  be  glory,  now  and  ever- 
more.    Amen. 

From  thy  assured  friend  in  Christ, 


The  person  to  whom  I  wrote  this  letter,  some  time 
after  informed  me,  it  gave  him  great  satisfaction. 

After  I  had  stayed  at  home  some  time,  and  pretty  v/ell 
recovered  of  the  hurt  I  had  by  my  fall,  1  visited  some 
meetings  about  home,  as  Philadelphia,  Abington,  and 
German  town.  In  several  of  those  meetings  I  was  con- 
cerned to  exhort  friends,  as  our  meetings  and  worship 
"Was,  in  this  province  of  Pennsylvania,  a  kind  of  national 
worship,  to  beware  that  they  did  not  indulge  themselves 
in  the  sins  of  the  nations,  but  to  be  careful  to  keep  to 
the  holy,  self-denying  life  of  Jesus. 

On  the  5th  of  the  6th  month,  between  the  hours  of 
nine  and  ten  at  night,  there  was  an  earthquake,  which 
divers  people  were  very  sensible  of ;  and  about  this  time 


many  were  taken  off  with  a  violent  fever ;  and  I  was  con- 
cerned in  several  meetings  to  put  the  people  in  mind  of 
their  mortality,  and  shortness  of  time  here  ;  and  also  of 
the  uncertainty  of  it,  and  of  the  necessity  of  speedy  prep- 
aration for  their  final  change  and  future  well-being.  In 
the  aforesaid  month  I  was  at  our  youth's  meeting  in  Phil- 
adelphia, where  I  was  concerned  to  advise  parents  to  do 
justly  to  their  children,  in  the  divers  relations  of  a  child's 
state ;  to  be  just  in  correction,  and  to  be  sure  to  give 
them  learning,  and  train  them  up  in  reading  of  the  holy 
scriptures,  they  being  able,  through  faith  in  Christ,  to 
make  us  wise  to  salvation.  1  also  was  earnest  in  exhor- 
tation to  the  youth,  to  obey  and  honour  their  parents,  and 
to  have  a  care  not  to  be  disobedient  to  their  fathers  and 
mothers,  I  had  a  concern  also  to  remind  that  large  con- 
gregation, that  the  Almighty  had  stretched  out  his  arm 
of  power,  with  his  rod,  and  had  given  the  people  of  this  land 
three  strokes  therewith,  as  a  gentle  admonition  towards 
heart-preparation,  to  meet  him,  and  to  prepare  for  their 
latter  end,  or  final  dissolution  :  which  were  first,  a  sick- 
ness, or  pestilential  fever,  which  carried  off  many  of  the 
people.  Secondly,  an  earthquake,  of  which  divers  in 
town  and  country  were  very  sensible.  Thirdly,  a  ter- 
rible whirlwind,  such  as  we  never  before  heard  of  in  this 
land,  that  I  remember.  They  were  admonished  to  take 
particular  and  special  notice  of  those  gentle  strokes  of 
the  divine  hand,  for  if  he  pleased,  he  could  as  soon  take 
away  many  by  sickness,  as  a  few,  and  if  he  pleased  could 
have  made  us  a  desolation,  as  well  as  the  country  about 
mount  ^tna,  or  Port- Royal,  in  Jamaica,  not  very  far 
from  us  ;  and  he  could  also  blow  us  away  with  a  whirl- 
wind of  his  wrath,  and  could  as  easily  have  blown  down 
all  our  city,  as  those  few  houses  in  the  country. 

Next  day  after  this  meeting  I  went  with  John  Rodman 
to  the  quarterly  general  meeting  of  worship  in  the  county 
of  Chester,  which  was  large  and  satisfactory. 

The  25th  of  the  sixth  month  I  was  at  the  burial  of 
the  wife  of  Richard  Wain,  a  virtuous  and  good  woman. 
Some  of  her  last  words  were,  *'  Some  men's  sins  go  be- 
tbre-hand  to  judgment,  and  some  follow  after  them  ;  and 

114  TftE    JOCRN'AL    OF    THOil-U^    CHALKLJEY. 

tliat  her  sins  were  gone  before,  which  was  a  great  com- 
fort to  her,  now  she  was  going  to  leave  the  world."  It 
ivds  a  large  meeting,  and  a  seasonable  opportnnity  that 
we  had  at  the  funeral,  llie  people  were  called  upon  to 
work,  while  it  was  called  to-day,  because,  as  our  Saviour 
s'aid,  the  night  cometh,   wherein  no  man  can  work. 

In  this  and  the  Ibregoing  year,  I  met  with  various  tri- 
als and  exercises  :  as  first,  great  inward  poverty  and  want. 
Secondly,  great  losses  in  outward  affairs.  And  thirdly, 
the  evil  spirits  of  divers  stirred  up  against  me,  to  report 
falsehoods  concerning  me,  with  many  other  sore  exer- 
cises both  inward  and  outward.  As  to  the  first,  I  had 
often  been  tried  that  way,  and  foimd  b}'  experience,  that 
I  must  wait  upon  God  m}  Saviour  for  fresh  and  renew- 
ed visitations  from  above ;  in  which  exercise,  I  had  al- 
ways, in  the  Lord's  time,  comfort  from  him,  as  by  the 
same  exercise  I  had  now  the  same  comfort  also ;  but  I 
thought  it  very  long,  and  the  enemy  did  greatly  endeav- 
our to  break  in  upon  my  patience  now  more  than  usual : 
but  ni}  heart  still  depended  in  faith  and  hope  upon  the 
Lord,  ni}  Redeemer  and  Saviour,  and  in  his  time  he  was 
pleased  to  help  me,  blessed  be  his  holy  arm  and  power 
for  ever  !  Many  blessed  saints  and  servants  of  Jesus  were 
brought  to  my  mind,  who  were  in  the  like  condition,  so 
that  I  had  a  secret  joy  in  their  company  (who  met  with 
the  like  in  their  travels  to  the  holy  city).  Secondly,  as 
to  my  outward  losses,  I  thought  with  myself,  peradven- 
ture  it  might  be  best  for  me :  and  I  remembered  that  many, 
through  the  increase  of  outward  riches,  were  exceeding- 
ly  hurt  as  to  their  inward  state  ;  and  though  I  (or  any 
good  man)  might  be  concerned  for  our  children,  to  get 
and  leave  something  for  them,  yet  I  plainly  saw,  that  gen- 
erally speaking,  much  riches  doth  much  hurt  to  youth. 
This  was  a  melancholly  observation  that  I  had  made  in 
my  life  and  travels,  and  I  see  at  this  day,  that  it  is  an 
miiversal  distemper  (a  very  few  excepted) ;  wherefore  I 
cried  mightily  to  God  that  he  would  give  to  me  and 
mine,  the  gift  of  his  grace  and  holy  spirit,  whatever  our 
circumstances  might  be  in  the  world.  In  this  also  I  saw 
that  patience  was  an  excellent  virtue,  and  that  the  meek 


had  the  best  inheritance  of  the  earth,  if  they  had  ever  so 
little  of  it  ;  and  that  true  happiness  did  not  consist  in 
earthly  things,  which  my  experience  had  largely  taught 
me.  And  thirdly,  as  to  the  base  and  evil  treatment  1 
met  with  (which  was  more  than  I  had  ever  met  with  in  all 
my  life  before)  great  endeavours  were  used  to  lessen  my 
re]:)utation,  as  a  man,  and  a  christian ;  all  which  proved 
false  and  fruitless,  and  in  due  time  my  innocence  was 
made  manifest ;  and  I  considered  that  they  could  not 
use  me  worse  than  they  had  done  my  Lord  and  Master, 
and  that  the  devil  was  angry  with  any  who  endeavoured 
to  dethrone  him  and  pull  down  his  kingdom,  at  the  foun- 
dation of  which,  through  the  help  of  my  Master,  I  had 
many  a  stroke  or  blow,  with  such  weapons  as  he  was 
pleased  to  furnish  me  withal. 

The  last  of  the  sixth  month,  and  the  1st  of  the  seventh 
month,  was  the  quarterly  and  youth's  meeting  at  Bur- 
lington, at  both  of  which,  I  was.  At  the  quarterly  meet- 
ing I  was  concerned  to  open  to  that  meeting,  how  all 
along  the  church  of  God  was  governed  by  his  spirit,  in 
the  time  of  the  law,  and  Moses  was  an  instrument  there- 
in ;  and  that  when  it  was  too  hard,  and  too  much  work 
for  Moses,  he  was  advised  to  get  the  help  and  assistance 
of  the  elders ;  and  that  the  same  power  and  spirit  of 
God  that  was  with  and  upon  Moses,  was  upon  the  elders 
who  assisted  him  in  the  affairs  of  the  church,  and  con- 
gregation of  the  Lord's  people  ;  so  that  it  was  governed 
by  God's  spirit,  and  is  to  be  governed  by  the  same  still, 
and  not  by  the  will  of  man,  nor  according  to  the  will  of 
man,  in  his  corrupt  nature.  And  when  Israel  went  from 
God's  power  and  spirit,  the  Lord  left  them,  but  at  last 
sent  to  them  his  only  begotten  son,  our  dear  Lord  and 
Saviour  Jesus  Christ ;  and  he  was,  and  ever  is,  to  be 
governor  of  his  church,  through  his  holy  s])irit,  which 
he  told  his  disciples,  he  would  pray  the  Father,  and  he 
should  send  unto  them,  the  Comforter,  the  Holy  Ghost, 
or  Spirit,  the  Spirit  of  Truth,  and  he  should  abide  with 
them  for  ever,  and  should  lead  and  guide  them  into  all 
truth  ;  which  sweet  a  d  precious  promises  that  he  made 
to  them,  the  true  believers  do  witness  to  be  fulfilled  at 


this  day.     Glory  to  his  name  for  ever,  he  is  the  wonder- 
ful Counsellor,  mighty  Saviour,  and  Prince  of   Peace ! 
of  whose  peace  and  government  there  shall  never  be  an 
end,  and  upon  whose  shoulder  the  government  is  to  be 
for  ever,  for  whose  power  and  holy  spirit,  friends  were 
exhorted  to  pray  and  wait,  and  to  be  sensible  of  it  in  the 
discipline  and  government  of   the  church  now  in  this 
gospel  day,  in  which  is  a  brighter  manifestation  of  God's 
love,  through  his  Son,  than  in  the  time  of  the  law.     The 
y(>uth's  meeting  was  also  large,  and  divers  testimonies 
were  borne,  b}   way  of  exhortation  and  counsel  to  the 
y(  uth.     They  were   with  much   tenderness  advised  to 
ta]<e  counsel  of  their  elders,  and  were  shewn  how  it  fared 
wiih  some  young  men,  who  slighted  the  advice  and  coun- 
sel of  the  elders  ;  and  that  one,  when  on  a  dying  bed, 
cried  out  in  the  bitterness  and  agonies  of  his  spirit,  "  Oh  ! 
that  I  had  taken  the  counsel  and  advice  of  my  friends,  for 
then  I  not  been  here,  nor  in  this  condition."     Youth 
were  advised  to  beware  of  keeping  bad  company,  and 
spending  their  precious  time  in  taverns,  which  hath  un- 
done many  fair  and  promising  youths  ;  and  it  was  shewn, 
how  a  young  man  might  cleanse  his  ways,  by  taking  heed 
thereto,  according  to  the  word  of  God,  which  liveth  and 
abideth  for  ever,  imd  which  the  holy  scriptures  proceeded 
from  ;  and  they  were  earnestly  exhorted  to  read  and  prac- 
tise what  was  written  therein.     And  a  very  tender  time 
we  had  in  prayer  to  God,  through  his  dear  Son,  to  pre- 
serve us  all  in  his  fear,  both  youth  and  aged  ;   and  so  our 
meeting  broke  up,   and  we  parted  in  the  sweet  love  of 
God,  and  his  Christ   our  holy  Saviour. 

My  troubles  in  the  world,  and  in  the  things  of  it,  be- 
ing many,  and  my  outward  losses  being  great ;  as  also 
was  my  inward  poverty  of  mird  and  spirit,  I  took  my 
pen,  and  wrote  one  day  as  followeth  :  *'  Oh  !  if  it  be 
right  in  the  sight  of  God,  how  do  I  long  to  be  uncloth- 
ed of  this  frail  and  mortal  body,  that  my  soul  and  spirit 
might  mount  up  into  the  ethereal  plains,  and  repose  it- 
self in  the  vast  expanding  arms  of  its  Maker  and  most 
sweet  Saviour  for  ever." 


Being  at  and  near  home  some  time  after  I  came  from 
Burlington,  I  visited  the  meetings  of  German-town  and 
Philadelphia,  which  were  large,  and  some  good  sense  of 
truth  was  in  the  hearts  of  divers.  I  was  concerned  at  that 
meeting  at  Philadelphia  to  let  the  people  know,  that  as 
God  had  blessed  the  people  of  that  city,  and  the  province, 
with  spiritual  and  temporal  blessing,  and  made  the  land, 
naturally  fruitful,  to  the  enriching  many  of  the  inhabit- 
ants, he  now  expected  fruits  from  them  of  piety  and  vir- 
tue ;  and  that  if  there  was  not  a  stricter  walking  with 
God  in  Christ  Jesus,  they  might  expect  his  divine  hand, 
which  had  visited  them  with  favours  from  heaven  above, 
and  from  the  earth  beneath,  would  visit  them  with  a  rod 
in  it,  and  that  he  had  already  given  them  some  gentle 
strokes  therewith. 

Our  yearly  meeting  was  this  year  at  Burlington,  for 
the  provinces  of  New-Jersey  and  Pennsylvania,  the  ser- 
vice of  which  our  quarterly  meeting  appointed  me,  with 
divers  others,  to  attend.  It  was  a  large  and  comfortable 
meeting,  and  many  went  home  thankful  to  the  holy  name 
of  God  and  Christ,  that  they  were  there. 

I  shall  end  the  second  part  of  the  journal  of  my  life 
and  travels,  when  I  have  transcribed  part  of  a  letter  which 
my  dear  father  wrote  me,  when  eighty  odd  years  of  age, 
he  having  been  a  minister  of  Christ  above  forty  years, 
which  folio weth. 

*'  Loving  Son,  Thomas  Chalkley, 

*'  Thine,  d^ted  ili*^  1 1th  of  the  tenth  month, 
1723,  I  received,  and  was  very  glad  to  hear  of  your 
welfare,  and  that  -Lhe  Lord  hath  given  you  children : 
and  I  pray  the  Almighty  God,  that  he  may  preserve 
them  with  you,  that  they  may  be  a  comfort  to  you  in 
your  latter  days  ;  and  that  if  the  Lord  may  be  pleased  to 
continue  them  with  you,  that  they  may,  as  they  grow  in 
days,  grow  in  grace,  and  in  the  knowledge  of  our  Lord 
and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ ;  and  that  the  Lord  may  be 
pleased  to  preserve  us  all  to  the  end  of  those  few  days 


we  may  have  in  ihis  world,  that  then  we  mav  lay  down 
our  heads  in  peace,  and  in  the  full  assurance  of  everlast- 
ing blessedness  for  ever  and  evermore. 

I  bless  the  Lord  that  he  hath  preserved  me  sensible  of 
his  blessed  and  holy  spirit,  whereby  my  understanding  is 
indifferent  clear  and  well,  considering  my  age  ;  and  the 
Lord  in  his  great  and  loving  kindness  I  do  feel  to  help  me 
to  my  great  satisfaction,  in  my  little  service  for  him. 

Having  this  opportunity  by  a  friend  of  your  town,  was 
willing  to  let  you  hear  of  our  welfare  and  health.  I  an^ 
in  as  good  health  at  present  as  I  have  been  for  many  years, 
and  can  make  a  shift  to  go  over  London- bridge,  and  to  the 
meeting  at  Aldersgate,  and  to  the  Peel-meeting,  from  my 
house  in  Shad-'^J'hames.  And  the  Lord  hath  been  pleased 
to  be  with  me  now  in  my  poor,  aged  condition. 

So,  dear  son,  my  dear  love  to  thee  and  thine,  and  to 
friends  that  may  inquire  after  us.  Divers  friends  give 
their  love  to  thee,  whose  names  I  cannot  remember. 

With  repeated  love  to  you  all,  I  rest  thy  aged,  and, 
thereby,  through  pain,  afflicted  father, 


"  Soufhwark,  London^  5th  of&th  Months  1724." 

"  P.  S.  Thy  brother  George,  his  love  is  to  you  all ;  and 
I  desire  thee  to  let  us  hear  of  you  as  opportunity  may 

To  see  my  dear  father's  hand- writing,  now  he  was 
above  four-score  years  of  age,  was  very  affecting  to  me; 
and  the  more,  because  I  expected  it  might  be  his  last, — 
which  it  was.  The  answer  T  sePt  to  my  dear  father's 
letter  is  as  followeth. 

"  Frankfort,  22dof%th  Month,  1724. 

"  My  dear  Father, 

"  Thine,  per  James  Wilkins,  I  received  with 
joy,  and  vvas  greatly  comforted  to  hear  that  thou  wast 
yet  alive  ;  and  especially  that  tliou  art  favoured,  now  in 


thy  old  age,  with  a  sense  of  the  gift  of  God,  through  the 
holy  spirit  of  his  dear  Son,  our  blessed  Lord  and  Saviour 
Jesus  Christ. 

The  reading  of  thine,  did  mightily  refresh  and  tender 
my  heart  and  spirit,  not  expecting  maay  more  such  epis- 
tles from  thee,  by  reason  of  thy  great  age.  tJut,  mv  ver}^ 
dear  and  truly  honoured  father,  if  we  should  never  hear 
from,  nor  see  one  another  more  in  mutability,  yet  are 
we,  while  here  on  earth,  as  living  epistles,  in  one  anoth- 
er's hearts,  wrote  by  the  finger,  or  hand  of  God.  I  have 
hope  also,  that  we  shall  meet  where  we  shall  never  part 
more,  in  the  glorious  kingdom  of  God  and  his  Christ. 

We  are  all  in  good  health,  I  humbly  thank  the  Lord, 
and  if  it  be  his  will,  should  rejoice  to  hear  that  these  find 
thee  (my  tender  and  loving  father,  with  my  dear  brother 
and  sister,  and  all  my  loving  cousins,  and  our  friends  in 
general)  in  like  health.  I  desire  to  know  exactly,  thy  age 
m  thy  next,  if  thou  art  able  to  write  to  me,  and  if  thou 
lives  where  thou  did  formerly,  or  with  brother  or  cousin, 
which  will  be  very  acceptable  to  me. 

Thus  with  unspeakable  love  from  self  and  wife,  to  thee, 
my  dear  and  aged  father,  and  all  relations  and  friend^, 

I  remain, 

Thy  loving  and  dutiful  son, 










In  this  year,  1724,  I  met  with  various  trials,  afflictions, 
and  tribulations  ;  and  had  not  the  secret  hand  of  the 
Lord,  which  I  felt  underneath,  bore  up  my  spirit  from 
sinking,  I  think,  I  could  never  have  waded  through  them. 
I  was  now  removed,  as  already  related,  into  the  coun- 
try, for  retirement,  which  I  greatly  loved  and  delighted 
in  ;  but  as  soon  as  I  was  a  little  settled  there,  the  ene- 
my of  all  good  endeavoured  to  disquiet  my  repose,  by 
stirring  up  some  bad  people  against  me,  who  lived  near, 
and  in  time  past  had  fawned  upon  me  :  and,  to  add  to  my 
afflictions,  I  lost  a  vessel,  in  which,  I  suppose,  I  had  up- 
wards of  five  hundred  pounds  ;  and  another  vessel  came 
in  almost  a  wreck,  in  which  I  suffered  in  my  interest  sev- 
eral hundreds  more,  and  a  third  I  heard  of,  in  which  I 
had  the  like  loss  ;  and  about  the  same  time  I  had  also  a 
good  new  barn  burned  to  the  ground  in  a  few  minutes,  so 
that  I  was  exceedingly  stripped  that  way  :  and  to  add  yet 
more  to  my  exercise,  I  was  sorely  afflicted  with  sickness, 
having  a  swelling  in  my  jaws,  mouth,  and  throat,  to  that 
degree,   that  I  could  neither  speak  nor  swallow  for  some 



time,  nor  eat  nor  sleep  for  about  seven  days,  as  I  remcna- 
bcr,  without  great  difficulty.  What  the  distemper  was,  we 
Gould  not  be  certain.  Some  supposed  it  to  be  the  quinsey, 
others  an  imposthume  ;  also  my  little  and  only  daughter 
at  the  same  time  was  likel}'  to  die  ;  and  as  tor  my  own 
part,  I  was  very  willing  to  go,  if  it  so  pleased  God  ;  for 
I  saw  through  the  deceit  of  the  world,  and  that  the  friend- 
ship of  it  was  not  permanent ;  and  in  my  sore  afflictions 
in  body,  mind,  and  interest,  it  fared  with  me  as  with  Job, 
for  divers  of  my  pretended  friends  added  to  my  afflictions 
by  undue  reflections;  whom  I  pray  the  Lord  to  forgive 
for  his  Son's  sake  !  At  these  times,  the  remembrance  of 
that  saying  of  Christ,  that  the  very  hairs  of  your  head  are 
ntimbered,  Mat.  x.  30.  at  times  supported  me  in  hopes, 
that  all  would  work  together  for  good. 

When  I  got  a  little  well,  so  that  I  could  go  to  meet- 
ings, I  went  to  Germantown,  Abington,  Philadelphia,  and 
Darby.  My  first  going  abroad  was  to  Philadelphia, 
where,  on  a  first  day,  we  had  a  large  meeting,  and  di- 
vers things  were  opened  in  my  mind.  I  told  them  they 
had  Moses  and  the  prophets,  and  Jesus  Christ,  who  was 
arisen  from  the  dead  :  for  neither  death,  hell,  nor  the 
grave,  could  detain  the  Lord  of  Life  and  Glory.  And  I 
was  opened  to  declare  to  them,  that  they  had  a  great  ad- 
vantage of  the  coming  of  Christ,  not  only  in  his  appear- 
ance at  Jerusalem,  but  as  he  came  to,  and  spoke  to  the 
heart,  by  his  inward  and  spiritual  appearance  ;  and  that 
this  gospel  dispensation  was  by  his  coming,  made  more 
conspicuous,  bright,  and  glorious,  than  that  which  went 
before.  Friends  were  very  glad  to  see  me  abroad  again 
(they  having  expected  daily  to  hear  I  was  dead)  and  there 
was  tenderness  over  the  meeting,  and  God  over  all, 
through  his  dear  Son,  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  was  praised 
and  glorified,  who  is  worthy  for  ever. 

In  this  year  two  sober  young  women,  Elizabeth  Levis 
and  Jane  Fenn,  were  concerned  to  visit  friends  in  the 
island  of  Barbadoes,  and  they  meeting  with  some  dis- 
couragement, in  christian  love,  I  wrote  them  the  follow- 
ilig  letter  to  encourage  them  in  the  work  of  Christ. 


"  Frankfort,  \st  ofVlth  month,  1724-5. 

*'  My  dear  Friends, 

*'  Elizabeth  Levis,  and  Jane  Fenn, 

"  Understanding  by  our  friend,  Grace  Lloyd, 
that  you  have  proposed  your  intention  of  visiting  those 
few  friends  in  the  island  of  Barbadoes,  and  that  you  meet 
with  some  discouragement  inwardly  and  outwardly,  there- 
fore it  is  in  my  mind  to  comfort  and  strengthen  you  in  so 
great  and  good  an  undertaking,  and  honourable  work,  as 
is  that  of  the  cause  of  Christ,  who,  for  our  sakes,  crossed 
himself  abundantly  beyond  expression,  more  than  is  pos- 
sible for  us  to  do  for  his  sake,  or  the  sake  of  his  people, 
whom  we  may  so  entirely  love,  as  to  lay  down  our  lives 
for  his  and  their  sakes.  But  what  is  our  lives  to  the  life 
of  the  only  begotten  Son  of  God  ?  And  truly,  we  must 
give  them  up  often,  if  we  have  the  cause  of  souls  at  heart ; 
and  then  he  often  gives  them  to  us  again,  glory  to  his 
holy  name  for  ever  \  As  Christ  said.  He  that  will  save 
his  life,  shall  lose  it,  and  he  that  will  lay  down  his  life 
for  my  sake  and  the  gospel,  shall  find  it ;  which  reach- 
eth  your  case  in  this  undertaking.  And,  indeed,  some  of 
our  lives,  in  our  own  sense,  are  hardly  worth  mentioning, 
considering  the  cause  of  Christ. 

And,  dear  children  of  our  heavenly  Father,  I  may, 
through  some  good  experience,  truly  inform  you,  that 
there  is  much  openness  in  many  people  on  that  island, 
and  good  encouragement  I  have  had,  from  above,  in 
my  visiting  the  people  there  ;  though,  true  it  is,  the  in- 
habitants, too  generally,  are  luxurious,  and  much  given 
to  vanity:  yet  I  have  this  seal  in  my  heart,  that  the  Lord 
hath  a  seed  in  that  place  who  desires  to  serve  him,  and 
that  seed  will  surely  join  with  you  in  your  exercise,  and 
you  will  be  comforted  one  in  another,  and  in  the  Lord. 
And  that  there  are  differences  among  them,  is  also  true  ; 
but  they  have  the  more  need  of  being  visited  by  such, 
who  are,  through  their  wise  conduct  and  healing  dispo- 
sition, likely  to  heal  those  breaches  which  are,  or  may  be 
among  them.     Some,  indeed,  have  gone  among  them^ 


and  have  done  hurt,  by  a  rash  and  turbulent  way  of  man- 
agement, and  by  so  doing,  have  rather  made  the  breaches 
wider,  than  by  a  meek  and  loving,  as  well  as  lowly  dis- 
position,  lessened  their  differences  and  healed  them. 

And,  tender  friends,  though  it  may  seem  hard  for  you 
in  several  considerations,  to  give  up  to  go  to  sea,  and  also 
to  divers  who  love  you,  and  are  nearly  related  to  you, 
know  ye,  and  such  so  concerned,  that  the  Lord  is  strong- 
er than  the  noise  of  many  waters,  and  than  the  mighty 
Xvaves  of  the  sea.  And  Ideally  believe  that  you,  as  well  as 
my  soul,  with  the  servants  of  Christ,  have,  and  will  expe- 
rience it  to  be  so,  as  David  did,  whose  words  they  are. 

I  remember  the  words  of  our  great  Lord  and  Master, 
Jesus,  when  he  sent  forth  his  servants  to  preach  his  word 
and  gospel ;  "I  send  you  forth  as  lambs  among  wolves." 
No  question  but  you,  like  innocent  lambs,  before  your 
return  (if  it  please  God  to  give  you  to  us  again)  may  meet 
with  the  wolf's  spirit,  or  the  spirit  of  the  beast,  in  some 
or  others  among  whom  you  may  travel ;  then  will  the 
counsel  of  Christ,  added  to  his  commission,  be  good  for 
you  to  keep  close  to  :  "  Be  ye  wise  as  serpents,  but  in- 
nocent or  harmless  as  doves." 

And,  dear  maidens,  I  look  upon  it  as  your  cross  is 
great,  you  being  two  innocent,  chaste  young  women,  to 
give  up  your  names  to  cross  the  sea,  which  I  know  is  a 
great  cross  to  a  chaste  woman,  or  man  either,  the  seamen, 
too  generally,  being  rude,  dissolute  people ;  so  your 
crown  will  be  great  also.  I  have  known  that  by  keeping 
near  to  Christ,  and  his  truth  and  power,  there  hath  iDcen 
a  wonderful  reformation  divers  times  in  several  of  those 
rude  seamen  ;  and  some  have  been  so  far  convinced,  as 
to  be  exceedingly  kind,  and  to  speak  well  of  friends  and 
their  conversation,  when  it  has  been  coupled  with  the 
fear  and  wisdom  of  God.  When  I  have  gone  to  sea,  I 
always  found  a  religious  and  christian  concern  upon  me, 
for  the  poor  sailors,  the  good  effects  of  which  have  been 
much  more  than  I  may  speak  of;  but  give  this  little  hint 
for  your  encouragement  and  information. 

Well,  dear  souls,  if  you  go,  I  believe  the  Lord  will 
go  with  you ;  and  sure  I  am,  that  my  spirit  will  go  along 


with  you,  which  will  not  hurt  you,  if  it  do  you  no  good. 
And  ahhough  my  exercises  and  tribulations  of  late  have 
been  very  great,  both  sjiiritual  and  natural,  yet  my  very 
heart  within  me  affects  the  cause  of  Christ,  according  to 
the  best  of  my  understanding  ;  and  I  heartily  wish  well  to 
all  my  fellow  labourers,  who  afe  faithful,  painful  servants 
of  Christ,  and  disinterested,  except  as  to  the  interest 
which  they  desire  in  Christ  and  his  kingdom,  for  the 
sake  of  which,  they  love  not  their  lives  unto  death. 

I  must  now  take  leave,  after  putting  you  in  mind  of 
remembering  me,  your  poor  friend  and  brother,  when 
before  the  throne  you  are  supplicating  the  Father  of  Mer- 
cies in  secret,  even  as  my  heart  is  tenderly  bowed  and 
broken  into  tears  on  your  behalf  at  this  time.  The  Lord 
be  with  you,  and  sanctify  the  present  exercise  and  con- 
cern that  is  upon  you,  and  }'OU  to  himself,  with  all  the 
faithful  lovers  and  followers  of  the  Lamb,  "  through  his 
word,  whose  word  is  truth."  I  am  your  friend  and  broth- 
er, in  the  fellowship  of  the  gospel  of  Christ  Jesus,  our 
great  Lord  and  good  Master  ;  and  blessed  are  all  those, 
who,  by  their  tearing  to  offend  him,  manifest  him  to  be 
their  Master,  and  by  their  honouring  him,  manifest  him  to 
be  their  Lord. 


Ifi  the  twelfth  month  I  went  to  the  quarterly  meeting  of 
friends,  held  at  Providence,  for  Chester  county,  for  dis- 
cipline and  worship  ;  which  meeting  \vas  large,  and  a 
concern  came  upon  friends  at  that  meeting  to  suppress  ex- 
cess in  eating  and  drinking,  and  great  entertainments  at 
marriages  and  funerals,  and  spending  time  idly  in  tippling 
houses  ;  as  also  in  several  other  things  for  the  well-order- 
ing our  society,  in  which  appeared  great  love  and  unanim- 
ity. The  people  were  reminded  of  God's  love  to  them 
in  this  land,  and  many  favours  were  recounted  to  them, 
which  he  had  favoured  the  inhabitants  of  the  land  with, 
which  were  very  singular,  and  that  he  expected  they 
should  bring  forth  fruits  that  might  be  answerable  to  the 
labours  of  love,  which  the  Lord  had  bestowed  upon  them. 


About  this  time  I  had  it  in  my  mind  to  write  to  one 
who  was  conscientiously  concerned  to  preach  the  gospel 
of  Christ,  but  was  under  great  exercise  on  that  occa- 

''  Frankfort,  2Uh  of  \2th  Month,  1724-5'. 

''  My  Friend, 

"  Since  I  last  saw  thee  and  conversed  with  thee, 
thou  hast  often  been  in  my  mind,  and  thy  exercise  has 
come  belbre  me  ;  and  not  having  an  opportunity  to  con- 
verse with  thee  personally,  I  take  this  way  of  communi- 
cating my  mind,  hoping,  in  Christ,  thou  wilt  reap  some 
satisfaction  and  advantage  thercb}-.  I  think  I  know  thou 
art  concerned  for  Christ's  cause,  as  also  was  that  emi- 
nent minister  Apollos,  yet  was  instructed  more  perfectly 
by  good  Acjuila  and  Priscilla.  The  sul^ject  on  which  I 
have  it  in  my  mind  to  write  to  thee,  is  the  ministry  of  the 
gospel  of  Christ  Jesus,  which  I  believe  to  be  very  differ- 
ent from  that  Avhich  it  is  generally  taken  for,  in  most 
parts  of  the  world,  by  many  professing  Christianity. 
First,  the  greatest  part  of  Christendom,  so  called,  calls 
and  elects  their  ministers  themselves,  and  will  not  call 
them  unless  they  have  school-learning,  although  Christ 
called  and  chose  imlearned  men,  as  to  that  sort  of  learn- 
ing, and  the  apostles  were  called,  "  Not  according  to 
the  will  of  man,  but  by  the  revelation  of  Christ  Jesus." 
And  Christ  thanked  his  Father  that  "  He  had  revealed 
the  mysteries  of  his  kingdom  to  babes  and  sucklings." 
And  the  wise  Jews,  the  Scribes  and  Pharisees,  admired 
at  the  apostles,  who  so  wonderfully  preached  Christ,  and 
were  so  wonderfully  carried  forth  in  their  ministry,  and 
yet  few  of  them  were  men  of  learning ;  so  that  the  call, 
election,  and  wages  of  Christ's  ministers,  are  spiritual,  and 
not  carnal;  and,  therefore,  their  ministry  is  with  divine 
life  and  power,  by  which  they  are  qualified  for  this  ser- 
vice, without  either  study  or  premeditation  :  though  it  is 
not  denied,  that  Christ  mav  shew  a  minister  beforehand, 


what  he  shall,  or  is  to  speak,  at  such  a  time  or  place,  as 
he  may  see  meet ;  but  that  studying  or  writing  sermons, 
and  afterwards  preaching,  or  rather  reading  them  to  the 
people,  was,  or  is,  the  practice  of  the  true  minister  of 
Jesus,  our  great  Lord  and  Master,  is  denied  ;  of  which, 
I  do  believe,  thou  hast  a  real  sense. 

I  shall  impart  to  thee  something  of  my  own  experi- 
ence for  thy  edification  in  this  great  work,  viz.  As  in 
the  work  of  conversion,  or  re2:eneration,  there  is  a  growth 
and  increase  from  the  state  of  a  child  to  that  of  a  man  in 
Christ,  so  in  the  work  of  the  ministry,  or  preaching  the 
gospel,  there  is  also  a  growth  from  a  babe  to  an  able 
minister,  in  all  which  the  power  and  grace  of  the  Holy 
Spirit  nmst  be  our  guide,  our  help,  and  support,  keeping 
close  to  which  we  shall  increase  in  divine  wisdom  and 
sound  judgment,  and  our  hearts  and  understandings  will 
be  more  and  more  opened  and  enlarged.  The  apostle 
Paul  said,  "  When  I  was  a  child,  I  spake  as  a  child,  un- 
derstood as  a  child,  and  thought  as  a  child  ;"  and  yet  he 
was  an  excellent  child  of  God,  and  minister  of  Christ,  and 
as  he  grew  in  his  gift,  and  Christ's  grace,  he  became  a 
wonderful  serviceable  instrument  in  the  hand  of  God. 
Now  a  child's  state  in  the  ministry  is  too  much  overlook- 
ed by  niany,  some  thinking  to  be  men  as  soon  as  they 
are  brought  forth  into  the  ministry  ;  and,  according  to 
my  observation,  divers  have  been  at  a  loss,  and  some 
quite  lost,  for  want  of  a  patient  continuing  in  well-doing, 
and  not  waiting  to  feel  a  growth  and  increase  from 
above,  have  gone  on  in  their  own  strength  and  will,  per- 
haps against  the  advice  and  instruction  of  a  sound  and 
honest  Aquila  and  Priscilla,  and  have  been  hurt ;  and 
some,  who  had  received  a  gift,  have  had  that  same  gift 
taken  from  them,  even  by  the  Lord,  who  gave  it  them. 

As  I  take  it,  a  true  minister  of  Christ,  is  to  take  no 
thought  what  to  say,  but  it  will  be  given  him  in  the  same 
hour  that  which  he  should  speak  to  the  people,  (that  is,  in 
a  general  way)  and  if  it  is  not  given  from  above,  I  believe 
he  or  she  ought  to  be  silent ;  for  they  receive  freely,  if 
they  do  receive  any  thing  from  Christ,  and  so  they  ought 
freely  to  administer  ;  and  where  little  is  given,-  little  is  re- 


quired,  all  which  is  plain  from  Christ's  own  words  in  the 
New  Testament ;  and  Christ's  cross  is  to  be  taken  up  by 
his  ministers  in  their  preaching,  as  well  as  in  their  con- 

It  is  a  practice  which  the  holy  scriptures  have  not 
acquainted  us  with,  that  the  ministers  of  Christ  should 
take  a  verse,  or  a  line,  out  of  the  holy  scriptures,  and 
write,  or  study,  beforehand,  a  discourse  on  it,  and  preach 
it,  or  rather  read  it,  to  the  people.  The  hoiy  men  of  old 
(as  we  read  both  in  the  Old  and  New  Testament),  spoke 
as  they  were  moved  by  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  by  it  they 
were  gifted  for  the  convincing,  converting,  and  reform- 
ing tiie  world,  and  for  comforting  and  edif)  ing  of  the 
saints,  quite  contrary  to  the  latter  practice  of  modern 
reading  divines,  who  dispute,  write,  and  preach,  against 
the  immediate  and  divine  revelation  of  the  spirit  of 
Christ,  and  therefore  can  not  be  of  his  ministers,  but 
must  be  the  ministers  of  antichrist,  and  ministers  of 
the  letter,  and  not  of  the  spirit  of  Christ,  or  of  his 
gospel.  And  where  the  apostle  says,  "  When  I  was 
a  child,  I  spake  as  a  child,"  I  take  him  to  point  at 
the  being  brought  forth  newly  into  the  work  of  the 
ministry,  as  well  as  the  work  of  conversion,  and  that 
he  useth  those  expressions  by  way  of  comparison,  and 
therefore  I  compare  it  thus :  a  child  when  it  first  begins 
or  ventures  to  speak,  he  speaks  but  a  few  words,  and 
those  stammering  sometimes,  and  its  judgment  is  weak, 
and  must  be  put  upon  speaking  by  his  father  over  and 
over,  if  he  be  a  backward  child  ;  otherwise,  if  he  be  for- 
ward, and  speaks  too  much,  he  is  curbed  by  a  wise  fa- 
ther :  and  thus,  according  to  my  observation,  it  hath 
pleased  our  heavenly  Father  to  histruct  his  children  in 
the  ministry,  and  as  a  child  in  Christ,  I  would  speak  a 
little  of  my  experience  unto  the  child,  or  children  of  God. 
When  I  first  felt  a  necessity  on  me  to  preach  the  gospel, 
I  had  but  a  few  sentences  to  deliver,  in  great  fear  and 
tenderness,  with  some  trembling,  with  which  my  breth- 
ren were  generally  satisfied  and  edified ;  and  after  some 
time  I  felt  a  concern  to  preach  the  gospel  in  other  coun- 
tries, and  to  other  nations,  than  that  in  which  I  was  born, 


which  to  me  was  a  very  great  cross  ;  but  feeling  the  wo 
of  the  Lord  to  follow  me  in  not  giving  up  to  it,  I  in  some 
time  took  that  cross  up,  for  Christ's  sake  and  the  gos- 
pel's:  and  in  taking  it  up,  I  experienced  the  truth  of  the 
apostle's  doctrine,  that  "  the  gospel  of  Christ  is  the 
power  of  God  unto  salvation,  to  every  one  that  believ- 
eth."  Rom,  i.  16.  Thus,  through  a  continual  labour 
and  spiritual  travel,  I  witnessed  a  growth  in  experience, 
and  an  enlargement  in  expressions  and  heavenly  doctrine; 
and  my  heart  was  mightily  enlarged  to  run  the  ways  of 
God's  commandments,  and  divers  were  convinced,  and 
some,  I  hope,  thoroughly  converted,  and  many  comfort- 
ed, and  God,  through  the  ministry  of  his  dear  Son,  glori- 
fied, who  is  thereof  only  worthy  for  ever. 

In  all  which  I  have  nothing  to  boast  of  nor  glory  in, 
saving  in  the  cross  of  Christ ;  for  what  is  Paul,  or  Apol- 
los,  or  Cephas  but  an  instrument?  (I  would  not  be  under- 
stood to  compare  with  those  apostles,  but  to  endeavour  to 
follow  them  as  they  followed  Christ).  Christ  is  all  in 
all :  he  is  the  great  teacher  of  teachers,  and  the  highest 
schoolmaster  of  all :  and  he  says,  "  He  that  will  be  my 
disciple,  must  first  deny  himself,  and  take  up  his  cross, 
and  follow  me." 

We  do  not  find  any  where  in  the  New  Testament, 
that  Christ's  ministers  or  messengers  were  only  to  speak 
or  preach  to  one  meeting  of  people,  or  that  they  were 
called  or  hired  by  men ;  for  then  it  would  have  been 
necessary  that  man  should  pay  them ;  but  Christ  says, 
"  Freely  you  have  received,  freely  give ;  and  go  forth," 
&c.     iI/«>.  xxviii.  19,  20. 

And,  my  friend,  I  find  to  this  day,  that  it  is  safe  for  me 
when  I  am  ministering  to  the  people  ;  when  the  spring  of 
divine  life  and  power,  from  which  sound  truths  and  edi- 
fying matter  springs  and  flows  into  the  heart  or  under- 
standing, abates  or  stops,  to  stop  with  it,  and  sit  down, 
and  not  to  arise,  or  speak  publicly  to  the  people,  without 
some  spiritual  impulse  or  moving,  and  openings. 

I  would  have  this  taken  no  otherwise,  but  as  one  friend 
and  brother  opening  his  state  and  condition  to  another 
for  edification,  and  the  strengthening  each  other  in  Christ. 


130  THE    JOURNAL    07    THOMAS    CHALKLEY. 

And,  as  I  fear  lest  I  should  exceed  the  bounds  of  a  let- 
ter, therefore  shall  conclude  thy  real  friend  in  Jesus 
Christ,  T.  CHALKLEY." 

The  25th  of  the  twelfth  month  I  was  at  the  burial  of 
the  wife  of  Randal  Si^ikenian.  It  being  our  tifth  day 
meeting,  divers  sober  people  were  there  not  of  our  per- 
suasion and  I  \vi  s  drawn  forth  to  speak  to  the  people  of 
the  death  ot  Christ  and  his  merits,  and  to  shew  them  that 
there  is  no  mei  it  in  the  works  of  man,  as  he  is  man,  or  in 
a  formal  righteousness  or  holiness. 

In  our  yearly  meeting  at  Burlington,  it  was  agreed  that 
the  families  of  friends  should  be  visited,  and  soon  after 
our  monthly  meeting  appoini.ed  me,  with  other  friends, 
to  visit  the  families  of  friends  of  uur  meeting  ;  in  which 
visitation,  many  were  comforted  and  edified,  Ijoth  youth 
and  aged  ;  and  Ave  could  truly  say,  tliat  the  power  and 
grace  of  God,  and  the  sweet  love  of  Chris  ,  accompanied 
us  from  house  to  house,  to  ou;  mutiiai  comibrt ;  and  we 
were  so  extraordinarily  opened  and  guided  to  speak  to 
the  states  of  the  people  in  their  families,  that  were  un- 
known and  strangers  to  us,  that  sometimes  some  of  rliLiTi 
were  ready  to  diink  that  we  sj)oke  by  information,  m  hen 
in  truth  we  were  clear  of  any  such  thing,  and  only  spoke 
from  what  was  immediately  given  to  us,  without  any  in- 
formation from  man  or  woman;  which  to  us  was  some- 
times very  wonderful,  and  caused  us  to  praise  the  great 
name  of  the  Lord. 

In  the  first  month,  the  general  meeting,  at  Philadelphia, 
was  a  solid  good  meetiiig,  and  ended  in  a  sense  of  grace 
and  truth,  which  comes  b}  Jesus  Christ .  Next  day,  being 
our  week-day  meeting,  our  dear  friends,  Elizabeth  Levis 
and  Jane  Fenn,  took  leave  of  us,  they  intending  for  the 
island  of  Barbadoes  ;  and  it  was  such  a  parting-meeting 
that  will  not  soon  be  forgotten  by  some  of  us  then  pres- 

After  this  meeting,  I  ^^ cnt  to  Bu'lington,  to  visit  one 
that  was  sick,  and  under  some  ti-ouble  of  mind  for  going 


astray,  and  greatly  desired  to  come  into  the  right  way, 
with  whom  I  had  a  good  seasonable  meeting,  to  her 
comfort,  and  my  own  satisfaction.  Upon  this  visit  I 
would  remark,  that  it  is  a  great  pity,  that  youth,  when  in 
health  and  strength,  should  put  off  the  work  of  their  sali- 
vation, and  forget  the  Most  High,  till  either  sickness  or 
death  overtake  them.  And  then.  Oh  !  the  bitter  piercing 
cries  and  groans,  and  terrible  agonies  the  soul  is  in, 
which,  by  timely  repentance,  and  amendment  of  life, 
might  be  avoided. 

I  was  afterwards  at  meetings  at  Philadelphia,  Merion, 
Germantown,  &c.  and  had  some  service  and  satisfaction 
therein.  And  on  the  second  of  the  second  month,  the 
friend  whom  I  visited,  as  above,  was  buried,  and  the  re- 
lations of  the  deceased  sent  for  me  to  the  burial.  The 
person  being  well-beloved^  there  was  a  large  appearance 
of  peo[)le  of  clivers  persuasions,  and  we  hud  an  opportu- 
nity at  this  funeral  to  exhort  the  people  to  live  so  as  that 
they  might  die  well ;  and  that  the  way  to  die  in  the  favour 
of  God,  was  to  live  in  his  fear  ;  and  charity  to  those  who 
dissent  from  one  another  was  pressingly  recommended 
from  the  apostle's  words,  that,  "  If  we  had  faith  to  re- 
move mountains,  and  to  give  all  our  goods  to  the  poor, 
and  our  bodies  to  be  burned,  yet  if  we  wanted  charity, 
we  were  but  like  sounding  brass,  and  a  tinkling  cym- 
bal." 1  Cor.  xiii.  1,  2,  3.  And  also  our  belief  of  the 
'doctrine  of  the  resurrection  of  the  dead  was  asserted,  in 
contradiction  to  that  gross  calumny  cast  on  our  society  of 
denying  it. 

The  latter  end  of  the  second  month,  i  was  at  a  mar- 
riage at  Horsham,  at  which  was  present  William  Keith, 
our  governor,  and  I  was  concerned  to  speak  of  the  end  of 
that  great  ordinance,  and  of  the  happiness  of  those  mar- 
ried persons  who  fulfil  the  covenants  they  make  in  mar- 
riage, and  what  strength  and  comfort  the  man  is  to  the 
woman,  and  the  woman  to  the  man,  \vhen  they  keep  their 
covenants,  and  that  they  are  the  contrary  when  they 
break  them  :  and  I  also  opened  the  methods  prescribed 
by  our  discipline,  to  be  observed  in  marriages,  and  our 
care  to  prevent  any  clandestine  marriages  amongst  us. 


After  this  meeting,  I  returned  home,  without  going  to 
the  marriage  dinner,  as  I  generally  avoided  such  enter- 
tainments as  much  as  I  could,  having  no  life  in,  or  liking 
to  them,  being  sensible  that  great  companies  and  prepara- 
tions at  weddings  were  growing  inconveniences  among 
lis,  the  which  I  was  conscientiously  concerned  to  dis- 
courage. And  a  few  da}  s  after  my  return  home,  at  our 
meeting  at  Frankfort,  I  was  concerned  particularly  to 
exhort  friends  to  keep  to  plainness  in  language,  dress,  &.c. 
according  to  the  examples  given  us  in  the  holy  scrip- 
tures, particularly  that  of  Daniel  and  his  companions  ; 
and  to  caution  against  vain  and  indecent  fashions,  which, 
with  concern,  I  have  observed  to  prevail  too  much 
among  some  who  make  profession  Avith  us. 

In  this  second  month  I  went  to  the  yearly  meeting  of 
friends  at  Salem,  and  by  the  way  had  two  meetings  at 
Woodberry-creek.  At  Salem  we  had  a  large  meeting, 
and  our  gracious  Lord  was  with  us,  to  the  bowing  many 
hearts  before  him,  and  many  testimonies  were  given  of 
the  goodness,  love,  mercy,  and  grace  of  God,  and  his 
dear  Son,  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  From  Salem  wc  trav- 
elled to  AUoway's  creek  and  Cohansie,  and  from  thence 
to  Elsinburgh,  and  ferried  over  the  river  Delaware,  with 
our  horses,  to  George's-creek,  and  had  meetings  at  all 
those  places.  At  George's-creek,  one,  not  a  friend,  came 
to  me  after  meeting,  and  said,  he  thanked  me  for  my  ad- 
vice and  counsel,  and  seemed  heartily  affected  with  the 
doctrine  of  Christ.  From  George's-creek  we  travelled  to 
Nottingham,  and  had  a  large  meeting  on  a  first  day,  and 
another,  very  large,  on  the  second  day,  where  were  many 
people  of  divers  persuasions.  The  house  could  not  con- 
tain us,  so  that  we  met  in  an  orchard.  A  solid  meeting 
it  was  !  wherein  the  mighty  power  of  the  Creator  was 
declared  of,  as  also  the  divinity  of  Christ,  and  his  man- 
hood, and  the  people  were  exhorted  to  be  careful  of 
forming  any  personal  ideas  of  the  Almighty ;  for  the 
holy  scriptures  do  plainly  manifest,  that  God  is  a  won- 
derful, infinite,  eternal  spirit,  and  therefore  is  to  be  wor- 
shipped in  spirit  and  in  truth,  and  outward  representations 
of  the  Lord  Jehovah  borders   too  much   on   idolatry. 


Pretty  much  was  delivered  on  that  head  ;  and  I  was  told, 
after  meeting,  that  diAers  papists  were  there,  though  I 
knew  nothing  of  it.  From  Nottingham  I  went  to  New- 
castle, had  a  meeting  there,  and  then  visited  a  sick  friend, 
with  which  he  expressed  much  satisfaction  ;  and  then 
went  on  to  the  Center,  Kennet,  and  Marlborough,  and  so 
to  the  monthly  meeting  at  New-Garden,  where  we  had  a 
large  open  meeting,  wherein  was  sliewn,  that  those  \\'ho 
meddled  with  our  discipline,  in  the  will,  nature,  spirit, 
and  wisdom  of  man  only,  could  do  but  little  service,  and 
that  our  discipline,  as  also  our  worship  and  ministry, 
ought  to  be  pciformed  in  the  wisdom  and  power  of  God, 
through  the  grace  and  spirit  of  Christ.  From  New- 
Garden,  we  went  to  Birmingham,  had  a  large  meeting, 
and  I  was  much  draAvn  forth  to  the  youth,  of  whom  many 
were  there.  From  Birmingham  we  went  to  the  quarterly 
meeting  for  discipline  and  worship  at  Concord,  in  Ches- 
ter county,  which  was  lai'ger  than  I  had  ever  seen  there 
before.  In  the  quarterly  meeting  of  discipline,  friends 
were  exhorted  to  keep  to  the  cross  of  Christ,  and  to 
speak  to  matters  in  the  fear  of  God,  and  to  avoid  and  shun 
as  much  as  in  them  lay,  self-will,  humour,  pride,  and 
passion  ;  shewing  that  the  rough,  crooked,  unhewn,  un- 
polished nature  of  man,  could  never  work  the  righteous- 
ness of  God,  and  is  contrary  to  the  meek,  self-denying 
life  of  Jesus.  John  Salkeld  and  Jacob  Howell  then  sig- 
nified that  they  were  going  to  visit  friends  on  Long-Island 
and  Rhode- Island,  the  sense  of  the  call,  labour,  and 
work  of  the  ministry  of  the  gospel,  and  of  the  love  of 
Christ,  in  the  freeness  of  it,  to  mankind,  took  some 
good  hold  on  divers  in  that  meeting,  and  the  great  name 
of  God,  and  his  dear  Son,  through  the  holy  spirit,  was 

From  this  meeting  I  came  home  (having  been  out  on 
this  journey  near  three  weeks,  at  twenty  meetings,  and 
travelled  more  than  two  hundred  miles)  and  found  my 
wife  and  children  in  health,  and  we  rejoiced  to  see  each 
other ;  but  my  rejoicing  was  in  fear,  even  almost  to 
trembling,  lest  I  should  be  too  much  lifted  up,  when 
things  were  agreeable  to  n\c. 


After  my  return  home,  I  went  to  seAeral  neighbouring 
meetings,  and  on  a  filili  da}  was  at  Philadeli)hia,  at  the 
marriage  ofRiehard  Sniith  and  Elizabeth  Powelh  The 
meeting  was  large,  and  the  marriage  solemnly  celebrat- 
ed, and'the  people  were  earnestly  entreated  to  love  Christ 
above  all,  and  'o  manifest  that  love  by  keeping  his  com- 
m<indments,  and  that  not  in  show  or  words  only,  but  in 
the  heart  and  affections. 

About  the  latter  end  of  the  third  month,  I  went  to  the 
quarterlv  meeting  of  ministers  and  elders  for  the  county 
of  Burlington  ;  and  from  thence  to  Stony -brook  ;  where, 
on  a  first  day,  we  had  a  large  meeting  in  Joseph  Worth's 
barn,  which  was  crowded  with  people,  and  was  a  solid, 
good  meeting.  From  Ston} -brook  I  went  to  Cross- 
wi(  ks  and  was  at  their  youth's  meeting,  which  was  the 
largest  I  had  ever  seen  in  that  place :  I  told  them  they 
might  say  as  the  sons  of  the  prophets  did,  that  "  the 
pkiee  was  too  straight  for  them,"  and  advised  them  to  en- 
large it.  I  was  glad  to  see  such  a  large  appearance  of 
sober  people,  and  so  great  an  increase  of  youth,  in  this 
wilderness  of  America,  and  exhorted  them  to  live  in  the 
fear  ol  God,  that  his  blessings  might  still  be  continued 
to  them  ;  and  an  exercise  was  on  my  mind  for  the  wel- 
fare of  the  young  peo]:)le,  to  show  them  the  danger  of 
sin  and  vanity,  and  of  keeping  ill  company,  and  follow- 
ing bad  counsel  ;  and  that  the  young  king,  Rehoboara 
(Solomon's  son)  lost  the  greatest  part  of  his  father's  king- 
dom by  following  the  company  and  counsel  of  vain 
young  men  ;  and  that  many  young  men  in  this  age  had 
lost  and  spent  the  estates  their  fathers  had  left  them,  by 
the  like  conduct,  and  brought  themselves  to  ruin,  and 
their  flimilies  to  poverty  and  want.  Divers  lively  testi- 
monies were  delivered  in  this  meeting,  and  it  ended  witk 
adoration  and  praise  of  Almighty  God  ;  and  although  the 
meeting  held  more  than  four  hours,  the  people  did  not 
seem  willing  to  go  awa\  when  it  was  over ;  for  indeed  it 
was  a  solid,  good  meeting.  The  business  of  the  quar- 
terly meeting  was  carried  on  in  peace  and  love,  (that  be- 
ing the  mark  the  disciples  of  Jesus  w^erc  to  be  known  by). 


and  friends  were  exhorted  with  a  great  deal  of  tender- 
ness to  keep  that  mark. 

In  this  journey  I  travelled  about  ninety  miles,  and  was 
at  four  meetings,  being  from  home  four  days,  and  was 
mu  :h  satisfied  in  my  journey  ;  but  met  with  some  exer- 
cise when  I  came  home,  hearing  of  some  losses  and  dam- 
age to  mv  estate ;  so  that  I  found  after  I  had  (according 
to  my  best  endeavours)  done  the  will  of  God,  I  had  need 
of  patience,  that  I  might  receive  the  promise.  I  was  sen- 
sible of  the  messenger  of  Satan,  the  thorn  in  the  flesh, 
which  the  apostle  speaks  of. 

About  this  time  a  loving  friend  of  mine  informed  me, 
that  one  whom  1  very  well  knew  in  Barbadoes,  a  minis- 
ter of  our  society,  had  gone  into  an  open  separation,  so 
as  to  keep  meetings  separate  from  his  brethren,  and  con- 
trary to  their  advice  :  I  was  concerned  in  love  to  write 
a  few  lines  to  him,  to  remind  him  of  the  unh;ip];)y  state 
and  end  of  such,  who,  notwithstanding  the  brotherly  love 
and  kind  treatment  of  friends,  had  separated  from  us,  and 
losing  the  sense  of  truth,  which  had  made  them  service- 
able in  the  church,  were  actuated  by  a  rending,  dividing 
spirit,  by  which  the  enemy  of  our  happiness  had  so  far 
obtained  his  end,  as  to  make  some  disturbance  for  a 
time  ;  but  few,  if  any,  of  these  separatists,  have  had  fur- 
ther power  than  to  promote  and  maintain  their  separate 
meetings  during  their  own  lives  ;  such  meetings  having, 
in  every  instance  I  have  known  (except  one,  and  that 
lasted  not  long)  dropped  on  the  death  of  the  founders.  And 
though  we  think  it  our  duty  to  testify  against,  and  dis- 
own all  such  ;  yet  this  disowning  is  only  until  the  per- 
sons offending  from  a  real  sense  of,  and  sorrow  for  their 
faults,  acknowledge  and  condemn  the  same  ;  then  the 
arms  of  Christ  and  of  his  church,  are  open  to  receive  and 
embrace  them  :  I  therefore  earnestly  besought  him  to 
consider  the  danger  of  offending  any  who  love  and  l:)e- 
lieve  in  Christ  (though  never  so  little  in  their  own  or 
other  men's  esteem)  for  we  cannot  have  true  peace  in  de- 
parting from  the  pure  love  of  God,  his  truth,  and  peo- 
ple ;  to  which  I  added  the  following  sentences  out  of 
the  New  Testament : 


1.  "  By  this  shall  all  men  know  that  }e  are  my  disci- 
ples, if  ye  have  love  one  to  another."  John  xiii.  '2iS. — 
Do  not  lose  this  murk. 

2.  "  We  know  that  we  have  passed  from  death  unto 
life,  because  we  love  the  brethren.  He  that  loveth  not 
his  brother,  abidcth  in  death."   1  John  iii.  14. 

3.  "He  that  loveth  not,  knoweih  not  God  ;  for  God 
is  love."  John  iv.  8. 

4.  "  He  that  dwelleth  in  love,  dwelleth  in  God,  and 
God  in  him."  John  iv.  16. 

About  the  latter  end  of  the  fourth  month  I  was  at  a 
meeting  at  Abington,  occasioned  by  a  burial  ;  and  in  the 
beginning  of  the  fifth  month,  I  was  at  a  marriage  in  Phil- 
adelphia ;  and  was  soon  after  on  the  first  day  at  two  meet- 
ings at  Germantown,  where  I  went  to  visit  a  friend  who 
had  not  for  some  montlis  been  at  meeting,  being  in  a 
disconsolate  condition  ;  I  invited  her  to  meeting,  where 
the  love  and  goodness  of  Christ  to  the  poor  in  spirit  was 
largely  manifested,  and  the  friend  after  meeting  said,  she 
was  better,  and  afterwards  recovered,  and  kept  to  meetings. 
I  was  frequently  at  the  week-day  meetings  at  Philadel- 
phia ;  for  I  thought  that  week  not  well  spent,  in  which  I 
could  not  get  to  week-day  meetings,   if  I  was  in  health. 

In  this  month  I  was  at  the  burial  of  George  Calvert, 
who  was  one  of  a  sober  life,  and  just  conversation,  and 
being  well  beloved  by  his  neighbours,  he  left  a  good  re- 
port behind  him.  Soon  after  which  I  was  at  Merion 
meeting,  which  was  large  and  solid  :  the  people  were 
tenderly  exhorted,  that  neither  outward  favours,  nor 
spiritual  blessings,  might  make  them  grow  forgetful  of 
God  ;  but  that  in  the  sense  of  the  increase  and  enjoyment 
thereof,  they  might  be  the  more  humble  ;  and  forasmuch 
us  the  christian  church  in  former  ages  was  corrupted  by 
temporal  riches  and  power,  it  was  intimated,  that  as  we 
liad  favour  shewn  us  from  the  government,  and  increase 
of  out\\ard  things,  we  should  be  very  careful  not  to 
abuse  those  privileges,  by  growing  proud,  and  wanton, 
or  envious,  and  quarrelsome  ;  but  "to  do  justly,  love 
mercy,  and  walk  humbly  with  God." 


In  this  month  I  was  at  Middletown,  in  Bu.  ks  county, 
at  the  burial  of  my  dear  and  intimate  friend  Jo.ia  Rat- 
ledge  (who  died  very  suddenly) at  which  Ijurial  thjre  were 
above  one  thousand  people  :  he  was  well-beloveJ  amo  ig 
his  neic^hbours,  and  was  a  serviceable  man  where  he  lived: 
I  admired  to  see  such  a  number  of  people  upo  i  so  short 
notice,  he  dyinj^  one  day  in  the  afternoon,  and  being 
buried  the  day  following  :  divers  testimonies  were  borne 
concerning  the  wonderful  works  and  ways  of  God.  It 
■was  a  solid  bo'ving  time,  wherein  many  hearts  were  bro- 
ken, and  melted  into  tenderness.  After  meeting  a  you  ig 
man  came  to  me  trembling,  and  begged  that  I  would  j^ray 
for  him,  for  he  had  spent  too  much  of  his  time  in  vanity, 
and  had  strong  convictions  on  him  for  it,  and  had  b^en 
greatly  affected  and  wrought  upon  that  day.  I  exhorted 
him  to  deny  himself,  and  to  take  up  his  cross,  and  to 
follow  Christ,  who  hath  said,  he  would  in  no  wise  c  ist 
off  those  who  came  to  him  in  true  faith.  He  went 
from  me  very  tender  and  loving,  being  broken  in  his 

From  thence  I  went  to  Gwvnnedd  (or  North-W  iles) 
where  on  the  first  day  of  the  week  we  had  a  very  large 
meeting  ;  in  the  morning  of  the  day  a  voice  awoke  me, 
which  cried  aloud,  saying,  "  Rewards  and  punishments 
fjr  well  and  evil  doiiigs  are  sealed  as  an  eternal  decree 
in  heaven,"  which  confirmed  me  that  mankind  were 
happy  or  unhappy  in  that  world  which  is  to  come,  ac- 
cording to  their  deeds  in  this  life,  if  their  deeds  be  good 
(as  Christ  said)  their  sentence  will  be,  *'  Come,  yd  bless- 
ed;" if  their  deeds  be  evil,  "  Depart  from  me  all  yc 
that  work  iniquity,"  and  "  Go,  ye  cursed,"  &:.  And, 
"  If  thou  doest  well,  shalt  thou  not  be  accepted  '?  And  if 
thou  doest  not  well,  sin  lieth  at  the  door."  And  again, 
"  I  have  no  pleasure  in  the  death  of  the  wicked,  but  that 
the  wicked  turn  from  his  way,  and  live."  These,  with 
many  more  texts  of  the  same  nature,  contained  in  the  holy 
scriptures,  are  contrary  to  the  doctrine  of  personal  election 
and  reprobation,  as  some  hold  it.  We  had  a  meeting  also 
in  the  afternoon  of  the  same  day,  which  was  satisfactory  to 
many  ;   our  liearts  being  filled  with  the  love  of  God,  for 



tvhich  \vc  thankfulh"  praised  him.  The  next  clay  ^\'e  had  a 
mcetint^  of  ministers,  in  which  they  were  exhorted  to  wait 
for  the  gift  ot  the  Holy  Ghost  without  which  there  can  be  no 
true  minister  nor  ministry.  I  was  concerned  to  put  them 
in  mind  to  keep  close  to  Christ,  their  holy,  sure  guide, 
and  bishop  ;  to  be  cautious  of  going  before,  lest  they 
should  miss  their  way,  ai-d  of  staying  too  far  behind,  for 
fear  we  should  lose  our  guide  ;  and  to  be  careful  to  keep 
a  conscience  void  of  offence  towards  God,  and  also  to- 
wards man  ;  that  we  might  say  to  the  people  truly,  fol- 
low us,  as  we  follow^  Christ ;  that  our  conversation 
might  confirm  and  not  contradict  our  doctrine,  for  our 
Saviour  says,  "  By  their  fruits  ye  shall  know  them  ;  men 
do  not  gather  grapes  of  thorns,",  &c.  and  of  such  as  say 
and  do  not,  he  charged  his  followers  not  to  be  like  them, 
Mat.  xxiii.  3.  The  next  day  we  had  another  very  large 
meeting  there,  in  which  many  things  were  opened  and 
declared,  tending  to  establish  and  build  us  up  in  our  faith 
in  Christ.  After  this  meeting,  parting  with  my  friend 
John  Cddwallader,  who  accompanied  me,  I  came  home- 
ward, lodging  that  night  at  Morris  Morris's,  (whose  wife 
Xvas  very  weakly)  with  whom  we  had  a  tender  time. 

The  9th  of  the  fifth  month,  I  was  at  the  general  meet- 
ing at  Germantown,  which  was  a  large  and  good  meet- 
ing ;  going  home  I  went  to  see  Richard  Busby,  Avho  was 
jiot  well ;  he  said  the  company  of  his  friends  revived  him. 
Next  day  I  went  to  visit  Jane  Breintnall,  who  was  seized 
tvith  the  dead-palsy  on  one  side,  and  the  Lord  was  pleas- 
ed to  comfort  us  together,  as  she  expressed,  to  our  mu- 
tual satisfaction. 

On  the  30th  of  the  said  month,  was  our  quarterly  meet- 
ing  of  ministers  at  Philadelphia,  where  humble  walking 
with  God  was  recommended  and  prayed  for,  and  it  was 
desired  that  ministers  might  be  exemplary  therein,  having 
Christ  for  their  pattern. 

On  the  1st  of  the  sixth  month,  I  was  at  our  meeting 
at  Frankfort,  which  was  a  dull  meeting  to  me  and  divers 
others,  a  lively  exercise  of  spirit  being  too  much  wanting 
among  manv,  and  close  walking  with  God  in  conversa- 
tion.    If  we  would  really  enjoy  the  love  and  presence  of 


Christ  in  our  religious  meetings,  we  ought  to  keep  near 
to  him  in  our  daily  conversation,  which  that  we  might 
do,  was  humbly  desired  in  supplication  and  prayer  to 

The  young  man  who  came  to  me  under  great  concero 
of  mind  after  the  funeral  of  John  Rutledge,  wrote  to  me, 
that  he  was  followed  with  the  judgments  of  God  for 
his  manifold  transgressions,  desiring  that  I  would  pray 
for  him.  In  answer  to  his  letter,  I  wrote  him  to  the  foL 
lowing  effect. 

"  Frankfort,  1th  of  6th  Month,  1725^ 

*'  Thine  from  Burlington  of  the  26th  of  fifth 
Uflonth,  I  received,  by  which  I  perceive  the  hand  of  the 
Almighty  hath  been  upon  thee  for  thy  vanity  and  folly ; 
and  I  desire  that  thou  may  be  very  careful  to  keep  close 
to  that  hand,  and  do  not  go  from  under  it,  but  mind  the 
light  of  Christ  that  hath  discovered  God  to  be  great  and 
good,  and  his  dear  Son  to  be  thy  saviour,  and  sin  and 
Satan  to  be  evil,  which  evil  (if  thou  follows  it)  will  cer- 
tainly bring  thee  to  destruction  and  eternal  wo ;  but  if 
thou  follows  Christ,  and  walks  according  to  that  light  by 
which  he  hath  manifested  sin  to  be  exceeding  sinful,  in 
his  time  ;  as  thou  waits  in  patience,  he  will  bring  thee 
through  his  righteous  judgments  unto  victory. 

Wait,  Oh !  wait  in  patience  upon  God,  if  it  be  all  thy 
days  !  "  I  will  bear  the  indignation  of  the  Lord,  because 
I  have  sinned  against  him,"  said  the  prophet  Micah. 
Again,  '*  All  the  days  of  my  appointed  time  will  I  wait, 
till  my  change  come,"  says  Job. 

Thou  art  young  in  years,  and  young  in  experience  in 
the  works  of  grace,  wherefore  advise  with  solid,  good 
men,  if  thou  meets  with  inward  or  outward  straits  and 
difficulties,  for  the  enemy  will  not  easily  let  go  his  hold, 
which  he  hath  had  of  thee  ;  therefore  walk  circumspect- 
ly, and  shun  evil  company.  As  to  praying  in  a  form  of 
words  (without  the  spirit  helps,  in  order  to  open  them 
according  to  thy  state  and  condition)  that  will  not  avail : 


a  sigh  or  groan,  through  the  help  ot  the  spirit,  is  much 
more  acceptable  to  God,  than  am  torms  without  it. 

That  in  tht  Lord's  time  thou  ma}  est  enjoy  the  reward 
of  peace,  is  the  desire  of 

Thy  Friend, 


The  young  man  took  this  counsel  well,  and  kept  to 
meetings,  and  behaved  soberly  for  a  time,  but  afterwards 
ran  out,  kept  bad  company  tock  to  drinking  to  excess, 
run  himself  in  debt,  and  at  length  into  a  goal,  which  hath 
been  the  unhappy  case  of  many  unstable  youths,  wt^o, 
"  when  they  knew  God,  they  glorified  him  not  as  God, 
neither  were  thankful,  but  became  vain  in  their  imagin- 
ations, and  their  foolish  hearts  became  djrkened." 

In  this  month,  I  was  at  B.  bury  and  Abington  meet- 
ings, in  which  we  were  favoured  with  the  immediate  pow- 
er and  presence  oi  Christ,  to  our  great  comfort  and  edi- 
fication, the  visitation,  of  divine  love  to  the  youth  having 
a  G:ood  effect  on  some  of  them,  and  the  latter  meeting: 
ended  with  praise  to  the  Amiight},  after  supplications 
for  all  men,  from  our  kir.g  on  the  throne,  to  the  meanest 
of  his  subjects. 

In  m}  travels  I  met  with  a  person,  who  queried  of  me, 
how  he  should  know  which  society  had  most  of  the  Holy 
Sj^irit,  since  most  of  the  professors  of  Christ  do  believe 
ii;  'he  Holy  Ghost,  or  spirit?  to  whom  I  made  the  fol- 
lowing answer. 

Let  the  rule  of  Christ  determine  this  question  :  he 
says,  "  By  their  fruits  ye  shall  know  them  ;  do  men 
gather  grapes  of  thorns,  oi  figs  of  thistles  ?"  Mat.  vii.  16. 
The  fruits  then  of  the  Spirit  of  Christ  are,  love,  fiith, 
hope,  patieice,  humility,  temperance,  godliness,  brother- 
ly kindness,  and  charity,  with  all  manner  of  virtues. 
Therefore  the  society  of  christians,  who  brings  forth 
most  of  the  fruits  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  consequently  have 
most  of  Christ's  grace  and  spirit.  But  some  object  and 
say,  we  will  not  belieA'e  that  any  society  have  the  Holy 


Ghost  now,  or  the  immediate  revelation  or  inspiration  of 
thv  Spirit,  unless  they  work  miracles.  To  which  it  is 
answered,  that  right  reformation  from  sin,  and  true  faith 
in  Christ,  cannot  be  wrought  without  a  miracle,  neither 
can  we  bring  forth  the  fruits  of  the  Spirit  without  the 
miraculous  power  of  Christ.  Men  by  nature  bring  forth 
the  works  of  nature,  and  that  which  is  contrary  to  nature 
is  miraculous.  Sin  is  natural,  but  divine  holiness,  or 
the  righteousness  of  Christ,  wrought  in  man,  is  spiritual, 
supernatural,  and  miraculous.  And  as  to  natural  men, 
that  are  in  a  state  of  nature,  seeing  outward  miracles,  if 
they  will  not,  nor  do  not  believe  what  is  written  in  the 
holy  scriptures  of  the  Old  and  New  ''J'estament,  neither 
will  they  believe,  although  one  were  to  rise  from  the 
dead.  Notwithstanding  Christ  wrought  outward  mira- 
cles, and  did  the  works  which  none  other  could  do ; 
though  he  cured  all  manner  of  diseases,  and  fed  many 
thousands  with  a  few  loaves,  and  a  few  small  fishes  ;  and 
wdiat  remained,  w^hen  all  had  eaten,  was  more  than  there 
was  at  first,  though  he  raised  the  dead,  and  himself  arose 
from  the  dead,  yet  few,  but  very  few,  believed  in  him,  so 
as  truly  to  follow  him.  His  birth,  his  life,  his  doctrine, 
his  death,  his  resurrection,  are  all  miraculous  ;  and  since 
all  this  was  done  in  the  person  of  Christ,  and  at  the  first 
publication  of  his  religion  to  men,  there  is  now  no  abso- 
lute necessity  of  outward  miracles,  though  his  power  is 
the  same  now  as  ever  ;  but  he  said  to  his  disciples,  "  He 
that  believeth  on  me,  the  works  that  I  do,  shall  he  do 
also,  and  greater  works  than  these  shall  he  do."  John 
xiv.  12.  Upon  which  W.  Dell  says,  "  this  must  be 
understood  in  relation  to  sin  ;  for  Christ  had  no  sin  in 
himself  to  overcome,  but  we  all  have  sinned,"  and  to 
overcome  sin  is  the  greatest  of  miracles.  This  will  try 
the  notional  or  nominal  christian,  who  says,  we  can  never 
overcome  sin  in  this  world.  Where  then  is  our  faith  in 
the  Son  of  God,  who  for  this  purpose  Avas  manifested, 
that  he  might  destroy  the  works  of  the  devil.  John  iii, 
8.     Heh.  ii.  14. 

Therefore  let  not  christians  be  slow  of  heart  to  believe 
in  the  glorious  gospel  of  Christ ;  and  if  we  truly  believe 


therein,  and  live  in  the  practice  of  his  doctrine,  vvc  shall 
see  miracles  enough  to  satisfy  us  for  ever. 

The  16th  of  the  sixth  month,  I  was  at  the  weekly  meet- 
ing at  Frankfort,  which,  though  a  small  meeting,  was 
SMTCt,  reviving,  and  comfortable,  to  some  of  us  ;  so  that 
we  had  a  sufficient  reward  for  leaving  our  business,  it 
being  the  time  of  our  hay  htu-vest. — Week-day  meetings 
are  much  neglected  by  many ;  more  is  the  pity.  The 
apostle's  advice  is  necessary  for  men  in  our  age,  even  of 
professed  christians,  viz.  *'  Let  us  consider  one  another 
to  provoke  unto  love  and  good  works,  not  forsaking  the 
assembling  yourselves  together,  as  the  manner  of  some 
is."     HeL  X.  24,  25. 

The  23d  of  the  sixth  month,  my  cart  wheel,  being 
iron  bound,  ran  over  me,  and  my  horse  kicked  me  on  my 
head  ;  the  wheel  put  ni}^  shoulder  out,  and  the  horse 
wounded  my  head  so  that  the  scull  was  bare,  and  my  leg 
■was  sorely  bruised ;  the  same  day  Dr.  Owen,  and  Dr. 
Graham,  with  the  help  of  two  of  our  neighbours  set  my 
shoulder,  and  dressed  my  "wounds  ;  and  the  Lord  was  so 
merciful  to  me,  that  the  next  day  I  was  enabled  to  write 
this  memorandum  of  this  wonderful  deliverance  and 
speedy  cure,  for  which,  added  to  the  many  I  have  re- 
ceived from  his  gracious  hand,  I  have  occasion  to  be 
truly  thankful.  I  was  obliged  to  keep  at  home  some 
time,  and  I  thought  it  long,  because  I  could  not  go  to 
meetings  as  usual  ;  but  many  friends  came  to  see  me, 
which  was  a  comfort  to  me.  One  day  upwards  of  thirty 
persons  came  from  several  parts  of  the  country  to  see 
how  I  did,  and  were  glad  I  was  like  to  recover.  The 
day  before  I  was  so  hurt,  being  the  first  of  the  week,  I 
was  at  meeting  at  Philadelphia,  and  was  concerned  to 
speak  of  the  uncertainty  of  life,  and  the  many  accidents 
we  are  incident  to  in  these  frail  bodies,  and  exhorted 
friends  to  live  so,  that  they  might  have  a  conscience  se- 
rene, and  clear  of  offence  to\vards  God  and  man,  and  then 
they  might  expect  the  comforts  of  the  Holy  Ghost, 
which  in  such  seasons  of  difficulty  would  be  a  great  help 
and  benefit  to  them,  of  which  I  had  the  sweet  experience 
the  next  day,  under  great  extremity  of  pain  ;  and  though 


the  pain  of  my  body  was  such  that  I  could  not  for  several 
nights  take  my  natural  rest,  yet  I  had  comfort,  through 
the  sweet  influence  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  which  Christ 
promised  his  followers,  John  xiv.  26. 

On  the  18th  of  the  seventh  month  began  our  yearly 
meeting  at  Philadelphia,  which  was  large,  and  our  friends 
John  Wanton,  and  William  Anthony,  from  Rhode -Island, 
and  Abigail  Bowles,  from  Ireland,  had  good  service 
therein.  From  this  meeting  an  address  was  sent  to  king 
George  for  his  royal  favour  to  us  as  a  society  of  people, 
hi  giving  his  assent  to  a  law  made  in  this  province  for 
prescribing  the  forms  of  declaration,  affirmation,  &c.  in- 
stead of  the  forms  heretofore  used. 

The  beginning  of  the  eighth  month,  being  a  little  re- 
covered from  my  hurt,  I  had  a  desire  once  more  to  see 
my  friends  on  the  eastern  shore  of  Maryland,  at  their 
general  meeting  at  Choptank.  The  first  day  I  set  out,  I 
travelled  about  thirty  miles,  and  at  night  was  very  weary, 
being  but  weak  in  body,  and  I  was  almost  ready  to  faint- 
in  my  mind  about  proceeding  any  further  ;  but  next  day, 
George  Robinson,  at  whose  house  I  lodged,  offering  to 
accompany  me,  we  travelled  about  forty  miles  to  Sassa- 
fras river,  and  both  of  us,  though  much  tired,  were  com- 
forted in  each  other's  company  and  conversation.  On 
the  next  day  we  travelled  near  twenty  miles  to  the  gen- 
eral meeting  in  Cecil  county,  in  Maryland  ;  where  we 
met  with  two  friends  from  Rhode-Island,  and  two  from 
Pennsylvania,  who  were  there  on  the  like  occasion.  The 
meeting  was  large  and  quiet,  many  people  being  there  not 
of  our  own  society,  and  were  very  sober  :  the  meeting 
held  several  days,  wherein  the  gospel  dispensation  was 
set  forth,  and  the  love  of  God  in  Christ  was  exalted. 
From  Cecil  we  went  to  Chester  river,  and  had  a  meeting 
there,  at  which  the  people  were  exhorted  to  come  to 
Christ,  the  eternal  rock,  and  true  foundation,  and  to  build 
their  religion  on  him,  against  whom  the  gates  of  hell  can 
never  prevail ;  and  they  were  so  much  affected,  that  they 
^d  not  seem  forward  to  leave  the  house  after  the  meeting 
was  over.  From  Chester  river  we  went  to  Tred-haven, 
to  the  general  meeting  of  friends  for  Maryland,   which 


was  very  large  ;  some  friends  from  Pennsvlvania  and 
Virginia  being  also  there,  and  many  people  of  oihcr  so- 
cieties ;  many  testimonies  were  borne  to  the  operation  of 
Christ  by  his  spirit  in  the  soul,  and  friends  were  earnestly 
desired  to  be  diligent  in  reading  the  holy  scriptures,  and 
to  keep  up  the  practice  of  our  wholesoaie  discipline  ;  by 
the  neglect  of  which,  a  door  would  be  open  to  loose  liv- 
ing, and  undue  liberties.  From  Tred-haven  we  travelled 
into  the  Great  Forest,  between  the  bays  of  Chesapeak  and 
Delaware,  and  had  a  satisfactory  meeting ;  as  yet  there 
was  no  public  meeting-house  in  this  place,  wherefore  I 
told  the  people  of  the  house,  I  was  obliged  to  them  for 
the  use  of  it ;  but  they  tenderly  answered,  they  were 
more  obliged  to  me  for  my  kind  visiting  of  them  ;  and 
truly  we  had  a  solid,  good  meeting  there  ;  the  people 
being  generally  poor,  they  had  but  little  notice  taken  of 
them  by  the  money-loving  teachers,  who  preach  for  hire. 
From  the  Forest  I  went  to  Little-creek,  in  the  territories 
of  Pennsylvania  ;  where  was  a  general  meeting  for  the 
counties  of  Newcastle,  Kent,  and  Sussex.  The  meeting 
was  large,  and  friends  parted  in  great  love  and  tender- 
ness. And  I  went  forward  to  Duck -creek,  where  we 
had  a  meeting  ;  divers  persons  of  note  being  there,  and 
all  were  quiet,  and  heard  with  attention.  From  Duck- 
creek  I  went  to  George's-creek,  and  had  a  meeting ; 
where  a  man  of  a  sober  conversation  said,  that  he  never 
heard  thinars  so  spoken  to  before  ;  but  that  he  could  wit- 
ness to  the  truth  of  all  that  was  said.  It  was  a  good 
meeting  before  the  conclusion ;  but  I  was  very  low  and 
poor  in  my  spirit  in  the  beginning  of  it.  From  this 
place  we  set  forward  to  Newcastle,  where  we  had  a 
meeting,  it  was  the  time  of  the  sitting  of  the  general  as- 
sembly, and  several  members  of  the  house  were  at  meet- 
ing :  the  governor,  who  has  from  our  first  acquaintance 
been  very  respectful  to  mc,  hearing  that  I  was  in  town, 
sent  to  desire  me  to  tarry  all  iiight  in  Newcastle  ;  but 
being  engaged  to  a  meeting  over  the  rivers  Christiana  and 
Brandywine,  and  it  being  near  night,  I  could  not  stay, 
but  went  away  that  evening,  and  sent  my  love  to  him, 
desiring  to  be  excused,     lliat  night  I  lodged  at  John 


Richardson's,  and  next  day  went  to  George  Robinson's 
at  Newark,  where  we  had  a  meeting  on  a  first  day,  and 
on  second  d  ly  another  at  Providence  ;  and  went  from 
thence  to  Darby  to  visit  our  worthy,  aged  friend  Thomas 
Lightfoot,  who  lay  very  weak  in  body,  none  expecting 
his  recovery  ;  I  called  as  I  went  from  home,  and  then  he 
was  very  ill,  and  told  me,  "  He  thought  that  illness 
would  conclude  his  time  in  this  world,  but  said  that  all 
\vas  well,  and  hkewise  that  he  had  a  great  concern  upon 
his  mind  for  the  growth  and  prosperity  of  truth  in  the 
earth,  and  desired  with  tenderness  of  spirit,  that  I  would 
give  his  dear  love  to  all  friends  ;"  and  he  now  said,  "  I 
never  thought  to  see  thee  more,  but  am  glad  to  see  thee." 
I  stayed  there  all  night,  and  in  the  morning  we  had  a  com- 
fortable, heart-melting  time  together,  in  which  was  re- 
vived the  remembrance  of  the  many  favourable  seasons  of 
God's  love  we  had  enjoyed  in  our  travels  in  the  work  of 
the  ministry  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  and  we  tenderly 
prayed,  if  we  never  met  more  in  this  world,  we  might 
meet  in  that  which  is  to  come,  where  we  might  never 
part  more,  but  might  forever  live  to  sing  with  all  the 
sahits  and  holy  angels,  hallelujah  to  God  and  the  Lamb. 
From  Darby  I  went  to  Philadelphia  third  day  meeting, 
and  from  thence  to  my  house,  where  my  dear  wife  and 
children  with  open  hearts  and  arms  received  me,  and  I 
them  with  joy  ;  at  which  time  I  had  a  gracious  reward  of 
peace  for  my  labour  of  love,  which  far  exceeded  silver  or 
gold.  In  this  journey  I  travelled  above  three  hundred 
miles,  had  nineteen  meetings,  and  was  from  home  above 
three  weeks,  in  which  time  I  recovered  of  my  lameness 
to  admiration,  so  that  I  had  with  satisfaction  to  remember 
the  apostle's  saying ;  that  "  All  things  work  together 
for  good  to  them  that  love  God."     Rom.  viii.  28. 

After  my  return  home,  I  was  at  the  general  meeting  at 
Frankfort ;  and  in  the  beginning  of  the  ninth  month,  I 
was  at  meetings,  at  Abington,  Germantown,  and  divers 
times  at  Philadelphia,  particularly  at  the  youth's  meeting, 
wh.erein  several  testimonies  were  liorne,  and  the  yeutli  ex- 
horted to  piety  and  humility. 

146  THli    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHAI-KLEY. 

On  the  5th  day  of  this  month  in  the  mornin£y,  being 
under  a  consideration  of  the  many  sore  exercises  and 
trials  I  had  met  with  from  my  childhood,  I  was  much 
affected  ;  but  the  following  portions  of  scripture  being- 
brought  to  my  remembrance,  aflbrded  me  some  relief, 
"  Whom  the  Lord  loveth  he  chasteneth — and  if  ye  be 
without  chastisement,  ye  are  bastards,  and  not  sons — 
and  in  this  world  ye  shall  have  trouble,  but  in  me 
peace." — So  that  I  patiently  bore  my  affliction  and 
praised  God  under  it. 

In  this  month,  I  was  at  the  funeral  of  our  worthy, 
ancient  friend,  Thomas  Lightfoot.  He  was  buried  at 
Darby  ;  the  meeting  was  the  largest  that  I  had  ever 
seen  at  that  place.  Our  dear  friend  was  greatly  beloved 
for  his  piety  and  virtue,  his  sweet  disposition,  and  lively 
ministry  :  the  Lord  was  with  him  in  his  hfe  and  death, 
and  with  us  at  his  burial. 

After  this  burial,  I  was  at  Abington  ;  the  meeting  was 
large,  and,  on  that  occasion,  several  things  suitable  to  the 
states  of  the  people  were  treated  on. 

I  was  also  about  this  time  at  Germantown,  and  at  a 
general  meeting  at  Plymouth,  to  my  great  satisfaction, 
being  accompanied  by  my  ancient  friend  Rowland  Ellis; 
and  at  the  third  day  meeting  in  Philadelphia,  at  the  time 
of  our  fall  fair,  there  were  fervent  desires,  and  prayers, 
in  several  of  us,  that  the  youth  might  be  preserved  from 
the  evils  too  prevalent  at  such  times  of  liberty  and  pro- 

About  the  20th  of  the  month  I  went  for  Long-Island, 
being  drawn  in  true  love  to  make  a  general  visit  to  friends 
there ;  and  likewise  having  some  business  to  transact 
there.  On  the  fifth  day  of  the  week,  Thomas  Masters 
and  I  set  out  from  Frankfort,  and  in  the  evening  we  got 
to  a  friend's  house,  near  the  Falls  of  Delaware,  where  we 
were  kindly  entertained,  and  our  horses  taken  good  care 
of:  to  take  due  care  of  traveller's  horses,  is  a  commendable 
thing,  and  more  grateful  to  some  travellers  than  to  take 
care  of  themselves.  From  the  Falls  of  Delaware,  we 
travelled  nextdiiy  to  Piscatuway,  and  lodged  at  an  imi ; 


and  on  the  next  clay  we  went  to  Woodbridge,  to  John 
Kiiisey's,  and  on  the  first  day  we  had  a  satisfactory  meet- 
ing there  with  friends  and  others  ;  and  the  next  day  John 
Kinsey  went  with  us  to  Long-Ishind,  and  that  night  got 
to  John  Rodmim's,  and  next  day  we  rested,  being  weary 
with  travelHng  so  far  in  the  cold.  Our  derj-  friends  in 
that  island  very  lovingly,  and  kindly,  received  my  visit  to 
them  ;  so  that  I  had  occasion  to  remember  that  saying  of 
the  holy  scripture,  ''  As  iron  sharpeneth  iron,  so  doth  the 
countenance  of  a  man  his  friend  !" 

The  fifth  day  of  the  week  we  had  a  large  meeting  at 
Flushing,  and  another  in  the  evening  at  Obadiah  Law- 
rence's,  which  was  an  open,  tender  time.  From  Flush- 
ing we  went  to  Cow-neck,  to  Joseph  Latham's,  who 
went  with  me  to  Westbury  meeting,  which,  considering 
the  cold,  was  much  larger  than  I  expected.  From  West- 
bury,  Nathaniel  Simmons,  Samuel  Underhill,  and  Phebe 
Willet,  went  with  us  to  Bethpage,  where  we  had  a  com- 
fortable evening  meeting,  at  the  house  of  Thomas  Pow- 
ell, who  went  with  us  next  morning  to  a  town  called  Se- 
tawket ;  it  was  as  cold  a  day's  travel  as  ever  I  went 
through  in  all  my  life  ;  the  wind  was  in  our  faces,  and 
northerly ;  I  do  not  remember,  though  I  had  been  a 
traveller  above  thirty  years,  that  ever  I  endured  so  much 
hardness  by  cold  in  one  day ;  my  chin  and  jaws  were 
much  affected  with  the  frost  for  several  days ;  but  we 
had  a  good  meeting  that  made  up  for  all.  After  which 
we  went  ten  miles  to  Amos  Willet's  house,  where  we 
had  a  serviceable  meeting ;  he  invited  his  neighbours, 
who  came  and  received  us  with  hearts  full  of  good  will ; 
and  those  not  of  our  society  were  well  satisfied  vvith  the 
meeting  ;  so  that  we  went  on  our  way  rejoicing,  that  we 
were  favoured  with  the  good  presence  of  God  in  our 
journey.  Amos  Willet  and  his  wife  went  with  us  to 
Huntington,  where  we  had  a  quiet,  peaceable  meeting, 
and  the  grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  was  with  and 
among  us,  as  many  can  witness  that  were  there.  From 
hence  we  went  to  Samuel  Underbill's,  and  visited  his 
weak  brother ;  in  which  visit  the  Lord  mightily  refreshed 
us  together,  and  we  blessed  his  holy  name,  for  "  he  is 


good  to  all  them  who  put  their  trust  in  him."  Next 
day  we  had  a  large  meeting  at  Matinicock.  After  this 
meeting,  we  went  to  Thomas  Pearsall's,  and  had  an  even, 
ing  meeting  at  his  house.  The  next  day,  being  a  snow}', 
stormy  day,  and  one  of  the  shortest  in  the  year,  we.  went, 
being  eighteen  in  company,  to  Cow-neck,  where  we  had 
a  good  meeting,  and  much  larger  than  could  be  expect- 
ed. After  meeting,  we  went  to  Joseph  Latham's,  and 
had  a  tender,  open  evening  meeting  there,  in  which  we 
Were  edified,  and  refreshed,   ir.  Christ  Jesus. 

From  Cow-neck  I  went  to  Flushing,  had  a  large  meet- 
ing there,  on  the  first  day  of  the  week,  and  on  second 
di.s  we  went  over  the  sound,  which  divides  Long- Island 
from  the  main  continent,  to  Horse-neck,  and  had  a 
meeting,  where  I  understood  there  never  had  been  one 
before  ;  the  people  were  sober  and  attentive,  and  some 
expressed  their  satisfaction.  That  evening  we  had  a 
meeting  at  an  inn  near  B}  ram  river,  where  divers  people 
came,  and  were  attentive  ;  the  inn-keeper,  his  father, 
brother,  wife,  and  several  others,  took  our  visit  very 
kindly  ;  though  there  was  one  restless  man,  who  seemed 
to  be  out  of  orde'r  with  drink,  before  he  came  into  the 
house,  and  when  we  were  sitting  in  silence,  waiting  for 
the  gift  of  Christ,  and  vvorshippir.g  in  spirit,  as  Christ  in- 
stituted, he  sitting  by  me,  jogged  me,  and  said,  "  It  was 
time  to  begin,  for  there  are  as  many  come,  as  A\ould 
come  to  night;"  though  he  was  mistaken  in  that;  but 
he  not  having  patience  to  watch  and  pray,  went  away  ; 
after  which  we  had  a  good  meeting.  These  two  meet- 
ings were  in  the  government  of  Connecticut,  where  they 
formerly  made  a  law  imposing  a  fine  of  five  pounds  on 
those  who  should  entertain  any  of  our  society,  which 
law,  I  was  informed,  was  repealed  in  Great-Britain. 
From  thence  we  travelled  into  New- York  government, 
and  had  a  meeting  at  Rye,  and  another  at  Mamaroneck  ; 
from  whence  we  travelled  to  West- Chester,  and  had  a 
meeting  there,  on  a  sixth  day  of  the  week,  intending  to 
go  over  the  ferry  next  day  to  Long-Island  ;  but  the  wind 
being  high  and  boisterous,  so  that  we  could  not  get  over, 
WQ  tarried  three  nights  at  the  house  of  John  Stephenson, 


where  we  were  lovingly  and  generously  entertained  :  and 
on  first  day  we  were  again  at  West-Chester  meeting, 
which  ended  comfortably,  though  I  was  in  a  low  state, 
both  of  body  and  mind,  in  the  beginning  of  it.  On 
second  day  we  all  got  well  over  the  ferry  to  Long- Island, 
parting  with  our  friends  at  the  ferry  in  much  love  and 
good- will.  Joseph  Latham  having  been  my  fellow  trav- 
eller on  the  main,  I  went  to  his  house,  and  from  thence 
to  VVestbury,  to  a  large  meeting,  and  next  to  Bethpage, 
and  had  a  meeting  there,  and  in  the  evening,  accompanied 
by  Samuel  Bowne,  and  Joseph  Latham,  I  went  to  Jeru- 
salem, and  had  a  large  and  satisfactory  meeting  :  many 
of  the  people  of  the  town,  who  were  there,  came  the  next 
day  to  our  meeting  at  Hempstead,  which  was  large  ;  the 
great  Lord  of  all,  was  good  to  us  that  day,  which,  I  hope, 
many  that  were  there  will  not  forget ;  and  some  con- 
vincement  was  wrought  on  some,  that  were  of  account  in 
the  world,  at  these  last  mentioned  meetings,  particu- 
larly one  who  lived  at  Jerusalem,  with  tenderness  of  spir- 
it, desired  my  remembrance,  whom  I  pray  God  to  pre- 
serve, with  all  those  who  love  and  fear  him,  and  believe 
in  his  Son,  to  the  end. 

From  Hempstead,  I  went  to  Matinicock,  where,  on  a 
first  day  of  the  week,  we  had  a  large  meeting,  and  a  solid, 
i^ood  opportunity  it  was;  and  from  hence  to  Thomas 
Townsend's,  on  the  Plains,  at  whose  house  we  had  an 
evening  meeting ;  next  morning  a  pretty  many  friends 
from  the  Plains  went  with  us  to  the  south  side  of  the 
island,  to  a  place  called  Rockaway,  where  we  had  a  meet- 
ing at  Hicks's,  the  neighbours  coming  to  it  pretty  gene- 
rally ;  there  was  great  openness  to  receive  the  doctrine 
of  truth  in  those,  not  of  our  society,  and  they  were  very 
kind  to  us  in  those  parts :  this  was  the  second  meeting 
I  had  been  at  in  this  place,  Benjamin  Holmes  having  the 
first  there,  since  which  they  had  not  been  visited  by  any 
friend  of  the  ministry  except  myself.  From  Rockaway 
we  went  to  Foster's  Meadow,  where  was  a  large  gather- 
ing of  people,  and  Christ  filled  our  hearts  with  divine 
love.  From  thence  I  went  to  Peter  Titus's,  and  had  a 
meeting  at  his  house,  to  which  came  the  neighbours,  and 


were  well  affected ;  and  next  day  we  had  a  meetin£^  in' 
the  meeting-house  at  Westbury,  which  was  very  large 
and  to  our  siitisfaction.  From  Westbury,  in  the  even- 
ing, we  went  to  visit  a  young  woman,  who  had  been 
in  a  despairing  condition  for  several  years.  The  family 
came  together,  and  we  put  up  our  prayers  to  the  Al- 
mighty, in  the  name  of  his  dear  Son  ;  it  was  a  good  time 
to  us  all ;  and  the  young  woman,  and  some  others,  ex- 
pressed their  satisfaction. 

This  evening  we  went  to  see  another  young  woman 
who  was  in  a  deep  consumption,  but  in  a  very  comforta- 
ble state  of  mind  ;  having  a  great  desire  to  see  me  be- 
fore she  died,  she  sent  for  me  to  come  to  her,  and  her  de- 
•sire  was  answered,  her  spirit  being  revived  with  a  fresh 
visitation  of  the  love  of  Jesus  Clirist,  the  holy  physician 
of  value,  and  our  supplications  were,  that  the  Lord  would 
be  pleased  to  be  Avith  her,  and  support  her  to  the  end,  and 
grant  her  an  easy  passage  from  this  life  to  his  glorious 
kingdom,  when  it  should  please  him  to  remove  her ; 
which  prayer  we  have  cause  to  hope  was  answered. 

Though  the  days  were  short,  wevode  about  fifteen 
miles,  and  made  these  two  visits,  after  that  great  meet- 
ing at  Westbury,  and  the  season  was  exceeding  cold  ; 
but  our  great  and  good  Master  supported  us,  and  was 
with  us  in  our  exercises  and  service  for  his  name  and 
truth's  sake.  I  lodged  this  night  at  Joseph  Rodman's, 
and  was  next  day  at  Flushing  week-day  meeting,  which 
was  very  large  and  satisfactory,  and  had  a  meeting  the 
same  evening  at  Samuel  Bowne's,  and  the  next  day  went 
to  New- York,  and  had  a  quiet,  good  meeting  in  the  even- 
ing  at  Samuel  Harrison's,  and  on  the  morrow  had  an 
evening  meeting  at  a  place  called  the  Kills,  at  the  house 
of  Richard  Hallet,  and  the  next  day,  being  first  day, 
had  a  large  meeting  at  Newtown,  to  the  edification  of 
friends  and  other  sober  people. 

It  being  now  generally  knovvn  that  I  was  on  the  island, 
the  people  flocked  to  meetings,  though  the  weather  was 
extreme  cold,  for  the  Lord  manifested  himself  in  the 
riches  of  his  love  unto  us  in  our  meetings,  for  the  worship 
of  his  holy  name.     I'he  next  meeting  was  at  James  Jack- 

THE    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHALKLlihV,  i^t 

son's,  at  Rocky-hill,  where  was  judge  Hicks,  the  high- 
sheriff,  and  a  justice  of  peace,  with  several  other  persons 
of  note,  with   whom,  and  our  friends,  we  had  a  good 
time  to  set  forth  the  work  of  grace  and  reformation  (as  I 
think)  to  general  satisfaction,   for  which  we  blessed  the 
holy  name  of  God,  and  humble  prayer  was  put  up  to  him 
for  all  men,  and  particularly  for  our  king  George,  as  aU 
so  for  all  in  authority  under  him,  and  that  they  might  be 
a  terror  to  evil-doers,  and  the  praise  of  them  that  do  well. 
The  next  meeting  we  had   was  at  Jamaica,  which  was 
also  large,  and  several  in  authority  were  there,  and  were 
very  loving  and  respectful  after  meeting.     The  next  first 
dav  we  had  a  large  meeting  at  the  meeting-house  at  Cow- 
neck,  which  was  somewhat  crowded.     I  was  right  glad 
(though  my  exercises  were  very  great),  that  there   was 
such  openness  and  room  in  people's  hearts  to  receive  the 
doctrine  which  I  had  to  declare  unto  them,  in  the  name 
and  power  of  Christ;  afterwards  we  had  an  evening  meet- 
ing with  the  widow  Titus,   to  which  divers  Dutch  peo- 
ple came,   and  were  very   attentive  and  sober.     On  the 
third  of  the   week   we   had  a  meeting  near  the  place 
called  Hell-gate  (a  narrow  passage  in   the  great  sound 
or  bay,  between  Long-Island  and  the  main  land),  sev- 
eral justices  and  their  wives  were  at  this  meeting,  on^ 
of  which  had  disowned  his  son,  and  turned  him  out  of 
doors  for  coming  among  us  ;   but  beholding  his  son's 
sober    conversation,    grew    more    moderate,   and    after 
meeting,  he  and  his  wife  invited  us  to  dine  with  them ; 
but  we  were    engaged    to    visit    the    widow  Stephens, 
that  evening,  at  whose  house  we  had  a  meeting.     Go- 
ing   thither,     it    being    very    cold    and     stormy,    my 
hands  were    touched   with  the  frost,  and  perceiving  it 
when  I  came   to  the  fire,  I  called  for  a  bason  of  cold 
water,  which  soon  cured  them  :   I  note  this  that  others 
may  reap  benefit   thereby.     Next  day  we  went  to  the 
week-day  meeting  at  Newtown,  and  on  the  fifth  day  to 
Flushing  meeting,   which  was  large,  and  to  edification, 
and  in  the  evening  had  a  meeting  at  our  ancient  friend 
Hugh  Copperth wait's,  which  was  acceptable  to  him,  as 
hinjself  expressed  when  it  ^^'a^  ended ;  and  to  us  also. 


Next  day  we  had  a  very  large  evening  meeting  at  Thorn- 
as  Pearscill's,  and  likewise  a  large,  good  meeting,  the 
day  after  (being  first  day)  at  Matinicock,  wherein  the 
kingdom  of  Christ  vvas  exalted,  and  the  deformed  state 
of  sin  and  iniquity  represented,  and  the  example  and 
doctrine  of  Christ,  closely  recommended,  in  order  to  the 
overcoming  sin,  this  being  not  only  possil)le,  but  the  duty 
of  christians,  through  the  power  of  Christ,  and  true  faith 
in  his  holy  name  ;  and  the  danger  of  believing  that  it  is  im- 
posssible  to  overcome  sin  was  opened  to  them,  and  that 
such  a  belief  is  contrary  to,  and  against  Christ  and  his 
doctrine,  and  darkens  and  blinds  the  hearts  of  men  ;  but 
the  love  of  Christ  enlightens  the  soul,  and  strengthens  it 
to  believe  that  all  things  are  possible  with  God ;  for  this 
great  work  cannot  be  done  in  the  will,  wit,  and  power  of 
man,  but  through  the  power  and  grace  of  Christ,  which 
he  promised  to  true  believers  in  him. 

I  was  faint  after  this  meeting,  but,  resting  a  little,  I 
soon  grew  better,  so  that  we  had  an  evening  meeting 
at  James  Cock's,  where  one  came  and  told  us,  we  must 
not  eat  any  flesh,  and  produced  Thomas  Tryon's  works 
for  'his  proof;  but  I  took  the  bible,  and  shewed  hira 
a  proof  to  the  contrary,  and  told  him,  we  were  resolv- 
ed to  believe  our  book  before  his,  and  shewed  him 
from  the  apostle,  that  the  kingdom  of  God  is  not  meat 
and  drink,  nor  divers  washings,  but  righteousness, 
peace  and  joy,  in  the  Holy  Ghost.  Ro7n.  xiv.  17. 
Though  at  the  same  time,  according  to  the  doctrine  of 
Chi  ist  and  his  apostles,  I  was  for  temperance  in  meate 
and  drinks,  as  well  as  moderation  in  apparel.  The  next 
day  we  had  a  very  large  meeting  at  Oyster-bay,  many 
being  there  who  were  not  of  our  society,  who  steadily 
gave  attention  to  what  was  declared :  here  being  many 
young  people,  they  were  persuaded  to  give  up  their 
blooming  years  to  do  the  will  of  God,  and  to  remember 
him  their  Creator,  in  their  youthful  days.  Friends  said 
there  had  not  been  such  a  meeting  there  a  great  Avhile, 
for  which  opportunity  I  was  humbly  thankful  to  the: 
Lord.  After  meeting,  we  went  to  Samuel  Underhill's. 
and   had  an  evening  meeting  with  his    brother.    >\'ho. 


throug-h  sickness  and  lameness,  could  not  g-et  out  for  a 
loiig  time.  Next  day,  Samuel  Bowne  being  with  me, 
we  went  to  visit  a  young  woman  that  was  weak  in  body, 
but  lay  in  a  comfortable  frame  of  mind  ;  she  was  t-iank- 
ful  for  our  visit,  and  said  the  visits  of  her  friends  were 
comfortable  to  her.  Next  day,  being- the  fourth  day  of 
the  week,  we  had  a  meeting-  at  the  widow  Taylor's,  who 
desired  it  on  account  of  her  father,  who  was  in  the  88th 
year  of  his  age,  and  so  infirm,  that  he  could  not  get  to 
meetings ;  he  was  very  clear  in  his  understanding  and 
memory,  and  was  much  refreshed  wiih  this  meeting,  as 
were  divers  of  us  also.  Next  day  we  had  a  meeting  at 
Flushing,  which  was  large  and  open,  and  the  grace  and 
power  of  Christ  was  ^\  ith  us  in  the  ministration  of  the 
gospel.  After  this  meeting,  we  had  an  eveniiig  meeting 
with  our  ancient  friend  Joseph  Thorne,  who  by  reason  of 
his  age  and  infirmity  could  not  go  abroad  as  far  as  to  the 
meeting  :  the  house  was  crowded  with  his  neighbours  and 
friends,  and  we  had  a  solid,  good  time  together.  While 
at  Flushing,  I  went  to  visit  a  young  woman  who  was  a 
most  dismal  spectacle  to  behold,  an  object  of  great  pity  : 
her  face,  hand,  and  foot,  being  much  eaten  away  by  the 
king's  evil ;  our  prayers  were,  that  now  in  her  great 
misery,  the  Almighty  would  be  pleased  to  support  her 
soul  by  his  grace  and  spirit,  and  sanctify  her  afflictions 
to  her,  that  it  might  work  for  her  a  more  exceeding 
weight  of  glory  in  that  world  which  is  to  come.  The 
next  first  day  we  had  a  larg*  meeting  at  Flushing,  where- 
in many  weighty  truths  were  opened  to  the  satisfaction 
and  edification  of  the  auditory,  and  in  the  evening  we 
had  a  meeting  with  the  wife  of  Matthew  Farringion, 
who  was  too  weakly  to  go  abroad  ;  the  neighbours  came 
in,  and  we  had  a  seasonable  opportunit^•.  The  nc  xt 
tliird  day  was  the  youth's  meeting  at  Flushing,  in  which 
we  were  concerned  to  exhort  them  to  (obedience  to  God 
and  iheir  parents,  and  to  follow  their  parents  as  they  fol- 
low Christ  ;  for  where  any  leave  Chrisr,  there  we  are  to 
leave  their  example,  though  they  were  our  fathers  or 
mothers ;  and  the  right  honouring  of  our  parents  was  set 
forth,  and  they  exhorted  not  to  despise  the  day  of  small 

154  THK    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHAT.KLr.Y. 

things,  and  the  happy  state  of  the  obedient,  and  the  un- 
happy state  of  the  disobedient,  and  many  weiglity  truths 
were  dehvered  to  them,  in  that  meetins^,  by  several  ex- 
perienced friends.  From  Flushing  I  went  to  the  week- 
day meeting  at  Newtown,  and  in  the  evening  we  had  a 
meetint^  at  the  M'idow  Way's  ;  the  neighbours  coming  m, 
we  had  a  good  time  with  them  :  the  parable  of  the  ten 
virgins  was  treated  of,  and  the  great  disadviiutage  of 
wanting  the  divine  oil  of  grace  in  our  vessels  was  shewn 
to  them. 

The  next  day,  being  the  fifth  of  the  week,  we  had  a 
very  large,  satisfactory  meeting  at  the  widow  Alsop's,  at 
the  kills,  and  from  thence  with  several  friends  went  to 
New  York,  where  we  had  three  meetings  to  our  edifica- 
tion, the  weather  still  remaining  very  cold,  but  we  felt  the 
love  of  Christ  to  warm  our  hearts,  and  though  I  think  I 
never  felt  it  colder,  I  never  had  my  health  better.  Sev- 
eral friends  accomjjanied  us  to  the  boat  at  New- York ^ 
the  water  being  open  on  that  side,  we  took  our  leave  of 
each  other,  and  put  out  for  the  other  shore ;  but  before 
we  got  there,  we  were  blocked  up  in  the  ice,  and  it  was  a 
considerable  time  before  we  could  work  our  way 
through,  but  at  last  got  well  on  Long- Island,  where  I 
waited  some  hours  for  company,  who  through  some  dif- 
ficulty got  on  shore ;  after  which  we  went  to  the  Narrows 
throi'gh  a  storm  of  wind  and  snow,  but  the  wind  being 
high  we  could  not  get  over  that  night,  nor  the  next  day, 
the  ice  having  come  down,  and  filled  the  bay  :  when  the 
tide  had  drove  away  the  ice,  we  put  out,  and  got  well 
over,  and  lodged  at  the  ferry-house  on  Staten-Island. 
Next  morning  we  went  to  the  ferry  at  the  Blazing-star, 
over  against  Woodbridge,  but  it  was  all  fastened  with 
ice,  and  we  not  daring  to  venture  over  it,  went  to  the 
ferry  at  Amboy,  and  got  comfortably  over,  stayed  there 
that  night,  and  next  day  went  to  Trenton,  and  lodged  at 
captain  Gould's,  who  treated  me  very  kindly,  I  being 
much  tired  with  travelling.  Next  morning  I  went  over 
Delaware  river  on  the  ice,  as  we  had  also  the  day  before 
the  Rariton,  and  that  da}  ,  being  the  5*h  of  twelfth  month, 
I  got  safe  home  to  my  loving  spouse  and  tender  children, 


where  I  found  all  well  and  a  hearty  reception,  having 
travelled  six  hundred  miles,  and  attended  above  sixty 

After  having  been  at  home,  at  our  own  meeting  at 
Frankfort,  I  went  to  the  (quarterly  meeting  at  Philadel- 
phia,  where  friends  were  glad  to  see  me. 

On  the  next  fifth  day  I  was  at  the  marriage  of  Thomss 
Masters,  and  Hannah  Dickinson,  where  were  many  sober 
people,  not  of  our  society. 

Having  been  lately  among  friends  at  Long-Island,  and 
bf:  en  comiorted  in  the  many  opportunities  we  had  togeth- 
er, it  came  into  my  mind  to  visit  them  with  an  epistle  at 
their  quarterly  meeting  at  Flushing,  which  was  as  foU 

*'  Frankfort^  Vlth  months  1725. 

"  My  dear  and  well -beloved  Friends, 

"  Believing  it  might  be  acceptable  to  you 
to  hear  that  I  was  got  well  to  my  habitation  in  such  a 
difficult  time  of  the  year  as  I  set  out  from  you  in ;  and 
also  feeling  the  sweet  influence  of  the  diviae  love  of  the 
heavenly  Father,  and  his  dear  So  i  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ, 
to  arise  and  spring  in  my  heart,  and  flowing  towards 
you  : 

It  came  into  my  mind  to  write  a  few  lines  to  the  quar- 
terly meeting  of  friends  at  Flushing,  by  way  of  epistle, 
Well  knowing  also  that  many  of  us  are  as  epistles  writ  in 
one  another's  hearts  by  the  heavenly  finger  of  the  Most 
High  ;  and  those  characters  of  divine  love  so  written  will 
not  easily  be  erased.  I  could  willingly  have  been  at 
your  quarterly  meeting,  but  that  I  had  been  so  long  from 
my  family,  that  I  was  much  anted  therein,  and  my 
coming  home  was  seasonable  and  acceptable,  both  to 
them  and  my  friends ;  and  I  humbly  thank  the  Lord, 
I  found  all  well.  Now  that  which  is  on  my  mind  to 
your  quarterly  meeting,  is  after  this  m:inner,  concerning 
the  government  of  the  church  of  Christ,  of  which  church 


he  is  the  holy  head  and  lawgiver ;  wherefore  wc  arc  t9 
seek  and  wait  for  counsel  and  wisdom  from  him,  in  all 
our  monthl}  and  quarter)}-  meetings,  for  the  well  order- 
iiig  of  our  little  society,  which  is  growing  and  increas- 
ing in  the  earth,  and  also  in  your  island,  (notwithstand- 
ing the  in\  idious  attempts  of  some  men  of  corrupt  minds) 
and  it  will  grow  and  increase  more  and  more,  as  we  keep 
our  places,  our  heavenly  places  in  Christ  Jesus. 

Dear  friends,  the  good  order  of  truth,  and  government 
of  Clirist  in  his  church,  is  a  great  help  to  us  and  our 
children,  when  carried  on  in  Christ's  spirit;  [pray  observe 
or  mind  that]  for  if  our  order,  and  church  government, 
be  carried  on  in  the  spirit  of  man,  (as  he  is  mere  man) 
though  he  is  never  so  craft)-,  or  cunning,  it  will  do  more 
hurt  than  good  in  the  church  of  Christ.  Christ's  spirit 
must  govern  Christ's  church  ;  and  when,  and  where  that 
is  over  all,  then,  and  there  Christ's  church  and  king- 
dom are  exalted,  of  whose  kingdom  and  peace  there  will 
be  no  end ;  and  happy  will  all  those  be,  whose  end  is  in 
it.  Moses,  that  man  of  God,  governed  in  the  Jewish 
church  in  the  spirit  of  God,  and  when  he  found  the  work 
too  heavy  for  him,  the  Lord  put  his  sj)irit  on  seventy 
more,  who  were  help-meets  in  the  government;  so  that  it 
was  God's  spirit  that  governed  ;  and  while  that  ruled, 
all  was  well ;  but  when  they  went  from  that,  they  fell  in- 
to error  and  disobedience  ;  and,  at  length,  the  Messiah 
came,  and  he  governed  his  own  little  flock  himself ;  and 
when  he  ascended  up  on  high,  he  promised  his  spirit 
should  be  with  and  in  his  church  forever,  and  be  their 
ho!)  guide  into  all  truth,  in  which  he  would  also  comfort 
thtm:  and  Christ  fulfilled  this  his  promise :  for  when 
his  disciples  waited  at  Jerusalem  to  be  endued  with  pow- 
er from  on  high,  according  to  the  advice  of  their  Lord, 
they  were  filled  with  the  giftar»d  grace  of  the  holy  spirit: 
and  when  the  brethren  and  elders  met  together  about 
the  affairs  and  government  of  the  church,  they  gave  forth 
rules  and  orders  from  that  general  meeting  to  the  partic- 
ular ones ;  and  the  Holy  Ghost  presided  amongst  them, 
which  they  signified  to  the  other  meetings,  saying,  "  It 
seemed  good  to  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  to  us,  to  put  yon 


in  mind  of  such  and  such  tilings."  And  while  this  Holy 
Ghost,  or  spirit,  governed  in  the  primitive  christian 
church,  ail  was  well ;  God  and  Christ  v^^as  glorified,  and 
his  church  and  people  edified  ;  but  by  goin^-  from  that, 
the  apostacy  came  in. 

Wherefore,  dear  friends,  keep  close  to  the  spirit,  pow- 
er,  light,  and  divine  life,  of  Christ  Jesus,  in  your  month- 
ly and  quarterly  meedngs  for  the  government  of  the 
church,  as  well  as  in  your  meetings  for  the  worship  of 
the  Almighty  ;  for  if  we  go  from  that,  he  will  go  from  us. 

And,  dear  friends,  the  testimony  of  Jesus,  in  the  spirit 
of  prophecy,  opens  in  me  after  this  manner,  that  if  our 
society  keep  and  live  up  to  the  spirit  and  truth  of  Christ, 
which  hath  been  manifested  to  our  forefathers,  and  to  us 
also  in  this  age,  the  great  Lord  of  all  will  prosper  his 
work  in  our  hands,  and  bless  both  us  and  our  children, 
as  we  i'.nd  the}'  keep  therein. 

And  as  we  have  kept  close  to  this  our  heavenly  guide, 
how  hath  the  Lord  sweetly  manifested  his  love  and  ])ow- 
er  to  us  in  our  meeting  for  the  well-ordering  of  our  so- 
ciety ?  which  many  times  hath  filled  our  hearts  with 
pure  praises,  and  holy  thanksgiving,  to  the  high  and  lofty 
one,  who  inhabits  eternit}',  and  dwells  in  the  highest 
heavens,  and  is  light  for  ever  :  to  whom,  with  the  Lamb 
of  God,  who  takes  away  the  sins  of  the  world,  I  recom- 
meiKl  you,  my  dear  and  well  beloved  friends,  brethren, 
and  sisters,  in  Christ,  with  my  own  soul. 


P.  S.  Since  my  return,  I  have  been  thankful  to  God 
for  the  many  favourable  visitations  and  good  opportuni- 
ties he  was  pleased  to  grant  me  with  you,  and  divers 
sober  people  on  your  island,  in  which  there  is  an  open 
door  among  many  to  receive  the  testimony  of  truth.  I 
commend  your  nobility  in  building  good  houses,  and 
making  room  for  your  sober  neighbours  to  sit  with  you 
in  your  meetings  ;  this  is  of  good  report  concerning  you, 
both  far  and  near,  and,  if  I  apprehend  right,  there  is  more 
\vork  of  that  kind  for  you  to  do,     I  thought  often,  when 


among  you,  and  now  also,  that  there  would  be  a  large 
gathering-,  if  there  were  a  house  built  at  the  upper  e)id 
of  the  Great  Plains,  not  far  from  Foster's  Meadow;  but 
every  one  m,ay  not  think  or  see  alike ;  though  I  know 
some  solid  friends  among  you,  thought  the  same  with 
me,  about  the  prospect  of  a  large  g.,thering  thereaway, 
if  ii  house  were  built ;  to  which  friends,  and  well-inclined 
pe(;ple,  might  come  from  Hempstead,  Rocky-hill,  Rock- 
away,  Foster's  Meadow,  &c. 

T.  C.'» 

After  my  service  on  Long-Island,  I  had  great  sweetncsig 
tipon  my  spirit  forsome  time,  which  sometimes  caused  my 
heart  to  sing  for  joy  ;  and  yet  I  rejoiced  in  a  trembling 
frame  of  spirit,  and  had  the  true  sense  oi  what  is  written 
in  the  holy  scriptures,  where  it  is  said,  "  Serve  the  Lord 
with  fear,"  (I  take  it,  filial  fear)  "  and  rejoice  with 
trembling,"  for  fear  of  losing  that  precious  sense  of  the 
love  of  God,   which  is  in  Christ. 

On  the  20th  of  the  twelfth  month,  the  first  day  of  the 
week,  I  was  at  Abington  meeting,  in  which  the  love  of 
Christ  was  manifested  to  us,  in  the  opening  of  his  saying, 
*'  If  I  be  lifted  up,  I  will  draw  all  men  unto  me."  John 
xii.  32.  The  next  day  I  was  at  Germantown,  at  the  bu- 
rial of  a  son  of  Dennis  Conrad,  at  which  also  was  our 
friend  Abigail  Bowles.  On  the  sixth  day  following,  I 
went  to  the  general  meeting  of  ministers  and  elders  at 
Burlington,  where  I  again  met  with  our  said  friend  and 
divers  others  :  the  first  day  meeting  was  large  ;  and  on 
second  day  was  the  quarterly  meeting  for  the  county ;  and 
on  third  day,  was  their  youth's  meeting,  which  was  large, 
and  many  weighty  truths  were  delivered  in  that  meeting. 
On  fourth  day  we  were  at  a  meeting  at  Springfield  ;  the 
house  was  pretty  much  thronged,  and  friends  were  ex- 
horted thankfully  to  commemorate  the  mercies  and  fa- 
vours of  the  Almighty  to  them,  and  desired  to  enlarge 
their  meeting-houses  as  their  number  increased ;  for  in 
those  parts  there  was  such  an  openness  in  the  hearts  of 
the  people,  and  increase  of  their  number,  that  friends  had 


already  agreed  on  building  two  meeting-houses  between 
Crosswicks  and  Burlington ;  their  zeal  and  unanimity 
therein,  was  worthy  of  eommendation.  Fifth  dav ,  being 
the  week-day  meeting  at  Burlington,  friends  of  the  town 
desired  I  would  stay  at  it ;  I  tliought  we  had  just  before 
had  divers  good  opportunities,  and  ni}  OAvn  inclinations 
seemed  to  lead  to  my  family  ;  Dut  friends  being  desirous 
of  my  staying,  I  did  so,  and  we  had  a  good,  solid  meeting. 
After  meeting,  a  solid,  good  friend  said,  "  he  thought 
we  had  the  best  wine  at  last;"  and  indeed  the  love  of  God, 
through  Christ,  is  so  sweet  to  his  people,  that  the  last 
often  seems  the  best,  when  it  is  only  a  renewed  visitation 
of  the  same  love  to  his  children.  So  I  went  home  rejoic- 
ing that  I  was  in  some  good  measure  accounted  worthy 
to  serve  so  good  and  so  gracious  a  Master. 

On  the  6th  day  of  the  first  month,  being  the  first  of 
the  week,  I  was  at  the  morning  and  afternoon  meetings 
in  Philadelphia,  wherein  those  who  call  themselves  free- 
thinkers were  exhorted  to  be  careful  of  drinking  too  free- 
ly, lest  they  might  justly  be  called  free-drinkers ;  foF 
many  times  such,  when  they  drink  too  freely  of  strong 
liquor,  think  and  speak  too  freely  their  own  corrupt  no- 
tions, to  the  dishonour  of  God,  and  to  the  scandal  of  re- 
ligion in  general. 

Soon  after  I  was  at  the  first  day  meetings  at  Philadel- 
phia ;  and  in  this  month  I  went  to  the  Jerseys,  and  was  at 
three  large  meetings  in  company  with  x\bigail  Bowles,  in 
which  our  said  friend  had  good  service,  to  the  comfort  of 
friends,  convincing  of  gainsayers,  and  confirming  the 
weak,  and  the  people  were  glad  of  our  visit. 

Tht  15th  day  of  this  month  I  was  at  Burlington,  at  the 
burial  of  my  good  friend  and  old  acquaintance,  Abraham 
Bickley,  at  whose  funeral  were  great  numbers  of  people, 
he  being  well  beloved  of  his  neighbours  :  Christ's  raising 
Lazarus  out  of  the  grave,  and  his  tenderness  and  weep- 
ing there,  was  spoken  of,  in  order  to  stir  people  up  to  a 
tender,  religious  exercise  of  mind,  which  is  too  much 
wanting  among  many  of  the  professors  of  his  holy  name, 
who  have  too  little  sense  of  that  which  should  bring  true, 
tenderness  over  their  minds,  being  morr  in  earth  than 


heaven  ;  so  that  they  are  dry  and  barren,  as  to  the  things^ 
of  God.  The  meeting  ended,  to  satisfaction,  with  sup- 
plications to  the  Almighty. 

A  few  days  after,  I  was  at  our  general  spring  meeting 
in  Philadelphia,  which  was  large; 'where  our  friends 
Robert  Jordan,  and  Abigail  Bowles,  had  good  service. 

This  week  I  was  at  foi'.r  very  large  meetings,  at  Phil- 
adelphia, Frankfort,  and  Abington,  much  to  my  satis- 
faction, though  I  had  no  vocal  service  therein  ;  yet  my 
heart  was  broken  into  tenderness  and  tears,  under  the 
ministry  of  several  weight}',  solid  testimonies,  that  were 
borne  by  good  and  living  ministers,  qualified  to  preach 
the  gospel  in  the  demonstration  of  the  spirit,  and  with 

The  26th  of  the  first  month,  1726,  I  went  to  German- 
town  meeting,  which  was  large,  and  I  was  opened  there- 
in to  speak  of  the  vision  of  the  prophet  Ezekiel,  of  the 
holy  waters,  which  proceeded  from  under  the  threshold 
of  the  sanctuary,  which  the  angel  measuring,  they  grew 
deeper  and  deeper,  until  they  became  a  river  to  swim  in. 
JEzek.  xlvii.  5.  Which  mystically  sheweth  the  work  of 
grace,  conversion,  and  regeneration  ;  and  that  these  holy 
waters  the  soul  must  drink  of,  and  be  w  ished,  and  baptiz- 
ed in,  are  spiritual  and  supernatural,  and  therefore  not  to 
be  measured  by  the  spirit  and  will  of  man,  in  his  natural 
state,  according  to  the  prophet  Isaiah,  chap,  xxxiii.  v.  21. 
Man,  before  he  can  swim  therein,  must  be  stript  of  all 
his  self- righteousness,  and  artificial  religion,  though  as 
splendid  and  beautiful  as  a  gallant  ship,  or  galley  with 
oars,  which,  in  this  respect,  is  agreeable  to  the  state  of 
men  smimming  in  elementary  water,  where  the  most 
skilful  have  sometimes  lost  their  lives,  for  want  of  being 
naked  or  unclothed  ;  and  those  who  had  not  yet  attained 
much  experience,  were  advised  not  to  go  out  of  their 
depth,  but  to  wait  in  patience  and  hiunility,  to  enjoy  the 
medicinal  virtue  of  the  trees  growing  b}  the  side  of  this 
river,  whose  fruit  is  for  meat,  and  leaves  for  medicine. 
Ezek.  xlvii.  12.  The  people  of  this  meeting  were  gen- 
erally Germans,  several  of  whom  stayed  in  the  house 
after  the  meeting  was  over,  and  were  bioken  into  tender 


ness,  in  a  sense  of  the  presence  and  love  of  God  unto  us, 
for  which  I  was  also  humbly  thankful  and  bowed  in 

I  ^vas  at  the  third  day  weekly  meeting  in  Philadelphia, 
which  was  but  small,  considering  the  large  number  of 
those  professing  to  be  of  our  society  in  this  city  ;  those 
present  were  closely  and  tenderly  exhorted  to  be  zealous 
for  good  works,  and  against  bad  works  ;  not  respecting 
the  person  of  any  man ;  the  abominations  committed  by 
some  under  our  profession,  in  this  city  and  province, 
calling  for  humiliation  ;  and  as  the  promise  of  God's  fav- 
our was  to  those  who  mourned  with  sighs  and  cries  for 
the  abominations  among  his  people  formerly,  Ezek.  ix« 
4,  so  now,  as  many  as  are  under  the  same  concern, 
may  hope  for  preservation  and  salvation,  if  he  should  in 
like  manner  visit  us,  as  at  this  time  he  doth  some  of  our 
neighbours;  there  being  a  great  sickness  and  mortality 
in  some  of  the  adjacent  places. 

In  the  second  month,  I  visited  the  meetings  of  friends 
at  Haverford,  Newtown,  Radnor,  and  Merion ;  which 
meetings  consist  chiefly  of  ancient  Britons,  who  are  a  re- 
ligious, industrious,  and  increasing  people  ;  among  whom 
my  service  was,  as  they  expressed,  to  our  mutual  satis- 
faction. After  my  return  home,  I  went  to  visit  friends 
at  the  Falls  of  Delaware,  and  was  at  a  large  meeting  in 
their  new  meeting-house.  After  a  satisfactory  meeting 
at  Frankfort,  on  the  fifth  day  of  the  same  week  I  went 
with  Ennion  Williams  to  his  son's  marriage ;  and  the 
next  day  he,  and  several  other  friends,  accompanied  me 
to  Woodberry-creek,  and  had  a  good,  open  meeting,  and 
that  night  went  to  James  Lord's,  and  next  morning  went 
towards  Salem,  and  lodged  at  Isaac  Sharp's ;  Avhere  I 
was  informed  of  a  great  mortality  at  Cohrmsy.  The  24th 
of  the  second  month  was  the  general  meeting  at  Salem, 
which  was  a  large  gathering  of  people  of  different  per- 
suasions, from  many  parts  of  the  country,  where  the 
doctrine  of  the  gospel  was  preached  in  great  love  to  the 
people,  which  they  heard  with  solid  attention.  From 
Salem  I  went  to  AUoway's-creek  and  Cohansy,  and  had 
meetings  there  :  I  was  informed  that  more  than  seventy 


persons  had  lately  died  here  of  a  malignant  distemf)er, 
though  it  seemed  to  abate,  none  dying  while  we  wer6 
there.  At  Cohansy  the  meeting  was  large  and  solid, 
the  ugh  but  few  of  our  socie'ty  there  ;  and  they  were  ear- 
nestiy  admonished  to  a  proper  disposition  of  mind,  to  fit 
them  either  for  life  or  death,  and  reminded  of  the  regard 
of  the  Almighty  to  such  as  live  in  his  fear,  who  will  have 
peace  in  their  death,  and  their  exchange  will  be  glorious, 
when  they  are  taken  out  of  this  life  ;  but  with  the  wicked 
it  is  not  so. 

From  Cohansy  I  vv^nt  through  the  wilderness  over 
Maurice's  river,  accompanied  by  James  Daniel,  through 
a  miry,  boggy  way,  in  which  we  saw  no  house  for  about 
forty  miles  except  at  the  ferry,  and  that  night  we  got  to 
Richard  Townsend's,  of  Cape-May,  where  we  were 
kindly  received  ;  next  day  we  had  a  meeting  at  Rebecca 
Garrison's,  and  the  day  after  a  pretty  large  one  at  Rich- 
ard Townsend's,  and  then  went  down  to  the  Cape,  and 
had  a  meeting  at  John  Page's  and  next  day  another  at 
Aaron  Learning's  ;  several  expressed  their  satisfaction 
with  those  meetings.  I  lodged  two  nights  at  Jacob 
Spicer's,  my  wife's  brother. 

From  Cape-May  we  travelled  along  the  sea-coast  to 
Great- Egg- Harbour,  had  another  meeting,  much  larger 
than  the  first,  at  Rebecca  Garrison's,  and  here  I  was  much 
concerned  to  promote  the  settlement  of  a  monthly  meet- 
ing, for  the  well  ordering  the  affairs  of  our  society. 

We  swam  our  creatures, over  Egg- Harbour  river,  and 
went  over  ourselves  in  canoes,  and  afterwards  we  had  a 
meeting  at  Richard  Summers',  which  was  as  large  as 
could  be  expected,  considering  the  people's  living  at  a 
distance  from  each  other. 

The  next  meeting  we  had  at  John  Scull's  ;  and  on 
first  day  we  had  a  large  one  at  Peter  White's,  and  on 
second  day  at  Japhet  Leed's,  and  then  we  went  five  miles 
through  a  marsh  to  Little- Egg-Harbour  river,  and  had  a 
meeting  in  their  meeting-house  on  the  fourth  day  of  the 
week,  and  eleventh  day  of  the  month,  which  was  the 
larger  by  the  addition  of  the  owners,  masters,  and  marin- 
ers, of  two  sloops  from  New- York,  who,  hearing  of  the 


Ineeting,  came  to  it.  And  tlie  next  day  we  had  another 
meeting  at  the  same  place,  and  lodged  at  Jarvis  Faro's. 
After  these  two  meetings,  I  left  Egg- Harbour,  accom. 
panied  by  several  friends  from  thence,  and  travelled  about 
forty  miles,  before  we  came  to  any  house.  In  the  even- 
ing we  reached  a  friend's  house,  where  we  were  kindly 
entertained,  and  next  morning  we  got  to  Burlington,  and 
so  home,  \vhere  I  found  all  well,  and  wastherefore  thank- 
ful  to  the  Almighty.  In  this  journey  I  travelled  about 
three  hundred  miles,  had  twenty-one  meetings,  and  was 
from  home  about  three  weeks. 

In  the  third  mon  h,  I  stayed  at  and  about  home,  visiting 
the  meetings  at  Philadelphia,  Germaatovvn,  Abington, 
and  Frankfort. 

In  the  fourth  month  I  left  my  family,  and  went  back  in 
the  woods  as  far  as  Oley.  I  was  from  home  nine  days, 
travelled  about  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles,  and  had  six 
meetings  at  Oley,  Perkiomen,  and  divers  other  places, 
chiefly  in  barns  and  open  places,  there  being  large  com- 
panies of  people,  and  few  meeting  houses  yet  built  in 
those  parts  of  the  country.  In  this  journey  I  suffered 
pretty  much  through  the  heat.  The  first  meeting  was  at 
the  iron  works  settled  a  little  beyond  a  plice  called 
Mount  Misery.  I  was  concerned  for  those  people,  hav- 
ing heard  of  their  rude  doings  before  I  left  my  habitation  ; 
and  although  some  were  rude,  others  behaved  them- 
selves soberly,  and  expressed  their  thankfulness  for  that 
visitation,  as  I  do  for  the  opportunity  I  had  of  clearing 
myself  to  them.  On  my  return  homewards,  I  crossed 
Schuylkill,  and  went  to  Samuel  Nutt's  iron  works,  where 
I  had  a  large,  quiet,  solid  meeting  ;  and  the  next  day  I 
called  to  see  my  old  friend  David  Meredith,  who  being 
about  89  years  of  age,  I  thought  it  probable  I  might 
not  have  another  opportunity  of  seeing.  He  met  me 
with  gladness,  and  told  me,  it  was  their  meeting-day ; 
so  that  I  stayed,  and  was  much  comforted  and  tendered 
by  the  power  of  Christ ;  after  which  I  came  home  that 

On  the  next  first  day,  after  my  return,  I  went  to  Phil- 
adelphia, and,  after  the  afternoon  meeting,  to  Darby,  and 


from  thence  to  a  yearl}  meeting  in  Chester  county,  held 
ai  Gosheii ;  though  the  season  was  wet,  this  was  a  large, 
good  meeting ;  at  wliich  there  were  three  young  men, 
who  wtre  lately  called  to  the  work  of  the  ministry,  whom 
I  was  glad  to  hear  declare  the  truth  in  the  power  and 
simplicity  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  being  of  the  mind  of 
Mioses,  when  he  said,  in  answer  to  Joshua,  '*  Would 
Ci;d  that  all  the  Lord's  people  were  prophets,  and  that 
the  Lord  would  put  of  his  spirit  upon  them."  Num.  xi, 
29.  Alter  this  meeting  I  went  to  Springfield,  and  the 
next  day  returned  home. 

On  the  22d  of  the  fourth  month,  I  went  to  the  mar- 
riage of  John  Lee's  daughter,  at  Springfield,  in  Chester 
count}  :  the  meeting  was  large,  and  I  was  concerned  to 
speak  n  ostly  to  the  young  people,  advising  them  to  seek 
tht  Lord  in  that  great  afiliir  of  marriage,  that  they  be 
careful  how  and  en  whom  they  set  their  affections,  and 
not  to  draw  out  one  another's  minds,  if  they  did  not  intend 
an  honourable  marriage  ;  and  reminding  them  of  the  ill 
tendency  of  courting  several  at  a  time,  or  suffering  sev- 
eral to  court  at  once,  and  that  they  be  chaste  and  true  in 
their  proceedings,  duly  regarding  the  advice  of  the  apos- 
tie,  "  Be  not  unequally  yoked  ;"  for  to  be  sure  all  such 
marriages  are  unequal,  when  those  Avho  marry  are  of  dif- 
ferent principles  of  religion.  The  meeting  ended  with 
tender  supplication  for  preservation  through  whatever 
exercises,  tun  her  troubles  or  trials,  temptations  or  af- 
flictions, we  might  meet  with  in  the  world,  that  so  we 
miglst  eiid  well  at  last,  and  live  for  ever  to  praise  and  glo- 
rif}  God  and  the  Liunb,  who,  through  the  holy,  eternal 
spirit,  is  worth}  forever. 

On  the  receipt  of  the  last  letter  from  my  dear  father, 
■which  I  some  time  since  mentioned  I  was  a])prthensive 
it  night  be  his  last,  which  it  proved  to  be  ;  for  the  next 
letter  from  my  dear  brother  ga\  e  me  intelligence  of  his 
death,  which  I  received  the  25th  of  the  fourth  month  this 
year.  The  news  of  my  dear  father's  decease  took  such 
hold  of  my  mind,  though  1  daily  exjjected  it,  that  for  some 
time  I  was  hardly  sociable.  Oh!  how  have  I  been  some- 
times comforted  in  his  loving  and  tender  epistles !  at  the 


receipt  of  which  I  have  cried  to  the  Lord,  that,  if  it 
pleased  him,  I  might  have  a  double  portion  of  the  spirit 
which  he  gave  to  my  father  :  but,  Oh  !  now  1  must  never 
hear  more  from  him  in  this  world ;  yet  in  this  I  have 
some  inward  comfort,  that  I  hope  we  shall  meet  where 
we  shall  never  part  more.  Here  follows  a  part  of  my  af- 
fectionate brother's  account  of  my  father's  death  and 

"  Edmonton,  25th  of  the  1st  Month,  1726. 

"  Dear  Brother, 

*'  This  comes  with  the  sorrowful  account  of  our 
dear  father's  decease,  who  departed  this  life  the  7th  in- 
stant, after  having  been  indisposed  about  a  fortnight.  I 
have  herewith  sent  a  particular  account  of  some  remark- 
able passages,  and  his  last  expressions  in  his  sickness ; 
that  part  relating  to  his  convincement,  he  desired  should 
be  committed  to  writing,  which  I  have  done,  and  sent  it  to 

*'  I  was  with  him  several  times  in  his  last  illness,  and 
most  ol  the  two  last  days  of  his  life,  as  thou  mayest  per- 
ceive by  the  contents.  Our  worthy  father  was  honour- 
ably buried  on  the  1 1th  instant,  being  carried  from  his 
own  house  to  the  meeting-house  at  Horsleydown,  accom- 
panied by  his  relations,  where  was  a  large  meeting  of  ma- 
il} people,  as  many  as  the  meeting-house  could  well  con- 
tain, and  many  testimonies  were  there  borne  to  the  inno- 
cent, exemplary  life,  integrity,  and  honest  zeal  of  ourdear 
father,  so  concurrent  and  unanimous,  that  I  have  hardly 
known  any  such  occasion  more  remarkable  :  he  was  ac- 
companied from  thence  to  the  grave  very  solemnly,  and 
there  in  like  manner  interred,  where  a  further  testimony 
was  given  to  his  honest  life  and  conversation,  and  lively 
zeal  for  the  holy  truth,  whereof  he  made  profession. 

"  Dear  brother,  though  it  be  a  sorrowful  occasion  of 
writing,  yet  herein  we  may  be  comforted  in  consideration 
that  our  father  went  to  his  grave  in  peace  in  a  good  old 


age  :  he  had  his  understanding  and  memory  to  the  last  in 
a  wonderful  manner.  1  believe,  as  I  have  sometimes  said, 
tliat  he  embraced  death  as  joyfully  as  ever  he  did  any- 
happy  accident  of  his  life  :  I  remember  one  passage  of 
his  cheerful  resignation,  finding  him  fine  and  cheery  when 
I  came  to  see  him,  a  week  before  his  decease,  and  he 
shewing  me  how  well  he  could  walk  about  the  room,  and 
would  have  went  out  of  it,  though  he  was  very  bad  the 
day  before,  so  that  I  said,  father,  1  hope  thou  wilt  get  over 
this  illness  ;  but  he  answered  me  pretty  quick  and  loud, 
*'  No,  but  I  don't  though  :'*  It  is  not  long  since  he  was 
at  my  house,  and  was  cheerful  and  well,  but  spoke  as  if 
he  thought  it  would  be  the  last  time.  My  wife  said, 
*'  Father,  thou  mayest  live  some  years;"  but  he  replied, 
*'  Is  it  not  better  for  me  to  die,  and  go  to  Christ  ?"  So, 
dear  brother,  with  dear  love  to  thee,  my  sister,  and  thy 
dear  children,  and  our  relations,  I  conclude  with  earnest 
desires  for  thy  health  and  welfcU"e, 

"  Thv  aifectionate  brother, 


My  brother* s  account  of  my  father'' s  eonvincement^  and 
of  his  last  sichiess  and  dying  words. 

My  father  was  born  of  religious  parents  at  Kempton, 
near  Hitching,  in  Hertfordshire,  the  1st  of  the  ninth 
month,  1642  ;  his  father's  name  was  Thomas  Chalkley, 
by  trade  a  dealer  in  meal,  by  profession  of  the  church  of 
England,  and  zealous  in  his  way,  as  was  also  his  wife. 

They  had  four  sons  and  three  daughters,  John,  George, 
Thomas,  and  Robert;  Elizabeth,  Sarah,  and  Mary.  My 
father,  being  the  third  son,  was  convinced  very  young  at 
a  meeting  by  Enfield- Chace- Side,  near  Winchmore-Hill, 
through  the  powerful  ministry  of  William  Brend,  who 
was  an  eminent  minister  in  the  Lord's  hand  in  that  day, 
and  had  been  a  great  sufferer  for  his  testimony  in  Nev/- 
Englaiid.     He  was  preaching,  as  1  heard  my  father  sev- 


eral  times  say,  upon  the  words  of  the  preacher,  Eccles^ 
xi.  9.  "  Rejoice,  O  young  man,  in  thy  youth,  and  let  thy 
heiu't  cheer  thee  in  the  days  of  thy  youth,  and  walk  in 
the  ways  of  thy  heart,  and  in  the  sight  of  thine  eyes  ;  but 
know  thou,  that  for  all  these  things  God  will  bring  thee 
into  judgment."  Upon  which  subject  he  spoke  so  home 
to  my  father's  state  and  condition,  that  he  was  convinced, 
and  two  others  of  his  companions  were  reached  and  af- 
fected with  the  testimony  of  Christ's  truth  and  gospel  ; 
my  father  and  two  young  men  had  been  walking  in  the 
fields,  having  religious  conversation  together,  and  were 
providentially  directed  to  the  meeting,  by  observing 
some  friends  going  to  it  whom  they  followed  thither  :  one 
of  his  companions  was  Samuel  Hodges,  who  lived  and 
died  a  faithful  friend,  at  whose  house  in  succeeding  times  a 
meeting  was  settled,  and  is  there  continued,  and  a  meet- 
ing-house built  at  this  day  at  Mims,  in  Hertfordshire. 

My  father  was  the  first  of  the  family  who  received 
the  testimony  of  truth,  as  it  is  in  Jesus,  after  which  his 
father  and  mother  were  convinced,  and  all  his  brothers 
and  sisters,  who  lived  and  died  honest  friends,  except  one 
who  died  young,  continuing  in  the  church  of  England 
persuasion.  Soon  after  the  convincement  of  my  father 
and  his  two  companions  aforesaid,  they  met  with  a  trial 
of  their  faith  and  patience  ;  for  being  taken  at  a  religious 
meeting  of  friends,  they  were  all  three  committed  to  the 
new  prison  in  Whitechapel,  where  having  continued  pris- 
oners for  some  time,  the  magistrates,  observing  their 
christian  courage,  boldness,  and  innocency,  and  being 
touched  with  tenderness  towards  them,  considering  their 
youth,  they  discharged  them. 

My  father,  about  the  25th  year  of  his  age,  married 
my  mother,  a  virtuous  young  woman,  who  was  the  wid- 
ow of  Nathaniel  Harding,  a  friend  who  died  under  the 
sentence  of  banishment  for  his  profession  of  Christ ;  the 
above  account  I  had  from  my  father's  own  mouth  ;  what 
follows  fell  within  my  own  observation. 

My  dear  father  met  with  great  exercises  and  disap. 
pointments  in  his  early  days ;  he,  dealing  in  his  father's 
business,  sold  meal  to  some  who  broke  in  his  debt,  which 


brought  him  low  in  the  world,  in  which  low  estate  he  was 
an  eminent  example  of  patience,  resignation,  and  industry, 
labouring  with  his  hands  for  the  surport  of  his  family, 
and  conscientiously  answering  all  his  engagements  ;  so 
that  it  may  be  justly  said  of  him,  he  was  careful  that  he 
might  owe  nothing  to  any  man  but  love  ;  and  farther,  he 
was  very  constant  in  keeping  to  meetings,  being  a  good 
example  therein,  though  in  very  hot  times  of  persecu- 
tion ;  for  when  friends  were  sorely  and  severely  persecut- 
ed on  account  of  keeping  their  religious  meetings,  and 
the  prisons  filled  with  them  through  the  nation,  and 
their  goods  taken  away,  and  much  spoil  and  havock  made 
about  the  years  1680  to  1684,  my  father  constantly  at- 
tended meetings,  and  never  missed,  as  I  remember,  when 
well ;  and  though  he  was  s(  metimes  concerned  to  speak 
by  way  of  exhortation  to  friends  in  their  public  meetin,Q;s, 
when  they  were  kept  out  of  their  meeting  houses,  by  the 
then  powers,  to  stand  faithful  to  the  truth  and  testifying 
of  the  solid  comfort  and  satisfaction  those  had  who  truly 
waited  on  the  Lord,  which  the  faithful  enjoyed,  not  with- 
standing  their  deep  and  many  sufferings  for  Chri.'^t's  sake, 
and  his  gospel,  it  pleased  the  Lord  to  preserve  him  by 
his  divine  providence,  that  he  did  not  suffer  imprison- 
ment, though  the  wicked  informers  were  very  busy  in 
that  time  of  severe  persecution.  I  may  further  add,  that 
when  father  was  about  60  years  of  age,  he  had  a  concern 
to  visit  friends  in  the  north  of  England,  and  some  other 
parts  of  the  nation  ;  and  in  the  75th  year  of  his  age,  he 
travelled  to  Chester,  and  from  thence,  in  company  with 
James  Bates,  a  public  friend,  of  Virginia,  went  over  for 
Ireland ;  in  all  which  services  he  had  good  satisfaction, 
and  was  well  received  of  friends  :  divers  other  journies 
and  travels  he  performed  not  here  noted  ;  but  this  jour- 
ney hito  another  nation  at  75  years  of  age,  shews  that  age 
had  not  quenched  his  love  and  zeal  for  his  Lord's  work 
and  service. 

In  our  father's  old  age  he  vv^as  attended  with  very  great 
exercises  :  about  the  77th  year  of  his  age,  as  he  was  as- 
sisting his  men  in  the  dusk  of  the  evening,  he  missed  his 
footing,  and  fell  down,  and  broke  his  leg ;  and  soon  after 


his  leg  was  well,  he  met  with  another  accident  by  a  fall, 
which  disabled  him,  and  made  him  lame  to  his  death, 
never  recovering  the  hurt  he  had  by  that  fall,  which  was 
after  this  manner  ;  he  was  sitting  in  a  chair  by  his  door  on 
a  plank,  which  not  being  set  fast,  it  fell,  and  he,  to  save 
himself  from  the  stroke  of  the  plank,  fell  with  his  hip  on 
the  stones,  and  got  hurt  exceedingly,  notwithstanding  he 
was  remarkable  for  his  activity  ;  he  would  walk,  though 
so  aged,  and  also  lame,  as  far  as  the  Work-house,  Devon- 
shire-house, and  Bull  and  Mouth  meetings,  two  or  three 
miles  from  home.  The  last  bad  accident  that  befel  him 
was  about  three  weeks  before  his  death,  when,  being 
walking  in  the  timber  yard,  a  single  plank,  which  stood 
against  a  pile,  fell  down,  and  striking  him  on  his  side, 
threw  him  down  ;  he  complained  not  much  of  the  blow 
till  about  a  week  after,  when  he  was  taken  with  a  violent 
pain  in  his  side,  on  the  very  place  where  he  received  the 
stroke,  and  when  his  cough  took  him,  vvith  which  he  was 
often  troubled,  the  pain  was  very  great ;  howbeit,  through 
means  of  a  searcloth  he  received  some  ease,  and  the  pain 
of  his  side  abated,  and  the  cough  went  off;  but  a  vio- 
lent flux  followed,  and  it  brought  h^m  very  low,  and  ex- 
treme weak  ;  so  that  it  was  thought  he  could  not  continue 
long  ;  upon  which  notice  was  sent  to  me,  and  I  ^vent  to 
see  him,  and  found  him  very  low ;  but  he  revived,  and 
changed  often  in  this  last  illness ;  I  having  been  to  see 
him  five  or  six  days  before,  having  an  account  that  he 
was  ill,  I  then  found  him  cheerful,  and  thought  he  might 
recover.  He  continued  all  the  time  of  his  illness  in  a 
patient  and  resigned  frame  of  mind  ;  on  a  first  day,  in 
the  afternoon,  he  took  his  bed,  being  the  6th  of  the  first 
month,  and  in  the  evening,  after  the  afternoon  meetings 
which  was  the  first  day  before  his  death,  several  friends 
came  to  visit  him,  who  finding  him  very  weak,  after  a 
little  stay,  went  to  take  their  leave  of  him,  whom  he  de- 
sired to  sit  down,  and  after  some  time  of  silence,  he  broke 
forth  in  declaration  in  an  intelligible  and  lively  manner, 
to  this  effect,  saying,  We  have  no  continuing  city  here^ 
but  seek  one  to  come,  which  hath  foundations,  whose 
liuilder  and  maker  is  God  :  Friends,  may  we  all  labour 


to  be  prepared  for  our  last  and  great  change,  tliat  whcii 
this  earthly  tabernacle  shall  be  dissolved,  we  may  have 
an  habitation  with  the  Lord,  a  building  not  made  Avith 
hands,  eternal  in  the  hea\ens,  and  that  it  might  be  tlius, 
the  Lord  hath  shewed  thee,  Oh!  man,  what  is  good,  viz* 
To  do  justly,  love  mercy,  and  walk  humbly  with  thy 
Cod.  I  do  not  expect  but  that  this  \\ill  be  the  last  night  I 
shall  have  in  this  world,  and  I  desire  it  may  be  remem- 
bered, as  the  words  of  a  dying  man,  which  came  to  pass, 
for  he  died  the  next  day.  Oii  !  that  we  may  labour  to  be 
clothed  upon  with  our  house  that  is  from  heaven,  so  that 
when  the  finishing  hour  comes,  we  may  have  nothing  to 
do  but  to  die.  About  one  or  two  o'clock,  the  next  morn- 
ing, he  began  to  change,  and  desired  to  see  me  ;  I  came 
to  him,  and  found  him  very  sensible,  but  expected  his 
end  quickly  to  approach;  he  saying,  he  was  waiting  for 
his  change.  My  son-in-law,  Samuel  Thornton,  being 
with  me,  and  we  sitting  by  the  bedside,  with  his  nurse, 
his  housekeeper,  and  his  man,  about  the  fourth  hour  in 
the  morning,  he^ prayed  fervently  after  this  manner; — 
Lord,  now  lettest  thou  thy  servant  depart  in  peace,  for 
mine  eyes  have  seen.thy  salvation,  which  thou  hast  pre- 
pared before  the  face  of  all  people,  thou  hast  given  thy 
Son,  a  light  to  enlighten  the  gentiles,  and  to  be  the  glory 
of  thy  people  Israel ;  and  now,  Lord  be  with  thy  people 
and  servants,  and  preserve  my  near  and  dear  relations, 
and  keep  them  from  the  snares  and  temptations  of  the 
enemy,  that  in  thy  truth  they  may  fear  thy  great  name. 

After  a  little  time  of  silence,  he  desired  me  to  remem- 
ber his  dear  love,  in  the  life  of  Christ  Jesus,  to  my 
dear  brother,  Thomas  Chalkley,  in  Pennsvlvania,  and  to 
all  my  old  friends  and  acquaintance.  Ai:»out  the  11th 
hour  in  the  morning  he  inquired  how  the  tide  was,  which 
no  body  present  could  exactly  tell ;  some  time  after  he 
asked  again ;  his  man  then  went  out  to  sec,  returning,  he 
told  him,  it  would  be  high  water  about  3  o'clock  in  the 
afternoon  ;  he  then  lay  still  a  while,  and  after  some  pause 
spoke  cheerfully  out  aloud,  so  that  all  in  the  room  might 
hear  him,  I  shall  go  off  about  five  ;  his  man  said,  master, 
how  dost  know?     To  which  he  answered,  Know,  I  do 


not  know,  but  I  believe  it.  After  this  the  apothecary, 
one  of  his  neighbours,  among  whom  he  was  well  belov. 
ed,  about  noon  came  to  see  him,  and  asked  him  how  he 
wasP  Father  answered,  that  for  three  or  four  hours  in  the 
night  he  thought  he  should  have  gone.  Why,  said  he,  sir, 
it  will  be  no  surprise  to  you,  I  hope.  No,  no,  said  my 
father,  very  cheerfully.  He  taking  leave  of  father,  said, 
the  Lord  be  with  you.  To  whom  father  answered,  and 
with  thee  also.  The  doctor  having  ordered  him  a  com- 
fortable cordial  to  drink,  he  drank  it  willingly,  and  then 
said,  I  do  Jiot  think  to  drink  any  more  in  this  world  ; 
but  I  hope  I  shall  drink  plentifully  of  the  river  of  life  ; 
then  drawing  near  his  end,  finding  his  strength  fail,  there 
bting  a  cord  by  his  order  at  the  bed's  feet,  he  raising 
himself  up  thereby  as  long  as  he  had  am-  strength  left  in 
his  hands,  and  when  his  hands  and  shoulders  failed,  and 
his  head,  when  last  lifted  up,  he  spoke  very  low  and 
faultering,  yet  so  as  I  could  understand,  and  said,  now  I 
am  going,  and  about  an  hour  after,  laying  all  the  while 
without  sigh  or  groan,  departed  this  life,  as  in  a  slumber, 
in  sweet  peace,  according  as  he  had  foretold,  just  as  the 
clock  struck  five,  in  a  perfect  enjoyment  of  that  legacy 
our  Saviour  left  his  followers  ;  *'  My  peace  I  leave  with 
you,"  &c.  leaving  us,  of  the  succeeding  generation,  a 
good  example  to  follow  ;  who,  as  he  lived,  so  he  died, 
like  a  lamb,  in  the  84th  year  of  his  age,  the  7th  day  of  the 
first  month,  1725-6. 


To  ■which  account  I  shall  add  the  following  short  testimony 
concerning  my  dear  and  greatly  beloved  father^  George 
Chalkley^  viz. 

"  I  have  a  great  deal  in  my  heart,  more  than  I  can 
write  concerning  my  dear  father's  life,  it  having  been  a 
wonderful  life  to  me  from  my  youth  up  ;  his  early  care  of 
me,  and  counsel  to  me,  when  I  was  too  thoughtless  and 
wild,  melts  me  into  tears  now  in  the  remembrance  of  it ; 
and  my  tender  mother  was  a  partner  with  him  in  the 


same  exercise,  and  she  died  in  like  peace.  The  last 
words  1  heard  her  speak  were,  1  long  to  be  dissolved. 
And  as  to  my  tender  lather,  I  would  record  a  little  briefly 
in  nicmory  of  him,  that  he  was, 

1st.  A  true  and  faithful  servant  of  Christ. 

2d.  A  tender  and  aftectionate  husband :  I  lived  at 
home  with  my  parents  about  twent}  years,  and  I  never 
heard,  that  I  remember,  an  angry  ex]:)ression  between 
them,  only  once  something  had  troubled  them,  and  they 
both  wept,  my  father  saying,  I  have  been  an  indulgent 
husband  unto  thee,  and  my  mother  answered,  1  have  not 
been  one  of  the  worst  of  wives  to  thee  ;  which  were  the 
harshest  words,  and  the  greatest  difference  that  1  observed 
between  them  ;  for  their  life  was  a  life  of  peace  and 
love,  and  they  were  an  excellent  example  to  us  their 
cliiidren.     Oh  !   may  we  ibilow  them  therein  to  the  end  I 

3d.  He  had  a  fatherly  care  for  his  children,  in  tender 
pra}  ers  for  us,  and  in  good  advice  to  us,  and  in  giving  us 
learning  according  to  his  ability,  and  teaching  us,  by  his 
example,  as  well  as  precept,  industry,  humility,  and  the 
true  religion  of  our  blessed  Saviour,  endeavouring  to 
plant  it  in  us  betimes,  and  to  destroy  the  evil  root  of  sin 
in  us,  while  yoimg. 

4th.  I  was  his  servant,  as  well  as  his  son,  and  I  can 
truly  say,  his  service  \Aas  delightful,  and  his  company 
pleasing  and  profitable  to  me  ;  and  he  was  also  beloved 
much  by  his  other  servants. 

5th.  He  was  universally  beloved  by  his  neighbours, 
and  I  do  not  remember  any  difference  between  him  and 
them,  in  the  many  years  I  lived  with  him  ;  but  all  was 
peace  and  love. 

6th.  He  was  very  loving  to  his  relations,  and  true  to 
his  friends,  and  a  hciuty  well  wisher  and  iover  of  his  king 
and  country. 

T.  C. 

Our  general  meeting  at  Frankfort,  the  30th  of  fourth 
month,  was  large,  our  hitr.d  \\  ili;  ni  Pigot,  from  Lon- 
don, bemg  there,  in  the  course  of  his  visit  to  frieixls  in 


America,  and  had  close   work  and  good  service  in  this 

In  the  fifth  month,  1726,  I  visited  the  meetings  of 
friends  at  Philadelphia,  Germantown,  Bybury,  and  Frank- 
fort, I  had  very  comfortable  satisfaction :  my  testimony- 
was  pretty  sharp  sometimes  to  transgressors,  and  there- 
fore some  of  them  hate  me,  as  the  Jews  did  my  great 
Master :  because  I  was  concerned  to  testify,  that  their 
deeds  were  evil,  and  to  excite  my  friends  to  manifest  a 
christian  zeal,  by  openly  denying  ungodly  men,  while 
they  conthme  in  their  ungodly  works  ;  but  when  they  be- 
come truly  penitent,  and  reform  their  lives,  the  arms  of 
Christ,  and  ihis  church,  will  be  open  to  receive  them. 

Being  under  some  melancholy  thoughts,  because  some 
persons,  for  whom  I  wished  well,  and  to  whom  I  had 
been  of  service,  were  so  envious  and  malicious  as  to  tell 
false  stories  of  me,  tending  to  def[ime  me ;  as  I  was  riding 
to  our  meeting,  it  opened  with  satisfaction  to  my  mind, 
the  more  my  enemies  hate  me,  the  more  I  will  love,  if 
that  can  be ;  and  I  had  hearty  desires  to  come  up  in  the 
practice  of  this  resolution  ;  and  I  then  thought  I  should 
come  up  with  them  all,  for  if  a  man  loves  and  prays  for 
his  enemies,  if  they  are  gained,  he  is  instrumental  to 
their  good,  and  so  hath  cause  of  rejoicing ;  and  if  they 
are  not  gained,  he  heaps  coals  of  fire  upon  their  heads ; 
so  that  every  true  christian,  by  keeping  under  the  cross 
of  Christ,  and  in  the  practice  of  his  doctrine,  gets  the  bet- 
ter of  his  enemies. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  sixth  month,  I  was  at  the  burial 
of  Robert  Fletcher,  a  worthy  man,  and  one  universally 
beloved  by  all  sorts  of  people,  as  far  as  ever  I  heard  ; 
there  was  a  large  meeting  at  his  funeral,  wherein  several 
testimonies,  suitable  to  the  occasion,  were  borne :  some 
of  his  last  words  were  mentioned,  which  were,  that  he 
had  lived  according  to  the  measure  of  grace  given  him. 
And  the  doctrine  of  the  resurrection  was  maintained  ac- 
cording to  the  scripture,  and  the  people  were  exhorted  to 
prepare  for  their  final  change.  The  death  of  this  friend 
was  a  loss  to  the  country,  to  our  society,  and  to  his  neigh- 
bours, as  well  as  to  his  fiimily  and  friends. 


After  meeting,  I  travelled  towards  Uwchland,  had  a 
meeting  there  on  first  day,  and  on  second  day  another 
meeting  at  Lewis  Walker's,  and  on  third  day  was  at  the 
general  meeting  at  Haverford  :  Friends  were  exhorted  to 
dwell  in  the  love  of  God,  one  towards  another  ;  for  if 
they  lost  their  love  they  would  lose  their  religion,  their 
peace,  and  their  God  ;  for  *'  God  is  love,  and  those  that 
dwell  in  God,  dwell  in  love." 

My  neighbour,  Daniel  Worthington,  accompanied  me 
in  this  rough  travel,  some  part  of  the  way  being  hilly,  and 
very  stony  and  bushy,  and  the  weather  wet.  We  had 
four  meetings,  and  rode  about  fourscore  miles  ;  and 
though  I  had  travelled  nmch  in  this  province,  I  had  never 
been  at  some  of  those  places  before  :  but  a  few  nights 
before  I  set  out,  I  had  a  plain  prosjiect  of  them  in  a  dream, 
or  night  vision,  as  I  saw  them  afterwards,  which  I 
thought  somewhat  remarkable. 

The  people  inhabiting  this  province  are  now  become 
numerous,  and  make  many  settlements  in  the  woods, 
more  than  I  have  observed  in  my  travels  in  any  of  the 
British  plantations ;  and  there  hath  long  been  a  desire  in 
my  mind  that  they  might  prosper  in  the  work  of  true  and 
thorough  reformation ;  and  a  godly  fear  and  concern 
being  upon  me,  I  have  sometimes  put  them  in  mind  of 
the  state  of  this  land,  when  their  fathers  first  came  and 
settled  in  it ;  and  to  caution  them  of  growing  careless, 
and  forgetting  the  Lord,  lest  he  should  forsake  them,  and 
turn  their  now  "  fruitful  fields  into  a  barren  wilderness," 
as  this  was  so  lately  ;  which  it  is  easy  with  him  to  do,  if 
he  pleases,  for  the  sins  of  the  people. 

After  my  return  home,  I  visited  many  meetings,  as, 
Abington  (youths'  meeting),  Philadelphia,  and  Chester. 
At  Chester  I  was  concerned  to  direct  the  people  to  that 
power  in  themselves,  which  is  the  life  of  religion,  and  to 
be  careful  not  to  rest  in  the  best  forms  without  it  ;  for  if 
we  had  only  the  form  of  godliness,  and  had  not  the  lire 
and  power  of  it,  it  might  be  as  reasonable  for  people  to 
turn  away  from  us,  as  it  \\'as  for  our  forefathers  to  turn 
away  from  other  societies. 


In  the  seventh  month,  I  was  at  our  yearly  meeting  held 
at  Burlington,  for  the  provinces  of  New-Jersey  and  Penn* 
svlvania,  which  was  a  very  large  meeting,  there  being 
friends  from  New- England,  Rhode- Island,  and  Europe. 

First  day  morning  I  went  to  Evesham,  to  the  burial  of 
our  serviceable  friend  Jervice  Stockdale  ;  he  being  in 
good  esteem,  there  was  much  people  :  the  meeting  was 
in  a  good  tender  frame,  and  continued  several  hours  so,  in 
which  divers  testimonies  were  delivered,  in  order  to  stir 
up  people  to  ti  uth  and  righteousness,  and  godly  living, 
that  they  might  die  well.  I  lodged  the  night  before  at 
Peter  Fearon's,  and  in  the  morning  I  was  awaked  out  of 
my  sleep,  as  it  were  by  a  voice,  expressing  these  words : 
*'  He  thcvt  liveth  and  believeth  in  me  shall  never  die." 
This  I  took  to  be  the  voice  of  Christ ;  I  do  not  know 
that  it  was  vocal,  but  it  was  as  plain  as  one.  From  these 
expressions  I  had  to  observe  to  the  people,  the  happy 
state  and  privilege  of  those  M'ho  live  and  believe  in  Christ, 
and  that  such  must  not  live  in  sin. 

During  the  time  of  our  yearly  meeting,  some  rude 
people  came  up  the  river  in  a  small  sloop,  provided  by 
them  for  that  purpose,  and  spent  their  time  in  drinking, 
carousing,  and  firing  of  guns,  to  the  grief  and  concern  of 
friends,  who  were  religiously  discharging  their  duty,  in 
serving  and  worshipping  the  Almighty ;  and,  it  is  observ- 
able, that  one  of  these  disorderly  persons  had  his  hand 
shot  off  at  that  time,  and  that  the  chief  promoters  and  ac- 
tors in  this  riotous  company  were  soon  after  cut  off  by 
death,  in  the  prime  of  their  days. 

After  the  general  meeting  was  over,  which  ended  well, 
friends  in  the  love  of  God  departed  in  peace  for  their 
several  habitations,  praising  and  glorifying  God. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  eighth  month,  having  some 
business  at  Cape  May,  I  ferried  over  to  Gloucester,  and 
went  the  first  night  to  James  Lord's,  lodged  there,  got 
up  before  day,  it  being  first  day  morning,  and  rode  near 
50  miles  to  Salem,  where  we  had  a  good  meeting,  and 
so  went  to  Alloway's  creek,  Cohansy,  and  through  a 
barren  wilderness  to  Cape  May,  where  we  had  one  meet- 
ing, and  returned  home  by  way  of  Egg- Harbour;  in. 


tvhich  journey  I  travelled  upwards  of  two  hundred  miles* 
At  Cape  May  I  was  concerned  to  write  a  few  lines  con- 
cerning swearing,  as  follows  ; 

"  Christians  ought  not  to  swear  in  any  case,  for  these 
reasons :  1st.  Because  Christ,  their  Lord,  torbade  it ; 
unto  whom  the  angels  in  heaven  must  be  subject,  and, 
doubtless,  so  must  mortal  man,  to  whom  he  gave  the 
precept.  We  must  and  ought  to  be  subject  to  Christ, 
Ivho  is  Lord  of  lords,  and  King  of  kings,  and  the  Judge 
of  the  quick  and  the  dead  :  to  him  all  mortals  must  be 
accountable  for  their  disobedience.  He  says,  in  his  ser- 
mon on  the  mount,  thus,  **I  say,  swear  not  at  all:'* 
wherefore,  how  can  Christians  (or  such  who  are  his 
friends)  swear,  since  he  says  also,  "  Ye  are  my  friends, 
if  ye  do  whatsoever  I  command  you  "  So  consequently 
those  who  disobey  his  commands  must  be  his  enemies. 
To  this  command  it  is  objected,  that  Christ  only  spoke 
against  common  or  profane  swearing:  but  this  must 
needs  be  a  great  mistake,  because  Christ  says,  "  It  was 
said  in  old  time,  thou  shalt  perform  unto  the  Lord  thine 
oaths"  (alluding  to  the  law  of  Moses),  which  oaths  were 
solemn  and  religious  ;  therefore  Christ  did  not  only  pro- 
hibit vain  and  profane  swearing,  but  all  swearing;  if 
we  understand  the  word  all,  and  what  all  signifies,  then 
all  and  any  swearing  whatsoever  is  not  lawful  for  a  chris- 
tian, according  to  Christ's  law  and  command,  which  is 
positive  to  his  followers. 

*'  2d.  James,  the  holy  apostle  of  Christ,  our  lawgiver 
and  our  king,  says,  "Above  all  things,  my  brethren, 
swear  not,  neither  by  heaven,  neither  by  the  earth,  nei- 
ther by  any  other  oath."  Christ  says,  "Swear  not  at  all;" 
and  James  his  disciple  and  apostle,  says,  "  Swear  not  by 
any  oath  ;"  wherefore,  if  swearing  on  the  Bible  be  an  oath, 
or  is  swearing  at  all,  it  is  contrary  to  the  express  doc- 
trine of  Christ,  and  his  apostle  James,  as  is  plain  from 
the  above  cited  texts. 

*'  3d.  The  primitive  christians  did  not  swear  at  all, 
in  the  first  ages  of  Christianity.  Query,  whether  our 
modern  swearmg  christians  are  better  than  the  prim- 
itive ones,  who,  for  Christ  and  conscience  sake,  could 


not  swear  at  all,  even  before  a  magistrate,  though  legally 
called  ? 

*'  4th.  Many  christians  have  suffered  death,  because 
they,  for  conscience  sake,  could  not  swear,  and  so  break 
the  command  of  Christ  their  Lord  ;  and  do  not  our  mod- 
ern christians  trample  upon  their  testimony  and  suffer- 
ings ?  some  of  whom  suffered  death  for  not  swearing  be- 
fore  the  heathen  magistrates,  and  some  were  martvred 
by  the  papists ;  judge  then  whether  the  persecuted  or 
persecutors  were  in  the  right. 

"  5th.  Many  of  our  worthy  friends  and  forefathers, 
since  the  former,  have  suffered  to  death  in  jails  for  not 
swearing,^  when  required  by  persecuting  protestants,  be- 
cause for  Christ's  sake  and  sayings,  as  above,  they  could 
not  swear  at  all :  and  this  hath  been  a  testimony  which 
our  society  hath  constantly  borne  ever  since  we  have 
been  a  people,  for  the  reasons  above,  and  more  also,  if 
there  were  occasion,  which  might  be  given." 

The  23d  of  the  eighth  month  I  was  at  the  morning 
meeting  at  Philadelphia,  on  a  first  day  of  the  week,  which 
was  large,  and  I  was  concerned  therein  to  exhort  friends 
to  labour  to  purge  and  cleanse  our  society  of  those  under 
our  profession  who  live  in  open  profaneness,  and  are  riot- 
ous in  their  conversations.  I  was  at  the  Bank  meeting  in 
the  afternoon,  where  we  had  a  comfortable  time  :  and 
the  next  sixth  day  of  the  week  I  was  at  our  monthly 
meeting,  where  it  was  unanimously  agreed,  in  considera- 
tion of  some  late  indecent  conduct  of  some  persons  pre- 
tending to  be  of  our  profession,  that  a  testimony  from 
that  meeting  should  go  forth  against  such  disorderly  do- 
ings, and  unchristian  practices  ;  and  that  all  such  per- 
sons, who  were  irregular  in  their  conversations,  be  dis- 
owned to  be  of  our  community,  until  they,  by  repentance, 
manifest  their  reformation  ;  which  was  accordingly  soon 
after  published,  and  read  in  our  first  day  morning  meet^ 
ing,  and  in  our  youths'  meeting.  And  about  this  time, 
our  governor  issued  a  seasonable  proclamation  against 
drinking  to  excess,  gaming,  swearing  profanely,  revelling, 
night  walking,  and  disturbing  the  peace,  and  other  im- 
moralities ;   xvhich  afforded  some  satisfiiction  to  sober  ;,ind 

A  a 


well  inclined  friends,  and  others :  yet  there  remained  n 
great  exercise  and  concern  upon  my  mind,  that  some 
vcui-.g  people,  whose  parents  had  been  careful  in  training 
them  up,  Were  grG\\n  so  wicked,  that,  b}  their  extrava- 
gant conduct,  they  not  only  disturbed  our  religious  meet- 
ings, but  likewise  became  obnoxious  to  the  peaceable- 
government  we  live  under. 

In  the  ninth  month  1  was  at  divers  meetings,  at  Mer- 
lon, GerniuUtown,  Fairhill,  Abington,  and  Philadelphia, 
in  which  were  several  marriages  solemnized  in  a  relig- 
ious manner.  And  in  the  tenth  month  1  went  into  the 
county  of  Salem,  about  my  afliiirs  :  it  happened  to  be  at 
the  time  of  the  quarterly  meeting  for  Salem  and  Glou- 
cester counties ;  but  I  did  not  know  it,  until  I  came  to 
Salem,  where  friends  were  glad  to  see  me,  as  I  also  was 
to  see  thtm;  there  were  some  of  us  whose  hearts  were 
knit  and  united  togeiher  as  Jonathan's  and  David's,  the 
divine  love  of  God  being  much  shed  abroad  in  our  hearts 
at  that  meeting :  when  it  was  over,  and  I  had  finish- 
ed my  business,  I  could  not  be  clear  in  my  mind  with- 
out having  some  meetings  in  the  said  counties  of  Salem 
ar  d  Gloucester  ;  and  though  it  was  a  sickly  time,  and 
people  died  pretty  much  in  those  parts  where  we  were 
going,  JL.mes  Lord  and  I,  in  the  love  of  Christ,  visited 
the  meetings  at  Alloway's  creek,  Cohansy,  Pile's-grove, 
Wocdberry,  Newton,  aiW:;':Haddoniield,  having  meetings 
every  day  in  the  Week,  except  the  last,  and  sometimes 
riding  nearly  twenty  miles  after  meeting,  the  days  being 
at  the  shortest,  and  the  weather  very  cold  ;  but  the  Lord 
\vas  with  us,  which  made  sufficient  amends  for  all  the 
bodily  hardships  we  met  with. 

1  got  home  well,  but  weary ;  and  was  well  and  joy- 
fully received  by  my  loving  spouse,  children,  and  ser- 
vants ;  and  1  was  truly  thankful  to  the  Most  High,  for 
his  presence  and  goodness  continued  to  me  ;  so  that, 
though  I  perceived  my  bodilv  strength  to  decline  apace, 
niy  siglit,  hearing,  and  voice,  failing  much,  I  have  occasion 
to  believe,  at  times  I  was  hcliied  e\'en  beyond  nature  in 
the  work  of  Christ,  my  dear  Lord  and  Master. 


The  27th  of  the  tenth  niontli,  I  heard  the  news  of  the 
dearh  of  my  dear  friend  John  Lee,  by  one  sent  to  desire 
my  company  at  his  burial,  it  affected  me  with  sorroAV,  he 
being-  an  old  acquaintance,  and  inward  friend  of  mine, 
with  whom  I  had  travelled  many  miles  :  he  was  a  living^, 
serviceable  minister  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  and  instru» 
mental  to  convince  divers  of  that  principle  of  divine  light 
and  truth  which  we  profess.  I  could  not  be  at  his  bur- 
ial, because  of  my  indisposition,  and  the  unseasonableness 
of  the  weather ;  yet  I  think  it  my  duty  to  say  this  con^ 
cerning  him  ;  that  our  love  and  friendship  was  constant 
and  entire  unto  the  end,  having-  been  acqu-ainted  about 
35  years,  as  near  as  I  can  remember. 

In  the  eleventh  month,  as  I  was  meditating  in  my 
closet,  on  the  duty  and  beauty  of  that  great  virtue  of 
temperance,  it  appeared  very  bright  to  the  view  of  my 
mind,  and  the  great  benefit  of  it  to  those  who  loved  and 
lived  in  it :  1st.  As  to  religion,  it  tends  to  keep  the 
mnid  in  an  even  temper,  which  is  a  help  to  devotion,  and 
the  practice  of  religious  duties  :  2d.  It  is  a  great  preserv- 
ative to  health  and  a  good  constitution  :  3d.  It  is  a  bless- 
ing to  posterity,  in  many  considerations.  Whereas  in- 
temperance destroys  the  health,  stains  the  reputation, 
hurts  posterity,  in  respect  to  a  healthy  constitution  of 
body  and  estate,  ruins  many  families,  brings  to  poverty 
and  disgrace,  and,  what  is  yet  worst  of  all,  is  a  great  let 
to  religion  and  the  true  fear  of  God,  and  is  a  great  scan- 
dal to  any  who  make  profession  of  the  christian  religion. 

In  this  month  I  accompanied  William  Piggot,  who 
lately  arrived  from  London,  on  a  religious  visit  to  the 
meetings  of  friends  in  America.  From  Philadelphia  we 
went  to  my  house  at  Frankfort,  and  from  thence  to 
North- Wales,  and  had  two  large  satisfactory  meetings  on 
the  first  day  ;  next  day  we  were  at  the  monthly  meeting 
at  Abington,  the  third  day  at  Frankfort,  and  fomth  day 
at  Germantown.  Fifth  day  I  went  to  Philadelphia  week 
day  meeting,  and  the  said  friend  to  Abington  general 
meeting,  and  a  few  days  after  we  met  agiin  at  the 
quarterly  meeting  of  ministers  and  elde,rs  at  Philadel- 


The  8th  of  the  twelfth  month  was  our  youths'  meeting 
at  Frankfort ;  many   dying  about  this  time,  1  was  con- 
cerned in  the   meeting  to   put  friends  in  mind  of  their 
mortality  ;  and   that   1   had   told  friends  lately,   at  their 
meetings  at   Abington  and   Philadelphia,  that  as  I  was 
riding   from  my    house  to    iMiiladelphia,   about   a  mile 
from  the  city,  I  saw,  in  the  vision  of  life,  the  hand  oi  the 
Lord  stretched  over  the  city  aud  proviiice,  with  a  rod  in 
it,  in  order  to  correct  the  inhabitants  for  their  sins  and 
iniquities  ;  which  sight  affected   my  mind  greatly,  and 
although  I  did  not  hear  any  vocal  voice,  nor  see  any  vis- 
ible hand,  yet  it  \vas  as  plainly  revealed  to  me  as  though 
I   had ;    and  that  notwithstanding    I   understood    some 
blighted  that  testimony,  yet  I  observed  to  them,  that  since 
that  time,  more  people  were  taken  away  than  common, 
as  they  now  might  see  ;  and  indeed  that  inward  sight  and 
sense  I  had  of  the  displeasure  of  God,  for  the  sins  of  the 
times,  nicide  great  im])ression  on  my    mind  ;  and  that  no 
flesh  might  glory,  the  Lord  took,  from  the  evil  to  come, 
several   sober,    well   inclined   }  oung  people,  as  well  as 
divers  whose  lives  and  conversations  were  evil  and  vic- 
ious ;   so  that  all  had  need  to  be  warned  to  be  watchful, 
and  turn  to  the  Lord  lest  he  come  at  unawares,  and  call 
us  suddenly  out  of  the  world  imprepared.     In  the  twelfth 
and  first  months  many  died,  of  all  ages  and  professions  ; 
and  now  some,  who  would  hardly  give  credit  to  what  I 
had  delivered  in  sevenil  meetings,  began  to  see  the  ful- 
filling of  it,  and  great  talk  there  was  about  it :   and  many 
solid  and  large  meetings  we  had  with  the  people  at  divers 
funerals  about   this   time,  exhorting  the    people  not    to 
slight  the  present  visitation  of  the  Almighty,  and  to  pre- 
pare for  eternity,  to  meet  the  Judge  of  the  quick  and  the 
dead,  who  stands  at  die  door.     And  among  many  that 
were  taken  aw.,y  by  death,  were  some  few  of  my  particu- 
lar friends  ;  and  first,  dear  Hannah  Hill,  who  was  a  bright 
example  of  piety  and   charity;  she   was  like  a  nursing 
mother  to  me  in  my  afflictions,  as  was  her  husband  more 
like  a  brother,  than  one  not  related,  whose  generous  en- 
teitainment  I  ma}  never  forget  at  times.     Thomas  Grif- 
fith, and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  died  also  about  this  time ; 


Thomas  was  a  serviceable  man,  and  well  esteemed  in  our 
society  ;  and  his  wife  a  noted  woman  for  being  helpful 
to,  and  visiting  the  sick  :  she  chose  the  house  of  mourn- 
ing, rather  than  the  house  of  mirth.  These  were  wor- 
thy ancients,  who  made  peaceable  and  good  ends,  and  to 
whom  may  be  properly  applied  that  remarkable  text  of 
scripture,  "  Mark  the  upright,  and  behold  the  just,  for 
the  end  of  that  man  is  peace." 

In  me  second  month,  1727,  I  proceeded  on  a  voyage 
to  Barbadoes,  on  account  of  business,  for  the  support  of . 
my  family,  and  in  order  to  discharge  my  just  debts, 
which  were  occasioned  by  great  losses  by  sea  and  land. 
Many  of  my  friends  were  kind  to  me,  and  sent  a  cargo 
of  goods,  in  the  sloop  John,  Anthony  Peel,  master,  con- 
signed to  me  for  sales  and  returns.  When  the  vessel 
was  loaded,  she  proceeded  down  the  river,  and  I  went  by 
land  to  Salem,  and  was  at  meeting  there  on  first  day,  and 
on  third  day  went  on  board  the  sloop  at  Elsenborough. 
On  the  8th  of  the  second  month,  we  took  in  our  boats 
and  anchors,  and  proceeded  to  sea.  From  Elsenborough 
and  the  Capes  I  wrote  to  my  wife,  giving  her  an  account 
how  it  was  with  me,  and  encouraged  her  to  bear  my  ab- 
sence with  patience  :  it  was  indeed  very  hard  for  us  to 

I  may  not  omit  taking  notice  of  an  exercise  which  I 
felt  one  night  as  I  lay  on  my  bed  in  Philadelphia,  on  the 
21st  of  the  first  month,  my  sleep  being  taken  from  me, 
which  I  recollected  and  wrote  down  on  board  the  afore- 
said vessel,  and  was  in  this  manner : 

*'  That  the  Lord  was  angry  with  the  people  of  Phila- 
delphia and  Pennsylvania,  because  of  the  great  sins  and 
wickedness  which  were  committed  by  the  inhabitants  in 
public  houses,  and  elsewhere  :  and  that  the  Lord  was 
angry  with  the  magistrates  also,  because  they  use  not 
their  power  as  they  might  do,  in  order  to  suppress  wick- 
edness ;  and  do  not,  so  much  as  they  ought,  put  the  laws 
already  made  into  execution  against  profaneness  and  im- 
morality :  and  the  Lord  is  angry  with  the  representatives 
of  the  people  of  the  land,  because  they  take  not  so  much 
care  as  tliey  ought  to  do  to  suppress  vice  and  wicked- 


ncss,  and  wicked  houses,  in  wliich  our  youth  arc  grossly 
corruj)ted  :  and  also  the  Lord  is  ani^ry  with  ni  in\-  of  the 
better  sort  of  the  people,  because  they  seek  after  and  love 
the  things  of  this  world,  more  than  ihe  things  of  bis 
kingdom  :  and  it  was  shewed  me  that  the  anger  of  the 
Most  High  would  still  be  agiiinst  us,  until  there  was  a 
greater  reformation  in  these  things."  It  is  worthy  of 
commendation,  thut  our  governor,  Thomas  Lloyd,  some- 
times in  the  evening,  before  he  went  to  rest,  used  to  £^o 
in  person  to  public  houses,  and  order  the  people  he  found 
there  to  their  own  houses,  till  at  length,  he  was  instru- 
inental  to  promote  better  order,  and  did,  in  a  great  meas*- 
ure,  suppress  vice  and  immorality  in  the  city. 

For  some  days  after  we  w^re  at  sea,  the  weather  was 
pleasant,  and  we  had  our  health,  for  which  my  heart  was 
truly  thankful.  I  exhorted  the  sailors  against  swearing  ; 
and  though  they  had  been  much  used  to  it,  they  left  it 
off,  so  that  it  was  rare  to  hear  any  of  them  swear  ;  for 
which  reformation,  so  far,  I  was  gliid.  I  lent  and  gave 
them  several  good  books,  which  they  read,  and  shewed 
much  respect  to  me  :  but  soon  after  the  wind  was  con- 
trary, for  some  days,  and  some  in  the  vessel  were  quar- 
relsome. I  asked  them  what  they  thought  of  the  saying 
of  Christ,  "If  a  man  smite  thee  on  one  cheek,  turn  to 
him  the  other  also  ;"  at  which  they  were  silent,  and  bet- 
ter conditioned  to  one  another  afterwards,  and  we  had 
some  reformation  both  from  fighting  and  swearing. 
This  voyage  I  was  not  so  sea  sick  as  I  formerl}-  had  been, 
though  i  had,  before  I  left  home,  some  uneasy  thoughts 
about  my  usually  being  sea  sick,  which  I  took  as  a  pecu^ 
liar  favour  from,  heaven.  About  the  latitude  of  20  de- 
grees  north,  we  met  with  calms  and  contrary  winds, 
which  was  ver}'  hard  for  some  in  the  vessel  to  bear,  they 
putting  themselves  much  out  of  temper  about  it  ;  as  for 
my  own  part,  I  hud  been  used  to  disappointments,  and 
therefore  did  not  so  much  mind  it.  I  spent  pretty  much 
of  my  time  in  reading  and  writing,  and  God  being  gra- 
cious, it  was,  in  the  main,  a  comfortable  time  to  me  ;  and 
I  enjoyed  my  healtli  as  mcII  as  ever  I  did  at  sea  in  my 
life,  lor  which    I  often  breathed  forth  inward  thanks  to 


the  Almightv.  On  the  5th  of  the  third  month  we  arriv- 
ed at  Burbadoes,  and  I  was  lovingly  received  by  our 
friends,  but  came  to  a  very  low  market  for  my  goods. 

I  visited  friends'  meetings  on  the  island,  and  had  sev- 
eral open  meetings  at  Bridge-town  and  Speight's-town, 
and  likewise  at  Piimpkin-hili,  and  the  Spring.  On  the 
day  of  Pentecost  (so  called)  we  had  a  meeting  at  Bridge- 
town, in  which  was  shewn  the  work  and  operation  of 
God's  spirit  on  the  old  world,  and  under  the  law ;  and 
the  everlasting  duration  and  Operation  of  the  same  holy 
spirit  under  the  gospel  dispensation,  which  Christ  said 
should  abide  forever.  At  the  quarterly  meeting  at 
Speight's-town  were  Judge  Allen,  and  the  captain  of  the 
man  of  war  stationed  there,  with  several  others,  not  of 
our  society.  I  was  much  drawn  forth  in  this  meeting  to 
speak  of  the  power  of  the,  Father,  Son,  and  the  Spirit, 
opening  to  the  people  how  we  had  been  misrepresented 
in  respect  to  our  belief  in  the  Trinity,  or  the  Holy 
Three  which  bear  record  in  heaven,  the  Father,  Word, 
and  Spirit,  which  three  are  one  ;  for  that  it  was  clear 
and  plain  that  we  are  more  orthodox  in  our  belief  in  the 
Deity,  than  those  who  do  not  believe  in  the  operation  of 
the  Holy  Ghost ;  as  also  that  none  could  be  true  Chris- 
tians \A  ithout  it.  It  was  queried,  how  could  they  be  clear 
in  their  belief  in  the  Holy  Trinity,  or  the  Three  that 
bear  record  in  heaven,  who  believe  the  Holy  Spirit  is 
ceased  in  its  operations,  gifts,  or  immediate  revelations, 
and,  if  ceased,  when,  and  where,  to  W'hom,  and  how? 
The  people  were  very  sober  and  attentive,  and  stayed 
all  the  time,  and  after  the  meeting  was  done  some  time, 
divers  expressed  their  satisfaction  with  what  was  said. 
My  good  friend,  Peter  Sharp,  of  Maryland,  was  with 
me  at  this  meeting,  on  whose  account  some  of  the  peo- 
ple came.  He  had  good  service  in  the  meeting,  and  I 
was  glad  of  his  company  in  this  island,  where  we  joyfully 
met  and  parted  in  the  love  of  Christ.  At  this  meeting  we 
had  each  of  us  a  certificate  from  friends,  signifying  their 
unity  with  our  conversations  and  services.  The  last 
meeting  I  had  at  Barbadoes  was  at  Speight's-town,  on 
a  first  day.     It  was  a  solid,  good  meeting,  in  which  I 


took  my  leave  of  friends  there,  and  exhorted  them  to 
beheve  in  and  hear  Christ,  he  being  a  teacher  that  could 
not  be  removed  from  them,  as  men  often  were  ;  and, 
though  they  were  but  few,  they  were  desired  to  meet  in 
Christ's  name  ;  and  I  had  to  shew  them  the  difference  be- 
tween us  and  other  christian  professors,  who  hold  no  public 
Avorship,  if  there  be  no  outward  teacher  :  whereas,  if  but 
two  or  three  meet  in  the  name  of  Christ,  he  has  promis- 
ed to  be  in  the  midst  of  them ;  and  he  is  the  best  teach- 
er we  can  have. 

On  the  14th  of  the  fourth  month  we  set  sail  from  this 
island,  and,  for  the  most  part,  had  fair  weather  and  fair 
winds,  and  saw  several  ships,  but  spoke  with  none. 

I  was  one  evening  leaning  over  the  side  of  the  vessel, 
as  being  very  lonesome  (having  little  conversation  with 
any  in  the  vessel,  for  divers  reasons),  I  turned  from  all 
outward  things  to  the  Lord,  and  was  glad  to  feel  his 
presence  and  goodness,  which  was  a  comfort  to  me  in 
my  lonesome  state  ;  and  as  my  travels  and  concerns  had 
called  and  caused  me  to  be  much  on  the  seas,  it  also 
pleased  my  good  and  gracious  God,  to  support  me  there- 
on many  times,  in  divers  trials,  temptations,  and  exer- 
cises ;  for  all  which,  I  bow  in  awful  reverence  before 
him,  and  return  thanksgiving  and  praise  to  his  great 

The  1st  of  the  fifth  month,  about  noon,  we  came  to 
the  capes  of  Delaware,  and  sailed  up  the  bay  ;  but,  in  a 
little  time,  we  touched  the  ground  with  our  vessel  sev- 
eral times ;  there  being  little  wind  we  got  no  harm  ;  but 
two  hours  after,  or  thereabouts,  a  gust,  or  storm  of  wind, 
took  us,  which,  if  it  had  met  with  us  on  the  shoals  where 
we  struck,  in  all  likelihood  we  must  have  perished ; 
which  I  took  to  be  a  remarkable  deliverance.  Next 
tide  we  got  to  Newcastle,  and.  it  being  first  day,  I  had  a 
meeting  with  friends  there,  with  which  we  were  greatly 
refreshed  in  the  Lord,  and  in  one  another.  After  meet- 
ing I  went  on  board  the  sloop,  and,  having  a  fair  wind, 
we  sailed  for  Philadelphia,  where  we  arrived  about  the 
eleventh  hour,  lodged  that  night  at  Paul  Preston's,  and 
next  day  went  home  to  my  family  at  Frankfort,  where 

'The  journal  of  thomas  chalkley.  185 

tny  wife,  children,  and  servants,  received  me  with  much 

When  I  was  in  Barbadoes,  P.  M,  who  accompanied 
me  from  Bridgetown  to  windward  to  counsellor  Weeks', 
told  me,  that  when  I  was  in  the  island  before,  he  and  I 
had  some  discourse  concerning  the  use  of  the  sword,  he 
then,  not  being  of  our  society,  wore  a  sv/ord,  but  now 
had  left  it  off,  and  his  business  also,  which  was  worth 
some  hundreds  a  year.  1  had  reminded  him  of  Christ's 
words,  that,  "  Those  who  take  the  sword,  shall  perish 
with  the  sword,"  Mat.  xxvi.  52.  and,  "  Resist  not  evil, 
and  if  a  man  smite  thee  on  one  cheek,  turn  the  other  also  : 
love  your  enemies,  do  good  to  them  that  hate  you,  pray 
for  ihem  who  despitefuUy  use  you,  and  persecute  you." 
After  I  had  used  these  arguments,  he  asked  me,  if  one 
came  to  kill  me,  would  I  not  rather  kill  than  be  killed  ? 
I  told  him,  no ;  so  far  as  I  know  my  own  heart,  I  had 
rather  be  killed  han  kill.  He  said,  that  was  strange  ! 
and  desired  to  know  what  reason  1  could  give  for  it.  I 
told  him,  that  I  beinjr  innocent,  if  I  were  killed  in  my 
body,  my  soul  might  be  happy ;  but  if  I  killed  him,  he 
d}  ing  in  his  wickedness,  would  consequently  be  unhap- 
py ;  and  if  I  were  killed,  he  might  live  to  repent ;  but  if 
I  killed  him,  he  would  have  no  time  to  repent ;  so  that, 
if  he  killed  me,  I  should  have  much  the  better,  both  in 
respect  to  myself  and  to  him.  This  discourse  had  made 
so  much  impression,  and  so  affected  him,  that  he  s.^id,  he 
could  not  but  often  remember  it.  And  when  we  parted 
at  Bridgetown,  we  embraced  each  other,  in  open  arms 
of  christian  love,  far  from  that  which  would  hurt  or  de- 

After  I  had  been  at  home  some  time,   I   visited  the- 
meetings  at  Philadelphia,  Burlington,  and  Germantown, 
ir  which  places  1  had  service  of  divers  kinds,   and  wa:^ 
lovingly  received  by  friends  and  others. 

In  the  fifth  month,  Joshua  Fielding  and  John  Oxle5' 
had  a  large  and  satisfactory  meeting  at  Frankfort.  Joshua 
came  from  London,  on  a  religious  visit  to  America,  and 
having  been  on  divers  islands,  he  landed  on  the  main  at 
South- Carolina,  and  from  thence  traveiied  through  the. 

B  b 


U'ildemess  400  miles,  or  more,  where  no  public  friend 
had  ever  travelled  before  :  the  journey  was  perilous,  but 
the  Lord  was  with  him;  who  may,  in  his  own  time,  make 
way  for  his  servants  in  those  desert  places.  John  Oxley 
came  on  the  same  account  from  Barbadoes,  and  had  good 
service  among  friends  in  his  public  ministry. 

In  this  month  we  thinking  it  convenient  to  send  our 
little  children  to  school,  and  not  having  a  schoolmaster  of 
our  society  near  us,  concluded  to  put  our  son  and  daugh- 
ter under  the  care  of  Nathaniel  Walton,  to  whom  I 
tliought  it  my  duty  to  write  a  few  lines  about  the  saluta- 
tions and  language  I  would  have  them  trained  up  in, 
ivhich  were  on  this  wise. 

<*  Frankfort,  30t/i  of  the  5th  Months  1727. 
"  Loving  Friend,  Nathaniel  Walton, 

**  1  HOPE  thou  wilt  excuse  this  freedom  which  I 
take  with  thee,  in  writing  this  on  account  of  my  children, 
in  the  se  particulars,  viz.  Respecting  the  compliment  of 
the  hat,  and  courtseying,  the  practice  thereof  being  against 
liiy  professed  principle ;  1st.  because  I  find  nothing  like 
it  in  the  bible  ;  but,  as  I  think,  the  contrary.  Thou 
knowest  the  passage  of  the  three  children  of  God,  who 
stood  covered  before  a  mighty  monarch  ;  and  Mordecai, 
who  could  not  bow  to  great  Haman  :  and,  2d.  I  believe 
those  practices  derived  from  vain,  proud  man.  And  as 
to  language,  I  desire  my  children  may  not  be  permitted 
to  use  the  plural  language  to  a  single  person  ;  but  I  pray 
thee  to  learn  them  to  say  thee,  and  thou,  and  thy,  and 
to  speak  it  properly,  divers  using  it  improperly,  and  the 
rather  I  desire  it,  because  it  is  all  along  used  in  the  di^'ine, 
inspired,  holy  writings.  I  suppose  thou  art  not  a  stranger 
to  its  rise,  being  from  the  grandeur  and  apostacy  of  the 
Romish  church  ;  and  also,  that  2/ou,  to  a  single  person,  is 
not  consonant  to  the  book  of  God,  nor  the  true  rules  of 
grammar.  I  know  it  is  generally  objected,  that  the  end 
of  speech  is  to  be  understood ;  but  it  is  understood  better 


kt  and  according  to  the  language  of  God,  Christ,  and  the 
Koiy  Ghost,  in  the  Bible,  and  the  language  of  kings,  and 
all  people,  as  we  read  it  in  the  holy  scriptures  ;  why  then 
should  we  be  ashamed  of  it,  or  shun  it,  and  bring  in  and 
uphold  a  custom  contrary  to  it  ?  The  same  care  I  would 
have  thee  take  about  the  names  of  the  days  and  months, 
which  are  derived  from  the  names  of  the  gods  of  the 
heathen,  and  are  not  found  in  the  bible.  I  suppose  I 
have  the  mind  of  all  those  of  our  society  in  the  above,  it 
being  consonant  to  our  principle  and  profession,  and  I 
write  in  a  motion  of  divine  love  to  all. 

'*  As  to  the  school  learning  of  my  children,  I  leave  to 
thv  management,  not  questioning  thy  ability  therein ;  and 
if  they  want  correction,  spare  not  the  rod. 

"  i  hope  thou  wilt  observe  this  direction  in  teaching 
my  children,  in  which  thou  wilt  oblige  thy  assured  friend^ 

"  T.  CHALKLEY." 

The  latter  end  of  the  fifth,  and  the  beginning  of  the 
sixth  months,  the  weather  was  exceeding  hot,  so  that  di- 
vers people  died  suddenly  of  the  heat,  as  it  was  sup- 

The  beginning  of  the  sixth  month  I  was  at  the  youths* 
meeting  at  Abington,  which  was  large,  and  open  to 
many ;  and  I  not  having  been  there  since  I  came  from 
sea,  divers  expressed  their  gladness  to  see  me ;  and  we 
were  that  day  favoured  with  some  showers,  both  celes- 
tial and  elementary,  to  our  comfort. 

In  the  same  month  I  was  also  at  the  youths*  meeting  in 
Philadelphia ;  it  had  been  a  sickly  time,  but  many  had 
recovered.  That  passage  opened  on  my  mind,  to  speak, 
of  in  the  meeting,  concerning  the  lepers  which  Christ 
cleansed  and  healed,  being  ten  in  number,  and  that  but 
one  came  to  return  thanks  to  God,  for  being  healed,  and 
restored  to  health.  Luke  xvii.  12.  Friends  were  exhort- 
ed to  prize  their  health,  and  to  shew  their  thankfulness 
to  God  the  giver  of  it,  by  fearing  and  serving  him,  and 
taking  heed  to  Christ,  the  word,  in  their  hearts.     The 


meeting-  was  in  a  s^ood,  solid  frame,  and  we  praised  the 
Lord  together,  and  gave  him  thanks  for  his  merciful  vis^ 

About  this  time  I  heard  of  the  death  of  our  king, 
George  the  1st.  a  prince  whom  1  loved  and  honoured ;. 
VI  hich  news  was  very  sorrowful  to  me  on  divers  accounts, 
his  lo\  e  and  kmdness  to  our  society  was  well  worthy  of 
our  grateful  remembrance. 

On  a  third  day,  being  our  week-day  meeting  at  Frank- 
fort, Elizabeth  VVhartnaby  and  Mary  Smith  were  there  ; 
it  was  a  comfortable  opportunity  :  they  were  two  nights 
at  my  house.  Elizabeth  was  preparing  to  leave  this  land 
for  Barbadoes  and  Europe,  intending  a  religious  visit  to 

The  i20th  of  the  sixth  month,  going  into  my  closet,  I 
there  met  with  a  paper  of  my  so  i  in-law,  Isaac  Brown's, 
and  iinding  tiie  contents  were  religitms,  as  I  hud  done  of 
several  of  l»is  late  writings,  I  found  it  on  my  mind  ta 
write  to  him  after  this  manner. 

^'  My  dear  son  Isaac, 

By  several  waitings  of  thine,  of  late,  I  perceive  that  a 
good  thing  is  at  \\  ork  in  thy  mind,  the  which  1  pray  the 
all  wise  and  infinite  B(.ijig  to  promote  in  thy  heart,  to  thy 
eteinal  salvation,  and  his  glory.  I  now  begin  to  be  in 
some  hopes  that  my  prayers  and  tears  for  thee,  in  the 
Lord's  time,  may  be  answered  ;  and  I  do  believe,  if 
thou  kee))est  low  in  thy  mind,  that  God  will  more  and 
more  visit  thee,  'j'he  advice  of  David  to  his  son  Solo- 
mon, when  he  also  gave  him  the  kingdom,  comes  before 
my  mind  to  give  thee  :  "  My  son,  know  thou  the  God  of 
thy  father,  and  serve  him  with  a  perfect  heart,  and  with 
a  willing  mind ;  f(^,r  the  Lord  searcheth  all  hearts,  and 
understands  th  all  the  imaginations  of  the  thoughts  ;  if 
thou  seek  him,  he  will  be  found  of  thee  :  but  if  thou  for- 
sake him,  he  will  cast  thee  off  for  ever."  1  C/iroti.  xxviii. 
9.  Dear  Isaac,  this  was  coutisel  from  one  of  the  great* 
est  and  best  of  kings,  to  a  wise  young  prince,  who  pe- 


titioned  the  Almighty  for  divine  wisdom,  before  riches, 
or  honour,  or  long  life  ;  which  petition  so  pleased  God, 
that  he  answered  his  request,  and,  over  and  above,  bless- 
ed him  in  an  extraordinary  manner. 

*'  I  perceive  thou  art  inclined  to  read  pretty  much  ; 
I  pray  thee,  that  thy  chief  study  in  books  may  be  the 
holy  scriptures.  Let  all  other  books,  though  of  use,  and 
good,  in  their  places,  be  subservient  to  them  ;  for  their 
authority,  of  all  other  writings,  to  the  true  believers  in 
Christ,  are  most  divine  ;  they  having  a  supernatural 
spring  and  divine  evidence  in  them  to  the  virtuous  and 
pious  readers.  Thou,  my  son,  wilt  much  comfort  the 
heiu-t  of  thy  tender  mother,  and  of  me  thy  loving  and 
careful  father,  if  thou  followest  and  perseverest  in  the 
ways  of  virtue  and  truth ;  which,  that  ihou  mayest,  is 
the  prayer  of  tliy  affectionate  father-in-law. 

T.  C." 

The  latter  end  of  the  sixth  month  I  went  to  the  general 
meeting  of  ministers  and  elders  for  the  east  part  of  New- 
Jersey,  and  to  the  quarterly  and  youths'  meeting  at  Bur- 
lington, and  to  a  general  meeting  at  Stony- Brook,  and  to 
the  quarterly  meeting  of  the  county  of  Bucks.  John 
Oxley,  of  Barbadoes,  and  Joshua  Fielding,  of  London, 
were  at  divers  of  those  meetings  ;  wherein  we  had  open, 
seasonable  opportunities  ;  and  I  had  a  large,  affecting  ac- 
count from  Joshua,  of  his  long  and  difficult  travels  in  the 
service  of  truth  to  the  West- India  isles,  and  thence  to 
South- Carolina,  from  whence  he  came  through  the  wil- 
derness, by  land,  through  North- Carolina,  Virginia,  Sec. 
to  this  province. 

The  16th  of  the  seventh  month  began  our  yearly  meet*. 
ing  at  Philadelphia,  which  was  attended  with  the  gracious 
presence  of  God,  to  the  comfort  and  great  satisfaction  of 
many  souls.  In  this  meeting  divers  young  men  and 
young  women  appeared,  who  were  lately  come  forth  in 
the  ministry,  and,  as  I  believe,  had  received  a  measure  of 
tlie  gift  of  Christ's  gospel;  which  was  cause  of  rejoicing 


to  the  faithful  among  us,  and  excited  our  thanksgiving* 
and  praises  to  the  Ahnighty  Lord  of  heaven  and  earth. 

At  this  meeting  we  had  the  company  of  four  minis- 
ters from  Great  Britain,  and  one  from  Barbadoes,  and 
many  from  divers  other  parts,  it  being  a  very  large 
gathering  of  some  thousands  of  people,  as  was  believed,  in 
which  many  were  strengthened  in  their  faith  in  Christ, 
and  comforted  through  the  power  of  the  Holy  Ghost, 
that  blessed  comforter,  which  Christ  promised  to  his 
church,  who  should  be  with  them  for  ever,  and  guide 
them  into  all  truth. 

Next  first  day  after  the  yearly  meeting,  I,  with  several 
of  my  neighbour!},  v,  ent  over  Delaware  to  a  meeting  up 
Pensawken- creek ;  in  which  the  wonderful  love  of  God 
was  declared,  in  sending  his  Son  upon  earth,  who,  as  he 
was  man,  died  for  man,  ajid  is  now  by  his  spirit  present 
with  all  those  that  truly  believe  in  him  ;  he  being  the 
messenger  of  the  covenant  of  God  to  mankind.  And 
on  second  day,  being  the  25th  of  the  seventh  month,  I 
had  the  sorrowful  tidings  of  the  death  of  my  beloved 
friend  James  Lord  ;  who,  on  his  death-bed,  desired  that 
I  might  be  sent  for  to  his  burial.  In  the  consideration 
of  that  christian  love  which  was  between  us,  I  think  I 
may  truly  note,  that  we  were  always  glad  to  meet  each 
other;  therefore  the  thoughts  of  this  so  sudden  change, 
and  final  parting,  brought,  for  the  present,  a  sadness  and 
heaviness  over  my  mind ;  considering  his  station  in  that 
neighbourhood,  and  service  in  that  congregation  to  which 
he  did  belong ;  for  therein  he  was  well  beloved,  and  very 

And,  Oh  !  the  loss  that  his  dear  wife  and  tender  chil- 
dren will  have  of  him,  really  affects  me  with  sorrow  in 
penning  these  notes  ;  but  the  sorrow,  in  these  things,  is 
all  on  our  side  ;  for  he,  without  doubt,  is  at  rest  with 
his  great  Master  in  heaven.  We  had  a  larger  meeting 
at  his  funeral  than  ever  was  known  to  be  there  before, 
as  an  ancient  friend  told  me,  which  was  solemn  and  ser- 
viceable to  many. 

Some  time  after,  having  been  at  divers  meetings  a- 
bout  home,   John  Oxley  and  I,    in  company,    visited 


friends  on  Long-Island.  At  Flushing  we  were  at  the 
burial  of  Jonathan  Dickenson  :  many  people  of  divers 
persuasions,  were  at  the  meeting  on  that  occasion,  and 
were  very  sober  and  attentive.  I  was  at  the  yearly  meet- 
ing for  the  south  side  of  the  island,  at  a  place  called  Sec- 
cataug,  which  meeting  was  large,  many  friends  and 
others  coming  to  it  over  the  Plains.  I  was  afterwards 
at  the  yearly  meeting  at  Shrewsbury,  in  East-Jersey, 
which  held  three  days,  and  was  very  large,  and  the  last 
day  the  people  were  very  still.  Joshua  Fielding  was  at 
this  meeting,  and  was  therein  concerned  to  preach  the 
gospel  of  Christ  with  good  authority,  and  matter  suit- 
able to  a  true  gospel  minister ;  John  Oxley  was  ill  of  a 
fever,  so  that  he  could  not  be  there;  but  there  were 
brethren  from  divers  parts,  and  the  power  and  presence 
of  the  Most  High  was  with  and  among  us;  blessed  be 
his  name. 

I  was  also  at  Rahway  river,  where  was  a  solid,  good 
meeting.  From  thence  I  returned  home,  having  been 
abroad  about  a  moath,  and  at  above  twenty  meetings, 
and  travelled  above  three  hundred  and  fifty  miles. 

In  the  eighth  month,  at  Frankfort,  we  had  three  burials 
out  of  one  house,  at  one  time ;  the  mother,  daugh- 
ter, and  grand-daughther,  of  which  I  had  never  known 
the  like  instance  before.  On  this  occasion  we  had  the 
company  of  many  neighbours,  and  a  very  solemn  meet- 
ing at  our  meeting-house  at  Frankfort. 

About  this  time  I  was  at  divers  meetings  at  Philadel- 
phia, Abington,  and  Burlington :  we  had  an  evening 
meeting  at  Burlington,  with  Richard  Smith,  jun.  who 
had  been  so  ill  that  he  could  not  get  out  to  meetings  for 
some  months :  it  was  such  a  satisfactory  meeting,  that  he, 
and  I,  and  others  that  were  there,  will  not  easily  forget, 
Gur  hearts  being  broken  together. 

The  world  still  continued  to  frown  upon  me ;  but,  tho* 
my  case  was  such  in  this  world,  yet,  at  times,  I  had  great 
consolation  in  Christ;  and,  in  the  midst  of  my  troubles 
when  I  looked  back,  I  could  truly  say,  that  I  had  not  been 
extravagant,  but  frugal ;  not  covetous,  but  charitable ; 
not  idle,  but  industrious  ;  not  willing  to  be  such  an  in- 


ficlel  as  not  to  take  care  for  my  family  ;  it  was  some  solid 
comfort  to  my  mind  ;  and  I  bless  the  Almighty,  th  it  I 
always  preferred  his  work  and  service  to  my  own,  and 
therein  had  great  ])eace.  This  I  can  also  sa\ ,  if  it  were 
the  last  I  should  say,  that  I  never  wilfully,  or  knowinglv, 
wronged  any  man,  woman,  or  child,  since  I  came  to 
years  of  discretion  ;  and  yet  I  have  nothing  to  boasi  of; 
it  is  the  Lord's  grace  and  mercy  which  saveth  us. 

Having  occasion  to  make  another  voyage  to  B  rrbadoes, 
I  wrote  to  the  teacher  of  my  children  as  followeih. 

"  Frankfort,  10th  of  the  10th  Month,  1727. 

**  Loving  Friend, 

"  I  BEING  going  to  Barbadoes,  leave  the  charge 
«f  my  little  children  to  thy  care,  not  doubting  thy  man- 
agement of  them,  by  their  growing  in  their  learning; 
please  to  instruct  them  to  sobriety,  and  the  fear  of  God, 
and  faith  in  Christ ;  and,  if  I  should  never  see  them  nor 
thee  any  more,  our  lives  being  uncertain  in  this  world, 
pray  let  them  know  that  it  was  their  father's  will  and  de- 
sire, that  they  should  mind  their  learning,  and,  above  all 
things,  mind  the  fear  of  the  Most  High.  When  my  lit- 
tle daughter  hath  read  her  testament  through,  I  would 
have  her  go  to  writing ;  and  George  the  same,  on  the 
same  terms.  Please  to  learn  them  the  use  of  chapter  and 
verse,  that  if  any  ask  them  where  they  are  learning,  they 
may  tell.  And,  kind  friend,  inasmuch  as  I  perceive  thou 
hast  followed  my  former  directions,  I  look  on  myself 
obliged  to  thee  ;  therefore  am  so  much  the  more  free  to 
impart  my  mind  to  thee,  now  on  my  departure  ;  which, 
with  real  love,  is  from  thy  loving  friend, 

T.  C." 

"  P.  S.  Although  my  care  is  great  for  my  children's 
learning  their  books,  yet  it  is  much  more  so  as  to  their 
learning  true  piety  and  virtue." 


On  the  25th  of  the  tenth  moith  we  set  sail  from  Phila-  • 
delphia,  in  the  sloop  Dove,  Oswald  Peel,  master  ;  having 
taken  a  solemn  farewell  of  my  dear  wife,  children,  and 
friends,  in  order  for  the  support  of  my  family,  and  an- 
swering my  just  debts,  which  1  had  contracted.  On  the 
27th  day  of  the  month,  in  the  evening,  we  took  in  our 
boat,  and  put  to  sea ;  had  some  rough  weather  in  our 
passage,  but  lived  comfortably  ;  we  being  all  loving  and 
obliging  one  to  another.  On  the  15th  of  the  eleveuh 
month,  we  safely  arrived  at  Speight's-town,  in  Barbadoes ; 
and  the  18th,  between  the  hours  of  five  and  six  in  the 
morning,  vv^e  felt  the  greatest  earthquake  that  I  had  ever 
felt  ;  having  been  sensible  of  three,  one  at  London,  one 
at  Jamaica,  and  one  at  Frankfort,  in  Pennsylvania.  I  was 
thankful  m  my  heart  to  the  Lord  for  my  safe  arrival,  and 
that  we  were  all  preserved  safe  in  our  stormy  passage, 
and  deep  loaded  vessel;  one  vessel  being  lost  that  came 
out  a  little  time  before  us ;  and  another,  which  came 
from  our  port  to  this  island  a  few  days  sooner  than  we, 
lost  three  men  by  the  violence  of  the  storm,  and  received 
much  damage  otherwise  ;  one  of  them  being  a  neighbour 
©f  mine,  with  whom  I  was  well  acquainted,  it  affected  my 
mind  very  much.  I  visited  friends  meetings  in  Barba- 
does, and  some  divers  times  over  ;  and  had  occasion  in 
some  meetings  to  mention  the  earthquake,  which  I  told 
them  I  did  believe  was  a  visitation  from  the  Almighty, 
in  order  to  put  people  in  mind  of  mortality,  and  to  re- 
form them  from  the  evil  of  their  ways,  and  call  them  to 

While  I  was  in  Barbadoes,  Francis  Gamble  died,  whom 
I  went  to  visit  several  times  in  his  sickness  :  at  his  fune- 
ral was  a  large  gathering  of  his  neighbours,  and  others  ; 
and  divers,  not  of  our  society,  expressed  their  satisfac- 
tion with  the  meeting.  The  people  in  and  about 
Speight's-town,  in  Barbadoes,  were  very  lo\ing  and  kind 
to  me,  more  than  I  ever  had  observed  before  ;  even  some 
vile,  profane  men,  whom  I  could  not  forbear  to  repro\  e 
for  their  swearing,  and  taking  the  sacred  r;amc  in  vain, 
yet  they  shewed  respect,  notwithstanding  1  reproved 
them  sharply.     Who  (\an  take  the   sacred    name  m  God 

l'94  THE    JOURi^AL    •»    fHOMAS    CIIALKLEY. 

into  their  mouths  in  vain,  and  be  guiltless?  or,  who  caa 
hear  it,  iind  forbcur  reproving  it,  without  being  remiss  in 
their  duty  ?  This  great  evil  is  too  frequently  praetised 
in  this  rich  (p('Or)  island  of  Barbiidoes,  rich  in  earthly, 
but  poor  in  heavenly  treasure,  which  caused  me  many 
times  to  mourn  in  secret  before  the  Almighty,  praying 
him  for  the  rtformati(;n  of  the  people,  for  Christ's  sake, 
and  for  the  glory  of  his  own  eternal  name. 

The  27th  of  the  first  month,  1728,  having  done  my 
business  in  Barbadoes,  and  seen  friends  generally,  an  op- 
portunity offered  for  my  return  home,  in  the  brigantinc 
Sarah  and  Mary,  Samuel  Gallop,  master,  bound  for  Bur- 
lington, in  company  M'ith  W  iiliiim  Dury  and  William 
Callender,  both  of  Barbadoes.  Our  master  was  exceed- 
ingly kind  to  us  in  the  voyage.  The  w'md  hanging  north- 
eriy,  we  could  not  go  to  windward,  but  drove  to  leeward, 
and  sailed  by  the  isles  of  Lucia,  Martinico,  Dominica, 
Guadaloupe,  Antigua,  Montserrat,  Rodondo,  Nevis, 
Christopher's,  Eustatius,  Saba,  Martin's,  Anguilla,  Bar- 
tholomew's, Sombrero,  and  four  other  small  islands,  wlich 
are  called  the  Saints.  It  was  very  pleasant  sailing  by 
these  islands,  only  some  of  them  were  so  exceedingly 
high,  that  in  some  places  we  were  becalmed,  and  the 
clouds  appeared  below  the  tops  of  divers  of  the  moun- 
tains. At  Christopher's,  which  is  counted  the  highest  of 
them,  there  being  a  small  river  of  good  fresh  water,  we 
sent  our  boat  on  shore  for  some,  having  none  very  good 
on  board  :  we  lay  off  and  on  about  two  hours,  but  did  not 
come  to.  I  was  thankful  for  this  water,  it  being  my  con-  • 
slant  drink  ;  it  was  also  very  serviceable  to  the  people  on 
board.  After  we  left  the  isle  of  Sombrero,  we  saw  a  sail, 
which  we  thought  stood  after  us,  and  hearing  at  Christo- 
pher's that  several  Spanish  privateers  were  on  that  coast, 
our  master,  and  some  others  on  board,  were  a  little  sur- 
prised ;  but  we  soon  left  her  out  of  sight,  and  we  after- 
wards went  pleasantly  on  our  way,  till  we  came  to  the  lat- 
itude of  Bermuda,  where  the  winds  blew  fresh,  and  much 
against  us  ;  and  this  winter  having  been  very  hard,  we 
felt  the  sharp  blasts  of  the  latter  end  of  it.  We  had  a 
passage  of  about  thirty  days,  and  came  very  pleasantly  up 


the  bay  and  river ;  and  it  pleased  God  that  I  got  home 
once  more  to  my  beloved  wife  and  children,  and  was 
joyfully  received  by  all  my  family,  whom  I  found  ia 
a  good  degiee  of  health  ;  for  which  I  did,  as  I  had  oc- 
casion to  do,  bless  and  praise  the  great  name  of  the  Most 
High,  who  is  worthy  forever. 

After  I  came  home,  I  was  at  many  meetings  in  Penn- 
sylvania and  Jersey,  viz.  at  Philadelphia,  Burlington, 
Bristol,  Bybury,  Frankfort,  Germantown,  N<.  w-Hanover, 
Cros wicks,  &c.  in  all  which  meetings,  I  had  some  ser- 
vice to  friends'  satisfaction,  and  was  comforted  with  the 
goodness  of  God  in  the  midst  of  my  afflictions.  My 
business  lying  much  at  Burlington,  1  spent  pretty  much 
of  my  time  there  for  several  weeks ;  where  my  friend^ 
manifested  a  tender  and  hearty  respect  towards  me,  and 
sympathized  with  me  in  my  troubles  and  travels  ;  and 
there  I  prepared  for  another  vo}  age  ;  for  I  was  fully  re« 
solved,  through  divine  assistance,  to  pay  all  my  just  debts, 
which  I  contracted,  and  lay  on  me,  through  many  losses, 
or  else  to  die  in  the  pursuit  of  it ;  in  which  resolve  I  had 
inward  peace  and  satisfaction ;  though  such  labour, 
travail,  and  separation  from  my  family,  was  a  great  cros§ 
to  nature. 

On  the  14th  of  the  fifth  month  we  went  on  board  the 
brigantine  Sarah  and  Mary,  Samuel  Gallop,  master,  for 
Barbadoes ;  and  on  the  16th  we  sailed  down  the  bay,  and 
put  to  sea,  and  I  wrote  a  loving,  tender  letter,  to  my  wife 
and  famil}',  and  another  to  my  friends  at  Burlington.  We 
had  fair  winds  for  about  two  weeks,  after  which  they 
were  contrary  for  several  days,  during  which  two  of  our 
men  had  a  fever,  and  our  vessel  proved  leaky,  though 
tight  in  smooth  water,  which  was  some  concern  to  us, 
and  obliged  us  to  pump  every  half  hour;  but  the  leak 
being  much  the  same,  while  at  sea,  we  were  the  more 
easy  about  it :  I  took  care  of  those  two  people  that 
were  sick,  who  soon  recovered.  The  3d  and  4th  days 
of  the  sixth  month  it  was  very  windy,  with  lightning, 
thunder,  and  rain ;  in  which  rough  weather  one  of  our 
best  sailors  put  his  shoulder  out  of  joint,  and  they  brought 
him  to  mc  to  see  if  I  could  do  him  any  service ;  I  was 


not  forward  to  meddle ;  but  the  man  and  the  people  be- 
lie viig,  if  I  would  undertake  for  him,  I  miglu  iicip  hnn ; 
1  told  them,  that  though  I  did  not  understand  bone  set- 
tiiig,  I  would  instruct  them  the  best  1  could  ;  then  1  or- 
dered liim  to  sit  down  upon  the  deck,  and  to  be  stript  to 
the  waist,  and  got  a  round  piece  of  wood  as  thick  as  his 
arm,  and  wrapt  a  piece  of  cloth  about  it,  that  it  might  not 
bruise  his  liesh,  and  put  it  under  his  arm,  and  ordered 
two  men,  one  at  each  end  of  it,  to  lift  up  strongly,  and  a 
third  man  to  stretch  his  arm  out,  and  keep  it  down  with- 
al  ;  which  being  done,  the  bone  went  into  its  pUice  ;  for 
\Ahich  I  was  thankful  in  my  heart  to  the  Almighty. 
About  the  10th  of  the  sixth  month  we  safely  arrived  at 
Speight's  town,  in  Barbadoes,  being  the  first  day  ol  the 
week.  From  whence  I  had  an  opj^ortunity,  b}  Alex- 
ander Seaion,  master  ol  a  vessel  bound  to  Pennsylvania, 
to  send  an  account  of  our  safe  arrival. 

I  iiad  many  meetings  in  the  isl:ind,  and  made  several 
visits  to  divers  sick  pers(>ns,  one  of  which  was  particular- 
ly to  the  satisfaction  of  the  person  visited,  and  his  rela- 
tions :  he  died,  aid  was  buried  at  Hcihcott's-ljay,  where 
we  had  a  large  meeting  at  cur  meeting-house,  where  were 
many  people,  and  it  w<.is  argood,  seasonable  opportunity  ; 
in  which  1  had  occasion  to  remind  them  of  their  morlal- 
jtv,  and  press  l^iem  to  a  holy  life,  the  way  to  a  happy 
immortality.  I  had  divers  meetings  at  Bridgeto\\n, 
S,  cight's-town,  and  the  Spring;  where  the  testimony  of 
Christ's  gospel  was  well  recei\  ed.  And  after  a  sta\  of 
three  weeks,  1  left  Barbadoes  on  the  first  of  the  seventh 
month,  ai)d  took  my  passage  in  the  Aniiiy,  Charles  Har- 
gnve,  master,  who  was  very  fvi(  ndh'  to  me  in  my  pus- 
sagt,  as  were  all  on  board.  We  arrived  at  onr  ])ort 
without  casting  anchor  in  all  our  voyage,  and  laid  the 
vessel  to  the  wharf  at  Phiiadelj:)hia  ;  and  on  my  landing 
I  inmiediately  went  into  the  meeting  of  ministers  and  el- 
ders, it  being  just  met  ting  time,  where  we  were  much 
comforted  together  in  Christ;  after  which  I  went  home> 
being  lovingly  receiAcd  b}  my  wife  and  family,  having 
been  from  home  about  ten  weeks. 

THE    JOUR>IAL    O?    THOMAS    CHALKLEY.  197 

After  I  came  home  from  this  voyage,  I  visited  the 
meetings  of  friends  at  Phihidelphia,  Frankfort,  German- 
town,  the  Falls  of  Delaware,  Burlington,  New-Hanover, 
Mount-Holly,  Fair-Hill,  &c. 

The  2d  of  the  ninth  month  I  was  at  the  quarterly- 
meeting  of  ministers  and  elders  at  Philadelphia,  where  I 
met  with  Joseph  Taylor,  a  friend,  who  had  visited  our 
meetings  pretty  generally  on  the  continent  of  America, 
in  the  ministry  of  the  gospel,  and  was  now  on  his  return 
homewards,  with  whose  visit  friends  had  good  unity,  and 
certified  the  same  to  our  brethren  of  the  meeting  where 
he  lived  in  Great  Britain. 

After  this  I  was  at  divers  meetings  in  Pennsylvania 
and  Jersey  ;  and  the  latter  end  of  the  ninth  month,  Sarah, 
the  wife  of  Jeremiah  Elfreth,  died  very  suddenly,  having 
been  the  day  before  walking  in  her  garden ;  she  was  a 
sober  young  woman,  and  her  death  was  much  lamented  ; 
her  burial  occasioned  my  stay  at  Philadelphia,  which  I 
had  divers  times  shuned,  because  a  concern  had  been 
on  me  for  some  time,  to  declare  to  the  people  of  that 
city,  that  the  lord  was  angry  with  the  legislators  of  Penn- 
sylvania, because  they  were  not  so  much  concerned  to 
promote  religion  and  piety,  as  they  ought,  and  to  make 
such  laws  as  might  prevent  the  excessive  increase  of 
public  houses,  which  often  prove  seminaries  of  Satan  ; 
but  strove  to  promote  parties  more  than  religion  :  and 
that  the  Lord  was  angry  with  the  magistrates,  because 
they  did  not  so  much  as  they  might,  and  ought  to  do,  to 
put  those  good  and  wholesome  laws  in  execution,  which 
were  already  made,  against  vice  and  immorality  ;  and 
that  the  Lord  was  angry  with  some  of  the  better  sort  of 
people,  because  they  seek  and  mind  the  things  of  this 
world,  more  than  the  things  of  God  and  his  kingdom. 
But  I  was  helped  to  clear  myself  in  the  morning  meet- 
ing, to  the  satisfaction  of  many  of  the  honest  hearted,  and 
uiiburdcn  my  mind  of  a  great  exercise  that  I  had  long 
laid  under. 

In  the  afternoon  we  had  a  large  meeting  at  the  Bank 
meeting-house,  occasioned  by  the  aforesaid  burial ;  the 
resurrection  of  the  dead  was  declared  in  that  meeting,  ac- 


cording  to  the  doctrine  of  our  S.viour  Jesus  Christ,  the 
great  author  of  the  christian  religion,  and  also  of  that 
eminent  apostle  Paul ;  and  that  old  and  false  calumny, 
that  our  society  denied  the  resurrection  of  the  dead,  was 
publicly  denied  and  refuted.  The  people  were  c  xhortt- d 
to  live  well,  that  they  might  die  well  ;  and  then  they 
need  not  doubt,  but  that  they  would  rise  well  at  the  re. 
surrection  in  the  last  day.  The  meeting  concluded  w^ith 
praise  to  the  Almighty  for  all  his  mercies,  and  prayer  to 
him,  that  he  would  sanctify  that  day's  service  to  the 

In  the  tenth  month  I  prepared  for  another  voyage  to 
the  island  of  Barbadoes,  and  had  the  ship  Bristol  Hope 
consigned  to  me,  but  the  winter  setting  in  sooner  than 
common,  caused  our  stay  much  longer  than  we  expect* 
ed,  whereby  I  had  the  opjiortunity  to  visit  divers  meet- 
ings, as  Burlington,  the  Falls  of  Delaware,  Ncshaminy, 
Wright's-town,  and  Philadelphia.  In  this  city  a  con- 
cern was  on  my  mind  to  declare  to  the  people,  that  the 
Almighty  had  shewed  me,  that  he  had  often  visited  those 
in  Philadelphia  and  Pennsylvania  with  his  own  hand,  and 
with  his  own  rod;  but  if  that  did  not  work  the  designed 
end  for  which  he  visited  them,  (of  which  they  were  told 
also  before  it  came  to  pass),  he  then  would  chastise 
them  with  the  rod  of  man,  and  this  was  as  plainly  spo- 
ken to  me  in  my  own  habitation,  as  though  it  had  been 
the  voice  of  a  man,  though  it  was  not  vocal. 

The  12th  of  the  eleventh  month,  being  first  day,  I 
was  at  Horsham  meeting,  and  had  a  tender  bowing  time 
therein ;  and  in  my  way  home  visited  some  friends  who 
were  sick,  it  being  a  time  of  general  visitation  in  those 
parts  ;  and  the  next  seventh  day  I  was  at  the  meeting  of 
ministers  and  elders  at  Philadelphia,  where  we  had  a  good 
meeting.  Here  I  was  earnestly  desired  to  be  at  the 
funeral  of  Edmond  Orpwood,  the  eldest  friend  belong, 
ing  to  Frankfort  meeting  ;  but  was  in  a  strait,  this  friend 
being  my  neighbour,  and  I  had  before  engaged  to  be  at 
the  burial  of  one  with  whom  I  had  been  acquainted  near 
forty  }  ears,  therefore  I  did  my  endeavour  to  be  at  both, 
being  each  of  them  buried  in  tlie  afternoon,  and  five 

THE    JOURNAL    OP    THeMA8    CHALKLEY.  199 

miles  distant ;  the  days  being  short  also,  divers  told  me 
it  was  impracticable  ;  I  told  them  they  might  be  mistak- 
en, as  they  were  ;  for  though  we  had  a  large  meeting, 
and  the  company  of  Rowland  Wilson,  from  Britain,  who 
had  large  and  good  service  therein,  yet  after  meeting  we 
mounted,  and  got  to  Philadelphia  about  a  quarter  of  an 
hour  after  the  corpse  was  brought  into  the  meeting-house, 
as  I  was  informed.  We  had  a  large,  and,  as  I  thought, 
a  good  meeting ;  after  which  I  went  home,  being  weary 
in  my  body,  but  thankful  in  my  heart,  that  the  Almighty 
had  been  with  us,  and  helped  us  to  perform  that  day's 

On  the  20th  of  the  eleventh  month,  and  second  day 
of  the  week,  I  went  into  a  piece  of  ground  (which  I 
was  clearing  for  meadow)  in  order  to  give  directions  to 
the  workmen  ;  one  of  the  trees  fell  contrary  to  the  kerf, 
and  also  to  the  wind,  which  was  then  at  north-west,  and 
when  I  saw  it  falling  towards  me,  I  ran  from  it,  but  be- 
fore I  could  get  out  of  the  way,  it  fell  upon  me,  across 
my  back,  from  my  shoulder  to  my  hips,  and  struck  me 
down  to  the  earth,  where  for  some  time  I  lay  speechless, 
and  in  all  likelihood  I  should  have  been  immediately 
killed,  if  I  had  not  been  providentially  preserved  by  the 
body  of  the  flilling  tree  laying  on  a  stump,  which  pre- 
vented its  crushing  me,  as  I  lay  on  the  ground.  A  friend 
that  was  near  me,  with  a  horse,  desired  the  wood-cutters 
(when  they  were  recovered  from  the  surprize,  and  I  to 
the  use  of  my  speech)  to  help  me  on  his  horse,  and  I 
rode  home,  but  in  extreme  misery,  and  I  was  under 
great  concern,  lest  I  should  surprize  my  wife  and  chil- 
dren suddenly.  We  sent  to  Philadelphia  for  Dr.  Grif- 
fith Owen,  who  came  in  about  two  hours,  and  let  me 
blood,  and  ordered  several  things  to  be  applied  and  ta- 
ken, which  through  divine  favour  proved  very  service- 
able to  me ;  notwithstanding  which,  I  was  in  great  pain 
many  days,  and  long  and  tedious  nights,  not  being  able 
either  to  feed  myself,  or  turn  in  my  bed,  for  a  great 
while.  In  this  confinement  I  was  at  times  favoured  with 
a  very  comfortable  sense  of  the  presence  of  God,  whose 
providence  is  over  all  his  works ;  and  as  his  love  to  me 


was  great,  so  the  love  of  his  people  was  also,  many'oT 
whom,  and  of  my  neighbours,  came  to  see  me,  sympa- 
thizing with  me  in  my  distress  ;  but  among  them  1  had 
one  of  Job's  comforters,  who  wickedly  abused  me  in  this 
low  state.  1  can  scarce  forbear  mentioning  his  name, 
having  example  for  it  in  holy  writ,  but  through  the  Lord's 
help  1  will  put  on  charity. 

The  9th  of  the  twelfth  month,  I  got  abroad  the  first 
time  to  our  meeting  at  Frankfort,  with  which  divers  ex- 
pressed their  gladness  to  see  me  there  again.  In  this 
meeting  I  exhorted  them  to  think  on  eternity,  and  to  pre- 
pare for  it,  by  living  to-day,  as  though  they  were  to  die 
to-morrow ;  for  I  found  it  by  experience  to  be  needful, 
and  then  if  sudden  death  comes,  it  will  not  surprize  us. 

As  I  now  found  it  continue  my  business  to  go  to  sea 
for  a  livelihood,  I  undertook  the  charge  of  the  ship  New 
Bristol  Hope,  as  master,  though  it  was  a  way  of  living 
to  which  I  did  not  incline.  I  took  care  in  our  vessel  that 
there  should  be  no  swearing  in  my  hearing,  nor  drunk- 
enness, to  my  knowledge,  without  reproof;  and  if  I 
could  not  be  instrumental  that  way  to  break  them  from 
swearing,  and  drinking  to  excess,  my  manner  was,  to 
put  them  away,  so  that  we  generally  had  a  pretty  quiet 
ship.  We  left  Philadelphia  the  13th  of  the  twelfth  months 
but  storms  and  contrary  winds  detained  us  in  the  river 
and  bay,  so  that  we  did  not  get  out  to  sea  till  the  21st 
of  said  month,  when  the  pilot  left  us,  by  whom  I  wrote 
to  my  wife  and  famil}' ;  and  now  I  thought  I  felt  the  ben- 
efit of  the  good  wishes  of  my  beloved  and  dear  friends  I 
left  behind,  which  did  me  a  great  deal  of  good,  as  it  often 
hath  done  on  the  like  occasion ;  for  faithful  friends,  and 
good  christians,  are  as  epistles  written  in  one  another's 
hearts.  In  our  passage  we  took  several  dolphins,  M-hich 
were  very  welcome  to  us,  we  having  a  long  passage,  and 
our  fresh  provisions  nearly  spent.  The  19th  of  the  first 
month  we  saw  the  island  of  Barbadoes,  having  had  sev- 
eral  meetings  on  board  the  ship  in  this  voyage,  the  good 
effects  I  could  sec  but  little  of,  only  for  that  day  they 
would  be  a  little  more  sober,  and  some  of  them,  addicted 
fo  swearing,  did  not  swear  so  often  as  they  did  before. 


The  day  following  we  safely  arrived  at  Speight's-town, 
where  we  had  the  next  day  a  very  comfortable  meeting 
for  the  divine  worship  of  God.  The  fifth  day  following 
I  was  at  Bridgetown,  at  their  week  day  meeting ;  and 
next  first  day,  being  the  30th  of  the  month,  I  was  at  a 
meeting  at  Pumpkin-hill,  where  I  was  enlarged  in  the 
doctrine  of  faith. 

After  this  I  went  to  the  Bridge  with  a  friend  from 
New-England;  we  had  two  good  meetings,  it  being  the 
general  meeting  for  the  friends  of  the  island,  and  after- 
wards I,  with  several  friends,  went  again  to  Speight's- 
town,  and  on  the  12th  of  the  second  month  I  was  at  the 
Thicket's  meeting,  at  which  were  counsellor  Weeks,  col- 
onel Charnock,  and  justice  Sims  ;  I  dined  with  them  at 
judge  Weeks',  and  they  discoursed  of  what  was  said  in 
the  meeting  about  dancing,  I  quoting  Luther's  words, 
*'  that  as  many  paces  as  the  person  takes  in  the  dance,  so 
many  paces  or  steps  they  take  towards  hell :"  and  I  told 
them,  that  I  had  heard  that  several  had  used  that  vain  ex- 
ercise in  our  meeting-house,  which  was  appointed  for  the 
worship  of  God ;  and  I  said,  I  hoped  for  the  future  it 
would  be  so  no  more  ;  two  of  those  persons  who  danced 
in  our  meeting-house,  were  then  in  the  meeting,  though 
I  did  not  know  it.  This  testimony  so  wrought  on  the 
colonel,  that  he  said  he  could  scarcely  feel  his  lesrs  since  I 
spoke  it ;  and  the  justice  said,  if  these  words  be  true,  he 
had  taken  many  steps  towards  hell  ;  and  the  counsellor 
and  judge  said,  it  was  home  doctrine  to  some  that  were 
there :  divers  of  them  seemed  to  be  touched  with  the 
testimony  of  truth,  though  not  so  solidly  as  I  desired. 
Soon  after,  I  went  with  Joshua  Birch,  to  visit  the  gov- 
ernor of  the  island,  colonel  Worsley,  who  treated  us  with 
much  freedom  and  civility  ;  he  desired  me  to  sit  down  by 
him,  and  then  called  for  a  decanter  of  wine,  of  which  he 
kindly  offered  me  a  glass,  but  I  told  him  I  chiefly  drank 
water ;  he  said,  v»'ater  is  certainly  the  best  drink  in  the 
world,  and  told  me  I  was  a  credit  to  my  drink,  as  I  look- 
ed as  well,  or  better,  than  most  who  drank  wine. 

In  the  second  month,  I  was  at  meeting  on  a  first  day  at 
Bridgetown,  which  was  somewhat  larger  than  usual ;  it 

]>  d 


was  a  good  open  time  in  the  morning,  but  more  so  in  th6 
afternoon.  At  this  meeting,  there  was  a  merchant  of  the 
town,  who  sent  to  know  if  our  friends  (he  not  being  of 
our  profession)  would  make  a  contribution  for  me,  in 
consideration  of  my  losses.  He  said  he  would  con- 
tribute as  much  as  any,  although  he  had  heard  me  only  one  time  ;  but  he  was  informed  that  we  received  no 
money  nor  pay  for  our  preaching ;  yet  his  good  will  I 

The  4th  of  the  third  month,  I  was  at  meeting  at  the 
Spring,  where  I  met  with  Joseph  Gamble,  and  John  Ox- 
ley,  and  his  wife,  and  several  others,  not  belonging  to 
this  particular  meeting,  and  we  were  edified  together  in 
the  love  and  life  of  Christ.  I  was  concerned  to  speak  of 
the  divers  visitations  and  speakings  of  God  to  the  people 
since  the  world  began  ;  quoting  the  words  of  holy  writ, 
that,  "  God,  who  at  sundry  times,  and  in  divers  manners, 
spake  to  the  fathers  by  the  prophets,  hath  in  these  last 
days  spoken  unto  us  by  his  Son,  whom  he  hath  appointed 
heir  of  all  things  :"  and  that  this  dispensation  is  the  last 
and  brightest  dispensation  of  all,  and  is  the  greatest  and 
most  glorious  manifestation  of  God's  love  to  mankind  ; 
and  that  beside  this  vocal  speaking  of  Christ,  when  in 
the  body  on  earth,  he  now  speaks  spiritually  :  which  spir- 
itual speaking  of  Christ,  in  and  to  the  true  church,  and 
true  believers,  will  outlast  time,  and  endure  to  all  eter- 
nity ;  the  great  Lord  of  all,  for  his  unspeakable  benefit 
therein,  was  praised  and  glorified,  as  being  alone  worthy. 

I  had  divers  other  meetings  on  the  island,  which  I  pass 
by,  not  being  willing  to  be  prolix.  After  a  stay  of  about 
nine  weeks,  v^e  proposed  sailing.  Judge  Gray,  a  very 
noted  man,  and  much  esteemed  among  the  people,  took 
passage  with  us  ;  also  Joshua  Birch,  of  Bridgetown,  for 
his  health,  and  William  Callender,  and  several  others,  as 
merchants.  Tho'  I  came  on  account  of  trade,  our  friends 
gave  me  a  certificate  that  I  had  good  service  among 
them,  and  in  my  outward  affliirs  had  gained  esteem  among 
the  people,  as  well  as  in  my  service  in  preaching  Christ ; 
all  which  I  acknowledge  to  be  the  effects  of  divine  grace  ; 
divers  friend:^  aiid  acquaintance  came  to  the  sea  shore  a(; 


Speight's-town,  and  in  a  great  deal  of  tender  christian 
love,  and  good  desires,  we  took  leave,  and  committed  one 
another  to  the  protection  of  the  Almighty.  We  had  a 
comfortable  passage,  and  arrived  at  Philadelphia,  where 
I  was  lovingly  received  by  my  wife  and  friends. 

In  this  voyage,  a  great  and  weighty  concern  came  on 
my  mind,  on  account  of  the  young  and  rising  generation, 
dc  siring  that  they  might  be  happy  in  this  world,  and  ia 
that  which  is  to  come.  And  first,  as  to  this  world,  I  have 
taken  notice,  that  divers  of  the  youth  are  too  apt  to  waste 
their  outward  substance,  which  often  is  given  to  them, 
(for  when  they  get  it  themselves,  they  are  for  the  most 
part  more  saving  of  it)  and  this  wasting  and  spendmg, 
those  sparks  call  generosity,  liberality,  good  nature,  gen^ 
tility,  fine  breeding,  and  abundance  of  other  fine  names, 
not  considering  the  labour  and  industry,  frugality,  care, 
and  watchings,  of  their  parents  or  ancestors,  to  get  what 
they  have.  May  parents  note  this  well,  and  not  be  anx- 
iously concerned  to  get  much  wealth,  which  may  be  a 
means  to  ruin  their  posterity !  and  truly  most  of  these 
spending,  drinking,  company  keeping,  gaming,  chatting, 
tippling  youngsters,  take  a  great  deal  more  care  how  they 
may  get  money  from  others,  that  they  may  spend  it,  than 
how  to  earn  it,  or  faithfully  labour  for  it  themselves ; 
they  will  beg  or  borrow,  or  run  in  debt,  but  take  little  or 
no  solid  thought  to  pay ;  by  which  means  divers  of 
those  topping,  beggcyly  beaus,  and  spenders,  have 
brought  both  themselves  and  relations,  parents  and 
friends,  to  shame  and  disgrace,  and  sometimes  to  poverty, 
where  their  relations,  and  parents  have  been  too  liberal. 
Let  all  indulgent  parents  note  this  also. 

And  if  any  concerned  person  should  advise  those  in- 
considerate youths  of  their  evils,  it  is  much  if  they  gain 
not  their  lasting  ill  will,  and  the  epithets  of  niggards  and 
covetous,  ill  natured,  censorious,  sour,  morose,  &c. 
However  I  shall  venture  to  stand  the  shock  of  their  dis- 
pleasure,  and  in  as  moving  terms  as  I  can,  consistent  with 
the  matter  on  my  mind,  entreat  them  to  consider  the  end 
of  their  spending,  slothful,  idle  life,  which  if  continued 
in,  must  needs  end  ia  their  ruin,  and  they  may  repent 


when  it  is  too  late,  crying  out,  Oh  !  that  I  had  hearken- 
ed to  the  advice  of  my  lather  and  my  indulgent  mother  ! 
Oh  !  that  1  had  taken  the  counsel  of  my  good  friends  in 
time,  then  I  had  not  been  in  this  condition,  nor  in  those 
straits  I  am  now  in.  This,  or  worse,  must  at  last  inevit- 
ably be  ihe  condition  of  those  unthinking,  time  wasting 
and  money  spending,  evil  company  keeping  young  peo- 
ple of  both  sexes.  Some  of  whom,  if  they  can  get  it, 
will  bpend  more  in  a  few  hours,  than  their  parents  can  get 
in  so  many  days,  which  is  very  unreasonable,  as  well  as 
unthinking  ;  for  if  the  mdulgent  parents  do  not  hold  their 
hands,  truly  they  must  all  sink  together ;  and  where  the 
parents  have  been  what  these  sorts  of  youths  call  liberal, 
whole  families  have  by  such  liberality  been  undone, 
which  is  a  case  to  be  lamented  by  all  sober  people. 

1  pray  our  spending  youths  to  consider,  how  many- 
brave,  fine  young  men  and  women,  whose  parents  have 
left  ;hem  estates  and  handsome  incomes,  have  by  such 
extravagances,  soon  spent  all,  and  sometimes  more  than 
all,  and  disgrace  and  a  jail  have  been  their  portion  ;  and 
how  many,  by  living  too  fast,  have  died  too  soon,  much 
sooner  than  might  be  exj)ected,  according  to  the  course 
of  nature. 

Wherefore,  I  would  advise  them  to  regard  what  the 
wise  king  Solomon  said,  "  Go  to  the  ant,  thou  sluggard, 
consider  her  ways,  and  be  wise  ;  she  gathereth  her  food 
in  the  summer;"  (i.e.  she  prepares  against  the  winier) 
though  this  may  be  despicable  in  the  eyes  of  our  fine 
gentlemen  and  learned  spending  wits,  yet  there  appears 
more  wisdom  in  these  little  industriotis  animals,  than  in 
those  great  spenders,  who  in  the  spring  and  summer  of 
their  years,  take  so  little  thought  of  saving  what  hath 
been  with  so  much  care  gotten  for  them,  or  of  getting 
more  against  their  winter  or  old  age  ;  which,  if  they 
live,  will  certainly  overtake  them,  when  their  youth  or 
summer  is  gone. 

But  many  youths  object  against  this  advice,  crying 
out,  as  I  have  often  heard,  "  The  aged  give  this  advice 
when  they  are  old,  but  did  as  we  do,  when  they  were 
young  as  we  are  ;"  although  this  may  be  true  in  some. 


yet  it  will  not  hold  good  in  the  general ;  and  if  it  do  in 
some,  is  not  that  maxim  good,  "  Let  others  harms  learn 
us  to  beware,  before  it  be  too  late,  that  we  fall  not  into 
the  same  snare,  which  hath  entangled  or  caught  thous- 
ands to  their  great  shame  and  reproach  ?"  Again,  those 
who  have  been  so  overtaken  in  their  youth,  and  are  es- 
caped out  of  the  snare,  are  more  fit  to  caution  or  advise 
how  to  escape  it,  or  to  shew  those  paths  which  lead  them 
into  that  labyrinth  of  wo  and  misery. 

The  author  of  all  evil  useth  his  utmost  skill  and  power 
to  promote  the  practices  of  excessive  drinking,  &c. 
among  mankind,  it  being  a  mighty  support  to  his  king- 
dom ;  for  when  the  nobility  of  the  understanding  is 
clouded  thereby,  then.  Oh!  how  many  wicked  oaths.  Oh! 
what  corrupt  language,  what  unhandsome,  unbecoming 
words  and  actions,  are  brought  forth  !  How  is  the  sober, 
chaste  soul,  offended,  and,  above  all  other  considerations, 
how  is  God  dishonoured,  and  the  end  of  our  creation 
frustrated,  and  man  condemned  ! 

When  people  are  in  those  excesses,  how  do  they  take 
the  sacred  name  in  vain,  and  so  bring  themselves  in  guilty 
before  God,  and  man  ;  for  he  has  positively  said,  he  will 
not  hold  those  guiltless  who  take  his  name  in  vain ;  so 
that  let  him  plead  never  so  many  excuses,  he  is  pro- 
nounced guilty  by  the  Judge  of  heaven  and  earth:  there- 
fore, let  me  persuade  the  youth  to  remember  what  the 
Lord  by  his  servants  said  concerning  drinking  to  excess  : 
*'  Wo  to  the  drunkards;"  and  that  "  no  drunkard  shall 
inherit  the  kingdom."  Again,  "  Wo  to  them  that  are 
mighty  to  drink  wine,  and  men  of  strength  to  mingle 
strong  drink,"  &.c.  If  it  be  objected,  as  it  often  is,  when 
such  poor  souls  are  reproved,  and  their  sins  set  in  order 
before  them ;  we  trust  in  the  mercy  of  God  and  the  mer- 
its  of  Christ ;  I  say  this  is  a  good  trust  and  hope,  if  upon 
a  good  foundation  ;  but  the  wicked  must  forsake  their 
ways,  and  the  unrighteous  their  evil  thoughts  ;  but  what 
forsaking  is  that,  when  strong  conviction  is  upon  the 
soul,  to  make  covenants,  vows,  and  promises,  and  break 
them  from  time  to  time  ?  And  though  Christ  hath  satis- 
fied the  justice  of  the  Almighty  for  sinners,  it  is  for  those 


who  forsake  their  sins,  not  those  who  plead  for  the  prac. 
tice  of  them,  and  endeavour,  by  many  vain  excuses,  to 
justify  themselves  in  them. 

Since  then  the  salvation  of  the  soul  is  precious,  and 
hath  cost  the  precious  blood  of  the  Lamb  of  God,  and 
is  much  more  precious  than  health  or  wealtii,  why  should 
any  be  so  cruel  and  hard-hearted  to  themselves,  as,  for  a 
little  vanity,  froth,  mirth,  toys,  trifles,  vain  sports,  and 
evil  pastime,  to  plun^^e  and  sink  themselves  into  the 
eternal  gulph  of  wo  and  misery ;  pray,  Oh  !  pray  con. 
sider  it,  dear  youths. 

After  my  return  from  Barbadoes,  in  the  fourth  month, 
I  visited  friends'  meetings  at  Burlington,  the  Falls  of 
Delaware,  Abington,  Germantown,  and  was  divers  times 
at  Philadelphia  and  Frankfort  meetings  ;  which  meetings 
were  much  to  my  satisfaction ;  the  Lord  being  pleased 
to  manifest  his  goodness  to  many,  as  also  to  my  poor 
exercised  soul ;  for  which  I  was  truly  thankful  unto 

In  the  sixth  month  I  was  at  the  general  meeting  of 
friends  at  Darby,  in  Chester  county,  which  was  a  large, 
good  meeting,  divers  friends  appearing  there  in  a  lively 
ministry.  About  this  time,  some  thousands  of  people 
came  from  Ireland,  and  also  many  palatines  from  Hol- 
land ;  among  whom,  it  was  reported,  were  romans,  or 
papists,  several  of  whom,  it  was  said,  gave  out  threat- 
ening speeches,  which  caused  some  consternation  among 
the  people. 

At  this  large  general  meeting,  I  exhorted  them  to 
trust  in  the  Lord,  and  not  to  distrust  that  hand  which  had 
hitherto  preserved  us  by  his  providence  without  outward 
force  ;  and  that  though  the  people  who  came  among  us 
were  many  in  number,  yet  we,  having  the  Lord  on  our 
side,  were  more  than  they,  in  a  mystical  sense ;  putting 
them  in  remembrance  of  the  prophet,  who,  when  his 
servant  was  afraid,  prayed  to  the  Almighty,  to  open  the 
eyes  of  his  servant,  and  when  they  were  mystically  open- 
ed, he  saw  the  mountain  full  of  chariots  of  fire,  and 
horses  of  fire,  and  that  they  were  more  than  their  ene- 
mies.    I  was  aiso  concerned  to  exhort  friends  to  be  good 

THE   JOURNAL   OP    T1I0MA3    CHALKLEY*  2(^ 

examples  to  those  strangers,  who  came  among  us  in 
sucli  great  numbers  ;  and  that  our  lights,  in  our  conver- 
sations, might  so  shine,  that  those  people,  seeing  our 
good  works,  might  glorify  our  Father  which  is  in  heav* 
en,  according  to  the  doctrine  of  Christ ;  and  then  we 
should  do  them  good,  and  they  would  do  us  no  hurt,  but 
good  also :  but  on  the  other  hand,  if  we  keep  not  our 
places,  and  do  not  live  in  the  fear  of  God,  nor  accord- 
ing to  our  holy  principles  and  profession,  that  then  it 
might  be  just  with  the  Lord  God,  to  make  them  a  scourge 
to  us.  Many  were  comforted  in  this  meeting,  and  God 
%vas  praised,  who  is  worthy. 

On  the  15th  of  the  sixth  month,  having  loaded  the 
ship  New  Bristol  Hope,  a  second  time,  I  sailed  in  her 
from  Philadelphia,  and  having  a  concern  to  visit  the 
meeting  of  friends  at  Salem,  I  left  the  ship  at  Glouces- 
ter, under  the  care  of  the  pilot,  and  went  by  land  to  the 
first  day  meeting  at  Salem,  and  from  thence  to  Elsen- 
borough,  and  stayed  till  the  ship  came  down ;  and  on 
the  20th  of  the  month  we  got  to  sea,  and  had  a  fair  wind 
^or  several  days,  and  lived  very  lovingly  on  board,  being 
respectfully  treated  by  my  sailors. 

In  this  voyage  we  had  several  meetings  on  board,  the 
first  of  which  was,  at  the  request  of  my  second  mate, 
to  call  the  sailors  together  in  the  cabin  ;  I  not  being  for- 
ward to  propose  it  to  them,  lest  they  should  suspect  me 
©f  some  vanity,  in  desiring  to  preach  to  them  ;  they  not 
knowing  the  cross  of  Christ  in  that  exercise. 

On  the  24th  day  of  the  seventh  month,  at  noon,  our 
ship,  by  observation,  being  exactly  in  the  latitude  of 
Barbadoes,  we  steered  away  west  for  the  island,  and  on 
the  26th  we  saw  it  after  five  weeks  and  one  day  leaving 
sight  of  Cape  Henlopen ;  we  having,  after  the  first  few 
days,  light  winds,  calms,  and  head  winds,  which  made 
our  passage  long,  and  our  sea  stores  almost  spent ;  but 
now  the  sight  of  land  made  the  people  forget  all  uneasi- 
ness, and,  for  this  favour,  my  heart  was  thankful  to  the 
great  Preserver  of  men. 

This  time  we  came  to  a  tolerable  market  with  our  pro- 
yisions^  wh;ich  made  our  stay  but  short ;  yet  I  was  divers 


times  at  Bridge-meeting  of  friends,  as  also  at  Speight's 
town,  where  my  concerns  chiefly  lay ;  and  once  at 
Piimpkin-hill  meeting,  in  which  meeting  it  was  observed 
to  tlie  people,  that  the  salvation  of  the  soul  is  precious, 
and  that  true  religion  is  a  solid  thing,  a  thing  of  the 
greatest  moment  to  both  body  and  soul,  and  that  people 
ought  to  be  very  serious  and  solidly  concerned  about  it, 
taking  special  care  to  lay,  or  build,  their  religion  on  a 
sure  foundation  ;  it  was  shewed  them,  that  Christ  Jesus 
was  the  sure  rock  and  foundation  of  all  the  righteous,  in 
all  ages ;  he  was  the  rock  that  followed  Israel,  which 
they  drank  of;  any  other  found ition  than  him,  no  man 
can  lay  ;  who  is,  in  the  truly  religious,  and  the  true  be- 
lievers, the  hope  of  their  glory.  Many  other  precious 
truths  were  manifested  to  us,  in  that  meeting,  for  which 
we  praised  the  Lord. 

Soon  after,  I  went  to  Bridgetown,  to  clear  out  the 
vessej,  and  was  at  their  week-day  meeting;  the  subject 
matter  I  had  to  treat  of  in  that  meeting,  was  that  '*  the 
Lord  bringeth  low,  and  he  raiseth  up  again;"  and  that, 
in  divers  respects,  as  to  kingdoms,  families,  and  partic- 
ular persons;  and  as  to  health,  wealth,  honour,  &c.  di- 
vers in  that  meeting  were  appealed  to  as  witnesses  of  it. 
After  this  meeting,  I  went  to  visit  the  governor,  who 
was  courteous  to  me,  and  took  my  visit  kindly,  and  de- 
sired to  be  remembered  to  our  governor,  and  several 
others,  and  wished  me  a  prosperous  voyage,  and  well 
back  again,  which  he  hoped  would  be  in  about  three 
months ;  he  said  "  Whoever  lived  to  see  it,  Pennsyl- 
vania would  be  the  metropolis  of  America,  in  some  hun- 
dreds of  years."  He  said,  "  he  loved  downright  honest 
men,  but  he  hated  deceit  and  hypocrisy  :" — a  great  man, 
and  a  great  expression  ! 

The  21st  of  the  eighth  month,  1729,  we  having  done 
our  business,  weighed  anchor,  and  went  to  sea  :  and  on 
the  26th  we  had  a  good  meeting  with  the  ship's  company, 
for  the  service  and  worship  of  God  ;  in  which  the  gospel 
of  Christ  was  declared  without  partiality,  and  the  reign- 
ing sins  of  sailors  openly  exposed,  according  to  the  doc- 
trine of  the  gospel,  and  the  most  high  Lord  entreated  to 

THE    JOURNAL    OF    THOM -^S    CHALKLEY.  209 

carry  on  in  the  earth  the  great  work  of  reformation. 
Hitherto  we  bad  fine,  pleasant  weather. 

The  beginning  of  the  ninth  month,  we  had  a  very 
bhistering,  stormy  time,  for  many  days,  so  that  we  could 
not  carry  sail,  but  sometimes  lay  by,  and  sometimes  went 
with  a  reefed  mainsail  and  foresail ;  the  ship  hdd  such  a 
violent  motion,  that  it  broke  our  glasses,  and  about  a 
dozen  bottles  of  wine,  and  our  earthen  ware,  and  strain- 
ed our  hogsheads  and  casks,  so  that  we  pumped  out  mo- 
lasses into  the  sea,  and  beat  us  back  many  leagues,  and 
blew  our  sails  out  of  the  bolt  ropes. 

After  those  storms,  we  had  a  calm,  and  the  wind 
sprung  up  westerly  ;  our  course  benig  north-west,  or 
thereabout,  we  could  barely  lay  our  course  ;  yet,  it  being 
moderate,  ^ve  had  cause  to  be  thankful. 

The  12th  of  the  ninth  month  we  found  ourselves  in  the 
latitude  of  36  degrees,  17  minutes,  north ;  but  the  wind 
was  ahead,  and  our  fresh  stock  of  provisions  almost  ex- 
pended, and  winter  coining  on  apace,  the  nights  dctrk  and 
long,  made  it  seem  tedious  to  our  people ;  the  which  I 
was  helped  to  bear  with  patience. 

The  14th  day,  about  eight  o'clock  at  night,  John 
Flasket,  one  of  the  best  of  our  sailors,  through  the  vio- 
lent pitching  of  the  ship,  fell  into  the  sea  from  oif  the 
bowsprit ;  one  of  the  sailors,  seeing  him  fall,  nimbly 
threw  a  rope  to  him,  which  he  caught  hold  of,  and  the 
people  helped  him  into  the  ship;  though,  in  all  probabil- 
ity, he  had  perished  in  the  sea,  if  he  had  missed  taking 
hold  of  the  rope.  I  was  thankful  to  the  Almighty  for  this 
young  man's  life,  and  took  it  as  a  great  favour  from 
heaven.  The  next  day  it  was  dreadful  stormy,  the  wind 
blew  violently  at  south-west,  with  lightning,  thunder, 
and  much  rain ;  the  seas  ran  so  high,  and  the  ship  liad 
such  a  great  motion,  that  the  goods,  or  casks,  shifted  in 
the  hold,  and  we  lay  by  till  next  day  ;  our  sails  also  were 
much  torn,  and,  in  many  places,  blown  out  of  the  bolt 
ropes,  so  that  we  were  half  a  day  mending  them,  and  then 
proceeded  on  our  voyage  home,  where  we  arrived  the 
latter  end  of  the  month. 


After  I  came  home  from  this  voyage,  in  the  small  stay 
I  was  on  shore,  I  was  divers  times  at  meetine^s  at  Phila- 
delphia and  Frankfort,  and  was  also  at  Germantown,  at 
the   burial  of  our  ancient  friend  Dennis   Cunrad,    who 
tvas  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  this  town  (as  I  understood 
the  first  meeting  of  friends,   for  worship  in  it,  was  kept 
at  his  house) ;   he  was  a  man  of  an  inoffensive  life,  much 
given  to  hospitality,  and  left  a  good  report  behind  him. 
The  meetmg  was  large,  and  many  of  the  first  settlers  of 
the  country  were  there.     I  was  also  at  the  burial  of  Cath- 
erine, the  daughter    of  Thomas  Lightfoot,  the  wife  of 
Ji.mes   Miller,  a   worthy   woman,  who  died   soon  after 
their  arrival  from  Ireland,  and  was  buried  from  our  great 
meeting-house  in  Philadelphia,  in  a  decent  and  exem- 
plarv  manner. 

The  latter  end  of  the  tenth  month,  Samuel  Harrison, 
of  New- York,  and  Oljadiah  Laivrence,  of  Long- Island, 
favoured  me  with  their  company  all  night  at  our  house, 
■where  we  ciilled  the  family  together,  and  had  a  season- 
able time  to  take  leave,  they  of  me,  and  I  of  them,  and 
my  family  also ;  and  the  next  day  divers  very  dear 
friends  came  with  me  to  the  boat,  to  the  river  side,  to 
take  leave,  and  we  parted  with  hearts  full  of  love  and 
good  will  to  each  other. 

So  I  went  on  board  at  Wiccacoe,  and  had  a  cold 
passage  down  the  river  and  bay,  and  left  the  Capes  the 
first  of  the  eleventh  month  (being  the  third  voyage  as 
master)  and  the  17th  we  passed  the  Tropic  of  Cancer. 
Hitherto  we  had  a  comfortable  passage,  and  though  we 
had  a  crowded  ship,  yet  we  had  peace  and  quietness  to 
a  greater  degree  than  I  expected  ;  for  men  that  use  the 
seas,  are,  too  generally,  inconstant  as  the  winds  and 
waters  they  pass  through.  We  had  several  meetings  on 
board  the  vessel,  in  this  voyage,  and  were  at  sea  about 
four  weeks,  before  we  arrived  at  Barbadoes,  and  when 
we  arrived,  the  markets  were  dull,  which  occasioned 
our  stay  so  long  as  about  twelve  weeks. 

During  which  time,  I  had  divers  religious  and  good 
opportunities  with  those  of  our  own,  and  other  societies, 
I  believ«  to  general  satisfaction  ;  having  the  good  wishes 


of  people  of  all  ranks,  from  the  governor  to  the  poor 
negroes  ;  all  of  whom  1  profess  to  love  for  Christ's 

This  voyage,  in  our  return  home,  we  had  q  full  ship, 
and  upwards  of  thirty  passengers,  and  were  on  our  pas- 
sage  home  about  a  month,  and  had  good  comfortable 
weather  therein. 

Soon  after  I  came  home  from  Barbadoes,  in  the  third 
month,  1730,  I  went  to  a  meeting  at  Burlington,  at  which 
w  IS  married  Thomas  Evans  ;  Margaret  Preston  was  also 
there.  It  was  a  good  meeting,  I  crossed  the  river  Del- 
-aware  twice,  visited  a  sick,  person,  and  rode  thirty  miles 
that  day.  I  also  went  to  the  Falls  meeting,  and  after 
said  meeting,  appointed  another  at  Neshaminy  the  same 
day ;  after  which,  I  went  with  Joseph  Kirk  bride  to 
William  Paxton's,  and  lodged  :  next  morning  Joseph 
Kirk  bride  rode  with  me  home,  and  thence  to  Philadel- 
phia. I  was  divers  times  at  Philadelphia,  Frankfort, 
and  Germantown,  and  at  the  general  meeting  at  Frank- 
fort,  where  our  friend  John  Cadwallader  was  married  ; 
Isaac  Norris,  Samuel  Preston,  and  Margaret  his  wife, 
and  John  Oxley,  were  at  this  meeting,  with  many  other 
friends,  a  good  share  of  whose  company  I  got  home  with 
me,  of  which  I  was  glad,  ever  loving  and  coveting  the 
company  of  good  men  and  women. 

I  was  now  preparing  for  the  fourth  voyage,  as  master 
of  the  New  Bristol  Hope,  for  Barbadoes ;  but  it  grevr 
harder  and  harder  for  me  to  leave  my  family,  which,  for 
many  considerations,  was  very  exercising ;  yet  I  wa? 
obliged  to  continue  going  to  sea,  upon  an  honourable  ac- 
count ;  i.  e.  that  no  person  might  suffer  by  me,  if  I  could 
help  it ;  and  having  got  our  vessel  loaded,  we  sailed 
from  Philadelphia  the  9th  of  the  fifth  month.  Next  day- 
came  to  an  anchor  at  Chester,  and  visited  my  old  friend 
David  Lloyd,  who,  with  his  good  spouse  Grace,  treated 
me  with  tender,  christian  love  ;  the  judge  and  I,  being 
old  acquaintance,  and  both  of  us  in  years,  and  he  not 
well,  we  took  leave,  as  if  we  were  not  to  see  one  another 
any  more,  which  happened  accordingly,  lor  he  died  be. 
fore  I  returned. 


We  weighed  anchor  at  Chester,  and  got  down  to  El- 
senborough,  and  went  to  Saicm  meeting  (it  being  the 
firsit  diiy  ot  the  week,  and  12ih  of  the  month),  with  some 
of"  our  passengers  and  saiiors.  The  meeting  was  pretty 
lai  ge,  and  I  was  earnestly  concerned  for  their  welfare,  as 
I  fjad  often  been  when  1  was  absent,  and  \v'as  glad  I  was 
with  them  that  day. 

Aftc  r  this  meethig  we  proceeded  on  our  voyage,  and 
left  the  Capes  the  15ih  of  the  aforesaid  moiith ;  had 
small  and  contrary  winds,  and  sometimes  calms,  until  the 
2d  of  the  sixth  month,  and  first  day  of  the  week,  whea 
the  wind  was  at  south,  and  a  hard  gale,  the  sea  high,  and 
the  ship  having  a  great  motio  ;,  therefore  we  had  not  a 
meeting  as  usual  :  many  of  the  passengers  were  very  sea 
sick  ;  aS  for  my  part,  I  thought,  if  the  Almighty  was  but 
with  me,  thiit  would  make  up  for  all  difficulties ;  for  in 
him  was,  and  is,  my  life  and  chicfcst  joy  ;  and,  as  an 
answer  of  peact  in  nn  tossed  condition,  1  sometimes  liad 
comfortable  times  ;  bein.^  inwardly  refreshed  with  the 
lose  and  presence  of  God  ;  not  only  in  the  day,  but  also 
in  I  he  night,  in  my  sleep  ;  out  of  m  hich  I  was  awakened 
ore  morning  (in  the  morning  watch),  with  these  comfort- 
able words,  "  He  took  me  to  his  banqueting- house,  and 
his  banner  over  me  was  love."  These  expressions  were 
so  fresh  in  my  mind,  for  some  days,  that  I  could  not  for- 
bear but  biess  the  holy  name  of  the  living  Lord  secretly 
in  nn  houl. 

The  16th  of  the  sixtli  month,  we  arrived  at  Barbadoes. 
The  17th  there  arose  aboui  midnight,  a  hard  gale  of  wind, 
which,  the  (Baibadians  call  a  luirricane,  or  tornado,  and 
blew  more  than  ten  vessels  ashore,  great  and  small,  which 
were  wholly  lost ;  and  our  ship  was  very  near  the  rocks, 
people  looking  every  minute  when  she  would  come  on 
shore  :  but  through  divine  favour;  we  escaped,  with  only 
the  boat  stove  against  the  rocks;  I  would  have  got  on 
board,  but  that  was  impracticable  ;  but  I  got  on  the  high- 
est place  I  could,  from  which  I  couid  see  them  in  the 
ship,  and  they  mc  on  shore  ;  but  we  couid  not,  for  the 
-vi(;ier:ce  of  the  wind,  hear  one  another;  yet  the}  were  so 
near  the  fort,  where  I  stood,  that  I  couid  discern  them 


one  from  another,  and  they  me  from  the  multitude  of  peo- 
ple, (many  being  in  the  fort  with  me),  I  seeing  the  chief 
mate  look  towards  me,  waved  m\  hat  towards  him,  and 
he  in  answer,  his  to  me  ;  then  I  made  a  signal  to  him  to 
go  to  sea,  which  they  immediately  did,  letting  slip  their 
cables  and  went  to  sea,  without  eitht  r  boat,  anchor,  or 
cables,  and  came  in  the  next  day,  and  got  their  cables 
and  anchors  again,  to  the  great  joy  of  many  of  the  inhab- 
itants, whose  hearty  prayers  were  for  our  safety,  as  many 
of  them  told  me.  This  among  many  others,  I  put  in  my 
calendar  of  deliverances,  and  preservations  from  immi- 
nent dangers,  by  the  hand  of  Divine  Providence. 

We  stayed  this  time  in  Barbadoes  about  five  weeks, 
leaving  the  island  the  27th  of  the  seventh  month ;  and 
there  I  met  with  Robert  Jordan,  my  friend  and  brother 
in  the  work  and  fellowship  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  who 
took  his  passage  with  us  for  Philadelphia,  whose  com- 
pany was  pleasant  and  comfortable.  One  evening  he 
was  repeating  some  verses  of  the  excellent  Addison's, 
which  I  willingly  transcribed,  as  well  in  memory  of  that 
great  author,  as  also  that  they  answered  my  state  and  con- 
dition in  my  watery  travels,  and  in  the  extremes  of  heat 
and  cold,  and  some  poisonous  airs,  I  have  often  breathed 
in.     They  are  as  followeth. 


How  are  thy  servants  hlest,  O  Lord ! 

How  sure  is  dieir  defence  ! 
Eternal  wisdom  is  their  guide. 

Their  help  Omnipotence. 


In  foreign  realms,  and  lands  remote, 

Supported  by  thy  care  ; 
Through  burning  climes  I  pass'd  unhurt, 

And  breath'd  in  tainted  air. 



Thy  mercy  sweet*ned  every  soil, 

Made  every  region  please. 
The  hoary  Alpine  hills  it  warm'd. 

And  smooth'd  the  Tyrrhene  seas. 


Think,  Oh,  my  soul !  devoutly  think. 

How,  with  affrighted  eyes, 
Thou  saw*st  the  wide,  extended  deep>. 

In  all  its  horror  rise. 

Confusion  dwelt  in  every  face, 

And  fear  in  every  heart, 
When  waves  on  waves,  and  gulphs  on  gulphs^ 

O'ercame  the  pilot's  art. 


Yet  then,  from  all  my  griefs,  Oh,  Lord ! 

Thy  mercy  set  me  free, 
Whilst,  in  the  confidence  of  prayer, 

My  soul  took  hold  on  thee, 


For  though  in  dreadful  whirls  we  hung, 

High  on  the  broken  wave : 
I  knew  thou  wert  not  slow  to  hear. 

Nor  impotent  to  save. 


The  storm  was  laid,  the  wind  retir'd, 

Obedient  to  thy  will ; 
The  sea,  that  roar'd  at  thy  command, 

At  thy  command  was  still. 


In  midst  of  dangers,  fears,  and  death, 

Thy  goodness  I'll  adore  ; 
And  praise  thee  for  thv  mercies  past, 

And  humbly  hope  for  more. 



My  life,  if  thou  preserv'st  my  life, 

Thy  sacrifice  shall  be  ; 
And  death,  if  death  must  be  my  doom, 

Shall  join  my  soul  to  thee. 

The  4th  of  the  eighth  month,  we  met  with  a  hard  gale 
of  wind,  which  broke  the  tiller  of  our  rudder,  and  split 
our  bowsprit  and  mainsail,  and  overset  many  of  our 
chests  ;  Robert  Jordan  narrowly  missed  his  chest  falling 
on  him  from  one  side  of  the  ship  to  the  other,  which  we 
looked  upon  as  a  merciful  providence,  and  spoke  of  it  to 
one  another,  remembering  Addison's  verses,  which  the 
night  before  were  repeated. 

In  this  passage  we  saw  three  vessels  only ;  it  was  a 
blustering  time,  but  the  shortest  from  land  to  land  that 
ever  I  had,  being  but  fourteen  days  and  fourteen  hours, 
from  the  sight  of  Barbadoes  to  the  sight  of  the  main 
land  :  we  arrived  at  Philadelphia,  the  16th  of  the  eighth 

In  the  ninth  month,  I  proceeded  on  a  fifth  voyage,  as 
master,  to  Barbadoes,  and  went  down  the  river  Delaware 
on  a  seventh  day,  and  on  first  day,  was  at  Chester  meet- 
ing, at  which  time  there  was  a  burial  of  a  child,  and  a 
large  meeting ;  our  friends  at  Chester  were  glad  to  see 
me,  and  I  them,  and  after  meeting  we  set  sail,  and  went 
down  the  river  to  Elsenborough,  where  we  came  to  and 
landed  Robert  Worthington,  whose  son  Ezra,  was  on 
board,  and  went  to  Barbadoes  for  his  health,  being  in  a 
deep  consumption. 

This  voyage  we  were  on  our  passage  about  thirty-three 
days  before  we  arrived  at  Barbadoes,  when  after  doing 
my  business,  and  visiting  friends'  meetings  about  five 
weeks,  we  put  to  sea  on  the  10th  of  the  twelfth  m.onth, 
and  sailed  along  to  leeward  of  divers  islands,  till  we  came 
to  Anguilla,  where  we  landed  in  expectation  to  get  salt, 
but  at  this  time  there  was  not  any  to  be  had  there.  We 
came  to  an  anchor  here  in  the  night,  hoping  to  get  to  a 
harbour  before  it  was  dark ;   but  it  soon  being  very  dark,- 

216  THE    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHALKL^.Y. 

and  coming  into  shoal  water,  we  saw  a  large  rock,  and 
came  to  by  the  side  of  it,  in  about  five  or  six  fathom 
water,  taking  it  to  be  a  ship,  and  when  it  was  day  we  saw 
our  mistake,  and  that  instead  of  a  vessel,  we  were  too 
nigh  a  rock,  and  the  wind  coming  about,  tailed  our  ship 
towards  it  so  near,  that  we  were  sensible  of  touching 
twice  ;  I  ordered  the  men  to  heave  a  little  farther  ahead, 
and  so  we  lay  clear  till  morning.  When  morning  came, 
of  which  we  were  glad,  several  boats,  with  a  cable,  came 
to  us,  and  the  people  advised  us  to  put  a  spring  on  our 
cable,  and  cut  it,  that  she  might  cast  the  right  way  ; 
which  accordingly  we  did,  and  it  had  the  desired  effect ; 
so  that  we  soon  got  into  a  very  fine  harbour,  it  being 
about  a  mile  off.  Many  thanks  were  given  by  many  of 
the  people  for  this  deliverance  to  the  Almighty.  George 
Leonard,  the  governor  of  this  island,  heard  in  the  morn- 
ing, that  a  vessel  was  on  the  rocks,  and  the  people  were 
running  with  saws  and  axes,  in  order  to  break  her  uj:),  if 
she  could  not  be  got  off:  the  governor  seeing  them,  sent 
a  lieutenant  with  orders,  that  let  her  belong  to  what  na- 
tion soever,  they  should  help  to  get  her  off,  if  it  could, 
be,  and  if  she  was  likely  to  be  made  a  wreck,  he  charge  d 
them  at  their  peril  not  to  meddle  with  her,  nor  any  thing 
belonging  to  her,  until  they  had  first  come  to  terms  with 
the  master,  which  is  worthy  to  be  recorded. 

We  stayed  several  days  before  we  could  get  our  an- 
chor ;  for  after  we  were  in  the  harbour,  it  blew  very  hard 
for  four  or  five  days  ;  so  that  with  our  four  oars  we  could 
not  row  our  boat  ahead,  but  watching  for  a  calm  one 
night,  our  people  went  out  and  got  it,  and  then  we  went 
into  the  principal  road  or  harbour  in  the  island,  called 
Croaker's- bay  ;  the  name  of  that  we  came  from  was 
Rendezvous-bay,  where  lived  a  very  kind  friend  of  ours, 
named  John  Rumney,  who,  with  his  wife  and  family, 
treated  us  with  great  love,  and  courteously  received  us 
irito  their  house,  and  he  went  with  me  to  the  governor's, 
who  was  my  old  acquaintance  and  friend,  who,  with 
much  love  and  tenderness,  when  he  knew  me,  took  me  in 
his  arms,  and  embraced  me,  and  lovingly  saluted  me  with 
a  kiss  of  chaTity,  and  thanked  God  for  our  deliverance^ 


and  that  he  had  lived  to  see  me  once  more  ;  (I  having- 
been  there  some  years  before),  he  was  seventy  odd  years 
of  age,  as  I  remember,  and  had  eighty  odd  who  called 
him  father  ;  they  living  much  on  roots  and  pulse,  are  very 
healthy  in  this  island.  I  was  here  nine  days,  and  had 
seven  meetings  with  the  people  ;  the  longer  I  stayed  the 
larger  the  meetings  were  ;  so  that  I  had  some  difficulty 
to  leave  them.  Through  the  grace  and  gift  of  God  I 
was  helped  to  preach  the  gospel  of  Christ  freely,  and 
they  received  it  both  freely  and  thankfully,  divers,  if  not 
all  ;  for  their  hearts  and  mine  were  very  open  one  to 
another,  the  holy  Lord's  name  be  praised  forever* 

The  3d  of  the  first  month,  Ezra  VVorthington  died, 
and  the  4th  in  the  afternoon,  he  was  buried  on  the  plan- 
tation of  John  Rumney,  near  his  house ;  the  governor 
and  his  son-in-law  were  at  the  burial,  where  I  told  them, 
that  he  was  an  inoffensive,  innocent,  sober  young  man, 
and  that  death  was  to  be  the  end  of  us  here,  putting  them 
in  mind  to  remember  their  latter  end.  After  I  had  done 
speaking,  the  governor  said,  that  death  was  a  debt  due  to 
nature,  and  that  we  must  all  pay  it,  and  blessed  is  the 
man  that  in  time  truly  prepares  for  it.  This  was  a  good 
expression  for  a  man  in  his  post,  and  worthy  of  my  notice, 
as  I  thought. 

I  was  at  one  meeting,  where  was  the  governor  and  his 
daughter,  with  divers  of  the  best  and  soberest  people  of 
this  island  ;  it  was  a  satisf  ictory  meeting,  which  ended 
in  prayer ;  and  when  I  arose  from  my  knees  I  found  the 
governor  on  one  side,  ajid  his  daughter  on  the  other  side 
of  me,  both  on  their  knees ;  a  posture  in  which  people 
are  too  seldom  found  in  tliis  degenerate  age  of  the 

On  the  10th  of  the  first  month,  we  departed  from  the 
island  of  Anguilla,  with  a  pleasant  gale,  and  had  fair 
weather  and  winds  for  several  days.  I  spent  some  time  of 
this  voyage  in  reading,  and  met  widi  a  passage  of,  or 
concerning  friendship  :  the  comfort  and  beauty  of  it,  was 
notably  set  forth  therein,  yet  most  who  treat  upon  that 
noble  subject,  place  (too  generally),  the  felicity  thereof 
in  humanity  :   whereas  true  and  lasting  friendship  is  of  a 

F  f 

218  THE    JOURNAL    Of    THOMAS    CHALKLF.Y. 

divine  nature,  and  can  never  be  firmly  settled  without 
divine  grace.  Christ  Jesus  is  the  j)rime  iriend  of  man- 
ki.ul,  and  from  whom  all  true  and  lasting  friendship 
springs  and  flows,  as  from  a  living  fountain,  himself  being 
the  head  spring  thereof;  out  of  which  holy  fountain  hath 
sprung  as  followeth  :  "  Henceforth  I  call  you  not  ser- 
vants, and  ye  are  m\  friends,  if  ye  do  whatsoever  I  com- 
mand vou."  And  again,  "  By  this  shall  all  men  know 
that  ye  are  my  disciples,  if  ye  love  one  another."  Oh, 
holy  expressions  !  much  to  be  admired,  and  worthy  every 
true  and  good  man  and  woman's  imitation  and  practice. 
Observe,  that  when  they  had  done  whatsoever  Christ 
had  commanded  them,  th^^n  they  were  to  be  his  fiiends, 
and  they  were  not  only  to  be  his  friends,  but  one  an- 
other's friends,  as  he  was  their's  ;  and  if  occasion  were, 
as  he  died,  so  they  would  die  for  one  another.  By  this 
mark  and  truest  seal  of  the  truest  friendship,  all  the  world 
should  know  they  belonged  to  Christ,  that  they  were 
united  to  him,  and  in  him  united  to  one  another.  Noth- 
ing  but  disobedience  and  sin  can  ever  separate  this  friend- 

Against  this  friendship,  which  is  in  Christ,  and  ground- 
ed and  founded  upon  him,  the  gates  of  hell  can  never 
prevail ;  all  friendship,  upon  any  consideration,  merely 
human,  is  brittle  and  uncertain,  and  subject  to  change  or 
mutability,  as  experience  hath  taught  in  all  ages. 

If  any  person  hath  a  desire  to  have  a  particular  friend, 
let  that  person  be  sure  to  make  choice  of  Christ,  and  such 
as  choose  him  have  a  friend,  in  whom  all  lasting  peace, 
comfort  and  delight,  joy  and  pleasure,  is,  and  in  him 
alone  is  to  be  enjoyed  forever. 

The  20th  cf  the  first  month,  being  the  first  of  the 
week,  we  had  a  comfortable  meeting  for  divine  worship, 
in  which  the  goodness  of  God  was  extended  to  us  as  we 
were  rolling  on  the  mighty  waters  of  the  great  deep,  after 
which  we  had  pleasant  weather,  and  a  fair  wind,  for  sev- 
eral days. 

On  the  26th,  the  wind  sprung  up  at  E.  N.  E.  a  hard 
gale,  which  lasted  several  days,  and  having  but  little  sea 
room,  for  about  thirty   hours  it  blew  so  hard  that  wc 


could  dress  no  victuals  :  I  then  thou,^ht  on  the  words  of 
Job,  when  he  spoke  to  his  impatient  wife,  saving;,  "  Shall 
we  receive  good  at  the  hand  of  God,  and  shall  we  not 
n  ceive  evil  also  ?"  (or  that  which  is  accounted  or  looks 
like  evil  in  the  eyes  of  man).  In  this  time  of  exercise, 
the  love  and  heavenly  life  of  God,  in  his  beloved  Son,  fill- 
ed my  heart,  and  caused  an  overflowing  of  praises  to  his 
holy,  glorious,  and  blessed  name.  Oh!  it  was  exceed- 
ingly precious  to  my  soul  at  "hat  time. 

The  first  of  the  second  month,  we  saw  land,  being 
driven  to  the  southward  nearly  two  hundred  and  fifty  miles 
in  this  last  hard  weather ;  but  we  soon  after  arrived  at 
our  desired  port. 

After  which  I  visited  the  meetings  of  friends  at  Phil- 
adelphia, Burlington,  the  Falls,  Abinglon,  Germantown, 
Bristol,  and  Frankfort,  and  found  the  people  had  been 
under  a  general  visitation  of  the  small-pox,  insomuch  that 
many  hundreds,  especially  of  children,  were  taken  off  the 
stage  of  this  life,  in  the  city  of  Philadelphia,  and  I  was 
concerned  to  exhort  friends  in  that  city  to  bring  their 
children  to  meetings,  and  educate  them,  when  young,  in 
the  way  they  should  go,  that  they  might  not  depart  from 
it  when  old ;  and  that  he  who  had  taken  many  awa)% 
could,  if  he  pleased,  take  many  more  ;  for  though  he 
might  have  laid  down  his  rod  at  present,  (the  distemper 
in  the  city  being  much  abated),  he  could  soon  take  it  up 
again.  It  is  my  belief,  that  the  Lord  Almighty  will  still 
continue  to  visit  the  city  and  people  (if  there  is  not  a  re- 
formation), with  further,  if  not  sorer,  visitations,  because 
he  hath  known  them  to  do  them  good,  and  make  them  a 
blessing  to  many  islands  and  people  ;  giving  them  the 
fatness  of  the  earth,  and  that  which  is  far  more,  the  dew 
of  heaven  ;  so  that  he  may  justly  say  to  us,  as  to  Israel  of 
old,  *'  You  have  I  known  of  all  the  families  of  the  earth  ; 
therefore  I  will  visit  upon  you  for  all  your  iniquities." 

In  the  beginning  of  the  fourth  month,  Robert  Jordan 
was  married  to  Mary,  the  widow  of  Richard  Hill,  (all 
three  worthy  friends).  The  meeting  on  this  occasion  was 
large,  and  the  marriage  solemnized  in  the  fear  of  God. 
Divers  friends  were  concerned  to  speak  to  the  people, 


and  it  was  greatly  desired  that  those  present,  who  wefc 
then  spoke  to,  might  be  married  to  Christ,  the  great  lover 
of  souls,  who  laid  down  his  life,  the  most  precious  life 
that  ever  was  on  earth,  and  shed  his  precious  blood  for 
our  salvation, 

A  few  days  after  which  I  again  took  shipping  for  the 
island  of  Barbadoes,  being  the  sixth  voyage,  in  the  New 
Bristol  Hope,  and  left  the  Capes  of  Delaware  the  eighth 
day  of  the  first  month.  The  22d  of  the  said  month,  I 
being  weary,  laid  me  down  to  rest,  fell  asleep,  and  was 
^wakened  out  of  it  with  these  words,  "  Oh,  heart  in 
heaven  !  it  is  an  excellent  thing  to  have  an  heart  in  heav- 
en !"  Which  words  were  comfortable  to  me,  and  left  a 
sweetness  on  my  mind  all  the  day  after,  for  which  I  was 
thankful,  and  greatly  desired  that  my  heart  and  mind 
might  be  set  and  fixed  more  and  more  on  heaven  and 
heavenly  things,  and  that  my  treasure  might  be  in  heaven, 
that  my  heart  might  be  there  also,  according  to  the  doc- 
trine of  my  Saviour,  Mat.  vi.  20,  21.  "  Lay  up  for 
yourselves  treasure  in  heaven,  for  where  your  treasure  is,, 
there  will  your  heart  be  also." 

The  27th  day,  being  the  first  day  of  the  week,  we  had 
a  comfortable  meeting,  the  weather  being  moderate  ;  and 
on  the^ih  of  the  fifth  month,  \vq  arrived  at  Bridgetown 
in  Barbadoes,  where  we  imloaded  part  of  our  cargo,  and 
from  thence  we  went  to  Speight's-town ;  where,  after  a 
stay  of  about  five  weeks,  we  accomplished  our  aft'airs.  I 
also  vi-iited  all  our  friends  meetings,  and  some  several 
times,  in  which  we  were  edified  and  comforted,  and  divers 
of  us  had  occasion  to  bless  the  holv  name  of  God  for  his 
mercy  to  us.  Before  we  left  the  island,  there  happened 
a  great  storm  or  hurricane,  Avhich  did  much  damage  to 
the  ships,  and  to  the  island,  blowing  down  many  houses, 
and  spoiling  much  provisions,  destroying  almost  all  the 
plantain  trees  on  the  island,  which  is  a  very  wljolesome 
and  pleasant  fruit,  and  much  used  by  many  instead  of 

I  was  clearing  out  the  vessel  when  this  storm  happen- 
ed, and  being  twelve  miles  off,  could  not  hear  of  or  con- 
cerning her,  but  thought  it  altogether  unlikely  that  sjie 


should  ride  out  so  great  a  storm,  in  so  bad  a  harbour  or 
road,  it  being  open  to  the  sea,  and  such  a  storm  as  had 
not  been  known  for  many  years,  and  some  said,  never 
but  once,  to  their  knowledge,  though  much  more  damage 
hath  at  some  other  times  been  done  to  the  shipping,  by- 
reason  that  the  hardest  of  the  wind  was  not  that  way, 
which  was  most  dangerous  to  them  in  Carlisle-bay, 
where  they  mostly  lay  ;  for  they  all  got  out  to  sea,  ex- 
cept two  or  three  that  were  lost  by  the  violence  of  the 
weather.  It  was  indeed  a  very  dismal  time,  the  vessels 
which  rode  it  out  were  much  damaged,  and  one  being 
loaded,  ready  to  sail,  sunk  right  down,  and  was  lost  in 
the  bay.  When  I  had  cleared  our  ship,  I  set  forward  in 
order  to  see  what  was  become  of  her ;  but  the  floods 
were  so  great,  and  the  ways  were  so  bad,  I  could  not  with- 
out some  danger  get  to  her  that  night ;  but  next  morn- 
ing set  out  from  Joseph  Gamble's,  and,  to  my  admira- 
tion, from  the  top  of  a  hill  (on  which  a  house  in  the  storm 
was  blown  flat  to  the  ground),  I  saw  our  ship  at  an  an*. 
chor,  having  rode  out  the  storm,  with  one  sloop  by  her, 
for  which  cause  my  soul  was  humbly  thankful. 

On  the  17th  of  the  said  month,  with  some  more  than 
ordinary  fatigue,  we  got  up  our  anchor,  and  took  in  our 
boat,  and  got  our  passengers  and  provisions  on  board, 
the  sea  breaking  high  on  the  shore,  so  that  several  of  our 
people  and  our  boat  were  in  jeopardy  of  being  lost ;  but 
at  length  being  all  on  board,  we  set  sail,  and  having  sailed 
slowly  about  six  or  seven  miles,  we  met  will'i  a  sloop 
which  had  lost  her  mast  in  the  storm,  and  next  morning 
we  met  w  ith  two  large  London  ships,  which  had  put  out 
to  sea,  not  venturing  to  ride  it  out. 

We  had  fine  pleasant  weather  for  several  days  after  we 
left  the  island,  and  on  the  22d  of  the  sixth  month,  being 
the  first  day  of  the  week,  we  had  a  meeting  for  the  wor- 
ship of  God,  which  was  comfortable  and  satisfactory  to 
us.  The  4th  and  5th  of  the  seventh  month  we  had  very 
fiesh  gales  from  the  north-east  to  the  nurth,  and  were  near 
a  water- spout,  about  a  stone  throw  ofi",  which  surprised 
some  on  board,  on  which  I  came  out  of  my  cabin,  and 
saw  the  water  run  up  ^ut  of  the  sea  into  the   cloud,   as 

-J22  THE    JOURNAL    99    THOMAS    CHALKLEY. 

plain  as  ever  I  saw  the  water  run  into  the  river,  till  it  fill- 
ed the  cloud  with  blackness,  and  then  it  would  break  in 
great  quantities  into  the  sea,  which  is  dangerous,  when 
falling  on  vessels. 

The  5th  of  the  month,  being  the  first  day  of  the 
week,  we  had  a  good  religious  meeting  for  divine  wor- 
ship, wherein  our  people  were  earnestly  exhorted  to  a 
holy  life,  and  to  be  earnestly  concerned  for  the  true  faith, 
which  is  in  Christ;  that  faith  which  works  by  love,  and 
is  the  evidence  of  things  not  visibly  seen,  being  man- 
ifest by  works  of  piety  and  virtue.  In  this  vo}  age  we 
were  twenty-two  days  from  the  island  of  Barbadoes  to 
the  sight  of  Cape-Henry,  in  Virginia,  and  had  a  pleasant 
passage,  in  the  main,  to  Philadelphia,  where,  in  the  sev- 
enth month,  was  held  our  yearly  meeting,  at  which  I  had 
a  desire  to  be,  my  watery  employment  having  hindered 
my  being  at  a  yearly  meeting  for  several  years.  At  this 
meeting  I  met  with  my  old  acquaintance  and  dear  friends, 
John  Richardson,  of  Yorkshire,  and  Paul  Johnson,  of 
Dublin,  both  on  a  gospel  visit  to  the  brethren  and 
friends  in  America.  The  meeting  was  large,  and  attend- 
ed with  divine  grace  and  goodness,  and  ended  with 
thanksgiving  and  praise  to  God  and  the  Lamb. 

While  our  ship  was  loading  I  was  at  several  meetings 
in  the  country,  as  at  Abington,  Germantown,  Fair-hill, 
and  Frankfort,  in  Philadelphia  county  ;  and  at  the  Falls 
of  Delaware,  Buckingham,  Neshaminy,  and  Bristol,  in 
Bucks  county.  I  was  also  at  Burlington,  at  the  mar- 
riage of  William  Callender,  Jun.  of  Barbadoes,  with 
Cciiharine  Smith,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Smith, 
of  Burlington. 

On  the  16th  of  the  ninth  month,  I  proceeded  on  the 
seventh  voyage  to  Barbadoes,  in  the  ship  New  Bristol 
Hope,  as  master,  having  on  board  several  passengers, 
one  of  whom  (Elizabeth  Mariindalc)  was  on  the  passage 
convinced  of  the  principles  of  truth,  and  afterwards  suf- 
fered, in  divers  respects,  for  mi' king  profession  with  us. 

We  had  a  long  passage  down  the  river,  the  wind  be- 
ing high  and  boisterous.  On  the  22d  of  the  ninth  month 
we  left  the  capes  of  Delaware,  and  saw  the  island  of 


Barbadoes  the  21st  of  the  tenth  month,  before  it  was 
day,  and  in  the  afternoon  came  to  an  anchor  in  the  bay 
of  Speigiit's-town.     In  this  voyage  I  met  with  an  acci- 
dent that  was  painful  and  troublesome  to  me,  which  hap- 
pened in  a  hard  gale  of  wind  :   I  being  to  the  windward, 
and  the  ship  having  a  large  motion,  and  missing  my  hold, 
was  canted  from  my  place  to  the  other  side  of  the  vessel, 
against  the  edge  of  a  chest,  and  so  bruised  my  leg  that 
I  could  not  do  my  business  as  I  usually  did,  which  was 
a  great   hindrance  and  disappointment  to  me :   but   in 
about  a  month's  time,  with  the  assistance  of  some  of 
my  friends  there,   I  got  indifferently  through  it,  and  also 
rode  to  Bridgetown,  and  had  several  meetings  there.     I 
was  also  at  several  good  and   comfortable   meetings  at 
Speight 's-town,  where  we  had  one  the  day  we   sailed, 
being  the  21st  of  the   eleventh  month;  and  on  the  sea- 
shore parted  with    our    friends    in    great  love,   and  set 
sail,  the  wind  being  north-east,  so  that  we  could  weather 
the  island  of  Martinico  ;   we  therefore  sailed  along  by  the 
islands  of  Dominico  and  Guadaloupe,  and  had  calms  un- 
der the  islands,  and  sometimes   the  eddy  winds  from  off 
the  mountains  or  high  lands,  would  take  the  sails,  and 
carry  the  ship  clear  round,  which  made  it  tedious.     The 
23d  and  24th  we  passed  by  the  islands  of  Montserrat, 
Antigua,  Rodondo,  Christopher's,  Nevis,  Bartholomew, 
Statia,  Saba,  Barbuda,  Martin's,  and  Anguilla,  the  winds 
and  weather  being  fair  and  pleasant.      The  25th  in  the 
evening,  it  began  to  be  hazy  ;  and  in  the  night  we  split 
our  main-top- sail,  which  cost  us  a  great  deal  of  labour, 
and  loss  of  time,  before  we   could  get  it  mended  and 
set  again.     We  had  pretty  fair  weather  about  twenty 
days,  until  we  came  on  our  own  coast,  and  into  sound- 
ings, when  a  hard  gale  of  wind  springing  up  easterly, 
set  on  the  shore,  was  dangerous,  and  we  had  a  long 
night  coming  on;  but  through  the  favour  of  the  Al- 
mighty, we  got  off  from  the  land.     In  the  midst  of  the 
danger  of  this  storm,  my  soul  sung  praises  to  the  Lord. 
The  12th  of  the  twelfth  month,  we  met  with  another 
easterly  storm,  being  in  about  thirty  fathom  water,  it  blew 
and  rained  very  hard,  and  was  also  exceeding  cold,  and 


our  coming  from  a  hot  climate  made  it  more  hard  to  bear. 
In  this  storm  we  saw  divers  lights,  which  the  sailors  call 
corpusants,  one  of  them  was  exceeding  bright,  and  sat, 
as  near  as  I  can  compute  it,  about  half  an  hour  on  our 
main-top- mast  head,  plain  to  the  view  of  all  the  ship's 
company,  divers  of  whom  said  they  never  saw  they  like, 
and  I  think  I  never  heard  of  o^  saw  the  like  before. 

The  storm  continued  all  night  till  day,  when  it  abated, 
and,  it  being  the  first  of  the  week,  we  had  a  comfort- 
able meeting,  in  which  the  people  on  board  were  advised 
to  get  divine  and  heavenly  learning-,  and  not^to  be  fools 
in  religion,  or  in  the  things  of  God,  nor  to  hate  his  true 
knowledge  ;  for  if  they  had  all  the  natural  knowledge, 
and  brightest  natural  parts  in  the  world,  they  would  be 
but  fools  without  the  true  fear  of  God,  which  the  wise 
king  Solomon  says,  is  the  beginning  of  wisdom. 

The  27th  of  the  month  we  saw  Cape  Henlopen,  hav- 
ing been  27  days  from  the  island  of  Barbadoes  :  this  was 
a  close,  foggy  day,  we  could  see  but  very  little  before 
us,  and  had  like  to  have  been  a- ground  on  the  shoals, 
which  they  call  the  Hen  and  Chickens,  but  went  between 
them  and  the  Cape,  in  three  fathom  water ;  the  wind 
blowing  hard  at  south,  we  went  up  the  bay  by  the  lead, 
for  we  could  not  see  land ;  and  the  gale  being  so  fresh, 
we  got  to  Bombay-hook,  from  our  capes,  in  about  six 
hours,  which  is  accounted  twenty  leagues ;  where  we 
came  to  an  anchor,  and  there  met  with  abinidance  of 
ice.  Merciful  was  the  deliverance  and  preservation  we 
met  with  from  the  hand  of  the  Almighty  this  voyage  ; 
may  we  ever  gratefully  remember  it !  About  a  league 
above  Bombay-Hook,  when  the  fog  broke  up,  we  found 
ourselves  close  on  the  Jersey  shore;  and  the  wind  sprung 
lip  at  north-west,  and  obliged  us  to  come  to  an  anchor  ; 
where  the  ice  carhe  down  upon  us,  which  surprized  some 
of  U8  much.  The  sudden  coming  out  of  so  hot  a  cli- 
mate, into  one  so  severely  cold,  had  a  bad  effect  on  most 
of  our  ship's  comj^any ;  and,  for  my  own  part,  I  had  a 
sore  fit  of  the  phthisic,  and  was,  at  times,  almost  breath- 
less, and  thought  I  must  die,  for  I  could  hardly  breathe, 
or  speak  ;  but  yet  I  resolved,  as  long  as  I  was  capable 


of  reflection,  I  would  think  of  God,  and  my  beloved 
Jesus;  in  which  thoughts  and  nieditatioiis  I  found  some 
comfort  and  consolation.  I  sat  up  for  divers  nights,  not 
being  able  to  lie  down  for  want  of  breath  ;  and  I  could 
not  drink  any  strong  drink,  as  rum,  wine,  ale,  or  punch, 
such  as  the  sailors  drank  ;  but,  instead  thereof,  I  drank 
sage  tea,  which  was  very  helpful  to  me. 

The  next  day  the  ice  came  down  more  and  more  upon 
us,  and  we  feared  to  put  back,  because,  if  we  had  gone 
a-ground  in  the  bay,  the  ice  might  have  demolished  us ; 
so  we  took  the  most  convenient  time  we  could,  and  got 
up  our  anchor,  with  some  difficulty,  and  stood  for  Reedy- 
Island,  one  of  the  best  harbours  upon  Delaware  ;  but,  the 
wind  and  tide  failing  us,  we  could  not  get  in  ;  and  the  ebb 
brought  down  the  ice  mightily  on  us,  so  that  it  took  a- 
way  the  head  of  our  vessel,  and  cut  her  sides  very  much. 
The  next  tide  we  got  into  the  harbour,  and  lay  close  to 
Reedy-Island,  making  the  ship  fast  on  shore.  While  we 
lay  here,  several  vessels  came  to  us,  and  fastened  on  shore 
as  we  did.  The  ice  drove  one  vessel  on  us,  and  broke  our 
spritsail  yard.  Here  I  went  on  shore,  where  the  people 
were  very  kind  to  us,  particularly  the  sheriff:' of  the  county, 
John  Gooding,  and  his  wife  and  family.  I  went  also  to  the 
house  of  John  M'Cool,  who,  with  his  wife,  were  very 
tender  in  their  care  and  love  towards  me  ;  bathing  my 
swelled  and  benumbed  limbs  until  the  frost  was  pretty 
well  out  of  them.  The  good  will,  and  tender  love  and 
care,  I  here  met  with,  affects  m}'  mind  in  the  noting  of 
it :  I  pray  the  Most  High,  whom  I  love  and  serve,  to  be 
their  rewarder. 

I  had  two  meetings  at  our  meeting-house  at  George's 
Creek,  where  were  people  of  divers  persuasions,  who 
gave  good  attention.  For  these  meetings  I  was  truly 
thankful ;  for  though,  through  the  extreme  cold,  I  could 
hardly  speak  when  on  board,  I  now  spoke  freely,  much 
to  my  admiration,  and  I  believe  to  the  people's  satisfac- 
tion, more  than  is  proper  for  me  to  mention,  wherefore 
I  praise  God.  When  the  weather  was  a  little  more  open, 
and  the  ice  gone,  we  sailed  up  the  river  to  Philadelphia, 
where  I  was  joyfully  received  by  my  friends  ;  and  while 

G  sr 


the  vessel  was  repairing  and  fitting  for  another  voyage,  I 
was  not  idle,  but  visited  friends'  meetings  at  Pliil  idel- 
phia,  Burhngton,  Abington,  Germantovvn,  Bybury,  Fair- 
Hill,  and  Frankfort ;  I)eing  sometimes  at  four  or  five 
meetings  ai  week.  I  was  also  at  Haddonfield  and  Eve- 
sham meetings,  in  West-Jersey  ;  both  good  and  com- 
fortable meetings,  and  will  not  easily  be  forgotten  ;  for 
therein  God  was  graciously  pleased  to  visit  us  with  his 
word,  blessed  be  his  name. 

The  4th  of  the  third  month  we  again  set  sail  for 
Speight's-town,  in  Barbadoes  ;  and  the  6th  of  the  month, 
about  six  in  the  morning,  left  the  Capes  of  Delaware. 
From  the  time  we  left  sight  of  the  Capes  of  Delaware, 
to  the  sight  of  Barbadoes,  was  twenty -five  days,  which 
was  the  quickest  voyage  that  ever  I  had  in  this  ship  ;  in 
which  time  we  had  three  meetings  for  the  public  worship 
of  Almighty  God,  and  to  me  they  were  beneficial ;  and 
for  God's  goodness,  I  could  do  no  less  than  return  praise 
to  him,  who  alone  is  worthy  forever. 

After  I  had  done  my  business  at  Barbadoes,  and  visit- 
ed friends'  meetings  on  the  5th  of  the  fifth  month,  I 
sailed  for  South-Carolina,  touched  at  the  island  of  Chris- 
topher's, and  landed  some  passengers  there.  From  thence 
we  went  to  sea,  and  the  same  night  we  had  a  storm, 
though  we  suffered  but  little,  the  wind  being  for  us,  so 
that  we  went  before  it,  and,  after  it  was  over,  we  had  a 
pleasant  passage  of  about  fourteen  days  to  the  coast  of 
Carolina ;  and  when  we  saw  the  land,  the  wind  came 
against  us,  which  made  some  of  our  passengers  very  un- 
easy ;  but  in  meditating  on  the  Infinite  Being,  I  was  fav- 
oured with  inward  comfort  and  strong  consolation,  so  that 
I  was  humbly  thankful,  and  praised  God. 

We  were  prevented  by  contrary  winds,  and  a  strong 
current,  from  getting  into  Charleston  ;  and  while  we  were 
beating  about  the  coast,  we  met  with  a  vessel  which 
came  from  thence,  and  gave  us  intelligence  that  many 
people  died  suddenly,  and  that  they  buried  ten  or  twelve 
in  a  day.  Hearing  such  news,  and  the  wind  being  still 
against  us,  our  passengers,  who  intended  for  Carolina, 
iconcluded  to  go  for  Philadelphia  :  so  we  tacked  about, 


and  stood  for  Delaware  Bay,  and  then  we  had  a  fresh 
gale  ahead  again  for  several  days,  and  spending  so  much 
time  on  the  coast,  our  water  was  far  expended,  and  we 
agreed  to  come  to  an  allowance  of  it,  a  quart  each  man 
for  twenty- four  hours,  for  several  days  before  we  got  in. 
We  were  about  five  weeks  on  our  passage  from  Barbu- 
does  to  Delaware  river. 

Soon  after  our  arrival  at  Philadelphia,  we  got  our  ship 
on  the  ways,  in  order  to  refit  and  sheath  her,  in  which 
time  I  travelled  into  several  counties,  and  had  many  re- 
ligious meetings  in  divers  places,  in  which  I  had  good 
satisfaction  ;  and  my  old  acquaintance  and  friends  said, 
they  rejoiced  to  see  me  again,  after  my  sea  voyages.  I 
was  thankfid  in  my  heart  for  the  good  will  of  my  good 
Master,  and  of  my  friends,  in  those  journies,  which  was, 
and  I  hope  ever  will  be,  better  to  mc  tlian  choice  silver, 
and  fine  gold. 

The  winter  setting  in  about  a  month  sooner  than 
usual,  many  vessels  were  detained  from  going  to  sea, 
being  frozen  up  ;  also  many  vessels  could  not  come 
from  sea  up  the  river,  so  that  a  great  damp  was  put  on 
trade,  and  the  frost  coming  so  suddenly,  many  people 
were  taken  with  colds,  and  many  died  in  both  the  prov- 
inces of  New  Jersey  and  Pennsylvania.  My  dear  friend 
and  kind  landlord,  Paul  Preston,  died  about  this  time, 
who,  on  his  dying  bed,  said,  "  He  had  no  desire  to  live, 
but  to  do  good,  and  that  it  had  been  his  care  to  keep  a 
conscience  vgid  of  offence  towards  God,  and  to  all  men, 
which  now  was  his  comfort."  The  hard  weather  continu- 
ing, I  found  an  exercise  and  concern  on  my  mind  to  visit 
friends'  meeting  in  the  county  of  Bucks,  in  Pennsylvania, 
and  the  county  of  Burlington,  in  West-Jersey  ;  in  both 
of  which  I  was  at  above  twenty  meetings,  in  about 
twenty  days.  In  this  journey  I  was  favoured  with  the 
grace  and  goodness  of  the  divine  hand  to  a  greater  de- 
gree than  I  was  worthy  of,  though  I  was  sometimes  ex- 
ceeding poor  in  my  spirit,  and,  in  my  own  judgment, 
very  weak  for  service  and  labour,  both  in  body  and  mind; 
our  meetings,  considering  the  severe  season,  were  large, 
and,  I  hope,  they  were  to  general  edification. 


On  the  25th  of  tlic  tcntli  month,  being  the  reputed 
1)irth-day  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  at  a  httle  town  uear 
the  Falls,  called  Bordento\\  u,  we  had  a  meeting,  where 
ue\  er  any  Irad  been  before  of  our  friends,  in  one  of  the 
liouses  uewly  built  by  Joseph  Borden,  the  proprietor  of 
the  place  :  he  entertained  us  lovir.gly  at  his  house,  when 
he  Mas  so  generous  as  to  offer  ground  for  a  grave  yard, 
and  to  buiid  a  meeting-house  on,  and  a  handsome  sum  of 
money  towards  building  it,  though  he  did  r.ot  make  pro- 
fession to  be  of  our  society.  Some  that  were  at  this  meet- 
ing, who  did  not  profess  with  us,  came  over  the  creek  on 
the  ice  to  Isaac  Horner's,  in  the  evening,  \\  here  we  liad  a 
satisfactory  meeting,  in  which  God,  through  Christ,  was 
glorified.  Daniel  Stanton,  my  wife's  sister's  son,  accom- 
panied me  in  this  journey,  -whose  company  and  ministry 
was  acceptable,  both  to  me  arid  friends,  and  we  had  meet- 
ings at  the  Falls,  Bristol,  Middletown,  Wright's-town, 
Bordentown,  Crossw  icks,  Mansfield,  Upper  and  Lower 
Springfield,  Mount-Holly,  Rancocas,  Evesham  and  Ches- 
ter, and  divers  evening  meetings  at  several  friends' 
houses.  It  now  being  a  sickly  time,  I  was  often  sent  for 
to  visit  the  sick,  in  which  visits  we  were  comforted,  and 
God's  holy  name  was  praised. 

On  the  18th  of  the  eleventh  month,  I  was  sent  for  to 
Bristol,  to  visit  Ennion  Williams,  who  was  dangerously 
ill,  and  to  Burlington,  to  the  burial  of  Elizabeth,  the  wife 
of  Jonathan  Wright,  who  was  buried  from  the  great 
meeting-house  at  Burlington.  The  meeting  was  very 
large,  she  being  well  beloved  by  her  neighbours  and  ac- 
quaintance, being  a  woman  much^.'^iven  to  hospitality, 
(and  indeed  many  of  the  friends  of  Burlington,  have  ex- 
ceeded in  that  respect,  the  most  that  ever  I  have  observ- 
ed in  my  travels),  she  was  a  pattern  of  piety,  a  loving 
obliging  wife,  and  tender,  careful  mother,  a  kind  neigh- 
bour, a  loving  and  faithful  friend,  and  so  continued  to 
the  end ;  for  some  of  her  dying  words  were,  that  she  de- 
sired her  love  might  be  remembered  to  all  her  friends, 
which  was  done  openly  in  the  said  meeting,  and  tenderly 
affected  many. 


After  I  came  home,  I  was  at  the  marriag-e  of  WiUiam 
Parker  and  Elizabeth  Gilbert,  at  which  marriage  was 
our  worthy,  ancient  friend,  John  Richardson,  with  divers 
other  European  friends.  The  meeting  was  large  and 

The  river  still  continuing  frozen  op,  I  had  a  desire  to 
visit  my  friends  and  brethren  in  Chester  county,  whom  I 
had  not  seen  for  some  years  ;  and  in  order  thereto,  in  the 
beginning  of  the  twelfth  month,  I,  Avith  my  kinsman, 
Daniel  Stanton,  set  out  from  Phil.'Kklphia,  and  went  to 
Newtown,  where  we  had  a  meeting  next  day,  being  the 
first  of  the  week,  and  afterwards  an  evening  meeting  at 
Evan  Lewis'  ;  from  thence  we  went  to  tlie  monthly  meet- 
ing at  Providence,  on  third  day  to  Middletown,  fourth 
day  to  Concord,  fifth  day  to  Birmingham,  sixth  day  to 
London-Grove  ;  after  which  we  had  an  evening  meeting 
at  a  widow's  house  ;  from  thence  we  travelled  on  seventh 
day  to  Nottingham,  and  were  at  a  large  meeting  there  on 
first  day,  and  had  an  evening  meeting  at  a  friend's  house, 
where  some  persons  came,  who  had  never  been  at  a  meet- 
ing of  friends  before  ;  on  second  day  we  had  a  meeting 
at  Susquehannah  ferry,  to  which  divers  people  came  over 
the  ice,  and  it  was  a  good  opportunity  to  many  of  them. 
Third  day  we  had  a  large  meeting  at  West- Nottingham, 
and  in  the  evening  at  William  Brown's,  and  next  we  had 
a  large  meeting  at  New-Garden,  and  at  Michael  Light- 
foot's  house  we  met  with  two  friends  from  Ireland, 
Mimgo  Bewley,  and  Samuel  Stephens,  who  were  now 
proceeding  on  the  course  of  their  religious  visit  to  friends 
in  Maryland,  Virginia,  and  North- Carolina.  From 
thence  I  went  to  visit  my  old  friend  and  acquaintance, 
Ellis  Lewis,  who  had  a  desire  to  see  me  :  we  had  an 
evening  meeting  in  his  chamber,  to  our  mutual  comfort 
and  refreshment ;  and  next  day  had  a  very  large  meeting 
in  the  meeting-house  at  Kennet ;  after  which  we  went  to 
Concord  to  the  quarterly  meeting  for  the  county  of  Ches- 
ter, and  were  at  three  meetings  there,  and  likewise  had 
three  evening  meetings  at  friends'  houses ;  at  which 
meetings  we  had  the  company  of  my  kinswoman  Alice 
Alderson,  and  her  companion,  Margaret  Coupland,  who 


were  lately  come  from  the  North  of  England,  to   visit 
friends  in  this  and  the  adjacent  provinces. 

We  went  on  third  day  to  the  general  meeting  at  Prov- 
idence, which  was  very  large ;  Joshua  Fielding  and 
Ebenezer  Large  were  there  ;  and  we  had  an  evening 
meeting  at  Rebecca  Minshall's  ;  and  next  went  to  Chi- 
chester, where  we  had  a  larger  meeting  than  I  expected, 
considering  the  season  ;  we  lodged  at  John  Salkeld's ; 
and  on  the  fifth  day  we  had  a  good,  open  meeting  at  Ches- 
ter, and,  in  the  evening,  another  at  Grace  Lloyd's  ;  next 
day  had  a  meeting  at  Springfield,  which  I  believe  will 
be  remembered  by  some  that  were  there,  when  we  do 
not  see  one  another ;  afterwards  we  travelled  to  Philadel- 

In  the  year  1732,  arrived  Thomas  Penn,  one  of  the 
proprietors  of  Pennsylvania,  and  son  of  the  truly  hon- 
ourable William  Penn,  governor  and  proprietor  of  this 
province.  A  wise  man,  a  good  christian,  and  a  mild  gov- 
ernor :  a  great  promoter  of  piety,  and  virtue,  and  of  good 
men.     May  this  his  son  walk  in  his  steps  ! 

In  the  first  month  was  our  general  spring  meeting,  at 
which  were  several  public  friends  from  England,  viz. 
John  Richardson,  Alice  Alderson,  and  Margaret  Coup- 
land.  The  meeting  was  large  and  edifying,  the  said 
friends  having  service  therein  to  general  satisfaction. 

The  2d  of  the  second  month,  I  proceeded  on  a  voy- 
age to  Barbadoes,  (it  being  the  first  in  the  snow  Barba- 
does- Packet,  a  vessel  built  on  purpose  for  me).  We  got  to 
the  capes  the  20th  of  the  second  month,  in  the  evening, 
when  we  were  obliged  to  come  to  anchor  ;  and  the  21st 
we  put  out  to  sea,  but  the  wind  being  against  us,  and 
looking  like  windy  weather,  I  concluded  to  come  to  un- 
der our  cape,  and  wait  for  a  foir  wind  :  as  soon  as  our 
snow  came  to,  we  got  our  boat  out,  and  went  to  Lewis- 
tow^n ;  and  next  day,  being  first  day,  we  had  a  meeting 
in  the  court-house.  In  this  town  is  an  Episcopal,  and 
Presbyterian  meeting-house  ;  but  neither  of  their  teach- 
ers were  that  day  in  town,  aixl  divers  of  the  people  were 
glad  of  a  meeting,  and  I  had  a  good  opportunity  with 
them.     After  meeting  I  went  on  board,  and  weighed  an,- 

THE    JOURNAL    OF    TH0MA8    CHALKLEY.  i}31 

chor,  and  had  a  fair  wind  for  above  a  week  after  ;  in 
which  time  we  overtook  the  ship  Amity, Bowl- 
ing, master,  near  the  latitude  of  Bermuda ;  where  we 
had  smart  gales  of  wind,  which  obliged  us  to  carry  our 
topsail  double  reefed :  and,  after  having  been  at  sea  27 
days  and  one  night,  in  which  time  we  had  several  meet- 
ings, we  saw  the  island  of  Bdrbadoes;  though  for  the 
most  part  we  had  contrary  winds  ;  but  all  was  well,  and 
God  blessed,   who  is  forever  worthy. 

The  20th  of  the  fourth  month,  having  done  my  busi- 
ness, and  also  visited  friends'  meetings,  we  sailed  for 
Philadelphia  ;  and  on  the  25th  of  the  fourth  month,  be- 
ing first  day,  we  had  a  seasonable  and  serviceable  meet- 
ing, wherein  the  Almighty  was  worshipped  and  praised, 
and  the  people  exhorted  to  sobriety  and  temperance. 
We  were  about  twenty  days  from  Barbadoes  to  Phil- 

After  having  stayed  at  home  about  six  weeks,  and 
visited  the  meetings  of  friends  in  divers  places,  to  mine 
and  their  satisfaction,  on  the  28th  of  the  sixth  month,  I 
proceeded  on  another  voyage  for  the  island  of  Barba- 
does. We  left  sight  of  our  capes  on  the  31st  of  the 
said  month.  The  winds  were,  for  the  most  part,  con- 
trary, and,  before  we  got  into  the  trade  wind,  we  met 
with  two  hard  gales  ;  the  last  of  which  was  a  kind  of 
hurricane,  in  which  we  could  carry  no  sail  at  all,  but 
let  the  vessel  lie  to  the  mercy  of  the  seas,  or  rather  to 
the  mercy  of  Him  that  made  the  seas,  and  all  that  is 
therein,  and  in  the  earth  also.  In  this  storm  we  lost 
a  square  top- mast,  and  divers  other  utensils  belonging 
to  the  vessel ;  but  all  our  people  were  well  and  safe. 
This  voyage  we  had  several  comfortable  religious  meet- 
ings on  board,  in  which  we  were  exhorted  to  prepare 
for  another  and  better  world,  this  being  so  very  uncert 
tain  and  momentary,  and  full  of  various  exercises,  temp- 
tations, and  afflictions. 

I  had  on  board  three  Whitehaven  sailors,  William 
Towerson,  W^illiam  Trimble,  and  William  Atkinson, 
and  I  do  not  remember  that  I  heard  any  of  them  swear 
an  oath  during  the  whole  voyage,  \vhich  I  thought  wor- 


thy  to  stand  on  record,  because  it  is  so  rare  in  sea-farint^ 
men.  About  the  beginning  of  the  eighth  month  (being 
in  the  latitude  of  Barbadoes)  the  thoughts  ot  my  leav- 
ing my  family  and  habitation,  and  many  of  my  loving 
relations,  and  near  and  dear  friends  (as  at  divers  other 
times  also)  made  me  pensive  and  sorrowful ;  but  it  being 
on  a  principle  o^  justice,  and  sometimes  meeting  with 
the  presence  and  goodness  of  God,  I  was  enabled  to  do 
my  affciirs  and  business,  and  forbore  to  appear  sorrowful 
as  much  as  I  possibly  could,  or  to  be  of  a  sad  counte- 
nance in  the  sight  of  men ;  but  to  him,  who  knows  all 
things,  and  sees  in  secret,  I  poured  out  my  soul  in  all 
my  afflictions,  for  he  only  is  able  to  help  me.  I  met 
with  some  who  untruly  censured  me,  as  covetous  of  the 
things  of  this  world,  or  to  be  rich  ;  and  that,  for  the 
sake  of  these  outward  things,  I  might  venture  my  life, 
imtil  I  might  lose  it.  Really,  as  to  my  life,  it  hath  long 
been  my  desire  to  be  ready  to  resign  it,  and  is  so  still  ; 
and,  as  to  those  outward  things,  so  far  as  I  know,  my 
heart  is  clear.  Food  and  raiment,  and  to  be  clear  and 
even  with  the  world,  having  rather  to  give  than  receive, 
is  all  the  grandeur  I  desire  ;  and  if  that  be  not  granted, 
I  hope  to  be  contented  without  it,  and  to  be  thankful. 
I  look  upon  crowns  and  sceptres,  and  all  the  fine  things 
of  this  world,  that  are  of  the  nature  of  it,  but  as  trifles, 
and  diminutive  things,  in  comparison  of  a  house  and 
kingdom  eternal  in  the  heavens.  In  this  voyage,  as 
usual,  I  read  in  the  holy  scriptures,  and  met  with  strong 
consolation  therein,  especially  in  the  New  Testament ; 
I  also  read  much  in  the  works  of  that  eminent  judge, 
and  good  christian,  Mathew  Hale. 

Tlie  7th  of  the  eighth  month,  we  arrived  at  Barba- 
does, stayed  three  weeks  and  one  day,  and  had  divers 
religious  meetings.  I  hastened  to  accomplish  my  affairs 
before  winter,  it  coming  on,  and  the  time  of  the  year 
dangerous  for  sailing  on  our  coasts.  On  the  30th  of  the 
eiHith  month,  we  left  the  island  of  Barbadoes,  bound 
to  Philadelphia;  and  on  the  11th  of  the  ninth  month  it 
pleased  God  to  favour  us  with  a  gracious  opportimity  to 
Avorship  him;  wherein  \\as  declared  to  the  ship's  convpany 


the  nature  and  advantage  of  good,  and  the  fountain  from 
whence  it  flows  or  springs  ;  as  also  the  nature  and  disad- 
vantage of  evil ;  the  one  being  or  springing  from  God, 
and  the  other  proceeding  from  Satan,  or  the  devil,  who 
is  the  root  of  all  evil :  and  that  men  might  be  left 
without  excuse,  God  hath  sent  the  divine  and  supernat- 
ural light  of  his  holy  spirit,  to  shew  to  mortals  what  is 
good,  and  what  is  evil ;  in  order  that  they  might  embrace 
the  good,  and  refuse  the  evil. 

The  21st  of  the  ninth  month  we  had  a  very  hard  gale 
Tof  wind  at  north-west,  which  blew  so  hard,  that  it  put 
us  by  from  sailing,  so  that  we  were  obliged  to  lay  her 
to  the  wind  ;  for  by  the  violence  thereof  we  could  not 
carry  any  sail,  and  it  was  so  dark  that  we  could  neither 
see  stars  nor  one  another,  nor  hear  one  another,  with- 
out we  were  very  near,  the  seas  rising  very  high  :  in- 
deed, the  long,  stormy,  and  dark  nights,  were  very  dis- 
mal, and  some  of  our  goods  got  loose  in  the  hold.  In 
the  beginning  of  the  night,  about  the  seventh  hour, 
Philip  Kearney,  my  apprentice,  fell  into  the  sea,  and 
was  lost,  which  was  a  deep  affliction  to  us  for  divers 

The  25th  we  saw  the  land,  and  next  day  we  came  to 
anchor  in  Delaware  bay.  The  loss  of  this  lad  was  a 
cause  that  we  were  not  so  joyful,  as  is  usual  for  people 
fo  be  when  come  to  the  shore. 

The  latter  end  of  the  tenth  month  I  went  the  third  voy- 
age, commander  of  the  Barbadoes  Packet,  from  Philadcl- 
phia,  bound  to  Barbadoes  :  we  were  towed  through  the 
ice  by  two  boats  from  Thomas  Master's  wharf,  and  in 
two  days  got  to  Reedy-Island;  from  whence  we  sailed 
down  Delaware  bay,  where  we  lay  two  nights,  the  wind 
being  contrary,  blowing  hard  ;  the  nights  being  long,  the 
days  very  short,  and  weather  sharp  ;  we  left  our  capes  in 
the  night,  it  being  dangerous  lying  in  the  bay  ;  and  after 
toeing  out  several  days,  we  had  favourable  \\  inds,  and 
pleasant  weather ;  but  when  we  got  into  the  trade  wind, 
it  blew  hard,  and  mostly  against  us  ;  so  that  the  first  land 
we  saw  \vas  the  island  of  Christopher's,  where  we  ar- 
rived in  twcntv  davs  from  our  capes  ;-   and  the  market 

If  h 


for  provisions  bciiit^  at  that  time  better  than  any  other 
of  those  islands,  and  the  property  of  the  vessel  mostly  be- 
longing to  me,  and  the  cargo  generally  consigned  to  me,  I 
disposed  of  part  of  it.  Here  being  no  meeting  of  our 
society  on  this  island,  I  had  meetings  on  board  the  ves- 
sel in  the  harbour,  and  divers  from  the  shore,  and  several 
masters  of  vessels,  came  to  our  meetings,  the  sno^v  ha- 
ving large  accommodations  for  such  an  occasion  ;  and, 
so  far  as  I  could  understand,  the  people  were  generally- 
satisfied,  and  spoke  well  of  our  meetings. 

Of  late  times,  and  also  in  this  voyage,  meeting  w  ith 
many  losses  and  crosses,  and  much  afflictions,  and  vari- 
ous exercises,  I  was  ready  to  say  in  my  heart,  Lord, 
why  am  I  thus  afflicted,  now  in  my  declining  years,  since, 
thou  knowest,  I  love  thee  above  all  things,  and  that  I 
would  not  willingly  or  knowingly  offend  thee,  my  great 
and  dear  Lord  ?  It  was  answered  (as  though  vocally 
spoken),  My  only  begotten  and  beloved  Son,  who  never 
offended  me,  suffered  much  more.  This  word  being 
such  an  evident  truth,  I  begged  patience  to  go  through 
all  my  sufferings  and  afflictions,  so  that  at  last  I  might 
live  with  Christ  in  the  glorious  kingdom  of  God  forever, 
where  I  might  always  bless  and  praise  his  holy  name. 

Five  or  six  days  after  our  arrival  at  this  island,  a  ves- 
sel, that  came  out  five  or  six  days  before  us,  arrived, 
she  meeting  with  the  same  boisterous  weather  as  we  did, 
5'et  we  made  our  passage  ten  or  eleven  days  sooner.  Di- 
vers other  vessels,  bound  to  Barbadoes,  put  in  here, 
through  these  contrary  winds ;  and  when  I  saw  others 
in  the  like  circumstances  with  us,  I  was  the  more  thank- 
ful for  being  preserved  safe,  and  so  soon  to  this  place ; 
yet  it  was  a  considerable  loss  and  sore  trial  not  to  get  to 
Barbadoes,  the  island  I  was  bound  to,  and  a  great  disap- 
pointment to  me  and  many  others. 

At  this  island,  a  person  whose  name  was  Galloway,  a 
man  of  a  great  estate,  hearing  that  I  kept  meetings  on 
board  the  vessel,  kindly  invited  me  to  have  a  meeting 
at  his  house,  and  said  he  would  give  notice  of  it  to  divers 
of  the  gentlemen  (as  he  called  them)  of  the  island,  tell- 
ing me,  that  I  should  be  welcome  to  his  house,  which 


was  much  more  convenient  than  the  vessel ;  but  I  was 
not  very  forward  to  accept  of  my  friend  Galloway's  kind 
offer,  being  sensible  of  my  own  weakness  and  inward 
poverty,  so  that  I  made  several  excuses  to  evade  it;  but 
he  obviated  them  all.  1st.  I  asked  him,  "  If  he  could  bear 
the  reproach  of  having  a  quaker's  meeting  at  his  house  ?" 
He  answered,  "  Yes  ;  there  are  good  and  bad  of  all  socie- 
ties." 2dly.  I  asked,  *'  If  his  wife  would  like  it,  or  be  will- 
ing that  a  meeting  should  be  in  the  house  ?"  He  said, 
*'  She  desired  it,  and  would  be  very  willing."  3dly. 
I  asked,  "If  he  thought  he  could  sit  in  silence  ?"  He 
told  me  "  He  believed  he  could."  I  then  told  him,  "  I 
was  obliged  to  him  for  his  kind  and  friendly  offer,  and, 
God  willing,  I  intended  to  come,  and  tell  my  people  of 
the  ship's  company  to  come  also,  and  desired  him  to 
give  notice  of  it ;"  which  he  did  :  and  there  was  a  large, 
satisfactory  meeting.  Oh  !  may  the  Almighty  sanctify 
it  to  some  souls,  is  my  desire. 

He  and  his  wife  were  both  very  courteous  to  me,  and 
invited  many  of  his  rich  friends  and  relations.  His 
wife's  father  was  a  judge  in  this  island,  of  good  repute. 
Divers  people,  of  several  professions,  were  at  this  meet- 
ing, and  many  expressed  their  being  glad  of  it.  An  at- 
torney at  law  said,  "  He  was  thankful  for  the  words  he 
heard  that  day,  and  if  I  would  stay  with  them,  he  would 
always  come  to  our  meetings."  One  judge  Mills  was 
at  this  meeting,  and  very  kindly  invited  me  to  his  house. 
Some  meeting  me  next  day,  said,  "  They  were  sorry 
they  were  not  there."  The  mistress  of  the  house  told 
divers  of  the  people,  who  were  persons  of  note,  "  That 
they  should  remember  what  they  had  heard  ;"  and  spoke 
it  with  a  religious  concern,  as  it  seemed  to  me.  When 
I  went  to  this  meeting,  I  was  very  poor,  and  in  much 
fear,  speaking  with  a  great  concern  on  my  mind,  for  the 
people's  salvation,  and  that  God,  through  Christ,  might 
be  glorified. 

After  this  meeting,  it  was,  as  though  a  voice,  said 
unto  me,  "  How  dost  thou  know  but  for  this  cause,  and 
for  this  meeting,  thou  art  brought  here  to  this  island, 
though  against  thy  will  ?"     The  people  told  me  that  they 


did  not  remember  that  there  ever  was  a  meeting  of 
friends  before  on  this  island.  The  meeting  had  this  ef- 
fect, that  the  people  had  a  better  opinion  of  our  society, 
than  they  had  before.  The  subject  in  this  meeting  was, 
the  excellency  of  the  gospel  dispensation,  above  that  of 
the  law,  in  that  it  brought  us  to  the  law,  went  through 
the  law,  and  was  above  the  law,  and  far  from  destroying 
the  law,  but  fulfilled  it ;  for  proof  of  which,  they  were  re- 
ferred to  Christ's  most  excellent  sermon,  which  he  preach- 
ed on  the  moUnt.     Mat.  v 

From  the  island  of  Christopher's  I  purposed,  God 
willing,  for  Barbadoes  ;  which  I  apprehended  would  be  a 
troublesome  vo}age,  it  being  about  one  hundred  leagues 
to  w^indward,  and  a  strong  current  against  us.  On  the 
lOih  of  the  twelfth  month,  we  sailed  towards  Barbadoes  ; 
and  the  wind  being  ahead,  and  blowing  hard,  we  tarried 
two  nights  at  the  island  of  Lucia,  where  we  took  in  wood 
and  water :  the  people  here  were  mostly  French,  and 
were  very  civil  to  us. 

The  21st  we  put  out  again  to  sea ;  but  the  wind  and 
current  being  against  us,  obliged  us  to  go  into  the  har- 
bour from  whence  we  came,  and  tarry  for  an  oppor- 
tunity more  favourable.  While  we  were  in  this  harbour, 
which  is  a  very  good  one,  several  vessels  came  in  on 
the  like  occasion  ;  and  a  vessel  that  left  Christopher's 
about  three  hours  after  us,  came  here  three  days  since 
we  did. 

We  went  out  again,  in  order  to  proceed  to  Barbadoes  ; 
but,  as  before,  the  current  was  so  strong  against  us,  and 
the  wind  also,  that  we  could  not  get  forward  on  our  way  ; 
wherefore  we  put  back  again  to  Christopher's,  and  by 
the  way,  called  at  Antigua,  where  I  had  an  open,  satis- 
factory meeting,  for  which  I  was  truly  thankful,  and  so 
were  some,  not  of  our  society,  of  whom  there  were  di- 
vers, and  some  who  had  not  been  at  our  meetings  be- 

The  next  day  we  arrived  again  at  Christopher's,  and 
there  unloaded  the  remainder  of  our  cargo,  though  much 
against  my  mind.  After  having  sold  the  most  of  our 
cargo  at  13asseterrc,  we  went  to  Sandy-point,  and  there 


sold  the  remainder,  and  took  in  our  loading  for  Philadel- 

In  loading  our  vessel,  judge  Brown  was  my  very  good 
friend,  and  helpful  to  me  therein,  for  which  I  think  my- 
self much  obliged  to  him. 

While  we  lay  here,  1  had  a  meeting  on  board  our  ves- 
sel, to  which  came  five  masters  of  vessels.  It  was  a 
good  meeting,  though  I  spoke  to  them  in  much  misery 
and  pain,  having  very  angry,  painful  sores  on  my  legs, 
occasioned  by  a  fall  in  getting  out  of  the  boat,  the  seas 
running  high,  and  through  the  violence  of  the  waves,  I 
fell  across  the  boat,  and  broke  both  my  shins  very  griev- 

The  31st  of  the  first  month,  1734,  we  had  another 
meeting  on  board  our  vessel,  to  which  came  several  from 
other  vessels,  and  some  from  the  shore,  among  whom 
was  a  young  baronet,  and  his  host  (a  tavern-keeper), 
with  him,  who  at  first  behaved  airily,  but  after  some 
time,  he  was  more  sober,  and  seemed  respectful  at  part- 

I  was  invited  to  have  a  meeting  next  first  day  on  board 
the  ship  King  George,  a  large  vessel ;  the  master  told 
nie  his  cabin  was  large,  and  would  accommodate  many 
more  than  mine  ;  but  we  did  not  stay  so  long  as  till  the 
first  day. 

After  this  meeting  was  over,  the  master  of  the  large 
>  ship  came  on  board,  and  said  he  was  sorry  he  had  not 
come  sooner,  so  as  to  have  had  the  opportunity  to  have 
been  at  the  meeting. 

From  Christopher's  we  set  sail  for  the  island  of  An- 
guilla,  and  had  a  meeting  at  the  governor's  house  on  a 
first  day.  We  stayed  at  Anguilla  three  days,  and  there 
took  on  board  some  bags  of  cotton  on  freight,  and  sailed 
from  thence  the  10th  of  the  second  month.  The,  gov- 
ernor of  this  island,  whose  name  was  George  Leonard, 
told  me,  that  he  should  live  and  die  in  our  principles, 
saving  that  he  must  defend  his  people.  But  he  did  not 
consider,  that  his  defence  might  destroy  both  him  and 
them,  and  that  such  defence  was  directly  contrary  to 
Christ's  doctrine  and  practice.     A  remarkable  and  dis- 


mal  passage  he  related  to  nie,  that,  some  days  before,  a 
vessel  came  from  the  island  of  Saltitudas,  (which  went 
there  to  take  in  salt),  the  people  going  on  shore,  the 
master  told  him,  that  there  lay  at  the  landing  the  heads 
of  above  twenty  men  on  one  side  of  the  path,  and  the 
quarters  of  them  on  the  other  ;  which  so  surprised  them, 
that  they  made  the  best  of  their  way  to  Anguilla,  where 
they  related  this  dismal  story,  and  supposed  the  slain  to 
be  Britons,  by  their  appearances,  and  that  they  were  de- 
stroyed by  the  Spaniards,  who  are  known  to  be  cruel  to 
them.  This  action  being  far  from  the  spirit  of  Christian- 
ity, is  a  reproach  to  the  actors  thereof. 

Not  far  from  Anguilla  is  an  island  they  call  St.  John's, 
the  inhabitants  of  which  are  Dutch  :  the  negroes  there 
lately  rose  and  took  the  island,  killed  the  people,  spoiled 
their  plantations,  and  burnt  their  houses  ;  I  lodged  at  the 
house  of  a  person  who  went  to  subdue  those  negroes, 
who  were  too  strong  for  him  and  his  company,  and  the 
negroes  killed  divers  of  them,  and  among  them  killed  this 
man's  two  sons,  for  which  their  mother  and  sisters  were 
in  bitter  mourning,  when  I  was  at  their  house.  The 
thoughts  of  the  bloodshed,  and  vast  destruction,  which 
"war  makes  in  the  world,  caused  me  to  cry  in  my  heart, 
*'  How  long.  Oh,  Lord  !  thou  holy,  just,  and  true  God, 
will  it  be  till  nation  lift  up  the  sword  no  more  against  na- 
tion, nor  the  people  learn  war  any  more." 

When  I  came  home  from  this  voyage,  which  was  the 
30th  of  the  second  month,  I  met  with  the  sorrowful 
news  of  the  death  of  my  only  son,  George,  a  beloved, 
dear  youth,  who  was  but  ten  years  and  seven  days  old, 
when  he  died,  and,  as  he  was  much  beloved  for  the 
sweetness  of  his  nature  and  disposition,  so  he  was  greatly 
lamented  by  many  who  were  acquainted  with  him.  I 
have  this  account  to  leave  concerning  him,  not  so  much 
that  he  was  my  son,  as  to  excite  other  youths  to  serve  and 
fear  the  Lord,  and  to  love  him  above  all,  and  that  they 
might  remember  their  Creator  in  their  youthful  days,  that 
It  might  be  well  with  them  in  this  world,  and  when  time 
here  to  them  shall  be  no  more. 


He  was  a  lad  much  inclined  to  read  the  holy  scrip- 
tures, and  other  good  books,  especially  religious  ones  ; 
and  was  always  obliging,  obedient,  and  loving,  to  his  pa- 
rents, and  ready  and  willing  to  do  any  service  he  could  to 
his  friends  ;  any  little  services  in  his  power  he  cheerfully 
performed,  and  took  delight  in ;  he  was  very  diligent, 
and  ready  to   go  to    religious  meetings,    and   an  entire 
lover  of  religious  people.     In  his  sickness  he  behaved 
himself  more  like  a  wise  man,  than  a  youth  of  that  age, 
bearing  his   pain  and   sickness  with  a  great  deal  of  pa- 
tience.    I  being  in  another  part  of  the  world,  he  would 
gladly  have  seen  me,  but  said,  he  should  never  see  me 
any  more,  and  therefore  desired  his  mother  to  remember 
his  dear  love  to  his  father,   and  tell  him  he  was  gone  to 
his  Heavenly  Father.     He  was  very  fervent  in  prayer  in 
the  time  of  his  sickness,  and  prayed  that  God  would  pre- 
serve his  people  all  the  world  over.     One  time,  when  in 
great  misery  and  pain,  he  prayed  to  Christ,  saying.  Sweet 
Jesus  !  blessed  Jesus  !  give  me  patience  to  bear  my  mis- 
ery and  pain,  for  my  misery  is   greater  than  I  can  well 
bear !  Oh  !  come,  sweet  Jesus,  why  art  thou  so  long  a 
coming  ?  I  had  rather  be  with  thee  than  in  the  finest 
place  in  all  the  world.     Many  religious  expressions  he 
spoke  on  his  death  bed,  greatly  to  the  satisfaction  and 
melting  of  his  friends  and  relations  who  came  to  see  him 
in  his  illness ;  one  day  he  said,  My  misery  and  pain   is 
very  great,  but  what  would  it  be  if  the  wrath  of  God  was 
in  my  soul  ?    He  believing  in  the  love  of  God  in  Christy 
made  him  desirous  of  being  with  him,  and  seeing  the  joy 
that  was  set  before  him,  thought  the  time  long  to  be  with 
Jesus,  as  knowing  that  then  he  would  be  out  of  all  mis*^ 
ery  and  pain.     His  heart  was  full  of  love  to  his  relations,- 
acquaintance,  and  friends,  who  came  to  see  him  in  his  ill- 
ness ;  and  full  of  tender  sweetness  and  divine  love,  he 
took  his  last  leave  of  them,  which  greatly  affected  many. 
This  was  one  of  the  most  pinching  exercises  I  ever  met 
in  all  my  days ;  but  as  he  said  in  his  illness,  so  I  now 
write  :  The  wisdom   of  the  Lord  is  wonderful.     One 
time  in  this  dear  child's  sickness  he  said,.  Oh  !  the  good 


hand  of  the  Lord  help  me,  give  me  ease,  and  conduct  mc 
safe,  i.  e.  to  God's  kingdom,  uttering  this  verse  : 

Sweet  Jesus,  give  me  ease,  for  mercy  I  do  crave  ; 
And  if  thou'lt  give  me  ease,  then  mercy  I  shall  have. 

Although  this  was  a  great  and  sore  exercise,  and  deep 
affliction  to  me,  in  losing  this  promising  youth,  and  my 
only  son  ;  yet,  considering  that  he  went  off  the  stage  of 
life  like  a  solid,  good  christian,  it  was  made  tolerably- 
easy  to  me  ;  for  he  departed  this  life  in  much  brightness 
and  sweetness,  and  more  like  an  old  christian,  than  a 
youth  of  ten  years  of  age. 

It  was  usual  for  me  to  advise  his  mother  not  to  set  her 
affections  too  much  upon  him,  thinking  he  was  too  good 
to  live  long  in  this  world,  and  too  ripe  for  heaven,  to  stay 
long  here  on  earth,  or  in  this  world  of  sorrow  and  misery. 
This  dear  and  tender  youth,  when  reading,  (to  which  he 
was  much  inclined),  if  he  met  with  any  things  that  af- 
fected him,  either  in  the  sacred  writings,  or  other  good 
authors,  he  would  write  it  down,  and  get  it  by  heart ;  he 
was,  more  than  common,  affectionately  concerned  for  his 
mother,  doing  whatever  he  could  freely  and  cheerfully  to 
serve  her,  and  told  her  not  to  do  divers  things  which  he 
thought  too  much  for  her,  saying.  Mother,  let  me  do  it, 
if  I  were  a  man  thou  should  not  do  any  thing  at  all, 
(meaning  as  to  labour).  My  dear  wife  being  very  in- 
dustrious, and  apt  to  overdo  herself  at  times  :  and  she 
being  affected  with  his  filial  love  and  care  for  and  to- 
wards her  in  his  father's  absence,  it  caused  her  some- 
times to  turn  about  and  weep,  in  consideration  of  his 
great  care  for  and  love  to  her.  I  thought  a  little  mem- 
orandum of  the  life  and  death  of  this  religious  lad  was 
worthy  recording,  in  order  to  stir  up  other  youth  to  obe- 
dience and  love  to  their  parents,  who  begat  them,  and 
carefully  and  tenderly  nourished  and  brought  them  up  ; 
and  also  to  love  and  obey  God,  from  whom  they  have 
their  life,  breath,  and  being,  and  to  believe  in  Christ,  who 
died  for  them  ;  who  is  the  glorious  light  of  all  the  nations 


of  them  that  are  saved,  and  walk  therein,  accordhig  to 
sacred  writ. 

As  noted  above,  he  got  several  pieces  by  heart  out  of 
the  Bible,  and  other  religious  writings,  first  writing  them 
with  his  pen  :  two  short  ones  I  may  recite,  of  which  na- 
ture were  divers  others,  which  pcrad\  enture  may  be  ed- 
ifying to  some,  who  may  cast  their  eye  thereon. 

One  place  which  much  affected  my  mind,  that  he 
wrote  down,  and  got  by  heart,  was  the  15th  verse  of  the 
57th  chapter  of  that  evangelical  prophet  Isaiah:  "  For 
thus  saith  the  high  and  lofty  One,  that  inhabiteth  eter- 
nity, whose  name  is  holy,  I  dwell  in  the  high  and  holy 
place  ;  with  him  also  that  is  of  a  contrite  and  humble 
spirit,  to  revive  the  spirit  of  tlie  humble,  and  to  revive 
the  heart  of  the  contrite  ones." 

Another  little  piece  was  five  verses,  which,  among 
others,  he  wrote,  and  got  by  heart,  viz. 

As  one  day  goes,  another  comes, 
And  sometimes  shews  us  dismal  dooms, 
As  time  rolls  on,  new  things  we  see, 
Which  seldom  to  us  do  agree  ; 
Though  now  and  then's  a  pleasant  day, 
'Tis  long  a  coming,  soon  away  ; 
Wherefore  the  everlasting  truth 
Is  good  for  aged  and  for  youth. 
For  them  to  set  their  hearts  upon  ; 
For  that  will  last  till  time  is  done. 

I  have  now  but  one  only  daughter,  Rebecca,  left  me 
out  of  twelve  children,  except  my  wife's  son  and  daugh- 

After  this  long  and  tedious  voyage,  which  ended  in  the 
second  month,  I  stayed  but  a  few  weeks  at  home,  and 
loaded  with  wheat  and  flour  for  Dublin,  in  Ireland  ;  had 
Alice  Alderson,  my  kinswoman,  and  Margaret  Coupland, 
passengers.  We  had  a  very  comfortable,  pleasant  pas- 
sage, fair  winds  and  weather,  and  good  religious  meet- 
ings. I  think  it  was  the  most  pleasant  time  that  ever  I 
crossed  the  seas.  About  Nantucket  we  saw  several  sloops 
a  whaling,  and  spoke  with  one,  by  which  opportunity  we 


inquired  of  the  welfare  of  our  friends  on  that  island,  and 
sent  our  loves  to  them.     Not  many  miles  from  the  sloops 
we  saw  a  shoal  of  whales  ;   1  counted  eight  in  a  row  lying  . 
side  by  side  in  the  water. 

We  were  four  weeks  and  six  days  from  our  capes  to 
Cape  Clear,  in  Ireland  :  coming  near  the  land,  we  met 
with  fishing  boats,  and  got  plenty  of  choice  fresh  fish ;  in 
the  evening  we  got  into  Kinsale,  took  in  a  pilot  for  Dublin, 
and  sailed  next  day  from  Kinsale,  and  were  out  one  night 
at  sea,  got  next  day  to  Dublin-bay,  where  we  went 
ashore,  and  were  kindly  entertained  by  our  friends ;  wc 
were  at  divers  large  meetings  in  that  great  city,  which 
some  of  us,  while  we  live,  at  times  I  believe  shall  re- 
member. My  stay  in  Ireland  was  about  seven  weeks, 
in  which  time  I  visited  several  meetings  in  the  country, 
and  at  Edenderry,  the  Moate  of  Greenough,  Carlow, 
Ballytore,  8cc. 

We  set  sail  from  Dublin  with  a  fair  wind,  in  company 
with  the  ship  Neptune,  and  our  friends  sent  many  pray- 
ers and  good  wishes  after  us.  We  were  about  forty  per- 
sons, sailors,  passengers,  and  servants,  on  board,  and 
had  a  good  passage,  all  things  considered.  We  had  di- 
vers religious  meetings  on  board,  and  were  on  our  pas- 
sage, from  the  sight  of  Ireland,  to  the  sight  of  our  land, 
five  weeks  and  six  days  :  it  was  the  quickest  voyage  I 
ever  made  to  Europe  and  back  again  to  Philadelphia. 

When  I  came  home,  finding  all  well,  I  was  thankful 
to  God,  in  the  name  of  Christ,  for  all  his  mercies,  and 
the  many  preservations  wherewithal  he  had  favoured  me. 

After  being  a  little  at  home,  and  at  several  meetings, 
and  not  being  clear  of  the  world,  in  order  to  it,  I  under- 
took another  voyage  to  Barbadoes,  and  from  thence  in- 
tending for  London,  in  order  to  settle  my  affiiirs  there, 
which  I  intended  some  years  before,  but  losses  and  dis- 
appointments hindered  me.  W^herefore,  the  7th  of  the 
tenth  month,  I  proceeded  on  a  fifth  voyage  in  the  Bar- 
badoes Packet,  and  left  Philadelphia,  and  was  at  a  meet- 
ing the  next  day  at  Chester,  being  first  day,  and  in  the 
evening  we  had  a  large  meeting  at  Grace  Lloyd's,  where 
I  met  with  my  dear  friend  Joseph  Gill,  who  had  good 

THE    JOURNAL    GF    THQMA8    6HALKLET.  243 

service  in  said  meeting: ;  we  rejoiced  in  Christ  to  see 
each  other.  We  left  Chester  the  9th,  and  got  that  tide 
down  the  river  to  Newcastle,  and,  after  visiting  those 
few  friends  there,  we  set  sail  the  12th  in  the  morning ; 
the  wind  being  high,  and  the  weather  very  sharp,  freez- 
ing hard,  our  sails  were  so  froze,  that  we  had  hiird  work 
to  get  the  vessel  under  sail.  The  13th  day,  weighed 
anchor,  and  sailed  down  the  bay,  and  the  14th  we  were 
clear  of  the  capes.  The  first  day  following  we  had  a 
good,  seasonable  meeting,  for  the  worship  and  service  of 
God ;  and,  in  said  meeting,  as  I  was  treating  of  disobe- 
dience to  parents,  and  disobedience  to  Almighty  God, 
our  great  parent  and  heavenly  father,  a  youth,  who  was 
a  passenger  in  the  vessel,  went  out  hastily  and  abruptly, 
as  I  was  shewing  the  ungratefulness  of  the  first,  much 
more  of  the  last.  When  I  asked  the  reason  of  his  going 
out,  he  said,  it  was  because  he  could  not  forbear  crying  ; 
and  thinking  I  spoke  so  because  of  him,  he  said,  he  could 
not  hear  me  any  more.  Afterwards  I  understood  that  he 
was  a  youth  who  was  very  ungrateful  and  disobedient  to 
his  parents  ;  the  which  I  knew  not  of,  for  his  mother 
told  me,  and  himself  also,  that  he  went  to  sea  on  account 
of  his  health.  I  thought  his  going  out  so  hastily  was 
occasioned  by  some  indisposition  of  body  ;  but  it  was, 
as  he  gave  us  to  understand,  through  resenting  ill  what 
was  spoken,  and  by  his  taking  of  it  to  himself.  I  have, 
in  like  manner,  sometimes  observed,  that  divers  people 
have  shewn  a  restlessness  and  uneasiness  in  public  as- 
semblies of  worship  and  devotion,  and  sometimes  going 
out.  Sec.  so  that  they  have  thereby  exposed  themselves 
to  the  notice  of  the  people,  as  persons  guilty  of  the  mat- 
ter publicly  reprehended,  or  spoken  against ;  just  as 
though  they  were  the  only  persons  in  the  assembly,  who 
were  guilty  of  the  evil  then  taken  notice  of :  such  public 
restlessness  is  a  great  folly  and  weakness,  besides  so 
openly  and  publicly  exposing  themselves. 

After  we  left  our  capes,  we  had  divers  hard  gales  of 
wind,  which  lasted  several  days.  The  28th,  being  a  first 
day,  we  had  a  meeting  for  divine  worship,  in  which  God 
was  praised,  and  his  holy  name  exalted,  for  his  unspeak- 


able  grace,  in  sending  his  only  begotten  Son,  a  divine 
light  to  enlighten  the  inhabitants  of  the  world  ;  after 
which  we  had  stormy  weather  and  contrary  winds  for 
some  weeks,  so  that  our  passage  was  tedious  ;  and  of  fif- 
teen times  going  to  Barbadoes,  1  found  this  the  most 
diflicult ;  and  the  prospect  was  very  discouraging  of 
making  a  losing  voyage,  by  the  great  expense  I  expect- 
ed for  repairing  and  refitting  the  vessel,  &c.  so  that  1  be- 
gan to  despair  of  accomplishing  my  design  of  discharg- 
ing my  debts  in  Great-Britain,  and  the  thoughts  and  con- 
sideration of  losing  so  much  of  the  company  and  convert 
sation  ot  my  wife,  relations,  and  friends,  and  spending  so 
much  precious  time,  which  cannot  be  recalled,  to  so  lit- 
tle purpose,  lay  heavy  on  my  mind  ;  yet,  by  the  grace 
of  God,  my  miiid  was  supported,  and  my  resolutions  con- 
firmed to  praise  the  Almighty,  for  every  dispensation  of 
his  providence. 

1  he  23d  of  the  eleventh  month  we  saw  the  island  of 
Barbadoes,  at  the  breaking  of  the  day,  having  been  from 
the  Capes  of  Delaware  forty  days,  and  one  night ;  and 
were  truly  thankful,  that,  at  last,  we,  through  divine  fav- 
our, got  to  our  desired  port ;  where  we  were  lovingly  re- 
ceived by  our  friends  at  Speight 's-town,  who  were  joy  tul 
at  our  arrival.  From  thence  1  went  to  Bridgetown,  and 
so  on  to  the  governor's,  in  order  to  enter  our  ^  essel ; 
but,  staying  a  little  too  late,  the  governor,  who  was  the 
lord  Howe,  was  come  from  his  house  on  his  way  to 
Bridgetown,  with  his  coach  and  six,  and  his  attendants  ; 
but  he  seeing  me,  courteously  stopped  his  coach,  and 
did  my  business  as  he  sat  therein  ;  and  though  I  made  an 
essay  towards  an  excuse,  he  would  not  admit  of  it,  say- 
ing, There  is  no  need  of  any  excuse.  He  was  indeed  an 
extraordinary  courteous  man  :  he  died  soon  after,  much 
lamented,  as  he  was  much  beloved. 

My  stay  at  Barbadoes  this  time  was  the  longest  I  ever 
sta}ed,  believing  it  to  be  the  last  time  I  should  go  there, 
and  that  I  should  see  them  oo  more.  M}  so  saying 
troubled  some  of  them  ;  j)ut  growing  in  years,  (being 
then  turned  of  threescore),  1  thought  it  would  be  too 
hard  for  me  to  undertake  such  another  voyage  ;  there- 


fore   I  was  at   all  the  meetings   of  our   friends   on  the 

Here  I  met  with  Moses  Aldridge,  a  friend  from  New- 
England,  who  came  on  a  religious  visit  to  friends  of  this 
island,  with  whom  we  had  divers  good  meetings,  his  ser- 
vice in  preaching  the  gospel  being  edifying  and  accept- 
able ;    we    were   together  at  the  marriage  of   Andrew 
Drury  and  Mary  Lewis,  after  which  meeting  and  mar- 
riage, I  was  ill  of  a  fever  several  days,  which  distemper 
was  very  much  among  the  people,  of  which  near  twenty 
masters  of  vessels,  and  some  hundreds  of  people  died ; 
and  though  1  had  been  at  Barbadoes  many  times,  I  never 
had  so  much  illness  there  before  ;  Moses  Aldridge,  and 
several  friends  of  us,   had  a  large  meeting  at  John  Gib- 
son's, where  were  many  people,  not  of  our  persuasion, 
who  were  generally  sober  ;  but  as  I  was  recommending 
charity  to  the  people,    according  to  the  doctrine  of  the 
apostle  Paul,  as  the  most  excellent  gift,    I  advised  them 
to  show  it  forth  to  all  people  of  all  professions,  and  also 
to  their  negroes,  telling  them,  that  some  of  the  gentry  of 
this  island  had  observed  to  me,  that  the  more  kind  they 
were  to  their  slaves,  they  had  their  business  the  better 
done  for  it ;  though  I  observed  also,  that  I  had  been  at 
some  places,  where  I  had  watched  to  hear  some  expres- 
sions that  might  look  like  charity  ;   but  in  divers  houses, 
and  some  of  note,  I  could  not  hear  any  christian-like  ex- 
pressions  to  their  slaves  or  negroes,  and  that  with  sorrow 
I  had  seen  a  great  deal  of  tyranny  and  cruelty,  the  which 
I  dissuaded  them  from  :  this  doctrine  so  exasperated  some 
that   they  made  a    disturbance  in  the  meeting ;    one  of 
which  persons  meeting  me  on  the  king's  highway,  shot 
off  his  fowling-piece    at  me,    being   loaded    with  small 
shot,  ten  of  which  made  marks  on  me,  and  several  drew 
blood ;  by  which  unfriendly  action,  the  man  got  a  great 
deal  of  disgrace,  it  being  highly  resented  by  all  who  were 
acquainted  with  me  ;  the  president  of  the  island  looked 
on  it  as  a  very  base  action,  as  did  also  divers  of  the  jus- 
tices and  the  gentry,  also  the  vestry,  and  several  clergy- 
men and  lawyers  ;  one  of  the  la  vyers  told  me,  I  should 
not  be  just  to  the  country,  myself,  nor  the  man,  if  I  did 


not  prosecute  him  ;  another  professing  the  law,  said,  He 
ought  to  be  abandoned  by  all  mankind,  if  he  shot  at  me 
with  design  ;  many  were  for  prosecuting  him,  for  the 
people  generally  took  notice  of  it  with  abhorrence  ;  but 
he  sending  for  me,  and  signifying  he  would  not  do  so 
again,  I  forgave  him ;  and  I  pray  it  may  not  be  laid  to 
his  charge  in  the  great  day,  and  that  he  may  be  forgiven, 
he  being  ignorant  of  the  love  I  had  and  have  for  him  and 
all  men,  even  them  whom  I  know  to  be  mine  enemies. 
It  would  be  too  great  a  scandal  and  reproach,  to  expose 
his  name  and  station  in  the  world.  Some  thought  I  did 
well  in  forgiving  him,  and  some  thought  I  did  ill  in  it : 
but  I  spoke  my  mind  to  him  alone  freely,  in  which  I  had 
satisfaction  and  peace. 

Intending  my  vessel  for  London,  I  made  my  chief 
mate,  Ralph  Loftus,  master  of  her,  not  knowing  wheth- 
er I  might  proceed  the  voyage,  it  being  a  very  sickly 
time  ;  afterwards  my  mate  had  the  distemper  also,  but  I 
bless  God,  we  both  recovered  a  good  state  of  health. 

It  was  this  voyage,  that  my  friends  in  Barbadoes  pub- 
lished a  little  piece  I  wrote  at  sea,  which  I  called,  "Free 
thoughts  communicated  to  free  thinkers  ;"  done  in  order 
to  promote  thinking  on  the  name  and  works  of  God ; 
which  had,  as  far  as  I  understand,  a  good  acceptance 
among  the  people.  The  principal  clergyman  on  the 
island  thanked  me  for  it,  and  said,  "  There  was  need 
enough  of  it:"  but  I  could  be  glad  another,  or  a  better 
hand^  had  done  something  of  that  nature,  and  more 
large.  If  this  may  be  of  any  service,  I  shall  be  thank- 

I  had  also  a  meeting  at  John  Lewis's,  in  Joseph's  par- 
ish, at  which  were  divers  not  of  our  profession,  and  some 
who  were  never  at  any  of  our  religious  meetings  before  ; 
who  said  they  were  glad  they  were  there  that  day  ;  it  be- 
ing a  satisfactory  open  meeting. 

After  I  had  visited  my  friends,  and  settled  my  affairs 
as  well  as  I  could,  and  loaded  our  vessel  with  sugars,  for 
London,  being  willing,  once  more,  to  see  my  native  land, 
and  settle  my  affairs  there,  and  see  my  relations  and 
friends  ;  on  the  6th  of  the  third  month,  we  set  sail  from 


Barbadoes  for  London,  and  had  pleasant  weather.  The 
16th,  being  the  first  day,  we  had  a  religious  meeting  for 
the  worship  of  God,  in  which  I  was  concerned  to  speuk 
on  the  government  of  the  tongue  (having  on  board  sev- 
eral hands,  who  did  not  sail  with  us  before  that  voyage, 
that  were  much  used  to  swearing).  After  that  meeting, 
we  had  not  so  many  bad  words  and  oaths  as  before.  I 
was  thankful  in  my  soul  to  the  Lord,  and  blessed  his 
holy  name,  for  his  goodness  to  us  that  day  ;  and  in  the 
night,  my  sleep  was  very  sweet  and  comfortable,  being 
sensible  of  the  love  of  God,  in  the  visions  of  the  night ; 
so  that  I  witnessed  the  fulfilling  of  the  prophecy  of  Joel, 
chap.  ii.  28. 

The  23d,  being  the  first  day  of  the  week,  we  had  a 
meeting,  in  which  the  grace  of  God,  that  comes  by 
Jesus  Christ,  was  magnified,  and  a  blessing  begged  for 
all  who  love  and  serve  God,  throughout  the  world,  by 
sea  and  land ;  also  a  tender  petition  was  put  up  to  Al- 
mighty God,  that  as  he  was  graciously  pleased  to  look 
down  on  those  eight  persons  in  Noah's  ark,  so  he  would 
please  to  look  upon  us  in  our  vessel ;  and  that  as  by  his 
divine  providence,  they  safely  landed  on  the  earth,  so 
we,  if  it  were  his  will,  might  safely  land  at  our  desired 
port,  yet  not  that  our  wills,  but  his  will  might  be  done  : 
which  supplication  was  put  up  with  great  submission. 
Both  day  and  night  I  often  sought  the  Lord,  and  was 
much  alone  in  this  voyage.  I  read  the  Old  and  New 
Testament  almost  through,  and  much  of  it  divers  times 
over ;  my  time  being  mostly  taken  up  in  reading,  writ- 
ing, and  meditating,  in  which,  at  times,  my  heart  would 
be  broken  into  tenderness,  and  I  was  humbly  thankful 
to  God,  that  my  heart  was  not  hard ;  he  having  prom- 
ised to  visit  the  contrite  ones ;  the  which  he  sometimes 
fulfilled,  to  my  unspeakable  satisfaction ;  glory  to  his 
holy  name  forever.  My  heart  was  also  thankful  that 
God  was  pleased  to  visit  me  in  my  watery  travels  and 
troubles,  and  in  my  separation  from  my  family  and 
friends,  which  are  much  nearer,  and  more  valuable  to 
me  than  all  riches,  and  a  great  cross  to  my  natural  in« 
clinaiion  to  part  with. 


The  8th  of  the  fourth  month,  being  the  first  day  of 
the  week,  we  had  a  meeting,  in  which  acquaintance 
with  God  was  exhorted  to,  shewing  the  benefit  of  it, 
and  of  loving  him  above  all  things,  and  delighting  in  his 
law,  and  meditating  therein  day  and  night.  The  19th, 
in  the  morning,  a  strong  northerly  wind  came  up,  and 
blew  so  hard  that  we  could  not  carry  sail,  but  lay  to  the 
wind,  under  our  mizen,  which  was  split  or  torn  with 
the  violence  of  the  wind,  and  the  sea  rose  high,  so  that 
it  came  into  the  windows  of  our  great  cabin.  It  was 
very  rugged  for  the  time,  and  though  it  was  mid-sum- 
mer, it  was  so  cold,  that  we  were  obliged  to  clothe  our- 
selves as  in  winter.  The  22d,  being  first  day,  we  had 
a  comfortable  meeting  after  the  storm,  wherein  the  great 
benefit  of  true  religion  was  a  little  opened  to  our  sm«.ll 
company,  and  the  Lord,  Most  High,  was  praised  for 
our  deliverance  and  preservation.  The  26th  we  sounded, 
and  found  about  seventy  fathom  de])th  of  water.  The 
29th  we  were  a-breast  the  isle  of  Wight.  From  the 
time  we  left  the  island  of  Barbadoes,  to  the  time  we 
found  ground,  was  seven  weeks;  Thus  through  many 
perils  and  dangers,  we  came  to  Great-Britain  ;  for  all 
which  mercies  and  providences,  let  my  soul  bless  and 
praise  the  holy  name  and  mighty  power  of  the  Most 
High.  It  was  now  a  time  of  a  very  great  pressing  for 
seamen,  and  several  men  of  war's  boats  came  on  board 
to  press  our  sailors ;  but  they  had  prepared  a  place  in 
the  vessel  to 'hide  themselves,  and  the  men  of  war's  peo- 
ple could  not  find  them.  One  lieutenant,  with  his  men, 
came  on  board,  and  seeing  us  weak  handed  (the  best  of 
our  hands  being  hid),  he  asked  me  if  I  had  any  more 
hands  on  board  ?  I  made  him  little  answer.  He  then 
said  he  was  sure  I  could  not  bring  the  ship  from  Barba- 
does without  hands.  I  told  him  sailors  were  hard  to  be 
got  in  Barbadoes,  either  for  love  or  money,  to  go  for 
London,  for  fear  of  being  pressed,  and  I  was  obliged 
to  take  any  I  could  get.  He  said  it  was  in  vain  to  talk 
much,  but  if  I  would  say  I  had  no  more  hands  on  board, 
he  would  be  satisfied ;  he  having  a  belief  that  I  woald 
speak  the  truth,  though  lie  never  saw  me  before ;  and 


he  said,  if  I  would  say  there  were  no  more  men  on  board, 
he  ^vould  go  away,  for  then  he  had  no  more  business  there; 
but  I  made  him  no  answer,  not  daring  to  tell  a  lie.  Now 
I  know  that  there  are  men  on  board,  said  he  :  so  he  com- 
manded his  men  to  search  the  ship  to  her  keel.  So  they 
sti-i]:)ped  and  made  a  narrow  search,  and  sweated  and 
fretted,  but  could  not  find  them.  He  being  civil,  1  made 
him,  when  he  went  away,  a  small  present.  He  wished 
me  well  ;  and  so  I  carried  my  people  safe  up  to  Lon- 

In  the  beginning  of  the  fifth  month,  I  came  to  London, 
and  lodged  at  the  house  of  Simeon  Warner,  in  South- 
wark,  and  at  divers  kind  friends  and  relations,  in  and 
about  London.  The  tender  and  brotherly  respect  which 
I  received  from  divers,  in  some  of  those  families,  in  my 
sickness,  will  not,  I  believe,  ever  be  forgotten,  while 
I  am  in  this  world,  at  times  by  me ;  and,  I  hope  that 
he  whom  I  serve  with  m}-  might  and  strength,  will  be 
their  reward.  When  in  the  country  about  London,  my 
residence  was  mostly  at  Edmonton,  at  my  dear  brother 
George  Chalkley's,  who,  with  my  sister  and  cousins, 
were  a  comfort  to  me  both  in  health  and  sickness  :  for  1 
was  often  in  London  sorely  afflicted  with  the  phthisic  and 
asthma,  which  sometimes  made  me  very  uneasy ;  and, 
though  my  affairs  required  me  to  be  often  in  the  city, 
yet  I  was  obliged  to  return  to  the  country  for  air,  and, 
both  in  health  and  sickness,  was  kindly  and  affectionately 
received  and  tended  by  my  dear  brother,  sister,  and  all 
my  loving  cousins.  The  memory  thereof  is  cordial  to 
me  in  penning  these  lines.  It  may  be  truly  said,  we 
were  very  joyful  in  meeting  one  another,  and  our  sorrow 
in  parting  not  easy  to  be  expressed. 

In  London  I  sold  my  vessel,  the  Barbadoes- Packet, 
and  settled  all  my  affairs  to  general  satisfaction,  so  flir  as 
I  know,  on  which  account  I  had  laboured  for  several 
}'ears,  and  was  joyful  that  Pro\idence  had  favored  me  so 
iar  as  to  see  it  accomplished  :  so  that  now  I  wholly  intend 
to  leave  trading  by  sea,  the  which  I  never  inclined  to, 
only  on  a  principle  of  justice;  for  I  was  fully  resolved 
in  mv  mind  that  mv  creditors  should  be  paid  their  just 

K  k 


debts,  though  I  might  lose  my  life  in  the  pursuit  of  itj 
about  which  I  had  no  anxious  guilt,  because  I  never  was 
extravagant  nor  indolent,  but  met  with  divers  casualties 
by  fire  and  water;  by  the  latter  I  lost  many  hundreds  of 
pounds  for  several  yeiu-s  together  ;  and  I  would  persuade 
all  in  their  undertaking  for  a  livelihood  in  this  world,  to 
be  sure  to  have  an  eye  to  divine  providence,  who  will 
not  suffer  us,  if  we  do  well,  nor  so  much  as  a  sparrow 
to  fall  to  tire  ground,  without  he  think  it  best  for  us,  he 
knowing  what  is  for  our  good  better  than  we  know  our- 
selves. Thus  when  I  had  paid  my  debts,  and  in  a  good 
degree  settled  my  affairs,  I  visited  several  of  my  rela- 
tions, as  at  Kingsworth,  Staines,  Guilford,  &c.  Had 
a  meeting  at  Market- Street,  and  one  at  Guilford,  an- 
other at  Staines,  and  one  at  Longford ;  in  all  which  I 
had  some  service,  and  my  relations  were  joyful  to  see 
me  once  more,  having  never  expected  to  see  me 
again  ;  and  when  I  had  visited  meetings  in  and  about 
London,  I  went  towards  the  North,  in  order  to  visit 
some  places  where  I  had  never  been,  and  some  that  I 
had  been  at.  The  number  of  meetings,  and  the  names 
of  the  places  w^here  I  had  meetings  (while  I  was  this 
time  in  England)  are  as  follows.  While  I  was  in  and 
about  London,  I  was  at  eighteen  meetings  in  that  great 
city,  at  tvv^o  of  which  I  was  with  May  Drummond,  a 
virtuous  young  woman,  who  hath  a  good  gift  in  the 
ministry,  and  had  a  gracious  opjDortunity  of  declaring 
her  convincement  to  our  noble  Queen  Caroline,  our 
great  King  George's  royal  consort.  The  kind  treat- 
ment, and  good  reception,  she  had  with  the  queen,, 
spread  so  in  city  and  country,  that  many  thousands  flock- 
ed to  hear  her,  and  more  of  the  gentry  aiid  nobility  than 
ever  was  known  before,  to  our  meetings.  I  had  some 
private  conversation  with  her,  which  ]3ut  me  in  mind  of 
the  apostle's  exhortation,  where  he  adviseth  the  prim- 
itive christians,  that  their  words  be  few  and  savoury, 
and  that  they  should  be  seasoned  with  grace  for  this 
great  reason,  that  they  might  administer  grace  to  the 
hearers ;  and  truly  I  thought  there  was  the  influence  of 
grace  in  her  conduct  and  conversation,  whom  I  pray 
Cod  to  preserve  in  Christ  to  the  end. 


I  had  a  meeting  at  the  house  of  my  brother  with  his 
scholars  at  Edmonton,  and  also  with  his  family  and  di- 
vers of  our  relations,  which  some  of  us  may  have  occa- 
sion to- remember.  We  had  seven  meetings  at  Totten- 
ham, at  sundry  times,  and  four  at  Hartford  ;  I  travelled 
to  Hitching,  from  thence  to  Baldock,  and  then  to  Stadt- 
fold  and  Ash  well.  The  7th  of  the  eighth  month  (being 
tlie  third  day  of  the  week)  to  Royston,  fourth  to  Ives, 
iifth  to  Huntington,  sixth  to  Ramsey.  First  day,  being 
tlie  12th  of  the  month,  we  had  a  meeting  at  a  small  town 
named  Finding,  and  the  same  day,  in  the  evening,  had  a 
large  meeting  at  Wellingborough,  in  Northamptonshire. 
The  14th,  being  the  third  day  of  the  week,  we  had  a 
meeting  at  Northampton,  fourth  day  at  Bray  brook,  fifth 
day  at  Okeham,  the  county  town  of  Rutland,  sixth  day 
at  Long-Clackson ;  and  first  day,  being  the  19th  of  the 
month,  I  was  at  a  large  and  open  meeting  at  Nottingham, 
where  were  many  people,  not  of  our  society,  who  were 
very  sober ;  third  day  had  a  meeting  at  Fairnsfield,  fourth 
day  at  Mansfield,  fifth  at  Chesterfield,  in  Derbyshire;  from 
whence  we  went  over  the  moors  and  mountains,  Benja- 
min Bangs,  the  younger,  accompanying  me,  who  came 
on  purpose  from  Stockport  to  be  my  companion  and 
guide  thither  :  his  company  was  both  pleasant  and  prof- 
itable to  me  in  that  hilly  country,  through  which  we  trav- 
elled to  Stockport,  where  we  had  three  meetings,  and 
where  I  met  with  my  dear,  worthy  old  friend,  Benjamin 
Bangs.  When  we  met,  we  embraced  each  other  in 
arms  of  christian  love,  having  not  seen  one  another  for 
many  years,  Avith  whom  I  stayed  four  days.  This  wor- 
thy friend,  though  upwards  of  fourscore  years  of  age, 
went  wijth  me  to  Manchester,  where  we  had  two  meet- 
ings, and  then  I  went  back  with  him  to  his  house.  He 
was  a  man  of  extraordinary  character,  and  well  beloved, 
he  being  a  pillar  in  the  church  of  Christ. 

When  at  Manchester,  I  went  to  visit  a  friend  newly 
cut  for  the  stone,  who  had  one  taken  out  of  him,  the 
measure  of  which  I  saw,  and  had  the  stone  in  my  hand. 
It  was  nine  inches  about,  and  three  over.  Before  I  went 
out  of  those  parts,  he  was  well  enough  to  ride  home, 

252  THE    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHAI.Kl.KY. 

Avhicli  was  near  a  hundred  miles.     He  was  cheerRi),   as 
well  as  thankful. 

From  Stockport  I  went  to  Macclesfield,  to  Joseph 
Hobson's,  where  I  met  with  Joshua  Toft  and  his  broth- 
er, two  choice  ministers  of  Jesus  Christ,  of  whose  com- 
pany I  was  glad,  though  at  that  time  I  was  very  low  and 
poor  in  my  spirit.  We  had  two  meetings  here  ;  on  the 
2d  of  the  ninth  month,  being  first  day.  1  was  at  a  large 
meeting  at  Morley,  and,  in  the  evening,  at  the  meeting  at 
John  Leigh's,  at  both  which  meetings  there  were  many 
people,  not  of  our  society,  who  were  very  still,  and  some 
were  broken  into  tenderness.  From  Morley  I  went,  to 
Penketh,  where  we  had  a  large,  solid  meeting,  and  had 
an  evening  meeting  at  Warrington,  where  I  met  with 
many  brethren  and  sisters,  who  sincerely  love  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  with  whom  I  was  refreshed,  particularly  at 
Gilbert  Thompson's  and  Lawrence  Calen's.  From 
Warrington  I  went  to  Langtree,  Preston,  and  Clifton, 
where  I  had  meetings,  and  so  went  on  to  Lancaster.  I 
went  to  Wray,  in  order  to  visit  my  old  ship-mate  Eliz- 
abeth Rawlinson,  (whose  son,  Hutton  Rawlinson,  went 
with  me).  When  1  came  to  Wray,  they  desired  me  to 
have  a  meeting  with  them  ;  and  though  there  was  little 
notice,  yet  we  had  a  large  meeting,  divers  neighbours 
coming  in,  and  Christ  Avas  preached  to  them  freely  ;  this 
was  the  10th  in  the  evening,  and  second  day  of  the  week. 
Third  day  I  went  to  Kendal,  and,  in  the  evening,  with 
very  little  notice,  we  met  with  several  hundreds  of  peo- 
ple, friends  and  others.  It  was  a  surprize  to  me,  I  ex- 
pecting but  a  few,  because  of  the  shortness  of  time  ; 
but  I  acknowledge  it  was  a  pleasant  surprize,  to  see  the 
willingness  and  readiness  of  the  people 'to  hear  the  gos- 
pel preached.  Friends  here  are  a  great  people,  and  well 
beloved  and  esteemed  by  their  neighbours,  and  live  in 
nuich  love  and  unity.  The  fourth  day  many  friends  came 
to  see  me  from  divers  parts,  I  giving  them  some  notice 
that  I  designed  no  farther  northward,  and  hastening  to 
get  ready  to  go  to  America,  betimes  in  the  spring ;  hav- 
ing l)een  from  home  near  two  years  ;  wherefore  divers  of 
my  friends,  some  of  whom  had  been  at  sea  with  me,  met 


me  here.  We  rejoiced  to  see  one  another,  and,  after  a 
large  and  good  meeting-,  we  took  a  solemn  farewell,  divers 
of  us  never  expecting  to  see  each  other  any  more. 

In  this  journey  and  travel  I   endeavoured  to   be,  as 
much  as  I  well  could,  at  such  meetings  as  I  had  never 
been  at  before,  and  because  I  was  short   in  this  visit  to 
r»\y  friends,  some  were  not  so  well  pleased ;  but  my  call 
was  most  to  the  American  shore,    where    I  thought  my 
service  mostly  lay,  and  in  order  to  return,  I  set  my  face 
toward  London,    and  expected  to  meet  with  my  friend 
and  brother  in  Christ,  Isaac  Pickerell,  in  Cheshire,  who 
designed  to  accompany  me  towards  the  south  ;  wherefore 
I  went  from  Kendal  to  Lancaster,  and  was  at  Penketh  on 
a  first  day.  being  the   16Ui   of  the   ninth   month,   which 
meeting  was  large  and  solid  ;   after  "this  meeting  we  went 
to  Sutton,  where  I  met  Avith  Isaac  Pickerell,  also  with  our 
ancient  friends,  James  Dickenson  and  Christopher  Wil- 
son, a  choice  young  man,  his  fellow  labourer.     We  had 
meetings  at  Sutton,  Newtown,  Chester,  and  Shrewsbury  : 
James  Dickenson  was  about  fourscore  years  of  age,  *md 
yet  held  out  in  travels  to  admiration,  and  was  liveiy  in 
preaching  the  gospel  :  he  is   a  worthy  elder,  of  whose 
company    I  was  joyful ;  at  Shrewsbury  we  parted,  and 
Isaac  and  I  went  to  Colebrook,  where,  on  a  first  day,  we 
had  a   solid,    good  meeting  ;   from   thence   we  went  to 
Stoui*bridge,  and  after  having  a  meeting  there,  we  had  an- 
other at  Broomsgrove,  and  so  went  on  to  Worcester, 
where  we    had   divers  large  and  solemn  meetings :   we 
lodged  at  John  Corbin's,    who  was  very  kind  to  us,    as 
also  were  his  hopeful  children,  and   in  great  love  and 
unity  we  both  met  and  parted.     From  Worcester,  we 
went  to  Evesham,  where  we  had  two  meetings,  and  from 
thence  to  Oddington,  and  had  a  large  evening  meeting ; 
the  people,  who  were  mostly  of  other  societies,  were  very 
sober,  and  gave  good  attention  ;  this  was  the  fourth  day 
of  the  week  ;  fifdi  day  we  had  a  meeting  at  Chalbury, 
and  a  tender  time  with  a  friend  very  ^veak  at  Wallingford, 
who  expressed  his  satisfaction  and  thankfulness  for  the 
visit  ;   his  children  were  very  tenderly  affected  also    The 
good  Lord,  the  great  physician  of  value  was  with  us,  and 


his  balsamic  grace  was  at  that  time  shed  abroad  in  our 
hearts.  From  VV^allingford,  we  went  to  Reading,  where 
my  good  companion  and  fellow  traveller,  Isaac  Pickerel], 
dwelt ;  we  were  lovingly  received  by  our  friends  ;  I 
stayed  here,  and  rested  several  days,  and  had  several  sat- 
isfactory meetings  with  friends,  they  being  a  large  peo- 
ple, living  much  in  love  and  good  will  ;  here  Samuel 
Thornton,  of  Edmonton,  my  kinsman,  and  Isaac  Brown, 
my  wife's  son,  came  to  see  me  from  London.  From 
Reading,  Isaac  Pickerell  accompanied  me  to  Maidenhead, 
and  to  Jordan's,  at  both  which  places  we  had  meetings. 
The  house  and  burying  ground  at  Jordan's  are  kept  in 
the  neatest  order  I  ever  saw,  in  which  ground  lie  the 
bones  of  divers  worthy  friends,  Isaac  Penington,  William 
Penn,  Thomas  Kh\ood,  George  Bowles,  and  their  wives, 
as  I  remember.  This  meeting  is  often,  if  not  mostly, 
kept  in  silence  ;  yet  several  have  been  convinced  there, 
through  the  grace  of  God,  and  the  power  of  the  Holy 
Ghost,  which  Christ  said  he  would  send  to  the  true  be- 
lievers, and  thiit  should  abide  with  the  church  forever  : 
here  my  beloved  friend  Isaac  and  I  parted  in  much  love, 
having  good  desires  for  each  other's  welfare.  From 
Jordan's  I  went  with  my  kinsman  to  my  brother's  at  Ed- 
monton, where  I  stayed  and  rested  a  few  days  from  trav- 

Then  a  concern  came  upon  me  to  visit  friends  meet- 
ings in  the  county  of  Essex,  and  I  went  from  my  broth- 
er's to  Hartford,  and  had  several  meetings  there  ;  and 
one  I  had  also  at  Ware,  which  was  very  large ;  after 
which  I  went  to  Hartford  again,  I  having  divers  relations 
there  ;  from  thence  I  went  to  Bishopstafford,  where  I  had 
a  meeting,  and  so  on  to  Stebbing,  where  I  had  a  large 
meeting ;  and  had  a  meeting  at  Braintree,  Coggeshall, 
and  a  large  meeting  on  a  first  day  at  Halstead,  and  there 
were  abundance  of  people  at  Cone,  at  an  evening  meeting 
we  had  there,  where  I  met  with  my  worthy  friend  Joshua 
Toft,  and  his  fellow  traveller,  Joseph  Hobson,  we  rejoic- 
ing to  see  each  other.  From  Cone,  I  went  to  Cockfield, 
which  was  a  very  small  meeting  ;  from  thence  I  went  to 
Colchester,  where  I  stayed  sevenU  days,  and  went  to  sev- 


tral  meetings,  as  at  Rockstead  and  Manningtree,   and 
then  back  again  to  Coicheste r,  where,  on  the  first  day,  I 
had  a  large  meeting  in  the  afternoon,  and  after  meetings 
divers  of  the  friends  came  to  see  me,  and  were  for  ap- 
pointing meetings  for  me  to  be  at,  in  the  ensuing  week, 
and  desired  to  know  my  mind  therein  ;  after  a  Httle  pause 
I  told  them,  I  found  a  full  stop  in  my  mind  from  going  to 
any  more  meetings  at  present,  and  that    I  would  wait 
some  days  with   them  in    the  city,  till  I  saw  further  ; 
while  we  were  sitting  together,  a  letter  came  to  me  from 
London,  that  a  friend,  Stephen  Payton,  had  set  up  my 
name  on  the  Exchange  in  London,  as  master  of  the  Bar- 
badoes  Packet,  which  was  the  vessel  bought  of  me  by 
John  Agar,  who  sold  her  to  said  Stephen  Payton,  who  in- 
tended her  for  Philadelphia,  and  next  morning  a  messen- 
ger was  sent  for  me  from   London  :   thus  having  such  a 
favourable  opportunity  of  returning  home,  I  embraced  it, 
and  went  on  second  day  to  Witham,  where  I  again  met 
with  Joshua  Toft  and  Joseph  Hobson,  at  meeting  ;  from 
thence  we  went  to  Plaistow,  where  we  had  a  meeting,  and 
then  went  to  Bromley,   near  Bow,  and  were  at  Joseph 
Olive's,  had  a  meeting  with    his  people  and   servants, 
which  were  many ;  I  thought  it  was  a  good  meeting,  a 
divine  hand  of  love  was  reached  out  to  the  young  peo- 
ple, and  they  were  advised  to  give  up  their  hearts  to  their 
Creator  in  their  youthful  days  ;  several  scores  of  people 
belong  to  his  family  ;  after  this  meeting  I  went  to  Lon- 
don, and  prepared  for  the  voyage.     When  our  vessel  was 
loaded,    which  was   chiefly   by    Israel    Pemberton,  the 
younger,  who  went  with  us,  as  did  our  owner,  Stephen 
Payton,    and  Isaac  Brown,    and  four  of   my  kinsfolks, 
whose  names  are  Freeman,  with  divers  others  passengers: 
in  the  latter  end  of  the  twelfth  month,  my  brother  and  his 
eldest  daughter,    Rebecca,   with  her  husband,    Samuel 
Thornton,  accompanied  me   to   Gravesend,   where  our 
parting  with  them  was,  a^at  Edmonton,  very  solemn  and 
sorrowful,  we  never  expecting  to  sec  one  another  more. 
From  Gravesend  we  sailed  the  3d  of  the  first  month  to 
the  Downs,  and  fr<^m  thence  do\\'n  the  British  channel  to 
the  sea,  and  were  at  sea  about  nine  weeks^  which  we 


thought  long,  having  many  contrary  winds ;  but,  after 
we  came  on  shore,  we  understood,  that  tliere  were  divers 
vessels  that  were  much  longer.  At  sea  we  had  divers 
meetings,  M'hich  Avcre  some  of  them  to  my  satisfaction. 
I  came  very  unwell  on  board  ;  but,  when  at  sea,  I  mend- 
ed ;  for  which  fa\our  1  am  truly  thankful.  We  lamled 
all  well  and  in  health  at  Philadelphia,  in  the  third  jiionth, 
173G,  where  -vve  were  received  with  joy  by  our  relations^ 
friends,  and  acquaintance  ;  it  was  much  the  more  so,  be- 
cause they  had  heard  I  was  like  to  die  ;  I  having,  at  Lon- 
don, had  a  sore  fit  of  the  asthma  or  phthisic,  three  per- 
sons sitting  up  with  me  for  three  nights,  who  1  thought 
\\  ould  s'ee  my  end  ;  but  the  time  was  not  yet  come  that 
I  must  die,  though  indeed  death  was  no  terror  to  me, 
hoping  my  change  would  be  much  for  the  better  ;  for 
then,  1  hoped,  I  should  be  forever  with  him  ^vhom  I  lov- 
ed better  than  life. 

After  I  had  been  at  home  some  time,  I  went  to  Salem, 
and  from  thence  to  Cohansey,  and,  in  my  return,  \\'as  at 
Woodberry- creek,  and  liad  meetings  at  each  place  :  and, 
soon  after,  I  visited  the  meetings  of  friends  at  Bristol, 
Burlington,  Trenton,  and  Bordentown,  and,  in  my  return 
home,  at  Middletown  ;  b}-  the  way  called,  to  see  my  an- 
cient friends,  Joseph  Kirkbride,  and  the  widow  Warder  ; 
she  was  ninety-two  }ears  of  age,  and  perfect  in  her  un- 
derstanding ;  she  said,  she  did  not  know  for  what  end 
the  Almigliiy  should  prolong  her  days  to  that  age  ;  but 
she  was  satisiied  in  his  will. 

In  the  fifth  month,  1  visited  the  meetings  of  friends  at 
Haddoniield,  in  West-Jersey,  and  at  Newton,  Hartford, 
Germantown,  Abington,  North- Wales,  and  Plymouth, 
and  was  divers  times  at  Philadelphia  and  Frankfort. 

After  many  exercises,  and  large  travels  by  sea  and 
land,  my  brethren,  and  divers  others,  not  of  our  society, 
expressed  their  gladness  to  see  me,  rejoicing  that  I  was 
like  to  spend  my  time  more  on  the  land,  hoping  that  I 
would  go  no  more  to  sea;  the  which,  God  willing,  I  de- 
termined, having  so  settled  m\  .ifTairs,  tliat  I  could  stay 
on  shore  :  and  am  truly  and  humbly  thankful  to  the  AU 


mighty,  that  he,  by  his  good  hand  of  providence,  in  his 
due  time,  had  favoured  and  helped  me  so  to  do. 

In  the  sixth  and  seventh  months,  I  again  visited  the 
meetings  of  friends  at  Bristol,  Burlington,  Bybury, 
Abington,  Horsham,  Germantown,  Fairhill,  and  divers 
times  at  Frankfort  and  Philadelphia. 

In  the  eighth  month  I  went  to  Cohansey  and  Salem, 
and  was  at  two  meetings  at  Cohansey,  and  one  at  Allo- 
way's-creek,  where  I  met  with  Edward  Tyler,  a  friend 
on  a  religious  visit  from  Europe,  and  John  Sykes,  a 
friend  living  near  Crosswicks,  in  the  Jersey's ;  here  we 
had  an  open  satisfactory  meeting ;  from  whence  I  went 
to  Salem,  it  being  their  week  day  meeting,  which  was 
large,  and  to  the  edification  of  many.  I  was  also  at  Piles- 
grove  fifth  day,  and  at  Woodberry- creek  sixth  day  :  in 
which  last  meeting  the  obedient  son  was  encouraged,  and 
the  disobedient  earnestly  called  home  to  his  heavenly 
Father's  house.  In  this  journey  I  had  John  Bringhurst, 
the  younger,  for  my  fellow  traveller  ;  his  father  being 
untvilling  that  I  should  go  the  journey  alone. 

After  I  had  been  at  home  some  time,  I,  with  some 
others,  went  to  the  yearly  meeting  at  Shrewsbury,  in 
East- Jersey,  which  was  on  the  23d  of  the  eighth  month  : 
it  was  exceeding  large,  and  the  quietest  and  the  most 
settled  meeting  that  ever  I  was  at  there ;  and  many  di- 
vine truths  were  delivered  therein.  From  thence  I  went 
to  Manesquan,  and  had  a  meeting,  and  then  back  to 
Shrewsbury,  and  so  to  Middletown,  where  we  had  a 
meeting  in  the  baptist  meeting-house,  divers  of  whom 
were  there,  and  glad  of  the  meeting  ;  thence  came  back 
to  Shrewsbury,  and  had  a  meeting  on  the  first  day,  being 
the  30th  of  the  month :  from  whence,  on  my  return 
home,  had  meetings  at  Moses  Robin's,  Allen's-town,  at 
Crosswicks,  (where  I  met  with  divers  of  my  old  friends), 
Bordentown,  and  Mansfield  ;  some  of  which  were  large, 
open,  and  satisfactory  meetings.  After  the  last  meeting, 
we  went  to  Burlington,  and  next  day  came  home,  accom- 
panied by  Richard  Smith,  Jun.  After  being  a  kw  days 
at  home,  I  was  sent  for  to  Chester,  to  the  maiTiage  of 
John  Lee,   (who  had  sailed  several  voyages  with  me), 

L  1 


next  day  I  went  to  the  week  day  meeting  at  Providence, 
and  on  first  day  was  at  Springfield ;  from  whence  I  re- 
turned home. 

The  23d  of  the  ninth  month,  I  left  home  again,  and 
went  to  Philadelphia,  and  from  thence  with  Daniel  Stan- 
ton, John  Easton,  and  John  Proud,  Jun.  (the  two  latter  of 
Rhode- Island),  to  Radnor  meeting,  and  from  tht^nce  to 
Goshen  meeting,  and  by  the  coldness  of  the  weather,  and 
crossing  several  creeks,  I  got  a  cold,  which  settled  on  my 
kmgs,  so  that,  in  conversation,  I  was  hoarse  ;  but  I  was 
helped  in  meetings  to  admiration;  for  which  I  was  truly 
thankful  to  the  Almighty,  the  great  helper  of  his  servants 
and  children.  Wc  had  a  meeting  with  an  ancient  friend, 
who  said  she  had  above  two  hundred  who  called  her 
mother  being  her  children  by  blood  and  marriage  to  the 
fourth  generation  :  we  took  our  leave  of  her,  as  never  ex- 
pecting to  see  each  other  more,  and  parted  in  tenderness 
of  heart.  One  of  this  friend's  grandsons  went  with  us  to 
Concord,  where,  on  a  first  day,  we  had  a  very  large  meet- 
ing, and  an  evening  meeting  at  Moses  Mendenhall's  ;  and 
the  remainder  of  the  week  we  had  meetings  at  Birming- 
ham, Kennet,  New-Garden,  Marlborough,  and  the 
monthly  meeting  at  Center,  on  the  seventh  day  following, 
at  which  were  many  young  people  ;  for  whose  sakes  I 
was  drawn  and  moved,  in  my  exercise  of  the  ministry,  to 
shew  the  rise  and  design  of  our  meetings  of  discipline. 

1st.  That  the  same  power  that  gathered  us  to  be  a 
people,  inclined  our  elders  to  establish  those  meetings, 
and  settle  them  in  most  parts  where  we  were  gathered, 
and  had  meetings  for  the  worship  of  God. 

2d.  They  were  advised  to  do  their  business,  and  speak 
to  their  affairs,  in  the  sense  of  the  same  power,  spirit,  and 
wisdom  of  Christ,  which,  as  it  had  raised  us,  would,  as 
we  kept  to  it,  preserve  us  to  be  a  people  to  the  praise  of 
God's  holy  name. 

3d.  They  were  advised,  in  doing  their  business,  not  to 
run  out  into  many  unnecessary  words,  which  might  lead 
to  contention,  and  spending  much  time  to  little  purpose  ; 
religious  affairs  being  done  best  in  a  meek  and  quiet 
spirit,  that  being  of  great  price  with  the  Lord  ;  great  evils 


having  been  known  in  many  ages,  through  hot  and  long 
contentions  about  religion.  It  is  also  good  to  avoid,  in 
matters  of  difference,  respect  of  persons,  on  account  of 
being  acquainted  or  related,  so  as  to  be  swayed  thereby 
from  justice. 

4th.  They  were  advised  to  be  very  careful  of  giving 
any  just  occasion  of  offence  to  any,  to  Jew  or  gentile,  to 
Indian  or  negro  ;  for,  "  Wo  to  them,"  says  our  Saviour, 
*'  by  whom  offences  come  ;"  and  if  any  will  take  offence 
when  none  is  justly  given,  it  is  the  best  way  to  be  patient, 
and  take  our  Saviour  for  our  example,  who  got  the  vic- 
tory through  suffering;  a  safe  way,  and  glorious  in  the 
end.  And,  as  to  few  words,  the  apostle  says,  "  Let  your 
words  be  few  and  savoury,  seasoned  with  grace,  that  they 
may  administer  grace  to  the  hearers." 

5th.  I  was  engaged,  for  the  sakes  of  the  youth  of  both 
sexes,  to  shew  them,  that  a  material  part  of  the  service  of 
these  meetings,  is,  that  care  be  taken  therein,  to  see  that 
persons  are  clear  of  prior  engagements  or  entanglements, 
in  relation  to  marriage,  and  that  they  have  tiie  consent  of 
parents,  or  parties  concerned,  as  guardians,  &,c.  and  also, 
that  they,  and  all  that  belong  to  our  society,  walk  orderly 
in  conversation ;  otherwise  they  could  not  be  in  unity 
with  us,  or  owned  by  us,  as  a  society  of  religious  peo- 
ple :  we  do  not  own  scandalous  persons,  nor  admit  them 
to  be  married  amongst  us,  without  acknowledging  their 
faults,  and  promising  amendment  for  the  future,  through 
divine  grace  and  assistance.  Also,  in  those  meetings, 
the  widows  and  fatherless  are  taken  care  of,  that  they 
may  be  supported  and  visited,  and  youths  put  out  ap- 
prentices to  learn  trades,  &c. 

This  meeting  concluded  with  supplication  for  the  rising 
generation,  and  for  the  king,  and  all  his  subjects,  and 
with  thanksgiving  and  praises  to  the  sacred  name  of  Him 
who  lives  forever. 

After  the  abovesaid  meeting,  we  went  to  Wilmington, 
a  newly  settled  town  on  Christiana-creek,  which  I  be- 
lieve will  be  a  flourishing  place,  if  the  inhabitants  take 
care  to  live  in  the  fear  of  God,  and  seek  his  glory,  and 
the  riches  of  his  kingdom,  preferring  it  to  any  thing  or 


things  of  this  world.  Wc  had  a  pretty  large  meeting 
here,  considering  the  season,  (for  it  was  very  cold),  which 
was  held  in  a  large  house  of  William  Shipley's  ;  but  they 
are  making  provision  for  a  meeting-house.  From  this 
town  wc  went  to  Newark,  and  had  a  comfortable  meeting 
at  George  Robinson's  in  the  evening,  and  next  morning 
set  out  for  Philadelphia. 

As  it  was  now  the  winter  season,  and  having  been 
divers  times  at  this  season  of  the  year  in  the  warm  cli- 
mates, the  cold  was  become  harder  for  me  to  bear  than 
usual,  so  that  I  stayed  at  and  about  home  pretty  much, 
being  divers  times  at  Philadelphia,  Frankfort,  German- 
town,  and  Abington  meetings. 

The  latter  end  of  the  tenth  month,  on  a  first  day  of  the 
week,  I  was  at  a  large,  open  meeting,  at  Darby,  in  Ches- 
ter county.  After  meeting  I  rode  home,  about  fourteen 
miles ;  but  it  was  so  cold,  that  my  limbs  were  much  be- 
numbed, and  were  not  fully  recovered  in  more  than  a 
week.  Coming  home,  between  Schuylkill  river  and 
Philadelphia,  we  observed  the  largest  meteor  that  ever  I 
saw,  though  I  had  seen  many  by  sea  and  land  ;  this  was 
in  sight  almost  a  minute,  as  near  as  I  could  guess  ;  it  was 
a  mighty  stream,  like  a  fiame  of  fire,  leaving,  as  it  were, 
sparks  of  fire  behind  it,  as  it  went  along,  and  then  settled 
like  a  star,  and  disapjDcared.  A  few  days  after  this  me- 
teor, there  appeared  in  the  sky  an  uncommon  redness, 
with  streams  like  fire. 

About  this  time  was  buried  at  Frankfort,  John  Hur- 
ford,  who  was  about  ninety  years  of  age  ;  at  whose  bur- 
ial, the  coldness  of  the  season  considered,  were  a  pretty 
many  friends,  neighbours,  and  relations  of  the  deceased  ; 
as  also  divers  from  Philadelphia.  1  was  concerned  to 
advise  those  present,  to  prepare  for  their  final  change ; 
that  being  certain,  though  the  time  is  uncertain  ;  which, 
generally,  none  knows  but  the  Almighty  ;  therefore  we 
ought  always  to  be  preparing  for  our  dissolution,  and  al- 
ways watching  and  praying,  lest  we  enter  into  temptation ; 
as  said  our  dear  Lord,  "  If  the  good  man  of  the  house 
had  known  in  what  hour  the  thief  would  come,  he  would 
have  watched."    Luke  xii,  39.     And,  we  not  knowing 


whether  death  will  come  in  our  youth,  our  middle,  or  old 
age,  therefore,  were  earnestly  desired  to  prepare  our 
hearts  to  meet  death,  so  that  we  might  dwell  with  God 
and  Christ  in  his  kingdom  forever.  It  was  also  ob- 
served, that  though  this  friend  had  lived  to  a  great  age, 
yet  that  few  lived  so  long,  no,  not  one  in  a  thousand,  and 
many  die  very  young ;  therefore  they  were  earnestly  en- 
treated, in  the  love  of  God  through  Christ,  to  prepare 
for  their  latter  end,  and  not  to  set  their  hearts  and  affec- 
tions on  things  below;  for,  by  how  much  they  set  their 
hearts  and  affections  on  natural  or  outward  things  and 
objects,  by  so  much  the  harder  it  would  be  to  part  with 
them,  when  death  should  come.  This  meeting  ended 
with  prayer  for  reformation  and  preservation  to  the  end 
of  life  ;  and  praises,  yea,  high  praises  were  given  to  him, 
who  had  given  to  all  present  our  life,  our  breath,  and  our 

It  being  exceeding  severe  weather,  with  much  rain, 
wind,  and  snow,  there  were  great  floods,  so  that  we  could 
not  get  over  Frank  fort- creek  to  meeting  ;  wherefore  the 
friends  on  the  west  side  met  together  at  my  house,  and 
we  had  a  satisfactory,  good  meeting,  in  which  we  were 
exhorted  to  build  our  religion  on  the  sure  foundation ; 
that  neither  storms,  rain,  or  winds,  might  be  able  to 
shake  us  from  this  foundation,  which  is  Christ,  the  rock 
of  ages. 

This  winter  we  were  visited  at  Frankfort  with  the 
small-pox,  of  which  many  died  at  Philadelphia,  and  sev- 
eral in  our  neighbourhood. 

The  latter  part  of  this  winter  staying  much  at  home,  I 
spent  my  time  much  in  reading  and  writing,  often  being 
sensible  of  the  love  and  goodness  of  God,  my  exceeding 
great  reward  ;  he,  by  the  spirit  of  his  Son,  comforting 
me,  and  sometimes  melting  my  heart  into  tenderness,  in 
consideration  of  his  many  mercies,  which  caused  me  to 
praise  his  holy  name,  who  is  thereof  worthy,  beyond  ex- 
pression, forever. 

In  the  first  month,  I  went  with  my  friend  John  Oxley, 
of  Barbadoes,  to  Bristol,  where  we  had  a  large  meeting ; 
thence  went  over  the  river  Delaware  to  Burlington  quar- 


terly  meeting :  we  were  obliged  to  get  to  the  Jersey  shore 
on  the  ice,  laying  boards  thereon  for  about  one  hundred 
yards  together  ;  and  being  long  on  the  ice,  and  poorly  as 
to  health,  I  took  such  a  cold,  that  I  could  not  get  to 
meeting  next  day,  but  was  at  the  youths'  meeting  third 
day  following ;  fourth  day  I  went  to  Ancocas  meeting, 
thence  to  a  large  meeting  at  Mount- Holly,  where  was  a 
marriage  ;  afterwards  to  Evesham  and  Upper  Spring- 
field, or  Hanover,  and  then  returned  to  Burlington,  and 
next  day  was  at  the  monthly  meeting  there,  which,  to 
me,  was  a  good  open  meeting,  wherein  church  discipline 
was  somewhat  treated  of,  and  friends  advised  to  wait  for 
that  spirit  which  leads  into  all  truth,  to  guide  them  in  their 

In  the  second  month,  1737,  I  went  to  Cohansey,  in  or- 
der to  negociate  some  affairs  there,  and  while  there,  had 
three  meetings  at  Greenwich,  and  one  at  Alloway's-creek; 
and  on  the  9th  of  said  month,  being  first  day,  was  at  Sa- 
lem meeting,  which  was  large  and  open  :  and,  in  the 
evening,  we  had  a  heavenly  meeting  at  Bartholomew 

After  my  return  from  Salem,  on  the  first  of  the  third 
month,  I  took  a  journey  to  the  eastward,  having  a  desire 
to  see  friends  in  those  parts,  whom  I  had  divers  times 
visited,  in  the  service  of  the  gospel,  in  my  young  years  ; 
and  though  now  upwards  of  threescore  years  of  age,  was 
willing  to  visit  them  once  more  before  I  died,  who,  in 
some  places  where  I  had  formerly  travelled,  were  now 
grown  very  numerous.  I  set  out  with  Joseph  Gilbert, 
and  several  other  friends,  and  we  travelled  together  to 
Long- Island,  where  we  parted,  and  I  went  to  Newtown, 
where  I  met  with  John  Fothergill  and  Samuel  Bowne  ; 
at  which  place  we  had  a  meeting,  which  was  appointed  on 
John's  account,  and  his  service  therein  was  to  the  satis- 
faction and  edification  of  friends.  From  thence  John 
went  to  West- Chester,  on  the  Main,  and  I  went  to 
Flushing,  where  we  had  a  large,  open  meeting :  it  was  a 
solid,  good  time,  and  the  sacred  name  of  Him  who  lives 
forever  was  praised. 


From  Flushing  I  went  with  my  old  friend  and  school- 
fellow, Joseph  Latham,  to  his  house.  Our  conversation 
was  pleasant  and  comfortable  to  each  other,  wherein  we 
remembered  our  walking  to  and  from  school,  in  the  sub- 
urbs of  that  great  and  populous  city,  London  ;  when  we 
were  beaten,  stoned,  and  abused,  only  for  being  the  chil- 
dren of  those  called  quakers  :  the  priests,  who  had  mon- 
ey for  preaching,  had  preached  and  printed  so  many  lies 
against  our  friends,  that  the  common  people  were  almost 
ready  to  make  a  sacrifice  of  us  ;  they  telling  us  (when 
we  pleaded  our  innocency,  by  telling  them,  we  went 
quietly  along  the  streets  to  school)  that  "  It  was  no  more 
sin  to  kill  us,  than  to  kill  a  dog  :"  but  now,  through 
the  grace  and  favour  of  the  Almighty,  we  enjoy  the 
exercise  of  our  religion,  according  to  our  consciences, 
free  from  jails  and  prisons,  in  which  our  primitive 
friends  suffered  much  ;  for  which  we  ought  to  be  truly 
thankful  to  the  God  and  Father  of  our  Lord  Jesus 

From  Joseph  Latham's  we  went  to  Westbury  and 
Matinicock  (after  a  meeting  at  Cowneck)  and  afterward 
to  New- York,  where  I  had  also  religious  service  and  a 
meeting;  and  from  New- York  I  took  my  passage  in 
Robert  Bowne's  sloop  for  Newport,  on  Rhode-Island, 
was  two  days  and  nights  on  the  water,  and  on  my  arri- 
val at  Rhode- Island,  the  brethren  lovingly  received  me, 
and  we  were  joyful  to  see  each  other. 

After  having  had  divers  good  meetings  on  Rhode- 
Island,  I  went  to  Dartmouth,  where  we  had  a  large, 
serviceable  meeting  at  a  place  called  Ponyganset,  many- 
hundreds  being  added  to  the  church  since  I  first  visited 
those  parts.  From  this  place  I  went  to  Holder  Slo- 
cum's,  and  he  lent  us  his  shallop  to  go  over  to  Nantuck- 
et ;  but  the  wind  not  favouring,  we  had  a  satisfactory 
meeting  at  a  large  farm  of  his  on  an  island  bearing  his 
own  name,  and  after  meeting  set  sail  for  Nantucket,  had 
several  large  meetings  there,  and  I  rejoiced  to  see  the 
growth  and  increase  of  friends  on  this  island  ;  where 
God  hath  greatly  multiplied  his  people,  and  made  them 
honourable  ;  glory  to  his  name  forever. 


The  priests,  who  have  money  for  preaching' ;  the  law- 
yers, who  have  it  for  pleading  ;  and  the  physicians,  who 
have  money  for  givnig  receipts  for  health  ;  are  poor  trades 
on  this  island. 

At  Nantucket  I  had  been  about  thirty-nine  years  be- 
fore, at  which  time  there  were  only  two  men  and  one 
woman  who  joined  with  our  friends  in  profession,  and 
now  it  was  computed  there  were  above  a  thousand  who 
Avent  to  our  meetings,  they  being  a  sober,  religious  peo- 
ple ;  and  there  is  a  great  increase  of  friends  in  divers 
other  places  in  New-Kngland  ;  and  whereas  formerly  wc 
were  greatly  persecuted  for  our  religion,  now  we  are 
treated  with  more  civility  and  respect  in  those  parts. 

From  Nantucket,  Nathaniel  Starbuck  and  Elijah  Col- 
lins went  with  me,  with  several  other  friends,  to  the 
yearly  meeting  at  Rhode- Island  ;  which  was  so  very 
large,  that  it  was  difficult  to  speak  so  as  to  be  heard  all 
over  the  meeting ;  but  the  last  day  of  the  meeting,  our 
friend  John  Fothergill,  who  had  a  high  voice,  being  at- 
tended with  the  divine  power,  gave  good  satisfaction  to 
the  meeting,  and  it  ended  well.  After  this  meeting  was 
over,  I  went  with  Benjamin  Bagnal,  to  Boston,  and  from 
thence  to  Lynn  and  Salem,  had  several  satisfactory  meet- 
ings, which  tended  to  the  imiting  our  hearts  together  in 
the  love  of  Christ,  and  the  fellowship  of  his  gospel. 
From  Salem  I  went  with  Zaccheus  Collins  and  his  wife 
to  their  house,  and  lodged  there  three  nights,  and  was 
lovingly  entertained,  as  I  was  also  at  many  other  friends 
houses.  From  Lynn,  Zaccheus  Collins  accompanied  me 
to  Boston,  where  we  had  a  meeting  on  a  fourth  day  of 
the  week,  and  the  next  day  there  was  a  very  large  meet- 
ing, (the  greatest  gathering  of  people  which  had  been 
seen  there  at  friends'  meeting-house  for  a  long  time), 
occasioned  by  the  marriage  of  John  Mifflin,  of  Philadel- 
phia, to  Benjamin  Bagnal's  eldest  daughter. 

From  Boston  I  returned  to  Rhode-Island,  and  had  di- 
vers meetings  at  Newport  and  Portsmouth,  wherein  our 
hearts  were  made  glad  in  Christ,  and  we  wert  strength- 
ened in  our  faith  in  him ;  blessed  be  his  holy  name  for- 


From  Rhode- Island,  I  went  to  Conanicut,  and  from 
thence  over  to  Kingston,  in  the  Narraganset  country,  and 
had  meeting's,  and  then  back  to  Rhode-Island  again,  and 
thence  by  water  in  company  with  divers  friends  to 
Greenwich,  where  I  was  at  two  large  meetings  :  at  this 
place  they  shewed  me  the  trees  under  which  about  forty 
years  since  I  had  a  meeting  ;  but  now  they  have  a  pleas- 
ant meeting-house. 

The  next  first  day,  I  was  at  a  large,  solid,  edifying 
meeting,  in  a  new  meeting-house  at  Tiverton.  From 
thence  I  went  to  visit  Joseph  Wanton's  wife,  who  had 
been  long  sick  ;  and  in  her  chamber  (with  several  of  her 
friends  and  relations)  I  had  divers  religious  seasons,  with 
which  she  expressed  much  satisfaction  :  she  died  of  this 
sickness,  and  I  was  at  her  burial,  which  was  large,  she 
being  well  known,  and  well  beloved  ;  the  next  day  I  was 
at  an  appointed  meeting  at  Portsmouth,  which  was  large, 
and  to  satisfaction,  for  which  we  blessed  the  holy  name  of 
God.  I  had  divers  good  opportunities  at  Rhode- Island 
in  private  families,  and  was  at  several  meetings  over  the 
Beach  at  John  Easton's  who  was  about  ninetv  years  of 
age  ;  he  had  formerly  travelled  with  me,  when  I  was  a 
young  man  ;  we  took  leave  of  each  other,  never  expect- 
sing  to  meet  more  in  this  world. 

Now,  after  divers  meetings  on  Rhode- Island,  I  took 
my  passage  for  Long-Island,  in  my  return  homeward; 
and  after  a  boisterous  passage,  and  being  four  nights  on 
the  water,  I  got  well  again  to  my  loving  friend  Joseph 
Latham's,  were  I  had  left  my  horse,  and  on  fifth  day  had 
a  meeting  at  Cowneck,  where  I  met  with  Elijah  Collins, 
Rose  Tibbets,  and  Patience  Barker,  we  rejoicing  to  sec 
each  other,  after  their  long  journey  by  land,  and  mine  by 
water,  they  being  likewise  going  for  Pennsvlvania.  These 
friends  went  to  Flushing  first  day  meeting,  and  I  went  to 
Westbury,  where  was  a  large  meeting,  in  which  there 
was  a  drunken  schoolmaster,  who  disturbed  the  meeting, 
though  at  last  it  ended  quietly,  and  I  hope  well  also.  The 
next  fourth  day  I  was  at  the  monthly  meeting  at  West- 
bury,  where  many  friends  met  from  divers  quarters,  and 
it  was  a  solid  good  time.     We  had  a  meeting  at  Thomas 

iM  m 


Rodman's,  who  wiis  unwell,  and  had  not  been  at  a  meet- 
ij  g  for  some  months  ;  he  took  our  visit  kindly,  express- 
ing^ his  love  to  us  ;  we  had  also  a  meetini^  at  Jeremiah 
\\',  to  good  satisfaction.  Fifth  day  we  had  a 
large  gathering  at  Matinicock,  and  in  the  evening  a  ten- 
der broken  meeting  at  Samuel  Underhiil's,  and  sixth  day 
a  good  meeting  at  Newtown,  wherein  primitive  Christian- 
ity was  opened,  and  experimentally  declared  to  the  peo- 
ple ;  and  in  the  evening  we  had  a  good  opportunity  to  de- 
clare the  truth  of  Christ  at  the  house  of  Richard  Hallet, 
among  several  of  his  sober  neighbours.  Next  morning, 
being  the  seventh  of  the  week,  we  went  to  West-Chester, 
to  a  yca:!y  m.eeting,  which  was  much  crowded,  and  the 
people  very  uvisettled,  so  that  it  was  not  so  satisfactory  as 
could  have  been  desired.  After  meeting  we  went  over 
again  to  Long- Island,  and  then  to  New- York,  where  we 
had  a  large  quiet  meeting  in  the  evening.  At  New- 
York,  third  day  in  the  morning,  divers  dear  and  loving 
friends  accompanied  us  to  the  water  side,  where  we  sol- 
emnly took  leave  of  one  another  in  the  love  of  Christ,  and 
in  the  fellowship  of  his  gospel;  some  of  us  not  expect- 
ing to  see  each  other  any  more  ;  and  from  thence,  pass- 
ing over  Long  and  Staten-Islands,  to  Elizabeth-town,  we 
travelled  to  Rahway,  and  had  a  meeting  at  friend  Shot-i 
Mell's,  on  a  fourth  day  in  the  evening,  where  many 
nt  ighbours  came  in,  and  after  meeting  a  certain  person 
was  dissatisfied  about  women's  public  speaking  in  relig- 
ious meetings  ;  (Rose  Tibbels  having  publicly  exhorted 
them  in  this  meeting  to  be  religious,  and  to  fear  God,  and 
having  prayed  to  God  for  us  all,  and  praised  his  holy 
name),  which  said  person  desired  we  would  endeavour  to 
SI  tisfy  him  about  it,  inasmuch  as  the  apostie  Paul  for- 
bade it,  as  he  apprehended.  To  which  it  was  answered, 
that  the  apostle  Paul  only  forbade,  or  did  not  permit  for- 
ward or  over  busy  women,  to  speak  or  ask  questions  in 
the  church  ;  but  advised  therri  to  ask  their  husbands  at 
home,  and  that  doubtless  he  never  intended  to  debar  such 
godly  women,  who  had  a  real  necessit)^  laid  on  them,  and 
were  concerned,  bv  the  Almighty,  to  speak  unto,  or  pray 
for  the  people,  else  he  would  not  have  shewed  them,  how 


they  ought  to  behave  themselves  in  their  speaking  unto, 
or  [iruying  for  the  peojile  or  chureh  ;  for  if  he  hud  any 
design  to  hinder  such,  whom  the  Ahnighty  should  coi;- 
cern,  then  he  must  have  contradicted  himself,  (where  he 
shews  how  they  must  behave  themselves  in  their  dut}'  of 
speaking  or  praying),  and  he  would  likewise  thereby  have 
opposed  the  apostle  Peter,  who  said,  "  Now  is  fulfilled 
the  prophecy  of  tlie  prophet  Joel,  that  in  the  latter  days 
sons  and  daughters  should  prophecy."  So  that  it  is  clear 
and  plain,  they  who  would  limit  or  silence  those,  who 
have  a  gift  from  God  to  preach  or  pray  in  public,  from 
the  words  of  the  apostle  Paul,  oppose  him  to  himself, 
and  to  the  apostle  Peter,  and  also  to  the  prophet  Joel. 

From  Rahway  we  went  to  Woodbridge,  where  we  had 
a  meeting,  and  there  I  parted  with  my  fellow  travellers, 
having  a  concern,  (though  much  in  the  cross  to  my  own 
will),  to  go  back  in  the  woods,  to  a  meeting  about  eight 
or  nine  miles  off;  which  meeting  was  much  to  my  own 
satisfaction,  as  well  as  of  those  present,  as  divers  of  them 
expressed.  From  this  place  I  went  to  Stony- brook,  had 
a  pretty  large  meeting,  considering  it  was  rain}',  in  the 
time  of  the  meeting's  gathering.  At  this  place,  my  son- 
m-iaw,  Isaac  Brown,  with  several  friends,  came  to  meet 
me,  whom  I  was  glad  to  see,  and  after  meeting  went  with 
them  to  Trenton,  and  next  day  to  Bristol,  it  being  their 
third  day  meeting,  which  was  large,  and  after  meeting 
went  home  to  Frankfort,  and  there  was  lovingly  received 
by  my  wife  and  family.  In  this  journe}^  I  was  from 
home  three  months  and  nine  days,  had  fifty- five  meetings, 
and  travelled  by  land  and  water  above  a  thousand  miles. 
A'ld  I  may  truly  say,  that  therein  I  was  favoured  with  the 
divine  presence  and  grace  of  God  by  Christ  in  a  good 
degree,  and  also  with  the  fellowship  of  many  sincere  be- 
lievers in  him,  which  in  my  return  caused  my  soul  to 
bless  his  holy  name,  who  lives  forever. 

In  the  sixth  month,  after  having  had  divers  meetings 
at  and  about  home,  I  went  to  Darby,  Chester,  and  New- 
castle, having  meetings  in  each  place,  which  were  to  the 
tendering  of  some  mournful  souls,  and  to  the  comforting 
and  strengthening  them.     From  Newcastle  I  ferried  oyer 


Delaware  river  to  Penn's-neck,  v\'here  I  had  a  meeting,  at 
which  were  several  that  had  never  been  at  any  of  our 
meetings  before,  who  went  away  well  satisfied.  From 
thence  I  went  to  Salem  monthly  meeting,  which  was 
very  large,  and  thence  to  Cohanse}^  to  the  third  day  meet- 
ing, and  stayed  till  next  first  day  meeting,  which,  though 
smail,  by  reason  of  rainy,  stormy  weather,  was  a  very 
precious  meeting.  After  I  negotiated  some  affairs  at  Co- 
hansey,  I  returned  to  Salem,  where  I  met  with  my  fellow 
tniveilcr,  Elijah  Collins,  of  Boston,  with  whom  I  went 
on  to  Philadelphia,  and  from  thence  home  ;  having  much 
satisfliction  in  this  journey,  in  which  I  had  nine  meet- 
ings, and  travelled  about  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles.  I 
cannot  be  clear  in  my  mind  without  saying,  that  1  did 
not,  nor  do  I  study  what  to  preach  to  the  people.  Nor 
did  I,  nor  do  I  receive  any  pay,  or  natural  consideration 
for  preaching,  it  being,  as  I  really  believe,  contrary  to  the 
dortrine  of  Christ,  and  his  apostles  and  disciples. 

This  fall  I  visited  several  of  the  meetings  of  friends  in 
Bucks  county,  and  the  meetings  at  and  about  home,  as  at 
Frankfort,  Philadelphia,  Abington,  Bybury,  and  German- 
town.  In  the  ninth  month  1  was  appointed,  with  several 
other  friends,  by  our  monthly  meeting,  to  visit  the  fami- 
lies of  friends  in  Philadelphia.  My.  lot  was  to  visit  the 
upper  part  of  the  city,  in  company  with  Phebe  Morris, 
Hannah  Parrock,  and  Daniel  Stanton ;  in  which  service 
we  were  of  one  heart  and  mind,  and  we  performed  said 
service  in  pure  self  denial,  and  in  the  cross  of  our  holy 
Lord  Jesus  Christ.  And  wonderful  it  was,  how  the 
presence  and  goodness  of  God  went  with  us  from  house 
to  house,  and  opened  the  states  and  conditions  of  the 
f  miiiies  to  us,  to  the  tendering  of  many  hearts,  both  of 
parents,  and  of  their  children.  We  visited  about  forty 
families  of  friends,  when  the  winter  setting  in,  and  I  being 
but  weakly,  having  had  a  sharp  spell  of  the  fever,  we,  by 
consent,  were  willing  to  defer  the  conclusion  of  this 
work,  until  longer  days,  and  warmer  weather. 

In  this  month  I  Avas  sent  to,  in  order  to  be  at  the  bur- 
ial of  the  wife  of  Richard  Smith,  Jun.  She  was  a  vir- 
tuous  woman,  and  well  beloved,  at  whose  funeral  were 


many  of  her  neighbours  and  friends.  It  was  a  very  sol- 
emn time,  in  which  meeting,  it  was  desired  that  those 
who  had  lost  their  parents,  would  live  so  that  they  might 
not  be  a  dishonour  to  them  ;  for  it  was  observed  of  some 
children,  after  iheir  parents  were  dead,  they  grew  worse 
than  when  they  we'-e  alive,  taking  undue  liberties,  which 
their  f  ithers  and  mothers  could  not  have  allowed  of, 
which  was  a  sore  grief  and  trouble  to  their  friends,  and 
such  as  wished  them  well.  Therefore  they  were  ex- 
horted not  to  do  that  now,  when  their  parents  were  dead, 
which  they  would  not  have  done  if  they  were  living; 
which  would  be  heavy  on  them,  and  tend  to  bring  a  blast 
on  them  in  this  world  :  and  they  were  desired  to  consider 
how  ihey  would  answer  it  in  the  world  to  come. 

It  was  also  observed,  that  sometimes  the  death  of  pa- 
rents had  a  good  effect  on  divers  sober  young  people, 
they  being  thereby  led  more  seriously  to  think  on  their 
own  mortality,  and  to  consider  the  great  loss  of  their 
caivful  and  religious  fathers  and  mothers,  and  the  good 
eximple  and  counsel  they  gave  them.  This  meeting 
concluded  with  a  solid,  weighty  frame  of  mind  in  many. 
From  Burlington  1  went  to  Mount-Holly,  had  a  large 
meeting  at  the  meeting-house,  and  another  in  the  even- 
ing at  Mount- Holly  town,  at  the  house  of  Thomas 
Shinn  ;  both  of  which  were  open  meetings,  and  divers 
people,  not  of  our  profession,  were  there,  who  were 
well  satisfied  therewith.  From  Mount-Holly  I  went  to 
Evesham  and  Chester,  as  also  to  Haddonfield,  at  all 
which  places  I  had  large  meetings,  and  then  I  went  back 
to  Burlington,  and  was  at  their  fifth  day  meeting.  From 
Burlington  I  went  with  Richard  Smith,  Caleb  Raper, 
and  Jonathan  Wright,  to  visit  a  friend  who  was  sick, 
after  which  the  said  friends  accompanied  me  to  the  ferry ; 
after  I  was  over  the  ferry  I  rode  home,  where  I  found 
my  family  well,  for  which  I  was  thankful. 

In  the  fore  part  of  the  tenth  month,  our  worthy  friend, 
John  Fothergill  sailed  in  the  brigantine  Joseph,  Ralph 
Loftus,  master,  for  Barbadoes,  he  having  made  a 
third  visit  to  America  from  Europe,  on  a  religious  ac- 
count.    His  visit  was  acceptable  and  serviceable,  and 


we  parted  in  great  love  and  tenderness.  The  night  be- 
fore, about  the  eleventh  hour,  was  an  earthquake,  which 
was  the  greatest  known  in  this  province,  the  whole  city 
ot"  Philadelphia  being  shaken,  and  most  part  of  the  ad- 
jacent provinces,  though  little  or  no  damage  was  done 
thereby,  which  shews  the  abundant  mercy  of  a  merciful 
God ;  as  also,  if  it  were  the  ple^isure  of  his  will,  how 
soon  he  can  lay  cities  and  countries  waste  and  desolate, 
and  bury  thousands  in  a  moment.  But,  notwithstanding 
the  mighty  power  of  the  eternal  Jehovah,  Oh  !  how  hard 
are  the  people's  hearts,  and  how  they  hate  to  be  reform- 
ed, and  how  unconcerned  are  the  inhabitants  of  the  land 
about  their  eternal  peace  and  well-being  !  This  is  really 
lamentable.  Oh  !  how  do  earthly  mindedness,  pride, 
covetousness,  and  drunkenness  abound,  with  many  other 
evils,  which  were  scarcely  known  amongst  the  first  set- 
tlers of  this  peaceful,  and  now  plentiful  land  of  Penn- 

The  26th  of  the  twelfth  month  (being  the  first  day  of 
the  week)  was  buried,  at  Merion,  Edward  Jones,  aged 
about  ninety-two  years.  He  was  one  of  the  first  settlers 
of  Pennsylvania,  and  a  man  much  given  to  hospitality  ; 
a  lover  of  good  and  virtuous  people,  and  was  likewise 
beloved  by  them.  There  were  man}'  hundreds  of  peo- 
ple at  his  funeral.  I  had  a  concern  to  be  at  this  meeting 
before  I  left  my  place  at  Frankfort,  and  before  I  heard  of 
this  friend's  decease. 

The  beginning  of  the  first  month  (being  the  fifth  day 
of  the  week)  I  was  sent  to,  in  order  to  be  at  the  burial 
of  Hannah,  the  wife  of  John  Mickle,  at  NewtowMi,  in 
West-Jersey.  My  kinsman,  Daniel  Stanton,  was  with 
me  at  this  burial.  It  was  a  solid,  heart-melting  time ; 
my  heart  was  broken  into  tenderness  with  many  others. 
This  deceased  friend  was  much  beloved  by  her  friends 
and  neighbours,  and  there  was  much  mourning  among 
her  relations  at  the  grave,  among  whom  she  will  be 
greatly  missed.  The  people  vv^re  desired  earnestly  to 
prepare  for  their  latter  end,  and  final  change ;  and  that, 
as  we  had  all  reason  to  hope  it  was  well  with  our  deceas- 
ed friend,  we  might  likewise  have  a  well  grounded  hope 


that  it  would  be  well  with  ourselves,  when  we  came  to 
put  ofl^  our  mortality,  and  put  on  immortality.  The 
meeting  ended  with  fervent  supplication  for  our  future 
well-doing  and  well-behig,  both  here  and  hereafter,  and 
praise  to  the  Most  High,  who  is  alone  worthy  forever 

As  soon  as  I  returned  to  Philadelphia,  on  the  sixth  day 
of  the  week,   I  heard  of  the  death  of  Joseph  Kirkbride, 
at  Israel  Pemberton's,  who  told  me  I  was  desired  to  be 
at  his  burial.     He,  his  son,  and  William  Logan,  accom- 
panied me  as  far  as   Samuel   Bunting's  that  afternoon, 
with  which  journey  I  was  exceedingly  tired,  so  that  I 
could  hardly  stand  or  go  when  I  alighted  off  my  horse, 
but  being  refreshed  with  a  good  night's  rest,  I  went  in 
the  morning  to  the  house  of  my  deceased  friend.  There 
was  a  multitude  of  people  at  the  burial,  among  whom 
we  had  a  good  opportunity  to  invite  them  to  lay  hold  on 
truth  and  righteousness,  and  prepare  for  another  world. 
They  were  reminded,  that  neither  natural  wisdom  nor 
riches,  youth  nor  strength,  crowns  nor  sceptres,   would 
nor  could  secure  them  from  the  stroke  of  death.   Robert 
Jordan  was  at  this  meeting,  and  had  good  service  there- 
in ;  it  concluded  in  supplication  for  the  widow  and  father- 
less, and  for  mankind  universally.     Fourth  day,  being 
the  fourth  of  the  first  month,  I  was  at  Middletown  meet- 
ing, in  company  with  Thomas  Brown,  wherein  the  div- 
inity of  Christ,  and  his  being  made  flesh,  born  of  a  vir- 
gin, crucified,  dead  and  buried,  and  his  being  raised 
from  the  dead  by  the  divine  power,  was  largely  opened 
to  the  people,  and  that  the  same  power  must  be  witness- 
ed to  reform  our  lives,  and  give  us  the  true  saving  faith 
and  knowledge  of  God  the  Father,  and  Christ  the  Son, 
and  of  the  Holy  Ghost. 

This  month,  at  our  general  spring  meeting,  I  acquaint- 
ed friends,  that  I  had  a  desire,  once  more  to  see  my  friends 
in  Virginia,  Maryland,  and  North- Carolina,  if  health  and 
strength  did  permit,  and  divine  providence  favoured,  I 
not  having  yet  fully  recovered  my  former  health  and 
strength  :    the  meeting  consented  to  my  request. 

272  THE    JOURNAL     OF    THOMAS    CHAT.KI.RY. 

The  latter  end  of  the  first  montli  I  was  at  the  burial  of 
Robert  Evan,  ot  North- Wales  ;  he  was  upwarck  of  four- 
score years  of  age,  and  one  of  the  first  settlers  there.  A 
man  who  lived  and  died  in  the  love  of  God  and  his  neigh- 
bours, of  whom,  I  believe  it  might  be  truly  said,  as 
our  Saviour  said  of  Nathaniel :  "  Behold  an  Israelite  in- 
deed, in  whom  there  is  no  guile."  He  was  a  minister 
of  Christ,  full  of  divine  and  religious  matter.  In  this 
month  I  was  at  Fairhill,  at  a  meeting  appointed  for  Ruth 
Courtley  and  Susannah  Hudson,  who  were  on  a  religious 
visit  from  Ireland,  to  friends  in  this  and  the  adjacent 
provinces.  It  was  a  good  meeting,  the  friends  speakings 
to  the  state  thereof. 

The  beginning  of  the  second  month,  I  went  over 
Delaware,  and  so  to  Cohansey,  intending  home  be- 
fore I  set  out  for  my  journey  to  the  southward  ;  but 
my  affairs  not  answering  to  come  home,  and  afterward, 
to  reach  the  yearly  meeting  of  friends  at  West- River, 
the  which  I  proposed  to  our  general  meeting ;  I  now 
wrote  to  my  wife  and  family,  that  I  intended  to  proceed 
to  West- River  meeting,  it  saving  me  much  time  and 
riding,  and  after  having  been  at  several  meetings  at  Co- 
hansey, and  at  the  yearly  meeting  at  Salem,  and  at  a 
meeting  at  Piles-Grove  ;  being  accompanied  by  a  friend 
of  Salem,  I  proceeded,  and  \\  ent  over  Delaware  river, 
and  first  had  a  meeting  at  Gtorge's-creek,  and  from 
thence  to  the  head  of  Sassafras  river,  where  we  had  a 
meeting,  but  by  reason  of  the  wet  weather  it  was  but 
small  :  thence  we  travelled  to  Cecil  meeting,  and  so  on 
to  Chester,  where  we  had  a  meeting  on  first  day  ;  then 
to  Queen  Ann's  county,  and  back  from  thence  to  New- 
town, on  Chester  river,  at  which  town  we  had  a  large 
Siitisfactory  meeting ;  in  which  it  was  shewn  that  no 
Christian  might  or  could  break  the  moral  part  of  the  law, 
for  it,  said  the  apostle,  is  a  school-master  to  bring  to 
Christ,  and  that  those  who  come  to  the  gospel  of  Christ, 
G^n  in  no  wise  break  the  least  commandment  of  God. 
As  for  example,  the  law  saith,  Thou  shait  not  forswear 
thyself;    but  if   a  man  (according  to  Christ's  gospel) 


swears  not  at  all,  then  that  man  cannot  forswear  himself. 
Again  the  law  saith,  Thou  shalt  love  thy  neighbour  and 
hate  tliine  enemy  ;  but  Christ  says,  love  your  enemies  ; 
the  which  if  we  do,  there  is  no  doubt  but  we  shall  love 
our  neighbours.  Again  the  law  says,  Thou  shalt  not 
commit  adultery  ;  but  if  according  to  the  doctrine  and 
gospel  of  Christ,  a  man  doth  not  look  on  a  woman  with  a 
lustful  eye,  there  is  no  danger  of  committing  adultery  with 
her,  &.C.  Those  things  were  largely  spoken  to  and  open- 
ed in  the  meeting,  and  the  people  (ih-re  being  many  not 
of  our  society)  were  very  attentive  and  sober,  and  tae 
good  hand  of  the  Almighty  was  amongst  us  in  this  meet- 

From  Chester  river,  we  crossed  Chesapeak  bay,  to 
the  yearlv  meeting  at  Wesi-River,  with  Chester  friends, 
in  William  Thomas's  boat,  and  sent  our  horses  over  by 
Keiit- Island  to  West-River,  where  we  met  with  our 
friends  Michael  Lightfoot,  Elizabeth  VVyat,  and  Grace 
Mason,  with  divers  others  :  (E  izabeth  and  Grace,  being 
on  their  return  home  from  a  religious  visit  to  North- Car- 
olina and  Virginia) :  we  all  being  far  from  home,  and  well 
acquainted,  were  glad  to  see  one  another,  being  thankful 
to  the  Almighty,  who  had  been  pleased  to  preserve  us 
so  far  on  our  way.  After  the  meeting  was  ended  at 
West-River,  taking  leave  in  the  love  of  Christ  of  divers 
friends,  with  hearts  full  of  love,  and  eyes  full  of  tears,  as 
never  expecting  to  see  one  another  again,  I  with  my 
companion  and  Armiger  Trotter  (who  came  up  with  the 
friends  from  Virginia  to  West- River)  set  out  for  Vir- 
ginia, and  having  passed  over  Patuxent  river,  had  a  meet- 
ing among  the  family  of  the  Plummers,  one  of  whom, 
with  another  friend,  accompanied  us  to  the  river  Poto- 
mac ;  we  rode  as  near  as  we  could  compute  it  sixty  miles 
that  day.  I  being  heavy  and  aged,  and  the  weather  hot, 
was  very  much  tired,  and  laid  down  in  my  clothes  all 
night,  and  the  next  morning  ferried  over  the  river  Poto- 
mac, computed  about  three  miles  over,  and  parted  with 
our  guides.  When  over  this  river,  we  travelled  fifteen 
miles  to  William  Duft's,  had  a  meeting  there,  and  from 
tlience  to  a  meeting  of  friends  at  John  Cheagle's,  and  so 

N  n 


to  Black-crcfk,  had  a  meeting  there,  and  then  went  to 
the  monthly  mtetiii_^  of  friends  on  the  west  side  of  James- 
Ri^•er,  and  so  to  William  Lad's,  after  which  v/e  went  to 
the  monthly  meeting  of  friends  at  Nansemond-River,  and 
from  thence  to  Carolina,  and  on  a  first  day  had  a  large 
meeting  at  a  new  meeting-house  built  to  accommodate 
the  yearly  meeting;  it  was  a  good,  solid  meeting,  and 
there  the  friends  a])pointed  for  us  the  meetings  follow- 
irig.  Third  day  of  the  week,  being  the  13th  of  the  fourth 
month,  at  Joseph  Barrow's,  fourth  day  at  Jacob  Butler's, 
fifth  day  at  Samuel  Newby's,  sixth  and  first  day  at  the 
iip])er  meeting-house  at  Little- River,  and  thiid  day  at 
the  lower  meeting-house  on  said  river,  and  fourth  day  at 
Pasquotank,  and  fifth  day  at  Amos  Trueblood's,  up  Pas- 
quotank river,  ar;d  then  we  went  to  the  quarterly-meeting 
for  friends  in  North-Carolina,  which  was  very  large  ;  the 
ptople  were  exhorted  to  overcome  sin  as  Christ  over- 
came, that  they  might  sit  with  him  in  his  kingdom,  as 
he  overcame,  and  is  set  down  in  the  kingdom  ot  God  his 
father  :  that  subject  was  largely  spoken  to  that  day,  and 
we  had  a  good  opportunit}  with  the  people,  and  the  great 
name  of  God  was  exalted  over  all.  After  this  quarter- 
ly-mteting  we  had  a  meeting  at  James  Wilson's,  in  the 
Barrens,  which  was  a  large,  good  and  open  meeting  :  in 
the  conclusion  thereof,  I  told  them,  that  I  came  amorg 
th(  m  in  great  love  (though  in  a  cross  to  my  own  will, 
with  respect  to  my  age,  and  the  heat  of  the  weather)  be- 
ing willing  to  see  them,  in  that  province,  once  more  be- 
fore I  left  this  world  ;  and,  as  I  came  in  love,  so  I  parted 
with  them  ;  desiring  thtm,  to  dwell  in  love,  and  peace, 
and  then  the  God  of  love  would  be  with  them. 

From  Carolina  we  travelled  into  Virginia  (Zachariah 
Nic  ksoi^  accompanying  us)aiid  had  a  meetingat  the  widow 
Newby's,  and  fiom  thence  had  a  meeting  at  Nansemond, 
and  so  to  the  Branch,  where  we  had  a  very  large  meet- 
ing. Many  people  were  there  not  of  our  society,  and 
were  very  attentive  and  sober  :  and  next  day,  being  the 
second  day  of  the  week,  we  had  a  satisfactory  meeting 
ai  Benntt's-creek  ;  and  thence  to  Chuckatuck  ;  and  so 
on  to  Rasper- neck  ;  und  then  lo  Pagan- creek  ;  thence  in- 

■       THE    JOURNAL    OF    THOMAS    CHALKLEY.  275 

to  Snrrv  county,  to  S  imuel  Sebrell's ;  and  thence  to 
Robert  Honiciit's  ;  had  a  meeting  there,  then  to  Curl's, 
up  James- River  ;  to  Thomas  and  John  Pleasant's,  had  a 
meeting  there  on  a  first  day,  and  then  to  the  Swamp  and 
Cedar-creek  ;  and  so  on  to  John  Cheagle's. 

We  came  to  John  Cheagle's  the  20th  of  the  fifdi 
month,  being  the  fifth  day  of  the  week;  and,  being  un- 
willing to  be  idle  on  sixth  and  seventh  days,  (intending 
to  have  a  meeting  at  his  house  on  first  day,  I  asked 
John  if  he  could  tell  me  where  we  could  have  meetings 
sixth  and  seventh  days?  He  said  he  could;  and  ac- 
cordingly he  appointed  one  about  three  miles  from  his 
house,  and  another  about  six  miles  off;  at  which  places 
we  had  good  service:  and  then  had  a  very  large  meet- 
ing at  his  house,  on  first  day,  which  was,  I  hoj)e,  to 
pretty  general  satisfaction,  to  the  religious  part  of  the 
people.  From  thence  we  travelled'  to  William  Duff's, 
(John  and  another  friend  going  with  us),  and  hid  a 
m<  -ting  at  their  meeting-house ;  and  afterwards  Will- 
iam went  with  us  over  Potomac  river,  as  far  as  Piscat* 
away,  in  Maryland.  This  river  is  computed  to  be  near 
four  miles  over.  When  we  were  about  the  middle, 
there  was  a  large  swell  in  the  river,  so  that  our  horses 
could  not  stand,,  and  the  motion  of  the  boat  made  them 
fall  down,  and  the  boat  having  much  water  in  it,  being 
very  leaky,  she  was  near  oversetting;  they  in  the  boat 
were  in  some  concern  and  consternation,  saying,  when 
we  came  to  the  shore,  that  they  did  not  remember  that 
they  were  ever  before  in  the  like  danger.  And  I  ap- 
prehend we  were  in  danger  ;  and  if  the  boat  had  overset, 
in  all  likelihood,  we  might  all  have  been  drowned.  And 
I  then  thought  I  was  in  the  service  of  Christ,  my  great 
master ;  and  I  also  knew,  I  must  die,  and  I  thought  I 
might  as  well  die  in  his  service  as  my  own ;  so  I  gave 
up  my  life  for  Christ's  sake,  and  he  gave  it  to  me  again. 
Oh !  may  I,  with  all  those  who  sincerely  love  him,  serve 
him  truly  all  our  days,  is  my  desire  ! 

From  Piscataway  we  travelled  to  Patuxent,  to  the  fom- 
ily  of  the  Plummers,  vvho  were  ten  sons  of  one  father 
and  mother,  and  were  convinced  about  the  time  I  first 


had  meetii^gs  in  those  parts,  and,  so  far  as  I  know,  they 
are  all  sober  men. 

After  this  meetinj^  we  went  to  Gerard  Hopkins',  and 
from  thence  to  Patapsco,  had  a  lart^e  meetinj^,  the  house 
being  full  beibre  the  friends  came,  so  that  they  were 
hard  set  to  get  in  ;  to  me  it  was  a  good,  seasonable  op- 
portunity, as  was  our  next  in  the  forest  of  Gunpowder 
river;  where  friends  have  built  a  new  meeting-house, 
\A  hich,  at  this  time,  could  not  contain  the  people.  From 
Gunpowder  river  we  went  to  Bush-river,  had  a  good, 
o])en  meeting,  and  one  at  Deer-creek,  and  so  over  Sus- 
quehannah  to  Elihu  Hall's. 

At  West-Nottingham  I  parted  with  my  companion,  he 
having  about  a  day's  travel  home.  I  had  two  meetings  on 
first  day  at  the  great  meeting-house  at  West-Notting- 
ham, which  were  very  large,  and  Friends  glad  to  see 
me  once  more.  And  after  having  meetings  at  Christi- 
ana-bridge, Wilmington,  Center,  and  Kennet,  went  to  the 
quarterly-meeting  of  ministers  at  Concord,  and  was  there 
first  and  second  day,  and  third  day  at  Darby;  all  which 
were  very  large  meetings,  and  friends  were  satisfied  and 
comforted,  arid  I  was  encouraged  in  the  work  and  service 
of  the  gospel  of  Christ.  From  Darby  I  went  home,  hav- 
ing been  abroad  about  four  months,  and  rode,  by  compu- 
tation, above  eleven  hundred  miles,  and  was  at  about 
sevent}  meetings. 

While  I  was  on  this  journey,  I  had  an  account  of  the 
death  of  my  dear  and  only  brother,  George  Chalkley,  a 
religious,  prudent  man ;  he  died  the  24th  of  the  ninth 
month,  1737,  near  the  seventieth  year  of  his  age,  and 
left  behind  him  a  mournful  widow  and  four  daughters, 
all  virtuous  women. 

When  in  Virgiriia,  I  wrote  to  those  of  our  society  at 
Opeckon,  Shenandoah,  &c.  (many  of  whom  went  out  of 
our  ])rovince  to  settle  in  the  government  of  Virginia)  to 
the  following  eft'ect. 



"  Virginia,  at  John  Cheagle's,  2\sf  5th  Mo.  1738. 

*'  Dear  Friends  who  inhabit  Shenandoah  and  Opeckon, 

*' Having  a  concern  for  your  welfare  and  prosperity, 
both  now  and  hereafter,  and  also  the  prosperity  of  your 
children,  I  had  a  desire  to  see  you  ;  but  being  in  years, 
and  heavy,  and  much  spent  and  fatigued  with  my  lo]ig 
journies  in  Virginia  and  Carolina,  make  it  seem  too  hard 
for  me  to  perform  a  visit  in  person  to  you  ;  wherefore  I 
take  this  way  of  writing  to  discharge  my  mind  of  what 
lies  weightily  thereon  :   and, 

1st.  I  desire  that  you  be  very  careful,  (being  far  and 
back  inhabitants),  to  keep  a  friendly  correspondence  with 
the  native  Indians,  giving  them  no  occasion  of  offence ; 
they  being  a  cruel  and  merciless  enemy,  where  they  think 
they  are  wronged  or  defrauded  of  their  right,  as  woful 
experience  hath  taught,  in  Carolina,  Virginia,  and  Mary- 
land, and  especially  in  New- England,  &C.  and, 

2d.  As  nature  hath  given  them,  and  their  forefathers, 
the  possession  of  this  continent  of  America,  (or  this  wil- 
derness), they  had  a  natural  right  thereto,  in  justice  and 
equity  ;  and  no  people,  according  to  the  law  of  nature  and 
justice,  and  our  own  principle,  which  is  according  to  the 
glorious  gospel  of  our  dear  and  holy  Lord  Jesus  Christ, 
ought  to  take  away,  or  settle,  on  other  men's  lands  or 
rights,  without  consent,  or  purchasing  the  same,  by 
agreement  of  parties  concerned;  which,  I  suppose,  in 
your  case,  is  not  yet  done. 

3d.  Therefore  my  counsel  and  christian  advice  to  you, 
is,  my  dear  friends,  that  the  most  reputable  among  you, 
do,  with  speed,  endeavour  to  agree  with  and  purchase 
your  lands  of  the  native  Indians  or  inhabitants  :  take  ex- 
ample of  our  worthy  and  honourable  late  proprietor, 
William  Penn  ;  who,  by  his  wise  and  religious  care,  in 
that  relation,  hath  settled  a  lasting  peace  and  commerce 


with  the  natives,  and,  throut^h  his  prudent  management 
therein,  hath  been  instrumental  to  plant  in  peace,  one  of 
the  most  fl  jurishinj^  provinces  in  the  world. 

4rh.  Who  would  run  the  risque  of  the  lives  of  their 
wives  and  children,  for  the  sparine:  a  little  cosi  and  pains? 
I  am  concerned  to  lay  those  things  before  you,  und^  r  an 
uncommon  exercise  of  mind,  that  your  new  and  flourish- 
ing little  settlement  might  not  be  laid  waste,  and,  if  the 
providence  of  the  Almighty  doth  not  intervene,  some  of 
the  blood  of  yourselves,  wives  or  children,  be  shed  and 
spilt  on  the  ground. 

5th.  Consider  you  are  in  the  province  of  Virginia, 
holding  what  rights  you  have  under  that  government ;  and 
the  Virginians  have  made  an  agreement  with  the  natives, 
to  go  as  far  as  the  mountains,  but  no  farther  ;  and  you 
are  over  and  beyond  the  mountain*^,  therefore  out  of  that 
agreement ;  by  which  yoiu  lie  open  to  the  insults  and  in- 
cursions of  the  southern  Indians,  who  hcive  destro\  cd 
many  of  the  inhabitants  of  Carolina  and  Virginia,  and 
even  now  have  destroyed  more  on  the  like  occasion. 
The  English,  going  beyond  the  bounds  of  their  agree- 
ment, eleven  of  them  were  killed  by  the  Indians  while  we 
were  travelling  in  Virginia. 

6th.  If  you  believe  yourselves  to  be  within  the  bounds 
of  William  Penn's  patent  from  King  Charles  II.  which 
will  be  hard  for  you  to  prove,  you  being  far  to  the  south- 
ward of  his  line ;  yet,  if  done,  that  is  of  no  consideration 
with  the  Indians,  without  a  purchase  of  them  ;  except 
you  will  go  about  to  convince  them  by  lire  and  sword, 
contrary  to  our  principles  ;  and,  if  that  were  done,  they 
would  ever  be  implacable  enemies,  and  the  land  could 
never  be  enjoyed  in  peace. 

7th.  Please  to  note,  that  in  Pennsylvania  no  new  set- 
tlements are  made,  without  an  agreement  with  the  na- 
tives; as  witness,  Lancaster  county,  lately  settled; 
though  that  is  far  ^^  ithin  the  grant  of  William  Penn's  pat- 
ent from  King  Charle«;  II. ;  wherefore  you  lie  open  to  in- 
surrections of  the  northern  as  well  as  southern  Indians. 

And,  lastly,  thus  having  shewn  my  good  will  to  you, 
and  to  your  new  little  settlement,  that  you  might  sit  every 

TKE    JOUR>fAL    OF    THOMAS    CHALKLEY.  279 

one  under  your  own  shady  tree,  where  none  might  make 
you  afraid,  and  that  you  might  prosper  naturally  and 
spiritually,  you  and  your  children;  and  having  a  little 
eased  my  mind  of  that  weight  and  concern,  in  some 
measure,  that  lay  upon  me,  I,  at  present,  desist,  and  sub- 
scribe, in  the  love  of  our  holy  Lord  Jesus  Christ, 

Your  real  Friend, 

"  T.  CHALKLEY." 

After  my  return  from  this  journey,  I  stayed  much  at 
home  that  winter,  travelling  now  being  hard  for  me,  so 
that  I  could  not  perform  long  journies  as  formerly,  being 
more  broken  in  the  long  and  hard  travelling  in  this  jour- 
ney, than  in  divers  years  before. 

In  the  year  1739,  I  took  several  short  or  lesser  jour- 
nies, and  had  many  meetings  in  divers  places,  as  in  Sa- 
lem and  Burlington  counties,  in  West-Jersey,  and  Phil- 
adelphia,  Chester  and  Bucks  counties,  in  Pennsylvania,  ^ 
having  many  large  and  comfortable  meetings,  and  some 
satisfactory  service  in  divers  of  them. 

This  year  the  war  broke  out  between  Great-Britain 
and  Spain ;  the  Spaniards  giving  great  occasion  of  of- 
fence to  the  Bri  ish  nation;  notwithstanding  which.  King 
George  IL  sought  to  accommodate  matters  peaceably ; 
but  the  crown  of  Spain  not  complying  with  the  terms 
agreed  on  for  an  accommodation,  therefore  war  was  pro- 
claimed ;  which  occasioned  much  disturbance  and  dis- 
traction in  our  little  peaceable  province  and  govern- 
ment ;  war  being  destructive  to  life,  health,  and  trade, 
the  peace  and  prosperity  of  the  people,  and  absolutely 
against  the  doctrine  and  practice  of  the  Prince  of  life 
and  peace,  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ ;  a  great 
concern  came  on  my  mind  to  promote  his  doctrine ;  in 
order  to  which  I  was  largely  concerned  to  treat  thereof  in 
or  at  the  general  spring  meeting  at  Philadelphia  ;  with 
which  service  divers  wise  and  pious  people  were  well  sat- 
isfied, though  some  were  offended. 


When  the  meeting  was  over,  1  having  a  desire  and 
coneern  once  more  to  visit  friends  in  the  lower  counties, 
Newcastle,  Kent,  and  Sussex,  among  whom  I  had  not 
travelled  lor  near  twenty  years,  and  being  now  a  little 
better  in  health  than  1  had  been,  I  set  out  from  my 
home,  and  went  to  Chester,  and  from  thence  to  Wil- 
mington, and  had  a  meeting  there  ;  and  then  to  New- 
castle, where  we  had  another  ;  William  Hammond  being 
with  me,  he  and  I  went  from  Newcastle  to  George's- 
creck,  had  a  meeting  there  ;  and  then  went  to  Duck- 
creek  :  after  having  two  meetings  at  Duck-creek,  I  went 
to  Little-creek  meeting,  and  so  proceeded  to  the  Mother- 
kills,  where  I  had  a  large,  open  time,  in  preaching  the 
gospel  to  the  people,  which  divers  of  them  received  with 
gladness  ;  and  there  were  many,  not  of  our  society,  who 
were  very  sober  and  attentive,  a  door  being  open  among 
them  ;  yet,  notwithstandmg  there  may  be  much  open- 
ness both  in  speakers  and  hearers,  I  have  observed,  with 
sorrow,  that  there  are  but  few  who  retain  the  truth  so  as 
to  be  really  converted ;  many  are  convinced,  but  few 
converted  and  come  to  be  regenerated  or  born  again,  as 
our  Saviour  taught. 

From  Mother-kills  I  went  back  to  Little-creek,  to 
Timothy  Hanson's,  he  accompanying  me;  and  fiom 
Timothy's  I  went  to  Duck-creek,  and  from  thence  to  Ap- 
poquinamy  to  the  burial  of  a  friend's  son,  who  died  of 
the  small-pox  ;  on  which  occasion  we  had  a  solid  meet- 
ing, the  mournful  relations  being  thankful  for  our  com- 
pany. From  Appoquinamy  I  ^vent  to  John  M' Cool's, 
and  from  thence  to  Newcastle  ;  whe  we  had  a  large, 
open  meeting,  to  the  satisfaction  of  divers  ;  though  I  was 
very  weakly  and  poorly^  as  to  my  health,  so  that  it  was 
hard  for  me  to  stoop  to  take  any  thing  from  the  ground, 
and  with  difficulty  I  walked  from  the  friend's  house  to 
the  meeting ;  but  being  helped  by  grace,  and  carried 
through  the  service  of  the  meeting  be}  ond  my  expecta- 
tion, was,  with  divers  others,  truly  thankful  to  God  the 
father,  and  Christ,  my  Lord  and  Saviour. 

From  Newcastle  I  went  to  Wilmington,  had  a  meet- 
ing there,  and  from  thence  to  Newark,  to  the  marriage  of 


Alexander  Seaton.   The  meeting  was  uncommonly  large, 
and  to  general  satisfaction. 

From  Newark  I  went  back  to  Wilmington,  and  from 
thence  to  the  Center  monthly  meeting,  and  so  on  to  Ken 
net,  where  was  a  very  large  meeting.  Here  divers, 
who  had  professed  among  us,  refrained  coming  to  the 
public  meetings  for  divine  worship;  with  whom,  next 
day,  we  had  a  meeting,  wherein  the  evil  consequence 
of  forsaking  the  assembling  ourselves  together  was  spoke 
to,  and  that  it  would  be  a  great  hurt  to  the  young  and 
rising  generation,  and  themselves  also  ;  being  a  bad  ex- 
ample to  them,  and  contrary  to  the  advice  and  counsel 
of  the  holy  apostle,  "  Not  to  forsake  the  assembling 
ourselves  together,  as  the  manner  of  some  is." 

From  Kennet  I  went  to  Concord,  to  the  burial  of 
Benjamin  Mendenhall,  where  we  had  a  large  and  solid 
meeting,  several  lively  testmionies  being  borne  therein. 
This  friend  was  a  worthy  elder,  and  a  serviceable  man 
in  our  society,  and  one  of  the  first  or  early  settlers  in 
Pennsylvania;  a  man  given  to  hospitality,  and  a  good 
example  to  his  family,  and  hath  left  divers  hopeful  chil- 
dren surviving  him. 

The  night  before  this  meeting  I  lodged  at  the  widow 
Gilpin's,  whose  husband,  Joseph  Gilpin,  was  lately  de- 
ceased. There  was  true  christian  love  and  friendship 
between  us  for  above  fifty  years.  When  first  I  saw  Jo,- 
seph  in  Pennsylvania,  he  lived  in  a  cave  in  the  earth, 
where  we  enjoyed  each  other's  company  in  the  love  and 
fear  of  God.  This  friend  had  fifteen  children,  whoiii 
he  lived  to  see  brought  up  to  the  states  of  men  and 
women,  and  all  but  two  married  well,  and  to  his  mind. 

From  Concord  I  went  to  Wilmington,  and  from 
thence,  after  meeting,  to  Newcastle,  where  I,  with 
George  Hogg,  went  over  the  river  Delaware  into  Penn's- 
neck,  and  had  a  meeting  at  James  Wilson's.  From 
Penn's-neck  we  went  to  Salem,  and  thence  to  Cohnn- 
sey,  where  I  had  several  meetings  at  Greenwich,  and  at 
the  head  of  AUoway's- creek  ;  also  at  David  Davis's, 
where  the  people  kindly  lent  us  the  benches,  of  theii" 

o  o 


meeting-house,  and  many  of  them  came  themselves^ 
and  were  very  attentive  ;  after  which  I  went  to  I'ile's- 
Grove,  and  had  a  meeting  there,  and  from  thence  to 
Wood  berry -creek,  and  so  to  Gloucester,  where  1  ferried 
over  the  Delaware  to  Philadelphia,  and  from  thence 
home,  having  travelled  about  five  hundred  miles  in  this 
journey,  after  which  I  stayed  at  and  about  home  for 
Some  time. 

I  was  at  the  vearlv  meetina:  at  Burlins:ton  in  the  sev- 
enth  month ;  going  to  this  meeting,  my  horse  started, 
and  threw  me,  which  hurt  my  shoulder  and  hip  badly,  of 
which  hurt  I  did  not  recover  for  above  half  a  year. 

This  meeting  was  very  large,  and  though  I  was  out- 
AV  ardly  in  misery  and  pain,  yet,  in  the  sense  of  the  love 
and  goodness  of  God,  and  grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christy 
I  was,  with  many  others,  much  comforted  in  spirit. 

From  Burlington  I  travelled  to  Shrewsbury,  having 
•several  meetings  by  the  way  ;  as,  at  Bordenton,  Cross- 
wicks,  Trenton,  Sec.  This  journey  I  rode  in  much 
pain  ;  but  the  satisfaction  I  had  in  meetings  through  the 
spirit  and  power  of  the  Most  High,  made  amends  for  all 
the  labor  and  pain  I  underwent.  I  bless  the  sacred 
name  of  God,  and  may  I  do  it  forever !  I  made  what 
haste  I  could  home,  being  in  pain  with  my  fall,  and  tar- 
ried at  home  most  of  the  winter,  which  was  one  of  the 
longest  and  hardest  known  in  these  parts  by  some  of  the 
oldest  livers  here  ;  divers  people  being  frozen  to  death  in 
several  places,  and  many  sheep  and  cattle  perishing,  and 
much  of  the  winter  grain  killed  with  the  frost,  so  that 
there  was  some  apprehension  of  a  want  of  bread  :  all 
which  I  took  to  be  warnings  of  the  just  and  righteous 
judgments  of  God  for  the  ingratitude,  pride,  and  other 
sins  and  iniquities  of  the  people,  the  which  I  was  divers 
times,  and  at  divers  places,  concerned  to  put  them  in 
mind  of.  How  well  would  it  be  if  the  people  would  lay 
the  judgments  of  the  Most  High  to  heart ;  and  when 
his  judgments  are  abroad  in  the  earth,  that  the  inhabit- 
ants would  learn  righteousness ! 

After  this  winter,  I  was  at  a  general-meeting  at  Ger- 
•mantown,  and  at  meetings  at  North- Wales,  Horsham, 


and  Bybury,  and  from  thence,  with  Joseph  Gilbert, 
went  to  Burlington,  and  was  at  a  marriage  there,  and 
then  returned  home. 

In  the  second  month,  I  was  under  an  inward  and  re- 
ligous  eng:igement  in  my  mind  to  visit  the  meetings  of 
friends  in  Gloucester  and  Salem  counties,  in  West- Jersey; 
and  the  19th  of  said  rnonth,  I  went  over  Delaware  river, 
and  was  at  Haddonfield  on  a  first  day,  and  third  day  at 
Chester,  fourth  day  had  a  meeting  at  the  house  of  Josi- 
ah  Foster,  and  fifth  day  at  Evesham ;  from  which  meet- 
ing I  went  to  John  Estaugh's,  Ebenezer  Large  and 
Samuel  Jordan  being  with  me.  In  the  morning  we  went 
to  Woodberry-creek  meeting,  and  next  day  down  to 
Salem,  in  order  for  the  yearly  meeting,  which  began  on 
the  26th  of  the  second  month,  and  was  an  extraordinary 
solid  meeting,  the  divine  presence  and  glory  being  richly 
manifested  amongst  us. 

From  Salem  I  went,  in  company  with  John  Evans 
and  Elizabeth  Stevens,  to  Alloway's-creek  and  Cohan- 
sey,  where  we  had  meetings,  I  believe,  to  the  satisfac- 
tion of  many.  Here  I  parted  with  said  friends  ;  and,  not 
being  well,  I  stayed  at  Greenwich,  and  they  went  to 
David  Davis's,  in  order  for  Pile's-Grove  meeting. 

The  3d  of  the  third  month,  being  the  first  of  the 
week,  I  was  at  Cohansey  meeting,  which  was  solid  and 
weighty;  in  which  the  mighty  works  of  God,  and  his 
wonderful  power  was  set  forth  to  the  people  in  divers 

1st.  As  to  the  work  of  the  creation  of  the  heavens 
and  the  earth,  and  of  man  to  govern  in  the  earth,  re- 
serving to  himself  the  government  of  man ;  to  whora 
he  gave  a  law,  for  the  breach  of  which  he  was  turned 
out  of  Paradise,  and  brought  death  into  the  world. 

2d.  Notwithstanding  man's  fall,  God  had  love,  mer- 
cy, and  compassion  towards  him,  and  promised  that 
the  seed  of  the  woman  should  bruise  the  head  of  the 
serpent,  who  led  them  astray,  which  seed  was  Christ, 
whom  all  are  commanded  to  hear,  believe,  and  follow, 
in  the  practice  of  his  holy  doctrine,  which  is  contained 
in  his  words  spoken  to  his  immediate  disciples  andapos- 


tics,    and   likewise   made   known   and  revealed   in   our 

3d.  That  now  in  our  day  his  righteous  judgments  arc 
abroad  in  the  earth,  as  the  sword,  and  a  threatening  of 
famine,  or  want  of  bread  ;  all  which  was  spoken  in  the 
tender  love  and  fear  of  God,  and  faith  of  Christ,  and 
all  Were  entreated  to  lay  these  things  to  heart,  and  "  turn 
to  the  Lord,  and  he  will  have  mercy  ;  and  to  our  God, 
and  lie  w  ill  abundantly  pardon."  In  this  meeting  God 
was  glorified,  and  his  name  magnified,  through  the  as- 
sistance of  the  spirit  of  his  dear  Son,  our  Lord. 

From  Cohansey  1  went  to  Salem,  and  thence  to  David 
Davis's,  \v  here  Me  had  a  meeting,  at  which  were  several 
people  of  divers  professions,  \a  ho  were  satisfied  and  ed- 
ified therein  ;  and  thence  we  went  to  Pile's- Grove  meet-p 
ing,  afterwards  into  Penn's-neck,  and  had  a  good  open 
meeting  at  the  widow  Hugh's,  and  so  to  Woodberry- 
creck  meeting,  \\hich,  I  hope,  was  serviceable;  ...fter 
which  1  went  home  with  my  friend  James  Lord's  widow, 
who,  with  her  sister  Ann  Cooper  and  Joseph  Clews,  went 
with  me  to  Gloucester  jail,  where  we  visited  one  under 
sentence  of  death  for  sieaiing.  1  asked  him  if  he  truly 
repented  of  that  sin  of  stealing,  of  which  he  had  been 
so  often  gnilty  ?  He  told  me,  he  hoj)ed  he  had,  and 
was  willing  to  die.  He  was  recommended  to  the  grace 
of  God,  and  to  keep  in  an  humble  frame  of  mind,  and 
beg  mercy  of  the  Alnjght)  for  the  sake  of  Christ,  for 
all  his  sins.  While  a  friend  was  praying  b)  him,  he 
was  broken  into  icnderness. 

Here  the  afore  said  friends  pari^ed  from  me  ;  I  cross- 
ing the  river  Delaware  to  Philade!})hia,  and  so  home  to 
Frankfort.  I  was  at  ten  meetings  in  this  journey,  be- 
sides the  yearly  meeting  at  Salem,  and  travelled  about 
one  hundred  and  fifty  miles  ;  but  travelling  was  jjainful 
to  my  body;  for  now^  I  more  and  more  felt  the  effects  of 
many  old  falls  and  bruises,  which  much  disabled  and, 
hurt  me  in  riding. 

In  the  fourth  month  I  was  at  divers  meetings  about  or 
near  home,  as  at  Fair-hill,  Germantown,  and  at  a  meet- 
ing at  Thomas  Roberts' ;  also  was  at  Philadelphia  meet- 


uig.  In  the  beginning;  of  the  fifth  month,  I  visited 
friends  meetings  at  Darby,  Merion,  and  Haverford  ;  at 
the  last  place,  the  meeting  was  large,  and  very  open  ; 
wherein  the  mighty  power  of  God  was  exalted  over  all 
and  it  was  plainly  manifested,  that  if  there  was  any  virtue, 
or  any  good  gift  or  genius  in  the  creature,  it  derived  its 
excellency  from  the  Creator  ;  and  that  man,  in  his  best 
capacity,  in  either  natural  or  spiritual  attainments,  hath 
no  cause  to  boast  or  glory  in  any  thing  or  things, 
which  he,  as  an  instrument  in  the  divine  hand,  might 
help  to  do  or  perform  ;  wherefore  we  ought  to  humble 
ourselves  under  the  mighty  hand  of  God,  attributing  no 
glory  to  self,  or  the  creature  ;  but  all  glory  and  praise  to 
the  Creator,  who  is  in  and  over  all  blessed  forever. 

The  20th  of  the  fifth  month,  I  set  forward  on  a  jour- 
ney, in  order  to  visit  friends  at  and  near  Burlington,  and 
was  next  day  at  a  meeting  at  Bristol,  which  was  large, 
considering  the  heat  of  the  weather,  and  the  shortness  of 
the  notice  ;  next  day  being  the  fourth  day  of  the  week, 
and  the  22d  of  the  month,  I  was  at  Mount- Holly,  at  the 
burial  of  our  ancient  friend.  Restored  Lippincot :  he  was, 
as  I  understood,  near  a  hundred  years  of  age,  and  had  up- 
wards of  two  hundred  children,  grand-children,  and 
great-grand-children,  many  of  whom  were  at  his  funeral ; 
the  meeting  was  large,  and  thought  to  be  a  serviceable 
meeting  by  divers.  After  this  meeting,  I  went  with  a 
few  choice  friends  to  visit  Susanna  Fearon,  who  had 
been  long  ill  ;  in  which  visit  we  were  favoured  with  the 
divine  presence  and  goodness  of  the  Most  High  ;  for 
which  we  returned  him  thanks  and  praise.  After  which 
we  went  to  Burlington,  and  next  day  had  a  meeting, 
which  was  an  acceptable  op])ortunity  to  many. 

Next  first  day,  being  the  27th  of  the  month,  we  had  a 
good  solid  meeting  at  Trenton  ;  from  thence  I  went,  with 
divers  friends,  to  Bristol,  and  so  home  to  Frankfort ;  and 
was  thankful  to  the  Almighty  for  the  grace  which  he  was 
pleased  to  bestow  upon  me,  a  poor  worm  ;  and  that, 
considering  the  extreme  heat,  I  had  my  health  better'than 
usual.  After  coming  home,  I  visited  divers  meetings^ 
at  Philadelphia,  Haddonfield,  Frankfort,  &c.' 


In  the  sixth  month  there  was  a  great  mortality  in  Phil- 
adelphia, and  many  were  taken  away ;  on  a  fifth  da} ,  I 
was  concerned  to  put  the  people  in  mind  of  it,  and  of 
their  own  mortality,  and  exiiorted  them  to  prepare  for  it, 
they  not  knowin,^  whose  turn  it  might  be  next,  nor  the 
hour  when  death  might  come  to  their  own  habitations  ; 
and  was  concerned,  in  the  same  nature,  at  several  large 
burials.  In  the  meeting  at  Philadelphia,  they  were  told, 
it  was  better  to  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  Lord  than  into 
the  hands  of  men  :  and  that  since  we  had  been  settled  in 
this  province  of  Pennsylvania,  we  were  preserved  from 
the  hands  of  men  ;  there  having  never  been  an  enemy  in 
it,  in  a  warlike  way  ;  our  dependence  being  in  Provi- 
dence, and  our  principle  against  war,  and  against  spilling 
of  human  blood  by  wars  and  fighting,  according  to  the 
doctrine  of  Christ,  the  peaceable  Saviour ;  wherefore  I 
believe  the  hand  of  God  was  manifested  in  preserving  us 
in  peace :  yet  I  would  not  be  understood  to  be  against 
the  magistrates  exercising  the  power  committed  to  them» 
according  to  just  law;  but  national  wars,  woful  exjjeri- 
ence  teacheth,  are  destructive  to  the  peaceable  religion  of 
Jesus,  to  trade,  wealth,  health  and  happiness.  Our  dear 
Lord  preached  peace  to  the  people,  and  against  wars  ; 
telling  his  followers,  "  That  they  must  love  and  pray  for 
their  enemies,  and  rather  take  a  stroke  or  a  blow,  than 
give  one  ;  and  that  they  should  not  resist  evil;"  which 
peaceable  doctrine  of  Christ,  the  Jews  could  not  away 
with ;  no,  no,  by  no  means  :  "  Oh  !  (say  they)  if  we  let 
this  man  alone,  the  Romans  will  come  and  take  away  our 
place  and  nation  ;"  just  as  the  people  now  say  in  this 
province,  among  and  to  those  peaceable  men,  who,  for  the 
sake  of  Christ  and  his  doctrine,  cannot  use  the  sword; 
"  The  Romans  will  come  and  take  our  country,  if  we 
do  not  build  forts  and  castles,  and  have  military  prepar- 
ations :"  and  I  wish  it  were  not  true,  that  some  who  pro- 
fess this  peaceable  principle,  too  much  endeavour  to 
smother,  stifle,  and  keep  under,  this  peaceable  doctrine, 
through  a  slavish  fear,  and  too  much  distrusting  of  the 
Divine  Providence,  which  may  cause  the  divine  hand  to 
deliver  us  to  the  Romans  indeed  ;  at  which  I  should  not 


wonder,  since  we  distrust  that  divine  hand,  that  hath  hith- 
erto preserved  us,  without  our  preparing  for  war,  above 
these  fifty  years.  To  which  I  know  that  it  is  objected  ; 
*'  But  now  there  are  abundance  of  people  who  are  not  of 
that  principle."  I  answer,  then  why  did  they  come 
among  us,  if  they  could  not  trust  themselves  with  our 
principles,  which  they  knew,  or  might  have  known,  if 
they  would  ?  The  King  gave  the  province,  and  the  gov- 
ernment of  it,  to  our  worthy  proprietor,  Williajm  Penn  ; 
who  was  a  man  of  this  peaceable  principle  ;  for  which 
the  heathens  loved  him  and  honour  his  name  and  memory 
to  this  day,  and  those  of  his  society  and  principles ; 
whereof  I  am  a  living  witness.  The  sense  of  the  sweet- 
ness and  social  life  that  the  first  settlers  of  the  province  of 
Penns)  Ivania  and  the  city  of  Philadelphia  lived  in,  makes 
me  express  myself  in  this  manner.  Oh !  that  the  in- 
habitants of  the  city  and  country,  did  but  live  and  dwell 
in  that  first  love,  and  hold  it  fast ;  and  then  I  believe  that 
the  Almighty  would  not  suffer  any  to  take  our  crown  ; 
which  crown  is  righteousness,  peace,  and  love,  through 
true  faith  ;  which  true  faith  works  by  love  in  Christ 

On  the  last  day  of  the  fifth  month,  I  acquainted  my 
friends  of  the  monthly  meeting  of  Philadelphia,  with  a 
concern  I  had  been  some  time  under,  to  visit  the  people 
in  the  Virgin  islands,  and  more  particularly  in  Anguilla 
and  Tortola  ;  in  order  to  preach  the  gospel  of  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ  freely,  to  those  who  might  have  a  desire  to 
hear,  as  the  Lord  should  be  pleased  to  open  my  way : 
and  my  friends  having  unity  with  me  therein,  at  their 
next  meeting,  gave  me  a  certificate  of  their  concurrence! 
soon  after  which,  having  settled  my  affairs,  and  taken 
leave  of  my  dear  wife  and  daughter,  and  the  rest  of  my 
family  and  friends  ;  on  the  19th  day  of  the  seventh  month, 
I  embarked  at  Philadelphia,  in  the  sloop  John,  PeteF 
Blunder,  master,  bound  for  the  island  of  Tortola. 

We  sailed  down  the  river,  and  came  to  an  anchor 
near  Christiana-creek  that  night,  in  which  there  was  a 
violent  storm,  which  drove  several  vessels  on  the 
marshes  ;  so  tjiat  when  tlie  tide  ebhed^  one  might  walk 

2.'8S  The  journal  of  tkomas  chalkley. 

round  them.  Next  day  we  sailed  to  Reedy-Island, 
uhere  we  waited  for  a  fair  wind  :  we  sailed  down  the 
bay  in  eompany  with  two  sloops,  one  bound  for  Bermu- 
da, the  other  for  the  island  of  Christopher's  ;  and  left  the 
capes  on  the  23d  day  of  the  month,  and  in  eighteen 
days  from  that  lime  fell  in  with  the  island  of  Thomas,  and 
in  one  day  more  turned  up  to  TortoUi. 

In  this  voyage  we  saw  nine  sail  of  vessels;  but  spoke 
with  none  of  them  :  had  a  rough  passage,  the  wind  being 
high  and  contrary  above  a  week,  and  much  rain ;  yet 
through  the  mercy  and  grace  of  God,  I  was  preserved 
above  all  fear,  except  the  holy  fear  of  the  living  Lord,  in 
which  I   blessed  his  holy  name. 

On  the  12th  day  of  the  eighth  m.onth,  John  Pickering, 
the  owner  of  the  sloop,  (who  was  likewise  governor  of 
the  island)  \\ith  his  spouse,  met  me  at  the  water  side,  and 
lovingly  embraced  me,  and  led  me  up  to  their  house,  and 
the  same  evening,  had  a  meeting  at  his  house  ;  and 
on  the  15th  of  the  month,  being  the  fifth  day  of  the  week, 
we  had  a  large,  satisfactory  meeting,  at  which  were  many- 
people,  divers  of  them  not  of  our  profession;  and,  I  think, 
the  good  hand  of  the  Lord  was  with  us.  I  was  concern- 
ed in  this  meeting  to  shew,  that  tlie  last  dispensation  of 
God  to  mankind,  in  and  through  his  dear  Son,  was  a 
spiritual  dispensation ;  a  dispensation  of  pure,  divine 
love,  which  is  to  last  and  be  with  the  true  believers  in 
Christ  forever,  according  to  his  own  doctrine  in  the  New 

On  the  first  day  of  the  week,  and  the  18th  of  the  month, 
we  had  another  meeting,  larger  than  the  former,  (and 
the  governor  told  me,  he  had  never  seen  so  large  a  gath- 
ering on  the  island,  on  any.  occasion),  my  spirit  was 
much  set  at  liberty  in  this  meeting,  and  great  openness 
and  brokenness  was  among  the  people,  so  that  the  gos^ 
pel  was  freely  and  largely  declared  to  them.  The  case 
of  Cornelius,  and  of  the  apostle  Peter  going  to  his  house, 
was  treated  of,  with  divers  other  matters,  tending  to  ed- 
ification. I  was  so  affected  with  the  power,  spirit,  and 
srrace  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  that  when  the  meetino- 
^was  over  I  withdrew,  and  in  private  poured  out  my  soitl 


before  the  Lord,  and  beg,^ed  that  he  would  be  pleased  to 
manifest  his  power  and  glorious  gospel  more  and  more. 
At  this  meeting  there  was  a  woman  who  had  suffered 
much  for  her  going  to  meetings  ;  her  husband  being  a 
proud,  haughty  man,  had  beat  her  to  the  drawing  of 
blood;  he  also  drew  his  sword,  and  presented  his  pistol, 
with  threatenings  to  kill  her  ;  but  she  thanked  God, 
that  she  was  resigned  to  lose  her  life  for  Christ's  sake  : 
this  woman  expressed  some  words  in  supplication  in  this 
meeting  in  a  broken  manner.  There  was  also  another, 
(a  beautiful  young  woman)  whose  father  had  turned  her 
out  of  doors  for  coming  to  friends'  meetings. 

I  went,  with  the  governor  and  his  wife,  to  visit  a  few 
families  up  in  the  mountains,  and  had  a  meeting,  in 
which  was  great  brokenness  and  tenderness  in  the  time 
of  prayer. 

On  second  day  we  visited  several  families  in  the  di- 
vision called  the  road,  to  which  we  went  by  water  in  a 
coble,  somewhat  like  our  canoes,  there  were  four  of  these 
in  company,  five  persons  in  two  of  them,  and  seven  in  the 
other  two.  In  this  visiting  of  families,  the  people  came 
and  filled  the  rooms,  and  we  had  seasonable  meetings,  in 
which  the  people  were  so  loving,  and  well  affected,  that 
we  could  seldom  go  in  a  friendly  way  to  visit  our 
friends,  but  they  would  presently  fill  their  rooms,  and 
we  scarcely  could  depart,  without  having  a  time  of  wor- 

Next  day  we  went  to  visit  a  young  man's  habitation 
(who  had  not  yet  finished  his  house)  and  the  neighbour? 
coming  in  as  usual,  we  had  a  good  meeting. 

I  cannot  but  note,  that  the  hand  of  the  Lord  God  was 
with  us,  and  I  felt  his  visitation  as  fresh  and  lively  ag 
ever ;  for  which  I  was  truly  thankful,  and  thought  if  I 
never  saw  my  habitation  again,  I  was  satisfied  in  this 
g;ospel  call,  and  religious  visit ;  though,  being  in  years, 
it  was  sometimes  a  little  troublesome  to  the  flesh  ;  being 
in  the  sixty-sixth  year  of  my  age,  and  stiff  in  all  my 
limbs  from  hurts  with  many  falls  and  bruises ;  but,  as 
to  my  health,  I  had  it  better  now  than  for  several  years 
past ;  for  which  I  am  humbly  thankful  to  him,  in  whom 



we  live  and  have  our  being ;  glory  to  his  name,  through 
his  dear  Son. 

Third  and  fourth  days,  visited  several  families,  and 
had  divers  good  opportunities  :  in  one  of  those  meetings, 
a  }  oung  man,  named  Martin,  spoke  a  few  words 
in  pra}  er ;  in  which  season  we  were,  1  think,  all  broken 
into  tenderness  ;  so  that  in  truth  we  might  say,  that  the 
power  and  spirit  of  Christ  was  with  and  among  us,  and 
his  great  name  was  praised. 

Fifth  day,  being  the  week  day  meeting,  it  was  larger 
than  was  ever  known  of  a  week  day  in  that  place  ;  there 
being  divers  friends  who  came  from  an  island  called  Jos. 
Vandike's,  and  many  neighbours  and  sober  people,  who 
were  very  attentive. 

Sixth  day,  was  at  several  people's  houses,  and  had  re- 
ligious meetings  ;  which  we  could  not  well  avoid,  the 
people  were  so  loving  and  desirous  to  hear  what  might 
be  spoken  to  them ;  they  being  many  of  them  like 
thirsty  ground  wanting  rain,  andr  our  good  and  gracious 
Lord  gave  us  celestial  showers,  which  were  refreshing  to 
us,  and  thankfully  received. 

Seventh  day  I  went  with  several  friends  to  the  house 
of  one  who,  with  his  wife,  had  been  at  our  meeting  on 
fifth  day  ;  he  kindly  invited  me  to  his  house  ;  his  name 
was  Blake  ;  he  and  his  wife  were  loving ;  though  he  had 
formerly  wrote  against  friends,  he  was  now  better  inform- 
ed. From  his  house  I  went  to  Townsend  Bishop's,  and 
there  being  many  friends  from  another  island,  we  had  a 
most  comfortable,  tender  evening  meeting,  in  which  we 
oifered  up  an  evening  sacrifice  of  praise  and  thanksgiv- 
ing to  the  holy  name  of  the  living  eternal  God,  and  his 
dear  Son  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ,  through 
the  irifluence  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  one  God  over  all  blessed 
forever.     And, 

On  the  first  day  of  the  week,  being  the  25th  of  the 
month,  we  had  a  L  rger  meeting  than  ordinary  ;  and,  in 
expectation  of  larger  meetings  than  usual,  the  governor, 
John  Pickering,  had  made  several  new  forms  to  accom- 
modate the  people  yt  his  own  house,  w^hich  he  sent  six 
miles  on  men's  heads,  the  roads  not  being  passable  for 


carriage  by  carts,  &c.  This  I  think  worth  noting,  that 
their  zeal  may  be  had  in  remembrance,  and  that  others 
may  be  stirred  up  to  a  more  rehgious  concern,  who  will 
scarce  go  six  steps  to  a  religious  meeting,  or  will  not  go 
at  all.  In  this  meeting  I  was  concerned  to  speak  of  and 
set  forth  the  doctrine  of  Christ,  which  he  ])reached  on  the 
Mount,  contained  in  the  5th,  6th,  and  7th  chapters  of 
Mathew  ;  and  to  press  the  people  to  come  to  the  practice 
of  what  is  there  commanded  by  the  great  author  of 
the  christian  religion  ;  and  to  shew  that  the  despi  ed 
quakers  had  learned,  out  of  that  excellent  sermon,  much 
of  their  religion,  which  displeases  many  people,  and  di- 
vers of  the  great  men  of  the  world  ;  and  to  urge  them  to 
regard  the  grace  of  God,  which  bringeth  salvation,  and 
hath  appeared  to  all  men.  In  this  meeting,  Dorcas,  the 
wife  of  John  Pickering,  spoke  to  the  people  in  public 
testimony,  to  which  they  gave  good  attention. 

After  meeting,  we  returned  by  water  from  the  Road- 
Harbour  to  Fat-Hog  bay,  where  John  Pickering  lives, 
being  upwards  of  twenty  of  us  in  company,  in  three  co- 

These  two  weeks  I  spent  in  the  island  of  Tortola,  to 
my  great  satisfaction. 

The  Journal  of  this  worthy  friend  ending  liere^  the  fol- 
lowing supplement  is  collected  from  some  notes  sent 
by  a  friend  of  that  island^  giving  an  account  of  his 
further  services^  sickness,  and  death. 



On  the  second  day  of  the  third  week  of  his  bein,^  among 
us,  he  vibittd  some  friends  in  the  neighbourhood,  uiid 
likewise  the  man  who  had  treated  his  wife  so  cruelly  for 
coming  to  friends'  meetings. 

On  third  day,  he  was  employed  cheifly  in  writing  to 
his  family  and  friends  ia  Philadelphia. 

On  fourth  day,  some  friends  from  the  road  came  to 
see  him,  which  prevented  his  going  out  to  visit  the 
neighbours,  as  usual. 

Oa  fifth  day  morning,  being  ihe  29th  of  the  eighth 
inonth,  he  found  himself  much  indisposed;  yet  he  went 
to  our  week  day  meeting,  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile. 
When  the  meeting  broke  up,  he  had  a  hot  fever  upon 
him  ;  doctor  Turnbull  (the  chief  physician  in  our  island) 
thought  it  proper  to  take  some  blood  from  him,  and  he 
being  very  willing,  it  was  done  that  afternoon,  and  the 
fever  abated  some  time  that  night ;  and  next  day  walk- 
ed about,  and  made  no  complaint  until  about  eight 
o'clock  in  the  evening  ;  about  which  time  the  fever  re- 
turned,  and  continued  very  severe  till  first  day  morning, 
wiien  the  doctor  advised  him  to  take  a  vomit,  which  he 
declihtd  that  day,  being  desirous  of  attending  the  meet- 
ii  g,  which  was  held  at  my  house,  and  was  a  large,  sweet, 
and  tender  meeting ;  in  which  he  spoke  to  us  concering 
temptations,  and  how  Christ  was  tempted,  and  how 
to  withstand  them  ;  and  afterwards  on  the  parable  of  the 
great  supper,  and  other  subjects  ;  ending  his  testimony 
with  the  words  of  the  apostle  Paul,  I  have  fought  a  good 
■fight,  I  have  finished  my  course,  I  have  kept  the  faith, 
henceforth  there  is  laid  up  for  me  a  crown  of  righteous- 
ness :   which  words,  and  most  part  of  this  last  sermon, 


were  delivered  in  great  brokenness ;  from  whence  I  judged 
that  he  was  sensible  that  he  had  not  long  to  live,  though, 
I  believe,  he  was  not  afraid  to  die. 

On  second  day  morning,  the  fever  abated  a  little,  and 
he  complied  with  the  doctor's  prescription  of  taking  a 
vomit,  which  seemed  to  have  its  proper  effect ;  but  that 
night  the  fever  returned,  and  continued  on  him  until  he 
died ;  which  was  between  two  and  three  o'clock  on  fourth 
day  morning,  the  fourth  day  of  the  ninth  month,  being 
speechless  about  seven  hours  before. 

A  general  invitation  was  given  to  friends  and  others 
to  his  funeral ;  where  three  testimonies  were  borne,  all 
in  great  brokenness,  under  a  just  sense  of  our  great 
loss.  After  which  he  was  decently  interred  on  the  even- 
ing of  the  said  day,  in  a  piece  of  ground  which  is  since 
given  to  friends  for  a  burial  place,  and  on  which  a  meet- 
ing-house is  built  by  John  Pickering,  the  governor  of 
the  island  at  that  time. 

It  is  said  in  the  scriptures.  That  the  righteous  are 
taken  away,  and  no  man  layeth  it  to  heart ;  but,  I  hope, 
it  may  be  truly  said,  this  was  not  the  case  at  this  time ; 
for  friends,  in  general,  much  lamented  their  great  loss, 
in  being  so  soon  deprived  of  so  instructive  a  friend  and 
elder,  whose  care  over  us  was  very  great ;  and  who,  by 
his  loving  and  exemplary  life,  and  tenderness  to  people 
of  all  ranks  and  professions,  engaged  the  love  and  re- 
spect of  almost  all  the  people  in  the  island.  We  are  fully 
assured,  that  his  labour  among  us  was  not  in  vain,  and 
that  many  have  felt  the  good  effects  of  it ;  so  that  we 
believe  some  of  the  last  words  he  spoke  in  public,  may 
justly  be  applied  to  him,  and  that  he  now  enjoys  a  crown 
©f  righteousness. 

♦• • ♦•••)?,• 

End  of  th;  journal. 









Blessed  is  the  man  that  walketh  not  in  the  counsel  of  the  ungodly,  nor 
standelh  in  the  way  of  sinners,  nor  sitteth  in  the  seat  of  the  scornful : 
but  his  delig-ht  is  in  the  law  of  the  Lord,  and  in  his  law  doth  he  med- 
itate both  day  and  night. 

PSALM  i.   1,  2. 








And  there  came  a  voice  out  of  the  cloud,  saying,  this  (».  e.  Christ)  i? 
my  beloved  son,  hear  ye  him. 

LUKE  ix.  35. 
If  ye  love  me,  keep  my  commandments. 

JOHN  xiv.  16. 

For  God  so  loved  the  world,  that  he  gave  his  only  begotten  Son,  that 
whosoever  believed  in  him,  might  not  perish,  but  have  everlasting 

JOHN  iii.  16. 



IJV  sincerity  and  unfeigned  love^  both  to  God  and  many 
were  these  lines  penned.  I  desire  thee  to  peruse  them  in 
the  same  love^  and  then^  peradventure^  thou  mayest  find 
some  sweetness  in  them.  Expect  not  learned  phrases^  or 
fiorid  expressions ;  for  many  times  heavenly  matter  is 
hid  in  7nean  sentences^  or  wrapped  up  in  plain  expres- 
sions. It  sometimes  pleases  God  to  reveal  the  mysteries 
of  his  kingdom  f  through  the  grace  of  his  Son  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ  J  to  babes  and  sucklings  ;  and  he  oftentimes 
ordains  praise  out  of  their  mouths  ;  one  ofwhich^  reader^ 
I  desire  thou  mayest  be. 

My  intent  in  writing  these  sheets^  is,  that  they,  through 
the  help  of  God'' s  grace,  and  the  good  spirit  of  Christ,  may 
stir  up  true  love  in  thee  ;  first  to  God  and  Christ,  and 
then  to  man  :  so  thou  wilt  be  fit  to  be  espoused  to  him, 
who  is  altogether  lovely,  fthat  is  Christ  J,  which  is  the 
desire  of  him,  who  is  thy  friend,  more  in  heart  than  word, 







Having  been  concerned  for  the  good  and  welfare  of 
the  children  of  men,  in  my  youthful  days,  and  tasted  of 
the  hifinite  love  of  God,  in,  and  through  his  dear  Son,  the 
holv  Lamb  Jesus,  who  laid  down  his  life  for  the  sins  of 
the  world ;  and,  in  my  tender  years,  reaped  great  ben- 
efit, through  faith  in,  and  obedience  unto,  him;  for, 
truly,  I  have  found,  by  sufficient  experience,  that  one 
without  the  other,  to  wit,  faith  without  works,  will  not 
answer  the  end  of  the  great  love  of  Christ  Jesus,  our 
Lord,  in  that  he  offered  himself  a  sacrifice  for  all  man- 
kind ;  not  for  people  to  live  in  sin,  but  to  take  away  the 
sin  of  the  world ;  in  a  word,  "  Faith  without  works  is 
dead."  James  ii.  20.  For  my  part,  I  found  it  so,  and 
so  must  all  true  believers  in  the  Son  of  God. 

Christ  first  loved  us,  and  paid  that  debt  for  us,  that,  of 
ourselves,  we  were  not  able  to  do.  Oh !  his  infinite 
love  !  it  hath  oftentimes  melted  my  soul  into  tenderness. 
Methmks  it  is  abundance  of  pity,  tliat  ever  the  sons  of 
men  should  requite  evil  for  good,  or  disobedience  for 
such  gracious  obedience  ;  I  would  to  God,  that  all  be- 
lievers in  Christ  would  live  in  that  fear  of  God,  and  that 
love  to  Christ,  that  keepeth  the  heart  clean  ;  because 
nothing  unclean  can  enter  the  kingdom  of  heaven.  I  do 
not  mean  a  slavish  fear ;  but  fear  that  is  wrought  by  love: 
for  them  that  love  the  Lord,  the  great,  everlasting  God, 
will  fear  to  offend  him. 

This  is  the  matter  that  chiefly   beareth  stress  on  my 
mind,  at  this  time  :  the  necessitv  of  lo\'e  to  God  and 

a02  god's  great  love  to  mankind, 

Christ,  and  one  another;  "  Eye  hath  not  seen,  nor  ear 
heard,  neither  hath  it  entered  into  the  heart  of  man  to 
conceive,  the  things  that  God  hath  prepared  for  them 
that  love  him."  1  Cor.  ii.  9.  For  my  part,  I  cannot 
pretend  to  tell  thee.  Oh,  man !  to  the  full  ;  but  only  a 
little  to  hint  at  it :  it  is,  "  Joy  unspeakable,  and  full  of 
glory:"  but  then  we  must  love  him,  so  as  to  keep  his 
commandments.  This  is  the  work  that  I  am  very  earnest 
in  pressing  people  to,  whether  youth  or  aged  :  it  is  not 
too  soon  for  the  young,  neither  too  late  for  the  aged,  to 
begin  this  work  of  obedience,  through  faith,  and  love  to 
God  and  Christ,  if  his  spirit  is  reproving  or  striving  in 
them.  But  it  is  more  honourable  and  acceptable,  for  a 
man  to  give  up  the  strength  of  his  days  to  serve  the 
Lord,  and  to  remember  his  Creator  in  the  days  of  his 
youth,  before  sin  is  too  much  rooted  and  grown  in  him  ; 
for  then  it  will  be  much  more  labour,  to  get  tlie  root  of 
unrighteousness  plucked  up. 

So  that  in  that  ability,  which  God  hath  given  me,  I 
would  endeavour  to  stir  up  all  to  serve  him,  and  to  be  in 
good  earnest,  and  not  to  put  the  day  of  God,  e\  en  the 
mighty  Jehovah,  afar  off;  but  to  love  the  Lord  unfeign- 
edly,  and  with  true  obedience  ;  since  it  is  that  sacrifice, 
that  is  only  acceptable  to  God  ;  that  is  to  say,  to  love 
him  in  deed  and  in  truth,  more  than  in  word,  and  with 
tongue  :  for  against  such  a  people,  the  Lord,  by  his 
servant,  complained,  in  old  time  ;  "  They  (saith  the 
Lord),  draw  nigh  to  me  with  their  mouths,  and  with 
their  lips  do  honour  me  :"  but.  Oh  !  their  great  mis- 
ery was,  their  hearts  were  far  from  him  ;  they  did 
not  love  him  with  their  whole  hearts  ;  that  was  their 
great  fault :  this  thing  is  also  a  great  evil  in  the  sight  of 
the  great  God,  in  this  our  age  ;  and  is  too  frequent  in 
England,  the  land  of  my  nativity,  as  also  in  other  islands 
and  places  beyond  the  seas.  What  lamentation  shall  be 
taken  up,  for  such  as  do  so  mock  the  Lord,  the  great 
God  of  love  ?  Surely  he  will  render  vengeance,  as  in 
flames  of  fire,  upon  all  the  wicked  and  ungodly,  and 
those  that  forget  him.  It  is  not  by  saying,  but  by  do- 
ing, that  we  are  justified,  through  faith  in  Christ ;  not  he 


that  saith,  Lord,  Lord,  only  ;  but  he  that  doth  his  will 
also,  shall  enter  the  kingdom. 

Now  the  will  of  God,  and  Christ  his  son,  is,  that  we 
should  love  him  above  all ;  and  in  loving  him,  we  shall 
lovfc  ©ne  another  ;  for  Christ  saw  the  great  need  there 
was  of  loving  God  above  all,  and  also  of  loving  one  an- 
other ;  therefore  he  answered  thus  to  him  that  asked 
him,  which  was  the  greatest  commandment,  "  Thou 
shalt  love  the  Lord  thy  God,  with  all  thy  heart,  and  with 
all  thy  soul,  and  with  all  thy  mind."  Mat,  xxii.  37. 

*'  This  (says  Christ)  is  the  first  and  great  command- 
ment, and  the  second  is  like  unto  it.  Thou  shalt  love 
thy  neighbour  as  thyself :  on  these  two  commandments 
hang  all  the  law  and  the  prophets,"  verses  38,  39,  and 

Now  if  these  two  great  commandments  were  obeyed, 
it  would  answer  God's  great  love  to  us,  in  sending  his 
Son  to  bless  us.     Oh  !  the  glory  of  God,   how  it  would 
shine !  it  would  make  the  young  men  as  valiants  of  Is- 
rael,  and  the  old   men  as   captains  of  thousands  ;  then 
Christ  would  reign  gloriously  indeed,  in  the  hearts  of  the 
children  of  men ;  here  the  Lamb  and  his  followers  (that 
walk  in  the  light,  and  in  that  commandment,  that  burns 
as  a  lamp),  would  get  the  victory  over  the  devil  and  his 
followers  ;  but,  on  the  contrary,  this  is  the  great  error  of 
mankind,  they  talk  of  God,  and  Christ,  in  words ;  but 
deny  him  in  works  :  nay,  some  will  not  stick  to  say,  it  is 
impossible  to  keep  the   commands  of  Christ.     It  is  too 
commonly   spoken,   and  also  believed,    that  there  is  no 
perfection   on  this  side  the  grave,  contrary  to  the   say- 
ing of  Christ,  "  Be  ye  perfect,    even  as  your  Father, 
which  is  in  heaven,  is  perfect."  Mat,  v.  48.     Yet,  say 
they,  it  is  impossible  ;    which    is  as  much  as  to   say, 
Christ  is  a  hard  master,  in  commanding  what  cannot  be 
done  ;  consequently,  out  of  their  own  mouths  they  will  be 
condemned ;  for  Christ  is  not  a  hard  master.     I  testify 
against  all  such  unholy  and  imperfect  believers,  in  solid 
fear  before  the   Lord  ;  but  according  to  such  people's 
faith  and  belief,  he  must  needs  be  hard.     Oh  !  that  peo- 
ple would  but  so  love  God,  and  his  dear  Son,  as  to  strive 

^4  god's    great    love    to    MANKlJJD, 

to  do  his  commands ;  for  it  is  impossible  they  should 
obey,  if  they  do  neither  believe  nor  endeavour:  but  let 
such  know,  that  "  Many  shall  strive,  and  shall  not  en- 
ter;" much  less  enter  if  they  do  not  strive:  but  we 
must,  of  necessity,  strive,  in  obedience  to  his  v/ill,  and  by 
his  assistance,  (not  in  our  own  natural  will)  "  to  enter  in 
at  the  strait  gate:"  man  would  enter  in  with  all  his 
pleasant  things,  and  in  all  his  bravery  and  gallantry ; 
but  God's  will  is,  that  he  should  be  brought  low,  that  he 
might  exalt  him.  Oh  !  this  self,  it  is  a  great  enemy  to 

My  intention  is,  to  awaken  people  out  of  the  sleep  of 
sin,  which  is  death  ;  and  to  stir  them  up  to  righteousness, 
and  love  to  the  Lord,  and  their  neighbour,  even  with 
their  whole  heart ;  this  is  what  my  heart  breathes  to,  and 
supplicates,  the  Lord  of  heaven  for ;  then  would  the  end 
of  my  labour,  in  his  love,  be  answered ;  for  great  is  the 
love  of  God,  in  sending  his  Son,  and,  also,  in  sending 
his  servants,  and  stirring  them  up,  to  rouze  people  out 
of  the  sleep  of  security,  that  they  might  see  the  danger 
they  are  in,  and  how  near  they  lie  to  the  brink  of  the  pit 
of  burning.  Oh  !  that  people  would  but  seriously  consid- 
er that  which  is  shewed  and  told  them  in  the  love  of  the 
Lord.  Oh !  that  it  might  be  laid  to  heart.  However, 
whether  they  will  hear,  or  forbear,  God  will  be  clear,  and 
his  servants  also  will  be  clear.  But  if  we  not  only  hear, 
but  also  obey,  that  peace,  which  passeth  the  understand- 
ing of  men  (that  our  Lord  giveth  to  his  followers)  will 
be  our  portion,  and  the  lot  of  our  inheritance  forever : 
but  this  is  on  condition  of  our  obedience,  and  keeping 
the  commands  of  God  ;  "  If  ye  love  me,  keep  my  com- 
mandments," [John  xiv.  15.)  saith  the  Lord.  So,  if 
people  live  in  saying,  and  not  in  doing,  in  professing, 
and  confessing,  yet  still  living  in  pride  and  high-minded- 
ness,  and  in  sin,  it  is  apparent,  they  do  not  love  Christ 
Jesus  (according  to  his  own  words)  neither  doth  he  jus- 
tify them  ;  it  is  only  the  doers  that  he  will  justify. 
The  apostle  John  says,  "  If  a  man  says,  he  loves  God; 
and  yet  hateth  his  brother,  he  is  a  liar."  1  John^  iv.  20. 
and,  by  plain  scripture  testimony,  such  are  not  of  God. 


Moreover,  if  he  says,  he  loves  Christ,  yet  doth  not  his 
sayings,  he  is  also  a  liar,  and  the  trmh  is  not  in  him,  or, 
Christ  is  not  in  him ;  who  said,  "  I  am  the  truth ;"  and 
thus  man  becomes  reprobated  ;  for  Paul,  writing  to  tiie 
brethren,  saith,  "  Examine  yourselves,  whether  you  be 
in  the  faith,  prove  3^our  own  selves  ;  know  ye  not,  your 
Own  selves,  how  that  Jesus  Christ  is  in  you,  except  ye  be 
reprobates  ?"  2  Cor.  xiii.  5.  Which  in-dwelling  of 
Christ  is  a  great  mystery  to  many;  aitiiough  Christ  with- 
in (which  the  apostles  preached)  was  the  hope  of  the 
saints'  glory.  Col.  i.  27.  And,  Oh!  how  earnest  was 
Christ  in  prayer  to  his  Father,  that  his  followers  may  be 
one  in  him,  and  that  they  may  be  iniited  together  in  one. 
John  xvii.  Such  was  the  love  of  Christ  to  his  church ; 
now,  what  remains  on  the  church's  part,  since  Christ 
has  done  his  part,  surely  it  is,  that  we  love  him  again ; 
for,  saith  John,  "  He  that  loveth  not,  knoweth  not  God ; 
for  God  is  love."  1  Jo/in^  iv.  8.  They  that  dwell  in  en- 
mity, are  not  the  children  of  God,  but  the  children  of  sa- 
tan,  who  always  hated  the  appearance  of  Christ,  the  light 
©f  the  world ;  and  yet  stirreth  up  those  that  are  led  by 
his  dark  spirit,  to  war  against  him,  and  his  seed,  in  his 
«&hildren;   who  said,  "  I  am  the  light  of  the  world." 

But  indeed  it  is  as  Christ  hath  said,  "  Men  love  dark- 
ness rather  than  light  j"  and  how  strange  is  it,  seeing 
the  one  is  so  glorious,  and  the  other  so  miserable  r 
But  the  reason  is,  as  Christ  hath  showed,  "  because 
their  deeds  are  evil."  John  iii.  19.  That  is  indeed  the 
very  cause  ;  for  if  their  deeds  were  good,  they  would 
love  the  light,  which  is  Christ  Jesus,  the  Lord  of  life 
and  glory  ;  and  bring  their  deeds  to  him,  that  he  might 
judge  them  ;  who  will  give  righteous  judgment  to  every 
man  according  to  his  works.  Joh?!  v.  29.  The  righteous 
will  have  their  portion  in  the  resurrection  of  life,  joy, 
and  peace,  in  the  Holy  Ghost ;  but  the  wicked  in  the 
resurrection  of  damnation.  Oh !  that  I  miy-ht  be  in- 
strumental  in  the  hand  of  the  Lord,  to  open  the  eyes  of 
some  that  are  spiritually  blind,  that  they  might  see  the 
splendour,  the  beauty,  and  the  great  gloiy  of  the  dear 
Son  of  God,  that  mcrst  excellent  light  which  God  hath 

K  r 

600  god's  great  love  to  mankind, 

prepared,  according  to  good  old  Simeon's  testimony  of 
him.  "  Thou  hast  (says  he)  prepared  him  a  hght  to  en-* 
lighten  the  gentiles,  and  to  be  the  glory  of  thy  people 
Israel."  J.uke  iii.  32.  A  glorious  light  indeed  !  Truly, 
methinks  every  body  should  be  in  love  w  ith  him.  For 
my  part,  he  is  my  chiefest  joy.  I  would  not  part  with 
him  for  all  the  j)omp  and  vain  glory  of  the  world ;  nei-  would  I  have  the  shining  beams,  and  glorious  rays, 
(which  comfort  me  for  well  doing,  and  reprove  me  for, 
and  discover,  the  contrary)  clouded  from  my  sight  and 
understanding,  for  the  finest  gold,  or  choicest  rubies- 
Such  is  my  love  to  Christ,  the  bridegroom  of  souls  ;  but, 
by  the  way,  it  hath  cost  me  man}'  a  tear,  and  many  groan- 
ings  in  my  spirit,  before  I  came  thus  to  enjoy  Christ,  who 
is  the  beloved  of  all  the  redeemed.  Oh  !  may  I  never  give 
him  cause  to  withdraw  himself  from  dwelling  in  me.  Oh! 
the  universal  love  of  Christ :  it  is  everlasting  to  them 
that  are  open-hearted  unto  him,  and  to  all  that  will  hear 
his  voice,  so  as  to  obey  it ;  for,  says  he,  "  I  stand  at 
the  door  and  knock,"  (that  is  the  door  of  the  heart  of 
man)  *'  if  any  man  hear  my  voice,  and  open  the  door, 
I  will  come  in  to  him,  and  will  sup  with  him,  and  he 
with  me."  Bev.  iii.  20.  And  John  says,  "  And  we  have 
known  and  believed  the  love  that  God  hath  to  us:  God 
is  love,  and  he  that  dwelleth  in  love,  dwelleth  in  God,  and 
God  in  him."  1  John  iv.  16.  A  heavenly  habitation, 
and  glorious  dwelling-place  !  Who  would  but  endeav- 
our to  dwell  in  love,  and  forsake  enmity,  that  they  might 
attain  unto  such  eternal  happiness,  as  to  have  their  abode 
with  the  Lord. 

This  fulfiUeth  the  words  of  Christ.  "  For  he  dwell- 
eth M'ith  you,  and  shall  be  in  you."  Jo/m  xiv.  17.  How 
Was  he  to  be  in  them  ?  A  comforter  for  well-doing, 
that  they  might  have  the  hope  of  glory,  and  a  reprover 
for  sin,  self-righteousness,  and  wrong  judgment.  In- 
deed it  was  the  great  love  of  God  in  thus  sending  his 
beloved  Son,  a  light  into  this  dark  world,  to  shew  peo- 
ple their  evil  deeds,  and  to  condemn  sin  in  the  flesh  :  for 
he  is  the  sinfid  world's  condemnation,  as  well  as  a  sav- 
iour and  jusTifitT  of  the  righteous  and  holy  believer. 
The  Jews  of  old  hated  liim,  and  many  of  them  did  in- 


tend  to  darken  his  bright  and  shining  light ;  but  some 
of  the  Jews  believed  on  him,  and,  after  they  came  truly 
to  believe  on  his  name,  spread  his  gospel  of  truth  and 
glad  tidings  amongst  the  children  of  men,  and  also  suf- 
fered for  his  name's  sake.  It  is  also  said,  "  He  came 
unto  his  own,  and  his  own  received  hnn  not;  but  as 
many  as  received  him,  to  them  gave  he  power  to  be- 
come the  sons  of  God,  even  to  them  that  believe  on  his 
name."  John  i.  11,  12.  But  what  say  such  to  him  as 
account  themselves  spiritual  Jews  (seeing  the  apostle 
tells  us,  "  He  is  not  a  Jew  that  is  one  outwardlv^" 
Rom.  ii.  28.)  I  mean  those  that  call  themselves  by  his 
name  ;  why  many  of  them  trample  upon  his  light  and 
appearance,  and  despise  the  spirit  of  his  grace,  which  is 
a  swift  witness  against  evil,  and  lets  men  see  what  is 
good,  and  what  is  bad,  comforts  for  the  one,  and  brings 
judgment  and  condemnation  for  the  other.  I  can  truly 
say,  I  would  with  my  whole  heart,  that  God  did  dwell 
a  comforter  in  all  (or  Christ,  or  the  Holy  Ghost,  or 
Holy  Spirit,  which  are  all  one)  but  this  can  never  be, 
while  sin  remains  and  has  an  evil  root  in  mankind.  "  An 
evil  tree  cannot  bring  forth  good  fruit."  By  this  we 
may  know  christians  from  anti-christians,  and  lovers  of 
Christ  from  them  that  love  him  not :  if  we  love  him  we 
become  subjects  to  him,  subject  to  do  his  will.  Oh  !  it 
is  a  brave  station  to  be  subjects  of  the  King  of  heaven, 
and  if  we  love  him  unfeignedly,  with  all  our  might  and 
mind,  and  our  neighbours  (or  them  that  are  already  his 
subjects)  as  ourselves,  and  with  the  sword  of  the  spirit 
valiantly  encounter  with  the  devil  and  satan  ;  Oh  !  then 
shall  we  be  his  subjects,  and  he  will  receive  us  into  his 
warfare,  and  through  him  we  shall  be  victorious,  for  the 
Lamb  and  his  followers  will  have  the  victory.  I  would 
press  people  in  love  into  this  warfare,  having  commis- 
sion from  my  master  and  Lord  (I  mean  spiritual)  by 
shewing  them  what  anxiety  of  soul,  and  distress  of  mind, 
they  will  procure  to  themselves,  by  living  in  enmity  to 
the  Lord  and  his  saints.  Oh!  my  soul,  1  charge  thee, 
with  all  those  that  have  any  regard  to  the  holy  Jesus, 
obey  the  commands  of  the  Lord,  and  love  his  followers. 

308  *od's  great  love  to  mankikd, 

or  thy  neighbour  as  thyself.     Let  his  universal   spirit   of 
love  to  all  dwell  in  thee,   Oh  !  my  soul  ! 

I  would  have  all  to  cast  do'.vn  that  which  they  glory 
in  (that  is  not  right  in  his  sight)  at  his  footstool,  and  do 
like  the  poor  penitent  woman,  that  lay  and  wept  at  his 
feet.  Luke  vii.  38.  She  thought  all  little  enough  to  get 
into  hib  favour.  Christ  himself  also  was  meek  and  low- 
ly ;  "  Learn  of  me,"  said  he.  Mat.  xi.  29.  All  power 
in  heaven  and  earth  was  given  unto  him  ;  "  Take  me 
(said  he)  for  an  example  ;"  when  he  washed  his  servants 
feet.  Oh !  he  was  meek  and  lowly  indeed,  and  seeing 
his  love  was  so  great  to  them,  and  is  also  to  us,  let  us  love 
him  again,  not  with  feigned  love,  but  with  love  that  may 
manifest  us  to  be  his  followers  ;  and  in  this  love  let  us 
love  one  another  ;  for  this  intent  our  Lord  issued  forth 
his  ro}  al  command,  which  is  this,  "  A  r  :w  commandment 
give  I  unto  you,  that  ye  love  one  another  as  I  have  loved 
you,  that  ye  also  love  one  another-:  by  this  shall  all  men 
know  that  ye  are  my  disciples,  if  ye  have  love  for  one 
another."  John  xiii.  34,  c>b.  Christ's  love  was  unfeign- 
ed to  his  disciples,  nay,  to  all  the  world  in  general :  for 
what  greater  love  ciui  there  le,  than  for  a  man  to  lay 
down  his  life  for  his  friend  ;  and  he  not  only  laid  do\jii 
his  life  for  his  friends,  but  for  his  enemies  also.  Rom.  v. 
10.  So  that  his  love  was  great  and  unfeigned  :  we  ought 
■with  the  same  love  to  love  him  again,  since  that  he  loved 
us  fnst ;  and  this  cannot  be  without  obedience  to  his 
commands.  Thus  undoubtedly  we  si^ould,  with  true 
love,  love  him,  and  one  another:  this  love  is  exceedingly 
precious  ;  it  thinks  no  evil,  and  we  may  be  sure  will  not 
do  any  willingly  or  kno^vingl}'.  If  a  man  seeth  his 
neighbour  or  brother  in  that  which  is  not  right,  he  pray- 
eth  to  the  Lord  to  help  him,  and  tenderly  admonisheth 
him;  yea,  if  having  this  love,  he  woundeth,  his  wounds 
are  faithful,  for  "  Faithful  are  the  wounds  of  a  friend." 
Prov.  XXV.  6.  He  that  is  thus  endued  with  love,  is  not 
hindered  from  reproving  his  brother,  but  if  there  be  a 
cause,  it  rather  stirs  him  up  to  be  faithful  therein,  with- 
out respect  of  persons.  Oli  !  the  love  that  is  raised  in 
them  that  love  the  Lord  above  all,  it  is  great  to  the  sons 


and  daughters  of  men  ;  it  doth  wonderful  things ;  it  is 
valiant  for  God ;  it  overcomes  its  enemies :  it  is  not 
overcome  with  evil,  but  it  often  overcomes  evil  with 
good  :  it  smiteth  sin  in  the  gate  (that  is,  in  its  first  ap- 
pearance)  before  it  be  entered  into  man,  so  as  to  subject 
him  thereunto  ;  it  gets  victory  over  the  devil ;  for  he 
cannot  stand  before  God's  love.  I  would  to  God  that 
people  did  but  know  the  virtue  of  love  to  Christ,  and  one 
another  in  him,  it  would  cause  them,  for  the  enjoyment 
thereof,  to  forsake  all  manner  of  enmity  one  against  an- 
other, and  all  things  else,  how  near  or  dear  soever ;  yea, 
though  they  were  as  a  right  hand  or  a  right  eye,  they 
would  be  forsaken  for  its  sake,  and  for  the  sake  of  him 
that  first  loved  us  :  and  then  we  should  strive,  through 
the  ability  of  his  grace  (even  the  grace  or  spirit  which  he 
told  Paul  was  sufficient  for  him)  to  love  him  again,  and 
our  neighbour  as  ourself ;  but  this  cursed  self  is  loved 
loo  much,  and  our  neighbour  too  little. 

Paul,  the  apostle  of  Christ,  did  not,  after  his  conver- 
sion, hate  his  neighbour,  nor  was  he  in  enmity  with 
them  ;  indeed,  when  he  was  Saul,  he  did  oppress  and  in- 
jure his  nearest  neighbours  and  chiefest  friends  ;  for  that 
blind  zeal  was  part  of  that  body  of  sin  and  death  that  was 
upon  him,  and  from  which,  by  the  help  of  Christ's  grace, 
he  was  delivered,  and  came  to  love  his  enemies,  and  for 
their  good  hazarded  his  life  ;  and,  for  his  love  to  Christ, 
laid  it  down,  as  many  holy  martyrs  have  done  since  his 
time.  Surely  they  had  not  much  regard  for  self,  then  ! 
Though  it  is  a  common  expression  now-a-days,  *  Every 
one  for  himself,  and  God  for  us  all:'  but  if  every  one 
were  for  his  neighbour,  or  his  brother,  as  much  as  for 
himself,  God  would  be  the  more  for  us  all.  But  this 
self-love  is,  in  the  sight  of  the  Lord,  an  abomination, 
and  the  great,  eternal  God  abhors  it :  therefore  were  the 
first  and  second  commandments  given  forth. 

If  all  people  would  obey  these  two  commandments,  the 
whole  law  and  the  prophets,  yea,  and  the  gospel  too, 
would  be  all  obeyed. 

But  this  self  is  a  great  enemy  unto  mankind,  and  doth 
very  much  hinder  his  eternal  happiness ;  it  shutteth  the 

310  GOD  8    GREAT    LOVE    TO    MANKIND, 

ear  from  hearing  the  cause  of  the  widow  and  fatherless, 
or  of  the  needy,  and  drowns  the  cry  of  the  oppressed  ;  to 
which  we  ought  not  only  to  lend  an  ear,  but  also  to  ad- 
minister relief  according  to  their  necessity,  and  our  abil- 
ity. But  mankind  is  too  apt  to  despise  the  base  or  low 
things  of  the  world,  and  to  join  with  that  which  is  pleas- 
ant to  the  eye,  and  agreeable  to  the  lust  of  the  heart  ;  (like 
Dives,  the  rich  glutton  of  old,  who  loved  self  better  than 
poor  Lazarus)  but  do  not  consider  that  which  is  lasting, 
and  would  do  them  good  for  ever.  How  shall  I  express  the 
excellent  glory  and  eternal  sweetness  of  this  love  to  the 
Lord  and  our  neighbour  ?  Oh  !  how  is  my  soul  grieved, 
and  how  doth  my  spirit  mourn  before  the  Lord,  when  I 
see  any  walk  contrary  to  the  commands  of  Christ,  or  that 
are  in  enmity  to  the  truth,  and  in  hatred  one  to  another, 
even  from  my  tender  years,  ever  since  God  Almighty 
opened  my  understanding,  and  made  known  to  me  him 
that  is  true  :  and  my  cry  hath  been  many  times  to  him,  to 
keep  and  preserve  me  in  his  true  love  and  fear,  to  the  end 
of  my  days  ;  in  love  both  to  him  and  the  brethren  :  but 
more  especially  to  those  that  do  his  will,  (although  there 
is  universal  love  in  my  heart  toali).  Christ  said,  "  For 
whosoever  shall  do  the  will  of  my  Father  which  is  in 
heaven,  the  same  is  my  brother,  and  sister,  and  mother." 
Mat.  xii.  50.  Therefore,  my  love  is  more  singly  unto 
those.  The  apostle  also  thus  writes  concerning  love  to 
the  brethren  :  '*  We  (says  he)  know  that  we  have  passed 
from  death  unto  life."  (How  d  d  .hey  know  it  ?)  "  Be- 
cause we  love  the  brethren  ;  he  h  t  loveth  not  his  broth- 
er, abideth  in  death."  1  John  iii.  14.  Are  they  tl>en  in 
death  that  are  in  enmity  with  the  brethren  ?  Assuredly 
they  are,  for  this  enmity  is  sin  ;  "  And  the  wages  of  sin 
is  death."  JRom,  vi.  23.  and  those  that  are  therein,  are 
dead  while  they  live.  I  wish,  and  heartily  pray  to  the 
God  and  Father  of  spirits,  that  from  the  snares  of  death 
his  people  may  forever  be  preserved. 

Now  I  would  shew  people  some  of  the  many  snares  of 
death  and  satan. 

1st.  Some  people  are  too  apt  to  judge  one  another,  and 
to  speak  evil  of  things  they  know  not,  except  by  report 


and  supposition,  which  too  often  lets  in  enmity,  and  is 
not  according  to  the  mind  of  Christ,  but  is  a  snare  of  the 
enemy  of  man's  salvation.  Surely  if  people  were  sensi- 
ble thereof,  they  would  not  so  hardly  censure  one  anoth- 
er ;  for  indeed  we  ought  to  be  well  satisfied  before  we 
give  judgment,  and  then  it  ought  to  be  in  love,  and  not  in 
eimiity.  It  is  better  to  suffer,  than  to  censure,  or  to  be 
judged,  than  to  judge.  "  Judge  not,  that  ye  be  not 
judged/'  Mat.  vii.  1.  said  the  Judge  of  heaven  and 
earth.  But  people  are  too  much  possessed  with  unchar- 
itablenebs  and  revenge  one  towards  another,  and  are  not 
so  ready  to  forgive  one  another  their  trespasses,  as  the 
Almighty  is  to  forgive  them  :  though  to  forgive  one  an- 
other their  trespasses  be  every  christian's  duty,  and  with- 
out which  we  cannot  justly  expect  God  to  forgive  us  our 
trespasses,  as  Christ  taught.  Mat.  vi.  14,  15. 

2d.  Persecution  for  righteousness  sake,  also  is  another 
great  branch  of  that  corrupt  tree,  which  never  did,  and 
never  will  bring  forth  good  fruit,  but  must  be  cut  down 
by  the  ax  of  God's  power,  which  is  laid  to  the  root  of 
every  corrupt  tree,  in  order  to  cut  it  down  ;  and  the  Lord 
will  burn  it  with  unquenchable  fire.  It  is  the  true 
church's  lot  to  be  persecuted,  but  she  never  persecutes 
any  :  for  he  that  is  her  high  priest  for  ever,  commanded 
quite  the  contrary,  viz.  Love  to  enemies,  and  to  do 
good  to  them  that  hated  them,  to  pray  for  them  that  de- 
spitefuUy  used  and  persecuted  them.  Mat.  v.  44.  They 
were  also  to  rejoice,  and  to  be  exceeding  glad  when  all 
manner  of  evil  was  spoken  falsely  against  them  for 
Christ's  sake  ;  because  great  should  be  their  reward  in 
heaven  ;  and  Christ  observes,  that  so  they  persecuted  the 
prophets.    Mat.  v.  11,  12. 

3d.  Many  are  rebelling  against  God,  and  doing  de- 
spite to  the  spirit  of  grace  in  their  own  hearts,  and  tres- 
passing one  against  another,  not  living  in  love,  but  in  en- 
mity against  God  and  one  another.  The  judgment  of 
man  is  terrible  to  the  rebellious,  how  much  more  if  men 
rebel  against  God,  our  Saviour,  will  his  judgment  be  just 
and  dreadful,  as  he  hath  not  only  power  to  kill  the  body, 
but  can  afterwards  cast  the  soul  into  hell  ?  Oh  !  that  the 

,312-  god's  great  love  to  mankind, 

sons  and  daughters  of  men,  would  but  fear  to  offend  him, 
the  King  of  eternal  glory.  Israel  of  old,  his  own  peculiar 
people,  did  fear  and  tremble  before  him  ;  even  all  their 
host,  his  presence  was  so  dreadful.  Exod.  xix.  18.  And 
a  noble  king  made  a  decree,  that  men  should  fear  and 
tremble  before  the  living  God.     Dan.  vi.  26. 

Oh  !  that  all  would  work  out  their  salvation  with  fear 
and  trembling,  according  to  scripture  testimony.  P/iiL 
ii.  12.  I  desire  all  people  might  thus  love  the  Lord, 
then  should  we  fear  exceedingly  to  offend  him ;  also  if  one 
man  did  truly  love  another  very  well,  were  the  case  thy 
own,  thou  wouldst  very  unwillin8:ly  offend  him  whom 
thou  lovest  dearly.  So  if  we  love  Christ  in  deed,  and  in 
truth,  then  we  should  fear  to  offend  him,  and  must  of  ne- 
cessity love  one  another  also  :  so  shall  we  fulfil  the  great 
commands,  that  the  whole  law  and  the  prophets  hang  on^ 

4th.  I  have  also  many  times  been  grieved,  when  I 
have  heard  cursing  and  swearing,  and  the  Lord's  name 
taken  in  vain,  which  many  too  much  abound  in  (by  sea 
and  land)  and  too  little  consider  that  God  will  not  hold 
them  guiltless.  Exod.  xx.  7.  I  am  sure  this  is  far  from 
obeying  him.  Oh  !  the  deep  sense  of  this  great  sin,  it 
hath  been,  and  is  of  great  moment,  and  is  a  great  concern 
on  my  mind  :  vengeance  from  heaven  is,  and  will  be  the 
portion  of  all  such,  that  thus  violate  the  mind  and  will  of 
God.  Judgment,  judgment  is  the  lot  and  inheritance  of 
all  the  wicked,  who  remain  and  live  in  wickedness.  Al- 
though the  Lord  is  slow  to  anger,  and  of  great  loving 
kindness,  and  his  mercy  endureth  forever,  to  them  that 
truly  repent  of  evil,  and  do  that  which  is  good  :  yet  he 
has  also  prepared  weeping,  wailing,  and  gnashing  of 
teeth,  for  them  that  continually  live  in  sin.  There  is  a 
possibility  of  sinning,  until  there  is  no  mercy  nor  grace 
for  man:  witness  the  words  of  God  ;  "  My  spirit  shall  not 
always  strive  with  man,  for  that  he  also  is  flesh."  Gen. 
vi.  3.  But  those  that  are  willing  to  put  the  day  of  God 
afar  off,  are  ready  to  say,  Christ  is-  our  advocate  with  the 
Father  ;  he  maketh  intercession  for  our  sins;  (very  well) 
but  it  is  conditionally  :  it  is  if  thou  wilt  repent  and  sin 
no  more.     (Mark  that  well !)  repentance  without  sinning 


no  more,  will  not  do.  Jo/m  viii.  11.  Confession  is  very- 
good,  but  forsaking  is  abundance  better :  confe.-.sion 
without  forsaking  will  stand  in  little  stead  in  the  day  of 

5th.  Also  being  drunk  with  wine,  or  with  strong 
drink  ;  drunkenness  is  a  great  sin  :  first  against  God, 
and,  secondly,  the  abuse  of  God's  mercies,  and  good 
creatures.  And  by  this  frame  of  drunkenness,  men  are 
often  fitted  for  any  business  their  master  the  devil  m  ly 
call  them  to :  so  that  this  great  sin  ought  to  be  strictly 
watched  against.  Surely  if  men  had  any  good  desires  in 
their  hearts,  or  any  love  to  God,  they  would  refrain  from 
such  great  wickedness.  I  admire  how  people  can  expect 
mercy  from  God,  or  the  intercession  of  Christ,  when 
they  are  piercing  his  sides,  and  putting  him  to  Oj)en 
shame  :  for  those  that  are  sinning  against  him,  are  pierc- 
ing of  him.  How  can  such  expect  he  will  interceed  for 
them,  when  they  have  dealt  so  shamefully  with  him,  and 
grieved  him,  and  from  time  to  time  disobeyed  his  voice? 
Now  suppose  a  man  stood  condemned  before  a  judge, 
and  that  at  the  judge's  right  hand  there  sat  one  who  had 
.power  in  his  hand,  and  this  poor  condemned  person, 
hopes  he  will  interceed  for  him;  and  yet  this  poor  wretch 
has  done  to  him  as  before  mentioned.  What  grounds 
can  he  have  to  hope  for  intercession,  clemency,  or  len- 
ity, while  he  believes  he  can  do  no  otherwise  than  sin 
against  him  all  his  days?  For  my  part,  I  think  his 
faith,  hope,  and  belief,  are  but  vain;  without  any  reason 
or  ground.  But  he  that  loveth  Christ  Jesus,  the  lord  of 
life  and  glory,  so  as  to  keep  his  commandments,  the 
Lord  will  love  him,  and  interceed  for  him,  and  make 
himself  known  unto  him  ;  according  to  his  words  whi  ;h 
he  spake,  "  He  that  hath  my  commandments,  and  keeps 
them,  he  it  is  that  loveth  me,  and  he  that  loveth  me, 
shall  be  loved  of  my  father;  and  I  will  love  him,  and 
manifest  myself  unto  him."  John  xvi.  21. 

6th.  Covetousness,  which  is  idolatry,  is  also  another 
great  snare  of  the  enemy,  and  many  are  caught  therein. 
It  is  in  vain  for  the  covetous  to  say,  he  hath  a  share  in 
the  love  of  God;  for  he  hath  neither  love  to  the  Lord,  nor 

5  S 

.514  c;od's  love  to  mankind, 

to  his  neighbour.  A  poor  naked  man  mis^lit  ask  him  long 
enough  lor  relief,  or  for  his  coat,  before  he  would  give 
him  his  hand  to  help,  or  coat  eitlier  ;  or  any  manner  of 
relief:  although  Christ  expressly  eonimandcxl  it,  "  Give 
to  him  that  asketh,  and  from  him  that  would  borrow  turn 
not  thou  away."  Mat.  v.  42.  How  can  any  be  so  hard 
liearted,  as  to  see  his  bi  other's  or  his  neighbour's  poverty, 
and  not  administer  of  his  ability  to  the  needful's  necessi- 
ty ?  but  says  the  covetous  or  miserable  man,  I  have  chil- 
dren, or  a  family  to  take  care  of:  but  too  often  covctous- 
ness  brings  a  curse,  and  not  a  blessing,  upon  family  and 
children  also.  Perhaps  one  that  is  covetous  may  say, 
that  charity  begins  at  home.  But  let  him  remember, 
that  if  it  doth  begin  there,  the  consequence  most  com- 
monly is  very  bad,  when  it  ends  there.  Every  christian 
hath  need  to  have  charity  (in  his  breast)  in  a  twofold 
sense,  or  else  there  is  no  proper  pretence  to  christianit}' ; 
in  short,  covetousness  is  out  of  the  love  either  to  God  or 
man  :  all  those  (with  abundance  more,  that  I  shall  for- 
bear to  mention)  are  eminent  snares  of  the  devil;  and 
satan  layeth  them  according  to  the  propensity  of  man  or 
woman,  and  suits  them  with  their  nature.  Oh  !  I  will 
warrant  thee,  he  m  ill  colour  them  finely,  and  put  a  pleas- 
ant gloss  upon  them,  to  betray  thy  soul,  and  keep  it  in 
bondage  forever. 

7th.  It  is  he  that  tells  the  murderer,  that  it  is  better  to 
live  a  merry  life  and  short,  than  to  take  pains  and  care  all 
his  lifetime  ;  and  the  thief  likewise  with  the  robber. 

8th.  It  is  he  also  who  tells  the  whoremongers  and 
drunkards,  that  so  many  people  are  in  these  practices, 
because  it  is  natural  for  people  to  be  so  overcome  :  but 
he  doth  not  tell  them  that  by  nature  all  are  children  of 
wrath,  and  that  without  this  lustful  nature  be  overcome, 
-there  is  no  salvation.  Eph.  ii.  3. 

9th.  It  is  he  that  tells  the  swearers,  they  are  so  used 
to  it,  that  it  is  impossible  for  them  to  leave  it  off.  He 
never  bids  them  repent  and  forsake,  that  they  might 
find  mercy  with  God  and  Christ  that  died  for  them  ;  but 
died  not  that  they  should  live  in  sin. 

lOdi.  It  is  he  that  tells  the  covetous,  it  is  good  to  be 
saving,  and  not  to  spend  all  his  substance   in  gluttony 


iind  pride  ;  no,  he  will  bid  him  hate  pride,  and  that  he 
should  not  give  much  alms,  though  rich  in  this  world ; 
for  the  devil  will  tell  him,  that  it  is  proud  people  does 
it,  only  in  ambition,  and  to  be  seen  of  men  ;  but  he 
will  not  tell  him,  it  is  a  sin  to  be  covetous  :  he  also  tells 
the  proud,  that  they  are  counted  happy,  and  that  pride 
is  counted  good  for  the  promoting  the  commonwealth, 
and  that  it  is  as  good  to  be  out  of  the  world  as  out  of 
the  fashion  ;  he  tells  them,  that  pride  is  neatness,  and 
how  many  pretty  excuses  he  has,  to  keep  people  in  pride, 
is  admirable  ;  he  doth  not  tell  them,  that  Christ  the  Lord 
was  meek  and  lowly,  and  that  they  should  take  him  for 
an  example.  He,  the  Lord,  did  not  come  in  splendour 
and  glory,  outwardly,  but  plain  in  speech,  and  also  in 
apparel,  wearing  a  coat  without  a  seam,  being  clothed 
and  adorned  with  the  robes  of  righteousness  and  love. 
This  is  my  beloved  !  may  he  be  thine  also,  gentle  reader. 
Oh !  how  lovely  is  he  !  he  is  the  chiefest  of  tens  of  thou- 
sands. I  entreat  you,  Oh  !  ye  children  of  men,  both 
sons  and  daughters  !  do  not  offend  Christ,  by  disobey- 
ing of  him,  the  bridegroom  of  the  righteous ;  but,  1 
beseech  you,  in  his  sweet  and  tender  love,  if  you  have 
offended  him,  by  sinning  against  him,  Oh!  for  the  Lord's 
sake,  and  your  own  soul's  sake,  do  so  no  more  ;  but 
unfeignedly  repent;  and  then,  in  his  due  time  (when  he 
hath  tried  )ou,  and  found  you  faithful)  he  will  embrace 
you  with  the  sweet  embraces  of  his  love,  which  is  better 
than  wine,  and  fiw  excels  the  love  of  women. 

Now  if  the  poor  creature  did  but  love  the  Lord  its 
maker,  above  all,  and  its  fellow  creature  as  itself,  the 
enemy  of  mankind  would  be  overcome,  and  we  made 
more  than  conquerors,  through  him  that  loved  us,  even 
Christ  Jesus,  our  Lord;  and  man  and  woman  would  see  all 
these  (abovesaid)  evil  things  to  be  abominable,  and  per- 
haps many  more  which  I  have  not  mentioned,  insomuch 
that  self  would  be  abhorred  as  in  dust  and  ashes,  and 
the  Lord  would  be  loved,  and  glorified,  above  all,  for 
which  end  he  created  mankind  :  but,  certain  it  is,  that 
this  end  cannot  be  answered,  nor  the  Lord  so  loved, 

316  god's  great  love  to  mankind,  he. 

without  sin  be  forsaken,  and  hated ;   for  the  devil  is  the^ 
author  of  sin,  and  Christ  of  righteousness. 

"  I  (says  Christ)  am  tiie  way,  the  truth,  and  the  life." 
John  XIV.  6.  And  again,  "  1  am  the  liglit  of  the  world." 
John  viii.  12.  Oh  !  saith  my  soul,  in  abundance  of  love 
and  good  will,  unto  the  sons  and  daughters  of  men,  that 
they  would  but  walk  in  the  way  of  truth,  and  the  true 
light  of  the  world  ;  then  they  would  see  clearly  the  snares 
of  satan  ;  which  that  every  one,  even  male  and  female, 
(especially  those  that  profess  Christianity)  might  do,  and 
escape  the  same,  is  the  very  desire  of  my  soul  •  even  so 
prayeth  him,  that  through  the  spirit  of  Jesus  Christ,  and 
ability  of  his  grace,  labours  for  the  salvation  of  man- 



»  OF 


IN    THE  YEAR    1699. 

Blessed  is  the  man  that  walketh  not  in  the  counsel  of  the  ungodly,  noi- 
standeth  in  the  way  of  sinners,  nor  sitteth  iu  the  seat  of  the  scornful  ,- 
but  his  deUght  is  in  the  law  of  the  Lord,  and  in  his  law  doth  he  med- 
itate day  and  night. 

PSALM    i.    1,   2. 

Lay  up  for  yourselves  treasure  in  heaven. 

MAT.  vi.  20. 

1.  It  is  good  for  man,  whose  breath  is  in  his  nostrils,  to 
tliink  upon  his  Maker,  as  much  as  in  him  lieth,  both 
night  and  day  ; 

2.  Who  is  the  fountain  of  all  men's  happiness,  and  the 
ocean  of  their  bliss  ;  not  only  in  this  world,  but  in  that 
which  is  to  come  ;  even  to  all  eternity. 

3.  How  sweet  is  that  meditation,  that  is  on  the  sover- 
eign Lord  of  heaven,  and  on  the  Prince  of  everlasting 

4.  No  earthly  thing  is  to  be  compared  with  it ;  all  the 
glory,  all  the  pomp,  and  vanity,  of  this  fading,  transitory 
w  orld,  is  not  comparable  with  it ;  divine  and  inward  con- 
templation upon  God,  is  no  less  than  heaven  upon  earth 
to  the  soul. 

5.  This  mine  eye  hath  seen  ;  for  which  I  humbly  bow 
before  the  great  Lord  of  all  ;  whose  goodness  to  man 
cannot  fully  be  set  forth,  neither  by  the  most  excellent 
orator,  nor  with  a  ready  writer's  pen. 

6.  God  delighteth  in  those  that  are  intent  in  looking 
unto  him  ;  and  it  is  man's  duty  to  look  to  him,  over  all 
visible  things. 


7.  How  profitable,  and  greatly  advantageous,  it  is  to 
the  soul,  to  be  inward  with  God.  Oh  !  it  is  altogether 

8.  The  unspeakable  treasures  of  life,  and  of  wisdom, 
are  to  be  found  in  inward  meditation,  and  holy  contem- 
plation on  God. 

9.  When  a  man,  in  this  sort,  is  delighting  himself 
with  his  Maker,  and  advising  with  him,  he  can  want  no 
good  thing.  In  the  days  of  old,  God  was,  now  is,  and 
ever  will  be,  found  by  man,  in  this  inward  concern  of  the 

10.  A  man  in  this  state,  will  always  curb  high  thoughts 
of  self,  as  being  in  the  presence  of  the  Almighty  ;  for 
then  he  is  truly  sensible  of  his  presence  ;  who  is  it  that 
will  vaunt,  or  carry  himself  lofty,  when  God  is  present, 
and  he  considers  it. 

11.  Indeed  the  presence  of  the  Almighty  is  every 
where,  but  many  have  lost  the  sense  thereof,  for  Avant  of 
inward  thoughts  on  God,  and  studious  contemplation  on 
the  King  of  heaven,  whose  sovereignty  is  sweet  over  the 
works  of  his  hands  ; 

12.  He  is  full  of  grace,  and  full  of  truth,  full  of  mercy, 
and  full  of  justice  :  his  law  is  light,  and  his  commands 
are  as  burning  lamps  ;  in  a  Avord,  he  is  full  of  heavenly 
majesty,  and  divine  power,  so  that  no  characters  can  set 
forth  the  fulness  of  God. 

13.  Oh!  that  man  were  rightly  sensible  of  these  diings, 
it  would  cause  him,  with  an  humble  heart,  to  implore  the 
majesty  of  heaven  for  his  favour,  and  petition  him  for  the 
aid  and  assistance  of  his  grace,  to  do  his  holy  and  heav- 
enly will. 

14.  Man  would  then  see  his  own  M-eakness  and  pov- 
erty, and  how  unable  he  is  to  do,  or  work,  any  good 
thing  of  himself,  without  the  help  of  the  Holy  Spirit : 

15.  Which  gift  God,  through  Christ,  giveth  to  that 
soul  which  is  inward  in  its  thoughts  upon  God  ;  Avhosc 
wisdom  and  power  is  past  finding  out,  unless  in  this  frame 
of  mind  the  Lord  reveals  it. 

16.  But  worldly  thoughts,  and  vain  cogitations,  hin- 
der the  mind  from  being  with  God,  the  fountain  of  all 


17.  Evil  works,  or  words,  also  stupify  the  mind,  and 
deaden  the  most  noble  part  of  man,  so  that  slavish  fear, 
instead  of  that  fear  which  is  mixed  with  true  love  and 
honour,  is  begotten  in  the  heart. 

18.  All  things  of  any  evil  tendency  entertained  in  the 
soul,  are  an  obstruction  to  its  duty  to  God. 

19.  Who  would  not  lay  up  treasure  in  heaven,  that 
the  heart  might  also  be  there  ?  And  what  treasure  like 
that  in  heaven,  or  what  place  so  fit  to  lay  it  in  as  that 

20.  If  a  man  did  but,  with  considerate  thoughts,  weigh 
in  his  mind  tlie  shortness  and  uncertainty  of  time  in  this 
life,  and  the  boundless  ocean  of  eterntiy  ;  with  a  life 
of  bliss  and  glory,  or  else  of  wo  and  misery,  that  will 
never  end ; 

21.  Without  his  heart  be  harder  than  a  flinty  rock,  it 
would  lead  him  into  tenderness,  serious  thoughts  on  the 
name  of  God,  and  into  humiliation. 

22.  Christ  Jesus,  the  anointed  of  God,  was  found 
greatly  in  humiliation ;  even  he  who  said,  *'  Learn  of 
me,  and  follow  me,  who  am  meek,  and  low  in  heart." 
God  calls  for  humility  of  all  men.  He  beholds  the  proud, 
and  scornful  afar  off. 

23.  Every  proud  and  exalted  thought  God  will  bring 
to  judgment,  and  likewise  such  words  and  actions. 

24.  And,  indeed,  the  thing  acted,  or  done,  must  first 
be  conceived,  or  thought,  before  it  be  brought  forth ; 
for  "  out  of  the  abundance  of  the  heart  the  mouth  speak- 
eth,"  and  the  man  acteth. 

25.  Therefore,  to  have  the  thoughts  of  the  heart  on 
God,  and  to  contemplate  on  heaven  and  heavenly  things, 
is  truly  excellent. 

26.  And  although  this  incumbent  duty  of  man  is  so 
averse  to  him,  in  his  natural  state  ;  yet  it  is  most  easy, 
sweet,  and  pleasant,  to  the  soul,  when  the  mind  is  bent 
after,  and  set  on  heavenly  things. 

27.  And  that  which  is  still  more  admirable  is,  that 
God  is  the  alone  comfort,  joy,  helper,  leader  and  con- 
ductor of  such  a  soul. 


28.  But,  Oh !  the  thoughts  of  man  are  too  much  tak- 
en up  with  earthly  and  perishing  things,  being  content 
with  the  shadow  or  shell  of  divine  contemplation,  righ- 
teousness, and  true  religion  :  so  that  too  few  are  earnestly 
seeking  the  substance  thereof. 

29.  That  the  noble  creature  man,  whom  God  hath 
made  but  a  little  lower  than  the  angels,  and  given  him 
power  over  those  creatures  that  are  more  ignoble  than 
himself,  should  so  degenerate  from  his  Maker,  as  to  fix 
his  thoughts  on  terrestrial  things,  is  admirable  to  heaven 
born  souls,  whose  God  .is  the  Lord. 

30.  Which  way  can  the  soul  look  or  turn  itself,  but 
that  it  must  needs  see  the  glory  of  the  God  of  heaven, 
unless  the  god  of  this  world  hath  blinded  the  eye  of  the 

31.  Look  upwards,  and  we  may  behold  the  brightness 
of  liis  glory  in  the  firmament,  and  the  workmanship  of 
his  hands  in  the  sun,  moon,  and  stars. 

32.  Or  if  we  look  on  the  earth,  or  in  the  sea,  we  may 
see  his  great  wonders  ;  and  if,  in  sincerity,  we  behold 
the  heavenly  works  of  his  hands,  with  an  eye  of  faith, 
Oh  !  how  can  it  do  any  less  but  draw  deep  considerations 
of  the  omnipotence  of  God. 

33.  Thus  beholding  the  works  of  God,  and  looking 
on  his  works  of  old,  and  the  noble  acts  which  he  hath 
done  in  former  times,  will  raise  holy  desires  to  be  with 
him,  and  to  be  in  his  presence,  when  time  to  us  in  this 
world,  shall  be  no  more. 

34.  It  will  also  beget  a  loving  fear  of  the  Lord  in  the 
soul,  lest  that  should  offend  him. 

35.  Such  a  soul  will  be  inwardly  concerned  before  the 
Lord,  and  will  seek  him  with  unwearied  travel  of  spirit. 

36.  After  this  manner  will  that  soul  cry  to  God,  in 
the  spirit  of  prayer  and  supplication,  that  is  travelling  to- 
wards the  city,  whose  builder  and  maker  is  God. 

37.  Lord,  I  am  poor,  do  thou  make  me  rich ;  I 
am  needy.  Oh !  strengthen  me,  even  me,  Oh !  my 
heavenly  father !  for  1  am  the  least  of  many :  Oh !  my 
Siiviour,  have  mercy  upon  me  I 


38.  Thou  seest  my  weakness,  and  knowest  my  wants» 
and  how  unable  I  am,   of  myself,  to  do  thy  will;   give" 
me  grace,  or  else  I  die  ;   save  me  by  the  power,  and  by 
the  spirit  of  thy  Son,  or  else  I  perish  forever. 

39.  Lord,  I  believe  ;  my  faith  is  in  thee,  and  in  the 
power  of  thine  anointed,  help  mine  unbelief,  for  Jesus' 
sake,  I  humbly  pray  thee,  Oil !  thou  great  Creator  of 
of  the  children  of  men  ! 

40.  0 1 !  great,  eternal  God,  thou  knowest  my  se- 
cret desires,  and  the  private  devotion  of  my  heart. 

41.  My  sighing  and  tears  are  after  thee,  Oh !  thou 
beloved  of  my  soul ! 

42.  All  the  profit  and  pleasure  that  is  in  this  world  is 
nothing,  and  less  than  nothing,  in  comparison  of  thee, 
and  the  enjoyment  of  thy  presence.  Oh !  thou  Lord  of 
life  and  glory. 

43.  Thou  great  Creator  of  all  things,  from  whom  all 
have  their  being,  send  forth  the  spirit  of  thy  Son  into  my 
heart,  whereby,  with  acceptance,  I  may  cry,  "  Abba, 

44.  Oh  !  Holy  Father,  let  me  feel  thy  power,  that  I 
may  be  able  to  make  war  in  thy  righteousness,  against 
the  enemy  of  my  poor  soul. 

45.  Great,  eternal  God,  give  me  wisdom  to  walk  up* 
rightly  before  thee,  and  before  the  children  of  men  :  Oh! 
that  my  soul  may  seek  after  it  forever! 

46.  With  which.  Oh  !  Lord,  fill  my  earthen  vessel, 
for  Jesus'  sake,  that  I  may  be  gentle,  and  easy  to  be  en- 
treated to  do  thy  will,  so  that  I  may  never  rebel  against 

47.  Lord,  do  not  tarry  long  from  me  ;  for  if  thou  hid- 
est  thy  face,  I  am  troubled ;  or  when  the  curtain  is  drawn 
between  me  and  my  Maker,  then  my  spirit  within  me 

48.  Therefore,  Oh!  Lord,  arise,  and  the  thoughts  that 
are  at  enmity  with  thee,  shall  be  scattered  from  my  soul : 

49.  Then  shall  my  soul  be  a  fit  receptacle  for  thee, 
and  a  temple  thou  mayest  delight  to  dwell  in,  Oh  !  living 

T  t 


50  And,  Holy  Father,  as  thou  hast  begotten  those- 
thoufjhts  and  desires  in  my  soul,  so  do  for  many  more  of 
the  sons  and  daughters  of  men. 

51.  Such  a  soul,  whose  thoughts  and  meditations  are 
on  this  wise,  Almighty  God  never  did  and  never  will,  re- 
ject, or  cast  off. 

52.  Heaven  and  earth  may  pass  away,  but  the  mercy 
and  goodness  of  the  Lord  God  of  heaven  and  earth  will 
not  pass  away  from  those  that  are  thus  inwardly  exercis- 
ed before  him. 

53.  The  holy  men  of  God,  and  the  faithful  in  ages 
past,  bore  testimony  to  these  truths. 

54.  And  tliere  is  that  of  God,  in  the  souls  of  the  faith- 
ful, that  can  say  amen  to  the  same. 

55.  "  I  will  never  leave  thee,  nor  forsake  thee,"  saith 
the  Almighty,  to  and  concerning  those  who  love  him  tru- 


56.  "  Fear  not,  worm  Jacob,  for  I  will  be  with  thee, 
saith  the  Lord,  if  thou  goest  through  the  fire,  it  shall  not 
kindle  upon  thee  ;  and  if  thou  goest  through  the  water, 
it  shall  not  overwhelm  thee." 





JBeing  part  of  a  letter  from  Thomas  Chalkley  to  a  friend 

in  Dublin, 

Let  the  young  man  and  maiden  diligently  read  the  holy 
scriptures ;  and  whenever  they  come  to  a  passage  that 
affects  them,  let  them  not  only  turn  down  that  leaf,  but 
let  them  be  sure  that  it  hath  place  in  their  hearts  :  and 
when  they  read  of  a  good  man  or  woman,  then  let  them 
earnestly  pray,  and  fervently  cry  to  the  Lord,  the  great 
God,  and  holy  Father  of  our  dear  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and 
God  of  all  the  righteous  in  all  ages,  that  he  would  please 
to  make  them  like  to  those  his  dear  children  and  ser- 
vants. Oh  !  that  all  young  people  might  not  forget  this 
great  command  of  God,  "  Honour  thy  parents,  that  thy 
days  may  be  long  upon  the  land  which  the  Lord  thy  God 
giveth  thee."  How  many  stubborn  youths  hath  the 
Lord  cut  off  in  their  prime,  and  in  the  flower  of  their 
days  ;  and  on  the  other  hand,  how  hath  the  great  Al- 
mighty blessed,  prospered,  preserved,  and  honoured 
those  that  have  been  obedient  to  their  parents,  and  hon- 
oured their  parents  and  elders  ?  And  let  the  young  men 
and  maidens  note  this,  that  none  truly  honour  their  pa- 
rents and  elders,  but  those  who  are  pious  and  virtuous  ; 
such  were  Joseph,  Samuel,  David,  and  Solomon  ;  as  also 
King  Josiah,  who  began  to  reign  at  eight  years  old. 
God  Almighty  gives  many  a  good  sense  of  his  grace  at 
that  age,  and  thereabouts;    he  ordaineth  praise  maoy 

3.24  AN    EXHORTATION    TO    YOUTH. 

times  out  of  the  mouths  of  babes  and  sucklings.  Let 
the  youth  endeavour  to  follow  those  good  and  great  men  ; 
and  for  their  instruction,  I  shall  give  a  touch  of  the  above 
five  worthies. 

First,  in  particular,  beginning  with  Joseph.  His  father 
sent  him  to  his  brethren  ;  he  went  willingly,  though  his 
brethren  hated  him  ;  and  when  it  was  in  his  power  to 
hurt  them,  he  rendered  tliem  good  for  their  evil ;  a  good 
example  for  both  }  oung  and  old.  And  when  tempted  to 
sin  by  his  mistress  in  Eg}'pt,  he  said,  "  How  can  I  da 
this  great  wickedness,  and  sin  against  God  ?"  who  high- 
ly favoured  him  for  his  piety,  virtue,  and  chastity. 

Secondly ,  Samuel,  for  M^hom  his  mother  prayed  ear- 
nestly to  the  Lord  ;  and  when  he  had  given  him  to  her, 
she  gave  him  to  God  again :  a  good  pattern  for  all 
mothers.  When  he  was  but  a  little  lad,  the  Almighty- 
called  him,  and  he  thought  it  had  been  Eli ;  up  he  gets, 
and  said,  "  Thou  calledst  me  ?"  "  No  (said  the  old  man) 
I  did  not  call  thee  ;  lie  down  again."  He  did  not  grum- 
ble, as  many  of  our  youth  do  :  the  Lord  called  again ; 
he  willingly  runs  to  Eli ;  he  did  not  love  his  bed  so  much 
as  obedience,  and  said,  "  Thou  didst  call  me."  Eli  ob- 
serving that  God  had  spoke  to  the  child,  said  to  him, 
when  he  calleth  again,  say,  "  Speak,  Lord,  for  thy  servant 
heareth."  Let  old  ones  mind  this,  and  encourage  their 
youth  to  answer  the  call  of  God  betimes  :  so  God  calls 
again,  and  he  answers :  "  Speak,  Lord,  for  thy  servant 
heareth."  The  Lord,  by  his  grace,  calls  to  little  ones, 
many  times  in  the  midst  of  their  play,  and  sometimcB 
in  their  beds.  Oh  !  that  our  youth  may  do  and  say  as 
little  Samuel ;  that  they  may  grow  as  he  did,  and  be  in 
favour  both  with  God  and  man. 

Thirdly,  David,  his  father's  youngest  son,  kept  his 
sheep,  and  in  that  innocent  employ  the  Lord  was  with 
him,  to  admiration.  His  father  sent  him  to  his  brethen;. 
but  Eliab,  his  eldest  brother,  frowned  upon  him,  and 
reviled  him.  He  only  made  this  soft  reply  ;  "  Is  there 
not  a  cause  ?"  He  overcame  the  great  Philistine,  in  the 
name  of  the  God  of  Israel ;  and  God  highly  exalted  him 
for  his  uprightness,  sincerity,  and  piety,  which  was  very 


great ;  for  notwithstanding  Saul  would  have  killed  him  ; 
yet  when  David  had  him  in  his  power,  he  spared  him, 
insomuch  that  Saul  wept,  and  said,  "  If  a  man  find  his 
enemy,  will  he  let  him  go  ?"  And  there  was  loving 
greeting  between  them:  so  he  overcame  the  evil  of 
Saul's  heart,  by  the  good  that  was  in  his ;  according  to 
those  holy  expressions  of  the  apostle  Paul,  "  Be  not 
overcome  with  evil,  but  overcome  evil  with  good."  Rom, 
xii.  21.  Words  worthy  to  be  writ  in  letters  of  gold, 
and  more  worthy  to  be  observed  and  practised. 

Fourthly,  Solomon,  who  asked  of  God  wisdom,  be- 
ing in  his  own  eyes  but  as  a  little  child,  said  unto  the 
Lord,  "  Give  unto  thy  servant  an  understanding  heart:" 
which  request  God  granted  him,  and  gave  him  also 
riches  and  honour.  Oh  !  see  the  benefit  of  pleasing 
God,  young  men  and  young  women. 

Fifthly,  Josiah,  a  young  prince  and  king.  How  zeal- 
ous was  he  for  God's  service  and  worship!  What  a 
wonderful  reformation  he  made  in  the  land,  and  how 
was  he  lamented  at  his  death,  as  generally  all  good  zeal- 
eus  men  and  women  are,  either  old  or  young. 

Having  touched  a  little  of  the  young  men,  let  me  just 
a  little  remember  the  yoimg  women  also :  as  for  exam- 
ple>  Ruth  and  Abigail,  two  discreet  young  women ;  the 
first  very  loving,  kind,  and  true  to  Naomi,  her  mother- 
in-law  :  a  good  pattern  for  all  daughters-in-law ;  "  En- 
treat me  not,"  said  she,  "  to  leave  thee  ;  for  where  thou 
goest,  I  will  go  ;  and  where  thou  lodgest,  I  will  lodge ; 
and  where  thou  diest,  there  will  I  be  buried  ;  thy  peo- 
ple shall  be  my  people,  and  thy  God  my  God." 
The  Lord  abundantly  rewarded  her  for  this  godly  reso- 
lution. Boaz  had  a  sense  of  her  virtue  and  piety,  and 
said,  "  All  the  city  of  my  people  do  know,  that  thou  art 
a  virtuous  woman."  Which  doubtless  was  a  strong 
motive  for  him  to  love  her ;  and  that  love  commonly 
lasts  till  death :  whereas  when  money  is  a  motive,  it  of- 
ten happens  that  ri(iany  evils  attend. 

Also  wise  Abigail,  her  ingenious  speech  to  David,  and 
contrivance  to  hinder  him  from  shedding  blood  ;  which 
he  was  cpming  to  do,  (thinking  he  had  cause)  but  pre- 


vented  by  her  wisdom  :  which,  to  be  sure,  was  a  great 
motive  to  him  to  love  her,  after  Nabal's  death,  and  to 
take  her  to  wife.  She  was  no  proud  woman  ;  "  For, 
(said  she)  let  thy  handmaid  serve  to  wash  the  feet  of  the 
servants  of  my  Lord."  Much  might  be  said,  but  I  de- 
sign brevity. 

As  there  are  many  good  examples  in  holy  scripture, 
whereby  young  ptople  might  be  stirred  up  to  virtue  ;  so 
also  there  are  examples  of  the  judgments  of  God  on 
disobedient,  impious,  vain  and  ungodly  men  and  women, 
even  }oui  g  and  old.  Oh  !  let  our  youth  consider,  I  be- 
seech them,  wicked,  disobedient  Absalom,  and  poor  Di- 
nah :  also  the  prince  and  the  Moabitish  damsel,  whom 
zealous  Phineas  slew  ;  for  God  was  angry,  and  is  angry 
with  the  wicked  every  day. 

The  before  mentioned  good  men  and  women  were  in 
the  time  of  the  law ;  and  let  me  add  to  them,  the  holy 
pattern  and  good  example  of  our  great  Lord  and  blessed 
master,  who  ''  Loved  righteousness,  and  hated  wicked- 
ness, therefore  he  was  highly  exalted,  and  anointed  with 
the  oil  of  gladness  above  his  fellows  :  he  had  the  heathen 
given  him  for  his  inheritance,  and  the  utmost  parts  of  the 
earth  for  his  possession  :  and,  what  is  more,  all  power  in 
heaven  and  earth." 

Oh  !  dear  young  men  and  maidens !  he  is  our  great 
pattern,  whom  we  are  (and  ought)  to  take  for  our  exam- 
ple ;  walking  in  all  humility  and  reverence  :  "  He  (saith 
Christ)  that  will  be  my  disciple  (that  is,  his  scholar)  must 
take  up  his  cross,  deny  himself,  and  follow  me."  Oh  1 
blessed  pattern  !  Oh  !  glorious  example  !  let  us  follow 
him  whilst  we  have  breath  in  this  world  ;  it  was  alwa}'s 
well  for  them  that  followed  him.  What  think  ye.  Oh  ! 
young  men  and  maidens !  had  it  not  been  well  for  that 
rich  young  man,  that  he  had  left  all,  and  followed  dear 
Jesus:  be  ye  your  own  judges;  look  on  your  pattern 
(i.  e.  Christ  Jesus)  when  he  was  but  twelve  years  old  ; 
see  what  he  was  doing  ;  forget  not  that  saying  which  his 
mother  laid  up  in  her  heart,  "  Wist  ye  not  that  I  must 
be  about  my  Father's  business?"  Oh!  dear  youths!  it 
is  good  business,  I  can  say  so  through  some  good  expe-^, 

AN    EXHORTATION    TO    YOUTH.  327" 

rience  ;  let  me  tell  you  for  your  edification,  I  have  served 
my  master,  holy  Jesus,  and  followed  him  several  years 
according  to  the  best  of  my  understanding,  and  I  have 
always  found  him  a  good  master ;  his  service  is  sweet, 
and  his  work  is  delightful.  I  have  a  great  deal  more  to 
say  for  my  Lord  and  master,  but  my  design  is  brevity  : 
*'  His  yoke  is  easy,  and  his  burthen  is  light."  He  hath 
said  it,  and  I  have  experienced  it.  Wherefore  I  am  the 
more  free  to  invite  you  to  follow  him,  and  be  his  schol- 
ars. An  eminent  servant  and  scholar  of  his  said,  "  Be 
ye  followers  of  me,  even  as  I  also  arfi  of  Christ."  The 
apostle  Paul  exhorts  Timothy,  a  young  scholar,  and  his 
son,  in  the  faith,  to  be  a  good  example  to  others  ;  as  also 
his  son  Titus.  We  are  also  told  of  four  young  women, 
who  were  prophetesses,  and  divers  others  ;  a  more  par- 
ticular account  of  whose  exemplary  lives  and  actions  are 
recorded  in  the  holy  scripture  for  our  learning  ;  unto 
which,  with  the  grace  of  God  in  the  heart,  I  recommend 
all  young  men  and  women,  and  conclude  these  small 
tokens  of  my  very  dear  love  in  Christ,  our  holy  Lord 
and  master,  desiring  the  above  may  be  as  so  many  pat- 
terns for  them  to  follow. 









Seek  ye  tlie  Lord  while  he  may  be  found,  and  call  ye  upon  him  while 
he  is  near. 

ISAIAH   Iv.  6u 

U  U 


HAVING  from  my  childhood  been  a  lover  of  the  Dutch^ 
and  that  love  being  increased  by  travelling  in  Holland 
and  Germany^  it  came  weightily  on  my  mind  to  invite 
and  persuade  this  people^  (with  others  into  whose  hands 
this  may  come^  and  especially  the  youth  J  "  7o  love,  serve 
and  fear  the  Lord,  the  Almighty^  the  great  Jehovah,  ami 
that  they  first  seek  the  kingdom  of  God,  and  his  righteous- 
ness.'" as  Christ  exhorts  or  co?nmands.  Mat.  vi.  Zo. 
Those  ponderous  and  extraordinary  expressions,  with  the 
large  promise  thereto  annexed,  are  well  worth  the  due 
notice,  and  weighty  consideration  of  all,  both  youth  and 
aged;  but  seem  to  be  very  apt  to  the  state  and  conditio?! 
of  those  that  are  Just  entering  into  the  business  a?id  affairs 
of  the  world.  Oh  I  that  the  youth  had  but  faith  in  the 
blessed  Lord  Jesus,  and  owned  his  pure  doctrifie,  now  in 
their  tender  years  ;  and  in  the  prime  of  their  days,  "  That 
they  would  remember  their  Creator  in  the  days  of  their 
youth,  before  the  evil  days  come.''''  Eccl.  xii.  1.  Oh  ! 
that  in  their  blossoming  and  blooming  spring  time,  they 
might  be  like  to  lovely  branches,  and  groiving  trees^  of 
righteousness,  bearing  much  fruit,  much  good  fruit  of  piety 
and  virtue:  "  In  which  fsaith  our  holy  Lord  Jesus 
Christ  J  is  your  heavenly  Father  glorified.''''  This  is  the 
real  and  hearty  desire  of  my  souL  for  the  youth  of  this  and 
all  generations,  male  and  female ,  yea,  both  young  and  old, 
in  all  nations  throughout  the  world :  the  universal  love  of 
God fiows  and  overfiows  in  my  soul,  like  a  living  stream, 
at  this  time,  as  also  at  many  others,  to  all  my  fellow  mor- 
tals. Oh !  the  great  love  of  God  in  Christ  Jesus,  our 
great,  holy,  and  good  Father,  Lord,  and  Master,  is  won- 
derful to  mortals  !  whose  divine  love  is  abundantly ,  and 
also  universally,  shed  abroad  to  all  nations,  through  hiK 

332  Preface  to  the  READEKt 

eternal  spirit  arid  grace  in  the  hearts  of  the  sons  and 
daughters  oj'men^  in  order  to  draWy  lead^  and  guide  men 
and  "womenfrom  earth  to  heaven. 

Thus  being  desirous  f  according  to  my  measure  J  to  pro- 
mote truth  and  righteousness  in  the  earth  ;  also  being  sen- 
sible of  the  love  mercy  and  goodness  of  God,  in  my  very 
young  and  tender  years  ;  I  am  -willing,  for  the  sake  of  well 
inclined  young  men  and  women,  to  send  forth  into  the  world 
this  loving  invitation  :  and  am  desirous,  for  the  love  I  bear 
to  the  people  of  the  Dutch  nation,  tfiat  this  might  be  trans- 
lated into  the  Dutch  language  ;  hoping  it  may  be  beneficial 
to  some  well  inclined  souls,  in  order  to  stir  them  up  to  seeky 
serve,  and  love  Almighty  God.     Amen, 

So  wisheth,  and  heartily  prayeth,  a  friend  to,  and  lover 
fffall  mankind, 








It  is  a  thing  truly  excellent  for  mortals  to  love,  serve, 
and  fear  him  that  made  them,  and  gave  unto  all  life  and 
being :  and  to  begin  this  work  betimes,  is  very  advan- 
tageous to  the  never  dying  soul.  It  is  also  an  indispen- 
sable duty,  which  is  incumbent  upon  every  one,  male  and 
female  ;  and  whoever  is  found  in  neglect  thereof,  will 
certainly  have  cause  dearly  to  repent  it ;  and  unless  they 
do  repent  before  they  go  hence,  and  see  man  no  more,  will 
be  miserable  to  all  eternity.  Which  solid  consideration, 
hath  often  been  weighty  on  my  mind,  and  I  could  not  be 
clear  (as  1  thought)  in  the  sight  of  God,  without  laying  it 
before  men  and  women. 

Now,  that  we  may  so  do,  consider,  truth  commands 
us,  reason  persuades  us,  and  example  is  very  powerful 
and  inviting.  Oh  !  that  the  children  of  men  would  be 
tvise  to  salvation,  and  embrace  the  love  of  God  in  his 
dear  and  well  beloved  Son,  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  who 
himself  said,  "  I  am  the  way,  the  truth,  and  the  life." 
Oh !  surely  here  is  a  threefold  cord,  (i.  e.  truth,  reason, 
and  example),  which  is  not  easily  broken  :  God  Al- 
mighty grant  (for  Christ's  sake)  that  by  it  some  poor 
souls  might  be  drawn  to  him,  even  now  in  their  tender 
years :  to  day,  to  day,  if  any  will  hear  the  voice  of  the 
Lord,  Oh  !  let  them  not  harden  their  hearts  ,  for  that  is 
provoking  to  him  that  made  us.  How  know  we  whether 
he,  who  made  the  heavens,  will  be  pleased  to  give  us  an-' 

334  A    LOVING    INVITATION    TO    YOUNG    AND    OLD. 

Other  hour  ?  How  know  we,  but  that  after  this  day  wc 
may  never  open  our  eyes,  till  we  open  them  in  eternity  ? 
Oh  !  eternity,  eternity,  that  boundless  ocean  !  who  can 
fathom  those  words,  for  ever  and  ever?  What  will  this 
world,  and  all  its  glories  and  vanities  signify,  or  avail  to 
poor  souls,  when  rolling  from  side  to  side  on  a  dying 

It  will  therefore  be  well  for  both  old  and  young  to 
note  this  : 

1st.  The  old,  because  it  is  not  likely  they  should  have 
many  days,  according  to  the  course  of  nature,  and  a 
common  proverb,  i.  e.  The  young  (may  live,  and  they) 
may  die,  but  the  old  must  die. 

2d.  The  young,  because  they  know  not  but  that  they 
may  die  to-morrow. 

In  the  great  and  notable  day  of  the  Most  High,  Oh  ! 
then,  then,  heavenly  things  will  be  found  serious  and  solid 
truths,  and  not  toys  and  trifles,  nor  indifferent  things ; 
when  he  shall  come  as  in  flames  of  fire,  to  render  ven- 
geance (which  is  only  his)  upon  all  the  workers  of  in- 
iquity, and  shall  come  to  judge  the  secrets  of  men's  hearts 
by  that  great  man  and  just  judc^e,  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ.. 

Wherefore,  let  me  prevail  with  some  poor  souls,  now 
in  time,  to  lay  the  truth  to  heart,  and  to  be  found  in  the 
work  of  God  in  their  day  :  that  so  for  their  pains  here, 
they  may  receive  their  penny  hereafter  ;  and  that  enliven- 
ing, that  quickening  answer  of  well  doing,  may  be  their 
portion,  and  the  lot  (the  glorious  lot)  of  their  inheritance  : 
*'  Come,  ye  blessed  ;  well  done,  good  and  faithful  ser- 
vant :  enter  thou  into  the  joy  of  thy  Lord."  Oh  !  pow- 
erful voice,  and  heart  ravishing  sentence  !  enough  to 
make  one  alive,  though  dead  ;  and  exceedingly  jo}  ful, 
though  sorrowful  even  to  death.  Oh  !  this  divine  fa- 
vour and  grace,  wherewith  the  Most  High  will  favour 
those  that  love  him,  and  faithfully  serve  him,  in  this  his 
great  and  notable  day,  will  far  exceed  the  favour  of 
kings  and  prhices  :  for  those  that  get  the  latter,  can  only 
be  happy  (or  so  accounted)  in  this  world,  which  is  but 
momentary  ;  and  those  who  are  living  and  sensible  wit- 
nesses of  the  former,   are  certainly  happy,  even  in  this 

A    LOVING    INVITATION    TO    YOUNG    ANH    OLD.  335 

world,  (although  men  may  not  see  it)  and  likewise  ever- 
lastingly happy  in  that  world  which  is  to  come.     To  be 
sensible  of  God's  grace  in  the  heart,  and   to  follow  the 
hoiv  teaching  of  it,  is  preferable   to  all  things  here  be- 
low, it  will  make  one  more  wise  and  more  comely,  than 
all  outward  learning,    beauty,  or  parts  whatever.     God 
Ahnighty  grant,  I  beseech  him,  that  all  our  young  men, 
our  rich  men,  our  wise  men,  may  only  glory  in  him,  ac- 
cording to  the  language  of  the  spirit  in  the  holy  scrip- 
tures, "  Let  not  the  young  or  strong  man  glory  in  his 
j'outh  or  strength,  nor  the  rich  man  in  his  riches,  nor  the 
wise  man  in  his  wisdom ;  but  he  who  glories,  let  him 
glv)ry  in  the  Lord ;"  or  in  this,   "  That  he  knows  the 
Lord."     Let  the  wits  of  the  age  consider  this  well ;  let 
the  boaster  and  disputer  rightly  note  this,  and  he  will  have 
cause  to  bow  before  heaven's  Majesty  :  what  becomes 
of  the  young  man's  and  young   woman's  strength,  and 
lovely    beauty,  when   their  heads  are  laid   in  the  cold 
grave  ?  What  will  become  of,  or  of  what  service  will  the 
riches  of  the  rich  man  be  to  him,  when  he  shall  receive 
his  summons  to  his  long  home  ?  May  he  not  then  say, 
Oh !  that  I  had  been  as  industrious  to  get  heaven,  and 
peace  with  my  Maker,  as  I  have  been  to  get  this  world. 
Let  all  worldly  minded  men  and  women  remember  the 
wonderful  expostulation  of  Christ  Jesus  with   the  rich 
young  man.     This  is  not  to  hinder  any  in  their  outward 
concerns :  for  the  heart  of  a  man   may  be  in  heaven, 
though  his  hands  may  be  in  his  employment. 

And  as  to  the  wise  man  :  pray  what  will  become  of  his 
great  wit,  his  acquired  parts,  his  nice  and  far  fetched  ar- 
guments and  criticisms,  when  pale  faced  death  shall  look 
him  in  the  face,  and  strike  him  with  his  sharp  aiTows  ? 
Then  he  will  find,  that  it  had  been  much  better  for  him, 
that  he  had  lived  well,  although  he  had  not  talked  so 
much,  or  so  well :  to  talk  well,  is  good  ;  but  to  live  well 
is  much  better.  To  talk  finely,  and  live  badly,  is  of 
little  worth.  Oh!  that  the  great  Master  workman  of  all, 
may  drive  home  this  nail,  in  the  heart  of  him  whose  eye 
shall  look  thereon,  by  his  mighty  hammer,  the  hammer 
of  his  word,  his  heart  breaking,  heart  melting,  and  heart 

336  A    LOVING    TKVTTATTOW    TO    YOUNO    AND    0L». 

piercing  word  ;  according  to  the  doctrine  of  the  Holy- 
Spirit  in  the  holy  scriptures,  "  Is  not  my  word  as  a  fire  f 
Is  not  my  word  as  a  hammer  ?  Is  not  my  word  as  a 
sword  ?"  i.  e.  to  burn,  to  break,  to  cut  down  all  m  uiner 
of  sin  :  not  to  destroy  man,  but  sin  in  man.  Hear  far- 
ther the  language  of  the  Holy  Spirit :  *'  Say  not  in  thine 
heart,  who  shall  ascend  up  into  heaven,  to  fetch  it  down 
from  above  ?  Or  who  shall  go  down  into  *hc  deep,  or 
beyond  the  seas,  to  fetch  it  from  thence  ?  But  what  saith 
it?  The  word  is  nigh  thee,  in  thy  heart,  and  in  thy 
mouth,  that  thou  mayest  do  it."  This  was,  and  is,  and 
ever  will  be,  the  doctrine  of  the  gospel :  from  which  peo- 
ple may  perceive,  that  Christ  Jesus  is  near  to  them  ;  near 
to  save,  near  to  deliver,  near  to  redeem.  The  great  Je- 
hovah, the  blessed  Jesus,  the  holy  divine  spirit,  is  not 
only  a  God  afar  off;  but  also  a  God  near  at  hand,  and  a 
present  and  sure  help  in  the  needful  time.  Oh  !  blessed 
be  his  name  for  ever  and  ever. 

Now  I  appeal  to  the  consciences  of  all  men,  whether 
they  have  not,  or  do  not  sensibly  witness,  something  (of 
a  contrary  nature  to  sin  and  unrighteousness)  to  reprove 
them,  and  convince  them  of  the  evil  of  their  ways,  and 
doings,  perhaps  sometimes  in  the  midst  of  their  vanity,  in 
the  song,  in  the  dance,  or  in  the  game;  or  sometimes  after 
a  debauch,  or  for  their  pride,  either  in  mind  or  in  appar- 
el, for  over- reaching,  or  covetousness :  all  which  (with 
all  manner  of  evils)  are  of  the  devil.  And  the  King  of 
heaven  is  lifting  up  his  holy  and  righteous  spirit  as  a 
standard  against  it,  and  against  him  who  is  the  author  of 
it.  Oh  !  let  this  his  convincing  grace  take  place  in  thy 
heart,  Oh  !  mortal  man !  for  know  of  a  truth,  it  is  the 
grace  of  God  to  thy  soul ;  for  infallible  proof  of  which 
(besides  the  experience  of  the  faithful)  take  these  two 
texts  of  Holy  Scripture,  (the  doctrine  of  which  will  stand 
forever,  notwithstanding  all  the  opposition  of  man)  i.  e. 
*'  I  will  pray  to  the  Father,  says  Christ,  and  he  will  send 
you  another  comforter,  even  the  spirit  of  truth,  that  he 
may  abide  with  you  forever ;  and  when  he  is  come,  he 
shall  convince  the  world  of  sin."  Again,  "  The  grace  of 
God  which  brings  salvation,  hath  appeared  unto  all  men, 

A    LOVING    INVITATION    TO    YOUNG    AND    OLD.  337 

teaching  us,  that,  denymg  ungodly  and  worldly  lusts, 
we  should  live  soberly,  righteously  and  godly,  in  this 
present  world."  Why  should  the  Almighty  show  to 
lam  the  evil  of  their  ways  ?  Why  does  not  he  let  them 
run  on  in  their  vanities,  without  control  ?  (Oh  !  ye  chil- 
dren of  men  ! )  it  is  his  mere  grace,  and  his  mere  mercy 
to  the  precious,  dear-bought,  and  never-dying  souls  of 
poor  mortal  mankind ;  for  he  would  have  none  to  perish ; 
if  any  perish,  their  destruction  is  of  themselves,  but  their 
help  is  of  the  Lord.  Oh  !  that  people  would  be  entreat- 
ed and  persuaded,  through  loving  invitation,  to  follow 
the  Lord  fully  and  do  his  work  faithfully. 

Now  let  me  return  a  little  to,  and  let  my  pen  drop 
somewhat  concerning  the  three-fold  cord  above-mention- 
ed. I  again  humbly  beg  of  the  Lord,  the  great  God, 
and  Father  of  spirits,  and  of  our  dear  Lord  Jesus,  that 
this  may  be  instrumental,  in  his  hand,  to  draw  some  poor 
seeking,  travelling  soul  from  earth  towards  heaven  ;  the 
which,  if  it  doth,  let  the  praises  alone  be  given  to  God, 
through  his  well  beloved  Son. 

First,  then:  As  to  truth,  I  would  hope  few  in  this 
generation,  who  profess  Christianity,  need  to  say,  what 
is  truth  ?  God  Almighty,  Christ  Jesus,  the  Holy  Spirit, 
is  that  infinite,  divine  truth,  which  will  endure  forever  ; 
and  he  hath  said,  "  Thou  shalt  love  the  Lord  thy  God 
with  all  thy  heart,  with  all  thy  mind  and  strength." 
And  indeed  he  is  an  object  that  is  thereof  richly  worthy  ; 
and  this  is  his  law  which  is  to  endure  forever ;  and  he 
who  doth  and  teacheth  it,  is  to  be  called  great  in  the 
kingdom  of  God ;  and  that  it  might  not  be  forgotten, 
he  wrote  it  in  stony  tables  :  which  law,  Jacob's  seed 
broke  and  transgressed.  Wherefore,  thus  saith  the 
Lord,  who  spoke  it  by  the  prophet,  "  I  will  put  my  law 
in  their  inward  parts,  and  write  it  in  their  hearts  ;"  Oh! 
there  it  is  written  in  large  characters,  very  plain  and  leg- 
ible, and  easy  to  be  read  of  mankind.  And  whereas 
Moses,  the  man  of  God,  was  an  instrument  to  promote 
the  holy  law  outwardly,  written  on  tables  of  stone,  among 
the  children  of  Israel ;  so  Christ  Jesus,  in  this  gospel- 
day,  is  promoting  and  proclaiming  the  power  of  this 



law  inwardly  engraven  in  men's  hearts  by  God's  finger, 
throughout  the  whole  world ;  this  great  law  of  love  (in 
whieh  all  the  law  and  the  prophets  are  contained)  Christ 
not  only  lived  in  it,  and  declared  it  to  jiiortals  ;  but  he 
also  died  in  it,  and  for  it,  and  for  us  also,  and  sealed  his 
holy,  glorious  testimony,  and  doctrine,  with  his  most 
precious  blood  ;  this  is  he,  of  whom  the  voice  from  the 
most  Excellent  Glory,  said,  *'  This  is  my  beloved  Son, 
in  whom  I  am  well  pleased,  hear  ye  him."  This  is  he,  of 
^^ hom  the  foinur  la\\ giver  said,  "  The  Lord  your  God 
shall  raise  up  a  jirophet  from  amongst  your  brethren,  him 
shall  you  hear  in  all  things"  This  is  he  who  said,  "  I 
am  the  way,  the  truth,  and  the  life."  This  is  he  who  said, 
''He  dwelleth  with  you,  and  shall  be  in  you:"  and  again, 
"  I  stand  at  the  door  and  knock,  if  any  man  will  hear  my 
A'oice,  and  open  the  door,  I  will  come  in  unto  him."  Oh! 
methinks  his  love  is  wonderful ;  he  not  only  commands 
obedience,  but  invites  to  it.  Oh  !  who  can  be  so  hard- 
hearted and  so  cruel  to  him,  and  themselves  also,  as  to 
slight  and  refuse  such  heavenly  and  divine  offers  of  infi- 
nite love,  grace,  and  mercy  ?  "  The  spirit  and  the  bride 
say,  come  ;  and  all  that  are  athirst,  may  come,  and  drink 
freely  ;  and  buy  heavenly  milk,  and  rich  wine,  without 
money,  or  any  natural  or  outward  price." 

Secondly,  Touching  reason :  it  is  very  reasonable, 
that  we  should  serve  and  love  God  Almighty,  in  the 
space  of  time  that  we  have  here  in  this  world,  and  work 
the  works  of  piety  and  virtue  ;  for,  and  because,  there  is 
solid  peace  therein  :  here  none  can  make  afraid,  but  the 
soul  is  calm  and  quiet,  as  being  anchored  in  a  safe  har- 
bour. Here  no  law  can  take  hold  of  us.  If  aiiy  should 
imagine,  that  there  are  no  future  rewards  or  punishments, 
which  no  mortal  can  do  without  blushing,  or  self-con- 
demnation, as  I  conceive  :  yet  a  life  of  holiness  is  a  much 
better  life,  even  for  the  body,  for  its  health,  and  most 
sweet  repose,  and  pleasure  that  is  solid,  and  not  flashy; 
and  its  outward  tranquility  in  every  respect:  I  appeal  to 
the  reasoning  \\  its  of  the  age,  whether  the  above  be  not  a 
great  and  undeniable  truth :  besides,  all  true  men  and 
women,  in  practising  as  above,  have  a  living  hope  and 


faith,  through  and  in  Christ,  of  a  glorious  rest  to  eterni- 
ty, which  is  very  reasonable  to  believe,  since  undeniably 
Christ  wrought  such  wonderful  works  and  mighty  mir- 
acles, which  before  were  never  wrought  by  man  on 
earth  :  so  that  those  must  needs  be  self-condemned  too, 
that  believe  not  in  him,  his  works  and  grace.  There  is 
no  writ  nor  wit  in  the  whole  world,  that  did,  can,  or 
ever  will  be  able  to  make  void,  or  lay  waste  the  great, 
mighty,  and  miraculous  works  of  truth,  which  were  done 
by  the  blessed  Jesus.  Moses  was  a  mighty  man  of  God, 
and  highly  favoured,  and  greatly  beloved,  of  him,  and  did 
many  mighty  works  ;  yet  Christ  exceeded  him,  as  also 
did  his  dispensation.  Moses  went  through  the  sea : 
Christ  went  upon  the  sea.  Moses  prayed  for  bread  from 
heaven,  and  it  was  given  in  abundance;  Christ  with  a  fevr 
small  fishes,  and  seven  loaves,  fed  many  thousands  (which 
was  unreasonable  to  expect,  but  from  a  divine  hand.) 
Moses  prayed  for  water  for  the  people  :  Christ  made 
wine,  and  admirable  wine  too,  even  of  water.  Moses 
preached  the  law  and  judgment  to  Israel  only;  but  Christ 
Jesus  preached  grace,  mercy,  peace,  and  truth,  not  only 
to  Israel,  but  also  to  all  the  world,  through  divine  faith 
in  God,  in  and  through  repentance,  and  the  work  of  the 
spirit.  Oh  !  is  not  here  reason  and  truth  pleading  with, 
and  persuading  poor  creatures  to  love,  serve  and  follow, 
(•everence  and  fear,  their  Creator. 

Whether  the  above  matter  be  pleasant  nev/s  to  our 
sprightly  youths,  I  will  not  determine  ;  but  I  am  positive 
that  they  will  find  it  truth  one  day. 

It  is  likely  some  such  doctrine  as  this  might  better 
please  the  sparks  of  the  age,  and  the  jolly  young  men  and 
maidens  up  and  down  in  the  world,  viz.  "  Rejoice,  Oh  ! 
young  man,  and  young  woman,  and  let  thy  heart  cheer 
in  the  days  of  thy  youth  ;  follow  the  lust  of  thy  heart, 
and  the  sight  of  thine  eyes :  but  let  them  remember, 
that  for  all  these  things  God  will  bring  them  to  judg- 
ment:" they  must  surely  come  to  judgment:  they  will 
have  it  inwardly  and  secretly  in  their  hearts,  here  in  this 
world,  (notwithstanding  they  may  endeavour  to  hide  it 
from  men  ;  but  they  cannot  hide  it  from  Heaven,  from 

V)40  A    LOVING    INVITATION    TO    YOUNC    AND    OLD. 

the  all  seeing,  heart  piercing'  eye  of  the  Holy  One  :  "  He 
who  inhabits  eternit}',  whose  dwelling  is  in  the  light ; 
and  whose  eye  goes  through  the  earth,  beholding  the 
good  and  the  evil:")  likewise  they  will  have  condemna- 
tion without  end,  in  the  world  that  is  to  come.  Oh  !  let 
the  youth  and  aged  seriously  consider  of  it. 

And  farther,  let  them  call  to  mind,  the  great  and  heavy 
judgments  that  have  fallen  upon  wicked  and  ungodly 
men,  many  of  which  were  foretold  by  the  messengers  of 
heaven,  and  came  to  pass  according  to  their  sayings,  viz. 
the  flood  of  waters,  which  destroyed  the  old  world  (which 
the  very  Indians  in  America  have  a  notable  idea  of,  hand- 
ed down  to  them  by  the  tradition  of  their  fathers  to  this 
day).  As  also  the  destruction  of  the  land,  and  inhabit- 
ants of  Sodom  and  Gomorrah  ;  and  the  thousands  of 
thousands  that  have  been  destroyed  in  battles  and  fights  ; 
which  will  still  be,  and  continue  to  the  world's  end,  un- 
less people  come  into  the  love  of  God,  which  will  teach 
them  to  love  one  another;  and  into  the  faith  and  doc- 
trine of  the  Prince  of  Peace,  which  is,  "  To  do  unto  all 
men,  as  we  would  have  them  do  unto  us,"  and  to  "  do 
good  for  evil ;"  which  to  be  sure  is  not  to  destroy. 
Likewise  the  destruction  of  Jerusalem,  and  scattering  of 
the  Jews,  the  seed  of  faithful  Abraham  ;  and  divers  dis- 
mal and  terrible  earthquakes,  which  have  happened  in 
these  latter  ages  of  the  world;  some  of  the  dreadful  ruins 
of  which  mine  eyes  have  seen  in  my  travels.  Surely 
there  is  much  reason  to  walk  in  reverence,  and  holy 
fear,  before  the  great  Lord  of  all :  he  who  made  the 
heavens  and  the  earth,  the  seas  and  the  fountains  of  wa- 
ter, and  hath  given  life  and  breath  to  ail  that  move  there- 
in, can  take  it  from  them  at  his  pleasure,  in  the  twinkling; 
of  an  eye. 

Oh  !  happy  is  that  empire,  kingdom,  state,  or  prov- 
ince ;  emperor,  king,  or  governor  ;  family,  or  particular 
person,  whose  inhabitants  live  and  dwell  in  the  holy  fear 
of  God,  and  in  the  self-denying  life  of  Jesus  :  no  greater 
happiness  or  felicity,  than  to  be  one  of  these.  Oh!  let 
my  soul  dwell  here,  and  l:)e  in  unity  and  fellowship  with 
nil  such  forever. 

A    LOVIJIG    inVITATION   TO   YOUNG    AND    OLD.  341 

Now,  as  to  the  third  and  last  part  of  the  abovesaid 
threefold  argument,  viz.  example ;  which,  as  the  prov- 
erb says,  is  above  precept.  Good  example  is  very  taking 
with  many,  and  oft  happens  to  be  very  affecting  to  the 
younger  sort  more  particularly  :  for  they  look  out  much 
at  others,  and  take  great  notice  of  the  words  and  conduct 
of  their  elders  and  superiors.  Good  Jacob  was  a  good 
example  to  his  great  family  :  he  was  a  pious  affectionate 
father,  a  loving  husband,  a  faithful  servant,  and  an  obedi- 
ent son  :  the  history  of  his  life  and  travels  in  holy  scrip, 
ture  is  affecting.  Oh  !  how  he  sought  God  betimes  ! 
how  humble,  how  lowly,  doth  he  behave  himself  in  his 
pilgrimage !  his  father  and  mother  called  him,  and  bid 
him  go ;  he  does  it,  without  any  replies  to  the  contrary  ; 
not  like  some  of  the  youth  of  this  age.  And  on  his  way, 
being  benighted,  he  lays  himself  down,  his  pillow  was  hard, 
but  his  bed  large,  and  the  heavens  were  his  curtains  ;  his 
sleep  was  sweet,  and  his  dreams  precious.  (Oh !  the 
very  thoughts  of  it  affect  me  at  this  time).  In  which 
sleep  he  sees  angels ;  and  when  he  awakes,  he  says, 
"  Surely  this  is  none  other  than  the  house  of  God,  and 
the  gate  of  heaven."  Now  he  makes  the  condition  of 
his  covenant  with  his  Maker,  which  (as  to  outward 
things)  was  as  small  as  well  could  be,  viz.  "  Bread  to 
eat,  and  raiment  to  put  on,  and  the  presence  of  his  Maker, 
with  his  blessing."  This  was  now  when  he  was  about 
to  set  up  for  himself  in  the  world,  his  mind  was  not  high, 
neither  sought  he  after  great  things ;  notwithstanding 
which,  the  Almighty  gave  him  in  abundance.  So  on- 
ward he  went,  and  came  to  Laban,  and  became  his  ser- 
vant. I  could  wish  that  all  young  people,  that  are  ser- 
vants, would  follow  his  steps  in  faithfulness  :  then  might 
they  be  a  blessing  to  their  masters,  as  he  was  to  his.  I 
ever  observed  in  my  travels  (having  travelled  much  in 
divers  nations,  and  made  many  observations)  that  Al- 
mighty God  hath  greatly  blessed  obedient,  industrious 
children  and  servants  ;  which  observation,  1  hope,  will  be 
of  good  use  to  the  world,  if  well  considered.  And  on  the 
other  hand,  I  have  taken  notice  of  the  contrary,  and  have 
perfectly  imdcrstood,  that  God's  hand  hath  been  mani* 

34.2  A.    LOVING    INVITATION    TO    YOUNG    AND    OI.D. 

festly  against  those  that  have  been  disobedient,  and  ill- 
natured,  and  idle  ;  which  may  be  an  useful  caution  to  all. 
Now  the  Lord  blessed  the  good  service,  and  faithful  in- 
dustry, of  this  his  servant  with  great  increase  ;  as  also 
V  ith  many  children,  for  whom  he  was  concerned  as  a 
tender  father,  even  to  the  very  last ;  and  (like  a  pious  and 
godly  father)  prayed  to  the  Lord  for  their  preservation ; 
and  was  zealously  concerned  to  cleanse  his  family  from 
superstition  and  idolatry  ;  and  calls  them  to  go  up  to 
Bethel,  or  the  house  of  God.  Oh  !  that  all  heads  of 
families  would  be  concerned  for  their  posterity,  and  seek 
God,  and  the  things  of  his  kingdom,  for  their  children 
and  servants,  more  than  the  things  of  this  world  ;  there 
being  too  much  care  for  the  one,  and  too  little  for  the 
other,  generally  speaking:  so  that  there  is  need  of  this 
caution.  Now  this  2:ood  man  was  not  onlv  concerned  ' 
for  his  family  in  his  life,  but  even  at  his  death  also :  for 
he,  waiting  for  the  salvation  of  God,  and  being  sensible 
of  it,  very  livingly  and  sensibly  blessed  his  seed,  and  was 
opened  in  faith  to  speak  exactly  to  each  of  their  states 
and  conditions.  I  refer  to  the  history  of  it  in  holy  scrip- 
ture, the  which  I  believe  will  be  affecting  to  pious  minds. 
Oh  !  what  a  race  he  left  behind  1  all  his  twelve  sons  were 
patriarchs,  and  great  fathers  of  many  people,  who  were 
highly  favoured  of  God,  and  had  been  to  this  day,  had 
they  walked  in  the  steps  of  their  fathers,  Abraham,  Isaac, 
and  Jacob  ;  from  whom  came  many  valiant  and  noble 
men,  of  and  for  God  ;  as  Moses,  Joshua,  Samuel,  David, 
Solomon,  Josiah,  Elijah,  and  Elisha  ;  also  the  holy  bless- 
ed Star  and  Sun  of  righteousness.  Holy  Jesus,  whom  the 
degenerate  offspring  of  good  old  Israel  slew,  and  hanged 
on  a  tree :  also  the  holy  apostles,  \vere  great  examples  of 
virtue  :  also  the  blessed  martyrs,  and  many  modern  good 
men,  might  be  brought  in  for  inviting  examples,  to  stir 
up  the  minds  of  men  and  women,  to  serve,  love,  and 
follow  the  Lord,  and  to  believe  in  him,  and  in  his  dear 
Son,  and  in  the  appearance  of  his  grace  vrorking  in 
the  soul,  in  order  to  the  convincing  and  converting  of 
them . 

A    LOVING    INVITATION    TO    YOUNG    AND    OLD.  34>i 

To  be  particular  in  all  the  above  instances,  would 
swell  this  far  beyond  what  is  intended ;  and  considering 
the  many  and  k;rge  volumes  that  are  in  the  world,  though 
a  large  door  opened  before  me,  yet  I  am  now  willing  to 
conclude,  and  recommend  the  work,  with  the  reader,  to 
the  grace  of  God,  in  and  through  his  dear  Son  Christ  Je- 
sus, our  great  example  :  to  whom  with  the  Father, 
through  the  divine  spirit,  be  giory  forever. 


fFritien  at  Frederickstadty  in  Hoist ein. 












Erecly  ye  have  received,  freely  give. 
I  have  coveted  no  man's  silver  or  gold. 
I  have  preached  the  gospel  of  God  freely. 

MAT.  X.   K. 
ACTS  XX.   33. 

2  COR.  xi.  7. 

y  V 



IT  being  a  known  principle  of  the  people  called  qiiak en ^ 
that  the  gospel  of  Jesus  Christ  ought  to  be  preached  free- 
ly by  his  jniftisters  ;  yet,  notwithsta?idmg,  divers  people,  of 
divers  persuasions^  either  for  want  of  charity^  or  other  prej- 
udice, or  wrong  information,  or  all  three,  do  say,  or  be- 
lieve, that  the  quakers''  ministers  or  teachers  are  paid  for 
their  preachmg  ;  I  do  positively  declare  to  the  xvorld,  that 
it  is  an  utter  falsehood  and  scandal  upon  the  said  people  : 
for  we  cannot  in  good  consciejice  make  a  trade  of  our  holy 
calling,  neither  is  the  word  of  God  to  be  bought  or  sold  for 
outward  gain;  witness  the  apostle'' s  answer  to  Simon  Ma- 
gus, Acts  viii.  18.  20.  And  if  ive  cannot  pay  our  own, 
pray  how  can  we  pay  others,  and  be  clear  of  gtiilt,  or 
have  the  answer  of  a  good  conscience,  we  believing  it 
to  be  evil  ?  And  every  body  that  kfioxvs  the  holy  scrip- 
ture, knows  that  what  is  ?iot  of  faith  is  sin  ;  and  yet  our 
adversaries  would  have  us  commit  this  sin;  and  if  we  will 
not  do  it  willingly,  they  will  force  it  from  us  by  the  power 
of  the  magistrates,  although  the  holy  scripture  and  reason 
are  clearly  against  them,  as  is  plainly  manifested  in  the 
ensuing  little  tract. 

And  as  for  my  part,  I  have  travelled  many  thousands 
of  miles,  and  preached  the  gospel  among  the  said  people 
many  years,  as  thousands  of  them  can  witness,  and  never 
received  any  consideration  therefor,  neither  directly  nor 
indirectly  ;  neither  do  I  reckon  they  are  beholden  to  me 
for  so  doing,  for  a  necessity  is  laid  upon  me,  and  wo  is 
me  if  I  preach  not  the  gospel ;  neither  do  I  boast,  for  I 
have  done  but  my  duty,  and  in  that  sense  am  but  an  un- 
profitable servant y  according  as  Christ  taught,  for  all  the 

i>-i7  PREFACE    TO    THE    READEK. 

pj'ojit  is  of  Christ.  And  if  occasion  were,  there  ore  jnany 
other  tninisters  among  the  said  people,  could  bear  the  like 

Oh!  but  (say  the  people  J  your  teachers  are  generally 

JVhy  shoidd  any  begrudge  us  tliat  ivhicJi  rve  have,  since 
the  Almighty  blesseth  our  industry  in  our  honest  trades  and 
callings,  which  other  teacher's,  through  the  like  industry 
and  blessing,  might  obtain,  if  their  dependence  for  a  main- 
tenance were  more  upon  God,  than  the  people. 

Yet  notwithstanding  those  teachers  receive  so  much 
vioney  of  the  people,  and  the  quaker  preachers  none  at  all 
(except  they  are  poor  and  necessitous  J.  they  are  full  of 
complaints:  whereas  there  is  no  complaining  in  all  our 

We  should  stai~ve  (cry  they  J  if  we  had  not  a  laxu  to 

Chrisfs  minister's  of  old,  wJien  he  sent  them  forth,  had 
no  law,  and  yet  they  lacked  nothing ;  is  CJirist  or  tlie  men 
changed  now-a-days  ?  The  men  doubtless  ;  for  now  they 
cry,  more,  more,  more  money.  IjCt  every  true  cliristian 
judge  in  this  matter. 




I  SHALL  first  take  notice  of  his  preface,  to  one  called  a  quaker, 
dn  which  he  saj-s,  "  That  he  thinks  there  is  sufficient  matter  of 
conviction  in  the  texts  and  arguments  improved." 

Answer.  But  every  sincere  soul,  when  they  come  to  see 
the  texts  themselves,  will  have  cause  to  think  to  the  contrary ; 
for  had  they  been  fairly  produced,  they  would  have  saved  the 
labour  of  a  further  reply,  they  being  far  from  countenancing 
any  forced  maintenance  to  Christ's  ministers.  And  as  ior  his 
arguments  improved,  they  smell  so  strong  of  persecution,  that 
I  would  chai'itably  hope  no  sober  christian  or  magistrate,  who 
inclines  to  moderation  (which  ought  to  appear  in  all)  will  take 
any  further  notice  of  them,  than  to  pity  his  ignorance. 

Yet  notwithstanding  his  mighty  arguments  and  great  im- 
provements, he  gives  them  this  blow,  "  He  has  but  little  hopes 
of  his  being  convinced,  (to  whom  he  writes)  because  of  the 
efficacy  of  error  and  delusion,  &;c." 

He  would  have  more  reason  to  have  written  so,  if  he  had  first 
proved  error  and  delusion  upon  him.  And  truly,  he  would 
have  been  greatly  deluded,  if  he  had  believed  that  great  un- 
truth, that  forcing  a  maintenance  for  a  gospel  minister  was 
warrantable  from  the  holy  scriptures  ;  if  he  be  sober,  and  in 
his  wits,  one  would  believe  that  he  cannot  (when  he  seriously 
considers  of  it)  but  be  convinced  that  he  is  mistaken. 

And  as  for  his  pravers,  the  scripture  says,  "  We  know  that 
God  heareth  not  sinners  :"  and  that  he  is  a  sinner,  is  plain,  in 
wresting  and  perverting  the  scripture,  as  he  has  done,  and  as 
I  shall  show  through  the  help  of  Christ,  mv  Lord  and  Saviour. 





FOR  '• 


Now,    let  us    observe    what  he  says  to  the  matter  in 

1st.  As  to  the  laws  of  New-England,  he  says,  "  The 
laws  of  this  province  require  that  the  inhabitants  of  each 
town  shall  take  due  care  to  be  constantly  provided  with 
a  gospel  minister :  and  that  each  minister  shall  be  suf- 
ficiently supported  and  maintained  by  the  inhabitants  of 
the  town. 

"  That  all  rateable  estates,  and  inhabitants  in  the  town 
shall  be  assessed,  and  pay  proportionable  to  such  main- 

"  And  that  such  as  refuse  to  pay  accordingly,  shall  have 
their  proportion  taken  from  them  by  distress.'' 

Answer.  I  shall  not  here  dispute  the  injustice  of  this 
law  so  largely  as  I  might  (only  I  must  add,  they  have 
no  such  example  from  Christ  nor  the  apostles,  with  this 
proviso,  that  it  is  made  amongst  a  society  of  men  for 
themselves,  and  those  of  their  own  communion)  but  if 
this  is  intended  to  force  those  of  other  professions,  and 
who  cannot  for  conscience  sake  join  with  them,  be- 
lieving them  to  be  anti- christian  ministers,  (as  to  be 
sure  all  such  are  as  go  about  to  maintain  such  doctrine 
as  this  priest  Metcalfe  doth,  that  it  is  warrantable  from 
scripture  to  force  maintenance  for  ministers)  pray  would 
he  be  willing  the  papists,  or  church  of  England,  should 
take  away  from  him  by  force  ?  surely,  no.     Then  I  say 


that  is  an  unjust  law,  and  far  from  the  nature  of  that 
royal  law,  which  says  "  do  to  ail  men,  as  you  would  that 
they  should  do  unto  you  ;"  Christ  says,  "  This  is  the 
law,  and  the  prophets."  And  doubtless  the  gospel  falls 
not  short  of  it  (though  this  New-England  minister  doth) 
though  I  hope  it  is  not  the  mind  of  all  in  profession  with 
him.  Now  the  law  being  unjust,  it  is  no  crime  to  reject 
it :  yet  for  conscience  sake,  and  the  Lord's  sake,  we 
submit  to  it  in  passive  obedience  ;  and  it  is  well  known 
to  all  that  know  any  thing  of  the  quakers,  that  their  prin- 
ciple is  against  resisting  the  outward  power. 

Next  to  the  question,  "  Whether  it  be  warrantable 
from  scripture,  and  the  doctrine  and  practice  of  Christ 
and  his  apostles,  to  put  such  laws  in  execution,  to  take 
from  men,  although  the  minister  preaches  not  to  them, 
for  they  cannot  believe  they  are  sent  of  God  ?" 

This  is  his  great  question,  as  he  states  it  in  his  first 
page,  which  he  pretends  to  answer  from  scripture,  l:>ut 
falls  far  short  of  it ;  and  he  goes  on  thus  :  "  1st.  It  is' 
warrantable  from  scripture,  &c.  that  the  inhabitants  of 
each  town  shall  take  due  care,  in  order  to  their  being  sup- 
plied with  a  gospel  minister." 

Answer.  This  is  as  foreign  from  his  question,  as 
Rome  is  from  Boston.  What  is  that  to  the  purpose  ? 
Let  the  impartial  judge  ;  if  he  cannot  prove  a  forced 
maintenance  from  scripture,  he  doth  nothing  to  his  pur- 
pose, nor  according  to  his  grand  question  in  his  title 
page,  &,c. 

Then  he  goes  to  his  second  assertion,  and  says, 

2d.  ''It  is  warrantable  from  scripture,  that  gospel 
ministers  be  honourably  supported  and  maintained : 
such  maintenance  is  a  debt  due  from  the  people  to  the 
ministers  in  strict  justice,  and  not  as  a  mere  act  of  char- 
ity :  for  it  is  the  hire  of  their  labour,  and  the  wages  of 
their  work." 

Answer.  Hereby  he  owns  himself,  and  all  that  arc 
in  his  practice,  to  be  hirelings,  thf)Ugh  he  will  not  allow 
others  to  call  him  or  them  so;  imd  Cjuotes  these  texts  of 
s\:ripture  to  prove  it,  jL///y',  X.   7.  2  Cor.  x'u  8-.     1  Cot: 


IX.  7.   14.     Gal.  vi.  6.     1   Tim.    v.   17,   18.  and  adds 
as  falsely,  and  says, 

"  The  argument  which  the  apostle  uses  for  the  Gen- 
tiles  ministering  to  the  Jews,  reaches  this  case."  Hom, 
Kv.  27. 

Answer.  Surely  the  man  forgets  himself,  for  the  a- 
postle  only  spoke  of  a  free  collection  for  the  poor  saints 
at  Jerusalem,  as  in  the  two  foregoing  verses  plainly 
appears.  "  But  now  1  go  to  Jerusalem  to  minister  unto 
the  saints."  Verse  25.  *'  For  it  hath  pleased  them  of 
Macedonia  and  Achaia  to  make  a  certain  contribution 
for  the  poor  saints  at  Jerusalem."  Verse  26.  When 
will  our  greedy  priests  take  so  much  care  of  the  poor  ? 

As  to  the  texts  of  scripture  above  quoted,  I  shall  take 
the  pains  to  set  them  down  at  large,  that  the  reader  may 
see  ho\v  they  ansA\  er  his  grand  question  :  for  what  pur- 
pose he  concealed  them  (in  his)  in  figures,  is  best  known 
to  himself.  Truly  if  he  had  set  them  down  at  large,  it 
needs  must  have  been  plainly  manifested,  to  every  body 
that  should  read  them^  that  he  was  in  the  wrong  :  for 
they  assert  no  such  thing  as  he  would  have  them  to  prove, 
viZi  a  forced  maintenance  for  gospel  ministers.  The  first 
is,  '*  And  in  the  same  house  remain,  eating  and  drink- 
ing such  things  as  they  give  (What  could  be  more  against 
him  ?)  for  the  labourer  is  worthy  of  his  hire :  go  not 
from  house  to  house,  and  into  what  city  ye  enter,  and 
they  receive  you,  eat  such  things  as  are  set  before  you." 
Where  is  legal  force  here  ? 

Let  this  man  have  a  care  lest  he  be  one  of  those  that 
are  blinded  :  for  he  must  needs  be  blind,  if  he  cannot 
see  that  this  holy  text  makes  not  for  his  purpose,  but 
directly  against  him :  here  is  not  a  word  of  legal  force. 
It  is  far  from  it,  that  they  were  only  to  eat  what  was  set 
before  them,  if  they  received  them  who  were  true  min- 
isters, sent  of  Christ ;  which  yet  will  be  hard  work  for 
persecuting  priests  to  prove  themselves,  be  they  of  what 
religion  they  may.  Well,  what  shall  we  do  for  this  legal 
force  ?  Why,  truly,  we  cannot  find  it  in  the  gospel  of 
the  New  Testament.  Christ  came  to  fulfil  the  law  and 
change  tJie  priesthood,  and  put  an  end  to  carnal  ordi- 

z  z 


nances.  But  it  may  be  Joseph  Metcalfe  is  an  Old  Tes- 
tament mail,  (as  a  certain  Nt\v-Enp;land  convert  said, 
on  an  occasion  well  known  to  some  of  them)  :  if  he  be, 
and  \\  ill  follo^v  the  letter  of  the  knv,  he  must  t^o  to  knock- 
ing down  oxen,  and  killing  sheep,  Mlnch  work  1  believe 
thev  of  his  cloth  are  genciall)  too  high  for. 

The  next  is,  "  I  robbed  other  churches,  taking  wages 
of  them  to  do  you  service."   2  Cor.  xi.  8. 

Surel}-,  can  any  bod}  be  so  bold  as,  from  this  text,  to 
say  that  the  apostle  made  a  common  j^ractice  of  preach- 
ing for  wages,  as  our  m.odern  priests  do  now-a-days  ? 
I  h(.pe  no  christian  will  imagine  from  tho-.e  words  of  the 
apostle,  that  he  was  a  tl.ief,  or  sacrilegious  person,  but 
only  consider  it  as  a  freedom  of  speech,  which  he  used 
to  those  whom  he  loved,  as  in  verse  11,  is  plainly  ex- 
pressed. It  is  a  fimiliar  way  of  expression  among  our- 
selves, where  we  know  we  may  be  free,  when  any  thing 
is  given  U8  from-  our  friend,  ()h  !  1  shall  rob  thee  too 
mucli :  to  put  any  other  construction  upon  the  apostle's 
words,  \\'ould  be  to  mikt  tiie  apostle  a  sacrilegious  per- 
son, and  a  robber,  which  is  absurd.  But  pra}  let  him 
speak  fairly  a  little  for  himself,  and  he  will  u  ipe  off  these 
money  loving  priests  very  handsomely.  "  I  have,"  says 
he,  "  preached  to  you  the  gospel  of  God  freely."  Verse 
7.  Oh!  that  cutting  word  "  freeh ,"  ^\hat  shiJl  we  do 
with  it  ?  Though  it  was  so  near  our  legal  minister,  yet 
he  thought  fit  not  to  meddle  with  it.  And  in  the  ninth 
verse  (just  vmder,  as  the  seventh  just  above,  by  which 
the  poor  man  is  hedged  in  ;  how  he  will  get  out,  I  know 
not),  the  apostle  says,  "  And  when  1  was  present  with 
you,  and  wanted,  I  was  chargeable  to  no  man."  And 
tells  them  in  the  same  verse,  "  that  he  kept  himself  from 
being  burthensome  to  them,  and  that  he  resolved  to  keep 
himself  so."  We  dare  all  those  that  preach  for  hire,  and 
have  money  for  divining,  to  come  to  such  a  resolution. 
However,  if  they  will  not  come  to  this  good  resolution, 
let  them  forbear  abusing  and  persecuting  those  that  (by 
the  grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Cl.ris;.)  have. 

The  next  is,  "  Who  goeth  a  warfare  at  his  own  char- 
ges ?  Who  planteth  a  vineyard,  and  eateth  not  of  the 


fruit  tliereof  ?  Who  feedeth  a  flock,  and  eateth  not  of 
the  milk  thereof?  Even  so  hadi  the  Lord  orddined,  that 
those  who  preach  the  gospel,  should  live  of  the  gospel." 
1  Cor.  ix.  7.  14. 

Joseph  hath  left  out  what  he  thought  made  against  it, 
from  the  8th  verse  to  the  13th,  and  15th,  where  holy  Paul 
sa}  s  (thf)ugh  he  had  power  to  eat  and  drink,  verse  4. 
at  frt  e  cost,  yet  he  doth  not  say  any  where,  that  he  had 
power  to  take  it  by  force,  and  we  think  it  ought  to  be 
preached  from  an  inward  necessity,  and  not  for  an  out- 
ward maintenance)  "  I  have  used  none  of  these  things, 
neither  have  I  written  those  things,  that  it  should  be  so 
done  unto  me."  1  wish  Josej^h  Metcalfe,  and  others  in 
hij?  station,  could  say  so  honestly. 

Now  I  may  proceed  to  say  something  to  each  partic- 
ular above,  as  it  lieth  in  the  holy  text. 

And,  1st.  "  Who  goeth  a  warfire  at  his  own  charge?" 
There  are  some,  though  very  few,  I  could  heartily  wish 
that  there  were  more  that  would  follow  his  practice  that 
wrote  it,  who  himself  was  one  that  did  sometimes  do  it, 
as  there,  when  he  wrought  at  his  lawful  calling,  and 
helped  those  that  were  with  him  :  and  blessed  be  the 
God  and  Father  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  there  are 
some  \vho  do  go  on  in  this  holy  warfare  of  preaching 
the  gospel  in  this  age  of  the  world  at  their  own  charge, 
who  have  nothing  to  boast  of  neither  ;  for  a  necessity  is 
laid  upon  them,  and  wo  is  unto  them  if  they  preach  not 
the  gospel.  Though  if  any  be  poor,  and  want  help, 
we  have  nothing  against  it,  but  are  for  helping  of  those 
who  can  give  a  good  account  of  their  calling,  and  we 
are  so  free  to  do  it,  that  we  need  no  forcing  to  it,  nor 
any  law  for  it. 

2d.  "  Who  planteth  a  vineyard,  and  eateth  not  of  the 
fruit  thereof?" 

Well,  he  that  hath  planted  a  vineyard,  let  him  eat 
■the  fruit  of  it  and  welcome  ;  but  let  him  leave  other 
folks'  vineyards  alone,  lest  he  be  counted  a  robber  in 
the  worst  sense  ;  for  if  the  holy  apostle  robbed,  it  was 
by  consent ;  but  these  preachers  now-a-days  rob  without 
consent,  even  vine3'ards  which  they  never  planted,   but 


would  destroy  if  they  could  :  Oh  !  high,  base,  and  antr- 
christian  practice,  with  a  witness. 

3d.  "  Who  feedeth  a  flock,  and  eateth  not  of  the  milk 
thereof?"  But  who  feedeth  a  flock,  and  milks  the  flocks, 
of  others? 

Answer.  Antichrist  and  persecutors,  that  cannot  be 
content  with  the  milk  that  their  own  flocks  give,  but  will 
needs  be  milking  and  fleecing  too,  those  poor  sheep 
which  cannot  in  conscience  join  with  them  believing  that 
their  way  is  not  the  door  into  the  true  sheepfold,  but  that 
ihey  are  climbing  up  some  other  way  like  thieves  and 
robbers.  And  because  the  poor  sheep  of  the  true  shep- 
herd Jesus  Christ,  bleat  forth  those  things,  those  inwardly 
ravening  wolves,  who  have  got  only  the  sheep's  clothe 
ing  outwardly,  being  known  to  be  such  by  their  fruits 
of"  persecution,  will  needs  put  the  poor  sheep  in  their 
pounds,  Avhen  and  where  they  have  power,  or  else  take  it 
by  force,  that  is  to  say  legal,  forsooth. 

4th,  ^'  Even  so  hath  the  Lord  ordained  that  they  that 
preach  the  gospel,  shall  live  of  the  gospel." 

Yes,  he  hath  ordained  that  they  should  live,  but  not 
that  they  should  force  a  living.  A  blessed  ordination, 
and  with  holy  reverence  be  it  repeated;  for  and  because 
every  true  minister  of  Jesus  knows  the  sweet  benefit  of 
it  in  a  two-fold  sense,  1st,  He  hath  a  holy  living  for  his 
soul ;  he  is  richly  fed  at  his  great  Master's  table,  with  the 
finest  of  the  wheat,  as  with  the  holy  honey,  or  the  sweet- 
ness of  the  word  of  eternal  life,  which  is  strength  to  him 
in  weakness,  riches  to  him  in  poverty,  and  joy  and  peace 
to  him  in  persecution,  which  the  world,  and  all  the  per- 
secutors therein,  can  never  take  away  from  him;  blessed 
\)c  God  in  Christ  forever, 

?d,  As  to  his  bodily  living,  if  he  be  a  true  man,  and 
not  a  lover  of  filthy  lucre,  or  gain,  he  will  have  cause  to 
say,  as  his  great  Master's  servants  did  of  old,  that  he  lack- 
ed nothing,  especially  if  his  call  is  from  God  and  Christ, 
and  not  from  man  or  money.  Oh  !  this  mone}^  that  is 
a  loud  call  indeed  to  our  men-made  ministers:  if  at  any 
time  there  chance  to  be  two  calls,  I  always  observed  that 


tlie  highest  bidder  carried  the  priest.  But  where  shall 
we  find  that  the  Lord  hath  ordained  that  a  minister  shall 
have  fifty  or  an  hundred  pounds  per  annum  (in  all  the 
holy  records)  for  preaching  the  gospel  ?  No,  our  great 
High- Priest  said  to  his,  "  Freely  ye  have  received,  freely 
give."  But  if  it  had  been  his  mind,  he  could  as  well, 
and  with  as  great  and  as  good  authority  as  any  of  these 
men,  have  said,  if  they  will  not  give  it  you  freely,  take 
it  by  force.  But  those  forcers  know  not  of  what  spirit 
they  are  ;  if  they  do,  they  must  needs  be  the  greater  hyp- 
ocrites, and  so  their  condemnation  the  greater. 

*'  Let  him  that  is  taught  in  the  word,  communicate  un- 
to him  that  teacheth,  in  all  good  things."   Gal.  vi.  6. 

Yes,  let  those  whom  these  men  teach,  communicate 
'  to  them;  for  communicate  and  legal  force  are  words  of 
different  signification.  I  hope  by  this  time  this  preach- 
er's eyes  will  be  opened  to  see  his  error,  in  pleading  for 
legal,  forced  maintenance,  especially  from  Christ's  and 
the  apostles'  practice  and  doctrine,  as  recorded  in  the  ho- 
ly scripture. 

The  next  text  which  he  quotes  is,  "  Let  the  elders 
who  rule  well,  be  counted  worthy  of  double  honour, 
especially  they  M^ho  labour  in  the  word  and  doctrine; 
for  the  scripture  saith,  thou  shalt  not  muzzle  the  ox  that 
treadeth  out  the  corn,  and  the  labourer  is  worthy  of  his 
reward."   1  Tim.  v.  17,  18. 

Very  well,  what  is  this  to  his  legal  force  ?  Here  is 
nothing  of  it ;  those  that  rule  well,  will  not  force  any 
body,  nor  set  the  magistrates  upon  their  backs,  because 
they  cannot  conform  to  their  ways  ;  those  must  be  anti- 
christian  teachers  for  certain,  being  opposite  to  Christ : 
for  he  indeed  was  persecuted,  but  never  persecuted  any, 
nor  forced  any,  though  it  was  in  his  power;  for  which 
reason  we  cannot  give  those  men  that  double  honour 
which  they  desire  ;  and  for  those  who  say  they  labour  in 
the  word  and  doctrine  of  our  meek  Lord,  to  set  the  mag- 
istrates upon  us,  is  wicked  ruling,  instead  of  ruling 

And  as  for  the  poor  ox  that  treads  out  the  corn,  I  am 
far  from  having  him  muzzled ;  but  when  he  bites,  and 


with  his  horns  pushes  the  sheej),  and  tramples  the  e^row- 
ing-  ,ejrecn  corn  to  dirt,  I  think  then  he  ought  to  be  muz- 
zled and  hoppled  too. 

In  his  second  page  he  says,  *'  3d.  It  is  the  duty  of 
every  inhabitant  in  a  town  to  pay  proportionably  towards 
ministers'  maintenance." 

Answer.  No,  if  thev  are  not  all  of  one  persuasion 
(and  if  they  were  all  of  one  persuasion,  he  hath  no  such 
precedent  from  Christ  nor  the  apostles  to  force,  neither 
legal  nor  illegal)  and  are  not  free  in  the  choice  of  such 
minister :  he  runs  too  fast  there,  without  he  is  popishly 
inclined,  to  persecute  every  body  into  his  persuasion, 
which  has  been  too  much  the  practice  of  some  of  the 
New- England  migistraies  and  ministers.  I  may  not 
here  forget,  though  I  forgive,  the  salutation  of  a  certain 
person,  when  I  first  entered  the  streets  of  their  metrop- 
olis of  New-England.  "Oh!  (says  he)  what  a  pity  it  was 
that  they  did  not  hang  all  the  quakers  when  they  hanged 
the  other  four."  'iemarkable  was  the  answer  that  one 
of  his  neighbours  made  him.  "  I  wonder  you  are  not 
ashamed  to  say  so  :  for  you  know  that  the  judgments  of 
God  have  been  on  our  country  ever  since."  I  mention 
this  as  a  caution  to  the  New- England  ministers,  that 
they  would  teach  their  people  more  manners  to  their 
neighbours,  and  to  strangers;  and  to  let  them  know, 
that  sometimes  the  above-named  people  cannot  be  quiet 
in  their  solemn  meetings,  for  the  worship  of  Almighty 
God,  in  their  chief  town  of  Boston  ;  which,  as  I  under- 
stand, is  very  much  owing  to  lies  and  reproaches  which 
the  people  have  from  their  priests  and  pulpits.  All 
which  is  a  shame  to  moderate  christians  :  some  of  whom, 
of  all  persuasions,  I  hope  there  are  in  the  gountry  and 
territories  of  New- England. 

"  For,  first,  (says  he)  none  were  exempted  of  old 
from  paying  tithes  for  the  maintenance  of  the  ministry." 

By  his  leave,  he  is  mistaken,  for  those  that  did  not 
join  with  them  in  circumcision  were  exempted. 

"  2d.  Every  hearer  ought  to  pay  proportionably 
towards  the  maintc  nance  of  the  preacher.  Gal.  vi.  6. 
And  every  inhabitant  ought  to  be  a  hearer,  [what,  against 


his  conscience  ?]  for  it  is  a  sin  to  forsake  the  assembling 
themselves  together.  Heb.  x.  25.  And  one  sin  can  nev- 
er excuse  another." 

Answer.  If  1  should  ask  him,  he  being  a  presbyterian, 
whether  it  be  a  sin  to  forsake  the  assemblies  of  the 
quakers,  papists,  church  of  England,  or  baptists,  and 
come  to  theirs,  I  presume  he  would  say  no :  then  to 
what  a  non-plus  he  has  broug-st  himself  and  brethren, 
especially  in  Old-England,  for  forsaking  the  church, 
and  setting  up  meetings  of  their  own :  truly  he  has 
made  them  all  sinners  in  so  doing.  I  do  not  know  how 
his  brethren  in  New-E!,ngland  will  resent  i^;  but  I  dare 
say  bis  bre:thren  in  Old- England  will  give  him  no  thanks 
for  this  unlucky  turn.  How  he  will  excuse  himself  in 
the  sin  of  ignorance,  I  know  not.  Would  not  this  have 
been  a  topping  Vv'riter  for  the  papists,  when  they  burned 
the  protestants  for  not  coming  to  church  ? 

3d.  In  the  second  page  he  says,  "  The  apostle  directs 
in  acts  of  charity,  that  every  one  contribute  in  proportion 
as  God  had  prospered  him.  1  Coi'.  xiv.  2.  And  that 
there  should  be  equality,  every  one  bearing  their  equal 
proportion  of  such  a  burthen.  2  Cor.  viii.  13,  14."  He 
goes  en,  "  much  more  ought  there  to  be  a  proportion  or 
equality  observed  in  the  maintenance  of  the  ministry, 
which  is  a  matter  of  communicative  justice ;  so  it  was 
under  the  law,  and  so  it  should  be  under  the  gospel." 

Answer.  Notwithstanding  these  priests  will  bring  those 
texts  of  holy  scripture,  that  tend  to  promote  charity  to 
the  poor,  and  many  iiistances  out  of  ancient  authors 
for  stirring  up  charity  to  the  poor;  yet  they  will  not, 
when  it  comes  to  their  ease,  alloAv  it  to  be  as  charity, 
but  a  debt ;  as  saith  our  author  in  his  first  page  :  and 
J.  Mather,  in  a  little  book  set  forth  to  promote  the 
maintenance  of  their  ministers,  in  which  I  observe  he 
tells  them,  "  If  they  will  stand  to  the  old  law  of  the 
Jews,  they  must  have  but  a  tenth  of  the  tenth  ;"  which 
I  suppose  will  not  satisfy  those  men  that  have  hire  for 
preaching,  and  money  for  divining ;  and  therefore  I 
think  it  their  best  way,  to  let  the  Jews  old  law  alone, 
and  take  to  the  new  law  and  covenant  of  our  great  Lord 

•36<5  fORCINO    A   maintenanCk 

And  further,  if  they  will  bring  instances  of  charitj'' 
to  the  poor,  out  of  scripture,  and  other  authors,  let 
them  be  just,  and  always  when  they  would  make  the 
application  of  it  to  the  ministry,  to  put  honestly  the 
word  poor  before  ministry  :  viz.  poor  priest,  poor  min- 
ister :  otherwise  let  them  let  fall  their  argument  for  char- 
ity for  the  poor  (which  no  good  christian  will  go  about 
to  dispute  against)  and  see  what  their  arguments  for 
justice  in  the  case  will  do  for  them.  They  say  it  is  a 
just  debt,  a  matter  of  communicative  justice  ;  but  when 
people  do  not  see  cause  to  commune  with  them,  but 
quite  the  contrary,  and  buy  none  of  their  ware  or  mer- 
chandize, pray  what  justice  is  there  in  this?  Why  truly 
none,  but  a  great  deal  of  injustice. 

4th.  He  says,  "  if  any  man  fail  of  doing  his  just  pro- 
portion, he  thereby  exposes  either  the  minister  to  lose 
so  much  of  his  just  due,  (but  he  falls  short  of  proving  it 
a  just  due)  or  the  other  inhabitants  to  pay  more  than 
their  just  proportion,  and  so  he  is  guilty  of  manifest 
wrong  and  injustice." 

No,  where  the  people  are  not  consenting  (and  if  they 
were  consenting,  the  New  Testament  is  silent  to  any 
such  way  of  maintaining  gospel  ministers)  to  this  propor- 
tion, but  see  an  evil  in  it  :  and  there  is  no  force  under 
the  glorious  gospel  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  as  I  have 
abundantly  and  clearly  (to  those  who  are  not  blinded) 
proved  above,  even  from  the  very  texts  of  scripture 
which  he  brings  and  wrests  to  prove  the  contrary,  of 
which  let  the  impartial  judge. 

Thus  he  and  they  building  their  structure  of  mainte- 
nance upon  a  bad  foundation,  viz.  legal  force,  it  will 
fall  to  the  ground,  if  the  magistrates  do  not  help  :  for 
which  he  calls  very  loud  :  and  well  he  may,  considering 
he  and  others  of  his  mind  are  ready  to  faint  and  fall 
without  it.  But  by  what  hath  been  said,  I  would  char- 
itably hope  that  all  moderate  christian  magistrates  will 
take  care  that  the  preachers  eat  only  the  grapes  of  their 
«wn  vine,  and  the  milk  of  their  own  flock,  and  keep  so 
far  just  as  to  let  other  folks'  grapes  and  milk  alone. 
But  if  the  priests  and  magistrates  will  join  together   in 


persecution,  then  will  the  poor  sufferer  appeal  from  them 
to  our  great  High  Priest,  and  just  Judge  of  heaven  and 
earth,  and  through  his  grace  patiently  suffer  what  he 
shall  please  to  permit  to  come  upon  us. 

5th.  In  his  third  page  he  says,  "  The  public  minis- 
try of  the  gospel  in  any  town  is  a  public  privilege,  and 
every  inhabitant  is  considered  therein,  and  partakes  in 
the  privilege  :  for  the  preaching  of  the  gospel  is  the 
great  engine  of  salvation,  and  means  of  faith.  Rom.  i. 
16.   X.  17." 

If  he  means  that  there  is  no  other  preaching  the  gos- 
pel but  from  his  sect,  we  openly  declare  to  the  worlds 
that  we  diff<.'r  from  him  in  our  judgment,  and  we  believe 
upon  good  groijnds  too.  And  what  gospel,  or  glad  ti- 
dings (which  the  word  imports)  can  that  be  to  people  to 
preach  to  them,  "  that  a  certain  number  of  them  are 
eternally  ordained  to  damnation  :"  and,  for  ou^^'ht  these 
knowing  men  know,  they  may  themselves  be  some  of 
them  ;  for  they  cannot  tell  who  these  damned  ones  are. 
I  think  it  would  be  abundantly  better  if  those  pry^ 
ing  ministers  would  let  the  secret  will  of  him  that  made 
them  alone  ;  for  that  belongs  to  God,  and  not  to  man. 
*'  The  revealed  truths  belong  to  us,  and  our  children." 
And  to  tell  people  they  can  never  be  free  from  the  act 
of  sin  while  in  this  world,  is  really  miserable  news,  and 
dreadful  tidings  indeed ;  since  sin  is  the  cause  of  God's 
wrath  and  damnation,  and  since  we  cannot  in  conscience 
join  with  such  anti-gospel  ministers,  they  ought  not  in 
conscience  to  take  our  money  or  goods  from  us. 

Again  he  says,  "  Every  one  is  invited  to  take  of  the 
water  of  life  freely.  Rev.  xxvi.  17." 

But,  by  their  leave,  theirs  is  the  water  of  death,  if  we 
must  always  sin  even  in  our  best  duties,  then  he  knows 
that  "  The  wages  of  sin  is  death  ;"  and  may  not  any 
good  christians  be  truly  thankful  when  they  are  delivered 
from  such  a  sinful  ministry  ?  And  what  a  knock  he 
gives  himself  in  saying,  "  We  take  of  it  freely,"  and  his 
pages  are  written  on  purpose  to  make  people  believe  they 
ought  to  pay  for  it,  and  that  they  may  force  it  from  them 
too.     So  we  may  plainly  see  that  their  waters,  which 

A  a  a 

5o2  roRCiNc;  a  maintenance 

proceed  from  them  in  such  bitter  streams,  are  the  wa- 
ters of  death  ;  because  we  cannot  have  them  freely,  ac- 
cording to  the  doctrine  of  the  Holy  Ghost  in  the  holy 
scripture,  which  he  himself  hath  broui^ht. 

Again,  whereas  he  says,  "  Where  there  is  no  vision, 
or  preaching  the  gospel,  the  people  perish.  Prov,  xxix. 

This  is  contrary  to  what  they  say,  when  they  teach 
that  vision  and  revelation  is  ceased. 

He  goes  on,  "  Being  without  God,  without  Christ* 
without  the  covenant,  they  are  in  a  hopeless  perishing 

If  he  would  infer  from  these  words,  that  where  there 
is  no  public  vocal  teaching  the  people  perish,  the  Al- 
mighty has  been  kinder  than  his  minister  ;  for  he  has 
graciously  promised,  that  he  would  teach  his  people 
himself:  "  The  children  of  the  Lord  are  taught  of  the 
Lord,  &c.  And  thine  eyes  shall  behold  thy  teachers, 
who  cannot  be  removed  into  a  corner."  Isa.  xxx.  2(X 
which  cannot  be  meant  of  outward  preachers,  for  they 
are  often  removed  into  corners :  but  God,  Christ,  and 
the  Holy  Spirit  cannot.  And  Christ  promised  to  send 
the  spirit  of  truth,  which  should  lead  and  guide  into  all 
truth  (not  into  sin.)  Now,  to  say  that  such  who  have  not 
outward  vocal  preaching  perish,  is  absurd  ;  and  he  must 
want  charity,  and  then  all  his  harangues  in  his  pulpit  are 
but  like  sounding  brass. 

But  now,  says  he,  "  Where  the  kingdom  of  God  is 
preached,  every  man  is  at  liberty,  and  hath  an  opportu- 
nity to  be  pressing  into  it,"  (and  I  add,  without  paying 
for  it)  Luke  xvi.  16.  "  But  where  the  kingdom  of 
satan  is  preached  (which  is  sin  for  term  of  life)  the  peo- 
ple have  liberty  to  fly  from  it."  Further  he  says,  "  If 
any  refuse  the  counsel  of  God  against  themselves,  it  is 
their  own  fault." 

Answer.  If  any  do  so,  it  is  their  own  fault  indeed ; 
but  to  refuse  the  evil  counsel  of  a  sinful  minister,  is  a 
virtue,  and  no  fault  at  all. 

Again,  "  They  have  a  price  put  in  their  own  hand, 
although  being  fools,  they  have  no  heart  to  improve 


We  arc  willing  to  be  counted  fools  by  such  wiselings; 
but  let  him  know,  that  wisdom  himself  said,  "  He  that 
will  be  wise,  must  first  become  a  fool." 

He  proceeds,  and  says,  "  It  was  a  privilege  to  them 
that  were  invited  to  the  marriage  of  the  King's  Son, 
though  they  made  light  of  the  invitation,  and  would  not 
come."  Mat.  xxii. 

Answer.  Those  that  rightly  come  to  the  marriage  of 
the  King's  Son,  the  Lamb  of  God,  that  takes  away  the 
sins  of  the  world,  must  put  off  the  garment  spotted  with 
the  flesh,  lest  it  be  said  to  them,  "  Friend,  how  camest 
thou  in  hither,  not  having  on  the  wedding  garment  ?" 
Let  every  true  christian  fear,  lest  he  bring  on  himself 
thiit  awful  sentence,  "  Depart  from  me  all  ye  that  work 
iniquity,  I  know  you  not;"  notwithstanding  they  had  eat 
and  drank  in  his  presence,  and  in  his  name  they  had 
cast  out  devils,  and  done  many  wondrous  works',  and  he 
had  taught  in  their  streets ;  yet  nevertheless,  because 
they  were  found  in  the  acts  of  sin,  they  must  depart  from 

Now,  says  he,  *'  Every  inhabitant,  partaking  in  the 
public  privilege  of  a  gospel  ministry,  reason  and  justice 
requires,  that  every  one  should  bear  a  part  of  the  exter- 
nal charge,  in  order  to  the  maintenance  of  it." 

Answer,  iiut  every  person  not  partaking  of  what  he 
calls  so,  and  believinjr  that,  as  these  erroneous  priests 
preach  it  to  be  a  bondage,  and  not  a  privilege ;  to  force 
such  to  pay  too,  is  altogether  unreasonable,  and  great 
injustice  ;  let  all  sensible  christians  judge. 

4th.  He  says,  "  It  is  warrantable  from  scripture,  that 
such  inhabitants  as  refuse  to  pay  any  thing  toward  the 
support  of  the  ministry,  should  have  their  just  propor- 
tion taken  from  them  by  legal  distress." 

Answer.  We  want  him,  or  any  of  his  brethren,  to 
show  us  that  warrant  from  holy  scripture;  for  he  hath 
not  done  it  yet:  and  where  shall  we  find  that  it  is  war- 
rantable from  scripture,  and  the  doctrine  and  practice  of 
Christ  and  his  apostles  *?  for  what  he  has  produced  from 
holy  scripture,  has  fairly  proved  to  the  contrary  ;  and  as 
for  his  legality,  that  great  word,  it  is  only  what  others 


of  his  spirit  have  pleaded  in  former  ages.  Did  not 
Nebuchadnezzar  persecute  the  servants  of  God  by  a  law? 
Could  not  they  say  they  suffered  legal!}?  Did  not  the  Jews 
sa}  concerning  our  Lord,  "  We  have  a  law,  and  by  that 
law  he  ought  to  die  ?"  Did  not  the  people  of  iMussachit- 
setts  make  a  laAv,  and  by  it  hang  the  poor  innocent  Cjua- 
kers  ?  Did  not  all  those  say,  that  they  suffered  legally? 
And  do  not  some  of  the  New-England  minister^  justify  it 
in  their  pulpits  to  this  day?  though  others  there  are  (I 
believe)  really  sorry  for  it. 

"  Oh,  but  (say  our  modern  teachers,  who  have  money 
for  it)  we  hope  you  will  not  compare  us  christians  to  Jews 
and  heathens," 

Why  not,  if  found  in  their  practices  ?  For  when  once 
people  go  to  persecute  others  for  their  conscientious  dis- 
sent, it  is  most  certain  they  go  from  the  spirit  of  Christ, 
as  may  fairly  be  proved  from  Christ's  own  expressions ; 
and  doubtless  all  persecutors  are  antichrists,  notwithstand- 
ing their  fine  gilding  of  it  over,  with  the  words,  legal 
distress,  and  prosecution. 

In  his  fourth  page  he  begins  thus,  "  For  it  is  a  just  and 
legal  debt,  as  has  already  been  proved."  (To  those  that 
agree  to  it,  and  contract  it,  he  should  have  added.) 

Answer.  But  unjust  and  illegal  to  those  who  cannot, 
for  conscience  sake,  consent  to  it,  and  therefore  it  is  a 
mistake  in  him  to  say,  "  It  has  already  been  proved  ;" 
for  he  hath  not,  nor  can  he  prove  it  (to  force  any  by  a 
coercive  power)  to  be  consonant  to  the  holy  scripture. 

In  page  the  4th  he  says,  "  God  has  given  his  ministers 
a  just  right  to  some  proportion  of  every  man's  estate,  in 
the  place  were  they  minister." 

What,  Jews,  heathens,  and  all  ?  What,  every  man, 
whatsoever  ?  Where  proves  he  that  ?  For  my  part,  if  I 
were  a  minister  for  money,  I  should  think  that  what  I  got 
from  other  people  against  their  wills,  Avould  never  pros- 
per, but  would  be  a  curse  to,  and  upon  me,  and  tend  to 
the  consumprion  of  the  rest  of  my  estate,  rather  than 
augmenting  of  it :  and  I  have  heard  some  moderate  min- 
isters, who  have  money  for  their  preaching,  say  the  same. 


He  goes  on  further,  and  says  "  And  that  part  of  each 
man's  estate,  which  God  gives  ministers  a  right  to  by 
his  just  and  equal  law." 

Answer.  By  his  just  and  equal  gospel  he  forces  none  ; 
but  leaves  every  one  to  be  fully  persuaded  in  their  own 

And  he  must  needs  say,  "  That  the  gospel  power  ex- 
ceeds the  power  of  any  law  whatsoever." 

And  the  gospel  is  free,  not  forced,  as  he  in  vain  would 
endeavour  to  prove  from  holy  scripture.  That  must  be 
an  unjust  law  that  forces  people  to  buy  whether  they  will 
or  no,  and  therefore  none  of  God's  law  or  way ;  for  all 
his  laws  and  ways  are  equal. 

And  he  also  says  in  page  the  4th,  "  They  have  as 
much  power  to  challenge  it  as  any  other  debt  or  wages." 

Not  without  people  agree  with  them,  and  hire  them. 
(  \nd  though  they  do  agree  with  them,  I  do  not  grant  that 
they  have  any  colour,  from  the  New  'J'estament,  to  make 
any  such  law,  even  among  themselves ;  it  being  incon- 
sistent with  the  nature  of  the  glorious  gospel  of  Christ.) 
Upon  which  a  passage  comes  into  my  mind,  between  an 
Indian  and  a  New  England  minister,  well  known  to  some 
of  their  teachers  in  New- England,  who  (for  preaching) 
took  from  a  dissenter  from  the  presbyterian  way,  one  of 
his  cows  :  The  Indian  asked  him  why  he  did  so  ?  The 
priest  answered,  if  I  hire  you  to  make  a  fence  for  me, 
would  you  not  expect  your  wages  ?  Yes  (says  the  In- 
dian) but  he  no  hire  you,  and  when  me  do  man's  work, 
then  man  pay  me  ;  Ijut  when  you  do  God's  work,  then 
God  pay  you. 

The  poor  Indian  was  in  the  right,  for  truly  God's  pay 
is  better  than  all  the  silver  and  gold  in  the  world. 

Oh!  but,  say  they,  how  must  we  live? 

If  they  had  faith  in  God  and  Christ,  they  need  not  fear 
a  living  in  this  world. 

But,  say  they,  "  The  people  are  so  hard-hearted,  that 
if  there  were  not  a  law  for  it,  the  ministers  might  starve." 

Then  their  doctrine  must  starve  the  people's  souls,  or 
else  surely  they  would  not  let  their  bodies  starve  :  that 
must  needs  be  a  lifeless,  dull,  dead  ministry,  that  will  not 


open  people's  hearts,  so  as  to  keep  the  preachers  from 
starving;  but  I  think  there  is  no  fear  of  their  starving, 
for  they  generally  live  like  lords  among  the  people.  But 
let  them  remember  withal,  that  they  are  not  to  lord  it 
over  the  heritage  of  God. 

"  It  is  (says  he)  agreeable  to  the  doctrine  of  Christ  and 
his  apostle,  that  such  as  refuse  to  pay  their  just  debts, 
should  be  distrained  for  the  same,  by  virtue  of  the  civil 
svv^ord  amongst  the  christians."     Rom.  xiii.  14. 

Ansvi^er.  He  should  prove  the  debt  to  be  just,  and  then 
this  text  would  have  been  to  his  purpose  :  for  those  that 
«ontract  delfts,  ought  to  pay  them. 

In  page  5th,  he  talks  of  the  law  and  light  of  nature,  and 
reason,  and  says,  "  It  is  the  law  of  God  written  in  the 
heart."  Rom.  ii.  15.  He  adds,  "  All  the  laws  of  God  do 
sweetly  harmonize  both  one  with  another,  and  the  doc- 
trine of  Christ  and  his  apostles ;  there  is  no  manner  of 
jar  between  any  of  these." 

Answer.  But  there  is  a  wonderful  jar  between  the  cor- 
rupt nature  or  law  of  man,  and  the  divine  nature  or  law 
of  God;  he  should  have  distinguished  between  the  cor- 
rupt nature,  reason  and  law,  and  the  divine;  for  except 
he  rightly  divide  between  the  precious  and  the  vile,  he 
cannot  be  as  the  mouth  of  God  to  the  people.  Now  the 
corrupt  and  covetous  nature  in  those  that  seek  their  gain 
from  their  quarter,  and  preach  for  hire,  and  divine  for 
money,  says,  "  That  those  that  cannot  pay  them"  (though 
for  conscience  sake)  "  they  must  be  forced  to  it,  whether 
they  will  or  no." 

But  the  divine  nature  of  Christ  and  his  apostles  says, 
"  Freely  ye  have  received,  freely  give."  Mat.  x.  8.  If 
their  gospel  is  not  free,  they  have  not  received  it  from 
Christ.  Also,  if  they  have  not  received  it  freely,  they 
may  call  it  their  own  gospel,  but  it  is  not  Christ's.  And 
though  Christ's  ministers  had  power  to  eat  and  drink, 
and  to  forbear  working,  yet,  says  the  divine  nature  in  the 
apostle,  *'  I  have  used  none  of  those  things  ;  neither  do  I 
write,  that  it  should  be  so  done  unto  me."  1  Cor.  ix.  15. 
And  that  it  is  not  covetousness,  that  divers  quakers  so 
called,  cannot  pay  the  covetous  priests,  is  manifest;  for 


they  take  much  more,  and  sometimes  double  and  treble, 
as  I  could  easily  bring  many  instances  and  living  witnesses 
to  prove  what  I  assert,  from  Virginia,  Maryland,  and 
abundantly  in  New- England  (without  going  over  to  Great 
Britain)  in  which  many  thousands  of  pounds  have  those 
legal  ministers  taken  by  force,  within  these  fifty  years, 
from  such  as  for  conscience  sake,  could  not  put  it  into 
their  own  mouths ;  and  then  war  has  been  proclaimed 
against  those  poor  sheep*  Well,  let  the  righteous  judge, 
not  the  self-righteous  (  I  do  not  mean  them)  but  those 
who  are  clothed  upon  with  the  righteousness  of  the  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  as  he  wrought  it  outwardly  for  them,  and 
also  as  he  works  it  by  his  holy  spirit,  in  their  hearts. 

Next  to  his  3dly,  Touching  government  and  magis- 
trates, which  the  people  called  quakers  ever  owned  and 
honoured  in  their  way,  though  they  could  not  cringe, 
scrape  and  bow,  after  the  common  mode  of  the  sinful 
times,  nor  give  titles  to  them  in  flattery  :  but  we  reckon 
that  those  magistrates  that  are  a  terror  to  hypocrites  and 
evil  doers,  ought  to  have  a  hearty  inward  respect  and  hon- 
our, shown  to  them  generously  in  action  and  courteous 
expression,  and  not  in  a  parcel  of  idle  compliments.  Such 
magistrates  as  the  above,  were  never  a  terror  unto  us, 
but  we  have  blessed  God  on  their  behalf  in  our  solemn 
assemblies  publicly,  and  often  in  the  secret  of  our  souls 
privately  ;  and  many  times  prayed  for  our  persecutors 
also.  I  wish  this  priest  be  not  too  much  inclining  to  such. 
May  his  eyes  be  opened ! 

He  goes  on,  and  endeavours  to  animate  and  stir  up 
the  magistrates  to  persecution,  by  insinuating  that  those 
who,  for  conscience  sake,  cannot  give  any  thing  to  the 
priest,  are  evil,  unjust,  and  wicked  persons  :  who,  not- 
withstanding, take  them  in  a  general  way,  and  their  con- 
versations, are  as  just  as  the  brightest  of  their  church 
members,  as  divers  of  themselves  are  forced  to  acknow 

If  for  this  testimony  to  our  innocence,  any  should  im- 
agine we  boast,  it  is  he,  and  such  as  he,  that  are  the 
occasion  of  this  confident  boasting,  and  we  have  ouf 
great  apostle,  even  Paul,  for  our  example. 


Now  I  hope  the  magistrates  will  take  care  not  to  per- 
secute the  just,  but  to  turn  the  edge  of  their  swords 
against  the  evil  doers  ;  and  then,  doubtless,  they  will 
not  bear  their  swords  in  vain  :  and  let  the  edge  of  it  be 
as  sharp  and  as  keen  as  it  will,  we  fear  not:  for  against 
true  men  there  is  no  law  (which  is  upon  a  just  basis,  or 
foundation)  that  will  harm  them. 

I  tenderly  and  lovingly,  as  a  minister  of  Jesus  Christ, 
and  true  lover  of  good  government,  exhort  and  warn  all 
magistrates  to  be  careful  to  keep  within  their  own  prov- 
ince :  for  conscience  is  none  of  theirs.  It  is  the  pecu- 
liar province  of  Jesus  Christ.  The  great  territory  of  the 
King  of  kings,  and  Judge  of  the  quick  and  dead.  And 
he  will  render  unto  every  man  a  recompense. 

Now  if  conscience  were  only  a  cloak  for  covetousness, 
it  ought  to  be  stript  off,  but  it  is  plain  that  cannot  be  our 
case;  for  we  lose  much  more  by  our  denial  (and  some- 
times a  great  deal  more,  than  as  much  more)  by  our  not 
pa}  ing  freely,  as  is  above  said.  But  we  may  (I  hope) 
presume  that  the  magistrates  know  their  duty  vvithout 
being  taught  it  from  the  pulpit :  I  would  have  no  free 
spirited  magistrate  to  let  priests  ride  them  :  for  if  they 
do,  it  is  to  be  doubted  they  will  ride  them  to  death  :  for 
persecuting  men  of  their  cloth,  seem^  to  have  but  little 
mercy.  I  once  heard  a  priest  say  to  a  couple  of  justices 
(a  church  of  England  preacher  for  money,  but  as  himself 
said  to  some  of  his  neighbours,  a  presbyterian  in  his 
heart)  do  your  office,  which  was  upon  my  poor  self,  who 
had  been  preaching  against  sin  and  evil,  according  to  the 
best  of  my  understanding.  Why  what  is  the  matter  ?  "He 
has  been  preaching  (says  the  priest)  in  a  place  not  licens- 
ed, and  has  broken  the  law."  "  Well  (says  another  jus- 
tice, beside  the  aforesaid  two)  then  you  have  broken  the 
law  first,  for  you  preached  there  before  him;"  and  thought 
k  was  our  meeting  by  appointment,  yet  \vc  quietly  hea'-d 
him  read  his  sermon,  and  I  dare  say,  he  never  had  qui- 
Gter  hearers  in  all  his  days  than  we  were. 

And  indeed  reading  is  the  general  practice  of  some 
modern  teachers,  far  from  the  practice  of  Christ,  the  a])Os- 
tles,  and  primitive  christians,    when  christumity  shone  in 

NOT    WARRANTABLE,.  ,316^ 

its  primitive  beauty  and  glory,  and  when  christians  de- 
pended more  upon  the  gift  of  the  Holy  Ghost  (or  Spir- 
it) and  less  upon  natural  parts  and  human  inventions, 
which  is  worthy  of  the  solid  consideration  of  all  true 

I  have  also  observed  that  those  magistrates  who  have 
jouied  with  persecuting  priests,  in  persecuting  men  of 
sober  lives  and  conversations,  for  their  religious  dissent 
and  persuasion,  that  they  have  not  prospered;  and  many 
sober  people,  not  of  our  society,  have  taken  notice  of 
the  same.  This  is  oifered  to  the  serious  consideration 
of  men  of  high  degree  (in  reverence  and  great  humil- 

And  though  Joseph  Metcalfe  flatters  the  magistrates, 
telling  them,  they  bear  the  visible  image  and  character 
of  gods,  in  order  to  flatter  them  into  a  persecuting  spir- 
it, yet  I  hope,  and  believe,  that  he  will  not  find  many 
magistrates  nor  ministers  of  his  mind  :  for  if  all  the 
magistrates  and  ministers  in  New-England  were  as  much 
for  persecuting  as  he  seems  to  be  by  his  writing,  what 
might  all  those  expect,  who  differed  from  the  presby- 
terian  way  in  New-England  if  they  had  pov/er?  But 
blessed  be  God,  I  certainly  know  that  there  are  divers 
moderate  people,  who  are  against  persecution,  even 
amongst  the  presbyterians  in  New-England. 

In  his  seventh  page,  he  says,  "  lu  case  of  people's 
defect  in  this  matter  (of  paying  for  preaching)  legal  com- 
pulsion is  the  only  remedy,  (What,  no  other  remedy  ?) 
and  must  be  used,  otherwise  religion,  which  is  a  peo- 
ple's life,  will  soon  fall  to  the  ground." 

Answer.  Where  will  his  doctrine  land  ?  What,  can 
not  Christ  uphold  his  church  without  the  magistrates  ? 
The  religion  of  Christ,  the  apostles,  and  primitive  chris- 
tians, stood,  and  stands  yet,  without  being  supported 
by  the  civil  magistrates.  Wliat,  has  he  got  som.e  new 
religion,  which  cannot  stand  without  the  outward  povv - 
er  "?  But  it  seems  some  of  the  New- England  ministc  rs 
reckon  that  they  must  fall,  if  the  magistrates  do  not  u]^r 
hold  them.  "  They  (i.  e.  the  magistrates)  are,  (says  J>j- 
.s-eph  Metcalfe)  the  keepers  of  bodi  tables." 

B  b  b 


Answer.  But  I  thouejht  that  God  had  been  the  keeper 
of  his  pi  ople,  and  Christ  the  shc])herd  of  his  slicep,  and 
the  Holy  Ghost  the  comforter  of  them;  I  thought  this 
Infinite  Being  had  been  the  great  preserver  of  men  in 

In  his  eighth  page^  he  brings  divers  texts  of  scripture 
to  prove  the  power  of  the  magistrates,  which  we  never 
denied, especially  vvhen  they  exercise  their  power  and  au- 
thority to  the  terror  of  evil  doers,  and  the  praise  of  them 
that  do  well.  And  at  the  latter  end  of  the  said  page  he 
sa}  s,  "  From  the  whole,  I  conclude,  with  submission 
to  better  judgments,  that  it  is  warrantable  from  scripture, 
and  agreeable  to  the  doctrine  and  practice  of  Christ  and 
his  apostles,  for  the  laws  aforesaid  to  be  put  in  execu- 

Answer.  But,  alas  !  this  is  all  beside  his  assertion. 
His  business  was  to  prove  a  legal  forced  maintenance  for 
gospel  ministers,  or  else  he  doth  nothing.  What!  hath 
he  been  travelling  through  all  his  pages,  and  brought 
forth  nothing  but  this  windy  doctrine  at  last  ?  He  speaks 
of  submission  to  better  judgments,  and  I  would  have 
him,  if  he  dare  to  do  it,  submit  to  the  judgment  of 
Christ  and  his  apostles,  who  I  think  have  fairly  decided 
the  question  in  favour  of  the  poor  abused  quakers,  that 
it  is  not  according,  but  contrary  to  the  language  of  the 
Holy  Ghost,  in  the  holy  scripture,  that  gospel  ministers 
maintenance  should  be  forced  by  a  coercive  power. 
From  what  has  been  said,  let  all  ingenuous  christian 
readers  judge. 

In  the  ninth  page,  "  Nevertheless  (says  he)  if  any  ar- 
guments can  be  produced  from  scripture,  or  right  rea- 
son, of  greater  strength  and  weight  to  prove  the  nega- 
tive, than  there  may  be  to  maintain  the  affirmative  ;  I 
hope  I  shall  readily  subscribe  thereto." 

Answer.  A  person  would  from  those  expressions  al- 
most hope  for  a  recantation  from  him,  especially  if  he 
seriously  considers  the  doctrine  of  Christ  and  his  apos- 
tles, as  here  noted  at  large. 

"  But  (saith  he)  till  I  receive  further  light,  conscience 
commands  me  to  conform  to  that  measure  I  have." 


Answer.  He  had  best  to  have  a  care  of  the  command- 
ing power  of  an  evil  conscience. 

He  goes  on,  "  And  while  I  do  conscientiously  conform 
to  that  measure  of  light  within  me,  walking  in  obedience 
to  all  its  commands  and  directions." 

Answer.  But  suppose  that  light  in  him  should  be  dark- 
ness :  then,  as  Christ  said,  "  How  great  is  that  dark- 
ness ?"  as  for  certain  it  is,  when  he  goes  about  to  prove 
that  for  truth,  which  is  contrary  to  Christ's  doctrine. 

As  to  his  saying  "  Then  the  quakers  must  let  fall  the 
grand  article  of  their  religion." 

Answer.  Let  him  seriously  read  over  the  first  chapter 
of  John,  as  also  many  other  places  of  the  holy  scripture 
on  that  subject  of  the  light,  and  if  he  is  not  one  of  those 
who  are  blinded,  perhaps  he  may  be  undeceived,  and 
his  gross  mistake  rectified.  I  hope  he  is  careful  of 
preaching  such  doctrine  in  his  pulpit. 

A  certain  church  member  of  the  presbyterian  way,  in 
New-Engand,  told  me,  that  their  minister  told  them  in 
his  pulpit,  "  That  we  denied  the  Bible,  or  Holy  Scrip- 
tures." And  made  the  poor  woman  really  believe  it  to 
be  true,  than  which,  nothing  could  be  more  false.  But 
the  honest  woman  thought  she  would  try  me.  "  Was 
you  (says  she)  brought  up  among  quakers  ?  were  your 
father  and  mother  quakers  ?  Yes,  said  I,  they  were  so 
called.  "  And  (says  she)  would  they  suffer  you  to  read 
in  the  Bible  when  you  were  a  little  boy  ?"  Yes,  and 
correct  me  too,  because  I  was  not  so  willing  to  do  it  as 
they  would  have  me  to  be. 

Thus  have  the  poor  quakers  been  abused  in  divers 
pulpits  in  New- England  and  other  places,  for  which  rea- 
son, I  would  advise  all  professed  christian  ministers  in 
New-England,  and  elsewhere,  wherever  this  may  meet 
with  them  who  have  so  abused  us  that  for  the  time  to 
come  they  do  not  tell  the  people  in  their  pulpits,  that  the 
quakers  deny  Christ,  the  Scriptures,  the  power  of  the 
magistrates,  and  many  other  things,  which  would  make 
a  volume  of  themselves,  if  they  were  all  penned.  For 
them  to  cry  out  in  their  pulpits,  *'  Have  a  care  of  the 


delusions  of  the  quakers,"  and  at  the  same  time  to  delude 
the  people  to  believe  lies  of  them  is  really  horrid. 

"  Oh  !  but  (say  they)  the  quakers  are  more  orthodox 
now  than  they  were  ;"  when,  in  truth,  it  is  the   calum- 
nies that  have  been  cast  on  us  are  now  made  more  man- 
ifest to  be  falsehoods.     And  then  ought  not  they  to  bc» 
glad  at  the  news  of  our  reformation  ? 





Now  I  shall  consider  his  postscript,  in  writing  of  which 
he  has  dipt  his  pen  deep  in  the  gall  of  bitterness  in  some 
parts  of  it,  which  I  shall  touch  a  little  upon,  as  I  shall 
come  to  them. 

But  to  begin,  "  Notwithstanding  (saith  he)  all  that  I 
have  said  in  the  preceding  discourse  concerning  mainte- 
nance :  yet  as  to  my  own  particular,  if  a  temporal  main- 
tenance had  been  my  chief  aim,  I  should  have  discovered 
great  folly  in  accepting  a  call  from  so  small  and  poor  a 

Answer.  From  his  words,  one  may  conclude  it  was 
his  aim,  though  not  his  chief  aim  ;  and  then,  as  to  the 
shepherd's  call,  ought  it  not  to  be  from  the  great  Shep- 
herd Jesus  Christ?  and  if  they  will  answer  this  call,  he 
stiys,  "Go  forth."  Where  do  we  find  any  example  for 
a  minister  of  the  gospel,  to  stay  and  preach  to  only  one 
particular  congregation  ?  Pray  let  them  produce  it  if  they 

But  now  suppose  a  place  should  present  to  Joseph  Met- 
calfe, where  the  people  were  richer,  and  more  of  them ; 
would  he  not  leave  his  poor  flock,  to  go  to  the  rich  ? 
Pray  let  him  have  a  care,  as  he  says,  that  his  own  heart 
do  not  deceive  him  :  we  but  too  plainly  perceive,  by  the 
practice  of  those  money  ministers,  that  the  loudest  call, 
is  the  most  money.  Query,  upon  this  great  word  call, 
whether  the  sheep  use  to  call  the  shepherd,  or  the  shep- 
herd the  sheep  ?  Do  not  they  strangely  invert  the  order 
of  nature  here,  in  their  pretended  call  from  the  people  ? 
Christ  the  true  shepherd  said,  "  My  sheep  hear  my  voice." 
So  that  he  and  his  servants,  or  ministers,  call  the  sheep, 
and  not  the  sheep  them  ;  and  those  holy  shepherds  called 


their  sheep  freely,  though  these  must  have  money  for 
their  calling,  and  the  sheep  call  them  too :  neither  will 
that  satisfy  some  of  those  shepherds,  but  they  will  needs 
have  money  from  some  poor  sheep  that  never  called  them; 
and  if  they  cannot  give  it  them  freely,  they  will  have  it 
by  force.  A  young  shepherd  said  to  one  at  Salem,  in 
New- England,  "  That  though  Paul  had  power,  and  did 
Dot  use  it,  yet  he  would  use  his  power."  But  that  bless- 
ed apostle  never  pretended  to  any  forcible  power,  except 
the  force  and  power  of  love. 

He,  the  said  Joseph  Metcalfe,  complains  of  his  small 
income  for  preaching,  and  of  his  poverty  ;  though  it  is 
probable  he  has  more  than  all  ihe  twelve  apostles,  and 
seventy  disciples,  when  they  were  sent  forth  by  their 
great  Lord  and  master ;  and  to  be  sure  he  has  more 
money  for  preaching,  than  they  all  had.  But  he  has  con- 
fessed his  call  is  not  divine,  therefore  not  from  Christ ; 
for  he  says,  "  If  he  had  a  divine  call,  he  could  forego 
every  thing  in  the  world."  And  so  he  is  but  a  legal 
literal  preacher,  and  minister :  a  minister  that  forces 
himself  to  offer,  and  would  also  force  those  who  receive 
not  his  offering,  to  pay  him,  though  against  their  con- 

And  as  for  his  family's  starving,!  never  heard  or  read 
of  any  christian  minister's  family  starving,  especially  in  a 
christian  country  ;  nor  I  believe  he  nor  any  body  else. 
Certainly  there  is  need  to  cry  out  to  those  men,  "  O,  yc 
of  little  faith  !  who  clothes  the  lilies,  and  feeds  the  spar- 
rows, shall  he  not  take  care  of  you"?  O,  ye  of  little  faith  !" 
I  fear  they  forget  the  doctrine  of  him,  whom  they  some- 
times call  the  Lord. 

As  to  what  he  writes  in  the  second  page  of  his  post- 
script, if  he  duly  minds  v/hat  I  have  written  in  answer 
to  his,  I  think  he  cannot  imagine  that  the  flaming  ven- 
geance there  poured  out  by  him  upon  us,  can  any  way 
touch  us  ;  but  let  him  and  them  which  are  concerned  in 
the  work  (for  I  understand  he  had  the  help  of  a  cunning 
man  in  this  work)  have  a  care,  that  it  fall  not  on  them- 
selves :  and  truly  the  poor  quakers  may  be  very  thankful 
that  the  flaming  sword  is  not  in  their  hands  :    for  if  it 


were,  experience,  yea,  woful  experience,  has  taught  us^ 
that  we  might  expect  but  little  mercy  from  some  of  them. 
And  pray  why  cannot  they  be  more  patient,  since  they 
hold  that  God  hath  ordained  whatever  conies  to  pass  ? 
For  they  see  it  come  to  pass  that  we  cannot  join  with  them, 
cannot  they  let  the  ordinance  of  God  alone  ?  I  remem- 
ber an  expression  of  Cotton  Mather,  in  one  of  his  scur- 
rilous pieces,  "  That  the  best  way  to  deal  with  the  qua- 
kers,  was  to  let  them  alone."  Then,  according  to  Cotton 
Mather,  this  man,  and  he  that  helped  him,  have  taken  the 
worst  way  to  deal  with  us  :  and  truly  they  lose  ground 
generally  when  they  meddle  with  us. 

As  for  his  foolish  pity  and  bitter  lamentation  over  us, 
we  desire  that  they  would  lament  over  themselves  and 
their  children,  as  our  Saviour  did  over  the  Jews  when 
they  persecuted  him  ;  and  truly  those  who  justify  their 
forefathers  in  hanging  the  quakers,  and  their  other  ways, 
of  so  bitterly  persecuting  them  as  they  did,  had  not  only 
need  to  lament,  but  to  repent  too.  And  even  now,  they 
prove  themselves  to  be  the  persecutors  (and  not  we)  by 
forcing  a  maintenance  from  us.  The  presbyterians  in 
Old- England,  alias  Great-Britain,  are  one  with  us  in 
this  doctrine,  that  forcing  a  maintenance  for  ministers 
from  them  that  do  not  hear  them,  is  altogether  wrong 
and  unjust :  and  how  comes  it  to  pass,  that  the  same 
people  are  otherwise  minded  in  New-England?  Let 
tiiem  resolve  this  question. 

I  shall  consider  these  texts  of  scripture  which  he  has 
thrown  at  us  (and  gently  return  them  unto  him  again.) 

At  the  end  of  his  postscript  he  says,  "  The  judgments 
of  God  are  a  great  deep."  (Yes  too  deep  for  his  legal 
literal  buckets  to  fetch  them  up,)  Jiom.  xi.  7.  "  The 
election  hath  obtained  it,  and  the  rest  were  blinded." 

I  hope  he  will  give  the  Almighty  leave  to  elect  whom 
he  pleaseth.  Were  the  election  in  the  power  of  this  priest, 
let  the  reader  judge  whether  we  might  expect  any  of  it. 

He  cites,  2  Cor.  iv.  3.  "  If  our  gospel  be  hid,  it  is  hid 
to  those  that  are  lost." 

Answer.  Now  why  did  this  priest  hide  the  fourth  and 
next  verse,  was  it  not  for  fear  the  light  of  the  quakers' 



doctrine  should  shine  upon  tlie  peop'i*:-  ?  Whicli  is  thus 
(the  fourth  verse  opening  and  exj)laining  the  third,)  "  In 
whom  the  god  of  this  world  hath  blinded  the  minds  of 
them  who  believe  not ;  lest  the  light  of  the  glorious  gos- 
pel of  Christ,  who  is  the  image  of  God,  should  shine  unto 
them."  Or  as  in  the  6th  verse,  "  For  God  who  com- 
manded light  to  shine  out  of  darkness,  hath  shined  in 
our  hearts,  to  give  the  light  of  the  knowledge  of  the  glory 
of  God,  in  the  face  of  Jesus  Christ."  He  thought  good 
lo  hide  this  gospel,  but  I  think  good  to  make  it  mani- 
fest ;  which  puts  me  in  mind  of  a  proverb,  "  Who  is  so 
blind  as  those  that  will  not  see  ?" 

He  goes  on,  2  Thess.  ii.  10,  11,  12.  "They  received 
not  the  love  of  the  truth,  that  they  might  be  saved  ;  and 
for  this  cause,  God  shall  send  them  strong  delusion,  that 
the)  should  believe  a  lie  ;  that  they  all  might  be  damned, 
who  believed  not  the  truth,  but  had  pleasure  in  unrigh- 
teousness." And  Jiide  8,  10,  11,  12,  13.  "These  filthy 
dreamers  despise  dominion,  and  speak  evil  of  dignities, 
but  speak  evil  of  these  things  which  they  know  not ;  wf> 
unto  them^  clouds  they  are  without  water,  raging  waves 
foaming  out  their  own  shame  ;  wandering  stars,  to  whom 
IS  reserved  the  blackness  of  darkness  forever." 

To  all  which  I  answer,  1st.  We  have  received  the 
truth  in  the  lo\'C  of  it,  the  Holy  Spirit  beareth  witness 
with  our  spirits,  that  we  are  the  children  of  God  :  which 
holy  witness,  is  stronger  for  us,  than  the  witness  of  ten 
thousand  priests  can  be  against  us. 

2d.  "  So  the  cause  being  taken  away,  the  effect  of 
delusion  ceaseth." 

And  3d.  Pray  let  them  be  careful  of  deluding  them- 
selves and  the  people,  by  keeping  them  in  ignorance  and 
darkness :  telling  them,  tliey  cannot  be  cleansed  from 
sin,  while  here  in  this  world.  For  all  those  that  believe 
tills,  do  believe  a  lie  with  a  witness,  and  are  strangely 
and  strongly  deluded.  This  is  a  miserable  gospel,  con- 
trary to  the  doctrine  of  the  holy  apostles,  who  are  posi- 
tively opposite  to  that  evil  tenet.  "  If  (says  the  apostle) 
we  walk  in  the  light,  as  he  is  in  the  light,  then  the  blood 
«f  Jesus  Christ,  his  Son,  Fleiui-seth  ws  i'r©m  all  siii."   And 


Christ  came  to  destroy  the  works  of  the  devil,  and  to 
save  the  people  from  their  sin.  And  pray  beware  of 
taking  pleasure  in  pleading  for  unrighteousness. 

4th.  As  to  these  filthy  dreamers,  pray  be  careful  what 
you  dream  in  your  pulpits  to  the  people  ;  for  some  of 
you  will  not  allow  of  the  immediate  operation  of  the  Holy 
Ghost ;  wherefore  beware  of  filthy  dreams,  and  old  wives' 

5th.  We  despise  not  those  who  are  dignified  in  the 
truth,  and  rule  well  in  the  church  (not  with  rigour  and 
persecution),  and  we  account  them  worthy  of  doul^le 
honour  ;  but  persecutors  are  not  so  much  as  worthy  of 
single  honour,  and  we  should  be  but  hypocrites  to  give 
it  them. 

6th.  And  what  celestial  rain,  or  holy  divine  water,  is 
there  in  those  cloudy  dark  preachers,  who  preach  dam- 
nation to  the  greatest  part  of  the  world  ?  Let  them  look 
to  it,  and  repent  in  time. 

7th.  "  Raging  waves,  foaming  out  their  own  shame." 

Answer.  If  persecution  is  not  the  fruit  of  rage  and 
shame,  I  do  not  know  what  is.  Pray  courteous  reader 

8th.  "  Wandering  stars,  to  whom  is  reserved  the  black- 
ness of  darkness  forever." 

Now  because  many  cast  this  text  in  our  teeth,  I  shall 
write  a  little  to  it,  thus  ;  this  must  be  intended  to  those 
who  wander  from  the  holy  spirit,  gift,  and  grace  of  God 
in  themselves,  by  and  from  which  every  true  minister  of 
Christ  ought  to  exercise  his  gift,  and  not  to  speak  when, 
where,  and  what  he  pleases ;  Oh,  happy  world !  if  all 
professing  to  be  christian  ministers  did  not  wander  from 
this  gift  into  the  inventions  and  traditions  of  men.  Ard 
further,  this  cannot  be  taken  in  an  outward  sense,  because 
Christ  himself,  and